Drama Time - The Off Tank's IQ

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen holler ballers because today is not only friday it is not only the culmination of the week and the final week before that big christmas lands upon us it's also my birthday it is also my birthday i have turned the grand old age of 50 years old and we stand here smiling not really that's all i've been hearing all day is happy 50th it's 38 years of age as of today uh we are here in order to celebrate the weird and wonderful that occurs all over the internet every single time apparently my head's on a christmas turkey you're basted oh i'm okay it's um lovely lovely happy birthday it's been a glorious day so much has been done i encourage anybody who's listening to this to go and check the bot of today because it's been a ridiculously eventful day excuse me we've had videos from some extremely surprised people coming in as well as just all sorts of wackiness slices right champion two on the bounce streaking our way through it on the way to that title free bus pass soon yes yes yes very funny very funny but a happy way before i head off to see the wonderful spider-man with my children and have fun with my family how better to end the week than with some drama time we're starting a little bit later because we were in the middle of the most depressing quest line in the history of final fantasy 14. how could we finish we finished on a downer let's put it that way we finished on a downer didn't we we did it was really miserable despite the fun we've been happening but that is the nature of the beast sometimes we end up in the middle of hell on earth and that is more than fine so just you wait just you wait uh the off tank okay the story i've got in front of me is the off tank we have that weird caps lock error again seems to happen if we've been streaming all day uh the off tanks iq this worries me i mean off tanking ain't that hard just press taunt lol just prince just press taunt lol that's all you got to do is just press taunt it's as simple as that nothing more nothing less that's just pressed on and we have from our wonderful website supporters if you want your name and drama it's uh website supporters and also send your drama sign stories into dramapeachgaming.com doesn't matter what game it is it's all good we're looking for some more ff stories because it's deep and dark what lurks belief the shroud of non-toxicity that is final fantasy please it hurts i fixed it oh it didn't fix it [ __ ] it's hard for me to fix because backspace doesn't work i know that sounds ridiculous but it doesn't and delete doesn't work either well [ __ ] what if nope that doesn't work either see the only way to fix this is to restart the stream and i'm not doing that how's that how's that are we happy just by it's nothing to do with the keyboard thanks for your one iq are you my off tank sound like my off tank with your one iq suggestions you sound exactly like my off tank with your one iq suggestions yeah just like it's the keyboard like it's the keyboard no keep me in my happy place pacu thank you for your birthday message this morning okay dear preacher i have written it before about the crazy german raid leader from the secret admirer and the story i have for you today isn't quite as [ __ ] up but it's one of the weirdest things i've ever seen in an online game today's tale will be the tale of guild's desperate search for an off tank somebody's shouting at my door sorry guys there's someone shouting at me through the window ah i believe that is delivery number four of emma's 102 deliveries today that's delivery number four of emma's promised one or two deliveries that she was having today today's story will be the tale of a guild's desperate search for an off tank and one of the many we recruited this is the tale the nave the legacy of the gnome warrior called nanolil i need to take your minds back to vanilla world of warcraft okay we're in wow today for this first one i was a university student studying chemistry when my brother introduced me to well first fast forward then to today i'm a university lecturer and after a chat yesterday with a colleague about some of the other students we have oh god yeah we've come across i remembered our boy nana lil you guys really do like the stinky kid the trashy kid the poor kid the rich kid this posh kid right you have nicknames for all those kids in your classes don't you i know you do but back in vanilla wow i played a dorf hunter and after leveling and moving between a few guilds i finally settled down for a while at least in a nice raiding guild called what's the guild called give me give me a guild look i'll go with the birthday boys for this one called the guild the birthday boys where i would eventually become the hunter officer the foundations of the birthday boys were a group of irl dutchy friends who all played wow together the gm was a lovely guy called agagor who was also the main tank of the guild we had a couple of officers from the friend group including a hunter who was permanently stoned a healing paladin who was probably the only only decent healer we had in the guild and various others from their group of friends sound good so far well it was but one of the issues was that agrigo was a nice guy a really really nice guy in fact he was far too nice to be a guild master far far too nice we regularly raided molten core and blackwing lair but at some point began to struggle in blackwing lair because the guild was beginning to of course bleed its members specifically are better players why was it beginning to bleed members you might ask well basically the off tank at the time was a [ __ ] [ __ ] now agagor nice guy was a good tank as well as the raid leader of the guild and the aft tank the off tank was okay he's alright he's by no means terrible but not good he regularly [ __ ] up got everybody killed would then yell that it was everyone else's fault and people talking were confusing him eventually rage quit the guild after lots of people mocking him and thus began our sacred journey to find a replacement someone who would be our official off tank so it was decided that instead of trying to do blackwing lair it would be better if we all went back to molten core to start gearing up our new recruits we would also use this time to recruit as many people as possible because why not hell we had our molten core gear and at least we would get some good players out of it right and i would say trialing them in this area but the reality is agagor was just too nice of a guy to kick anybody we recruited some good players at the time the creme de la creme you might say the best our server had available maybe the problem with our server though [ __ ] in a word dog [ __ ] everybody who wasn't already in a guild was clearly [ __ ] bad and our server had no lurking gems no diamonds in the roof for us to pick up most of the people who we were recruiting at the time i have mostly forgotten about but two two of them stuck with me throughout the years the first of course being nanolil our new off tank and the second being a rogue who went by the name of bugsy jiggles bugsy jiggles was the single worst [ __ ] video games player i have ever come across in my entire [ __ ] life i'm still in contact with some of the dutch guys from vanilla and we still remember how bad bugsy jiggles was we even had an award that we named after him in the guild when someone did something really [ __ ] stupid why did this award exist how bad could bugsy jiggles even be well let me tell you on his trial for molten core bugsy jiggles showed up to the raid his first raid with us wearing a full set of defias armor now for those of you who don't know that is level 13 to 19. now you might think maybe our boy is a role player maybe he's doing it just because transmog doesn't exist yet and he just loves how it looks but no he was wearing it for the stats i still remember his quote from today this armor has plus dagger damage now showing up to a level 60 raid in level 13 to 19 gear is bad enough but the crowning glory of this stupidity the pinnacle of this idiocy he didn't have any daggers he had swords when we pointed this out to him he said the defias matching daggers hadn't dropped for him yet but he's working on it and you gotta admire the commitment though right you mean you can laugh all you want but you've got to admire that commitment he's working on it he's grinding it he's got his pedal to the metal he's doing what he's doing so after trying to find a new off tank for some time one of the officers in the guild he was also at university somewhere studying physics told us that he had found the perfect player he'd stumbled across that diamond in the roof that we were looking for one of the guys from his university class played wow and was on our server this guy was a physics genius a true sheldon cooper with a genius level iq and obviously someone with an iq that high can't be bad at the game he's going to solve all our problems there was something that the officer initially forgot to mention about our boy nana lil and what was this you might ask well he wasn't lying nana lil was a genius he was a child genius naruto is 14 years old now having someone that young at university isn't unheard of i had myself a guy in my first year class who was 15 and i was 17 when i started university as a side note that 15 year old guy from my first year's class turned 18 his final year discovered student nightlife basically did what you do in first year in his final year and failed his degree oh no classic [Laughter] so boy genius not a little joins our guild on his plucky known warrior and began to off tank in molten core now he died a lot the problem of course was nanolil's gear was truly [ __ ] terrible he died a lot he also couldn't hold threat for [ __ ] and this was at the time put down to lack of items he just simply does not do enough threats he doesn't have enough armor he doesn't have enough health all the usual reasons we'll get it fixed not a problem so we began to gear him up we would clear molten core in spite of his many depths and would dip our toe back into blackwing layer and cleared a reasonable amount of it again now this guild ran into around everyone's favorite loot system dkp yes [ __ ] me i absolutely hate dkp but because nanolil was a tank the normal dkp rules did not apply to him and he was relatively quickly geared up now did this solve the problems of him dying all the time no it didn't was he able to or hold any kind of threats absolutely [ __ ] not what do we do with nanolil well it came to a head in order to keep helping him with gear he was given the wrath helmet after an enixia kill by this point he had some pretty good gear if you can remember the wrath helmet it's pretty obvious when you see it now outside of raids i didn't interact with nanolil too much in the game i flout avoided going on dungeon runs with him because of how bad a tank he was and in guild chat and teamspeak he was what can only be described as irritating beyond belief his entire life was about academics he would go on and on about complex physics [ __ ] that none of us knew what he was talking about and didn't [ __ ] care at all so after killing a next year a few of us decided to do some alterac valley and nana lil was invited along as we all joined into the av the first thing i noticed was that nana lil was wearing some random shitty helmet oh no instead of the brand new wrath helmet we had just given him in fact all of the items nalal was wearing can only be described as piecemeal bits of [ __ ] that he'd picked up he was also wielding a two-handed weapon and would charge in apply mortal strike and then die so when we saw this in av we obviously asked him where's your tier 2 helmet where's the rest of your gear he replied this gear is better for pvp so we gave him an inspect his better for pvp gear was a collection of greens and blues half of which weren't even played and half of which didn't even have strength on them now nanolil wasn't in teamspeak so he couldn't hear us all trying to figure this out we were generally confused but we started to get some follow-up questions for our boy the next question was about the fact he was using mortal strike and a two-hander and for those of you who can't remember mortal strike was an end talent for an arms warrior did you respec after we did a nixia from tank to dps no i haven't changed my talents it turned out that nalol had never changed his talents nalal had just leveled his arms and then been arms forever through every [ __ ] raid he had zero tank talents but that's not where it ended it transpired after a brief conversation that our boy nana lil only had rank one for most of his abilities he said buying the higher abilities was a waste of money they still functionally did the same thing i showed us a thing how many times this guy died during leveling and suddenly the fact he couldn't hold aggro for [ __ ] started to make some sense now for a couple of us this is all coming as thick and fast as i'm sure it is for your chat what do we do how do we deal with this situation what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy so a couple of us after realizing this went straight to the gm let's just go to the guild master tell him what discovered and we went to agagor it explained we found out what is wrong with our boy nana lil we've figured it out and it's nothing to do with gear agarose says i'll sort it out right and he's gonna start out it's no problem so that i go i tried to take him under his wing a bit teach him about tanking what it's all about what he needs to do the problem was nalal didn't want to hear it and the reason he didn't want to hear it is because he had worked it out worked out what agora asked him the perfect build and as agora is such a nice guy he wouldn't kick him or remove him from his role because that's not the kind of place he was trying to run so it continued and eventually nana lil had some pretty top-notch gear to the point that he said he was over geared for our guild and its current level of progress nalil said it made no logical sense for him to stay in our guild that would be a waste of his time so nanolil decided he was going to move on and he got [ __ ] invited to somewhere else he used his gear to get into a better guild everyone always needs tanks and here's one just dripping in [ __ ] gear now lasted one day in the new guild apparently they had abused him so hard after his trial run that i never saw him again jesus christ was it bald fat and ugly was it bold fine ugly [Laughter] what the [ __ ] are you doing oh yeah the reality check is pretty serious when you move up to a guild that is not run by a nice guy oh [ __ ] what i want you the moral of this story to be for you and your audience just because you're an off tank has a genius level iq doesn't mean [ __ ] in a video game also don't play with kids cheers yeah don't play with kids i agree don't don't do that i had an 11 year old tank in my first morton core guild yep 11 years old mm-hmm 11 years old [ __ ] only i could have painful painful all right let's have a loop feet elute thief thief i've been to too many voices today i can't separate the man from the boy okay all right spike flail we need two guild names wonderful live chat to go along with this we need two guild names well i do my magic over here all right two guild games give me a sec disco turtles yeah disco turtles light ups yeah and psychis awesome wonderful uh the balloon poppers okay blogging molly oh no don't want that the edgy lords the balloon poppers uh the pensioners okay i'm not sure if that fits but we'll go here okay the spike flail preacher your wonderful wonderful chat i bring you a tale from a game rarely featured on drama time if at all final fantasy 11. wow okay yes the mmorpg sensation prior to that filthy ff14 i think your audience is really gonna like this ffl i've never played ff11 never that was the one that had the ludicrous amounts of grinding in it is this one where you died you lost experience that one and you had to keep re-leveling up i think it is right and it had them crazy crazy like bosses that went on for hours and hours and hours yeah yeah you could lose levels couldn't you yeah i remember this [ __ ] i remember researching this for a video a long time ago this game looked wacky absolutely wacky yeah it's not unique no my my first mmo i ever played had the same functionality where you could do that in fact respecting used to cost you levels you had to refund your points and it would drain your experience it would also uh in my first mmo if you wanted to respec i think you had something like 2 000 points to spend uh individual points to refund them to swap your talents you would have to take these pills which would cause memory loss so you would lose experience each time you took the pills it would only refund five of the points and it would also give you a drug what they call drug flash which would last for 10 minutes so you could get five points every 10 minutes and it would make your screen completely fuzzy so what you would do is you would go and sit in your apartment and take drugs for days to respect your character that's how it works in my first mmo it was pretty rough pretty brutal okay this story will require judgment oh guilty hammers i haven't got one to hand actually but guilty hammers at the ready team we need uh i need your court but i do ask the court and you judge preach to hear me out fully before you render your verdict okay there's a fair amount of backstory in this tale in order to sufficiently set up my defense but everything i'm about to tell you exists because of what comes later okay okay ladies and gentlemen my story begins in october 2003 at the north american launch of final fantasy xi my then girlfriend now wife was a jrpg fanatic and had played all of the other final fantasy games it was our second mmo having previously played asheron's call 2 a boogie shit-filled mess that we quit after a couple of months we got tired of communicating with each other with world chat because whispers and party chat didn't work supposedly it got better but we were never there to see it at the time we were college students so i had plenty of time to play games i still remember going to the campus post office on launch day to pick up the new game which we had diligently pre-ordered we went back to my dorm room where we had set up both our desktops to install the game and log in our excitement grew as we got closer and closer to completing that installation we opened play online squares propriety launcher and held our breaths a version update started and the patching took a mere four hours to complete as a little side note to this i see a lot of people complaining about having difficulty figuring out how to subscribe to final fantasy xiv if you have never used play online you have no [ __ ] idea it is orders of magnitude worse than ff14's current system and it still exists you've got to try it you've got to try uh bex has found it mike you should try this i think i have a play online account for something else i'm not sure what but i think i do let's have a look real quick sorry uh audio listeners uh i'll try and talk you through what is this that's all on one side of the screen okay for our audio podcast listeners um it's all on the left hand side of the screen for some reason i don't know why let's zoom in and make it better uh okay oh god okay i've zoomed in too much it's now become pixelated we are vanadiel uh okay so i want to three windows clients you can get the launcher there screen x game introduction platform oh my god look how old this is okay so audio dudes this is like runescape drop down menus holy [ __ ] for new players oh they have a pretty advanced screen for new players is this game still live can you play this it's got the story set up looks awfully familiar not old retro battle presentations a trust system yeah it's good slow eye fishing farming item synthesis purchase now this isn't too bad they have updated it a little bit i think the first screen though is painful this is painful the first screen is horrendous but if you click some links it takes you to a seemingly better quality experience let's put it that way we'll call it a better quality experience that sounds good okay it was 2003 it was a different time let's go with that it's a different time however finally we were able to log in at least i was i was assigned to the kujata server my girlfriend tried to make her character unlocked as well but she couldn't select my server you see in final fantasy 11 you needed to buy an in-game world pass with in-game currency to generate a code for your friends so they could play on the same server as you what am i hearing why without this all server assignments are completely random why so you get assigned to service randomly and one when you find a server you want to be on somebody has to level up or can you buy it from level one oh i think that's the adventure they're going down i figured i may as well get to making gold to buy her a world pass wait it was a different time because it was a ps2 that still doesn't make sense someone had to buy one for you create a problem sell solution i mean okay all right i mean i accept this i assume you can't buy this at level one you can't log in at level one and just get world passes for people so you can get your teams together do you have i mean you have to level up and grind gold is that what you had to do and he knowers yeah that's a is the first japanese console involved it was made to even out server load uh i don't know yeah i suppose new world did that recently actually yeah you true new world did do it recently okay i figured i may as well get to making some money to buy her this world pass i zoned into san dioria with my new elven warrior and started exploring the town by talking to some random npcs i received some quests to bring back rabbit hyde's bat fangs and useless other garbage i ventured out of town for the first time and started engaging enemies over a nearby hill i spotted a cute bunny rabbit i needed rabbit hides so i went to attack the rabbit the rabbit butchered me mercilessly [Laughter] an important fact about final fantasy xi is that no matter what level you are there are bunnies outside of the cities that can murder you like monty python at this point i silence the part of the brain that is going red alert red alert this game is a bad idea that this is not worth my time i get back trying to complete to some quest eventually i earned the 1 000 gill required to buy the world pass and my girlfriend gets to create a character a thousand killer player holy [ __ ] okay he did it before level 10 though so it doesn't sound like it was that much contextually we reached level tennis over the next couple of days and realize that any enemy that gives a worthwhile amount of experience points needs a larger group to kill so we start trying to make larger groups and this starts our journey towards max level in final fantasy 11 the only way at the time to level was to grind quest didn't reward experience at all a full group of six players was the most efficient way to progress groups were based on a modified holy trinity of a tank healer and three dps and one interesting twist a pure support class ultimately i decided to play a paladin which was a tank my girlfriend was a dark knight which was in belly dps game sessions would consist of us trying to build an experienced team venturing out to a level appropriate spot and grinding and grinding and grinding if you were lucky you could get a level if unlucky we wouldn't find a healer support class and we never left the town jesus [ __ ] christ oh my god oh this is horrendous if we were very very unlucky the group would be crappy and we would lose experience by dying oh god yeah i suppose so so you do have these three tiers if things go well you go out and you get a level if things are bad you don't go at all even worse though is you get a noob and you lose experience and you actually end up degressing like you plus while you're playing while grinding away you actually regress wonderful joyous now there's no doubts this was clearly a flawed system where he did have one merit you knew the community you knew who was good and you knew who was [ __ ] and if you were [ __ ] everybody knew you were [ __ ] not many people would continue with this grind so you know that so you would know many of the players in your leveling range if you were a crappy player or an [ __ ] you would not get invited to groups and your ability to advance your character actually came to a complete stop damn damn some people reminisce about the days in vanilla wow where player reputation mattered on servers but this this is the idea on absolute steroids after about nine months of playing and going through several tribulations that need not be mentioned here we reached the level cap of 75. there was a small group of us that leveled together and we decided to start an end game link shell equivalent of a guild and started trying to gear our characters to participate in these events i want to tell you about the final fantasy xi end game while fantasy 11 was capped at level 75 from 2003 through to 2010. yes they did have expansions during this time but expansions added zones and some endgame activities they never increased the level cap this led to a situation where a best-in-slot piece of armor from 2007 may come from content released in 2003. imagine can you imagine a piece of gear at the beginning of your journey being still biss at the end of that journey that would be awkward very awkward two years later even crazy that would be crazy this is obviously a very different system from almost all mmos today i mean our car crystal's pretty [ __ ] with which you essentially just need to play the current patch and you can get caught up end game activities they fall into these three categories one high-level areas there were several high-level areas in which there would be named monsters that would drop items that would be used to spawn higher level bosses killing those bosses would provide items for the next tier of bosses ultimately most of these bosses were worthless except for the final boss who would have a relatively small chance to drop gear you needed it would take a good sized guild two to three nights of farming to generate the items to spawn the final boss of one of these zones i did research this to summon the world bosses didn't it literally take months because you had to kill these tears of any of bosses right and it kept working its way up like a pyramid and to get to the very very very big big mega bosses the ones that like required multiple guilds to kill it would take months to get the it would must take months to get the pieces to spawn it that's correct right did it take months i've shown i was reading one that took guilds like working together a long ass time to summon some of the mega bosses well a lot of time not one spot a lot of time that's fair i mean i'm remembering some i researched years ago so no doubt a bit off there were instances of course final fantasy 11 had several instant areas called dynamies and limbus these areas were filled with trash which had a low chance of dropping items there were bosses that would extend your time in the area the general goal was to try to end your time extend your time in the dungeon to three hours to farm as much trash as possible jesus [ __ ] christ three hour might hijal anybody yeah no one down third world spawns lastly bosses would occasionally spawn in particular areas of the world three in particular were the targets of most guilds adamantois behemoth and fafnir let's take a look final fantasy 11 blastoise oh what was it called adamantois who's this fella oh he's a chunker look at this guy what a beast yeah oh he's a thick boy he's a thick boy boom terrifying oh yeah what a [ __ ] horror story look at this guy proper chunker has all all the health in the world he's just a big ass turtle that's all he is this is the big old turtle boy while these alone with the exception of fafnir were fairly worthless occasionally a higher version of them would spawn are these medicines nidhogg king behemoth a spider cologne a spedopholone these three were known as the three kings and were the ultimate target of most endgame gills the king of the three kings the king of kings was nidhogg a dragon who dropped the best in slot body piece for paladins heavy melee damage dealers and healers well we know all about nidhogg don't we we know about our boy nidhogg i want to be a bit more clear about how these works is it'll come up in later on when one of these died it would start a timer exactly 21 hours after one died there would be a possibility of a respawn at 30 minute intervals and it would spot exactly spawn at 21 hours after 21 hours 21 30 after etc up to 24 hours when there would be a guaranteed spawn the high quality version of each would spawn once every three to seven days jesus [ __ ] christ as noted the three kings dropped the best in slot body piece for nearly every job in the game and given that all drops were fairly rare it was an extreme restriction on completing zwan's best armor set claiming these bosses was difficult for multiple reasons first you would be trying against generally about a hundred other people for the claim secondly if it was any time any time but night in japan japanese guilds which played on the same server you are [ __ ] would have the advantage because the servers were located in japan north american and european guilds claiming kings was generally rare none of these bosses were particularly hard with the small exception of fafnir and nidhogg both would take time to kill even for a full group and they had mechanics which could hurt an unprepared raid specifically standing directly in front would kill you with a fire breath and if you would somehow unluckily pull threat from behind you would potentially be killed in an ability called spiked flail all enemies in final fantasy xi have a hidden gauge that increases as the enemy melee hits if fafnir or nidhogg had filled this gauge enough and you pulled aggro from behind it would use spike flail many a group was killed by spike flail because they were not sure what was causing it until we had it all figured out it was one of the most annoying and deadly abilities in the entire game it's spike fl i'm trying to picture it spiteful just the tail cracking down on you it feels like it's the tail smashing the floor it just kills everybody any knowers to kill the dragons you would essentially have your groups stack on the dragon's front feet to both avoid its breath and avoid accidentally pulling threat from behind oh there's a mean picture that goes with this did you said this thine will severely cast doth beast to flail that fafnir this is the guy is this like a prophecy what is this everyone's stood at the front what is this side the [ __ ] so we got a picture of fafnir with like one guy hitting it from behind like some sort of meme picture is this what's circulating the community this looks like a th description of a wild boss lastly i want to make one major point with this gear was very very hard to come by there were pieces of important loot that would be seen less than once per year with this loyalty to your group was as important as you would gain seniority with time and also if you left your guild to try and join another any inkling of loot drama would be an instant denial on that server well based on what we saw about the leveling thing i would imagine that's true we should return to the guild that we started our gm was named disco turtles and he named our guild the balloon poppers by early 2006 we were one of the largest end-game guilds on the server of which there were seven reputable english-speaking guilds in total we started slowly but with time developed a fairly strong team of approximately 40 players i was the main tank and we had a six night per week raid schedule [ __ ] casuals doing one of the above activities on each occasion we slowly progressed to the point that we could complete almost all end game content with relative relative ease with the exception of winning claims on world bosses no different than most other end game groups as loot was rare we developed a complex but thorough loot system all members had to sub oh my god no all members must submit their wish list to disco turtles and the officers and we would put a list on our website of the order that those pieces would be given out when they dropped all people would know their place in line for all of the desired items your place would stay the same as long as your attendance was good and you did well and it's important to have such a system in places the loot system in fx final fantasy 11 was a greed type system anyone in the group could roll on any item that dropped but having our published order made it very easy to see the person who was supposed to loot the item now in theory this is not a bad idea i have had a system like this work for me i can't stand loot i am not interested in any game ever so when we made our little tent man in cataclysm i declared as guild master and raid leader i declared a nice simple rule there's only 10 of you we have like 12 12 of you figure out your loot and then just get it when it drops and it worked perfectly i had 12 trustworthy people it was super easy and i never had to give a [ __ ] i had one guy who was very confused and was like well what if this trinket drops do you need it yes who else needs it they need it talk to them who needs it next who's got better it's fine i just was like do not bring me any loot drama i could not give a [ __ ] it worked fine my number one piece on my wish list was the paladin's valos circle which dropped from the highest level of dynamis zharkobard as an officer in main tank i was number one on the list there was a better body piece which dropped from nidhogg but i abandoned hope at ever seeing it given our abysmal claim rates on world bosses this piece was the only other tanking body piece that would give the it would give increased enmity and increased health points an enviable duo for sure moreover it looks so cool if you had one everyone knew you were the hot [ __ ] if you were wearing the t the chest piece from nidhogg please note mike how badass this looks okay they've given us a picture of what this looks like are you guys ready to be blown away by badassery and transmog boom take a look friends that's 2003's thunder fury right there are you jelly uh that's pretty pogging it it's not that bad it certainly doesn't look epic though does it it certainly doesn't you don't look at that and go wow that is cool as [ __ ] i mean i can't compare it to the rest of the game at this point i want to introduce two other players in our tale light ups and psychists were a husband and wife team that applied to us and were accepted lyops had a bunch of classes decently geared including his paladin tank and samurai dps cycus was a well-geared white mage a healer their previous guild had died and they were looking for a new home after joining both completed their loot wishlists as did everybody light ups complained about his position on them but relented after we discussed that this way has worked for all time and everyone gets their turn they both seem to fit in with only rare grumbling the months went on and we continued our game play week in week out i was actually becoming decently geared but the valor circle the chest eluded me we would run the instant zone that would drop it dynamis about once every two weeks in an entire year it had never dropped and so one night we assembled for dynamis and entered the zone we proceed through our usual routes about an hour in i was struck dumb when i finally saw it the chess piece had dropped there it was i went absolutely berserk with excitement the level of excitement that you can only get from your perfect piece in a video game i was top of the loot list i was the one who was next for it and there i go i rolled in the dungeon loot list i see my name appear followed by a solid roll of 71. everyone knew how long i had been waiting for this moment the whispers started coming in congratulations you've deserved this and then i see it as you've no doubt guessed my name is replaced with light ups 76 he rolled on the item over me and there was absolutely nothing i could do it was impossible to remove someone from the run my guild chat exploded disco turtles screamed at light ups that he would be kicked from the guild if he did not pass light ups did not my heart dropped as i saw in my chat window light ups obtains the chess piece the room was ended and light ups was kicked from the guild the cyclist leaving soon after on her own with her husband now gone this is one place where such a tale should end with the traitors being expelled from our group but our tale does not end there my friends not even close oh god as i've known previously there were seven reputable english-speaking endgame guilds on our server with such a low number the end game community was relatively small and i knew officers of the gm's in every other team knowing that light ups and cyclists would attempt to join another guild i preempted them i went to every officer i knew i let them know about the thievery of light ups on each guild website i made a post describing his action and how he and his wife were not to be trusted as i noted in the absence of a master looter type system but the same thing might happen to someone else the weeks went by and i would see light ups and cycles from time to time in the major cities no new guild i smiled inside knowing that he was being punished for what he had done let me move on if your listeners were following closely they may have noted that i said there were seven reputable english speaking guilds on our server but there was another there was another the pensioners this guild was a collection of people who have been booted from the other guilds many of them had transferred from other servers after they couldn't find a place on their own they were a wretched hive of loot [ __ ] and scum what you may ask would keep such a group together i'm sorry to tell you all the answer the answer was cheating many of them would run botting programs specifically designed to claim the three king world bosses their clay break was high enough that people would actually want to join them they may be cheaters no they may be cheaters but [ __ ] me if they don't get results ladies and gentlemen they get results can't argue with that cut out that can't argue one day on our guild's day off i venture to the dragon series the zone in which fafnir and nidhogg would spawn there were not enough people online for us to attempt to claim and kill it ourselves but at least i could see the time when it died for the following night so we may try again i went on my white major healer because he had access to teleports and other spells to make browsing around the zones easier i waited i was just watching tv in the background when at last the dragon spawned nidhogg himself i looked to see who had claimed it it was the [ __ ] pensioners and who do i see tanking it light ups in my chest piece [ __ ] that noise i moved behind nidhogg and started healing light ups as hard as i could you may think this would be helpful to him but nope i knew my mission i was generating so much threat battle fantasy 11 has a toggleable option to make yourself unable to be targeted by spells outside your group but light ups and a few others hadn't turned it on and i healed and i healed my friends i was like the light of [ __ ] jesus christ himself coming down on light ups the pensioners were clearly not paying attention as to what was going on and then in my moment of triumph i saw that big ugly dragon turn a 180 just for a split second it meleed me once killed me and turned back towards light ups it was now standing directly behind nidhogg i saw what could only be described as a vision of the virgin mary in my chat window nidhogg casts spike flail with the next 30 or so lines showing the damage values to everyone in their raid and every single one of them dying nidhogg briefly became unclaimed but was then grabbed by a japanese guild who was definitely going to kill it i was not there to see this as i was laughing laughing so hard i returned my corpse to its home point i looked at how much experience i'd lost and knew it was worth every single point about two days later i against i again noticed light-ups walking around in one of the capital cities once again guildless i later learned that he was kicked from the pensioners but not toggling his spell casting blocker and losing the nidhogg claim for them good [ __ ] him prick but still the story does not end what in final fantasy 11 you do have the option to serve a transfer and name change but can not race change our appearance change many people would attempt to serve a change to escape the bad reputations that were obviously relevant to final fantasy xi as many end-game players would conglomerate on the website of a particular end-game guild similar to elitist jerks in world of warcraft a forum was established to screen potential cross-server applicants and find the bad eggs this still exists today mostly as an interesting mmo historical artifact uh does this work no way hacks oh you guys in the chat know this forum let's check it out uh bg forum cross server application checks are these people searching for info about old bahamut players calling old school diabolos to bahamas oh so they literally try let's click this one diablo is to bahamut sassy so this is the player sassy moving from diablos to bahamut in-game name on bahamut is sassy from usa female was in a noob guild same name of diablos was sassy there was already a background check two weeks ago about this person is this for [ __ ] real told us she is 22 said in application to another guild she's 27 could have been a typo does this information help anyone already to provide good or bad feedback she was in my sky guild for a brief moment on bahamut nice person and knows her job well i think she has currently met jesus christ this is crazy she's currently in med school on nursing school so she didn't show up to many events maybe she has more time now to play after exams was in my guild for like five minutes or so came to like one limbus and one salvage red mage d level to 74. they uh they need to make up their mind as to what they want to join really that name brings jesus this is terrible this is [ __ ] crazy they're not stalking they obviously know everybody this is not just her oh link bahamut donovan this guy just applied to our guild on quest 75 warrior any info on this player played with this guy a long time ago on shiva for a while nice guy seems to know his [ __ ] if i remember crying he was a decent player oh it's not this looks not the same not our donovan somebody else was in absolution now vanquish good player left the guild based on not being able to meet the time scenarios or something of that sort definitely would recommend him to your guild as an asset uh um lol does he have an apocalypse by any chance oh drama yes yes he does chances are astronomically high this is not the same not the person that's played donovan all this time is very likely someone who bought that account oh busted busted well it may not be that donovan we knew aka sold the account or maybe he gave his account to his brother who was also on bahamut either way i don't know if he failed to mention it that he played on diablos for a year after he transferred unless of course it isn't the real donovan anyway the donovan we knew took a break three weeks ago because he was working 16 hour shifts apparently he hasn't been seen or heard of from his final fantasy 11 account or wow account since and it's not answering text messages so make of it what you will at this point no actual character references can be made and so we know who this is what's up guys long time no see it's remix of poison class 2010. i don't know i quit a few years ago as you guys know i came back to the first person i messaged was donovan he was still playing at the time i went to phoenix for a while but then i went to bahama because they merged with my original server and this uh this guild i joined when i got there always talked about a guy named donovan i didn't think anything of it until i said i knew a donovan from diablos my guild leader said he was from there he told me donovan said he used to being poisoned he quit right after that this is insane i doubt you guys will even see this but it was nice to see you guys are still having well that's quite about a good friend donovan five years before a bumper normally people are giving a time for this as bumping the threads is discouraged oh that was five years after this guy just wait remix just posted after five years he totally did look that posts made on december 10 2009 remix drops in in 2014. sup guys what a necro yeah i know donovan who else knows donovan i know donovan okay so uh actually we have full-blown proof yep if you try to serve a change in final fantasy 11 they're gonna find out about it you're going on a list server transfers you're going on a list i know him i followed that forum daily and about once a month i would see an inquiry from a cross-server officer asking information about individuals matching the description of light ups and cyclists i would respond that they were kicked due to light ups luhoring and would be thanked this happened for about six months and the inquiries eventually went away son of a [ __ ] wow get [ __ ] don't ninja in final fantasy 11 you're on a [ __ ] list and that's following you everywhere i wish i had a complete end to their part of the story as i don't know if they ever found a place to go i'd just quit the game entirely and so with this i asked for judgment from your audience was i an [ __ ] or was i justified in my righteous vengeance against those who would break the rules ask me i did finally get my chest piece it drops in the next run we did about two weeks after we kicked light ups from the guild i will occasionally resub to ff11 and even 14 years later i still wear it as my transmog it's still badass not guilty i think here it's hard for me to cast judgment as the judge i look to my jury for this one i don't care i would i mean i've never hunted an item for a year i did the the item i've hunted the most was the i want to say the mermaid on treads from from black temple they never dropped for us and i think they had plus hit on them they were and were they plus hitting expertise there was something they were glorious for tanks anyway um but i played with go with nice players so i got them when they eventually dropped they just never dropped i not guilty not guilty i don't think we need a poll looking at the chat this is a huge wave of not guilties coming in here a huge wave not guilty yeah i mean a year of cha unquestionably in the context of it this is what i would say in a game that has a reasonable a reasonably regular occurrence of an item not showing up for 12 months or more this loot is definitely considered precious amongst the players ergo ninja is even that much worse and to see somebody come in and just roll out with the stuff and then [ __ ] be a dick about it well he wasn't really a dick about it he just left right but i could i could see your heartache you've you've coveted an item for a year yeah is it worth though and i have to put this question to you is it worth destroying that person's entire character and their experience playing the game going forward forever that's where i'm like i don't know man i don't know like destroying that entire person's gaming experience forever according to my audience yes that is the justifiable punishment that is the penance yeah [ __ ] that guy okay well you can see it there i leave it to the audience i don't know i leave it there ladies and gentlemen it is my birthday and that is me signing off for the day it has been an extraordinary day my voice is clearly destroyed we've done plenty of things uh we might be around over the weekend but i promise nothing i have so much stuff going on that is probably going to be monday but i'll tweet you otherwise thank you for an extraordinary day absolutely extraordinary day it's been fantastic from start to finish enjoy our videos up on youtube i know many of you loved the intro chris put together for our hidden gems in final fantasy 14 quests that some people have been playing for years did not know existed that we've been doing i'm going to enjoy the rest of my day i'm going to spend the night with my family be awesome uh the reason we might stream all the weekend is you should have our office keys opium if we do we'll put a little stream together so we can explore it all right be good bye everybody i'm out where's my button
Channel: Preach Gaming
Views: 62,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preach, wow, preachgaming, preach gaming, world of warcraft, drama, drama friday, drama time, preach drama, drama stories, wow stories, final fantasy, mmo, mmo stories, mmo drama, final fantasy drama, ffxiv drama, ffxiv, ff14, ff14 drama, final fantasy 14 drama, spike flail, off tanks iq
Id: axjfULd8cE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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