FGHT Houston: Remember Calvary

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everybody's here [Music] come on rainbow's dog [Music] everybody we [Music] are victorious [Music] we are victorious [Music] here we go let's do that walk right everybody all right everybody's head [Music] come on [Music] one more time everybody [Music] we are victorious [Music] we are victorious here we go let's do that walk right everybody all right everybody's here [Music] one more time [Music] we are victorious [Music] we are victorious [Music] here we go let's do that walk right everybody all right everybody's head [Music] come on [Music] [Music] everybody y'all [Music] we are victorious [Music] here we go let's do that walk all right everybody everybody's head [Music] come on [Music] one more time [Music] to everybody gospel holy temple church of houston texas we are excited you have chosen to join us for a worship experience live streaming prepare your hearts to receive an inspiring word from the lord for more information go to houstonfght.org welcome to full gospel holy temple church of houston texas we are excited you have chosen to join us for a worship experience live streaming prepare your hearts to receive an inspiring word from the lord for more information go to houstonfght.com welcome to full gospel holy temple church in houston texas we are excited you have chosen to join us for worship experience live streaming prepare your hearts to receive an inspiring word from the lord for more information go to houstonfght.com welcome to full gospel holy temple church of houston texas we are excited you have chosen to join us for a worship experience live streaming prepare your hearts to receive an inspiring word from the lord for more information go to houstonfght.com welcome to full gospel holy temple church of houston texas we are excited you have chosen to join us well so excitement is a feeling ah that's why you got to tell the lord lord i need more than a feeling i need more i need something that's real i need to be inspired by god lord have mercy when you're inspired by god things could happen resistance can come and you're still pressed forward because you've been inspired to do some it's in you now uh uh i think the reuben says the will of the lord has eaten me up it's it's consumed me now i just got to do what god has given me to do and i will not relent i will not take back i've got to do it because it's what god has called me and commissioned me to do if i encounter resistance i'm not going to back down we still have to press forward because you know because we have and blessed be the name of the lord we have some non-confrontational people which makes non-confrontational christians and what i mean by non-conversation if it's going to be a confrontation that you say you know what that's okay that's right and and then the they'll just acquiesce and move out the way because you know i don't want no problem y'all talk back to me and then we got those that have read yeah they said read the word and said from the days of john the baptist even until now the kingdom of heaven said the violent the violent take i'm not taken down i gonna stand my ground i'm gonna fight for what god told me y'all talk back to me here boy you're getting quiet on me which is non-confident i don't i don't wanna now listen i'm not saying cause problems i i'm not talking about be no troublemaker but when it comes down to doing the will of god don't back down from the attacks of the enemy he's always going to try to stop the people of god and they realize that people go they trying to figure out what's going on and what what can we do nehemiah's building the walls they said well you know we talked about them we made fun of them they marched around the walls and uh you know yeah we what we got to do come down and talk to us and listen to goshi let's come to some type of agreement but listen he said i cannot come down you know i'm doing a great work i i've got too much to do to waste my time y'all talk back to me we must understand that that it does not take a whole lot of people but people that have a mind to work so now we now when we're inspired when we're driven and it's something that we know that we need to do we're going to do it see lord this is where i get in trouble see see and i talk about this and i'll reiterate this and i'll move on here's my point i'm going to make that we talked about new year's resolutions how eighty percent of them are that they're done with before february gets here 80 percent this is gone they didn't watch the weight we try to hold on to the other 20 so we just don't completely lose face uh and people one of the biggest things one of the billion dollar industries is that of dieting no don't look at nobody i'm just saying it's a billion dollar industry the reason it's a multi-billion dollar industry is because people try whatever comes out because they're excited about oh i'm i'm gonna do it this year i'm gonna do i'm gonna do it this year and they they did run well jesus jesus jesus call his name jesus call his name jesus what's his name jesus what's his name jesus jesus jesus baby jesus born in a manger jesus what's his name jesus jesus he's the little jesus in the valley jesus he's the brightest jesus on his star jesus he's upon jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus what's his name jesus what's his name jesus mary baby [Music] jesus [Music] what's his name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus all that's healing jesus in that name jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus what's his name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus he's my prayer jesus jesus he's the little jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus holy name jesus holy name jesus he can save you jesus from your sin jesus he can save you jesus from your seat jesus call his name jesus he can heal jesus he can hear [Music] what's his name jesus [Music] i love that name jesus i love that name jesus i love that name hallelujah [Music] jesus what's the name jesus holy name jesus holy name jesus holy name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus what's his name jesus what's his name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh come on give him praise i don't know about you but there's no other name but the name of jesus [Music] demons tremble at that name but for the saints we get joy at that name we get peace at that name hey glory that's the word [Music] oh you might well give him the glory you might as well give him the praise but you're waiting on hallelujah hey hey hey [Music] uh when i think about his goodness hallelujah i gotta give him praise i gotta give him glory [Music] come on let me see those hands we got a few minutes to get them played come on clap and raise him high let me see you now let me hear you [Music] hey hello yes for yesterday [Music] come on praise him come on praise him in the room before tonight come on praise him in the room before tonight hallelujah is common among his people come on give them praise in this place because that's what we do huh we give them praise we give them worship hallelujah songs i can't let a minute a second or a day or hour go by without giving them some praise amen thanking them for who he is come on clap his name clap in your hands and say his name what's his name what's his name call him one more time oh now don't that feel good jesus jesus jesus hallelujah you can be seated if you can in the prison so excitement is a feeling ah that's why you got to tell the lord lord i need more than a feeling i need more i need something that's real i need to be inspired by god lord have mercy when you're in inspired by god things could happen resistance can come and you'll still press forward because you've been inspired to do some it's in you now uh uh i think it's the rubric of the will of the lord has eaten me up it's it's consumed me now i just got to do what god has given me to do and i will not relent i will not take back i've got to do it because it's what god has called me and commissioned me to do if i encounter resistance i'm not going to back down we still have to press forward because you know because we have a and blessed be the name of the lord we have some non-confrontational people which makes non-confrontational christians and what i mean by non-conversation if it's going to be a confrontation that you said you know what that's okay that's right and and then the the they'll just acquiesce and move out the way because you know i don't want no problem y'all talk back to me and then we got those that have read johnny said read the word and said from the days of john the baptist even until now the kingdom of heaven said the violent the violent take i'm not taken down i'ma stand my ground i'm a fight for what god told me y'all talk back to me here boy you're getting quiet on me which is non-confident i don't i don't want to now listen i'm not saying cause problems i i'm not talking about being no troublemaker but when it comes down to doing the will of god don't back down from the attacks of the enemy he's always going to try to stop the people of god and they realize that people got not going they trying to figure out what's going on what what can we do nehemiah's building the walls they said well you know we we talked about them we made fun of them they marched around the walls and uh you know yeah what we got to do do come down and talk to us and listen to goshi let's come to some type of agreement but listen he said i cannot come down you know i'm doing a great work i i've got too much to do to waste my time y'all talk back to me we must understand that that it does not take a whole lot of people but people that have a mind to work so now we now when we're inspired when we're driven and it's something that we know that we need to do we're going to do it see lord this is where i get in trouble see see and i'll talk about this and i'll reiterate this and i'll move on here's my point i'm going to make that we talked about new year's resolutions how percent of them are that they're done with before february gets here 80 percent this is gone they didn't watch the weight we try to hold on to the other 20 so we just don't completely lose face uh in in people one of the biggest things one of the billion dollar industries is that of dieting no don't look at nobody i'm just saying it's a billion dollar industry the reason it's a multi-billion dollar industry is because people try whatever comes out because they're excited about oh i'm i'm gonna do it this year i'm gonna do i'm gonna do it this year and they they did run well they start and then all of a sudden it's like you know what just i i i love me i i'm i'm okay with me i'm i'm i'm comfortable with me and all of a sudden feelings change boy y'all getting quiet on me feelings change all of a sudden that is not the priority that it once was let me check the heating it's not the priority that it once was now because the you know the lord is uh he's blessed me and i and i'm grateful to god and i'm not gonna play what the lord has done for me so i'm just i'm okay do i have a witness here boy y'all getting quiet now i'm making y'all nerf so so people find themselves when their feelings they start trying fads and trends and different stuff uh because they want something to help them to accelerate the process to to to make it quicker to make it easier how what can i do to to make it easier i i know i need to do this but i i need the easiest road possible and if i take the easiest road possible then i can get there so then you you know you up late and you turn the tv and everybody exercising and they got some piece of machinery and everybody's exercising is already in shape they're not showing nobody that's trying to get there they showing you people that's already there they're not saying they got there with that machinery but they trying to sell that and then they start promoting all these fad diets all the popular ones boy y'all get mad at me i'm not going to make my friends by the time i and they just they're trendy they're trendy and we go with the trends and they had one where uh i think you couldn't eat no no carbs but you know you need carbs because carbs provide energy so got to have a a a balanced meal you have to have something from the five food groups but they would tell a child no carbs you know bread is bad bacon is good it's no carbs stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me jesus help me and and then was it was all protein no carbs then it was all juice no food and then i i i turned on the tv and they had a cookie diet i couldn't believe a cookie died and they said if you eat these cookies you're going to lose weight doubt this number right now 1 800 it ain't going to happen but they were dialing that number trying to get these diet cookies but it would there are some diet supplements on the market and you can go and see it and turn around the back of it and read it and it says this product will help with healthy eating and exercise here's my point that you could try some supplements you can try some shortcuts but nothing beats healthy eating and exercise i can't get no help here tonight i'm gonna eat some water now but y'all quiet i'm not talking about your journey you can uh journal it chronologue it whatever your journey is nothing beats healthy eating and exercise if the spiritual church is going to be healthy we got to make sure that we eat right and we exercise the gift that god has given us that's the only way we gonna get there y'all talk back to me that mean we can't eat junk y'all talk back to me that means we gotta eat right i used to tell us a long time ago you are what you eat y'all talk back to me and you cannot be full of junk food it tastes good for the moment but it's not good for the body do i have any witnesses here oh y'all getting quiet i'm talking about being healthy and nobody wants to say amen now so it's important now that the church is healthy for the church to flourish it must be healthy and when it is healthy it will grow if we don't grow then we will die so the church must be a there's a necessity for a healthy church we must continue to make disciples and find those that are truly sincere about doing god's will we will remember health is not determined by the size of the church not by the notoriety of the pastor or the number of ministry that are offered that does not determine the health of a church god established the church to be the primary agent for carrying out god's purposes on this earth that's what the church before the church is the body of christ it's the heart the hands the feet the voice for reaching out to the people in the dying world healthy churches come in every shape and size the healthy church is measured by its spiritual and biblical terms rather than a numerical value it's what you're teaching it's what you're preaching it's what you're learning because you make disciples or disciples are made by those that learn the word and they can go out and reach others so disciples that they they are their followers their discipline and they go out and they win souls and they bring them back in it's not like a hen brooding over her chicks when you go out and win souls you bring them in you go out and get someone else that's what disciples are so in order to make disciples we have to be taught how to be disciples so first we have to be taught how to live holy and then we have to be able to be taught how to go out and win souls the problem with that is that people are skipping steps they want to be preachers and ministers but they were never a disciple they've never learned y'all talk back to me and people want to be these great wonders and they never learned how to serve and how to follow god so now people have skip said so now to have a healthy church the first thing that we do when we get saved is learn how to be saved learn how to stay saved learn not how to follow those pitfalls and traps and the snares that the devil was set for us so we could live a holy life do i ever witness him uh i like the possibility to say that once we get you off the lake from drowning now we got to get the lake out of you so once we get you out the world and into the church now we got to get the world out of you so you can know how to do things in the holy and a decent manner because when we come to the house of god we're unlearned about serving god we don't know what to do we don't know what's proper we don't know what's important and listen and the holy ghost will teach you your eyes will open up and you see something and you'll learn something but the main thing we need to do is to learn how to live holy there are so many people that have not gotten to the stage of being the disciple because they still hadn't mastered how to live holy y'all they said unto me so to master how to live holy that means i got to live a holy life i got to know how to treat people i have to know how to serve god even when i'm dealing with trials and dealing with problems i have to be able to go on with god i cannot get cold in my spirit i cannot miss church i cannot do all that now i have to learn how to live holy but people have never mastered how to live holy and then they call themselves want to be disciples so now when i figure out how to live holy i can stay out of trouble i'm not in other people's business i'm not a gossiper i'm not a character y'all talk back to me here when i learn how to live a holy and clean life now i'm learning how to be a disciples to win souls now the church is healthy but when the church is infected with people that don't want to work that don't want to do have nothing but something negative to say you know finger pointers y'all talk back to me how can the church possibly be healthy people the church possibly be healthy if we don't do what god has called us to do just turn off the air i just want the heat off i don't want the air on got me talking about this on there people watching me pray for me those are watching please so now it's important that we understand that we cannot be caught up in confrontations we cannot be caught up in commotions it's our duty not to give the pastor problems everybody should have said amen that should be your goal not to give the pastor any pro we're supposed to work the kingdom not work the king we have to find out what we can do to make sure that we're not the source of trouble we're not the troublemaker we're not the causes of division we're the ones always pointing out stuff did you see that did you see that listen don't don't let the devil make your fingerpoint because if you saw all that chances are you miss god but i don't miss nothing i see everything that means you miss god every service amen we're gonna sing to you just how amazing he is and if you know that he's been amazing you can sing with us you can stand to your feet or you can just simply think about what has made him so amazing to you um [Music] amazing god amazing king you're amazing everything [Music] amazing god amazing [Music] amazing [Music] you are amazing everything where would i be [Music] without you can you think about it whoa where would i be without you can i say to him amazing god amazing king you're amazing everything [Music] amazing god amazing keys you're professing everything [Music] amazing [Music] you're amazing everything [Music] you're amazing everything [Music] where would i be without you i don't know where i'd be don't know where i'd be where would i be without you [Music] hey you sit [Music] [Applause] you sit high [Music] you sit higher [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is for you for you to be glorified to you to be lifted high all i want is for you yeah yeah for you to be glorified for you to believe say it high all i want is for you for you to be glorified for you to be living high all i wants is for you for you to be glad we [Music] all i want is for you for you to be glorified [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you might as well put them together come on church [Music] how many to know the blood still works i say the blood still right come on chuckles [Music] it will never lose his power [Music] come on put those hands together [Music] it will never [Music] i [Music] it will never [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] it will never [Applause] lose his power [Music] i know oh yeah [Music] oh yes i've lost [Music] oh it will never lose his power [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes i will never lose his power big one that will never lose his power [Applause] [Music] here you know that the blood still works [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] i'll come on clap those hands if you know that the blood still works hallelujah [Music] thank you lord [Music] oh it'll never lose his power thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah clap those hands for the lord would you please don't tonight come and put those hands together hallelujah i'm so glad that the blood will never lose his power thank you jesus and the blood still works blessed be the name of the lord when you clap those hands for the praise team on tonight come on put those hands together hallelujah thank you jesus clap those hands around the victorious testimonies our ears have heard amen certainly god's been good to us come on thank you thank god for our first lady blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah i don't even give jesus a great big hand clap on tonight oh because the lord's been good to us does anybody feel like having church with me on tonight listen to the lord moving the mighty in the powerful way home this morning we had some some show enough church amen we thank god for that amen we come back to bless the lord again tell somebody he can do it again he can do it again blessed be the name of the lord you may take your seats if you can please but only if you can but if you're ready to give them praise then by all means [Music] take care of your business hallelujah [Music] oh we come out to bless the name of the lord i just want to say anybody here that want to give him praise [Applause] old folks said like this has it been good to you has it made ways for you oh then you know we got a right to praise him we've got a right to lift him up amen we thank god for you on this communion sunday amen we take our time amen to remember the death burial and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ think take your seats please amen we thank god for it's a blessing to be in the house of the lord do i have a witness in the building here we thank god for what the lord is doing and it is marvelous in our eyes and we appreciate god for who he is amen what he's doing in the lives of his people we thank god for each and every one of you amen what a mighty god we serve amen we're so grateful to god on tonight amen for the opportunity to be in the house of god and to lift him up and give him praise in the beauty of holiness amen we're grateful to god for that on tonight i want to call you attention to scripture the book of first corinthians chapter number 11. and verses number 23 through 34. that is first corinthians chapter number 11 verses 23 through 34. remember talking from these words as we always do remember calvary man remember cavalry the bob said this dude in remembrance of me amen person we do show the lord's death until he comes book of first corinthians chapter number 11 verses chapter number verses 23-34 when you have it please indicate by saying amen all right let's read for i have received of the lord i received of the lord that's which also i delivered unto you read that the lord jesus the lord jesus the same night the same night in which he was betrayed which he was betrayed took bread took bread and when he had given thanks when he had given thanks he break it he break it and say it and say it take take eat eat this is my body this is my body which is broken for you which is broken for you this due in remembrance of this doing remembrance of me read after the same manner also he took the cup he took the cup when he had sucked when he had stopped saying insane this cup this cup is the new testament there's a new testament in my blood in my blood this do ye read as often as you drink it uh-huh in remembrance of men in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death you do show the lord's death until he comes till he come read where for whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthy unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord read them but let a man examine himself and so let him eat him let him eat that bread and drink of that cup for he that eat it and drink it unworthily eat it and drinking damnation to himself read not discerning the lord not discerning the lord's body for this cause read many are weak and sickly among you sickly among you and many sleep and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged we should not be judged but when we are judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the bible says that we are chasing of the lord read that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren where for my brethren when you come together to eat when you come together to eat terry one for another mama says one for another and if any man hunger and if any man hunger let him eat at home let him eat at home that you come not together read onto condemnation the condemnation and the rest and the rest well i said in an order when i come when i come and god bless the reading and the hearing of his word on tonight we're going to talk from these words amen again remember calvary amen remember calvary man we take out time on this communion sunday night to remember the death burial and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ and the price that was paid on calvary's cross that allows us to be here on tonight amen we thank god for calvary amen pray so we should understand him and it should be in our our mindsets and our memory banks amen president that we're here simply by the grace of god amen it's nothing that we've done of our own there's nothing that we've done that was even deserving they've been praised of the favor that's been shown toward us as a matter of fact the bible calls it unmerited favor that while we were yet sinners christ died for us in other words he paid the price on the cross and he he gave us something that we simply did not deserve amen praise that it's not a merit system or we we earned it and we we should be bestowed upon it but it is simply the grace of god that allows us to be here on tonight and thank god for the grace of god amen because it it it means so much to us because it gave us opportunity to live when the devil tried to kill us and try to get rid of us amen prisoner we're here by the grace of god amen so it's not something that we take lightly it's not something that we take for granted but we praise god for who he is and because of his miracle working power amen praise us so to come to the house of god it's no heavy task it's no it's no arduous thing to do to come out to give him praise because the lord gave his life on the cross for you and i am so the very least that we can do is come to the house of god and do it with joe and not with grief and be glad i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and now when i come to the house of god i can give him praise because i know that he is a miracle worker he is a provider he is a deliverer and i found him to be my everything so when we take our time on this communion night amen to remember the price that jesus paid on the cross for you and i it's far reaching beyond just this one service do i have to witness him amen president as a matter of fact he changed our life forever amen prays that we're not the same old person that we used to be so it's no problem with giving them praise because i found him to be my everything amen i don't mind lifting them up amen and give them praise amen prayers but this night just serves as a reminder amen the price that was paid for you and i on the cross amen so it's no problem for me to come to the house of god and to lift my hands in the sanctuary and to magnify the name of the lord it's no problem for me to give him praise because i found him to be that miracle worker that i need for him to be do i have a witness in the house or not and i appreciate god for being god and no matter what i'm facing no matter what i go through amen i don't mind praising the name of the lord because i found him to be my everything i found him to be that life changer that heart fixer and that mind regulator i found him to be amen everything i needed him to be because in the time of trouble he took my feet out of the mirror clear place it upon a rocker and he established my goings don't tell me i don't have a right to praise god listen i was bound deep in sin far from the peaceful shores i i was staying within seeking to rise no more oh but the master of the sea i heard my despairing cry and from trouble to water [Music] he lifted me now safe in my heart and i got a right to lift him up i got a right to give him praise i got a right to magnify the name of the lord because the truth is you don't know like i know what the lord has done for me and you can't praise him for what he's done for me but the least i can do is give him praise for the god who he is and who he is in my life that's why i praise him like i do that's why i run when i feel like running her that's why i dance when i feel like dancing that's why i shop when i feel like shouting because god has been good to me [Music] i ain't trying to show out in my praise but my praise is an appreciation for what the lord brought me from my praise and appreciation for him regulating my mind my praise and appreciation he didn't leave me out in the world i could have been dead and sleeping in my grave anybody glad the lord rescued you anybody glad he saved you from a world of sin and shamer i got a right to give him praise that's why i come to the house of god and i give them everything i got i'm just grateful to be here [Music] lord knows we made enough mistakes to disqualify us from the promise lord knows that enough errors and flaws in our life to stop us from even being here can i get a witness here lord knows that never tried to try to stop us and trying to cut us off oh but i'm living in grace now i'm giving them praise because i could have been cut off i could have been dead i could be in my grave oh but anybody got to put down testimony that's why the song said the devil's thought he had me but i got away i got a right to give him praise because i know he changed my life [Music] the road i was headed on the direction i was headed in could have died in that situation oh but he stepped in and rescued me changed my life made me brand new gave me a new life don't tell me i don't have a right to praise him don't tell me i have a right to lift him up god has been too good to me can i just tell you this i'm not going to wait for you to give god praise and i'll decide to praise him i'll praise the lord for what he's done for me you think i come to church to warm up by your fire i brought my own can i get a witness here and when i'm praising him it's not because you praise him i'm praying [Music] oh i'm praising it therefore what the lord has done for me i got a right to lift him up when i think about what the devil was trying to do to me how he was trying to kill me how is that trying to take now i got a right to give him [Music] i'm not here for show-and-tell i'm here for praise and glory i'm here to lift up the name of the lord he's been good to me i'm telling he redeemed my soul from destruction and saved my life i got a right to live to my bloodhouse and they wonder why i can't be quiet well i'm allowed to sing in the house why i'm always running while i'm always shouting while there's always a bounce in my step i know where the lord delivered me from her don't tell me i shout too much don't tell me i praise him too much don't tell me i'm too churchy listen i was in the rock [Music] cover my head and the lord and the lord rescued me and changed my life you better believe i'm gonna dance i'm gonna run i'm gonna stop on the devil's head because i've been delivered and set free by the power [Music] i'm not here by accident but i'm hit by the grace of god it's not because of your genealogical history or your ancestral tree but i'm here by the grace of god it ain't because of grandma and grandpa but i'm here by the grace of god oh blessed be the name of the lord and i got a right to give him praise i got a right to lift him up i'm here by the grace of god lord i wish i could talk to somebody that can remember where the lord brought you from you didn't just pop up at church he had to deliver you from something you had to walk out of something i had to be delivered from something changed from something can i get a witness here and i remember what god delivered me from that's why i'm so grateful that's why i'm so demonstrative in my praise because i know what the lord has done for me and i got a right to lift him up and i thank god for communion and i thank god for this opportunity to remember what the lord has done for me can you help me testify to your nearest neighbor about six feet away just tell me the lord brought me from my mighty long way come on turn around turn to the other neighborhood and tell them the lord brought me from my mighty long way would you clap those hands from the lord on tonight that's the best way for me to sum up my testimony i can't get into all the details but no he brought me from him by the wrong way no he delivered him a whole lot of stuff nobody changed my life i regulated my mind i'm telling he's a mentor of a broken heart can i get a witness in lord hammerstein i'm telling he's the master surgeon he's a puzzle fixer he can tape those things that are broken in your life and put it back together again and i'm so glad that i said that they could take a life that was worth nothing and make it worth something can i get a witness all the addictions and problems that we had and the things that we were bound by he delivered us anyway and changed our life we got a right to lift him up we got a right to magnify that's why i remember on this communion night i didn't have to be here but it's by the grace of god [Music] bible class is for god's soul of the world that he gave his only begotten son and that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have an everlasting life and god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved and i'm grateful to god today that he was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son that allows me to be in church do i have a witness that y'all are saying to me here i'm glad i'm in church see that don't mean something to some of y'all but if you stuck out in the world stuck out there y'all in the game y'all talking back to me here doing all kind of things y'all ain't standing here listen it's refreshing to say i'm just glad to be in church i'm talking about being chased that shot shot at chase bye i'm talking about living that worldly life i didn't know you're going to make it to tomorrow can i get a witness walking around turning around trying to see what's going on behind me oh but thank god for deliverance ain't about that life no more i'm just glad to be in church i'm glad to be in church i'm talking the house of refuge what the righteous run into when they are saved i'm talking about the house of deliverance the place that changed my life gave me something to live for and i'm not the same old person i used to be like i've been changed by the power of god and i don't mind giving them praise because i know he's a life changer i don't mind giving him praise because i'm not still stuck out in the world i i don't mind giving him praise because i know who he is can i get a witness in the building here i'm just glad to be saved somebody clap those hands uh open up your mouth and tell the lord thank you be seated please i got to get through this he's so of the world he gave his only begotten son and that's why we're here to remember the price that was paid on calvary's cross for you and i lord is my savior was tortured bloodied and beaten but he still didn't say a mumbling word and he did it for you and i lawn hamburgers they nailed them to a cross but somebody said it wasn't the nails that held them to the cross but it was love lord have mercy saint john 15 and 13 said greater love has no man than this than a man that would lay down his life for a friend and i'm glad that they call me friend and he's willing to pay the price for me on countless crosser lawn hammers i see now what the devil's plans were and what the devil was trying to do to me he was trying to destroy me before i got started trying to mess me up before i found my way but i'm glad that god didn't let it happen i gotta get out of here y'all but aren't you glad that god didn't let it happen and that god didn't let it be and what the devil was trying to do to destroy your life can somebody praise him and tell you their neighbor god blocked it god blocked it and he wouldn't let it be if the devil would have had his way he wouldn't be here tonight if the devil would have had his way you would be destroyed and you wouldn't be here then be able to testify but the reason i can testify now is because i know where the lord brought me from i know what the lord delivered me from and i know him to be a mighty good god i know i'm gonna be a prayer answer if anybody can be changed i'm glad god changed me i am a living testimony of what god can do there was no addiction he can't deliver you from there's no lifestyle he can't bring you out of there was no situation that he cannot change there was no heart that he can't fix there was no mind he can't stabilize can i get a witness here i'm talking about all scene one can change your life that's why i'm grateful that he changed me from the inside out and he blocked what the devil was trying to do for the thief come up with the steal kill and destroy but he said i am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly somebody clap those hands and give the lord some praise in this house [Music] jesus said i'm willing to pay the price i'm going to pay the price for mankind because of the sins of the world he said now the the sheep and the bulldog and the turtle doves those are all fine sacrifice but there remained no more sufficient sacrifice for sin had to be a blood atonement had to be a price paid on the cross that man can be redeemed back to god because of the sins of our ancestors and fathers it separated us from god there's a gulf now between us and god and we need someone to bridge that gap and be our perpetuator or our mediator or our intercessor that allows us access back to god lord have mercy and i'm grateful today that jesus became that mediator he said i'll pay the price i i i'll come down into this sin curse world and i'll pay the price i'll sacrifice my life that man can be redeemed back to god lord have mercy and that's why i love him like i do because even when i didn't know him he loved me can i get a witness even with the mistakes that we made he still forgave us and allowed us an opportunity to be saying oh what a mighty god that we serve can i just talk about a gardener don't hold grudges or god doesn't hold your past against you a god ain't still managing for what you did last summer y'all talk back to me here i'm talking to god that forgives you and gives you an opportunity to be made whole to be changed upon the power of god i'm grateful but here's the truth of the matter is see when you get say when you get saved and filled with the holy ghost there is only some things you can testify about there's only some things that you could share with people oh and there are some things that he throws into the sea of forgetfulness to be remembered no more y'all better be glad that god closed up your background and closed your case and expunged your record can i get a witness and make you clean and set you free you ain't got to worry about that stuff just tell them you were a terror black god you are bad something but god you are meaner than the junk john dong but god i wish i had somebody that didn't mind telling somebody he brought me from almighty savior pays the price on the cross for you and now that we might have the right to eternal life isn't that something he could have left us where we were in the state that we were in but he rescued us could have gave up on us but he rescued us anyway lord have mercy as bad as we were as tough as we thought we were lord have mercy still delivered us and broke down that tough side of us took out that harder stone and put in a heart of flesh lord i don't mind giving them praise can i just talk to somebody to know that he delivered you from the stuff you were bound by lord have mercy that's why the song said some of us were liars but god some of us were alcoholics but gone see i like standing here lord have mercy he did some things for me and i'm not delivered from the same thing as you and there may be some similarity but i'm glad for what god has done for me i'm glad for the deliveries he provided for me can i get a witness here and if you were morally going to do any of those things you were still going to hell because you didn't have god because we were all born in sin and shaping in iniquity so although we were born into this world we needed to be born again and thank god for the redemptive power of carrick's cross for without the shed in the blood there's no remission of sins oh and i'm glad that jesus paid it all give me just a couple of minutes i've got to i've got to get out of here lord i'm glad for the redemptive power of cowards cross i would jesus pay the price for mankind for you and i that allows us access back to the father lord having mercy told his father i'll go down i don't pay the price on calvary's cross and they knew who jesus was because he sat down to dinner with his disciples he said you know all these things that are built up they're going to be torn down there won't be one stone left upon another can i get a witness he said the time will come that i have to die on the cross lord have mercy and one disciple crying out lord don't let him kill you he said no man take my life but freely i lay it down but i pick it back up again on the third day can i get a witness jesus said i'm gonna pick up my life again i'm not worried about man which man shall try to do unto me this is the plan of my father and he said my meat is to do the will of the father in heaven which has sent me and to finish the work lawn hammers and when jesus told him this word the time of the betrayal was at hand i came to the garden of god sent me while he was praying and there were jews i kissed him on the face lord hammerstein betrayed him and they took him to pilate and they tortured him all night long lord have mercy trying to get him to confess to who he was but he already knew who he was and they knew who he was too or he would never been arrested can i get a witness here y'all need to recognize and tell you that devil know who i am he knows who i am i'm a child of the father and i got power i'm packing a spiritual puncher and i can stand up against the wiles of the enemy can i talk to somebody that know you got power for the weapons of our office are not carnal but the matter to god to the pulling down of strongholds uh casting down imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and i'm glad to have god on my side i found him to be everything i need i found him to be my provider my waymaker somebody said my battle ax in the time of storm my bridge over troubled water my water in dry places my bread and stormy land my firefighter and then in the fiery furnace my lion keeper in the lion's den i found him to be my everything and i don't mind giving them praise that's why you asked the disciples who do men say i'm the son of man who i am that some say thou art elijah or they say jeremiah or what are the other prophets he said but who do you say that i am he says thou art the christ the son of the living god i know who you are can i get a witness anybody glad you know who jesus is you know who your savior is uh somebody asked somebody [Music] they tortured him rhythm of his royal guard cast lots for it 39 stripes upon his back lord have mercy tortured my savior i believe isaiah gives the best account of it he says isaiah 53 and 5 he said he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquity and the chest tied to my peace was laid upon him and with his strengths we are healed and i'm glad that jesus paid the price on the cross for you and now i'm glad that jesus paid the price that i could leave i'm glad he paid the price that i could lift my hands in the sanctuary and give him praise lord have mercy carry that cross up the hill lord that mercy bloody back and then they proceeded to nail your saving my savior to that cross lord had mercy they nailed spikes through his hands and they nailed spikes to his feet into the wood lord had mercy and the roman soldier took a spear and thrusted so far into a sign the bouncing out came blood and water look at my savior's suffering for you and i paying the pranks for you and i and i thank god that he paid the price and i quoted every communion the songwriter said i don't know why jesus loved me i don't know why he came i don't know why he sacrificed his life for me oh but i'm glad so glad he did i'm glad he had to reach way down to pick me up and to change my life look at my saving your savior huh they took a crown of thrones i placed it upon his head blood ran down his temple spikes in his hands uh spikes in his feet throwing up on his head a bloody backer from the whipping that he took lord have mercy unable even to defend himself because he was doing the wheel of the father and they said these people need to see the one they can't save you the one they called the savior of this world and the bible said they picked them up off the ground and drop that crosser into the ground for every man to see her didn't realize they were fulfilling scripture that if i'm the son of man be lifted up i'll draw on me and unto me lord have mercy he paid the price on cameras crosser for you and now lord have mercy hanging there between two thieves once said if you be the christ command us to come down from here and the other thief said i know you're the living god the son of the living aunt i know who you are remember me when you enter into your kingdom and on the cross jesus became that's why the song was written years ago this room at the cross for you though millions have come there's still room at the paid the price for mankind looked up to his father which is in heaven said it is finished it is done and hung his head in the locks of his shoulder and gave up the ghost and darkness fell all over the earth the veil in the temple went itself into someone cried out surely this must be the son of the living god lord hamlet joseph lord have mercy and nicodemus begged his people body from the cross wrapped him in grave clothes and placed him in which i heard the song that's not how the story ends uh well but three days later he rose again can i get a witness and i'm glad my savior that i talk about is not stealing the grade i tell somebody he's risen and he caught up with all power the savior i serve he is alive and sitting down on the right hand of the throne of god and we've got to lift him up and give him praise and be thankful for this time of communion and paid the pranks that's why paul said that i might know him in the resurrection and the power of the suffering being made conformable unto his death i want to know who he is and thank god i know who he is and someone said i thought i knew him on yesterday but i come to know him in a better way and i'm glad they paid the price for you and now this wasn't an ordinary love the one that love you on monday and tripping on tuesday this ain't but i thank god for this extraordinary kind of love that could save me that i got to love that all-consuming love that loved me no matter what no mistakes i made my flaws my errors and my shortcomings can you brag on god and turn around tell somebody he loves me he loves me he loves me and that's why i'm here because he loved me i could have been in my grave but he loved me boy i'm getting quieter he loves me that's why i praise him because he loves me i serve him and he loves me i'm the apple of his eye lord have mercy and i got a right to magnify her and i thank god every day for calvary jesus died on the cross but getting up again on that thursday morning so you and i might have the right to the tree of life the boxing room for the job the book of hebrews 12 uh chapter fourth chapter who for the joy that would sit before him endure the cross despising the shame is now sitting down on the right hand of the throne of god said in my father's house there are many mansions i'll go now to prepare a place for you but we're not we're not so i would have told you but in my father's house are many mansions he's going to prepare a place for me no matter how many square feet you have now bob said over in glory i got a mansion waiting on me it don't matter whether you have an efficiency a duplex a condo townhouse i've got a mansion waiting for me over in glory can i get a witness in lawn hammers i said i got a mansion waiting for me over in glory someone said when we get over there lord have mercy oh what joy oh what peace when we get over there lord can i just talk to somebody that knows that we're living this life to live again lord have mercy but this world is not our home but i can't wait to get over there and to be with my heavenly father somebody said i can't wait to find john and talk to him how he baptized uh at the river somebody said i can't wait to find the hebrew boys and ask him how hot the fiery furnace i really was i can't wait to talk to moses and see we still have that around he spit the red sea with but i heard somebody said i can't wait to find jesus i want to find my savior can i get a witness i can only imagine how it would be i don't don't know what i'm going to do i don't have mercy when i shout when i cry or when i just be still i can only imagine but the songwriter said i'll begin to cry i'll wipe my tears and they'll ask why and my refrain is millions didn't make it i gotta get out of here y'all but i was one of the ones who needed i got a right to give him priests i got a right to lift him up because it's been good to me can i get anybody in this house that want to stand to your feet and clap your hands and give him praise to know that living he loved me dying he saved me and one day is coming back that glorious day and i look forward to that day when that's that separate sounds and we cracked the sky and we wrapped it up out of the center pandemic stricken world and i got a place where we're never grown i got a place where the streets of pure gold i got a place where the heavenly choir will be singing the 4 and 20 elders are sitting there and i go sweeping through the city and the song said i won't be back no more no more i wish i had somebody here that can give god praise because you're looking forward to your home over in glory shadows [Music] i'll never know how much it costs or to see my sins upon the cross but i'm grateful today that he paid the price on calvary so i could be alive today because if he didn't die for me and rescue me when he did there's no telling what kind of shape i would be in if the devil would have had his way oh but thanks be to god can somebody lift our hands in the sanctuary thanks be to god that rescued us and delivered us and set us right thanks be to god that's it give him praise give him praise give him praise give him praise thanks be to god thanks be to god jesus thanks be to god [Music] for us to be here that means god had to cancel all the devil's plans for us to be here everything the devil had meant for our life god had to tell the devil no and that's a reason all by itself to give god praise can i get a witness in the building hallelujah clap those hands for the lord on today tonight we're going to make an outdoor conference anyone listen to your feet if you're not standing stand to your feet thank you jesus hallelujah oh we got a right to lift him up we got a right to give him praise thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus oh continue magnifying him continue giving him praise on tonight hallelujah hallelujah thank you that's a given praise giving praise hallelujah hallelujah oh to be rescued to be saved to be touched by the master thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah oh blessed be the name of the lord thank you jesus we've got a right to lift him up we got a right to magnify him hallelujah i shall regard that as a deliverer one that can set you free and change your life for real i'm not talking about a temporary change i'm talking about a real change it's the thief that come about to steal kill and destroy but jesus said i am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly i come that you might live i told you a couple weeks ago that we shall not die but live to declare the works of the lord thank you jesus oh blessed be the name of the lord thank you lord would you bow your heads would you pray with me on that if there's anyone that needs something from the lord listen the prayer line is open we have time to pray with you and pray for you find the nearest island make your way down we have time to pray for you would you pray those of you that are standing there would you pray in the name of jesus if there's a need in the house on today or tonight i have time to pray with that time to pray for you whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is thank you jesus [Music] [Music] god [Music] he'll come through and complete [Music] and i know [Music] it all he can do any as he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] he'll come god [Music] he can do what he can do [Music] [Music] [Music] he has all power [Applause] you hopelessly [Music] something from anyone else [Music] [Applause] just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he won't leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] father we thank you god for the word of god on today on tonight god we thank you god god for this opportunity god to remember calvary god and the sins god that you uh died for on the cross god we're grateful for tonight god we're appreciative god of the fact that was paid the price is paid on calvary's cross god everybody here that's in the building right now god those are the streaming right now god god will know for you to be a need meter and a provider god i pray right now god that you'll lose every addiction right now in the name of god we know you can break everything we can break every chain god and we thinking for your miracle working power god we know there's the chain breaker god you can set people free god the enemy tries to take hold of people's lives god for various things of a various reason god but the devil is alive i curse the roots of it right now in the name of jesus touch right now god from the crown of the head to the very shoulder god those that are bound by pornography god those that are bound by drug addiction god those are drowned bound by the cares of this world god i pray that you will loose them and set them free tonight in the name of jesus god right now touch their life god change them forever in the name of jesus right now and i thank you for victory in the name of jesus god touch right now god and god those that do not know you're in a partner of their sins god you said your words are they confess their fault that you're faithful and just to forgive them of their sins god fill them with the holy ghost right now change their life god may they be brand new god may they never be the same uh king according to your word and according to your power and we thank you for the right now in the name of jesus lay your hand upon him god touch him right now god and we think of a miracle working power right now god heal sick by this god raise them up for your glory and under god people that don't know you god give them a mind to serve you in the name of jesus god give those strengths that needed the most god watch over god protect us god keep us safe from all hurt harm and danger pandemic variances that may be in the land god watch over your people keep them safe and we thank for right now in the name of jesus we pray let the people god say man come and clap those hands with the lord come on put those hands together thank god for our new viewers that are tuning in amen sister angie from arkansas amen and all of our new viewers come on clap those hands i told you we have people watching us from everywhere all these wonderful states and cities amen and countries and we thank god for that clap those hands one more time for the lord blessed be the name of the lord god bless you and we love you amen you may be seated right now so excitement is a feeling ah that's why you got to tell the lord lord i need more than a feeling i need more i need something that's real i need to be inspired by god lord have mercy when you're inspired by god things could happen resistance can come and you're still pressed forward because you've been inspired to do some it's in you now uh uh i think it's the ruby that says the will of the lord has eaten me up it's it's consumed me now i just got to do what god has given me to do and i will not relent i will not take back i've got to do it because it's what god has called me and commissioned me to do if i encounter resistance i'm not going to back down we still have to press forward because you know because we have and blessed be the name of the lord we have some non-confrontational people which makes non-confrontational christians and what i mean by non-conversation if it's gonna be a conversation that you said you know what that's okay that's all right and and then the they'll just acquiesce and move out the way because you know i don't want no problem y'all talk back to me and then we got those that have read johnny said read the word and said from the days of john the baptist even until now the kingdom of heaven said the violent the violent thing i'm not taken down i'm gonna stand my ground i'm gonna fight for what god told me y'all talk back to me here boy you're getting quiet on me which is non-confident i don't i don't wanna now listen i'm not saying cause problems i i'm not talking about being no troublemaker but when it comes down to doing the will of god don't back down from the attacks of the enemy he's always going to try to stop the people of god and and they realize that people go out and go they trying to figure out what's going on now what what can we do nehemiah's building the walls they said well you know we we talked about them we made fun of them they marched around the walls and uh you know yeah we what we got to do come down and talk to us and listen negotiate let's come to some type of agreement but listen he said i i cannot come down you know i'm doing a great work i i've got too much to do to waste my time y'all talk back to me we must understand that that it does not take a whole lot of people but people that have a mind to work so now we now when we're inspired when we're driven and it's something that we know that we need to do we're going to do it see lord this is where i get in trouble see see and i'll talk about this and i'll reiterate this and i'll move on here's my point i'm going to make that we talked about new year's resolutions how 80 of them are they're done with before february gets here eighty percent this is gone they didn't watch the weight we try to hold on to the other 20 so we just don't completely lose face uh and people one of the biggest things one of the billion dollar industries is that of dieting no don't look at nobody i'm just saying it's a billion dollar industry the reason it's a multi-billion dollar industry is because people try whatever comes out because they're excited about oh i'm i'm gonna do it this year i'm gonna do i'm gonna do it this year and they they did run well they they start and then all of a sudden it's like you know what i i i love me i'm i'm okay with me i'm i'm i'm comfortable with me and all of a sudden feelings change feelings change all of a sudden that is not the priority that it once was let me check the heating it's not the priority that it once was now because the you know the lord is uh he's blessed me and i and i'm grateful to god and i'm not going to play what the lord has done for me so i'm just i'm okay do i have a witness here boy i'm getting quiet now i'm making y'all nervous so so people find themselves when their feelings they start trying fads and trends and different stuff uh because they want something to help them to accelerate the process to to to make it quicker to make it easier how what can i do to to make it easier i i know i need to do this but i i need the easiest road possible and if i take the easiest road possible then i can get there so then you you know you upload and you turn the tv and everybody exercising and they got some piece of machinery and everybody's exercising is already in shape they're not showing nobody's trying to get there they showing you people that's already there they're not saying they got there with that machinery but they trying to sell that and then they start promoting all these fad diets all the popular ones boy y'all get mad at me i'm not going to make my friends by the time i and they just they're trendy they're trendy and we go with the trends and they had one where uh i think you couldn't eat no no carbs but you know you need carbs because carbs provide energy so gotta have a a a balanced meal you have to have something from the five food groups but they would tell a child no carbs you know bread is bad bacon is good it's no carbs yeah y'all go stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me jesus help me and and then was it was all protein no carbs then it was all juice no food and then i i i turned on the tv and they had a cookie diet i couldn't a cookie diet and they said if you eat these cookies you're going to lose weight doubt this number right now 1-800 it ain't gonna happen but they were dialing that number trying to get these diet cookies but it would there are some diet supplements on the market and you can go and see it and turn around the back of it and read it and it says this product will help with healthy eating and exercise here's my point that you could try some supplements you can try some shortcuts but nothing beats healthy eating and exercise i can't get no help here tonight i'm gonna eat some water now but y'all quiet i'm not talking about your journey you can uh journal it chronologue it whatever your journey is nothing beats healthy eating and exercise if the spiritual church is going to be healthy we got to make sure that we eat right and we exercise the gift that god has given us that's the only way we gonna get there y'all talk back to me that means we can't eat junk y'all talk back to me that means we gotta eat right i used to tell us a long time ago you are what you eat y'all talk back to me and you cannot be full of junk food it tastes good for the moment but it's not good for the body do i have any witnesses here oh y'all getting quiet i'm talking about being healthy and nobody wants to say amen now so it's important now that the the church is healthy for the church to flourish it must be healthy [Music] come on clap those hands [Music] [Music] set me free [Music] i'll [Music] what you've done [Music] [Music] never forget what you've done [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what you've done you gave me peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i can't forget it the bible says the wicked shall be turned into hell and every nation that forget that now i'm glad i can't forget [Music] bye [Music] [Music] come on put those hands together a little while longer oh i know you're ready to go but [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] you might well praise him [Music] [Music] [Music] i got away [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i got away i got a hey go with hallelujah oh you got a way you got to give him a praise hallelujah [Music] i don't know about you but i still remember how i got away it was the blood of jesus hallelujah [Music] oh we got a right to lift him up huh look out now how many thank god they gotta weigh about tonight hallelujah [Music] i don't know about you but i got a way that was shaking and there was a rumblin hallelujah [Music] hey cool we're going [Music] look out look out look out [Music] oh you can praise him we still got a few minutes hallelujah [Music] look out [Music] he's here you might well praise him [Music] it was because of calvary [Music] now come on lift those hands and give god the praise in this place that's it come on come on give them a praise because of cavalry if you still remember come on give them a praise that's it hallelujah hallelujah he's worthy to be praised come on give him thanks hallelujah because the cavalry i got away because the cavalry i'm free i have the victory we got a right to give him praise come on clap those hands for the lord in this place you can be seated if you can but if not i understand praise god it's the praise working up on the inside hallelujah everybody somebody said when i think about his goodness hallelujah and all that he's done for me i gotta give him praise thank you for tuning to the good news broadcast of deliverance we are located at 5925 knox street houston texas 77091 you can contact us at andre 713-692-6570 and first lady we would love for you to join us at any of the fallen worship opportunities tuesday and friday nights at 8 o'clock pm sunday morning at 11 00 am and sunday night at 7 30 pm for more information go to houstonfgct.org be blessed
Channel: FGHT Houston
Views: 518
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: fght houston, bishop andre lee, full gospel holy temple, pastor andre lee, apostle herman murray, apostle herman murray jr, houston fght, fght dallas, apostle murray, bishop lee, pastor lee, andre lee, preaching, jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 16sec (6856 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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