FFXIV - Part 114 - This City is Under Ground?!

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what is the next big giant badness what is the next big giant badness [Music] voidlords [Music] would be superior if we get the namazu in that would be sick we got male cool i told you you should do eureka before end walker also what male 1 i smell you blind baldy [ __ ] you man you're a bigger nerd than any charlieian yeah that that is true [Laughter] [Music] now you know why i can't clean my inventory thank you thank you thank you now you know why i can't ever like enter my infantry it's a minion the elegant melons are the minion is it really good morning everybody a lot dancing gets some very subtle music [Music] i already have the elegant melon unlucky i already have the elegant melon you guys got wrecked you got rex any elegant melons yeah welding no hey oh dude yeah bro elegant melons there you go past spreading the wealth gotta spread the wealth [Music] you snoring [Music] okay all right let's get our cockpit out of the way and then get to end walker because i yes yesterday i have such a bad feel about where this expansion's going it started so differently than shadowbringers [Music] everything it presented was really ominous literally everything it took was so ev everything itself was so ominous i i did not like that goodbye to tataru i mean we've left tataru pretty much every expansion to go to the pub and have a smoke and be fine with it this time it's like a really big deal i mean we're never home let's be honest we're never home but now it's like a really big [ __ ] you man oh that's fine it can't be one two three anywhere that's fine oh that's a good start all right we'll take it i'll take it she's got alcohol the eternal friend why is one of your nails painted two of mine are paid actually with my kids uh my kids had these like um what do you call them well they had their nails done on holiday because there was a lady coming around and doing it while we were in mexico and they wanted their nails painting because they're fun and they were like daddy will you do it uh so i was like yeah sure so i have two we're done but um the best part of this was a family from kentucky america uh the dad thought i was definitely gonna suck his dick immediately um and actually had his wife ask my wife if i was gonna drink all the jizz uh i never had to explain no and then emma watched as he as his wife went to him and explained that it was something to do with the kids uh no i did not swallow his gravy uh i didn't chase him around the pool i didn't try and whip him with a towel when he was on his sunbed or anything like that no yeah i managed to restrain myself uh but it was uh def so you say like we're gonna trust you if you slap his ass i definitely thought about doing that for a bit of fun um but yeah i definitely seemed a little concerned a little bit definitely seemed a little concerned it can't be another seven eight nine i'll call it i met a lot of very interesting people in mexico because it was so flooded with americans from all over the us i met antsy vaxxers um i met some big ceos i met every single type of person imaginable i basically met a reddit thread right that's how i describe it is i basically was in an irl reddit thread uh and it was it was really interesting to like move between each of them and see what was going on yeah it was very much like that it was sounds awful though it was fine it was like uh you got to meet people and then just it's all to people you don't have to agree with people [Music] it was i already well like the auntie boxers were really really pissed off because they had to get backstage to come to mexico and they were ranting about it they were ranting so hard was that three did i do three no 180 182 yeah i did was alpha know that though [Music] he went to mexico he was at reddit's red just uh like having conversations with people they went yeah they were just really angry because um from the uk because we've decided colbert's not a thing anymore we've made that decision um we're like we were allowed to go to mexico and then just leave as long as you had your vaccine passed the same that i needed for germany actually the service i needed for germany is i just have a thing on my phone that says i've been vaccinated and that's it that's all i need to show i had to do the same for mexico but um if you're american you had to get vaccinated before you went and then four day or two days before you went home you had to go and do a covet test uh and if it was positive you then were forced quarantined for ten days in the hotel on your dime um and not allowed to go home or leave or be with partners so they were getting really stressed out because they got vaccinated just before they came because they had to then they had to go do their covert tests when i spoke to them because they were just going to go and do it and they're then worried that if one of them had it they then were not allowed to see each other but they had to stay in two separate rooms and apparently the hotel had set up these um like garbo rooms for cobid people and they weren't allowed to see each other for ten days they just have to stay in the room they would just get room service and [ __ ] and they had to pay for it so they were pretty uh they were pretty freaking out about that they didn't get it so it was fine i spoke to them later that afternoon we're like no we're fine but yeah the uk people don't have to do anything we were all good we were all good oh [ __ ] did i miss that by a long way yeah that sounds [ __ ] horrible right that sounds horrible but um the place i was at i mean obviously in mexico they just don't pay their staff anything so the amount of precautions those dudes were taking [Music] the amount of precautions those dudes were taking was on point because they could not afford to lose them jobs uh so it was very obvious i was kids where am i going this way i'm not even paying attention yeah the staff absolutely like there's no way because i'm pretty sure if you get covered you just lose your job that's it there's no if if all puts about that you're just out of there so the staff was super super careful like they if you got up like uh for the breakfast buffet thing if you got up and um went to try and get some food from the buffet but didn't have a mask on they just refused to serve you fly out they were like absolutely not like don't put your mask on so and then you take it off so you want like you put your mask on box i'm so bad today uh you would walk two meters get some eggs over a counter and then i'll take your mask up again yeah it was fine it never bothered me musk's never bothered me at all but i was streaming yesterday with it on because i forgot i had it on it's the same here in germany though germany has a ton of mandates in one of the staff uh caught kobe now the day he arrives one of the production team he's been quarantined since he got here the poor lad he's not been able to help out or anything he flew over to work but he tested positive so they've quarantined him completely so he's missed out on everything poor guys just beside his hotel room the entire time he's been here [Music] this sucks best place would lift him up yeah he's turned yeah there's no mass madness well actually enough for the uk i don't think there's any mandates at all now but everywhere i go people are still wearing masks like not quite trusting what is going on [Music] what is going on oh another thing that's happening is germany's ex this hotel i'm in right now this arcadia place is taking a lot of ukrainian refugees over the next few days they're preparing for that right now which is really cool of them they have they're not open yet you see they're not open they're doing um this is a soft opening i'm at right now it doesn't officially open till december so a lot of the hotel is empty so that's they're currently like scrambling scrambling to prepare to accept as many refugees as possible yeah so that's going to be happening the next few days i think [Music] why am i [ __ ] this up am i going the wrong way or something i'm not going up there i can't be [ __ ] bothered i'm just going to the end this is annoying me that's what i'll play in walker yeah i'm out i can't be asked i really just can't be bothered let me out let me out i can't draw it i hate leap of faith it's best i can't be asked i just want to play ed walker get me out of it we're waiting for my grandparents test results you go back vaccine three days ago might have gotten covered logoc is really bad uh he's fine now i think when you need the top stone of a pyramid scamping around after you a pyramid minion [Music] no logo uh largox much better now i was talking to him last night but he had his third vaccination just before he came out like his booster shot and it really messed him up like his heart rate's been everywhere it really [ __ ] goofed him up for like four days uh yeah headaches sweaty dizzy shortness of breath the whole thing he said the other vaccinations were fine but that one messed him up yeah i'll be a queer i don't care [ __ ] leap of faith get out of here he's i think he's fine now he said to me last night that he's he's feeling much better now but yeah he was pretty bad for a couple of days he was like sat there and his nose started bleeding i was like oh [ __ ] uh but apparently what he did is covet test because we have to do a cover test every morning right here i like we go for breakfast but you have your kobe test while you're having breakfast sleep again no no no um but i think he shoved the thing too far up his nose and he was like no no the [ __ ] ship thing uh right too far up my nose and like [ __ ] busting myself up [Music] well you know how long that stick is right so i sat there this morning with my eggs i like scrambled eggs with a [ __ ] thing up my nose then they keep one thing is annoying they keep getting different tests in because they're having to test so many people every day [Music] i would say so many people every day that every single day we have a new style of test and everybody seems to come up with their own unique way of doing the damn thing oh my god my mouth is so slow ether where are you [Music] dude i cannot belie this is one of the most creative ideas for a zone i've oh it actually shines [Music] oh wow yeah because we were yeah we were in night time when we came here yesterday oh yeah we do have mount music on where was that again uh is it is it this one is play music when mounted is it that one or is it not called mount specific music is that one cool thanks guys oh there's the proper music oh god it's got a childlike vibe to it i don't even notice this yesterday [Music] oh this feels like zelda i feel like we've got into big garage c oh oh oh [Music] i don't know how much gill this mount is this mount is pure stream of privilege i received it in the mail sorry i think it's the bossy amount though but yeah it's just pure stream privilege like 50 mil yeah this is nothing but streamer privilege [Music] god you know what this reminds me of can i go full nerd for a second does this not remind you guys of a dyson sphere [Music] like what it would be like inside a dyson sphere i've never played halo so i'll take the star trek reference any day well i mean dyson spheres aren't just star trek but that's where i first saw them beside the dyson sphere is the sun [ __ ] i know what a [ __ ] dyson sphere is dick you [ __ ] dick i know what it is i know what they are they also sound like the most practical use of resources ever but i get i get the theory i get the theory okay what's yish thinking right now but honestly this was such a surprise when ed walker was coming did anybody know what the new zones would be because there's no like testing beforehand right so did everybody have that experience of like what the [ __ ] there's a zone underneath here some like did the influence get to go see it and stuff like that but a few okay okay because they do like that um but i could tell they do some sort of like off stream meeting with people and stuff like that those are bits and pieces okay announced two okay [Music] nay i'm not shirking my duties i've not been down here in an age and wish to get my bearings before i went bumbling about but once i can see her there's not obviously out of place it seems we should have to resort to discreet inquiries as usual yeah oh it's because it's cool as [ __ ] isn't it why do they have windmills in an indoor area do they have wind machines duchy designer [ __ ] dutchies out here again let me think let me think the rare seeds should be item 105.8 cumin seeds 105.9 and snowball berry 1060 or were they 106 one ah my head feels like it's stuffed with mocha grass why more loads to take out than carry in why do all this at once i'm risk mixing it up what if someone mistakes the cough and carrots for the garbanion carrots what then what did they say the exchange of tea has taught you about large shipments coming in out of labyrinth us yeah i got that i mean thanks your exchange with team has taught you about a larger threat looming over azeroth cool [Music] is that room soundproof am i sound proof what's all right [Music] solid zest you're here to help or give me more headaches because you don't have the look of a cleaner and i'm a no move for idle chat one of my colleagues was so exhausted he took a tumble and crashed into a pile of crates now i've got a pack of marmots running loose your exchange thereby taught you about exhausted what is this is this like oh am i playing on easy yeah i get it he was tired he fell down oh a wild fat boss alex [ __ ] you [ __ ] you getting guys looking there [ __ ] [ __ ] walking past my stream [ __ ] thinks he's good thinks he's some some sort of dude walking past the stream the nerve the nerve to exist within my radius [Music] it was funny yesterday he was looking for some it was look he had we weren't sure a rival mechanic so he went looking for them and i and he's like where she'll look for him now in a way youtube.com fat boss tv give me the dirtiest filthiest look dobby you all know what i'm doing all in books and aura and foreign i'll haul it every decade i sold a stock elaborate dose you know so i'll tidy up the inventory never seen out like this before though they just did one a few summers ago even then with no warming at all this mess gets dropped in our laps orders from one eye damn divine old reason could be that they're changing the layout preparing for next big expansion okay i have learnt much i'm not sure about these little extra boxes popping up ah cryo big love any luck floor what tales did the gleaners have to tell [Music] music's kind of a jam so this grand operation began without warning and for every item they bring in they're sending more inventory somewhere else hmm that'll explain the hard faces i've been seeing you were right the forum is definitely up to something and they're turning labyrinthos upside down in the process true that's true we would do well to learn more of what specifically the cleaners are being tasked to do as well as who has tasked them to do it if your game floor i have an idea oh that's rude should you kneel in front of lalafells to talk to them is this a social faux pas didn't one of the gleaners you question say something about escape marmots warrior of lightsai again perhaps if you were to help capture said creatures you might be inclined towards a more friendly enlightening conversation in the meantime i'll turn my charms upon this cleaner here we can compare notes afterwards happy hunting [Music] all right all right all right time to be the warrior of light yeah let's earn our rep with labyrinthos where's my i need to you guys please remind me to do this i'm gonna forget it's been a long time you'll help me fight marmots i've nothing suitable to pay you for your services but if you're offering out the goodness of your art i'd welcome the assistants my name's aaronville friend specialist in the collection of live specimens that said the capture of these nanjian mamas it's a trial i've no desire to repeat grizzled mice they call them for a mercy there are no other marmot species on this tear at present there should be no mistaking our little fugitives you catch any though stuff them in a sack gently of course gently i don't want to put the comments in a sack where to begin i've not seen any scabbing around there so we need to widen our search route forest be on guard though there are beasts out there don't hesitate to pray on a marmot oh you why why are there beasts in storage i'll search trees to west eastern part of forest is all yours good luck this is a big warehouse essentially why would you put vicious beasts in here right but you'd think you would have like a biological area or something like that right where you would let them roam free kind of like uh fantastic beasts [Music] maybe just not have them you know next to the paths and things [Music] smile police okay all right smile police is at work oh my god that's so cute oh yeah that is just a big puppet with some sort of mermaid legs you guys think lalafells are cute that's what cute looks like right there kill it no way man i want one [Music] barely have you ready to sack when the grizzled mouse scampers off into the underbrush bad sat control are you supposed to use a little job to actually gain the xp uh i mean we just run out of time i mean it's not a big deal ain't no big deal not something i'm concerned about so maybe hold on can i do this to maybe assuage [Music] okay not turn it off [ __ ] [Music] oh there it is [Music] there we go i'll stop people like raging [Music] any mice i'm not killing a tr it's not troll he's a very cute puppy i bet it's up there [Music] will remind you don't remind people let people live in peace let people live in peace i don't care they shouldn't either i do have level 90 gear true [Music] all right i didn't send anything off don't worry about it [Music] wow wow [Music] oh not the worst thing in the world [Music] i'm not sure about these arm tattoos [Music] it's not terrible um hold on hold on let me think i've done this before okay [Music] i need my top hat [Music] oh for [ __ ] sake [Music] how much is a transmog mount someone brought transmog mount up it's all right we're riding iron giant will protect me can i do it over here it's a 6.1 it's a good idea actually hey i can put down a little like glam rune i wonder if i could do it in this area you've gotta go to a city all right we're doing it now we're doing it now it's okay we'll be back in two seconds we'll be back in two seconds i got the ether right here i got the ether right it's fine it's fine i can do it here right there we go right give me my top hat there it is didn't i die this am i mad i didn't save it [Music] i did didn't where do i save them black owns yellow outrageous i have two sets that chose the different one okay all right can i dye my little shoes hold on [Music] sweet all right right we're end walking beautiful beautiful we're all set we're all set [Music] i got my toms on i've got my cape i've got my oh i don't know about the wings oh no i look like i'm gonna sell herbal tea oh i don't know about that anybody want your herbalife i definitely like don't groom in any way kind of thing i need to see in a cutscene i think that's what i'll decide it i'm very earthy i feel like i probably smell like soil [Music] let's forget about it for now let's forget about it now and get um let's make our mounts happy [Music] the soundtrack's pretty cool it's child like like it's saying a weird vibe for the place [Music] oh don't you gear sir oh yeah i will do i'm not sure i'm gonna stick with this mug yet but uh yeah i can do that [Music] reassign gear i think [Music] small world it's not like small world there's no freaky dummy singing where's the mouse any mises [Music] ah any nice what i want to see is hi wait what's high blizzard 2 no i don't want to kill these man [Music] dude what the [ __ ] is high blizzard 2 deals ice damage with the opponents you have one fight is a target all enemies near it wait does this then replace freeze grants unbelievable removes astral fire replaces blizzard too blizzard three breeze blizzard four blizzard all right blizzard two i've got five blizzard spells i'm missing an ability for my bars is it something i got recently [Music] amplifier hmm [Music] ah grant's polyglot columbiax while on the effects of astral firing umbrella ice oh cool nice so you get extra polyglots nice i mean that's something more burst dude that's so cool yeah like that's just more burst double xena glossy nice nice nice [Music] paradox is automatic uh from what i know gets sacked right [Music] yeah yeah i believe fire will change into paradox when we see it so it should be fine [Music] yeah yeah we're good oh i've got to go up having a rats stop staring at me man so when people stare at me i constantly be glad i did i forever be glad no matter where i go and be glad up hey hey look it's smelly i don't know what it is so many dudes are just glaring at me i haven't seen somebody i look i must look like i'm a zoo creature that's must be what it is i must look like a zoo creature egg check south east okay they're checking your glam oh rude i need a poster printed out with it on [Music] so rude oh yes let's just run all the way back [Music] the eggs aren't just for experience the eggs are what we need for power and energy i had my scrumby eggs this morning i don't know why breakfast seems to consist of just scrambled eggs a bread roll and some ham but it'll do it's fine no bacon in germany dudes there's no bacon no sausage [Music] no tomatoes no mushrooms [Music] shaking my damn head dude sad sad no sausage germany there's no sausage no there's no sausage and biggest travesty of all they brought chicken yesterday but we were casting and so when i got out all the chicken was gone so dinner was a full baked potato which was really nice actually vegan corn burgers and uh some sort of tomato relish and it was really nice surprisingly it was really nice it wouldn't have been my first choice but i think uh i think logo took all the chicken and i was too late i was too late no chicken there's no chicken left no i think it's i think the chicken got jinji to log out that was it no it was fine actually i would have got more vegan burgers i definitely did the risky pick well it wasn't just corn it had uh like other veggies and stuff oh did you fair i tried down the three i tried out three at back which leaves one unaccounted for oh you did three united one fair enough alize sure ah there's the odd mama all right we're here a moment well i'll put our friends in an olden cage [Music] cutscene oh we're friends now that's the friend music thankfully the mamas seem to be unarmed developed well in isolation but it's too much too soon to be released them into the avatar it's a good day we're able to recapture him so swiftly you have my thanks [Music] it's not fancred is it is that mirrors yeah who asked you to capture them me [Music] why the authority in charge of labyrinthus now and in perpetuity the same officials who've had us working day and night of late the honourable members of the forum who else suitable for consumption easy to breed making an arc those were two conditions i was given for the stock i was instructed to procure i don't know what the forum has planned for these creatures but at the very least i doubt they'll be served for dinner today or they're building an ark right that's what's happening they're building an ark there you are floor [Music] is this the gleaner you mentioned the one who's looking for lost marmots [Music] interesting company you keep friend who are you folk anyway i am kryl the students of baldessian these others are my associates truth be told the forum's decisions of late have not sat entirely well with us that is why we made the descent into labyrinthos we hope that by seeing those decisions put into action we might more fully understand their reasoning all right wise and practical are we never hurts to try again and gain a broader perspective does it anyway duty calls other animals to capture and enclosures to empty once again sorry i can't offer more for your services did you learn anything new from your friend there he likes mermaids so he confirmed the order for his ambitious operation did indeed come directly from the forum however the gleaners have not been informed of its purpose i'd say that fits with everything we've heard thus far we've also discovered when the operation was begun the forum contacted the galena's guild ship and put their people to this great work some four days after the telophary made their chilling declaration as seasoned travellers the gleaners keep abreast from news from every corner of the world out of necessity the sammy clients trust their calendar of events is accurate altogether it gives the distinct impression that this undertaking was a sudden and unexpected development yet i find it hard to believe that such a comprehensive restructuring of labyrinthos since archives could have been planned in so brief a window nay this plan was long in the making they were but awaiting the right time to put it into effect and the tilofrie's declaration was what sets it all in motion it seems likely but let us not keep leap to conclusions just yet for the moment i suggest we conduct a wider investigation of labyrinthos the more facilities we visit the more pieces of the puzzle we stand to find in that case how about that's not in that case how about we head to the archaeon from there we can reach the lower [Music] kryl what's wrong i'm fine truly sudden descent has left me with a bit of a headache that's all nothing will stop me from soldiering on let's be about it then because she went into the machine do they do xenos have some influence over her is she sylvanas [Music] zeno's the jailer uh at least allow me to take the lead i'm fairly certain i remember the way to the arkhan we follow the path east through the forest where you were chasing after that mouse oh marmot was it anyway this is the trolls you need to watch out for hella cute poor crowds are my green i think hmm yeah i think uh kryl might be a wonky yeah the cam is a bit smaller in fact you know what it is knowledge uh it's because i'm in a world of 1080p and usually we're on 2k there we go chat box covered effectively boo yeah guppa bigger become huger mightier it's so big my chop i ca my monitor is quite small as well i ever got an inch checker and i don't want to whip out the justice right now [Music] i could teleport but i'd love this place i'm not playing for super efficiency or anything this place is cool [Music] what's this power station i would guess it's around it's not that bad it's so it's about 21 maybe something like that carefully it started to sound like a casual what do you mean oh shall i skip the quest and we should philemon maxed it i'll just wait for them little grey pop-up boxes to tell me what i've learned [Music] oh cool place i never looked at the building i just tagged it the arcane nice nice [Music] wonderful screenscreen behold the archean as newman serves as charlie's literary archives so does the structure house the city's wealth of material data the architecture too is similar this building you see is merely the upper entrance and access points the vaults carved into the cliffside itself lindo's vast rooms have stored countless samples and specimens as well as the detailed records which describe them in a matter of speaking the archaean contains a physical history of charlene's unwavering dedication to the accumulation of knowledge fancy well we won't learn anything of value standing out here let's proceed inside the main building and speak with the custodian [Music] [Music] has anybody used the chocobo keep since the realm reborn [Music] i can't imagine why you would use one [Music] oh this looks bureaucratic [Music] eagle fine i'm switching out materials that have been reclassified but i assume some have been imbued with protective charms to prevent theft i'll have to be careful wait nice outfit by the way you know you'd look striking in a honey yellow mayhaps mayhaps oh did anybody catch yesterday on the race12 first stream that alex brought up ley lines i was a good boy i didn't say it yet but alex started talking about ley lines when talking about world of warcraft [Laughter] i started laughing at him i was pr i was laughing you said kupo though i had to i had to drop a koopa after he brought the ley lines in oh this guy looks like he's stuck up his own rectum it looks like if he'd stuck his tongue out he'd come out of his nose greetings we're here to peruse the archaeon vaults peruse you are clearly not gleaners then might i ask your affiliation we belong to the students of baldesian but is that relevant i was given to believe that the vaults those open to the public at least were open to the public ordinarily yes that would be the case at present however access is restricted only persons directly involved in the reorganization efforts are permitted to enter [Music] access denied bros not us then i suppose we would better move along to another facility this building has a lift which connects to the middle tier yes might we at least make use of that [Music] [Laughter] no that service has also been suspended i'm afraid the time being priority has been given over to conveyance of inventory boxes are more important than you what so this is as far as we can go i do apologize if it's causing you some inconvenience please do come again after our restructuring operations concluded and feel free to have a shower before you return by that time it'll be too late and we're so close to getting answers we need to rethink our approach let's just step outside for the moment shall we [Music] oh snooty bastard oh students of baldessian oh i don't like him i don't like him one little bit dudes i don't like it one little bit oh he's got a smug overload i think yeah very sussy we're at an impasse does he have no other leads i should like to peruse pursue this one further yeah he's calling the level your line isn't he i doubt that our stone face custodian will be swayed by heartfelt please you must seek another means to access the lower levels it's likely that the people in this area are involved in restructuring in one way or another if we were to ingratiate ourselves they might allow us to accompany them on the lift let's ask around surely someone is in need of a few strong backs to lighten the load oh yeah that guy at the desk will not recognize us put a box in front of our faces just stick a box in front of your face and you'll be fine bemused student okay huh am i i taking the lift no no we're students they're all else it's the arcane even though we oh actually we don't know what we found there's no record of such a creature anywhere but it was wandering around tranquility so we thought to donate it to the vaults [Music] oh this little squeal don't you think anyway i suppose i have to take care of it until the arcane is open again wait are we not gonna open the box what's in the box what's in the box bro come on [Music] you know it is it's gubo stuck in there sad [Music] bone weary worker what's that they eat out the lift with me sorry but not a chance i've been up and down all day and only now i've foundly found a spare moment to rest let's see a gleaner fellow heading out gate there though shouldering a large pack engaged in some matter of task maybe he'll be headed down below what he's done with whatever it is he's doing okay my old bones can't take it [Music] why would the guy come out here with the box oh a really close one checking ah temple church rianji house oh it's got to be below us isn't it they have to have rain for the plants right they have built a full-on ecosystem in here though i mean there's rivers and [ __ ] hmm they've really done quite a spectacular job their knowledge is good [Music] there's a [Music] popper god i wish i was a jedi bring the dog into the stream booth bring the dog into the stream booth bring the dog into the stream booth bring the dog to me oh it's aaronville it's marmot boy what up quiet you're frightening away [Music] oh it's you again i don't mean to be rude but i'm in the middle of another task the cloud kin i need to capture is close very close [Music] oh you wish you helped me with this too you spend your time on usual ways my friend still two wonders are generally better than one very well the canal air is a common gathering spot for birds of all kinds but the one i'm after today it's the on bill his feathers are green and it's crying distinctive single it out and shoot it with a sleeping dart the effects are short-lived so i'll line weight down by riverbank to claim our quarry make sure you get the right one okay no miss this better not be like super hidden it's this one [ __ ] that was the car car i saw the car car though what failed him failed absolutely failed unbelievable all right coocoo car car cuckoo car car kakako car whack whack [Music] that one right did we win yes dude amazing that is a hashtag victory right there nice shooting ticks [Music] [Music] a fair shot oh did not expect the irish it's a better shot so it is i didn't expect that that's that's probably done let me trust this one up and i'll make my way over to you icelandic polish i don't think i could pull off icelandic polish there's no way in hell i can pull off ice any new revelations so you met with that gleaner again this time to capture a hornbill yeah i understand catching and bringing in creatures from the outside but what's the point of chasing after one's already here they're going deeper i'm telling you man they're building an ark oh it's a simple thing really occasionally we remove specimens no longer needed for study or those we've had difficulty raising but we can't simply turn them loose safely returning such creatures to their native habitats is another facet for cleaners duties but not in this case i'm afraid i've been asked to bring the bird below mm-hmm they're building zion [Music] the restricted section in the lower levels of labyrinthos open only to a select few researchers hand-picked by the forum [Music] the projects down there are the subject of rumor and hearsay forbidden magics advanced technologies that can never be allowed to fall into outside hands elegance even archons are not privy to the truth there's elegance in the basement those who are the researchers involved in this secretive work are not permitted to walk freely in the city and are instead required to live in isolated quarters [Music] what could a facility subject to such strict security protocols possibly need with a horn bill an experiment no possibly screenix i wasn't afforded an explanation [Music] but judging by the requisition list given to me and my colleagues i doubt it's for any kind of advanced research i'd be more inclined to believe we were making preparations to migrate to the south mericidio thereabouts he's looking at me ray i'll have to go say hello why would you say that much of the flora and fauna we were asked to procure could serve as reliable sources of sustenance oh they're filming me on phones oh [ __ ] compared to should i do something what would asthma do able to endure harsh climates no specimens [Music] there we go when you put it that way migration does sound like a reasonable assumption all it is though an assumption through our tasks we gleaners glimpse only bits and pieces of the form's plans our prime concern is that our requisitions be they living or otherwise are properly preserved for the knowledge of future generations [Music] kind of rude that screenings turns off during the cutscene i regret that i cannot reward you as you deserve perhaps you might reward us after a fashion then it is imperative that we reach the lower levels and seeing as you are already set to descend with your assigned cargo mayhap we could accompany you as your assistants mayhaps i'm afraid that won't be possible once the animals have been prepared for transport we send them down separately oh they're not allowed to go down there themselves i will of course follow after to make my report but i can hardly pass you off as well when there's nothing left to carry [Music] can't you turn as it's like frogs or something it will sneak indeed pray forget i said anything [Music] how do you feel about climbing if you've strengthened the courage to brave it then there is another way down [Music] this path leads to the 33rd facet a mine shaft excavated during one of our expansions of labyrinth why are you all freaking out well i cannot guarantee that the passage is safe to traverse it should provide access they're sending animals down right i never even knew such a place existed thank you this is the perfect solution why frogs because that's what mattia did [ __ ] people but consider yourselves warm if the going proves too treacherous you do well to turn back i think it's a good plan anyway why not pork sees they're not very subtle we need to be smaller than a flying pig not when we've come this far let's go and take a look at this mine shaft yeah you can't smuggle in like five porcies man that would be insane there are so many phones looking at me right now dudes it's really weird but they're they're filming me on phones but they can't see over the monitors because they're quite short so they're holding them up in the sky and then having to recheck the footage and i'm trying to not look like i'm looking at them because they're obviously filming me streaming right so as i'm talking to you right here explaining this in my soundproof room there are people literally three feet in front of me holding phones in the air filming me streaming it's so weird i want to go and say hello but they're still filming so i'll just carry on as if i'll just carry on until they stop doing that right do a tailless pointers at them no no [Music] i ever got a sick background so i'm not sure i mean he can't see any merch or anything i don't think and why on phones i don't know weird okay get them on stream uh i hope they're gonna come in and say hi it's just the marketing team though so it's none of the devs or anything like that it's just the marketing guys but it's still awesome so i'm eating this must be it the entrance to the mine shaft it's just faint but i hear something moving within creatures home there by the researchers do you think while slaving beasts aside we all need to watch our footing we should tighten our straps as such before we continue oh i'm being discorded all right hold fire team i need to sort this out uh screenix people are here okay they are welcome to come in and say hi to come in and say hi i think this stream would live too soon we are playing ff you want to say hi to these greeks people right dudes yeah all right okay i'm gonna go say hi [Music] good might want a tweet outback's pretty cool people want to come and say hi to them right back inside i'm just going to do my honors [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] no [Music] all right bex if you have tweeted out you might need to delete they might not come in they're just having a look at what a race will first looks like apparently so it might not be as fun as we hoped they were local so they're just having a goosey as to what it's like [Music] assuming everyone's tighten their straps and check their gear then i say we have we head in uh hold on [Music] they're just checking they're not spying they're just they're local apparently they're just local so they just want to see the race the world first so far enough given the terrain ahead though it might be wise to leave some distance between us we'd all be stumming over each other if it comes to a fight take it slow and don't forget to check your surroundings from time to time we can meet up again at the other end of the tunnel okay oh no they are they are square enix but it's their hamburgers call emma oh god she just said i love you [Music] well thank you limes four months the new refreshing start yeah glad to see you enjoy the job i certainly am uh mythic hey you okay [Music] all right okay [Music] okay [Music] and we can't do that unfortunately we just have to make sure it's there [Music] yeah let's do it that way [Music] correct bye uh when will mythic proc start i think we'll see some mythic bosses probably tonight in us but the main bulk of the race probably won't start till thursday is my guess yeah you gotta understand like the echo guys don't even know they might know now but they don't know even know what characters they're going to play and i don't mean that as a joking way they have no idea whoever gets tear off rygalon and um the laws of dread whoever gets teared that's your new main [Music] that's that's that's literally what they were saying all the time it's like it doesn't matter what we just geared everything and whoever gets a tier piece off right or loads of dreads that's your main that's just the way it's going oh god it's a wild alex [Music] yeah the tier is uh crazy overpowered i think for largo it's like a 20 upgrade perfecto was saying for his it's like 17 like they're just they've done that thing again where it's like hey let's just give you enormous power upgrades like it was like five percent it wouldn't be that big of a deal but it's it's like so huge in some cases [Music] yeah it's tokens but they're non-tradable right you can't trade them because they're higher item levels so [Music] let's see whoever gets one gets one oh ethercheck good stuff thank you oh it's down the other corridor maybe get alex to judge your bog i'm pretty sure alex wears a way worse mock than mine are way worse marks i'm pretty sure he's also a lalafell so can you trust oh we can mount sweet wow oh eerily quiet in here oh alex is the original queer yeah the one who started it all one awkward ethercorn [Music] uh well yeah four times up zero yeah they i think they did that before stream i i because i they i know they were playing from 7 a.m and they didn't start the stream until like 8 30 or something like that so i think they were doing their zeros off stream just so they could get going but um i can't be sure on that i just i don't like disturbing the guys when they're playing when it's actual race time just leave the guys alone let them play i just came down and said hi [Music] well lose sisters garbage in the world first scene yeah yeah for sure in the world first scene it's not fun i i've seen all the complaints on reddit and stuff about um [Music] the race has started and everyone's doing splits but they always do splits anyway i mean i'm kind of in the mindset if they're doing splits now then we don't have them later in the week it'll just be pure mythic stuff so i mean it's this there's a it's a pro and con to it in my my uh my point of view it's a pro con the splits will be out of the way and then it'll be all mythic [Music] good morning good morning good morning oh my god talia thank you so much for the five gifted subs man thank you thank you very much super nice of you thank you [Music] keep reaching on the echo stream not knowing your maid is kind of crazy though well that's why they've got like boomkin 1 boomkin 2 boomkin 3 boomkin 4 right that's why they make 4 of the same character whichever one gets the tear piece that's your new main that's it that's that's the way it's gonna go just make four of the same character grind renown 80 on all covenants on all four characters do 10 mythic pluses on all four characters which is what they were doing last week get 2k arena rating on all four characters [Music] that's what they were doing last week they had to get 2k rating on all four characters 10 mythic pluses on all four characters uh and obviously the raid on all four characters i tried lost yeah man you're in the bay i haven't done the live version yet because we were coming here i wanted to play and walker [Music] everyone seems to have made it through that incident nothing of consequence at least and as promised the tunnel has delivered us into the medical uh the medial circuit as i recall this tier is where they keep a wide variety of samples for agricultural production if erinville's assumption holds true that specimens are being collected in preparation for great migration then we should see evidence of such plans in this area's research project let's follow the path to the nearest farming facility and see what we see okay [Music] wow yeah this is the most alt-friendly expansion they've ever made uh that was announced at blizzcon i really enjoyed lost ark the gameplay was so fun i really like their dungeons their set pieces that castle scene which is like midway through the leveling process in lost ark was so good that was one of the best like scripted events i've done in a game it was really cool wow this looks like one of the japanese meat farms [Music] see the pictures of them online [Music] yeah they're growing meat now they could do that now technology baby oh juices like shadow breakers again [Music] grapes and pumpkins now i know where we are this is the mayoral agronomics labyrinthos is hostile wide variety of vegetation which allows us to conduct studies on cultivation methods utilizing foreign lands and it's this facility which coordinates and oversees those efforts the fruits of their research go to feed the labyrinthus colleagues or so i hear more notable successes might make it to the agora foods so exotic you'd be hard pressed to guess their origin let alone how they might taste indeed mystery vegetables without a name only a list of nutritional benefits scribbled on a card i see no gleaners hereabouts yet these workers seem to share that same sense of urgency it's possible they know some of the forums plans and their underlying motivations worth looking into wouldn't you say so they're growing excess amounts of food i mean it's still perishable right see what you can coax from the workers the rest of us will do the same or cast about for useful clues taiki 25 gifted subs man so much thank you so much toaster joe magic claw hey hey hey you got your hiccups on your connection uh i don't know it's definitely not from our side [Music] oh what's krail doing [Music] pumpkin thief kryl a field full of ripe vegetables being left to rot on the vine not a single picker hard at work clearly procuring readily available fresh foods oh they don't what the food's rotting [Music] hmm [Music] and so this car holds the harvest meant for the larders here nothing out the ordinary they're growing it and not harvesting [Music] all right hello there you're expecting visitors but with use of lift being restricted how did you make it down here anyway [Music] the mine shaft you say boyle well you're a much harder soul than i under normal circumstances that reward such tenacity with a guided tour of the fields but i'm afraid the forum has his filling order list some long massive yet detailed requests literal wagon loads of crop samples and hardly any time to put them together when i first heard of this grand reorganization i assume we would be shuffling around old stock to make room for the new i can't do icelandish i've never met even someone from iceland right does it even exist he's got to be welsh i think came the orders for ridiculous quantities of seeds you've already thoroughly researched passing strange eh i pressed for an explanation it was met with vague assurances that all would be revealed in due course not the most satisfying answer it's on a need to know basis eh and you don't need to know just do your job and shut your mouth all right all right hmm even icelandics are sure island is real overwhelmed to be taken below oh they could carry and then some also our stock is set off via the cargo lift but someone's earmarked a very aerial transport that's the stack of crates atop the hill over there gods oh like that love that slope was a job enough okay it's like finland only like six people live there it's just a waste of time what crops are we raising well as you can see this one is a variety of grape have you ever seen grapes before only needs a good source of sunlight to grow and the conditions there are nothing short of perfect are they surprising given that it's native to a particular locale in the very place which labyrinthos was modeled a region in the south of ilzebad it boasts remarkable habitat diversity allowing for myriad flora and fauna to thrive chilly peace and north give way to sways of temperature planes temperate planes which in turn transitions to a hot humid coastline such bountiful territory is never contested as you might expect it used to be called corvos before the imperials renamed it locus and munis the forums saw it as a prize not a surprise however but as a researcher's ideal environment one which goes climates we struggle to recreate within the confines of laboratories this has provided a rich foundation for countless experiments and cultivation all right fair enough you missed the square grapes do i need a picture of this i mean they're flat pointy grapes this is about the great grape travesty the great great travesty okay there's actually an article about this all right final fantasy 14 patch fixes low poly grapes much to the dismay of fans it's been a tough month for final fantasy 14 fans while the end walker expansion has launched a universal praise the ensuing server congestion has led to digital sales and a much month free trial being temporarily pulled i don't want to name names i don't want to name names okay i'm not i'm not gonna name names i'm not gonna do that but i there is a certain caster who does not like ff14 who was using the fact that they had to stop selling the game as an attack yesterday to which my [ __ ] was imagine attacking a company for doing so well that they had to stop selling their game and thinking you're winning to which i got no response which i got no response i was like this this is not the insult you think it is it really isn't they were like oh yeah the free trial which you can't even get i was like i i'm pretty sure that's really not the attack you think it is it really isn't we were only joking because we would think the plan was the plug was we were like what should we do for the echo pickums so we can get people to have a try of it and things like that so i said you know no a lot of us said uh we should do which is better wow or ff set everybody off see how he'd do it oh it was so it was a jokey thing it wasn't like super serious but like that was that was the insult that was held back in the defense and i like i don't know about that one dude i don't know about that uh well the ed walker expansion has lost universal praise uh the ensuing service congestion temporarily pulled not long after one meme fell though has another now joined it square enix has fixed end walker's low poly grapes in ff14 6.01 patch notes the developer explains that that uh so many ads it's actually changing the screen layout [ __ ] off man the labyrinthos grapes were looking a tad blocky as the polygon count was lowered to alleviate system memory usage in the area while that's certainly appreciated it meant that labyrinthos grapes didn't look quite as nice as those found in the crystal that just won't do you see so squeenix has brought graphical parity to both sets of fruit it's been a tough one for the community you [ __ ] bunch of idiots man you absolute bunch of idiots the purple slab of great became a beloved community meme for both those who managed to get into end walker and others who were scouring reddit while sitting in the queue one meme imagines the low poly grapes as heidellin's crystal form whereas another imagines it as an orb truly worth pondering to think you might have been able to taste the low poly count if things hadn't changed but hey on the bright side when one meme falls another takes it place is this a spoiler oh they're looking about the queue the ff40 subreddit is now stuffed with more memes in memory of the grapes which might keep you entertained while you sit in the queue to get into end walker i love my grapes update time you [ __ ] bunch of idiots man it's unfortunate they saw our memes as a complaint but in truth we were expressing our fondness for the low poly fruits we did it we mean that of love we mean that of love it was just it was love did you not understand we did it out of love we did it out of love spoilers don't worry i have no no spoiler-free let's boil free we're good we're good investigate the stacked boxes oh here we go what in the [ __ ] is that what are you growing down here your tomatoes have got legs brother that's not right i trust that bex would never link me a spoiler article she's on the case she knows what's up yeah this is some harry potter nonsense i don't know about this [Music] i don't know man the last live letter someone asked yoshi p if we can get 4k grapes [Music] just copy and paste on real five and get some grapes the labels on these crates tell the story of their contents bundles of common seeds and saplings accompanied by sheaves of reports [Music] cutscene for the boxes somebody here must sense what's wrong right oh why i feel like this should represent something to me why am i thinking of moon breeder because of white rsi hard to look away isn't it but they're more than pretty flowers heart blooms are attuned to ambient emotion oh it's a mood ring i thought it was our bird first you don't seem convinced but believe me it's true this ashen grey for instance it mirrors the anxiety and urgency of those working nearby as they rush to fulfill sudden orders intense feelings like those spur the petals to change color bright glowing hues in the presence of joy dark subdued shades for frustration or despair yet even with the collected wisdom of charlie and at our disposal we've yet to identify the underlying principle of this empathic effect and there are other mysteries besides although the flower is extraordinarily long-lived its low reproductive rate has made it difficult to find younger populations growing in the wild with too few sightings to map its distribution and no closely related species to track wasn't there an asean flower that went in blood or something [Music] to further complicate matters every culture even dimly aware of its existence has given it a different name and mythos our attempts to study it via the historical record have been an exercise in frustration as an avid botanist myself i should one day like to unravel the heartbloom secrets but i'm afraid those witches must take precedence i will leave you to your thoughts thanks for the exposition my friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you learned alt of interest [Music] a flower that reacts to one's feelings strange i must say i have never heard of such a thing [Music] this is all very fascinating but as it stands we fail to gain any significant insight into the forum's undertaking it's going to be important later than wellesley indeed just saying while there is certainly enough activity to support aaronville's supposition that a priority has been placed on improving food production and fortunately for our investigation these workers were never informed as to how their duties served the master plan there's no way we just had that scene if it doesn't come up lately we could interrogate members directly [Music] [Music] isn't that the entrance to the arcade [Music] easy buddy then i think we got 700 subs yesterday um i'm not greeting on the check there i think that's aaronville a little difficult to tell from here but i think you're right he did say he was coming down to make his report [Music] aaronville receives his orders from the forum would it not follow then that the superior to whom he reports is a forum member or at least a close associate you mean to eavesdrop on their conversation what of the risks ours alone to bear we won't interfere with aaronville's work nor will he be implicated as an accomplice if you're not comfortable taking part i can do this alone okay this looks very i said myself that i wish to know farther like you've never eavesdropped before answers will be forthcoming should we simply ask nicely we can apologize later should it come to it right now we need every crumb of information we can get our hands on consequences be damned i'll say taking names i'll say not giving you a [ __ ] she's having best if you came along as well in fact we should all yeah i'll say that's like oh oh kryll knows the flower's gonna turn dark she's not happy oh yes that certainly sounds like a plan is she worried about the illness i'm glad you agree [Music] you may give me skip a cutscene though just let me know yeah i mean i'm learning about my heart blossom flowers i can almost treat you how's it going good how are you doing great what do you think downstairs [Music] very much so all those these guys are being uh they're giving me the smiles to make sure every time i have some crackpot theory about what's going on i guess i get a smile attacked by the chat as you can see the smile police every time but uh i've apparently gotta bring my tissues i'm gonna get very upset at some point oh yeah that's what i'm told that's what i'm told what else are you doing down here you just looking around yeah do you like it yeah it's awesome [Music] yeah i mean i i didn't cast the last ff savage race but we watched a little bit didn't we we did a little side casting it's really fun because those raids people don't get it especially the wow community how different the raiding is so you really have to explain it when you go in it's yeah it's it's so different because everyone thinks it's the same thing right tank heels and dps but they're not the same at all but it's uh that would be cool to see as well especially with the ultimate yeah i feel like i'm getting smile pleased in your life cool that's what you're gonna do [Music] no worries well i got the race to do that you go you've been down to the bunker you should take them to the bunker [Music] there's a murder bunker downstairs it is it's really cool down there [Music] it's there let's say all right nice to meet you guys yeah thanks bye bye [Music] guys uh that was uh squinix just dropping by to say hi that was screenix what a nice bunch yeah they're coming to have a look i definitely got the smile police though when i talked about that ultimate smile faces i got irl smile faces [Music] no gift yeah i got irl smile police then uh an ultimate race that could be interesting i don't know because like what you're expecting like 10 days for one boss on ultimate right i'm not sure how that would work i'm not sure how that would work i don't know i've never watched an ultimate progression so i don't know all right let's get on with this [Music] she's not happy is she oh we know they're not gonna kill kryl right [Music] it would be kind of interesting if she has something medically wrong with her rather than something i wonder if they go that route with it instead of it being like some force from another world or whatever if she was actually ill [Music] in some way it would be horrible i mean i don't want him to give her like a degenerative disease or something [Music] it's kyle's still feeling unwell i've never seen her so distracted [Music] yeah that's magic but people still must get poorly right not everything is curable i would think keep an eye on her but keep moving too we cannot let our quarry slip away stockholm she's small [Music] arabelle was headed westwards along the path outside the arkham come we can still catch him here's a good work there bragger you do some good work brother i'm a i have a roon of power [Music] any currents east hmm it's going to be up there isn't it yes [Music] yeah it's got to be right up there it's all right i'll take my big fat whale it's there is it really oh no i've i've flopped my whale off the edge [Music] it's okay i'm going back i'll go back i gotta flop my thunderous girth up on there i would have been salty if i would have like had to come back here later come on oh yeah oh that's satisfying wow to the east if you guys are trolling me that's really mean ow what that was in combat why did that hurt ow i didn't die let me out right [ __ ] you whale all right let's go it always says you don't die that's the one that's the one that's the badger [Music] i want to go into some of these buildings man i want to see what they're doing in there this place is so big and grand like what the [ __ ] is this place that's the place we tried to [Music] no it's not it's a different place like this outside is nice but i want to see what's happening inside secret stuff yeah i mean that place glows it literally glows look at that that's a force field right that's why they're doing their secret [ __ ] maybe [Music] yeah big zappy zapper walls i don't think they're just keeping the butterflies in hold a moment i have an idea if memory serves that colossal warlike structure is logistic and beta one of lamrin's climate control centers ah it should have its own lifts which one could access in the upper or lower tiers i if i were an agent of the forum i would make for it would make for a convenient meeting place [Music] but even if we happen to find aaronville in the company of said agent we cannot expect them to reveal issues of importance as we nonchalantly stroll past [Music] now we should have to remain undetected if only graha and his vanished spell were here oh but there are other ways of turning invisible okay see i thought of this ages ago [Laughter] i thought of this ages ago goodness i like accustomed to transfiguration words it'll wear off for the passage of time i have all the answers 100 i suggest you your green companions hop along and catch up with aaronville you should feel the magic's fading return to me and i'll refresh the enchantment um and what am i to do in the meantime wait here with me you already look kind of like a frog so you should pass by walking in but in your current state of mind you'd be as likely to leap into the jaws of a predator as you would learn anything of notes which reminds me where the creatures hear about in that form you're essentially defenseless you've changed into a toad you must raid transfigured or to progress the quest okay don't get caught alright so i've got to be a stealthy frog it's a smooth jazz alfie toad and ali toad are now accompanying you so [ __ ] stupid that's so [ __ ] stupid oh the noise oh that's painful hippity hot baby hippity hop can we change surfaces all right where's that ultimate goal just up ahead you love it i don't mind at all music to the ears it's got a rhythmic relaxation to it welcome to the new preach gaming asmr stream today we will live listening to the webbed crashes of toad feet hitting the ground join me won't you as we step into a world of pure imagination and enjoy the soothing sounds of crashing toefy i i am floor-toed yeah slapping the wet mud between our toes [Music] arthur told attempts to shake his head but you nevertheless understand that he is telling you this is the wrong way all right alvito turns to face the north perhaps she is suggesting you cross the bridge okay you think you come why did you get re-transfigured oh bison nice big yaks steady steady [Music] i actually genuinely resent people calling galaze red alphanome they're nothing alike like visually they are but i mean they're not the same it makes me very upset nodders this is definitely subtle i wouldn't suspect a thing i trust you will find your compensation to be more than satisfactory we wish to make clear that we are pleased with the efficiency and thoroughness of your work so much so that we have come bearing new tasks in need of your competent hand [Music] [Music] another lengthy list [Music] if i may speak frankly the cleaners have been pushed to the point of collapse by your unending demands we are not familiar to be exploited we are charlene scholars and we deserve an explanation for this unseemly treatment what warrants such urgency [Music] they're gonna make a union bro [Music] in an age long past charlie and was charged with a momentous duty and now that word of the final days hangs heavy in the air the time has come for us to fulfill that charge i can say no more but i promise you this all will be revealed in due course and when it has you will understand that your toil was in service to the greatest good [Music] for the greater good then i will do your bidding for now but unless you wish the cleaners to rise up in protest i advise you to offer tangible improvements for our working conditions your promised revelation does nothing to address present circumstances [Music] a fair point your concerns will be conveyed to the forum [Music] [Laughter] all right mate you're looking at i hope that was informative you may consider my debt to you repaid in full oh is it noah while i do have my reservations about the forum i want to believe that they have our best interests at heart which is why i'm reassured that you're busy sniffing out the truth of things we can ill afford to place all our eggs in one basket this master plan of theirs without first understanding the risks involved [Music] wait how did you know it was us if you mean to impersonate a toad try studying the real thing and don't try to fool an expert that's true we basically pretended to be a crocodile in front of steve irwin [Music] that's kind of what we just did there a little bit that's kind of what we just did uh yeah that's wrong i suppose we should have known a cleaner who specializes in animal procurement would not be so easily deceived yeah he seemed inclined to protect he's trusting us all the same too soon oh come on we all have all the love for steve more importantly perhaps we've discovered a new piece of the puzzle this momentous duty the forum agent mentioned surely it has been called to action and the telophary's declaration was the catalyst whatever charges they hope to fulfill they deem it sufficient imports disrupt all of labyrinthos not to mention ignore yorzi's request for aid [Music] hmm oh we're going to the forum yeah bro what duty could warrant the direct involvement of the forum and the commitment of all its resources judging by what we just heard none of the gleaners were offered any kind of explanation at this point it seems abundantly clear that we'll learn nothing new by pressing them further we should head back to each children cryo for the moment see what they think of this we should have had to hop back uh south westerly let's check [Music] what's going on in there we got a nice that's why they wanted us to come up here okay [Music] they actually have a moat around it what's this god if they're making black rose in there just wait to see what it was me just a bit of black rose [Music] there's an area up there with quests it's a wee jack they're just growing massive amounts of weed the ark needs animals history and huge sacks of marijuana if we're going to lock ourselves into the ground for the next 200 years that's what we need oh okay kinda true what would you take with you if you had to go underground which means there's gonna be no internet so you can't just say i'll take my pc take my pc [Music] well i mean the dogs are definitely going right but what are you going to take for some form of entertainment while you're trapped beneath you beneath the earth elden ring that's a good shot actually [Music] that's not a bad show condoms [ __ ] chats underground i'm [ __ ] oh [ __ ] welcome back where's kryl gone [Music] uh [Music] i trust you found aaronville then [Music] interesting i had a feeling you would learn something important even if that something was simply a confirmation that one no one knows much of anything we should share this with kryl and discuss how we'd like to proceed assuming we find her back at the farm she was still behaving oddly so i bet her return and rest perhaps not the best decision in hindsight would you mind checking near those flowers she was so entranced by the rest of us can survey the more distant areas just in case you decide to wonder oh the flowers are gonna be black aren't they yeah i know what's coming she's gonna be stood near the flowers and the flowers have turned black i can feel it in my guts what could be wrong with her though oh she hasn't got like brain cancer or something that would be [ __ ] horrible [Music] gamba i kind of hope it's some some void lord more scary than the jailer did it [Applause] a much voidier void lord voidlord plus the flowers yeah oh god the flower's black no so white's like anxiety and stuff okay oh we vice acted oh this is gonna be grim this is gonna be [ __ ] grim for you the spell will keep it from wilting oh i've got she said despair detector journey ahead you hide alone will you speak with her now i cannot hope to match menphilia's clarity of course but you've become the herald thank you do not worry she has lent me her body for only a moment just as i could not save the first from the flood of light it has become arduous for me to interact with the physical world without assistance she's got to ask for a sacrifice though i might converse with you for a time the incorporeal form i assumed on the ship would be incapable of casting even the simplest enchantment it is in the depths of the ethereal sea the place to which all life returns where my influence is greatest [Music] after menphilia's sacrifice on the first it was to the sea here in the source where i varied her soul i wished that gentle spirit to find rest in the world she loved so well that's nice and another who may yet have a part to play though that will depend on you someone's gonna die take the flower walk free for you are free to go where you wish to believe what you will that blue will be your guide test and proof of your conviction in darkness seek joy surrender not to sadness and see beyond despair walk free and bear the light for others to follow [Music] together raise it aloft and let it shine till the end blinding and radiant [Music] that was all too brief already she seemed so far away [Music] ah my apologies if i startled you ever since we began our descent into labyrinthos i had sensed another's will straining to reach out [Music] even with my particular talents though i was unable to make a connection at first so weak and tenuous it was once i took hold of that wispy thread imagine my surprise to discover it was heidling herself needless to say it seemed wise to learn what we could before letting go [Music] so that's probably the last message we're going to get from high school than i would have liked no [ __ ] but at least she left us with a guide of sorts that unusual flower [Music] yes we are definitely making progress you can't be serious we've done nothing wrong i'll say starting [ __ ] again [Music] has the forum with us obstruction and suppression apparently our records show you facilitated the science entrance into charlie and by claiming them as assistance for your organization bad bureaucracy we are aware of your investigations after alerting the major institutions to the presence of potential troublemakers we received word from an archaean custodian a group operating under the auspices of the students skulking about labyrinthos and engaging in clandestine behavior clandestine we may not have entered charlie in a scions but we did not to conceal our identities [Music] our only purpose in this city is to seek the truth i can think of no reason why our actions should warrant the forum's intervention it is not our way to discourage the pursuit of knowledge but the timing of such pursuits must be considered not to mention their potential impact with the world in chaos we the true caretakers of wisdom have committed ourselves to an undertaking that demands the utmost discretion and we will not risk its success by turning a blind eye to disruptive foreign elements in our midst foreigners again what then is to be our fate will you put us on a ship back to aosia the forum will convene to examine your case the results of said inquiry will determine your future in this city oh we're gonna have a trial as for your absent companion he has already been detained but why is reading a crime now too reading is encouraged celebrated even not however of the volumes shelved in the restricted well he has access to those he's allowed to read those [Music] he's an archon right isn't he allowed in there refusing to comply will only make matters worse let us instead not those he's under super super restricted to open a dialogue with the forum i wonder if he learned something [Music] silence is often one's best defense i would advise against prolonging the proceedings with frivolous discourse no but enough this is not the place for debate the rostra await i don't think i've forgotten about the kryl heideling cutscene with the distraction here i've seen enough penantello i know what's going on [Music] right well i oh there's always really yeah it's a total diversion this just happens to slip right into the oh they're still going i need to make a note siri remind me in two minutes about kryl [Music] done good job siri [Music] forgive me i was careless we would have been detained regardless this way at least we managed to stay together i really hope ish just [ __ ] dropped some bombs right now she pissed i trust your time within the forbidden archives as well sneeze the forum will come to order thank you thank you this inquiry is now in session as speaker-elect i will be presiding over the day's proceedings master fortuner would you be so kind as to restate the matter which compelled you to summon your colleagues with such urgency oh they're not happy [Music] as you were all aware we recently denied aorzia's request for charlie and assistance since then certain individuals dissatisfied with our decision have taken it upon themselves to interfere with our work they entered our nation masquerading as associates of the students of baldessian but these malcontents are better known as the science of the seventh dawn malkinson cheeky bastard these militants wield influence with both the aorzian and eastern alliances and are inextricably involved with the crises presently afflicting the world at large loose in our city these warmongers sought to meddle with and expose matters of state secret that is true what are they if not a dire threat to be expelled i am a warmonger that's factual you have tarnished the good name of the students gallup would be ashamed i have a mech oh [ __ ] galif baldessian was never one to forsake his fellow man even if this nation closed every door and retreated from the world he would have found a way to help the scions help every soul of this star fight back against the coming doom [Music] a terrible enemy stands poised to lay waste to all we hold dear in the face of such madness aorzia reached out to charlie a respected ally in the hopes of forming a united front tell them was your curt dismissal truly the best you could offer or are you so preoccupied with your momentous duty of an age long past that even the end of the world is unworthy of your attention whence came this revelation we did some frog [ __ ] dude from the mouth of a forum member within fortuitous earshot [ __ ] frog life bro frog life then it seems you're finding support my own what did he learn the reason i visited the restricted shelves was to study records of the forum's policy-making process to better understand the historical trends underlying their most major decisions at first glance the positions of neutrality and war and the accumulation of knowledge above all else appear constant and consistent the unchanging pillars of charlie in society and once upon a time i might have left it at that these days however i am more attuned to the subtleties of governance and so i noticed something odd do you tell from a particular point in time the purpose of these policies shifted no longer was knowledge preserved for the benefit of society rather society was to be gradually reshaped to ensure the preservation of knowledge [Music] the most conspicuous and telling change was the one which befell labyrinthos once little more than an oversized storehouse an enormous allocation of funds saw it transformed into an advanced research and archival facility i also discovered a fascinating account on the finances of our dravanian colony the settlement attracted students from far and wide tuition fees thus acquired were funneled into further improvements for the archives bastards now there is no question that our nation's progress is tied to the acquisition of wisdom nevertheless the vast resources diverted for this purpose borders on the obscene yeah he's literally doing that taxes returning to the matter of when our change in course appears to have been made some 270 years ago the very same period when charlie and scholars in the hinterlands began a formal study of the ethereal sea they found something out though right that's the whole point did you not yeah gave rise to your oh so important duty you found out the day the world ends if you had seen darth vader yes we are bound by a duty we cannot ignore knowing this what would you have us do are we glossing over that abandon our vital work and join you on the field of battle we will never choose the way of the sword the [ __ ] don't close over fulfill our mission not through strife and bloodshed but survival come what may we shall live on we must this is [ __ ] do as you must then but we scions will fight until the heavens fall until our last breath such misguided seal father i master fortuner i fail to understand the stance you have elected to take but by the same token i have yet to find a compelling argument to counter the challenge you put to us in gridania still in the midst of my uncertainty [Music] i must trust in myself to do what is right as others have chosen to trust in me you don't need that man so i will continue as i always have weighing the consequences of my every action and allowing my hope for the future to inform my decisions that's quite enough have you all forgotten the reason for this assembly the real real buddy maybe scarlock montecian he's the head of the studio and an old friend of my grandfather's is this the big cheese honestly every discussion devolves into some interminable debate terrible habit let's return to the topic at hand hmm by their own admission these scions have resolved to fight alongside the eorzean nations against the doom which swift approaches [Music] but there exists no evidence of an attempt to incite ourselves good guy furthermore while our decision may well have been the correct one we cannot simply pull our way through these disagreements without inviting doubts or objections there's no such thing as a reason what is this who among you would leave a tome unopened if an elder forbid you read it with no reason given no if we're to quell further discontent then we must conclude this matter with a fair and even hand [Music] order we will have order or as the monte chain raises some valid points order keeping such concerns in mind i propose we enforce the following measures [Music] until further notice the students of baldessian are to cease any and all activities within the domain of charlie what why you also refrain from any further investigation into the forum's decisions and duties dude that is something dark [ __ ] these restrictions will result in the immediate expulsion of your scion associates stop checking our history wow let us put this judgment to a vote all in favor raise your hand come on democracy democracy democracy [Music] who's doing the count [Music] i count 51 4 and 48 again oh are we going to have a proposal [Music] students signs you have heard the forum's judgment pray abide by it or face the consequences [Music] honored members i thank you for your time this inquiry is concluded that was horse [ __ ] [Music] that was harsh [ __ ] [Music] okay that was a lot that was like 20 minutes of cutscenes that was a lot all right going back then reminder thank you thank you right i can picture i've already got this picture in my head of [Music] the world being let me see the world being plunged into darkness the despair running wild [Music] and then i raised the flower as the only beacon of hope left [Music] and it lights the way and we lead people to safety or we'd lead them to sacrifice for heidling right i think kryl's okay gabba i start like i feel like the darkness is gonna come from somewhere and the flower is gonna guide us somewhere something like that uh as for these guys i mean i cannot believe that a bunch of scholars who aren't influenced or corrupt in some way would feel okay with banning checking the history of their their their country that that's that's that's some comrade [ __ ] that is you're no longer allowed to check what our decisions like that's some comrade [ __ ] right there [Music] i don't like it i don't like it what about darth vader though yeah like it's so weird we glossed over that it's really weird that we gussed over that because clearly there was somebody either invisible or maybe again it's like harry potter when they were controlling the um the broomstick but so i mean he was choked right so is there somebody invisible there is is some assistant [ __ ] going on i don't know what the [ __ ] is zeno's up to at this point right he's just chilling where's fun daniel he's just playing in his towers getting ready to kill everybody i mean i'm on so many different tracks right now that whether fun daniel is just setting up to butch i i think i think what's what they're planning is to kill half the world to power up zodiac i think that's where they're going i think that's the plan [Music] either way i think a lot of people are going to die i wonder if we face the morals question of whether we although we don't want to sacrifice people to empower zodiac in some way do we need is it a good play to maybe kill a load of people to get heidling back because oh does zodiac come back oh do we really recreate the asean situation where they do sacrifice half the planet and bring zodiac back and we need some way of restoring heidelin [Music] no no i i think there's a lot of uh it's a good play to kill a load of people [Music] well these are the questions these are the questions we must ask ourselves look no one said it was easy oh [ __ ] hello uh hold on about a situation develop hold on [Music] one moment please [Music] we fixed it we'll find okay sacrifice to mike yeah i don't think so we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good i'm not wrecking the room i've got boxes of [ __ ] like oh good well good i'm respectful of the areas they give me [Music] okay yeah a lot of people are gonna die i mean a lot i think some thanos [ __ ] is coming but mayhaps we could restore mayhaps i wonder if we've got backups well these have been allowed to remain in the city and our endless investigations have not been in vain we know that this mysterious duty of theirs began with whatever the forum discovered in the ethereal sea with our freedom so slowly curtailed however we were struggling to learn more of substance here in charlie [Music] the overall picture has grown clearer yes that's in spite of the forum being so maddeningly vague about this duty of theirs why are they so reluctant to explain their actions in plain words survival come what may his father's work so vital that it takes precedence over his own family alpha no alize it is you i heard you've been dragged from before the forum i came as swiftly as i could i'm so very glad they allowed you to stay oh hey well this is awkward mother hey mum looking good bro fist brofist brofist [Music] amelia slavio at your service and you find people must be the scions of the seventh dawn how lovely it is to finally meet you [Music] martha please we don't wish to make things difficult for you if word reaches father that you were here [Music] bothered that am i to be chastised for speaking with my own children i am well aware that you and master forshannel are not of the best of terms at the moment i've been absolutely desperate to see my darlings again what a mum what a mum your dad [ __ ] off who cares what your dad thinks too real far too real you will come by the house won't you i have gifts waiting uh timing couldn't be better it's about to stand we shall be going anywhere until we discuss matters with thank red's group and reconsider our options go visit your home we're back at the annex when you're ready to join us um i'm not sure we floor what do you think [Music] floor the floor inspector what a splendid day this has turned out to be champion of ayorza i insist that you join us uh okay i robbed your house before but we must be quick about it not for my old benefit but should my husband return and find you enjoying our hospitality the service will be made to suffer the consequences sounds like an awesome marriage i'm sure ever says the same [Music] floor if you'd be so kind as to escort my children to these states [Music] and then she was gone and without any opportunity to protest [Music] indeed the batter is settled enjoy yourselves you three [Music] this is gonna be the most awkward dinner ever and what's worse is they've put butter on all the sandwiches and i can't eat them so i've gotta politely not eat over tea and there's no scones [ __ ] ruined sure alpha thinks nothing of it he invited classmates over all the time but i well it wasn't the most it was a different time for me all right okay [Music] yeah we're gonna have afternoon tea with no scones [ __ ] ruined worst day ever i apologize my mother is not wanting to take no for an answer still i'm glad she glad relieved even to see her in such high spirits but say you floor though as soon as we should have little enough time to enjoy it whether you're a company as an artist at home [Music] ali no friends you know what to say about alice a she's got no friends and she smells like beef i'll say fine if we're going then let's get it over with be sure to stay in the entrance hall no peeking into our private chambers thank you very much what did you leave in there [Music] why ever not your room is always perfectly neat and tidy [Music] everyone has things they'd rather keep to themselves don't they now don't look at my special draw i have cherished mementos you can't bring yourself to throw away children's toys i mean uh never mind laviera studies that way straight down the stairs come on okay i don't mind this system of them following you they just don't need three text boxes to explain that it's happening again like the text boxes could be the first time the next the lords after that could be they're now following you yeah they just don't need three pop-ups to explain what's going on [Music] i don't mind these extra dialogue options that you can skip if you want this i think this is cool now saying i were little this bridge was as far as we permitted to wander alone i say alone but my mother or a servant was always somewhere nearby keeping a watchful eye and now look at us traveling to different continents different worlds even we've done some [ __ ] dude children alfredo and i would often wait here for our father to come home from work it must have been a day when his meetings ran long because i remember growing restless and leaning over at the railings to watch the water rush by father of course arrived at that exact moment came pounding down the path in a panic crying out my name for looking over the bridge and you had a servant watching you gucci [Music] trust fund kids yeah helicopter parents man they're so weird because in mexico one of the villages we visited was just a rubbish tip and uh there was just a baby playing on top of it like in a nappy i was like emma would you let the kids do that and she's like i don't know what i don't know where we are i don't know this is this is a different world that we're in right now ah here you are at last please do come in emma's a helicopter parent yeah that was full carrying mode when it comes to the kids jesus [ __ ] i hate this welcome home my lady [Music] nope that scares me to death [Music] i can't stand the posh i can't stand like complete obnoxious [ __ ] like this like that's awful [Music] what what are you gulping at why are you 13 again what do you mean what we're looking at we're in a mansion you [ __ ] crazy [Music] oh gods please don't it makes me feel like a spoiled princess you're acting like it don't lose stocks [Music] lord forshino is not to hear of this visit [Music] and i should also like the children to have their gifts and my husband makes his return as you wish my lady as you wish my lady [Music] f i i feel like everyone's master i control if you'd accompany me upstairs we shouldn't be long new outfits are they changing their outfits [Music] mayhaps this feels like an outfit change [Music] the twins have been sending letters home from time to time recounting their latest adventures i am sure they withhold certain details of course if only to keep me from worrying yet a mother worries all the same in the early days especially i tried to support them as best i could sending the scions coin and other such donations is that right tataru fortunately they have found the strength to overcome adversity time and time again their words grow more confident with every letter their depictions more vivid the triumphs and defeats the joys and sorrows it is clear that they have come to find value in every experience but of those they treasure most it would seem that meeting you might be the most impactful like since that fateful day i do believe there has not been a single missive in which you were not mentioned by name [Music] that's what i do i kill the men at his plane they care for you and i am glad they have such a steadfast companion watching over them [Music] under normal circumstances i would offer you tea but alas these are anything but in any event why don't you keep me company whilst we await my children's return perhaps you might regale me with a tail or two of your exploits [Music] i went to a different world and then it was all white but then i uh i killed a big monster now there's flowers huh [Music] i i've done a lot you know ah it's an outfit change mentioned gifts i wasn't sure what to expect it's a thriller mother i oh look how well it fits you and the style is to your liking [Music] oh we're going for hot butts exactly what i would have chosen but please tell me you had something different made for alphanet yeah blue one naturally you are hardly little children anymore and while i shall miss dressing you in those precious matching although i know it'd be inappropriate if you came down a leather a leather posing pouch and a [ __ ] mask i would piss my pants see for yourself [Music] stylish comfortable and eminently practical i am so glad you like them they are however missing one final touch oh no don't ruin it [Music] if you would allow me master alfino don't ruin it [Music] wait are these are sages tools of the trade they belong to your father can we fly though he may as well be changed to his desk these days as a student he was often called upon to venture into the field he wielded those armaments both to heal and to harm in no few battles none so fierce as those you two have braved but before i'll say previously just by two cents did i pull them out of storage to show you that he was not always the man who stands in vehement opposition to you now [Music] and also because it would be a terrible waste of ridiculously expensive house levier commissioned art history winky wink [Music] these devices are quite difficult to master but someone of your extensive experience should soon have them darting about with grace and aplomb may the wisdom in that crystal serve you well and please try to find common ground with your father that you might come and go without need for this awful subterfuge just put us on trial mother trial for reading books okay common ground actually just on trial for reading i promise my final gifts to you before you run off are an observation and a suggestion [Music] firstly forshino has ever been a serious man but it was only after you were born that he truly lost himself with his work [ __ ] i'll but i know your father's the timing of that change in him holds some significance secondly do not seek to best your father with words oh far better that you simply show him let him discover the merit of your actions after they cannot be undone ah just do it nice yeah don't tell him just do it and deal with it we shall take your wisdom to heart thank you again for these gifts and farewell for now not very lovingly safe travels my children eat well stay warm and keep your friends close [Music] can you imagine not giving your mom a hugger a kiss right oh gosh she gotta squeak every time she walks alisa has become a proper squeaker [Music] it's not proper i'm giving my mom a hug all day early hugs aren't a japanese thing [Music] westernized baby hug face by the tip deck boxes seven to six charlie thank you very much for the gift it's up and sorry for killing you three times now chaos toaster thank you very much for 28 months turpo six months at the door eager welcome yeasty lines i'm glad you made it it's ed walker i hope the vacay was good it certainly was said the brit what do you mean [Music] i'll have you know i'm a very loving individual i have many cuddles to give hugs hugs increase the dopamine hugs good [ __ ] [Music] thank you for indulging about this request i can see it meant a lot to her and i shall refrain from inquiring as the content of your private conversation and i do apologize that you weren't offered even a single cup of tea during our visit in japan we don't have cups of tea our visit was all too brief for now however it'll have to suffice as well as these tokens of home that we'll carry with us use gifts to help us remember who we are and whence we came it's enough sentimentality let us return to the annex and we join our companions oh chairs [Music] uh what are we going to i mean i i did i'm pretty sure [Music] that's your fault as much as mine [Music] it really is you're responsible not a tune may god do your tumor how's germany it's gorgeous outside actually facts i can see all wild alex outside oh he's about to go casting i'm like [ __ ] when am i casting i'm casting with alex today let me go say hi to alex for two minutes guys just wanna say hi while he's got some free time because he's gonna be on the desk we'll be two means [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hi sorry about that i never mute this microphone um yeah let's just talk to alex alex is going to be casting over on the race to world first with echo in an hour uh at 1pm and i'm joining him at two so you've got me and alex this afternoon that is gonna be so [ __ ] hype am i still muted no i'm on now [ __ ] it uh so yeah you got me and alex this afternoon that's gonna be really fun he's gonna be raid leading me in the chat man it's gonna be bad he's gonna be actually raid leading me so are they still doing splits what the boys up to any checkers i imagine so wow there's 70k viewers over there that's sweet that's great to see and feed you uh the wrong information um so you need that third person to come in sorry oh they're still doing dreadlords okay and i think we just i think we just saw that there if i saw that correctly um yeah still yeah is that zero mythic kills globally still did none of the eu guilds try it someone checking very convincing yeah nobody nobody's trying to kill mythic yet not one person is doing mythic who's casting in the minute it's okay mage and steak lines uh was the first cast yeah like this is so weird i need a bottle opener i have a little beverage this is day i mean it's day one day two for the us so we probably see some mythic polls today maybe maybe they might be doing more splits when usa wakes up man they might be doing even more splits [Music] well the thing is once they choose tears that ross ross is cute i'm locked out of my room can i use yours it's important not after last time [Music] took me an hour to clean the carpet yeah i'm not rooming with ross no way next time no rain don't pull somebody yeah i think so i think so the thing is whoever got tier or whoever gets tear off these bosses oh they have it on in the lobby actually roger's on the big screen in the office uh in the the main lobby uh they're the new mains so then they'll be splitting for those mains as well so we'll see we'll see [Music] enjoyed your time 11 years i helped i would ask how the twins fared but their new outfits tell the tale i only hope we can help them to reconcile with their father that they might return home one day with their heads held high in the meantime we are ever closer to the secret the forum strives to hide and the flower bequeaths you by heidel and sure to guide us going forward so i assume kryl is fine now she was just weak and having headaches because heidling was reaching out to her and it was weak so she was like boosting the signal so i'm guessing kryl's fine now she's not going to die i'm glad i didn't place that gamba i'm confident that once you've scouted out the situation with afner we'll be well equipped to plot out our next move okay [Music] or is she yeah or is she i'm not worried now anyway i'm not worried all right so for fafnir bound let's go [Music] i have kyle's instructions in hand if you're ready to set out then so are we having bins with there before i could travel by etherite but one of the rest of you another sea voyage would waste time we do not have trial was of the same mind and has already secured the aid of the good folk of the confluence we'll take ourselves there the confluence thou sayest i'm afraid so my friend dark history thou will recall the hunt for iceheart unto whose sanctuary we delivered the owing to the knowledge of our comrade moon breeder was an authority on ethereology a field of study she did embark upon in pursuit of her parents example [Music] both her authorities and her own rights are both the researchers at the confluence haven't you got to see them yet [Music] i attempted to do so earlier but to my shame my courage failed me at the last as at half the many times i thought to reach out to them after sending that faithful letter neither time nor introspection have revealed unto me the words i should speak thus have i kept my silence whether you come with us or know is your choice and yours alone if it is too difficult we'll manage thou art kind to say so but i have no intention of forsaking our cause i shall go to the confluence and i shall face that which hath long been overdue it is settled then let us be off when we arrive we should look for a researcher named kite all right all right boys uh did chris send me the seal list it's on my pc maybe oh they're just taking the piss out of me why is my team just taking the piss out of me like what do you get out of it this this is what's in my team chat right now just [ __ ] and what is how old is this picture yeah if you could chris if you could just uh discord it's a notepad file it's on my desktop on my pc [Music] we're not in the first anymore it could be elegant [ __ ] i i would i would i'll gather 10 subs there's elegant [ __ ] in the secret lab they're doing elegant [ __ ] i'll put 10 i'll gather on that there's elegant [ __ ] in the secret lab that's why there's force fields and stuff there's elegant [ __ ] in there i'm not gonna go as far as to say alpha's in there but [Music] okay [Music] [Music] well now this is a rather lot of stern faces my library books overdue again not to our knowledge we're associates of cryo of the students of baldessian we seek passage to the thaveno in the understanding that you can assist us ah the test subjects welcome welcome what test subjects oh god is this like half-life 2. they built a teleporter test subjects oh you haven't heard well then allow me to explain so in order to travel to an ether right you ordinarily need to be attuned to it beforehand otherwise you can't use it as a beaker to seek it out while you're a mess of ether hurtling along the livestream an inconvenient but incontrovertible limitation of etherite teleportation but what if i were to tell you that there's a way to travel to an etherite without being attuned to it [Music] a way to teleport instantly to places you've never been for long years we've labored to make such travel possible that people might move about more freely [Music] swag has arrived look that's echo swag mine mine yes that's all mine there's echo swag yeah dude we've got echo swag that's all mine dude every single element of that is gonna be mine i'm yoinking it that is a yoinkers and we finally done it we've created a new kind of etherite that doesn't require achievement truly that changes everything well my language might have been a bit misleading the user did not attune to those etherites but the etherites themselves must have been pre-attuned to each other thereby facilitating trouble between two points but it just so happens that of our first pair of aetherites one has been installed here in charlene and the other over in the other place in favner [Music] as you know our nation has long maintained strong ties with rats at hen and indeed we owe much of this breakthrough to the contributions of their alchemists [Music] so to sum up we are to test these etherites how fortuitous for you i should mention that an accident has impaired my ability to channel ether will this be a problem not at all as a matter of fact you might say these rights were made for people like you poor people non-magic people the magics imbued within will whisk you away without any effort on your part a veritable dream come true far be it for me to worry about such things but we do have permission to make use of your shiny new invention the only permission required is yours so assuming you're willing we're all set and don't worry about that dead thing you see in the corner that was uh an early test a beta test it may come as a surprise but we actually struggle to find test subjects most people seem to have a reasonable fear of their souls gradually disintegrate as they drift helplessly in the livestream or being merged with a fly while teleporting and coming out into a slaughtering beast in a statistically unlikely event that something does go awry but it's plain that you aren't most people mrs kryl truly knows how to pick them if i might change the subject i'll master wilfson mistress blow weeder not present today oh you didn't hear they've recently reassigned their posts their expertise was needed elsewhere is that right a large scale project held by the forum itself as i understand but i'm not privy to the details hmm [Music] i see any other questions nope now let's get going before you change your minds please see to your preparations and head outside to eat right plaza i'll be along shortly yeah the top the top uh the top dudes have been reassigned to secret projects [Music] [ __ ] off braggart try to try to stall me okay now how i mean that this this edward has a lot to do to compare to shadowbringers zones but so far they've nailed it [Music] no words and said yet way heavy on my heart i shall devote mine all to our tuscan thumbnail okay [Music] right we're all set hey i wasn't far off awesome just the four of you was it three i'm already attuned to the crystalline thavenir you are oh i would have preferred more test subjects oh the disappoint oh well never mind if our three travelers could line up here please yes right there is fine take a deep breath and i'll soon have you soaring through the ether here we go [Music] oh and one last thing you might experience a teensy-weensy touch of violent ethereal sickness good luck violent what doctor who music oh damn it i'll take some sickness for a bit of emmett rising from the southeast waters of the bounty this isle of plenty served as the battleground for a conflict between two peoples their cultures bled into one another until a unique amalgamation was distilled from the chaos in a process not unlike their precious alchemy that was like an elephant once solidified as a single nation an adamant stance of neutrality would hold invaders at bay for a time now across this vibrant isle creeps a fog of malice what choice do you have do i do hildebrand justinian oh i thought arya could have beaten it oh no man down against such an insidious though this looks very eastern or indian maybe we go for an indian vibe here oh no not the fetal position brother i've seen fairer faces after a bout of bad shellfish oh poori andre man let me bring you something to drink that should help you yeah please anybody got any tips for opening this bottle any bottle doors my desk hasn't got a rigid edge to open it yeah the desk isn't good enough it's got like a there was a note instructions help one help don't let astinian roam the markets alone america's he's alarmingly bad with coin oh i brought my lanyard so that was not made of sterner stuff [Laughter] that was that was not made of a solid material let's put it that way [ __ ] it [Music] got it though no the cap remains sturdy i tell you what whoever makes fritz cola now look it's been since we've had a glass bottle in the uk oh [ __ ] [Music] oh dope head walker colours yeah dude [Music] [ __ ] just worked [Music] razor mice the death [Music] i've got spare keyboards mouse i locked away just open it with another bottle how [Music] how [Music] i've got to smash it it's glass abby you're german german team how do i make this work he's one for an edge this sounds like i'm gonna break my hand there's someone in front of me with an echo shirt but yeah you need two closed bottles i've only got one clothes bottle another cup yeah i can't okay whatever i'm gonna cut my hand open man i'm not gonna do it let's go get a bottle opener i'm not checking oh son of a [ __ ] i'm not trolling i have cut my hand open [ __ ] ah no bleeding man no bleeding i need one second i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't want to get up from the desk again yeah really now i'm bleeding not a lot not a lot just a little bit a little bit i'm not busted [Music] medic i'm just gonna [ __ ] sort this out any maskers where did i put my mask new mask oh it's there it's on the floor i won't be a minute i'm sorry [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] all right we'll live we'll live we'll live we'll be fine we'll be fine we'll live where's food why put a bowl yeah there's no bottle openers at the bar either i did not get a ball open i know but i did clean up my hand so that'll do that i'll do no the bottle remains wait am i actually debuffed where's justinian oh my god taylor's the discord nice one dude thank you um you're there i need three drinks something that helps with ether sickness uh by the ma malusia traveler greetings greetings welcome you are wise good sir to come to me our special amber lassie maybe the finest and freshest ingredients is fade [Music] um there's an elephant man i'm not even gonna lie i thought that was azzy okay playable when [Music] of a war welcome to the tavern i'm pleased to offer it to you for the low low price of 19 and 800 gil for not one not two but three bottles of bargain amongst bargains the price is high road rubbery and you want to say as much justinian but you realize any words of warning you cry out would be accompanied by a last meal you must stand before austinian and using gestures deny that the deal is fair estydia doesn't know the alcoholic astinian doesn't know that 20 000 gil is rubbery okay hey astinian that's too much deny uh i thought you could barely stand what do you need me to tell me so urgent that's [ __ ] weird wait i shouldn't buy the lassie this merchant is swindling me oh it's a serious apology sir but i appear to have my prices confused it's actually hundred and ninety 1890 for three balls of lassie that fusion would have been quite costly for both of us very well then your coin am i commentating this race world first yeah buddy in about two hours yeah a bottle for each of you take them to the others and get some rest [Music] i'll be back after and explore this town uh i think i'm casting for five hours ish today maybe longer something like that did i attune to this i went to it but did i technically attune to it no no no no no no no no no no it's fine yeah [Music] i'm happy to get the split casting out the way now it's always something that hangs over our heads in the first week is because you know it's coming [Music] praise be to the twelve my stomach doth loosen its death grip my heartfelt thanks to the inestinian and the fine fruits of this land yeah zero mythic bosses killed this week's just splits for an entire reset they were in time excellent you've spared us to taru's wrath sweet sweet release if you haven't already you should have yours too [Music] i mean personally it's a mistake right the true right i'm ready to get on with it the lassie truly worked wonders drink it back on your feet i see thy thy hair i i've bound it it's the most i could do against this heat shot of shedding my armor may i ask where you got the cord for it and then we've got a bubble any bubbles a local fender the man said it was stavnarian weave tough and not easily unraveled has he been ripped off for a bubble and how much did it cost 9400 gil a steal i was told there's nothing fancy but i've always valued function over font why is he such a [ __ ] idiot why have they turned into this [ __ ] clown fiesta what's going on i don't get it why they made it to like he's never been outside of his house he's been wandering the world for like the last expansion i missed something in the cutscene he's never used money before he just doesn't understand money my five-year-old understands money all right but he's been i don't get it though he's been living in kugani for so long in a bar literally i didn't pay attention i've literally read his backstory though it makes no sense for free everybody you're surrounded by it whatever i'll i'll get over it and i'll roll with it that's incredible i dare say not even alpha dog could hold a candle to you it's not common for merchants to sell their prices higher but does not seem excessive are all handish merchants so unscrupulous i expected the address your dragoon to put up more of a fight i did i'll go with that i missed the info but fine on that subject i shall refrain from making comments as i cannot help but observe that the merchants seem overzealous in their pursuit of profit claiming thavnir as his dominion the nation of radzadhan hath long thrived as a hope of commerce in the beginning there were the arki boys a matanga tribe indigenous to the island over time they came to be joined by other races and through their intermingling a culture rich and distinct did emerge from alchemy to textiles the products of hanish culture have come to be celebrated and coveted the world over a development only aided by the nation's prime location as a waypoint betwixt east and west [Music] all of this hath combined to make a trading power of rats at han yet such a status cannot be taken for granted nay it must needs be maintained through judicious governance and stringent regulation neither of which i see of any evidence given that merchants at the gateway town are free to fleece hapless travelers and tarnish the reputation of the nation at large just so the opportunistic pricing is rampant doth suggest that oversight is much weakened or mayhap that the people have fallen upon hard times whatever the truth may be it would be prudent to ascertain the current state of affairs prudence and practical eye we've not to lose by learning more so how we seek out krill's acquaintances shall we see what information we can gather here at yellowmart excellent we didn't exactly get off to a flying start but we'll make up for it alright let's meet the locals the thieving thieving locals right let us split up and make inquiries in town floor of the pier is yours once we have learned what we can we regroup by the etherite off-putting through the mere size of it baby all right hello local friends this is me i have no money don't ask you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you're an absolute [ __ ] aussie [Music] [Music] all right i'm joining this crate of fruit blending in yeah he's re-rolled early this guy he's got early access the crate is laden with fruits but they are on the verge of spoiling as if they have been left too long [Music] a lot of geese well now if it is a traveller you know rare sight in these unsettled times people have been giving us a wide birth since that cursed tower suddenly appeared in there and there they just stood there looked obviously perhaps things would be fine after a fascia but now they had to support felfriends as well we still have our lives thanks to the radiant house but business is as good as dead well because of us only gods know okay gamba i can't cover anything i don't know what's happening here i mean the uh the tower is everywhere right it's not like just here there's a tower gazing out from the pier you spy boats moored off nearby aisles interestingly enough no tower in charleon curiously there is no tower in charlie and the silhouettes of larger seafaring vessels farther away compared to all the ports we've visited the past there appears to be very little activity [Music] uh what am i doing i'm recording my sales still do it daily out of habit i don't know why i bother hardly sell anything these days business has never been this terrible but i suppose things could be even worse i could have a consortium to keep afloat like kalazzi i don't envy his position but to be alone with my little operation i've come to realize you're a traveler by the looks of you if you have a moment perhaps you could pay calzal a visit you'd be glad of tidings from abroad like as not you'll find him at the salt wind sails the arbor guild bearer building across the water from here [Music] what are you guys counting what's this zero out of three fish one out of three fish [Music] what are you counting [Music] what are you cowie don't pepe laugh me all i see is a [ __ ] elephant riding a flying pig [Music] i'm getting ff14 to death right now [Music] the dal muskets aren't coming but we already have everything they ordered what are we supposed to do with it i don't know but yelling me isn't going to help paul i know is that their plans have changed and that's that look you must have known this might happen the empire's at war but itself and the provinces are in chaos and then there's the tower sitting on our doorstep spitting out monstrosities cities it's defenses but we've been offered no protection out here we can't blame foreigners for not wanting to take the risk [Music] but this will be an enormous loss all right all right forget about the damascus surely some ships are still coming right copium we have fresh produce handicrafts medicine all the perennial lavish favorites our consortium works closely with merchants and artists i'd supply the only finest worse quality guaranteed i know all these things cause i'll i do that's why i regret to say i have nothing for you all voyages have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed [Music] and you are wait you're a foreigner arena a merchant tell me you're a merchant i see that's a shame i'm sorry but we're discussing a part of matters if you need something please talk to someone else uh excuse me my name is matsia and i'm here to see khalsa [Music] oh it seems he's busy i'll come back later then [Music] sad elephant that no i don't like that i don't want sad elephants that's really [ __ ] that's grim oh that's sad elephants [Music] oh he's a lonely sad elephant azzy come on huggle this guy i need emergency hugs for matsia [Music] he strikes me as a dapper elephant yes can i help you ah i remember seeing you back in the guild you wanted to speak with causal too did you i'm matia a fisherman of akiyali a nearby village i sell my catch to khalsal who offers it to foreign merchants but he hasn't bought anything for a while now when i heard that the consortium had been struggling i became worried and decided to come and see it [Music] just as soon as he's free anyway he's a hard-working man i dare not disturb him [Music] a fisherman's friend uh if i may ask what is it that you do good sir it's about the floor an adventure you say and you travel the world helping people then that must mean you're great at dealing with strangers please won't you teach me to be like you you see i brought some fresh fish with me a portion i couldn't preserve and i want to sell them the problem is i'm terrible with people i've only ever dealt with causal and i can't talk to customers without getting my trunk in a twist so please as silly as it might sound will you not peddle the fish in my stead show me how it's done [Music] if you're willing please let me know and we begin at once a sad socially anxious elephant the events to follow cannot be skipped oh brutal you may wish to cancel any pending duty finder registrations wow [Music] okay you'll do it then show me how to deal with customers i am in your debt right please try pedaling my fish to shall we say three people are here in your hildmart i'll observe you and i shall learn okay let's sell some fish baby [Music] roll up roll up [Music] you look like you're in need of a little bit of fish there pal are we selling fish to fishermen [Music] oh yes fish fish i got fish here fresh fish straight from the sea's bosom to your mouth i like the last part uh let's let's let's make friends greetings to you too i suppose that well enough given the circumstance things have settled down somewhat but it was a chaos when the tower first appeared everyone grabbing whatever they could trampling over each other to get to the city many remain there for now but i could not stay away had to come back and continue with my life such as this whether or not it was the right choice only time will tell it's too risky out here maybe you ought to move to the city too there's no place like home but don't do anything dangerous that one oh trust me i don't i make sure to keep well clear of the tower and when more monsters emerge from it i i heed the radiant host instructions i hope they deal with it soon so we get back to our normal lives the days when you could earn as much as you gave and suck it to a meal satisfy that you did good work yeah would you like some fish you sound hungry [Music] fresh fish you say yeah oh you're a fishmonger when you bait me like that how can i not bite very well give me some of your fish thank you for your custom the catch of the day is shallows cod delectable steward and coconut milk are baked with a sprinkle of salt number one baby number one failed your gamba did you failed your gamba towers and shambles and absolute shambles all right [Music] it's just [ __ ] up guys it's just [ __ ] up so will you sort that blood out apparently zoe is taking the crew for barbecue this weekend if you're coming down to hamburg to say hi lucky sons of guns [Music] martial has yet to arrive oh god i've lost my elephant [ __ ] hold on i've lost an elephant help [Music] found it okay let's go got it we're good we're good we're good we're good imagine not being able to keep up well as he's a faster elephant [Music] i'll be your elephant let me be your elephant i need my chat bubbles again is the launcher working yet yeah okay are you you sell fruit by chance if so i'll buy some amber let's say it doesn't they don't need to be export quality of course it may seem like a lot but i've got scurvy riding up my ass and i need it i go through that much of it in no time at all i'm a stock taker by trade but with no vessels coming in these days the wares are beginning to pile up by the same token nothing is coming in from overseas but our day goes by there someone doesn't come asking whether shipment is arriving for this and then this net all of it wears me down and i find myself feeling constantly angry are you sure you're actually hungry i know how you feel yeah i know how you feel [Music] thank you a bit you don't sell through but i enjoy a little chat someone might have my troubles for the moment what no i was empathizing i was communicating what [Music] she's hungry never mind if nothing else you left it with a positive impression let's move on to north side of town charlie that is garbage that is trash actual trash panda yeah that is ridiculous we were talking about being hungry metallic they were the five gifted subs thank you so much brother enjoy those videos everyone ethy whether they're thank you very much the freshest batch of copious coming up 21 months baby indeed 21 joyous months noob oh my god i worked in sales for several years thank you very much and i was extremely good at it i was promoted to the manager of the sales team the big cheese the big kahuna the lord of the rings jaws [Music] why is it you don't mind i'm rather busy these crates aren't mine and how i'll find out what's in them oh blessed be this the ball openers arrived i don't know why someone watching the stream i didn't ask for one someone brought me a bottle opener [Music] bless me thank you whoever's watching the stream this is for you do i have to give it back they'll ask give me back right i'll just leave it on the desk for now blessed be oh that feels good some nice lukewarm water oh god's my stomach [Music] the ether sickness no no nothing so unusual my hurry to get back to work i just ate a little too quickly some fresh fish will sell your stomach um if i was feeling sick would i want fresh fish uh you should take it easier eat more slowly and savor your food i am panicking because you guys are gonna laugh at me going with number one fresh fish will settle your stomach trust me i'm a sales guy ugh food is the last thing i need right now go sell your face to someone else life's not fair never mind we just approached him at about time and timing is everything yes thank you so much for your demonstration it was truly eye-opening experience come let us return to the pier i just want to point out if i could write my own dialogue i would have sold all the fish all the fish i really would have nailed it [Music] no for real i would have like i i i i could i could sell some [ __ ] it is do i need to take the [ __ ] elephant with me again oh my god we're going to the pier you know where that is what are you up to there's a sore house like any other at first glance in contrast to its scale there is a distinct lack of activity [Music] what up brother how did you not get three out of three what happens is you can click the wrong option and then you don't get three out of three check the bar to go back through it you'll figure it out [Music] there you go what what's this now up on the store [Laughter] make sure you're going to preachgate.com for our brand new birch davnerian hair ties so hot you wanted to take off your armor bind your hair with a real genuine weave practically impossible to unweave straight from a random dude in a tent in the thavenir by on streamlabs jesus christ just take my money nailed it absolutely nailed it a steal a stinion yeah we need some five out of five like amazon reviews on their becks otherwise people won't think it's real yeah make sure we get them on thank you so much for showing me how to talk to customers you manage to sell ones sell to one of the three people you approached it was difficult but when you put your mind to it you succeeded though you did fail too but there are lessons to be learned in both success and failure by applying yours i'll endeavor to become a better peddler still there's only so much i can do alone i hope that things will return to normal for gaza soon i thought i heard a familiar voice and who should it be but matsia oh it's calzal thought i had a familiar voice it should be but that's here gazal uh have you finished your business at the guild so you were there too forgive me try as i might i can't find any buyers with no ships coming in and hardly any going out there simply any options at this rate so you can't buy my fish anymore i'm sorry max you truly am but for now you must peddle your own guts what by myself i can't i want to help you i do but as it stands matsia i can barely help myself i've poured all my all into this consortium and i'll be damned if i let it fall apart our friends and families depending on me and i can't i won't fail them the sisters is my witness sisters household please no [Music] lots not to worry using what i've learned from you i'm sure i'll manage somehow well i had best return to my village my thanks again and please take care on the road [Music] godspeed elephant bro godspeed i don't like this [Music] i i don't like this but i think people would pay a lot for this [Music] nope [Music] upwards let's go this i way that plug i see you've been busy managed to learn a tidbit or two i trust got no fish no one buy fish i see we also heard that the tower is affecting many locals livelihoods but to think that it would be such an extent for another notable it would be not wholly unexpected discovery disappearances and kidnappings are disturbingly commonplace as before the culprits have almost certainly tempered imperial soldiers and as before they mean to use the faith of their hapless thralls to call forth a lunar primal business as usual for little offering are they going to give us a fight early here is going to be all divided off i guess but matsuya fellow you were helping [Music] is he not apparently he's almost exclusively his people that are being kidnapped oh they're [ __ ] kidnapping the elephants man dude [Music] elephant bully should he be traveling alone the summoning is the perpetrator's aim it does stand to reason that the axidara would be their primary targets what is the faith of their ancestors which prevaileth in this land and many are devouted here and still oh god elephant primal trunkers you better go after him akiyali lies to the west as i recall the same direction as kryl's acquaintance incidentally it's settled then keep your eyes peeled while we make for the village yeah man the elephants are legitimately being poached big sad wow this place is really pretty what a nice change of scenery too oh we've got some indian style music [Music] as a brit this just makes me hungry it's the only time i get to hear this music you don't see matsuya nearby but the elevator head may provide a better vantage point [Music] uh we've done what's probably the first part of charlie chappa [Music] lost batsy again how could you i'm spotting him i'm matt's you're spotting right now i really like the colors they put into the land [Music] oh leave me alone help somebody help oh it's matt's here matthew's under attack no they're kidnapping mats yet no no no no no no no no no no no no we saw more fish i buy the fish i'll buy the fish i could have found some fish uh no bully right please don't believe [Music] you skip this with three out of three if you get three out of three matsuri becomes like the hero of the story where did they go why are you here i see you found him in time [Music] to have three fun daniel just dies you and your friends came to look for me i don't know how to thank you on my way home i took a moment to stop and rest think about what to do about well everything and then those men came kidnappers we heard that the accidaro were being targeted surely you have as well perhaps it's best if you took refuge in the city we've considered it me and the others but fishing thank red fishing is all we know the ocean you see is all we have i see that's your decision to make but you should take care not to travel alone [Music] a question if i may this is our understanding that strange fiends have emerged from the tower what can sound tell us of these beings not much i'm afraid i have no idea what they are i've heard that some bare and unsettling resemblance to our divinities [Music] for that reason some have taken to calling the tower zot house of divinities in the old tongue it means [Music] but they are not true divinities there are monstrous limitations that bring only death that one's faith so twisted is a grievous indignity and full justified art thou and thine outrage no that is for no other purpose but to neutralize the tower that we have journeyed to this land in time we may be forced to contend with these false gods and thus we would learn all we may about them will doubt not tell us thy divinities and their true natures you come all this way to save us really to think i had you peddling fish right i am the warrior of light just saying just saying but to answer your question yes of course we would gladly tell you about our gods we i say because i am a terrible storyteller and i'd ask my fellow villagers to convey the story for me please come to our village we are good god-fearing folk all of us and we'd be honored to share our knowledge and our fish what sayest thou shall we pay visit say icarly wonderful just follow the road west and down the hill you can't miss it why don't we go together mayhaps there's a symbol crown of the thavenarian gods that are being summoned if any doubts existed before there could be none now the kidnapped hanish are imprisoned in the tower i pray that we will be able to save them no indeed saving them will mean confronting their false gods like it's not uh as you said we do well to study their religious traditions zakyali it's kind of i don't know if i gotta do like an india god thing like vishnu or something mayhaps you're having way too much fun in that elephant outfit you are just way too much fun of that oh doggy everyone keeps bringing dogs they could have brought ben with me it seems [Music] as this made me call hopefully that's not gonna appear on screen dude i don't need that oh compass check good call oh you are 10 out of 10. you are 10 out of ten [Music] chat with the carry i totally forgot about this that is big chat maneuvers all right we can go around right there's a lot like there's many like super scary enemies here i mean everything looks kind of cute we've got turtles we've got elephants kind of nice place to be actually we don't need the egg anymore we have capped this character for this job welcome to akihali my friend the name means white beach there isn't much here save that please make yourself at home your companions have already begun talking to everyone feel free to show yourself around and do the same i got the ball open somebody watching the stream brought me a bottle opener the best day of my life [Music] they've rubbed something out with felt tip and put a love heart on it i won't read too much into it one of us can tell you about our gods but you could do worse than to start with kanga and old hasbro they're free at the moment as it happens okay all right bruv do you want to know about our gods what a curious visitor you are eh most want fish in any case i'm happy to oblige now i don't know how it was once you hail but our isle is over to many gods they can be divided into two groups the manuscript beings of wisdom who assume the form of men and the murder beings and might who assume the form are beasts together they're depidies their forms and personalities many and buried some are kind and gentle others stern and temperamental just like we malls can be are all all are possessed of great insight and experience and by eating their teachings we strive to be better people and live better lives good story ah that's vader ah interested in learning about our gods you say that's what i like to hear pick up your ears then and listen in ancient times the manuscript and the murder deity to look like men and beasts respectively were locked in conflict eventually seeking the wisdom of manusya the murder cast aside their own heads and took up those of their foes [Music] right likewise the minutiae coveted the might of the murder and so they too resolved trade heads thus were born new gods possessed of both mites and wisdom and they ushered in an age of harmony between the two factions from then on as a sign of their esteem for one another the minutiae have worn animal faces and the murder the limbs of men sounds disgusting it sounds like elden ring [Music] i can't do an indian accent bro do you know how racist that will sound it will be obscene right it will literally be the most obscene accent in the world okay i'm getting cancelled because of this yeah let's just let's let's not do that uh that's true it will sound ridiculous [Music] there you are learned a thing or two about our gods i trust while you're off talking to the others i remembered something that may be of interest you could let your friends know i'll go and fetch it from my home at once [Music] apologies for the weights i wish to show you this hanging scroll which depicts three of our most revered deities by all means we should like to see it [Music] a llama fell sweet jesus is that gonna be a lalafell raid boss i don't want that [Music] i don't want that they are manuscript you heard about them already yes three sisters santa one is the eldest cinderella goddess of wisdom for this alchemists hold her in the highest to her right is the middle sister sandaruva as a goddess of wealth she counts many traders among her followers and on the left mender the youngest sibling she presides over the crafts and so it's beloved by weavers although each is worshiped for different reasons the sisters are usually portrayed together in these works which people keep in their homes for good fortune [Music] and like fashions of the manuscript the deities of ayozia preside over myriad aspects of life and what of murder if i may ask yeah the beasts are likely to the ones were fighting right the burger hold power over nature in ages past they were revered as guardian deities in times of conflict if you have occasion to visit our temples and ruins you'll find their images there among them is a god who possesses a garga's head and he is venerated as the progenator of the ark sedora and then then there are the dragons they occupy a special place in our history you worship dragons steve's like what did you say me [ __ ] what you say dragonbait someone say dragon about to kill you [Applause] [Music] it is said that an ancestor of the sat rap that's the ruler of radzadhan forged a covenant with a dragon divinity in ancient times this divinity has since acted as the guardian deity of the sabrap legend holds that if ever the satrap is in need his dragon ally will fly to his aid dragon ally you claim to be a terrible storyteller but nothing could be further from the truth the passion you bear for your faith is plain to hear i am confident the information you've given us will serve as well in our efforts to deal with the tower but it's very kind of you to say thank you and i will pray for your success right i believe it's time we sought out krill's acquaintance an alchemist by the name of nirtana according to kryl's notes who has to find her at a place called the great work further north along the coast sweet [Music] are we not sticking around in fish town tonight oh maxie wants to talk to us nice you guys all live in these two houses no [ __ ] i'm to you i'm for inspector the great work did you say you're going to see that hana oh how i envy you she's brilliant beautiful kind and understanding and did i say she is beautiful [Music] i could stare at her dainty ears an adorable trunk all day in those eyes when you meet her take care you don't drown him [Music] all right we're about to look at a hot elephant maybe i don't know how i feel about it maybe finally we're going to see our elephant joker thank you for the gifted sub jeff for back season one year today brother mr arms an englishman that can't sell fish when the [ __ ] have i what does that mean like there's a course all the english has to take in selling fish i have reviews oh my god i have reviews okay reviews of the pg thumbnail in her time from the azure dragoon five stars stylish and infinitely practical elephant bro i wish i had hair so i could wear one cockney elephant this hair ties as long as my accent and fishmonger at least you can sell something five out of five you know what at least it's five star rated i don't know about you guys but if i i see anything below a 4.8 it's probably turbo [ __ ] the worst product on amazon that's all i'm saying he's still dodging as far as we have that he does oh come on 3.9 stream ah i'm sorry i travel i've traveled all of europe to be here yeah the next one's far to the east so it's probably over there somewhere oh maybe not is it before that cliff edge 368 yards yes it's in a different area europe i'm all over europe i did i see the video on his twitter account retweeted yet why i'm not looking at swear i don't need that i don't need that wow a three stream [Laughter] you get three out of three you get like 4 000 subs everybody comes to see it look i talked to squeenix today irl i'm i'm good oh no um in such manner did we find them what could have befallen these people [Music] [Music] what happened here their dress marks them as alchemists i see no evidence of injury or poison i think it's thou they but slumber [Music] i believe so whether it is by choice is another question entirely but just sleepy okay [Music] oh we have guests you must excuse the poor welcome long days and longer nights have taken their toll as you can see what [Laughter] my task was in fact to wake these good men and women if you will allow people of the great work i come bearing new scales are they addicts scales we have new scales uh huh yes my friends gather round i have them right here oh happy day now i can continue my experiment [Music] many thanks one for me those are dragon scales oh [ __ ] okay fido yes such materials are vital to their most pressing research and we are fortunate to have them our experiments are so close to bearing fruit [Music] maybe they were just a talisman capable of nullifying the etheric emissions from that accursed tower nice did i say something wrong are you not here with varshan wait who are you people of course you're the one kryl said the warrior of light we've been waiting for ah this is a day of celebration praise be to cinderella praise be baby praise be rock and roll i've shifted i feel it the end to our toil is near i feel it too my head hasn't been this clear in days [Applause] tell me how did you acquire those scales curious that it concerns you so answer the question but warina they were freely given by the dragon with whom our celta has forged a lawful pact [Music] that is well [Laughter] you must be quite familiar with dragon king yes he's not happy is this their congealed blood i see on your weapon speaking of dragon blood you yourself have been infused with it have you not i should like to draw a file or two if so oh jesus christ oh this is horrible see here come along come along i must insist that you visit our laboratory cease your shopping also help me we're not gonna stop this they look like zombies oh dear you're poor companion what with the new scales and your timely arrival my colleagues are a little giddy with excitement this could be another doctor moreover no head i promise meanwhile shall we find a quiet place to talk as you may have guessed i am vedana the alchemist who sent the request to your mistress kryl we have workshops across the nation collaborating on this research project but it is here at the great work where i collate our results come with me all of you and i can explain the crux of the situation that's why it wasn't the science of three expansions well [Music] okay um so i think they were just sleeping there's no deeper drug addicts dragon manipulation going on here i think they were just chilling and also really ignorant because we walked into the town and they were definitely still awake because they heard the scales were here and then they turn into full-on zombie [Music] [Music] people well fair enough i suppose [Music] oh i like it in here [Music] this hysteric competition [Music] allow me to thank you for answering our call calls many towers have appeared around the world and we are grateful that you would assist us with ours mccrael herself is tied up with another investigation flora is an eminently capable substitute and we will spare no effort to aid you so if i understand correctly you seem to make talismans that can nullify etheric admissions indeed we do as you know the tower emits vast concentrations of ether or could not go anywhere near it without being tempered i'm not doing the indian accent no as such we can only study the tower from afar and our powerless to deal with this in any consequential way in order to strike back the satrap better alchemists create enchanted talismans talismans that will allow our soldiers to venture into the tower even should they lack innate protection let such a thing be possible admittedly we are still in the midst of testing but we are quite confident even prior to this our people have long pursued the council measures against the etheric corruption of primals of the methods tested to date those utilizing dragon scales proved the most promising points their etheric density the scales are highly resistant to disruptive forces the mightier the dragon the greater the resistance we seek to amplify this protective property through our alchemy [Music] thanks to the scales provided by his excellency we have been able to make steady progress with the tarzan soon we'll be ready to conduct a field test here's where you and your blessing of light come in yeah i'm on it no worries i'll do it we're jumping into a volcano i'm all over it buddy thank you lest you wonder we only ask that you could serve as an escort i'll explain in greater detail but you will be venturing into the towers field of influence and so for your own safety i would first test how well your blessing shields you with your permission of course [Music] oh i choose which accents i do and don't simple as that i know that if i try an indian one it would be horrible that something i could do okay there's something i can't it's whether or not i know it's gonna come out as offensive that's my choice so someone every accent is different but i will know which ones will sound like i'm doing goodness gracious me for anybody who's ever from the uk and amazon so i that's my got my choice on that in that case ryanjay and i will find other ways to make ourselves useful seeing as you all work to the point of collapse i suspect you could do with more hands are you racist now father i mean that's that's [ __ ] genius that's a totally different one i don't even have time for the old racism we would be grateful for any assistance you can provide [Music] if you're ready let us put your blessing to the proof if you exit the great work it turns south there'll be a hill to the right i'll meet you at the top after seeing some preparations [Music] yeah seems hard to understand for some people i know my indian accent sounds horribly horribly racist that's it it's nothing more complicated than that i could do some i can't do others without it sounding like a complete buffoonery so it's my choice it's really not that difficult to understand but i'm also amazed you guys can do all of them it's like welsh i can do well she just say bio after everything and roll some r's easy game easy game drunken deeper i hope you don't have a troll finding this place or climbing the hill not all are accustomed to the physical strain i give you the fruit of our sweat tears and many sleepless night drunken deeper the deeper is a lantern presented to the gods as an offering taking inspiration from the tradition we created this device to test the talisman's efficacy upon activation it will move a certain distance before emitting a powerful blast of ether remove corruption those lacking sufficient protection will experience severe aether sickness for your tests you're exposed four times oh i've got four jabs that'll be enough to ascertain your blessings protective capability please begin whenever you're ready i shall be observing from a safe distance [Music] what is it the lanterns talking to me commencing etheric exposure testing repeat commencing etheric exposure testing retreat to a safe distance if you are not the subject okay don't fall behind okay all right we're on the move [Music] no i don't mind it's a talking lantern i was just uh curious what it was i wasn't sure what it was a lalafell at full height readying ether please stand by ready to discharge test subjects something something you are struck by a powerful blast of ether but suffer no ill effects nice subject has no irrepressible urge to empty their stomach confirmed resuming tests please follow all right i did i took a full blast to the face [Music] too far away okay spray me daddy you're sort of lost no ill effects good [ __ ] [Music] oh we're heading there yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that is a big elephant isn't it this lab does not go on desks is that back landed oh but so for no ill effects the blessing of light appears to be keeping you safe from harm good [ __ ] [Music] subject fortitude rated impressive no irregularities confirmed resuming tests please follow a brace for final discharge here we go let's get moist moist me up this is a pretty weird test isn't it just running around a field getting sprayed i survived completely unscathed easy a during exposure test concluded please collect and deliver me to the supervising alchemist no worries let's go congratulations on retaining your composure and your humors yay we did the final discharge team oh i'm dripping i'm absolutely dripping and stuff ah you've returned and not on your knees a promising sign but come let me take the deeper off your hands there you go thank you i shall replenish its ether for when we test the talisman so no dizziness or nausea or anything of the sort you're feeling perfectly fine now the strength of your blessing is beyond doubt there is no risk that the tower will corrupt your ether with this we can request your aid for the task ahead with easy hearts my gloves on point i mean it's just the the gear i had but yeah i like it i'm not sure about the wings i'm not sure about the wings the wings are giving me uh weird vibes ah you're a capable warrior too are you not would you be amenable to assisting me with another errand you see our talisman requires the use of a special ink but we have exhausted our stores of a key ingredient for it spirit weed the herb grows not far from here and i'd like to go and harvest some with the recent spate of kidnappings however we accidora travel alone at our peril will you not come with me as my escort i would compensate you for your troubles of course uh-huh i kill it i'm in your debt without further ado let us head to kadia's footsteps it's situated on the road which runs east of the great work yeah we're doing a weed run we gotta go see the dealer i do want to see this place at daytime i bet it looks beautiful absolutely beautiful i'm shocked as to the changes they've made in the launch of the story compared to shadow bringers i think by this time in shadow bringers we had seen hollerick and had that and we were in your more discovering silent green they're letting this breathe a little bit which has me wondering that they're they're easing us in this is real gentle real gentle yeah it's very tender right now very tender like there's definitely so much ominous things happening but i uh i may simply be imagining it but i feel as though we're being followed oh look out floor yeah it feels like foreplay yeah exactly that's that's kind of how i would describe it oh i like that animation that's awesome oh it's changed now i see that's the first time i've had paradox proc okay i need to play with that a bit more [Music] i'm not worried about wasting my skew experience no at all really not bothered gods that gave me a fright to think that the moment i ventured outside safe to safety of the work thank the sisters i asked you to come with me you're all right i hope god good let's continue on then it isn't far now just do these pillars and up their eyes yeah it doesn't bother me all yeah we didn't get a dungeon in charlene in the charlier zone but i think we only where's the maps does it come under old charlotte labyrinth does yeah we only looked at a tiny in fact we did a third we only looked at like a part of a third of that zone huh pretty juicy pretty juicy there's still a split quest yeah exactly like but we i think um we didn't do the trolley area praise be whoa in yulmore that came later but we did like half of it what a cool model and the other one was i forget the name of the zone where teslin was which we i think the only bit we didn't really investigate there was where the ring bankrupt bit played out i think i think it was that [Music] and here we are kajai's footsteps ajaya was a great dancer and those who follow in her well you know they came to this place to train and dedicate their dance to their ancestors a happy benefit of this is that the spirit weed grows here in abundance i'll say about harvesting at once if you're so good at stand guard the kidnappers that like to return soon but that's a safe than sorry okay [Music] wow what a lovely building ourselves a little peacock well wasn't that like sort of like four hours more voice acting in and walker or something crazy i remember i saw the stats on that um live letter thing [Music] yes hardly anyone has been allowed in or out since our troubles with the tower began the faithful citizens huddle inside the city walls and thomas has all but ground to a standstill i pity the tsar trap the trials he must be facing [Music] yeah what can you tell me about the sat wrap on this dragon who's the dragon is it somebody i might know well he he is the most important person in rajadhan [Music] long ago this island was home to two tribes of matanga the gajasura and the arkhasudra when the aura came to these shores it was the arka sodra with whom they joined forces together they defeated the war like gajasura forcing them to flee though altogether so you're the good guys peace and prosperity reign for a time until a clan of cure from the mainland decided they wanted the island for themselves [Music] it was a direct ancestor of the present star trap who arbitrated that conflict and welded the warring factions into the nation we know today and ever since a member of that esteemed lineage has inherited this somewhat unique position you see by and large the state is run by the people but when problems arise it is the star trap who mediates the solution the stability provided by the star trap is what has allowed raj adhan to thrive all these years and it was the sartrap himself who entrusted us with this duty we will not fail him nor our countrymen [Music] i'm not smelling anything particularly ominous in this zone yet well i know it's there i know it's lurking i know there's something horrible waiting for what is the delay with the vessel i told you i need to adjust those ratios oh no he's gonna get ratioed [Music] ah hello i come all this way to admit one of my splendid towers and what do i find fools attempting to ward off its tempering influence with magic trinkets i seem to recall a similar experiment in ages past what was that man's name oh something owen another body another time who could be expected to remember every trivial detail allowing them to construct such handy talismans would be counterproductive to my plans and yet i find myself deathly curious how will they manage this feat with the limited knowledge and resources at their disposal complications be damned for we cannot escape the nature of our souls i as ever my own worst enemy has he retained the knowledge of everybody he's ever had is he like a trill [Music] but he seems he's i mean retaining the knowledge probably isn't the right way of putting it like he's assuming he's not got schizophrenia or something [Music] i've had enough spirit weeds to last a good while thank you for keeping watch let's go back to the great work shall we [Music] yeah you know what i mean he's has he got like their full personalities and stuff in there yeah elderberry i mean they're definitely susceptible to those things as we've seen with elitibus and i mean emmett could have been on there as well just not as degenerated as elizabeth was oh [ __ ] yeah it's so fast all right uh yeah my phone's going and it's time for me to go with cast [Music] to entertain the buses no dungeon yet hmm yeah we noticed the voice changed that's what i'm saying is he got all these other personalities inside him or something like that it's gonna be good yeah it's gonna be a banger so i'll leave it exactly right here uh i'm gonna be casting for the next five hours i am here in hamburg i am in that germany we're gonna be there so i'm gonna throw you over to the dudes i'm gonna be there in just a few minutes yeah i won't chris you don't need to spam um and i will be on there i'm gonna grab some food and uh join you on there with mr fat boss alex it should be really fun it should be super super fun i'm on holiday until monday tomorrow see you the weekend yeah i mean you're on holiday but you're coming to see me it's kind of cheating right you're coming to see me in hamburg so kind of cheating i'll try to forget what chris said all right see you in the morning i'll see you over on the other channel in just a few minutes give them my love [Music] you
Channel: Preach Gaming VODs
Views: 6,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: o6sdiF9HR8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 266min 20sec (15980 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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