FGHT Dallas: You Can't Run From God

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what a mighty God we serve Oh angels pouty for him heaven ever mighty God I'm excited to be here so glad for this day and they were singing the song says just a little prayer and faith it goes a mighty long way everybody believe it this morning Hollywood does anybody believe that prayer and faith goes a mighty long way hallelujah come on put your hands together everybody [Music] [Applause] just keep the hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] walking up and down three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Justin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the face [Music] [Applause] seven everybody to me [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right right okay right [Applause] right yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] it right [Applause] [Music] I came right lay back ah [Applause] our house and be right [Applause] right [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] Oh everything Oh Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right [Applause] and I'm getting right [Applause] and I feel funny knocking crying I get it right and go all right [Applause] [Music] okay yeah [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Applause] right right right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you don't know my story another things that I've been through you can't feel my pain but I had to go through to get here you'll never understand my brain don't try to figure it out my worship my work is my my worship is for you can I say it one more time you don't know my story things that I [Music] feel my pain go through and try to figure it out oh my worship every hallelujah every glory to his name it is for real oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] - hey [Applause] where's me ah [Music] [Applause] with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got a little change ha [Applause] yeah worship is for real [Music] new high [Applause] [Music] worshiping story you you are a wig a head and said thank you Jesus mercy aggression is real ugh thank you lie our chef is hurry [Music] [Applause] oh ma you know shrink door [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is three yeah [Music] [Applause] we need lot said the air we'll see so yesterday will get away [Applause] Oh you feel [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah with the show every day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] said again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah haha [Applause] one more Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because my worship my worship is real [Music] oh my word my worshipping three listen you have to understand when you ain't got nothing else left you all have a praise o my worship [Music] my lunch is real when your friends walk away and you misunderstood when you don't have no money in the bank when you're feeling all alone God said I'll never leave you nor forsake decision since you won't leave me I'm gonna forever worship coz my worship means three I love you cheese our shabana do you just wanna tell me what I love more than anything see some of y'all waiting on lights camera action but all I need is the grace of God I love you cheese's [Music] ours and the dog just wanna tell you you know why I love it Hey see how sweet the Sweden forgot all about those songs was laws [Applause] Hey you don't know my story now the things that I've been through you can't feel my pain but I had to go through to get here you'll never understand my brain don't try to figure it out my worship my work is all my my worship is for you can I say it one more time you don't know my story lot of things that I've been through feel my pain what I had to get right try to figure it out oh my worship every hallelujah every glory to his name it is for real for real Hey where's me with me I we gotta look ahead and say ha I worship is for real Oh new high I should be story you you are a wig a head and said thank you Jesus for your mercy and your grace oh thank you Jesus thank you lord our chef is hurry my Oh you is rigged yeah we'll see I'm Sophie keep away Oh you feel yeah my so yes ready yeah Oh Shafi my yeah one more time oh yeah because my worship my worship is real oh my word our shopping free listen you have to understand when you ain't got nothing else left you ought to have a praise o my worship my lunch is too real when your friends walk away and you misunderstood when you don't have no money in the bank when you're feeling all alone God said I'll never leave you nor forsake decision since you won't leave me I'm gonna forever worship cuz my worship means three I love you cheese our shabana do just walked him I love more than see some of y'all waiting no lights camera action but all I need is the grace of God I love you Jesus I worship the door just wanna tell you you know why I love it hey see how sweet the see we didn't forgot all about those songs I was lost how many of you know that in God there gives no failure whatever you want him to do he is evil he is capable don't just know well you're in my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I yeah Oh ah yeah [Music] Oh gods and boy Wow about it clap those hands come on and clap those hands everybody give him praise and glory in the house oh come on I see your hands need to hear the voices come on hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus well come on somehow and said nothing yet clap your hands and give Him praise the psalmist said I'll bless the Lord at all times and his place shall continually be in my mouth if you find no failure here caught you just lift your hands up now and just think it for being so very kind make him for being a consistent Savior thank you more come on we got some time the praise yes Lord thank you Jesus today he is so worthy of all of our praise all of the glory certainly belongs to our God so blessed to be here today thank God for each of you Amen we think of our first lady come on clap your hands for lady Danielle amen amen she is at our Garland campus Amen we operate two campuses here Amen she's at the other campus today is homecoming there a man so I'll be there at 3 o'clock this evening amen thank God for dr. Shirley Marie would you clap your hands for a man our co-founding first lady to this great host of ministry and to all of you my father's children god bless you amen take your seat if you can in the presence of the Lord even I know they've already recognized and honor two guests Amen that are here but one more time just lift your hands up if you Amen one of our guests today a man thank God I see you god bless you amen full gospel hope look at all them up there hey man y'all doing alright alright alright somebody reach over and give them a good four gospel god bless you and let them know they are among the people of God amen and certainly we love you all with the love of the Lord amen God is so month wonderful amen he so mighty so mindful of his people and you know I just sit some time and think about the goodness of the Lord now that God didn't have to do what he did for us but he he chose to he decided to it was Amen it was his decision amen to be so kind to us and that's why we're here today amen it's not the goodness of our own but we're here because of the grace and the mercy of our God and I don't care Amen how how you go in life you're only there because of his goodness and because of His grace so you always have a reason to praise him you always have a reason to thank God amen if you can make it from one day to the next you didn't do that on your own amen so don't ever forget to give God the praise and the glory for the great things that our God has done look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord amen and tell them and I'm a lover of the Word of God hallelujah I love it today I brought mine you got yours come on hold that power up ain't gone Amen because everything else is going down but the word of our God I tell you if you were not here last night you missed it we had a met a wonderful time in the house of the Lord amen God is a good God amen God is so so so amen they remind full of us and we talked last night about God's ability about his power even the fact that God hasn't lost an ounce of it amen card ain't lost ounce of his power the question is do you have the faith and the obedience to receive what it is that God has in store for you amen I tell you God blessed us in the service last night blessed us all week never garland Amen for the revival I tell you that Bishop Zachary Williams had preached out of the word of the Lord Amen Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday night we had a great time in God touch somebody and tell them I found my keys yes I be a neat man now I have the access and I have the authority thank God and we're here again today and I believe God is going to speak to somebody's heart here today amen when we come to the house of the Lord and I shared it with amen those of you that were here last night that the Bible amen is God's Word to us I don't ever want anybody Amen you know it bothers me how people treat the Bible you know you have some people the Bible is is just thrown over in the corner Amen they don't really value this collects they'll leave it in the wind and the pages apparel up at the end they just you don't believe it they don't understand what they're holding in their hand this is the word of do you understand what those thing it's not just a nickname for this book this is God talking to you when you understand that this is the word of God bill you're not take it so lightly you'll understand its value its importance and when you read it you're read with the understanding that this is a message being communicated to me by God through the mouth of the preacher Amen that's what this is this is the Word of God and while we want God to talk to us in so many other ways you know you got some people god I want you to speak to me and shake the windowpane roll your voice like thunder open the clouds and little light shine down from heaven Oh me so I know you mean me when you say what you listen God don't owe you none of that he's already done a whole lot of talkin and if you won't hear what he's already said you know you nothing else learn how to love the word of the Lord this is God talking to us amen if he's not talking to us from years ago Amen he's talking to us today out of the pages of the Word of God a man Jonah chapter number one verse number one the man Jonah one and one hallelujah they man I'll give you a minute to look it up amen Jonah 1 and 1 when you have it's a man the Bible gives us this intelligence now in the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of amortise saying arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me but Jonah rose up to flee and de porcius from the presence of the Lord he's running from the presence of God and went down to Joppa and he found ever ship going to Tarshish and he paid the feather of and went down into it to go with them on to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord but the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea and there was a mighty tempest in the sea so that the sea was like unlike to be broken the ship was like to be broken then the Mariners we're afraid and cried every man unto his God and cast forth the wares or the supplies or the cargo that were in the ship into the sea to Lightning of them but shawna was gonna town into the sides of the ship and he lay and was fast asleep so the ship master came to him and said unto him what meanest thou o sleeper rise call upon thy God if so be that God will think upon us that we perish not and they said every one to his fellow come and let us cast lots that we may know for whose calls this evil is upon us so they cast lots and the lot fell upon the Jonah then said they under him tell us we pray thee for whose cause this evil is upon us is thine occupation and which commit now what is that country and of what people aren't about and he said unto them I am a Hebrew and I feel the Lord God of heaven which had made the sea and the trial and then were the men exceedingly afraid and said unto him why has thou done this for the men knew but he had fled from the presence of the Lord because he had told him then said they unto Him what shall we do unto thee that the sea may be come unto us for the Sirah was wrought and was tempestuous and he said unto them what Jonah says now take me up and cast me forth into the sea so shall the sea be come unto you I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you now Jonah if you're that brave why could you just gonna Nineveh you got all this courage now let it have just been a whole lot easier to just go to Nineveh you telling people to throw you overboard and all you had to do was say sometimes we brave at the wrong time we got coverage for the wrong situations that come on and look at what the Bible says while they cried unto the Lord and said we beseech thee O God we beseech thee let us not perish but this man's life and lay that upon us innocent blood for Thou O Lord has done as it pleased me so they took up Jonah and cast him forth into the sea and the sea ceased from her raging then the men feared the Lord exceedingly and opened a sacrifice unto the Lord and made vows now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights just look at somebody and tell them like you're talking to them just tell them you can't run from God look at something I don't other side and just tell them you can't run from God now let me hear somebody that got some experience just say you can't run from God Lord God's got your number and you waste your time trying to get away from God for the eyes of the law or in the every place beholding the good and the evil if I make my bed in hell he's there if I if I take the wings of the morning dove and fly to the uttermost part of the evening down your spirit your guide me you cannot run from God you know the story of Jonah is one of the most noted stories or passages in the entirety of Scripture if you ask so many little kids and young people they'll tell you that one of the most memorable stories is that of Jonah in the belly of what we call the whale we don't really know whether it was a whale and not the Bible - God prepared a great fish yeah people grow up if they don't know the story of the crucifixion a lot of them know the story of Jonah and the Whale and so after the the argument has been that this is not a valid story because it seems to be more of a fable than an actual account and you have so many people who believe and they they they honestly honestly believe that this is something made-up just something placed in there to teach us a lesson or to show us a valuable lesson through Scripture but the Bible never tells us that this is a fable it does not tell us that this is made up as a matter of fact even Jesus refers to this and he says as Jonah a man was in the belly of the fish then I'll be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights that's that Jesus even validated the story of Jonah it is a story of brothers and sisters that is true and it is fair as I have said so many times that the reason pass it is to teach us a valuable lesson and it is that to show us amen what can happen to us when we obey God and the consequence of not doing what God has commanded us to do and so the story Amen Epona is one that all of us need to take note to not just st. st. man and not just sinners but everybody needs to know Amen what happens when you fail to do what God has commanded and I want you to know it just means so much to obey karcher I'm glad amen but I've come to the place in my life where I have seen amen the benefit of obeying God and to doing things God's Way you know so many people make life so much harder but life has to be it really don't have to be that difficult it doesn't have to be a men that tedious it doesn't have to rake you over the coals but so many times when we don't learn our lessons we've got to suffer and we've got to go through amen until we see the futility amen of doing things according to our own will and the benefit of saying yes for the Lord how God is anybody here today I found the benefit of saying yes to the Lord and you know and the way of the world is Amen that we can do our own thing no body a man can force us to do anything that you know not even God forces you to do anything Amen God does not take you over he doesn't make you get saved God does not make you repent he does not make you be blessed he always saying nothing God don't make sure go to hell he certainly don't make you said God is not the kind of part that would force an action or a behavior or any of us but what part does God leaves out the case yeah he lays it out of his show why this makes sense what did he say he said I would that you would choose Amen whether you're going to take a life or death the blessing or the curse he said now I'll give you a hint I'll give you a man a cheat sheet I would that you would choose the life over the death I want that you would choose the blessing over the curse but gosh it ultimately it is still your choice look at somebody and tell them maybe it's really your choice I don't care how much sense it makes I don't care amen if this is what God wills for you in the day it is always going to remain your choice and so what God does God lays it up amen and he makes the case for your obedience for York informative - here's a wheel and you know when you really love God with you are a child of God amen you're not find it hard to say yes to the will of God seems like you should have had some kind of experience with God that shows you that God loves you too much to put you in a bad place and his two wives of a God or God to lead you in a wrong path not that's not the kind of God that we serve amen our God loves us our God will for us his very best and when God says a thing I don't care if you don't understand it right out the gate he never told us we would understand everything but you know what God did tell us he told us that if we were willing and obedient then we could eat the good of the land brothers and sisters that's where God wants every one of us to be he wants us to be first of all willing and he wants us to be obedient children now come on now you know that when children disobey the commercial for oppression and the Bible said that God chastens those that he loved so if God loves you and if you are a child of God you can expect that whenever you feel amen adventure into road areas that God is going to bring about a chastening not to kill you but to get you back inland and I don't know about you but when I think about the fact that I could have made a whole lot of mistakes I could have been bad I could have been I tell a man without a concept of what was right I'm glad that God corrected me amen because you showed me that he loved me too much let me die and go to hell like a fool I wish I could get somebody to touch your neighbor and tell them who came to run from God Lord no family you can run the from God and you know when we look the story of Jonah hey man I got a Haitian today with your look and Jonah hey man you see a man who is used to God using him this is not the first time presumably that shoulder Jonah has been used by God amen if you read what is that 2nd Kings the 14th chapter amen and the 25th verse you will see what God whose Shona amen to speak to Jeroboam the second and God brought his prophecy to pasul Amen God Shona even in second Kings the 14th chapter God is using Jonah to speak truth to power amen and God is confirming his word but now Jonah what no no look but my Jonah amen is used to God speaking and he is used to hearing the word of the Lord but the Bible said this hand God's word comes to Jonah and when the word of God comes to Jonah Jonah does not want to do what God has called him to do the people said that God says to Jonah go down to Nineveh and I want you to cry against the sins of that place because it has come up before me as a speech and I Amen want you to go and tell her that unless they repent I'm going to this show Blin I'll seem like every preacher would have loved her born at the command of God and preach repentance but the Bible says that Shana did not want to go instead of going and doing what God commanded the Bible set had shown the goals in the opposite direction and he goes down the chopper jörgen quiet and understand that Jonah Amen just could not understand God's grace as it was being presented to a heathen nation in other words Jonah was prejudiced mm-hmm y'all get Gwen now a man he can speak to Israel he can talk to his people he could talk to the Hebrews ahead but I'm going over there to the Ninevites because a men who are they to enjoy the grace of God and you know you let me hush keep on talking you got some people now Amen quiet as it's kept hey and people to the world now who Jesus is think you can spirit kept a body on and halt who Jesus is and so the Bible said that Shona amen does not want to go to the Ninevites shop he doesn't believe the he that God should enjoy the benefits of grace and mercy and you got to understand why it's because the Nilla bytes were of the Assyrian culture Sharon's were some crazy people are y'all hearing what I'm gonna do get a shepherd and warfare they would go and paint the side of the hill red so that when the Sun would hit it it look like blood dripping Oh y'all can quite hear people space people want some ruthless people thought they would fillet you can appreciate what skin you alive can you imagine people that pressure we got people call Isis now they they are dis generation version of be Assyrian while you're living and sitting up okay now what takes sharp knives and cut your skin up Oh for your bones while you're looking just cut all the skin off your arm and leave the rest and go just torturing people then they would fillets you yolk and wine here take your skin and put it on and wear it well I'll make heads out of your skin these were some crazy people and God says to Jonah I want you to go tell them that they can repent and I'll hear up if they repent but Jonah says who are they to enjoy the benefits of grace and so the Bible said that Shona presumes to run hear me now from the presence of God Jonah how crazy do you have to be don't you know the whole earth is the Lord where can you go to get away from the presence of God and can I say this fear and I'm talking to those of you that are watching but listening to you just because you don't go to Holiness Church no more don't mean that you have gotten away from the presence of God now I should know you got a whole bunch of folk now hey they think that if I change churches boy if I go to another city by fax you stop going to church at all then that conviction engel me but you know what I found out about God gotta get inside your head and while you're driving down the freeway your rebuild watch that a brain conviction I always gotta put a commercial on TV let us speak right to you somebody I'll send you a text message huh and you're trying to think out who's watching me somebody antenna you cater run from God no you can't can't get away from God so the Bible says Jonah goes town touch other what you're hearing this when he decides to run from the projects of God I want you to notice what the Bible says about the levels of Jonah's journey the Bible says he goes down to Joppa then it says he pays his fare and goes down into the ship hmm then the Bible says he goes down into the sides of the ship then the Bible says when they grabbed it they threw him out of the boat and down into the water then he goes down into the belly of a fish then the Bible says in Chapter two Schumer says I went down to the bottom of the mountain listen when you leave God how will you call yourself up from the presence of God let the devil out of you and think that you going up outside of the will of God I've come to tell you when you're out of God's will I don't care if you got money in your pocket you are going down down down down can I preach them something out of here don't think that you're gonna go outside of his wheel and cos go to blessing pass for your life the devil got you feeling like you're going up but in reality you're going down oh that's Latin thing they got something to look forward to when you leave God she ain't got nothing to look forward to every stop Jonah took what's taking him down bothers that Jonah gets on this ship got the nerve to go to sleep you know this bothers me because it shows me that people can get comfortable in a place that they really should be comfortable in in the world you used to go to Sunday school but you're sleeping in crack houses how did you get that comfortable well y'all gettin quiet over here can't you get that comfortable in a situation that really should disturb your Smith how'd you end up hanging around them canopy how did you get that involved coming from where you're coming from show me you don't understand the devil just want you to think that you fit in you don't really fit in at all because you then start out at the same place and you're not at the dark and quiet on this Salomon company you listen you can't be comfortable cause you know too much you've experienced too much you been through many places huh for you to sit path and act like you belong just tell me that you lying to yourself you deceived your own self don't you get that comfortable boy y'all get quite on me today how did you get used to that environment when you came from better circumstances oh no he he's so comfortable the Bible said that Jonah fell asleep and while he's sleeping God issues a warrant but Jonah's RS God deputizes the sea says I need you to get him and look at these people on this ship ship starts rocking and reeling on the sea if everybody's sitting up trying to figure out what in the world is going on and look at his roster down there sweep everybody in trouble and unit down the street and look at what the Bible says they got their surprise they got their cargo y'all gettin quash cuz we bout to die if some don't happen we are going into the bottom of the sea and the Bible said they got their out and start throwing stuff over get rid of it we going down and stop they could account they love because they will fool it around with somebody that up y'all getting quiet on me preacher can I pay yourself Tommy when you're out of the will of God you will end up losing stuff that you're gonna camp Wow because out of play Judah let me hasten Jonah down that sleep and everybody going through Tom all everybody going through trouble throw and step away they could have kept they just got somebody's center stone board with him he go down and see Jonah sleep how you wrong and sleep I can see if you ain't got none to worry about but you're the wrong one and you sleep how does that they shook him and they said hey God what do you mean by sleeping Oh sleeper what meanest down Oh sleeper all of that stuff going on in you down here sleep something right with you where you come from what's your name what got you sir who are you big dog and quiet and some of you need to start asking some questions I look at somebody and tell them neighbors you need to start interviewing people because can I be real and be honest with you sometime the only reason why you going down that's because shoot on hooked up with somebody that's not even in the will of God and I don't care quite forget i'ma tell you if they were real honorable they should have told you when you asked for they number huh listen don't fool with me cuz I got the will of God and if you hook up with me you don't have some trouble that you wouldn't have otherwise look at y'all ways and nothing here would it be wonderful if backsliders were honest with people and told them hey I'm running from God you don't want to date me you don't want to marry me you don't want my number cuz I bring too much trouble with me yo and share nothing here who do you have on you know shap who you got well you got all your Shep gosh I'm gonna trouble you a head today because you did something happen it's the car shoot on a hook trap with somebody that's out of the will of God you don't hook up with somebody that you should've left alone look at y'all ain't saying nothing I tell people now when you get married you should bill time says Adams when they had to go get a blood test I told them now you need a blood test y'all gettin quiet today you need a credit report you need to call the church and see if they tithing and how it is I don't want to hook up with no Patti let's go help me do bad cuz I can do bad without you without you I don't need nobody gonna take me down I need somebody that's gonna help me get to the other side of the sheep and if I'm in danger shaking then I might have to throw you over I gotta go I might have to get rid of you look at what the Bible says as I hasten to close the Bible Bible said they start talking to Jonah and now Jonah want to be real now Jonah want to be brave but he's only brave in front of people but he's a coward in the face of God and he says to them hey it's me I'm Hebrew I serve sure in the Living God the one that made the sea and the dry land and I'm a fugitive from his wheel you got a whole lot of people who are nothing more than fugitives from his wheel I'll touch somebody and tell them let me know when you're ready to do it God's Way let me know when you figure this thing out because you're running but God will always get his man if God got the how the locusts and the caterpillar the cankerworm and the palmer were me if God got deputized the clouds and the Sea gods go always always get his man when you see what happens to Juna it ought to be a lesson to every one of us that says that if God has to manipulate the elements there's nowhere that you can go that God can't put his hands on you are you hearing what I'm trying to tell you God will always be able to touch you when he gets ready or you can run the problem is can't hide so the Bible says after Jonah confesses he says to him if you get rid of me then all of this stuff goes away and that's so true they got rid of stuff they could account but they still had the source of the problem on the ship touch somebody and tell them get rid of your problem and your troubles are go away the some of us trying to get out of trouble and we still hooked up to the problem yeah so look at this as I close Bible says that Jonah tells them do this don't worry because I have it coming and they got Jonah up and said Lord we bout to kill this man just don't let his blood be on us that's all we gonna throw him overboard but don't hold this against us pebble says when they toast Jonah over the side of the ship God prepares see God fixed the situation he prepared a great fish and I know what what what what what scientists say that that a whales throat is too small that's why I'm glad the Bible is always a million steps ahead of science because the Bible never says a whale he says a great fish and and and and to be honest about it they have found things larger than a man inside of whales before if it was a way you know that that's a story that the people are still disputing about in the late 18-hundreds to author the turn of the twentieth century there was a man named James Bartley you can look him up uh uh who was reportedly in the belly of a whale a sperm whale for 36 hours but 36 hours it is reported and they still disputing it now that this man was in a while for 36 hours and it said that the acid and the fumes on the inside of the will turn his skin the palace white you've ever seen said it was blind and when the well a beach is itself and dies and they find the carcass on the beach they started cutting it up and found a man on the inside now I wasn't there I can't tell you whether it happened or not but I can tell you there was a man that woman's in the bit of a wit and his name was Jonah I don't know about James but I know about Jonah look at my Jonah says when he got down there Jonah says I was in the belly of Hell Lord can you imagine this ain't no life it's stink oh let's I always saying that on the stomach juice and fumes and y'all know about that yeah you know you know that juice at the bottom of your trash can smell with y'all I said Jonah says I was in the belly of Hell it was that bad Jonah felt like he went to hell he thought he had died and going to hell Jonah says I was cast out of sight Lord I was somewhere with nobody could see me nobody knew what was going on and Jonah said I went down to the bottom of the mountains and and who knew back then that there were mountains under the sea but fish swallowed Jonah went down that is man got all this stuff on that dish just had to park over on the side of one of the mountains can you can you imagine that and fish trying to get Jonah down and Jonah trying to fight stuck in the stomach the whale trying to get him into them intestine and Jonah fighting trying to keep from going and just just a war going on Jonah said I had weeds wrapped around my head can you imagine how those gases and juices on the inside of that whale's stomach and that well throwing all them juices all over the place and trying to digest Jonah and Here Come on it that acidic juice Jonah sitting down and seaweed wrapped all around his head and there they're going shark piece over there and the stomach did that going squid or the heart is decaying stuff and Jonah's and honest and man I am in hell [Applause] Jonah realizes now God can get you in a place where you can't go nowhere you gotta sit there and come face-to-face with the will of God you remember Solomon prays and second chronicles our sixth the seventh chapter you see God talking to Solomon and Solomon talking back to God Solomon prayed and Solomon said Lord this place that I have built for your glory this house that I have made magnificent but I did so unto your name he said if your people be carried away into a strangely if they find themselves in trouble he's Lord if I won't you spirit dwell so so so happily in this placement that a page of look towards the timber if they thrive if they can just get the direction straight I don't care if they can see it with the eyes you pay just look in this direction I want you to hear that rock want you to bring about some deliverance and look at what Jonah says Jonah says when my soul fainted within me then he says I remembered the Lord when God finished raking me over the coals Lord and it said that for some people God don't have to do you the same way or now you won't just come on your own gods don't have to rake you over the coals and I can tell you this about God God he's not a bomb doing whatever he got to do to get your attention I remember hearing mothers spray a brand on I want my children shave I just access watermen shirt I just want them delivered not I just want my children to make it to heaven that's all and as soon as God put him in the hospital you got folk changing there as well lord I didn't pay you to kill him I said I wanted him safe alright you gotta let God do it however godly should to attack to get attention I wish I could get about 3,000 of him attacks of Mady and Cara maybe God knows how attention but you always shine up it looking quite again I cannot plan at least 70 3912 of you look at somebody and tell them maybe God knows how your attention that God's got to break you in half and put you together again well and it does it hip right shoulder down and if God got a break your sundown let him do it God gotta put him in the hospital just let him do whatever God's got to do and let me tell you the children the wash thing you can hear your mama say not have much and you've been praying that graph and you said god I want him shave I don't care how you do it I'm telling your nan Kyle's gonna hover you pray and you know what you gotta ask god oh god why are you working now oh my heart yo ash I always share nothing here oh my mind while you working up I want to be able to see him shade and not get in your way so if you got a ha ha come show Jonah says Jonah says with my soul find it within me I didn't have no more strength to resist so you got to let you run until you run yourself out y'all got quite in gotta let you run until you tire yourself out one sniper had a shirt that says don't run your just die tired it mean I don't care where you go how far you try to run I'm gonna hit my mark when I squeeze that trigger and that's what God is saying some of you don't run that just means you'll come to me tired but you know what I found out about God when God called you so you can hang up on me you can ignore my call especially if you only money but there's somebody that know how to get in touch with you if you don't answer the phone if you don't return the email he'll come for you in your dreams he'll touch up your touch or your mouth y'all gettin quiet on me today I'm trying to hurry I gotta go but God got his attention and Jonah says when my when my soul fainted I did everything I knew to do I tried and out of all of my trying I didn't do number get tired from my journey but God got me in a place why had to finally come to a point of saying yes Lord and and you know we talked so much about sinners running from God surely gotta get you to I don't I don't heard people tell me that they win the club and knew they wasn't supposed to be in now call herself dancing and ended up shouting can you imagine something on a dance are they just going on gotta get you where you are docking pleasure well you can say yes hello and and that's true soon as you can run I was listening somebody tested by the other night and said the more they started doing that truck when God start bringing connection they couldn't even get hot now when he started taking the high out the weed it's time for you to come on out that game cuz but I'm not just talking to the sinners I'm talking to him I'm not just talking to them come to passive save people that's trying to run from God that is foolish and it's futile God called you to it I don't care you didn't wanna do it they end up to die you better just saying yes Lord you can't run from the wheel Oh God and I don't know how Jonah did it but Jonah messed around and got his direction straight I heard a possum Mary used to say Jonah might have hunch that whale on the side I turn this way turn steering as well from the inside tired until he was facing Jerusalem and Jonah start praying and talking to God Jonah said out of the belly of Hell cried and I come to tell you you might be there but if you call on it answer yo prayer can I get somebody the same head I come to tell you Oh God's been looking for is a yes from you and you might be a crackhead you might be a life you might be a life you might be a doctor what a God can get you to say yes come Italia he's about to give you a brand new shirt can I get your body shake that neighbors hand tell them to give you a new start look I might have tell them then I remembered when my soul fainted Ben I remembered and the Bible said when Jonah repented that's all God was waiting home God spoke to the fish gave him an upset stomach the fish came up in the Bible said he vomited Jonah out have you seen so matter you know how it feels to get sick you you you you you know that your stomach starts contract I love when you when when you when your mouth started getting watery you know it's time to go cuz it ain't long now and then when your stomach's thought contracted you know here come and the Bible said the whale vomited Jonah Jonah in the belly and a fish start contracting Jonah in there filling them strong muscles squeeze it a man contracted but then the Bible said he comes up Oh God and he vomits Jonah out look at somebody and tell them I came out the hard way how y'all getting quiet some of us fit we wouldn't go from Sunday School right into the ministry some of us had to come out the hard way ah but I'm glad that I finally yes the Lord I'm just looking through the house today trying to find somebody that's just glad that you said yes to the Lord our God we head to the Lord I'm gonna still been going through could've still been shopper it out when I came to a place it make sense anymore and I said yeah Lord come on stand till you meet everybody and the Bible says that when God brought Jonah out of the wells fish's belly that one Jonah's feet hit the ground mmm Jonah made a three-day journey in a single day that's the money and telling neighbor get in a hurry and do his will get in a hurry and do his will why should he have to rake you over the coals why does God have to break you town but if you've been running one scotch set you free get it up high and do what God told you to do come on bow your heads everybody and I know is all right somebody here today you've been running but if God has his hands on you you can run but you can't hide you ain't doing number messing up the people you're hanging out with cuz God's gonna squeeze you out y'all ways saying that I said gods don't squeeze you out the group you hanging out with gonna start having trouble and they don't look at you and saying none of this happened until you got here we've been knowing each other for 20 years and we never had no problem but soon as you show up now we can't even get it on God's gonna squeeze you out and today if that's somebody here maybe you're still running God's been bothering you and your dreams he's been touching your heart God's got his hand on you go on the street but you ain't getting the rest some of you here God calling you everywhere you look God is calling you reading books and magazines and here's something calling you out of the pages billboards on the side of the road some calling your name every time you turn around and look at something every time you hear something you hear a voice behind it calling you and you're just steel around it cuz you ain't through doing what you wanna do if you just making it hard on yourself I remember many years ago I don't got hooked up in some and God started dealing with me and I felt like I couldn't let it go and I told you God spoke to me and God said you're coming to me if you got to come the hard way or the easy way but God said one way or another you are going to preach my gospel and I heard God tell me either you come in the easy way are you coming the hard way but one way or another by the time it's all said and done you go say yes and I came to Jesus and I'm glad I came and maybe that's somebody else here be real with the shop I'm tired of running young man I'm calling you you young lady I'm calling you you're tired of running come on if you're praised to come why don't you grab somebody by the hand next to you and then just ask them if they'll walk you this way don't do it bad do it come on ask them but I want you to come cuz God's got a warrant out for your arrest now you can barricade yourself in and have a stand out by the next 10 years or you can drop your weapon throw your hands up and come on out that's what you call surrendering to the Lord throw your weapon down and cut up with your hands up and he's faithful and just to forgive you of all of your sins but then somebody else here you are saved but you're running God is calling you to a closer while God is calling you and you just got a better idea but if God is calling you you'll come sooner or later you might be limping when you get here but you're coming I'm tired of running somebody's here come on I'm tired of running come on I'm tired of running come on that said they're coming you and the risers we'll wait till you get here I'm tired of running tired of doing it my way I'm tired of honoring my wheel above his they're coming come on come on they're still coming just come come on they're coming answer in there oh that's still coming can I get you to lip your hands ah sure in there oh god bless you young lady is there another come on ah elders would you come there are those that need to be saved if you if you would make sure I surrender all oh that's it come on lift your voices and your hands ah a surrender a little ooh I do oh come on lift your voice good idea Hey I sure come on up your hands everybody thank you Jesus Hey be my yeah I surrender out come on up your pause and share I surrender you surrender a sure tonight they hear you're quiet whatever about it you're in there ah ah - father in the name of Jesus Oh Oh everything that see me come on one more time with your hands somebody needs to surrender the Lord yes hey you can have all of me come on ah ha ah yeah we're now way Oh My blessed savior I tried my way but come on Astro I tried doing it my way come on hold that music oh Oh I return Oh I hear the praise of the Lord ringing in the house surrender all come on just hit it one more time all to thee my blessed Savior come on and give God praise and glory hallelujah you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 22,591
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: JMpV8e07DvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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