FGHT Dallas: Judgments of Mercy

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he's he's jesus he's hear me you'll be right there come on for me he's always there he is is thank you ain't no harm in crazy he's somebody lift your hand and say yes lord somebody say yes lord now come on give jesus a great big hand on your way down on tonight god bless you since you look so wonderful out there how many love good testimonies how many know that good testimonies be of faith well come on put your hands together for my very good friend ella leslie crenshaw as he gives us a testimony of victory come on let's give the preacher another great big hand on tonight i will look to the heels from which cometh my hair my head coming from the lord which made the heavens and the earth amen today i do give glory and honor to god amen to my leaders apostle murray his wives lady danielle the legacy of apostle lopez murray and his wife dr shirley murray and of course i give honor to my little lovely wife amen i thank god tonight amen for being saved sanctified and filled with the precious holy ghost amen for 30 over a little over 30 years and may be 31 years that the lord came into my life and saved me sanctified me and filled me with this precious holy ghost i remember back in the year 1990 i was bound by crack cocaine amen it was crack in the morning crack at noon it was crack all night long hey man i got tired of that hey man i i know i wasn't raised like that i mean i had never been bound by anything but i found myself bound by that crack cocaine amen i couldn't get loose i can remember one evening sitting around trying to get high and i looked at the people god that god showed me the people that i had placed myself around some had been in and out of the penitentiary came back doing the same old thing man couldn't help him some had been in and out of the rehab come back doing the same old thing man couldn't help him and i thought to myself man couldn't help me and what makes me think man gonna help me i've got to turn to god amen and i decided that i was going to give my life to god i said god you know you gave me this lie and i made a mess of it god i'm gonna give it right back to you you can have it and you can have it right back and that way that that day i didn't wait around on no ride anything i just took out walking and god showed me a light from this church when i got to where i was going i was sitting up under a tree and god showed me a light from this church he showed me a young man and his family getting ready to come to church it was a thursday evening and i could see the joy the peace and the happiness that they had because see drugs is a miserable lie but i could see the joy the peace and the happiness that they had and that's something what i wanted amen i never been to a holiness church in my life i certainly hadn't been to this one but i went over and i asked the man i said well when you're going back to that church see the way i was raised you you weigh your best to church so i i wasn't dressed to go to church that night but he told me saturday night and so i said well okay i'm going with you and that saturday night i tell you when they walked out to go getting they called to go to church i was waiting in the driveway i was going this i was going to see jesus amen i was going to give my life to god i didn't know how who where i was going but i knew that i was going to give my life to god and god was going to deliver me amen and he brought me over to this church when we were over on ewing brought me over to this church the full gospel holy temple amen and i got saved and sanctified and it was a few weeks after that that god filled me with the holy ghost amen he delivered me amen and i thank god for it i do ask the righteous ones to pray for me amen let's give a little crunch y'all great big hand and we're moving right along come on we're going to give you into the hands of the temple worshipers and brother t.k stillman let's give them a great big god bless you on tonight do oh oh i am here i am here i am foreign he said with me i am here today is i am here i am is is this from my morning to my feet circumstances i'm still here uh hey is hey am if you know it put your hand together well come on put those hands together oh we came to phrase them together tonight hallelujah oh i feel a praise in the house put those hands together lift your voice me know you got the victory yeah rock of our salvation to worship jesus christ who is our everything everything that we need we can find in him that was son of god your name praise your name sing worthy is oh hey is oh me is is is is is is is i don't care what but if you can't believe all things are possible oh that's a good place to lift your hands and give him some praise come on come on everybody hallelujah oh from your heart through your lips all the way up to god's ears why don't you lift your hand and just just say something to him that can't nobody say but you something personal hallelujah all that said out of the depth of your experiences with god oh thank you jesus oh when my mother and my father forsake me then the lord will take me out oh the psalmist that lead me to that iraq that is so much higher than i oh he's a great god he's a proven savior he's a deliverer out of all of your trials he's the way the truth and the life he's a body healer mind regulator heart fixer oh that's the kind of god that we serve and if you really love him don't tell me tell him right now come on just tell him tell him how much you love him and we thank god and give him praise and glory in this house today listen why don't you thank god for the temple worshipers they they have sang tonight amen under the anointing of the holy ghost i tell you amen lord that's some kind of singing i'll show you right at this presence and we certainly appreciate the lord god bless you take your seat if you can what a fellowship what a joy divine i'm just grateful to be back in the house of the lord tonight i'm i'm i'm glad amen to be in the number one more time he used to sing a song that said he didn't have to let me live amen he could have called us in amen but look at how good god gave us another opportunity to praise him another chance to lift him up in the sanctuary and i'm just so grateful for what the lord has done i'm grateful for what the lord is doing amen i believe this morning we had what was it eight that gave their heart to the lord and nine that were baptized with the holy ghost amen god is strong amen and mighty to deliver and i appreciate the lord i thank god for all of our guests that are here with us tonight i do so thank god for you amen i look around and and i'm just grateful because i realize god hasn't just been good to me he's been good to you too amen he's a keeper the good thing about god he don't keep me against my will i'm not a hostage hey man i'm not a hostage paul paul said i'm a prisoner but i ain't no hostage hey man i'm a prisoner because i've i i i've been convicted that's all i'm not a hostage i'm not i'm not here amen against my will i'm here because i i got a taste of him a few years ago amen and he i've been hooked ever since hey man paul paul talked about being addicted to the ministry amen i've been hooked ever since and it don't make sense to go nowhere because ain't nothing out there can get me higher than the holy ghost it can't make you stagger like the holy ghost they they come out of that upper room on pentecost and then folks start talking about the drunk and this and it's just the third nine o'clock in the morning folks staggering can't hold it stand up straight paul's peter said these these are not drunk as you suppose it's not that they ain't drunk but they drunk in the holy ghost when the last time you got drunk in the in the somebody said this morning in the holy ghost lord have mercy yeah i've been there man it felt so good i asked them to do it again and look at somebody and tell them this time make mine a double i want him to do what he did the first time but next time make my double hallelujah thank you lord god is god is faithful amen faithful to his word he's faithful to his faithful to his people and i'm just so grateful amen that i have a mind to serve the lord when days and times when people are waking up with different ideas i don't i don't understand amen folk that have been so dedicated to god look like they're changing at the 11th hour but i'm grateful that i have a man to serve the lord i i'm not a millionaire but i got a mind to serve the law just look at somebody and tell them thank god for my mind i just i thank god i have a mind to serve him i have a mind to go all the way with god doesn't matter who turns around i've seen people decide this ain't the life they want to live anymore but i still got my mind my mind is stayed on him and he promised to keep me in perfect stayed on him sometimes it's a challenge because the enemy is trying to harass my attention but i gotta fight to keep my mind stayed on on him lord have mercy so you know what i figured out i got to do i got to make sure that i continue to love him with all my heart i got to make sure every day that i give him my heart all over again cause i found out when somebody got your heart it it it it cuts out all them other distractions you ain't looking and peeking when when when somebody got your heart y'all ain't saying nothing here some of you are still looking out in the world cause you ain't really gave him your heart yet but when you give him all of your heart i don't care what kind of shoulders are on him survive you always when they got your heart and you ain't distracted like that and they told me about nothing and service without my heart and that quiet i can keep my eyes stayed on and them promised me he would keep me in perfect peace if i just keep my mind stayed on him i'm not focusing on my problems i'm not focusing on the negativity i'm busy working to keep my mind stayed on him people are talking and some of you don't even realize the lord would have fought your battles a long time ago if you had to just stop trying to fight them yourself we retaliate we're getting in and and facebook and twitter wars with folk every time they shoot some of us we got to shoot something back at them god said it'll be over by now if you had to just put it in my hand that's the enemy trying to get your mind off of him but keep your mind stayed on the lord god bless you thank god for mine to serve the law how many of you honestly want to go all the way with god now don't don't say it because you feel like it's the right thing to say given the environment you're in say it because that's the way you mean it in your heart is it your every intention to go all the way with god because jesus told us once you're in my hands can't nobody pluck you out of it ain't that good to know not even the devil can snatch you out of god's hand look at somebody tell them i'm in the safety zone i'm in the safety zone god on my side the devil under my feet i'm in the safety zone can't nobody get me out of his hand amen once i'm there king nobody look the devil made me do it the devil ain't made you do nothing you in the hands of the lord can't nobody pluck you but you know what the devil can do he can try to get you to walk out that's what he's doing to so many he knows he can't pluck you out but he knows you can walk out so he's standing right there on the perimeter throwing little tricks in your way trying to entice you to walk out of the safety zone and you didn't even realize that if you if you hadn't just kept your mind on the lord you you see through those distractions that's all it is it was just a bribe and sadly so many people have fallen for that bribe but god is still a a good god can i talk to you for a moment tonight look at somebody just tell them neighbor there's a word from the lord i am a lover of the word of god i got mine you got yours come on hold that power up in the air thank god because everything else is going down but the word of our god want to i want to call your attention and and and just give me uh some attention and time tonight second p there and now i don't travel a little bit tonight but i want to i want to start here because this is a this is a great foundation for where it is i feel like the lord is taking us tonight ii peter the third chapter amen and i want uh simply that that ninth verse at second peter chapter number three verse number nine and when you have it say man read what the bible says the lord is not slack god is not slack concerning his promise the bible says in the book of proverbs that every word of god is pure that means it's not mixed with any deceit there is no gow in it at all that there's nothing in that there's no trickery uh he doesn't speak um objecting to his own words when god says a thing his word is unmixed it is pure it is just what he says it is there is no mixture in his word there's no hidden meaning to his word what he says to one person he says to everybody and the word that he speaks according to the wise man of proverbs every word that he speaks is pure it is undiluted there is nothing else in it but the truth it stands on its own and the bible says in one particular portion of scripture that god is not a man numbers 23 and 19 that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent but if he speaks it he'll do it if he says it he'll bring it to pass the bible also says in that it was impossible for god to not just that god don't lie god cannot lie the bible talks about the word of god in such lofty and aggressive terms the bible says in the beginning uh god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and fought and darkness was upon the face of the deep and god looked out and god said let there be it was the word of god that went into action in creation and the bible said the word of god is still so powerful that all things are being held together by the word of his power look at somebody and tell them that same word that created the universe to tell them that same word that's holding the world together is holding me together god's word is sure forever oh lord your word that's why i trust him his word is settled in heaven god is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness some men count slackness but hear this hear this here this this is this is the part i want you to pay attention to read but it's long-suffering but god is long-suffering to us word towards us not willing that any should perish not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance i said everybody comes to repentance this is god's aim now now saint john 3 and 16 says for god so loved the world that he that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life god sent not his son into the world verse 17 to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved but then the bible goes on to say but he that believeth not he's condemned already why because he has not believed on the only begotten son of god all the other things are just the way you show the world that you don't believe in god can i tell you why everybody goes to hell that goes to hell because they have not believed on the name of the only begotten son of god so smoking drinking all that those are just when we talk about it amen but those are just the ways that we let the world know where we stand in relationship with god but in reality everybody that is condemned is condemned because they have not believed on the only begotten son of god so yes the bible talks about the fornicator the adulterer the idolater those the abusers of themselves with mankind they won't inherit the kingdom why because all of those things all of those those different different labels in the category are the only thing they have in common is that the people who have not believed on the only begotten son of god that's the stuff that they do see and so it is vital it is important that we understand that god doesn't want anybody to perish but people are going to die people are going to go to hell even though god didn't create hell for mankind the bible declares that god created hell as the eternal abode of satan and his angels and you know i think it's significant i was reading i guess it was today maybe and it talked about how god never even offered forgiveness to the fallen angels he never even offered they messed up satan can never ever ever expect to walk streets of gold god never even offered it and you know why i think god never offered it to them but then turned around and offered it to us i think it was a message in that that tells us he didn't have to do anything he didn't have to offer us a way out look at the angels the bible says there's some right now reserved in everlasting change until the time of judgment he didn't have to offer forgiveness as a matter of fact he didn't offer it to them but he offered it to us and we need to look at that and take a lesson from it he don't owe us nothing and he didn't have to give it to us oh but look at the goodness and the grace and the mercy of our god i figured somebody was going to clap their hands thank you you didn't let me down somebody was going to praise god because he didn't have to do it but he did he's long suffering not willing that anybody should perish but that all should come to repentance and i just want to talk to you today look at that he's long suffering and god says that the things that he does he does it because he's not willing that anybody should perish why will he die the bible begs the question why will you die you why will you live like that why would you put yourself in that place where you will not enjoy the fullness of what god has desired to do in you why will you die oh man you know that god does not take pleasure the bible says in the death of the wicked but blessed in the sight of the lord it's the death of his saints so what will god do in order to bring us to that place of repentance i'll come to tell you he'll do whatever it takes and i know he will because so many of you here tonight you didn't come in to the family of god because you grew up going to sunday school and some of you did but you went out there but you know what god was willing to do whatever it took to get you back in here they used to call that putting people in the hands of see that that's the way the church used to teach it hey man when your children were acting up or or your husband was acting up before you let them pull you out they better cause you a heart attack sometimes they will tell you listen honey just put them in the hands of the lord god knows what it takes in order to bring them back to a saving knowledge and you know what i used to hear parents pray god if you got to bring them in flat on their back i'd rather see them laying down hurt but repentant then i see them laying down and i'm looking down on them and don't know whether their soul ever got right with you i want to talk tonight about judgments of mercy look at somebody just just say judgments of mercy i was talking yesterday and i i i guess i do my good thinking while i talk and and we were talking yesterday about different uh portions of the scripture uh and we got on this and i i jumped on it and and it just it got down in my spirit and i wanna i want to talk to you tonight because uh these are some serious times and i'll say this to you i'm going to end this sermon the same way i started by telling you that god is a just god a lot of people have a misunderstanding can i take my time and talk i just don't feel like i can holler tonight god is a just god and so many people misunderstand that they misunderstand the name and you even have a theological arguments that argue whether the god of the old testament is the same god of the new testament because in the old testament the ground is opening and and thousands of people are being swallowed up i mean god is throwing hailstones out of the sky and and tearing people in half i mean in the old testament it seems like people amen were doing things and god's judgment would follow them just then but then in the new testament we see jesus who was in the express image of god very god a very god and when he comes he comes to show us the love of god as a matter of fact i remember one time i believe it was the samaritans i didn't want to receive jesus as he was on his way i was reading that the other day and jesus started walking and they didn't want him to pass through and the disciples said lord shall we call down fire from heaven now and burn all these people up just like and elijah said wait a minute y'all y'all angry you you you're too aggressive now hold on we're not here to kill up everybody amen and you got people just like that hey man now all they want to do is is be aggressive it's judgment and punishment everywhere but jesus comes to show us the love of the father but i want you to know gee god says i'm the lord your god and i don't change and so who you saw in the old testament is that same god that we read about in the new testament as a matter of fact the new testament even puts on record what was it that it give what how many was the 23 thousand fornicators in one day amen god is still the same but even though men look at that and the devil has succeeded in confusing people's minds into believing that god is overbearing amen that god is not fair amen that god amen is just mean nothing could be further from the truth god is a just god and god deals with us amen according to how we choose to deal with him the bible said to the fro when i will show myself throw it are you hearing me amen god is telling us now amen if we're open and when we come to god to the merciful they'll obtain mercy so many times it's how people handle god that determines how god in the end is going to have to handle them now i look that word just up and that word just means based on or behaving according to what is morally right or fair it is treatment that is deserved or completely appropriate in the circumstance treatment that is deserved or is completely appropriate in the circumstance god is a just god the bible tells us that god never sends destruction without sending warning first and i come to tell you tonight that the handwriting is on the wall god is is doing whatever needs to be done to get people's attention but yet and still they're persisting in their own way and it's not god's fault amen when the results of your action come back when the proverbial chickens come home the roots then we want to point our finger at god and say that god is not fair god is just get me proverbs 1 and 2 you didn't close your bibles did you all right i hope you got something to write with because i want you to to take notes and and and and study this at a later time in your the prophecy of your own home get me proverbs 1 and 20. let's read a little bit wisdom quiet without wisdom quiet without wisdom is personified here wisdom quiet without real she uttered her voice she uttered her voice in the streets in the streets she cried in the chief place of consciousness she cried in the chief places of concourse in the openings of the gate even in the openings of the gates she's crying everywhere she's trying to get somebody's attention wisdom is calling out to everybody everywhere that wisdom can find a listening ear read in the city she uttered her words in the city wisdom is uttering saying saying how long ye simple ones how long you simple why will ye love simplicity will you love simplicity how long are you going to behave like that how long are you going to reject better knowledge how long well you love simplicity read and the scorners delight in their scorning how long scorners will you delight in your scorning and fools hate not fools how long are you going to continue to hate knowledge these are things that work contrary to you enjoy it the best that god has for you these are the things that will keep you amen from enjoying your life filled with bliss amen and tranquility and the fullness of the presence of god how long are you going to hold on to that when wisdom is calling out to you you reject wisdom and you won't hate you want scorning you want to be simple read turn you at my reproof wisdom says turn ye at my reproof in other words when wisdom amen who is personified here amen a representation of god wisdom say when i pray reprove you amen it is an attempt to get you to turn and so many times we misunderstand that and so we have made enemies out of people and kings that were never really enemies amen this was god's way of turning us around whom i love are chasing it oh god if we would judge ourselves we should not be condemned with the world but when we are judged oh god y'all getting cry when judgment comes we are chasing the bible says first corinthians 11 for when we are judged we are chastened of the lord why so that we would not be condemned with the world god will send judgments of mercy so that you won't end up condemned with the world y'all can get quiet i'm gonna put some on your heart tonight and you're gonna take it home with you and you'll chew on this for the rest of the week when we're judged we're chasing when god sends judgment and thank god for judgments of mercy y'all don't get quiet because it could have been a final judgment but aren't you glad that god is the kind of god that'll do whatever it takes even if he's got to send some judgments your way they are judgments of mercy to pull you back in line and cause you to turn read behold behold i will pour out my spirit i will pour out my spirit unto you god said through the personification of wisdom i'll put my spirit unto you i will make known my words i will make known my words unto you i will leave you to guess at it i won't let you have to go through life and through experiences and through situations trying to figure out what i want you to do god says i'll tell you what to do i'll give you my spirit and i'll give you my word you will know the right decision to make even if you choose not to make it there'll be enough proof you'll have enough to know which way to go really because i have called hear what he said because i called and he refused and how many tonight have god been calling you and you refused how many of you god saved you and you keep going back on god getting saving don't even have a mind to be saved you just you just you just come in and you're putting on a show and he said listen i've been calling you and i gave you a chance and you know it's so sad that people amen have been brought into this new and living way and some people came in and they were honest when they came but they did not follow through he says not only will i give you my word i'll give you my spirit and you know it when the spirit of love where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty he'll set you free he'll give you a new outlook and you've got people who will still amen find themselves coming in and going out and coming in and going out and he says listen i called you i called you to a life of holiness i called you to live right i called you to forsake the world i called you and you know what you did you turned a deaf ear to what i was trying to tell you i called you and he says you refuse it's not that you didn't hear me you actively ignored me he said and you refused or no you didn't just not hear me you heard what i you heard me you felt me tugging at your heart but it was your choice you refused me god said is today a good day and you said no he knocked on the door of your heart the bible said and he said to you if you're open i'll come in and me and my father will suffer with you we'll dwell with you and you said today and a good time come back later i called and you refused read i have stretched out my hand i stretched out my hand and you and no man regarded it and you ignored me i offered you a way out and you didn't take it real but you have said it not uh-huh on my counsel oh you counted it as nothing all that good advice i gave you you said it at night i counseled you and with none i told you what was gonna happen i told you the things you had to choose from i said i sat before you life and death i counseled you i said a blessing and a curse and i told you choose life but you didn't even hear my account i was counseling you i gave you with a test and then i turned around and gave you the answers and you wouldn't even listen read and with none of my reproof oh you didn't the stuff i did to you it didn't turn you that the things i had to whip you behind even whipping you didn't turn you what what kind of punishment y'all don't talk to you after i talked to you i turned around and reproved you i got you i corrected you i just but even that did nothing to turn you you know you got to be a bad person for god to start whipping you and in your bed at night can't hardly sleep because god is after you on your trail and you wake up the next day determined to ignore that voice you hear in the back of your head saying today today if you hear my voice heart not your heart come back to me he's calling and you're saying not today be quiet be quietly quiet be quiet so now you're doing stuff you're going to the club because the noise is loud you're just trying to drown out that voice and your y'all don't get quiet enough you're around people you're laughing having a good time because you're trying to drown out that voice that you hear in the back of your head how long what do you love simplicity read i also will laugh at your calamity wait a minute god said that's going to come in time i'll laugh at your calamity i'll have you what was that we were talking about it yesterday is that psalms what is that 37 and 13 that says god looks down at the unrighteous and he laughs because he knows that his day is coming oh you got folk i don't want to serve god and god i don't believe in god no more god is just laughing because god said you got your lord y'all ain't saying nothing god said you got a day coming i i ain't worried about well i don't even believe in god no more i don't read this book and saw this video on youtube and i don't even believe that stuff no more and god is just saying you got a day coming he said i laugh when your calamity comes let's read hurry i will mock when your fear come in isn't that something god through the personification of wisdom says when your fear comes i will laugh at you can you imagine that after god have stretched out his hand to you and and pleaded with you and tried to bring you back to a saving knowledge of god and you kept saying not today not today as other things that i'd rather do and god said all right when your fear comes and when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and you're sitting there crying and your hands are shaking and you're nervous and god please please god if you just get me out of this if you bring me out this time i'll serve you and god said there may come a time when while you're down here i'll be up in heaven saying god please god please god give me at this time oh god if you do it i'll serve you this time god how many folk is god mocking because he gave them a chance like cain they sold repentance with tears but didn't even find it how many people are really crying out to god they're scared and they need him now more than they've ever needed and god is in heaven saying boo hoo boo hoo god please come get me out now i'm ready to serve you now boy that's a we don't hear that kind of stuff about god oh god will never do that god look at somebody tell them god is just just means appropriate in the circumstance real quickly when your fear cometh as desolation when your fear comes as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but i will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me oh we don't hear this kind of stuff about god really for that they hated knowledge because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord and they didn't choose the fear of the lord read they would none of my accounts they would none of my accounts they despised all my reports they listened to other folk before they listened to god they took advice from other people and didn't even consult the word of god they would none of my account they were talking and getting opinions on facebook but they wouldn't consult the bible they wouldn't even crack the pages of the world but they listened to other people i made those people i gave the blacksmith his knowledge i gave the counselor his knowledge y'all ain't saying nothing here i think the artist is gifting i gave everybody everything they got taught them what they know but they would rather listen to the creature and not even consult the creator and i told him if you acknowledge me in all of your ways i'll lead you i'll direct you you don't even have to fall into no pit you don't have to make the mistake i'll lead you if you just talk to me but you would none of my count you didn't want to hear what i had to say and when a man's word supersedes the word of god then we're in trouble read quickly therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way oh god said i'll let you have your own way and that scares me that scares me because i don't even know what i need i'm not even smart enough to run my own life but god said i'll let you eat the fruit of your own way and you know you know i was reading in the book of psalms where the psalmist was writing and he said lord turn them over to their own counsels and to their own devices in other words let their mind be there be their state because i know their mind ain't sharp enough to know how to how to how to aim amen a weapon they're not smart enough but turn them over to their own devices give them over to their own counsel if they don't want to talk to you it's coming to naught anyway and i'd hate for god to turn me over into my own counsel because i'm going to do what's convenient for me i'm going to do the stuff that makes me feel better about myself and so god said i'll turn you over to your own counsel you don't want to ask me how to deal with stuff you want to keep dealing with it your way concert all right i'll let you have it just do it the way you choose to do it and god knows that your way is going to bring greater consequence afterwards read and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them the turning away if you won't hear me god said yo the turning away of the that's what's going to slay you you're going to be turned over to your own ways isn't that something god said if you have me i'll i'll i'll direct your path i'll i'll straighten you up but but once you reject god god just turned you over to your own ways that's part of judgment and that's why i'm really scared for america that's trying to kick god out of it out of the public conversation kick god out of out of authority we're trying to dethrone god and god said if you don't want me i don't have to punch you myself all i have to do is take my protection away and i'll leave you to your own devices sometimes when we see people being destroyed we think that god's hand is the one that crushed them god's hand don't have to pressure all god's got to do is take his protection away and you'll collapse under the weight of the pressure part of being judged is not having god around to do what he always promised he would do and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but who so hearken unto me but who's so hearken unto me shall dwell safely hear this if you'll listen while he's reproving if you'll hear the reproof if you'll just take his counsel even i don't care how you messed up thank god that he didn't wipe you out thank god he didn't kill he didn't owe you to save savior we could have been just like the angels messed up and then couldn't come back to god but look at god showing us by not forgiving them that he don't even have to forgive us but he's still saying come unto me are you that labor and the heavy that i will give you right i'm trying to tell you he don't have to be fair look at somebody and tell him he's just when is that fair that he forgive us and he didn't forgive the angels it's not about being fair god never said he had to be fair the bible said he's just he's appropriate given the circumstances so he says the key is to turn at my reproof when i when i reprove your turn once you see the wrong way turn from that stop persisting you know it ain't gonna work you know this stuff it's not in the will of god god said once i'd send those judgments of mercy and your whole world look like it's collapsing around you that's god's saying turn just just turn admired proof stop going in that direction when you hit that brick wall and you almost die that's god saying hey it's time for you to turn at my reproof the key to this is to turn at his reproof y'all look like y'all want me to shut up i think about people who actually turned i thought tonight about jonah jonah disobeyed god and found himself in a storm and then after he found himself in a stump he finds himself in the belly of a whale but then jonah starts praying and saying god listen i made a mistake i i i know i tried my own way and it didn't get me nowhere i'm ready if you give me another chance i'll do your will and somebody tonight just need to ask god for another chance lord one more chance to do your will the bible said jonah prayed he repented look at this man jonah said i was i was i was in in the belly of a whale a seaweed wrapped around my head he said i was down in the mountains of the deep jonah said i'm in a bad place god have judged me look at this man all this stuff happening because of his disobedience the storm raging folk throwing tackle overboard and now they throw jonah overboard and look at him god prepared a fish a prophet a preacher in the belly of a fish for his disobedience god could have prepared a shark but instead he jogging quiet instead god prepared a fish aren't you glad that god even if he got to judge you he's willing to throw judgments of mercy your way it could have been a whole lot worse he did what it took to get your attention but he didn't he wasn't heavy-handed like he could have been it was judgment but it was the judgments of mercy oh you want to talk about god's faithfulness being great you want to talk about the mercy of god god is the bible says even in wrath remember mercy god is so merciful that even when he sends judgment there are times when god sends mercy with the judgment because he could have destroyed jonah i think i think sometimes about david how david repented after his child got sick and died god could have wiped david out because the law said when innocent blood has been spilled the land cannot be purified except by the blood of him that shed even though god chasing david his child died god still showed david mercy oh it took him to the edge of his mind he couldn't eat he's fasting he's not he's not washing his face he's not doing it this is the judgment of god it could have been a whole lot of words this was a judgment of mercy but then sometimes lesser judgments of mercy does cause hearts to turn sometimes but then there are other times when it doesn't do any good i think about a lot the bible said the men of sodom were bound by a perverted homosexual spirit and they wanted to force sexuality on those men that we saw coming in here and the bible said those men men that they saw were actually angels they were trying to have perverted homosexual sex with the angels that came to sodom and the bible said lot walked out and said listen don't do this kind of wickedness don't do it y'all don't know about these men you don't want you don't want to deal with them like that don't do it and the bible said that the angels reached out grabbed locked by the back of his coat and poured them back in the house and shut the door and the bible said that they smote the men of the city with blind judgment fell on them while they were at the door but even though judgment of blindness fell on them the bible said they they were feeling around for the door now we what we want to do we don't need to see what we we we don't need our eyes to do what it is we want to do where to do it now we will figure that just just bring them all out anyway now listen when judgment don't change your mind you in a bad place judgment have fallen on you and you're blind and you can't see and yet and still it don't change you your heart didn't turn he could have killed him in that moment even though that was a judgment it was a judgment of mercy what would have happened that the men of sodom said you know what we can't play with them like that because we can't even see what would have happened had they repented of that deed but their hearts were fully set in them to do evil and then we talked about it yesterday i think about pharaoh and i want you i want you to get uh exodus 4 and 22. genesis exodus come on now exodus 4 and 22 and 23. are you there i want you to see this read and thou shalt say unto pharaoh and look at this is god now this is god talking to moses he says moses when you get down there to pharaoh this is what i want you to say now he's not even there yet he's not in egypt he's he's getting ready to go to egypt and return back to egypt and talk to pharaoh at god's command but before he gets there look at what god says to him god says to him and thou shalt what say unto pharaoh thou shalt say unto pharaoh now because pay close attention to this here god says you're going to say unto pharaoh what thus saith the lord thus saith the law israel is my son israel is my son even my firstborn israel is even my first born and i say unto thee son my first born son and i say unto thee unto you pharaoh let my son go let my son go he's my firstborn son and i say to you let my son go moses when you get back to egypt tell pharaoh he's my firstborn son let my son go read that he may serve me that he may serve me and if thou refuse to let him and look at what god says to him even before he goes to egypt he says tell him when you get there that if he refuses to let my son go behold behold i will slay thy son even through your son thy firstborn i'll kill your firstborn do y'all see that this is god before moses even gets to egypt he says tell pharaoh this is my son my firstborn son let my son go but if you refuse to let my son go i'm going to kill your firstborn son y'all still looking don't know about it anybody y'all understand what i'm saying he says if you don't let my son go i'm going to and moses when you get down the pharaoh this is what you tell him you tell him when you get there i say that if you don't let my son go i'm going to slay yours your first born son let my son go or i'm going to kill your son and that was the first thing god told moses to tell pharaoh when you get there so the first thing that god says is that i'm going to kill your son if you don't let him go you're older son he's as good as dead that's the first thing that god said to pharaoh let him go i'm coming for your son well then why is it that we end up seeing water turn the blood why do we see frogs and lice and flies why does god kill all the cattle of the country y'all don't got quiet here of egypt why do we see all of these other plagues and judgments why do we see boils and blames why why do we see hell mixed with fire why did god send the locust to devour everything why did god allow darkness to come that was so thick that you could feel it all of these plagues these judgments if god said from the beginning i'll kill your son then why did god send frogs and lice i'll tell you why it's because the first thing that god says he will do is the last thing he wants to do and god will send judgments of murder y'all don't get quiet let me let me come back over here what god will do god will allah lord have mercy what we call amen acts of grace that bring divine persuasion thank you kind spirit because god is trying to persuade you to turn at my reproof i told you what i would do i told you the wicked we're going to be turned into hell and every nation that forgets god but god says i really don't want you to go to hell i'm just telling you oh god y'all i got cried but i'm not willing that innocent perish i want everybody to come to repentance so what i'll do i'll say little judgments along the way because if they can change your mind i'll never have to do the worst thing that i can do judgments of mercy and finally after all of the other nine judgments god said all right because you would none of my reproof i told you it was gonna get bad and i told you that from the beginning but you wouldn't listen tried to change your mind and go on their flies and everything lights and everything the fish dead in the river when the water turned the blood nothing to drink and i thought all of that would have changed their minds but it didn't change their minds and the bible said pharaoh would lie and he would say okay i'll let him go but then after the plague is lifted now he changes his mind and he persists in his wrong doing and the next time that god brings another plague he could have gone ahead and said all right on and played long enough with you pharaoh but god gave him nine plagues of judgment before he finally did what he warned him of in the beginning god is saying that's tonight if lesser judgments can change your mind you don't have to worry about the worst that i can do hmm first peter 3 9 says again but it's long suffering look how god put up with this rascal long-suffering not willing god gets no pleasure in the death of the wicked not one that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and even with us god has already declared to us the ultimate judgment he that believeth on me and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned um the wicked shall be turned into hell and every nation that forgets the lord he's already told us of the ultimate judgment he already told every one of us that if we didn't live right if we didn't submit to the will of god he told us what what would happen to us but look how merciful he is sometimes even in your wrong and in your era god allows a judgment of mercy to come sadly it doesn't change a lot of people's mind they just they get better and then they go right back out there god is trying to get your hey pharaoh you got flies all in your house the bible said they win everything they're all in your kitchen the flies all in your food and you sitting up here i went around these flies come god is trying to get your attention darkness everywhere honey behind so dark god is trying to get your attention these are judgments of mercy yes it's the judgment but it could have been the final judgment thank god he's willing to use lesser judgments along the way to turn our hearts but what happens when our heart won't turn i says moses go back now and tell pharaoh what i said i would do in the beginning i'm ready to do it right now it's the worst of everything that i said i would do but the lesser judgments didn't change your mind so you leave me no other choice because my word will not go out and return void it won't it won't i told you that if you believe uh on the only begotten son of god that you wouldn't perish my word cannot come that void i cannot lie but you didn't turn you didn't believe and so because you didn't you leave me no choice but to fulfill the word that i spoke from the beginning look at god going through the land the bible said he sent an angel and he called him the destroyer and the destroyer walked through the land and did just what god said that he would do in the beginning god didn't want to do that he left him no choice and the bible said there was a wailing that came out of egypt like you have never heard before and like you haven't heard since look at them there was a place they never thought they would be but that's what god said in the beginning you didn't have to be there you could have turned at the flies it could have been the lights that changed your mind it could have been the darkness or the death of the cattle that could have changed you but because it didn't you left him no choice and i'm telling you that the bible is right there those that still think that god's actions are wrong but they don't take into account the fact that wisdom is still crying in the street saying turn turn that that's that's what god is saying god is saying turn turn look at my counsel and look at my reproofs how many reproofs have you endured but it still didn't turn you you were in accidents climbing out of cars that looked like a balled up sheet of paper you got the nerd to jump out that card tell me ooh i sure am lucky this time boy you you don't ain't no such thing it ain't enough luck in the universe that can pull you out of something like y'all can get as quiet as you i'ma preach till i get through it ain't enough luck in the universe that can get you out of something like that they shooting at you and you laughing about boy i tell you that was a close oh i got to call my cousin he ain't gonna believe the kind of stuff we've been through tonight and you don't even realize that was a judgment of mercy and now you don't got shot and you sitting up you sitting up in the hospital with a bullet still in you dry deal gone bad hanging out with the wrong people going bad in the wrong place at the wrong time you laying there bleeding and carried on and gonna sit up and post on facebook tell all my homies i'm too real for this let me tell you something you you you don't you don't even understand and god is saying the judgments of mercy should have told you i meant what i said but look at us the truth is that god won't send nobody to hell he allows people to go to hell because what the proverbs say the turning away of the simple shall slay them it ain't god no it was your action that put you on the chopping block the axe is laid the bible says at the root of the tree we just waiting for the chop to take place you put yourself on the chopping block and that's what you do when you chop stuff that's on the chop and you laid yourself on the chopping block the simplicity of the simple shall slay them that's what you did and i think about the fact that people say i can't believe that god was saying and one preacher was talking to some colleagues and one of the other people said i tell you what any god that can do stuff like that i i don't want to believe in a god like that as if you choosing to believe or not believe got anything to do with god you think you're punishing god by declaring i don't want to believe in god anymore and god ain't god because you believe he's god god is god because he knows god what if some don't believe you don't do nothing to god because you will believe and as i close tonight i told you i was going to end it just like i started it not telling you that god is just how can a just god send anybody to hell brother herman i'm glad you asked because i studied this this evening when i got to church and i realized that if we ignore all of the judgments of mercy then in the end there's only one judgment left boy y'all don't get quiet you don't got shot stabbed you don't got everything psoriasis tetter syphilis y'all ain't saying you don't mess around got a cocktail of issues going on you you don't you don't got everything folk done hunted you down and you're ducking and dodging over your mama's house and all of this other stuff and car accident you don't went through all of that and god is trying to get your attention all of these lesser judgments if you ignore all of these lesser judgments then then then than the one judgment he already talked about that's the only one left so you got to go to hell because he gave judgments of mercy to keep you from that final judgment you ignored all of these judgments and then you come to this place and at this point there's only one judgment left and that is that the wicked shall be turned into hell and everyone that forgets the lord how many judgments of mercy have you gone through how many things have the lord done to get your attention oh i can say if you let me out of jail this time i'm telling you if you shorten my sentence and get me off a death row when i get out of jail this time i'm going on the straight and narrow way god allowed you to go to jail because he knew if you were out on the streets somebody was going to catch you folk were looking for you to you didn't even know it you got pulled over not using your signal like what they do what they do then they come and realize you had a warrant from a few years back now they taking you to jail why am i in jail god is so unju yeah that's a judgment of mercy because of them folks you crook had found you they'd have sent you into eternity and the final judgment would have been your story but god if you just if you get me out of this now my big mama taught me to pray she told me if i called on you you would answer prayer get me out of there i'll serve you then you get out of jail and you forget all about god how many judgments of mercy have you gone through because if you keep ignoring the flies and the lies and the locus and the darkness the death of the cattle the blings and the if you keep ignoring all of that after a while there's only gonna be one judgment left thank god for judgments of mercy i want to be like like nebuchadnezzar when he got too lifted up in god took his mind from him the bible said he he became like an animal his hair grew out his fingernails ground like eagle claws his reasoning was removed from him he was out in the field eating grass like an ox seven years the king don't look like a king he he don't dress like a king he don't have a kingly conversation anymore and then he says at the end of the seven years then my reasoning returned back to me y'all done got cried here and i said you know what blessed be the god of heaven he's the only god he's the one all of us got sometimes god got to let you go through some judgment in order to bring you back to your right mind and thank god that he uses lesser judgments of mercy divine persuasion to pull you back this way but if you keep ignoring those sooner or later stand to your feet there will be only one judgment left how many people would god dealing with the entire time they were alive knocking on that door all of that other deity how many people are dead and in hell because they ignored all of those other judgments of mercy he said i stretched out my hand to you i told you i told you i stretched out my hand to you just like i told you they are only there because time ran out on them and all of the lesser judgments didn't change their minds i've seen people with issues in the body and they almost died but god was gracious and i've seen those same people turn and i've seen them go back on god and you wonder what else is it going to take because if they won't hear judgments of mercy the things that god allowed to get our attention would rather break you than to see you lost god would rather see you hurt than to see you killed he'll do it sometimes god is breaking you to keep from killing you and you've got to appreciate those divine persuasions somebody else needs to be at this altar tonight how long will you love simplicity come on i'm not i'm not i'm not begging you tonight i'm not begging you i believe there's enough divine persuasions taking place in your life that you see yourself what needs to be done if you don't have the strength of courage to do it that's between you and god i'm giving you an opportunity tonight to come he says whosoever will let him come come on if you're here come on come on to me all you the labor and the heavy laden and i'll give you rest he says come i wish i had a few of you to just open your mouth and say come on come on come on come on come on come on invite somebody come on come come you can come yes you can you can come but if you will those of you at this altar god is just yes he is he acts appropriate nobody can read the circumstance and say he was inappropriate as god when you investigate god god is always appropriate in the circumstance and because you're here and you're telling god i throw myself on your mercy he's going to act appropriate in this circumstance he said call unto me i'll answer you i'll show you great and mighty things that you know not of whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved he's appropriate in this circumstance i want you while your hands are lifted to understand this is more than just saying a few words it's more than just repeating something a lot of people are repeating and they're still lost repentance is meaning it from your heart for with the heart man believe it unto righteousness if you're willing to turn from your wickedness i want you to talk to god and if you mean that he's listening he'll answer you open your mouth and say lord i'm so sorry for everything that i have done that wasn't like you come in and deliver me set me free me with the holy ghost and tell them lord i commit the rest of my life to you you are my lord you're my savior and i'm your child and tell him lord i'll do your will as you give me the power father in the name that matchless name of jesus look upon these at this altar lay your hands on them now let the anointing for change and deliverance flow at this altar oh god destroy the yoke of sin let your wife go forth like a hammer break up that fallow ground change stony hearts give them hearts of flesh and we thank you for it right now and we rejoice with the angels oh come on i said we rejoice with the angels hallelujah i said we rejoice with the angels and we glorify you hallelujah what a mighty god we see oh is there anybody tonight honest enough to praise god because even if he had to break you he was willing to break you to get your attention even though he took you to the edge of your strength he was willing to do that he just didn't want to lose you i thank god for being willing to do whatever it took to keep me from that ultimate judgment and wisdom still cries wisdom says turn turn at themselves and pray and turn then will i hear from heaven i'll forgive sins i'll heal the land oh somebody say turn turn turn uh-uh somebody say turn turn time that's what he's saying turn the road is out ahead of you you turn there's distraction laying ahead of you turn turn and be saved while your hands are lifted we thank god father we honor you for your word it came to challenge us and to change us thank you for being a just god but thank you for being merciful that even in your judgments you're chasing us so that we are not condemned with the world thank you for loving us enough to be willing to hurt us if it meant our salvation thank you for ignoring my feelings and for giving me what i needed to make that turn i prayed tonight god that you would look down and meet the needs of your people that are standing here those that are watching i pray god that you would honor every right desire grant your peace and your power father tonight everything that we cannot control those that we cannot force to know you we put them in your hands do what you need to do we just want them saved just want them delivered and we thank you tonight i ask that you carry us from this place in your safety and in your care lead us and guide us protect us over the dangerous highways glory rebuking the accident demon at every turn bring us back at the appointed time with thy mind set to lift you in the beauty of holiness and we'll give you praise and glory in the name of jesus the christ somebody give him a praise you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 19,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: V9yoGDDrwQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 35sec (6755 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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