FGHT Dallas: Who Are You?

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whoa [Music] [Applause] they charge me [Applause] I'm so glad listen Ola derful train [Music] come home oh if you let him he will change he will change your home [Music] I have to do [Music] me [Applause] wonderful train [Music] Oh the food chain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on take them all but lift those hands everybody thank God for the chain that he's made in your life come on if he did it for you clap those hands and celebrate that change are you glad about it all you're really really really really really really clad about the change that eats me hallelujah god bless you you may be seated [Music] yes [Music] why don't you live your boys come on everybody yes thank you Lord and we praise him for the change that he has made been gone today man for what God is doing in US and through us and for us and with us thank God even if it was goodness and His mercy his kindness that he continues to show to all of us God's been good to us y'all and the thing about it is he's not through don't believe that he's not through with us Amen never higher heights and deeper depths and our God and I'm just excited and I'm committed amen to seeing this thing through to the end they used to say I'll run on and see what the end is going to be and I think God for all of you that are joining us today think of our guests and our friends they've already recognized you amen but one more time lift your hand right where you are if you're visiting with us today even all of our guests that I forgot bless you amen so happy to have you listen if you're sitting close to reach over and give them a good Full Gospel God bless you and let them know they are among the people of God certainly we love you with the love of the Lord we understand a man the weather got a little troublesome a little while ago he meant but I praise the Lord that you pressed your way on through it amen I believe there's a blessing in it for you amen some of you know you can barely drive when it's dry hey man but you got on the road when it was icing and sleet and made your way to church and God's not don't bless you hey man Amen that's a blessing in this for you because you pressed your way and I believe that's the attitude the Saints ought to have a man you gonna get up and go to work in the morning amen I believe there's nothing that the weather can do within reason a man that I just need to make an excuse about now if there's a reason that's different from an excuse but you know some people look outside in the morning times it look like it's gonna rain the night go to church amen that's an excuse but the people of God we don't make excuses not to come amen we find a reason to come oh yeah because it's in the house of the Lord where we're going to find the strength that we need a man to face the day and the devil look at some naughty and tell'em neighbor there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God I look mad and I broke mine and you got yours come on hold that power up thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of the Lord and I know you didn't come all this way through all of this just to hear some singing Amen somebody came looking for a word from the Lord singing is okay shout is wonderful but nothing will take the place of the word of our God Amen you got some folk they just in that shout mode right now amen they come all they want to do is shout that's all you're supposed to do amen but now I need the word of the Lord in order for me to make it from one day to the next amen and there is a word from the Lord 2nd Corinthians 5 and 17 amen around here we ought to know this by heart hey man this is one of those what you would call hogwash scriptures of the Bible hallelujah amen 2nd Corinthians 5 and 17 and when you have its Amen the Bible gives us this intelligence therefore if any man be in Christ now that when that says man it means mankind if those of the man time amen you know now they do you can't haul this a man no bow learn about the women well it's mankind amen If any man be in Christ that means one would be in Christ boy be in Christ girl be in Christ any of the man kind would be in Christ the Bible says he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new a man If any man be in Christ he is a new creation he is something of the Bann what he was he is not a refurbished version of his old self he is a brand new creature that means everything about him is different when he comes to Christ the way he thinks is different the way he looks it's different the way he behaves is different the way he treats his neighbor is different because now he is in Christ and being in Christ is now the calendar for everything that relates to that man but you've got to be an Christ to be a new creature in other words it is in price that we find our identity Who I am now is different from who I used to be that old person that I used to believe you wouldn't like that or would a meant an old person that I that I used to be that's Who I am anymore I have a new identity and my identity is in Christ and this brothers and sisters is the only real way to know who it is that you are amen you can listen to a whole lot of things but payment people will try to convince him but the only way to know for sure who you are is to have an identity in Christ amen that's the reason why people on the outside a price they're running here and there trying to find this trying to find that they're trying this they're dipping in that and dabbling over there they're looking for something that we have found and that's the reason why we've got to share this with the world a mint because they're still searching they are still looking they're still trying to find out how do I fit where do I fit where do I belong what is this all about they met but it's only in price that you're really going to find out your true identity brothers and sisters the devil is a liar he has lied from the beginning what makes me angry is the fact that there are those out there who are still in the hands of thinking that this is Who I am that is simply a facade it is the trick and the trap of the enemy to keep you from being who God has called for you to be just look at that man and ask him who are you amen that's what I want to talk about today who are you you've got to know today that if you're lost and have no idea as to who you are there is somebody that can show you who you always are meant to be we're living in a time now family with people are so very confused yeah confused about everything and confused about who they really are nobody seems to be convinced anymore of the fact that they have a purpose a man in this world they don't know what is their real identity I was looking at statistics and all of the world trying to find a reason to continue the world over it is the trick is that I'm here for understand whether you got a big because you you told me to be who are you are you there are few people can say for sure that they're happy with who they see themselves as which is why so many people every time you see them they are total reinvention of themselves and nobody happy with who they are now you see them once a week and every time you see him they're drastically different than they were last week that's somebody who hasn't figured that y'all getting cried here I told you one day you have up to your shoulders the next step down to your lower back the next day down to the floor one day is shaved on this side the next is shaved on that side one day you got brave listen if you got a change you look like that all the time that means you still don't know who you are at some point in your life if you see some woman a man and every week she look totally different than she did last week run for the hills run you hear your life those are the main ones that'll go home and sit in the corner oh Jesus speaks in the expressions of parable he says remains life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possesses and there are people who honestly it's all about the house the clothes and the shoes [Laughter] [Applause] this something the enemy wants to hide from you he never wants you to come to an understanding of who God created you to be because when you understand the hole he created you then you have something to measure who you are against and when you measure who you are compared to who he called you to be then you recognize that I gotta do better but he never wants you to realize that you want you to believe that where you are is where you'll always be wants you to think that you're only as good as the worst situations you have found yourself and tell you that you were created for so much more than that young man I came to tell you God's got a higher purpose for your life and what you're in right now it all starts with the intimate telling you that you're nothing special we were looking the other day videos someone gave me years ago there was a gentleman teaching a class or session and he asked the question always simply the stuff in the box is that all we are we're at a point now when it seems like the world has come to a consensus that it is right and we are wrong they have come to an agreement that science has now disproven the reality of our God but science think you can spirit it's just a bunch of natural laws that govern this universe but if that is a loud gotta be a lawgiver so you can't have science under this you got God y'all done got quite old me again they say that the Big Bang Theory started with something so small it could fit on the head of an 8-pin but then they tell us matter cannot be either created or destroyed so how did you put all of this matter when y'all done got go come on now and they tell us that we're nothing special and some people have listened to that so long until you feel like you are nothing special you've gotta be careful because the way you think about yourself and the way you behave and handle yourself comes from what it is that you believe and you will let them talk you out of thinking that there's something wonderful about you can I tell you who you are in the sight of God you are the masterpiece of God he made you just a little lower than the Angels but above all of the created order the devil never wants you to understand your relationship to God in the creation he wants you to believe hear me now that you were created by some natural force at work you know what that says to you whether you think about it like that or not says that you are not the result of someone who created you because they wanted you but in fact you were unplanned unloaded and the holy reason why you're here is because you looked up and showed up by chance as a matter of fact you're really nothing at your car but a bunch of space trash that was left over from the universe that got together and had an allergic reaction and spits you out you just the universe vomiting they want you to believe that should just about your space dust that mixed with some liquid made a primordial soup turns you into swamp slime that crawled up out of the swamp and decided to grow arms and legs you just swamp thing the BLA Slimer you just you you just an accident that got lucky and grew legs that's what the first humanoid was a creature that climb how did a swamp well how did he reproduced that we ain't single-cell normal that means that if he crawled out the swamp and it was a he whatever another he had accidentally climbed that the swamp that would have been it all of mankind this is what the devil want you to think about yourself there's nothing about you you are an accident because some cosmic God some great power surely won't you lost it about yourself without all you are there's a bunch of swaps lab and if you kill somebody what's the big deal if that's the case all you did was get rid of swab slime slime if that's all we want you to see your self y'all hearing me what is your life worth if that's how you are it's an accident that happened to crowd a part of a swamp then what can you really say about who you are relation to this universe yourself somebody that drops it gonna make us a man in our likeness and then our image that's really who you were created to be but if the enemy can hold you back then he appeals to the base level of a man and that's the reason why people are living like they are now is because if you're nothing special he can only appeal to the base level of you that's the reason why people are out there with needles in their arms that's not what you are made for you were created for something better than that that's the reason why you got women walking around the corner you were made for so much more quiet you don't appreciate you don't squat your shoulders and know that there's a purpose God that's what pain for your life you carry the divine fingerprint that says that you're more than a monkey okay now I come to tell you today those of you that are still living according to your based nature you have a reason to be something better because you came from something better let me hasten when you don't know who you were created to be then you'll find yourself living according to the labels that people place on you you don't know and because you don't know they can convince you that you're something other than what God created you to be I think about Jacob whose name means that's what they called him ouu but still somebody else's expectation of you somebody none but sorry like you know good daddy and maybe he isn't no good but that does not marry you to the issues of the people around you [Applause] but if you don't know who you are you're like this waste your time trying to be who they have it was until one fateful night ahead of him because it always comes back [Applause] [Applause] he created you something so much better than the expectations of other people today God wants to speak to somebody he wants to tell you who you are you're more than a convict you always say nothing people have already laid with you and you think you're just a convict and training ain't made it yet but if I keep working hard I'll get there I speak to the better part of you your life does not have to be a series of coming in and going out of jail houses I don't care if your daddy is in jail I don't care if your brothers are down there with your daddy and I don't camp a sheriff cell with your grandfather that does not have to be your story I speak to the better part of you and I say to you young man that if you're submit your way to the Lord if you acknowledge him in all of your ways he I'm trying to tell you okay you can make the problem of your identities that you don't know who you aren't him because you're still trying to live outside of him which is why the Apostle says he wipes he cleans the slate of all of the words people wrote about you all the labels that you've been studying up on and living according to he wipes the slate clean and some of us just need a new start you've been working hard to be who everybody else needed you to be and God said no I need to know who you are underneath all of that I need you to see who you are underneath all of the pressure to perform all of the expectation I need you to know who you are because if you live to be 95 years old if he don't do something quick you will spend 95 years fulfilling everybody else's expectation of you and living no time to be who God created you to be and the problem is time is running out you're 48 years old and you still haven't figured out who you are you are only trying to play a young man's game you are aged woman because women don't take too kindly to that Oh were they they just still shoppin where's the junior midsection listen they need another section for you trying to play a young woman's game ain't nothing more embarrassing than seeing your uncle go to the club with shorts own shirt socks shirt buttoned down to the middle of his chest and he woke up in there with that neither got that quick action listen you need to be in church on some Deacon board or watching y'all getting quiet here you still trying to figure out who and 50 something years old and you still haven't figured it out how much time are you go waste trying to figure it out on your own who are you who are you something that were cornrows your hair is great and you got an earring in your ear one in your nose one in your lip grow up for a change who are you and you always have enablers around you how doc don't do them like that don't do listen they just pumping you up they just getting video footage for snapchat and YouTube got you out there acting crazy and don't even realize they're not laughing with you they laughing at you and you out there doing the bumping out listen it's over I come to tell you it is oh forget those things that are behind you and press forward to those things that are before you you haven't figured it out yet you haven't figured it out you don't know how to age gracefully so you're surrounding yourself with people half your age because you really want to go back to your twinners because it was okay to not know some things at that time but you too old to be where you are so you surrounded yourself to feel better about the fact that you haven't figured your life out yet who are you you're still trying to live outside of him who are you at some point you got to come to terms with who he created you to be stop spinning your wheels stop wasting your effort it's time for you to understand who it is that you are in him your life will never have me that's the reason why the wise men said the man that has silver is not satisfied with silver you know what people have when they got a bunch of silver you know what they won't or silver or either go you know what a woman won't when she got a closet for the shoes somebody today is just having an identity crisis but I want you to know you're precious to him do you hear me if nobody in your family speaks to you maybe you have spent the last few years kind of communication with people that you grew up with because they've all abandoned you nobody you might not even know why why aren't they speaking to me why are they talking you may not understand it but I want you to know that to God you mean everything you know what the Bible says can I tell you Paul says to the Church of the room he said that he that would decide to give you his own would he not also freely give you all things do you know what that means that means that not even the Son of God was too good for you drug dealer lesbian he gave his son for you and he didn't wait for you to pull your life together the Bible says for while we were yet without shrimp that's how much he cares for you he loves you that hard can I tell you who we are in him once we come to him the Bible says that we are the temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell here that's who he wants to be he wants your body to be a tabernacle for the holy spirit to dwell inside up then he says listen you are a holy nation you're peculiar people are yo-yoing miss you are so much more than that look at somebody tell him I Know Who I am ask her but who are you do you really know who you've been created to be you walk around thinking that you really Clark in and you don't even realize that the fake personality wasn't Superman the fake personality was Clark Kent you have spent your whole life as Clark Kent because you have been convinced that Superman is who you pretend to be and you forget that God is the father of this human race you were created in His image and then his likeness which means that while you're in that alley with that needle in your arm you have become something other than while you're raping and robbing just who I am you don't even realize where you come from oh you're just going out of habit but you still there and you're wondering what is the problem everybody else's is jumping up and they they they got working for you when look like got to be a certain age sweet Uncle Ben and it may had to pull him to the side and have a talk with him and let him know the reason why you can pick up them cause and him trucks it's because of who you really are and some of you haven't got it you haven't figured it out you still walking through this world with issues convinced that oh you are in the reporter named Clark and you don't even realize that that's a facade that's who the enemy wants you to believe you are cause as long as you got those glasses and that hat and that tyonne you can't really do much of nothing come on down ahead of this phone booth let me close the door behind you and send you to that prayer room and and you gonna come out of there with an S on your chest save sanctified everybody stand to your feet got my identity I get it now I come young lady that comes up man come I get it why you not like everybody else I get it why things really don't appear to you like that why you just playing like you still happy I get it I'm calling you out of your seat come young lady come young man the Lord is calling you somebody here I'm appealing to the better part of you I am making an appeal to the better part of you to that side of you that still believes that I'm better than what I'm doing [Applause] you're better than what you're doing so much better than that God wants to make you a blessing to somebody else he's calling you you're the one he's after I want you to come come on that's it just come come come on that's it he wants to show you who you really are he wants to show you who he created you to be that other person that you don't even like you know the one that looks back at you in the mirror the one that you have to stop and take some time with to try to figure out how is it that this is who I became God is calling you young lady your life can be so much better young man he's trying to give you a new start if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll do it I want you to come I want you to come come on if you need them to just ask them that's it that's it you can do it you can do this that's it come on come on you can do it come on they're coming now coming they're coming [Applause] they're coming come on somebody else this is your time it takes courage to do this but you can do this it takes courage but it's what you do have you have the ability to walk that aisle and to come to this altar I want you come on to make the decision you need to make today come on whosoever will let him come is there another you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come he'll turn your whole life around he'll do it those of you at this altar what a great decision you're making what a great decision deciding to turn loose your life and give him control that's all he wants all of the things that are messed up and TOA he'll straighten it out but you gotta let it and it doesn't matter what you've done doesn't matter how bad you think you are he specializes and today if you're asking he'll come in and deliver he'll set you free he'll Lucia from those shackles that are keeping you and holding you where you are he did it for me and he won't be better than me than he'll be to you if you ask him and if you're ready today lift your head right where you're standing just if you're ready and I want you to talk to him I want you to talk to him but I want you to mean it from the bottom of your heart because he's listening to you open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for the things I've done that you weren't pleased with not come into my life and deliver me from it shat me free and tell him Lord I need the Holy Ghost tell him how to live for you if you give me the power come on I make a commitment to him tell him I'll serve you for the rest of my life come on and let him fill you with the Holy Ghost come on let him do it for you receive it now in the name of Jesus father lay ahead Jonah [Music] the sunset dreams free Maggio [Music] hallelujah [Music] and finally [Music] Jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 10,645
Rating: 4.8682632 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: __rW_A7YLjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 53sec (3893 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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