FFXIV - Part 102 - Farewell to The First

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[Music] looks good looks good we good is that um i swapped our twitch server [Music] oh hi i'm here hi is that a lag gun that you guys are having that's stuttering fresh back we're back back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we golden we golden lager's got as well super super solved [Music] thank you very much dude you're still getting it okay start our end actually i've swapped our twitch server [Music] [Music] 0.00 i don't think it's our end yeah i think it's twitch not much i can do that i'm afraid i'm going to focus on this anyway i don't want to miss out on whatever this is [Music] i feel like we're gonna fight that lord from uh shrek in here [Music] why would hilda brand be here what are you guys talking about [Music] [Music] let me into the castle [Music] wow conan wait i've seen that red eye thing before as well okay i put my room in the wrong place guys just let me go just starting out there's a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe yep well not in line of sight [Music] choose a rock daddy rock we're good [Music] i'm following you guys here i have no idea [Music] i saw you all jumping the whole one follow it i will go full lemming on that one there's following his direction okay this guy is a berserker we don't wanna you don't wanna get noxious out of the hole though right yeah you don't want that oh any noise you dps do this oh you can sweet uh we seem to be running out of room folks [Music] shielding this [Music] [Music] [Music] sponsored [Music] good boss that was really cool yeah that was really good boss i like the area denial that was going on as well that was awesome [Music] good job team so what did we learn anything [Music] i think that's the last of them where did they come from apparently even they have limits nevertheless we should remain vigilant something occurred to me while we were fighting these enemies our heroes hailing from other shards summoned hither to deliver this world from its doom scant moments after the star shower did they appear as yet more souls were inspired to walk the hero's path no doubt thus did hopes for salvation of realms near and far resonate and converge lending still greater strength unto our adversary a primal that's getting support from other reflections as well but first things first if the rings are the same as the exarch then we need to ask him how that's possible [Music] the crystarium is close let us press on [Music] they come okay so near and yet so far hey we right in the chaos of conflict one can always find an opening to exploit whoever taught you that is a wise man indeed and good with a gun blade but yes i dare say we can create an opening wide enough for at least one of us to slip through that being you of course though others are welcome to follow in your wake reen and i will keep our guests occupied who could use destructive magics to wreak havoc upon the ambient ether on the other hand very well i too shall assist in the diversionary effort oh not this old dance again yes obviously i'll stay this is the end of the science alpha no i'm about to do a great many stupid and reckless things watch my back would you stay there you have it take care of yourself my friend yeah this is the end [Music] rest assured i have no intention of explaining any of mine this day finished then let's begin [Music] well a short while earlier in the ocular the exact didn't betray us he put himself in the crystal it is done oh let me see let me see oh yes your memories are preserved safely within we've done it we've done it at last i have inspected the other vessels they are all ready to receive of our friends memories oh excellent excellent i shall have my families grab word to them at once [Music] elitibus it was not until i observed the battle between emmett selk and the warrior of darkness that i realized what i must do i will summon heroes from other worlds unto the first just as you did their presence shall serve to empower me granting me the strength to crush my enemy though it pains me to disappoint you i feel compelled to explain that the magic in question requires no small amount of preparation but you assume i require my champions to be summoned in their entirety i do not their souls needn't even be my purpose requires no more than their burning desire to vanquish even this i shall see upon the ether raising thereby an army of phantom heroes to whom i shall whisper as i have to so many over the ages [Music] here lies darkness it must be destroyed and you expect me to cooperate i do not require your cooperation your death will suffice the magic i shall have from your calls go lucas nice nice oh no oh kill dog lady but what is this [Music] oh we should have used a mound keep running this is not the time oh my friend how did you [Music] no matter elidibus he took us unawares [Music] look [Music] it was all we could do to raise the lord to hinder his steps until we fled but he took it with a vessel with the x-ax memories [Music] forgive me forgive me the vessel bears not only my memories but my blood the blood of elegant royalty granting him the means to control the tower that's awesome with it he has performed i know not how many summonings calling forth heroes from across the rift good news and as you can see the burden upon the tower is beginning to tell [Music] i'll kill him i'll burn him i'd do it no i won't let you go alone not this time dude has exploited the people's nobility twisted their purest intentions for terrible ends and i cannot let it stand as exact it is my duty to protect them to defend their hopes and dreams it's not like everybody have refused the crystal tower with or without your blessing though i would rather it [Music] [Music] with him help you can barely stand up what do you mean let him help have a [ __ ] sleep thank you i'll help you join you but i would only be a burden better that i remain here with my gremlins i shall send help stay strong my friend and take heart by binding elizabeth within the tower we have done more than simply delay him much like our adversary i am not want to show my hand prematurely but the time has come to bring my strongest card to bear a rare charizard we got you two [Music] to the tower well i think the exact's not long for this world told you i told you guys we should have just let him send us back he was fine with it [Music] with your permission i would make a brief stop at the uncensored gate strong enough to send the guards back looks aid you understand but not for them we would never have escaped liberus was left with the spirit vessels the mind fell into our foes clutches back look gathered up the rest of this great wrists themselves they must see that they are safe before we press on enough good people have given their lives that i might fulfill my duty [Music] all right [Music] this music oh man [Music] warrior darkness exactly but give us this poultry green we were not notified of your coming wasn't planned i need you to assemble a rescue party our friend beck luck lies wounded in a clearing to the west prey goes to the aid with all haste uh once my lord but may i ask how they came to harm there have been reports of enemies in our mid specters who appeared after the star shower do they have something to do with it yes man who attacked beck lug is also responsible for the starshower and the appearance of the spectres i have no time to explain but know that the individual in question does not seek to indiscriminate harm if you don't bar his servant's path they will not turn on you you have to leave this photos understood meanwhile ask that you alert the rest of the guard and focus on maintaining calm in the city [Music] understood lena i shall take charge of matters in the city i'm back look now no time to explain the greater mata the less inclined you are to speak of it even when it is plain for all to see like what is happening to you nina this time there truly is no time i know my lord what matters otherwise i believe you would have even been willing to speak of your past if pressed yet i remain afraid to do so afraid that what i might learn would make a stranger of you forgive me there is no time okay he's definitely not coming back a few words come on come on come on come on come on there's always five minutes [Music] indeed time must abide must be made lena you remember the time you got lost in the tower when you were little and i searched for you for hours on end [Music] the cake i baked for your tenth name day a hideous lump the good people of the mean covered up with beautiful candles and your hapless first encounter with the sinisters as a guard afterwards you threw yourself into your training pretending nothing was wrong i could see the tears in your eyes [Music] all these moments that we shared are the feelings that accompanied them they are as real as art that came before and nothing will ever change that ever change what we mean to one another i have made you worry then i beg your forgiveness heavens know you deserve better [Music] the darkest of times you have kept faith with me standing tall as a proud daughter of the crystarium as an example to us all i count myself blessed to have had you in my life i want you to know that why do you speak so as if this were our last meeting truly you have a knack for making people worry [Music] besides it is you who are an example to us all you have led us through countless trials and you who will lead us through countless trials to come oh go my lord do what you must take care [Music] oh i thought he was going for a huckle i thought we were getting some hoaxies [Music] he knows he knows [Music] [Music] maybe it's a debate [Music] ward holds excellent ludibus will still be within the tower our foe's sole purpose is to destroy you and to the end he has summoned heroes from other reflections empower himself with their hope even as they occupy your comrades you will not best him as easy as you did in the depths by any measure the odds are now stacked firmly in his favor so it spare no preparation my friend i shall lift the ward only when you are ready oh uh [Music] you mean i now into the hero's gauntlet with a party of nbc advertising the trust of something yet uh is this a solo affair or a group affair [Music] you are ready then very well i shall lift the ward and finish it michelle no hero or foe could summon to his side shall ever compare to you and as for me well no ally you could summon to your side will ever try harder that much i swear but come my friend let's finish this once and for all [Music] [Music] [Music] not here either we must keep climbing [Music] ah oh he's like stones crystal necrosis man it was but a matter of time i cannot keep up with you nor will it avail us to make a stand here let's say that you must go on without me find elibus and stop him worry not my friend [Music] okay [Music] sure everything's fine though i am no warrior i have learned to hold my own over the years all right [Music] when first we explored this tower you and your fellow adventurers formed the van while i was left to follow in your wake suffice it to say i was not best pleased with the arrangement how i wished that i could join you you're just a kid man excitable kid as i remember [Music] and now i have here where it all began [Music] i was right to trust in you and the power of your legacy of your name to let them guide my every deed [Music] foreign and my mission guiding my every deed [Music] do you ever consider other paths and why me [Music] why you why not you had i chosen another we would never have made it this far or do i mistake your meaning elidibus spoke in similar terms you say now curious to answer your question then i made my choice for reasons which seemed obvious to me but may not to any other there were the expectations i placed upon myself before beginning my slumber and the expectations of those who roused me of course i had the choice to turn my back on a lot of it but in the end it was no choice at all i cherish the time i spend with you and the others what i wouldn't give to return to those halcyon days [Music] chasing ancient secrets overcoming trial after trial with the aid of like-minded comrades and what remarkable comrades they were in such company i felt as if i were a character in the epic tales that had stirred my heart as a boy as if my dream had come true [Music] it hadn't of course for i was no hero neither then nor after though the world to which i awakened and the first were beset with myriad problems i rarely knew how best to play my part [Music] there was however one thing of which i was certain that i could not bear to let those dear to me meet a tragic end [Music] [Music] i'm afraid our time is up go [Music] rest assured you haven't seen the last of me i wouldn't dream of playing my trump card saving your presence it's better to be a good card bro [ __ ] dominoes or some [ __ ] we do have his memories and stuff saved though right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] memories of a possible future worthless all worthless as memories of the only past fated to fray and fade into oblivion leaving naught but a gaping void [Music] the waking sands yes that was the place the place i first made myself known to you and yours the seventh rejoining had left the realm listing dangerously towards darkness and events were unfolding that threatened to push it over the brink thus did i approach you in my capacity as emissary thinking that you would make a useful pawn but i was wrong and for my misstep did la habrea and emma selk pay the ultimate price leaving me the last of the unsundered [Music] my remaining brethren fragmented as they are cannot hope to see our mission to its end it falls to me alone defeat is not an option i will strike you down i will resurrect lord zodiac and i will bring back those who sacrifice themselves to call him forth no mate i don't think so though it take a thousand thousand years upon my honor as elitabus emissary of the convocation of fourteen i will see this done [Music] i know that his devotion is not without reason even if he himself can no longer remember what that reason is this dedication to your duty urges on obsession those who once relied on upon you and no more however hard you struggle you'll never bring back the convocation what of it i have my mission i am elidibus and it is my duty to steer mankind and the very star upon their true course this i swore to to someone oh me we spoke and i swore what what did i what about if we show my crystal collection [Laughter] this pain this torment is nothing no more than must be suffered to deliver the world from its doom no more than any of you malformed creatures have known even should you lose all that is dear to you even should it cost you your life you bear the burden and fight on kicking and screaming until your last breath is spent i it's true we've lost much and more known unimaginable brother but through it all we never ever forgot what was dear to us and that's what gave us the strength to carry on you've no fight left to fight yes i got this i got this michael sarah's bringing this [ __ ] down no no it will not end here champions from beyond the rift heed my call the time is come to deliver your brethren from darkness my heart's soul desire is a world free of sorrow join with me now in hope and prayer for the salvation of all giant bert if you would usher in the end then with my all shall i oppose you as the avatar of those mortal heroes who fought unfalteringly in all their imperfection as the warrior of light incarnate come warrior of darkness let us finish this what [Music] [Music] while you walk my dearest friend fate shall surely follow but yours is the 14th sea seeds of azam what are you no it matters not you are the enemy and you were full even should it cost me everything i will not forsake my duty i think i need some bros okay all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my god uh okay i'm just going in order oh i need to get back [Music] shady [Music] okay background music 100. [Music] let's sign the rules [Music] [Music] all right all right [ __ ] guys i have to iron the green screen after this you don't understand we all set i feel i genuinely feel really bad about doing this fight because he's just so lost isn't he he's like a robot that just remembers his initial program but everything else is lost [Music] i mean it kind of sucks right beat the warriors like what's the place called [Music] this is a very fit for street box to fight for sure go [Music] i will strike you down [Music] you dressed as a maid [Music] wow okay [Music] i'm sorry buddy this has to be done you guys all ready yeah [Music] flush countdown [Music] this battle shall be our loss [Music] holy [ __ ] certain death uh when counts reaches zero effective space from being healed to the amount okay okay okay so it's a heal of responsibility careface sweet uh spread out okay [Music] the direction matter it's got like an arrow on it i don't know [Music] darkness must be destroyed [Music] gleaming steel like [Music] everyone's really close i'm just really far away did i not be in this [Music] uh [Music] um is he taking us to different reflections void oh [ __ ] oh look down here where we assians have been forced to retreat time and time again struggle all you like even should you break free there is no way back you clutch the crystal of us em to your breast and wish upon it with all your heart so it ends in unceremonious silence oh he thinks he's won because he's good [Music] you it cannot be [Music] the original warrior of life [Music] to me [Music] that was totally amazing yeah i am salvation given form mankind's first hero and his final hope for victory i render up my ore your demise will be our salvation oh he's got limit he's got lb4 oh no [Music] i think we needed a tank lb3 there like i think that was to play it's fine it's fine let's go for god [Music] let's go uh well now we know now we know knowledge are quiet that doesn't count as my death by the way this battle shall be our last [Music] all right now it's performing even better this time [Music] slick everybody got that [Music] you have to move [Music] darkness must be destroyed [Music] i think that's all it is ascendants okay [Music] did we like skip several mechanics there i think we blasted this time i totally do yeah we blasted this [Music] mechanic skipping pog chop yeah i know right i think we blasted that wait so we do it on extreme though lads they've been no blasting going on italia any blasters i'm not skipping i'm not skipping imagine we just have to stand around and wait regardless lb3 tanks [Music] you it cannot be [Music] [Music] to me warriors of light [Music] i am salvation given form mankind's first hero and his final hope ah that's cool [Music] [Music] what [Music] it's okay it's salvageable it's fine it's fine salvageable team yes [Music] darkness must be destroyed help help [Music] it's fine [Applause] [Music] um [Music] everyone relax [Music] to the limit okay okay okay the warrior flight is trump's sending his limit and look at that living room [Music] you give me a radium beaver grant me strength [Music] uh he's got lb2 there's too many in that one okay [Music] uh i knew about that too early [Music] okay uh gleaming steel like my power i thought i did it right there well i'd probably not [Music] apparently don't [Music] one day begone sport of shadow [Applause] is [Music] [Music] darkness must be destroyed [Music] [Music] [Music] i think we can stand on top of each other [Music] there's a lot going on here [Music] then we get like a nuke phase [Music] have to okay [Music] is it getting even stronger [Music] [Music] thank you no darkness must be destroyed [Music] i cannot wait for this fire on extreme that is going to be awesome that's gonna be so cool no no i cannot fail i will not secret phase three [Music] he still stands he still stands [Music] good job team [Music] yeah i don't think it's a phase three okay [Music] fool you have achieved nothing i am immortal yet i will never surrender so fixated were you on my memories of the future you failed to heed the lessons of the past your obsession blinded you to the true nature of this tower this beacon of hope for mankind [Music] created to serve as a reservoir for the limitless energy of the heavens to harness and bind the boundless not unlike white aurasite your ill-begotten power obtained by exploiting that which is best in us i shall have it your soul and all [Music] i still feel bad for him [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh my dude hello this [Music] yes [Music] i would become him i would save everyone this i believe yet still they cried out in rage and despair divided over the fate of the star a rare occurrence always fleeting but not this time not this time reconciliation elizabeth i was needed i withdrew myself from zodiac for them my people my brothers [Music] my friends [Music] stay strong keep the faith the duties end we will meet again we will [Music] we will [Music] the rains have ceased and we have been graced with another beautiful day [Music] but you are not here to see it [Music] [Music] [Music] i concede i may have over exerted myself [Music] steady now and listen i told you before that i had a plan and that when all is said and done i would ask a favor of you [Music] we have averted the eighth umbral calamity found a way for everyone to return to the source and last but not least we have secured the future of all the people of northrend we have won my friend [Music] so i hope you'll forgive me this moment of selfishness and while i wouldn't want you to feel obliged [Music] promise me you'll take me on your next adventure a journey together that's all i ask [Music] i think we can manage that can't we [Music] [Music] foreign if i were to tell you that this isn't the end that we will meet again would you believe me yes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] my friend with you my mind and memory shall travel to the ends of the world and beyond but in this place shall my body stand immovable may it serve as an undying promise not only to those who look to me for leadership but to any soul who has known despair that hope is everlasting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] there the exarch would remain keeping his silent vigil when the scions were not released from his summoning spell we proceeded with the plan to return them to the source the warrior of darkness however retained her ability to traverse the two worlds at will and in time the crystal tower became a symbol of her link to the first and of hope [Music] hahaha again [Music] i'm not actually that sad about cat boy i definitely for sure sad i was more sad with what happened with elizabeth that was what caught me for sure [Music] well still still more to go i believe oh god i thank you for everybody for those subs i can't even count them [Music] thank you i hope you all enjoyed that moment it was good [Music] thank you everybody let's just get started but you wish you were babysitting now yeah they draw you in pretty much for this patch don't they they draw you in [Music] yeah but i wasn't too sad about cat boy because you mean we've got back up he'll do his thing but the whole olympus thing that was rough um okay let's go let's go am i all right i should be the one asking you but yes i'm fine thank you we all are [Music] people are fine the city's fine and the star showers have stopped it's almost as if we come back to the peaceful days that followed the night's return almost [Music] time for us to go i imagine law if you are ready would you recount to us how the day unfolded watch the vote yes honestly watch the vod oh we caught you all back [Music] so you reached out to elizabeth at the last and his heart was moved can we change nothing tried tried thank you everybody for the hype train thank you perhaps not ultimately you had no choice but to strike him down but the important thing is this violence proved unavoidable he did at least come to understand your foe and in knowing his hopes and dreams do we best remember him him and his legacy [Music] as long as i remain unforgotten the love he and his brethren bore for one another and the star may yet be rewarded [Music] said that an ancient came to your aid how is that possible a gift from emmett selk he knew of elizabeth's plights seeing his own death he made provisions to bring olympus's suffering to an end lest his friend be left to continue the struggle alone [Music] so i wildly speculate it's unlikely we'll ever know the truth the best we can do is to remember events as they happened no more no less as the ronkins so rightly put it history is earned not lived ah there you are my friend we were given to understand thou was injured should shall not be a bed lie down it's a time like this don't be absurd i would have come sooner had the guards not made such a fuss now tell me what's happened where's the exact i see flaw will you show me his spirit vessel yes both his soul and memories seem attacked good like the others his ether was not highly charged and so it did not seem necessary to employ a familiar for the invite ewing i needed to be certain all the same oh what a relief and this was a question of restoring his soul unto his flesh and as thou didst lightly tell me success of this process resteth on no more than our friend's soul recognizing his flesh as its own given his apparent desire to return to the source with floor one would think his soul would be only too happy to be home though surely he wouldn't bark at the relative newness of his accommodation so one would hope that none can speak for the exact heart of hearts and he can no longer speak for himself furthermore though i have drawn upon all my not inconsiderable experience to predict the outcome the fact remains that there is no direct precedent for what we are attempting will his body accept his soul will his essences blend properly will he awaken whole of mind any number of things could go awry [Music] assuming i have succeeded in tempering your expectations i should probably add i did ask the exact if you still wish to return to the source in full knowledge of the risks simple enough question one would think warranting a single word reply yet the answer i received was rather longer than that almost comically so regardless adds respect for the man i shall attempt to recite it with a certain amount of poetic license [Music] as i grew older the burdens i carried became ever more numerous burdens which weighed upon my hopes burying them deep within my breast so deep that i couldn't be certain they were still there when i look around me i am reminded that no matter how deeply buried they may be our hopes never truly disappear no they are always with us guiding us driving us [Music] you see it's important we sought to vindicate his existence by creating his paradise i see it in ranjit who forsook his life's cause in order to protect that which he held most dear i see it in the people who chose to struggle rather than surrender to despair and though our struggles may differ greatly since the very beginning of time they have all shared that one common thread oh we struggle because we have hope when the time comes i too will embrace mine i will follow my heart regardless of the risks [Music] and i will live with all my being as befits one who has granted a second chance there i told you it was long and unspeakably sentimental to boots one would think them the outpourings of a dewey eyed boy that the old man the exarch seems to believe he is i mean really he's scarcely been alive as long as i've been in hiding i dare say he's blushing in his vessel speaking of which we should make ready for our journey time remains of the essence after all [Music] needless to say once we leave there is no guarantee that we can return if anyone has unfinished business now is the time to see to it i must pay a visit to slitherboard let us reconvene here and on there remains some few matters which might which require minor tension in elbec may i leave thank red and i care child um i mean we need to get some flowers from in philly i thought you might help me choose them and then we could go to nabata ring together one last time fine suggestion lead on well back to you more for me amongst other things i owe the mayor an apology about his airship i assume you have places to be of your own i'll say i shall see you later [Music] uh i guess we're gonna go and see holrick of course as you probably guess you're going to pay a visit to the inn at journey's head i want you to come to [Music] i realize you don't need to say any farewells the ex arc does it for me his spirit i thought you might bring him along so to speak i'm sure he'd love the thought of being looked about on his heroes back so let's be off shall we can't wait to see how holrik's doing uh i guess i guess oh we're doing the tour the goodbyes yeah we're doing the tour of goodbyes captain obvious [ __ ] thank you so much for donation man this game is pretty good that's all right all right i think it's worth the purchase when you can actually buy the [ __ ] thing yeah yeah it's worth a try where's hull rig oh you could buy it again already excellent ulrich ulrich oh god it's not something he's wandered off again quickly flow we have to find him uh uh alissie i see you there you're looking for all rick he's gone for a walk with one of the others they're planning to visit the graveyard if i'm not mistaken oh my god what's she called summer mel i can't remember oh that's relief so we had chance the graveyard then vaseline that was it vaseline [Music] uh again thank you everybody thank you so much okay i've got a moment of respite now all right uh cc's where i grab my sandwich i'm not had my lunch yet [Music] mmm [Music] there is quite a lot of space here actually i could do a cartwheel [Music] i did i did um adult gymnastics [Music] [Music] [Music] like [Music] all right everybody's doing gym class now okay and we're in the office forward like that that was good yeah you're the gym class people we're here chris from good session i can't go backwards roll yeah i'm with the door hey don't do a cartwheel you ready [Music] it what the [ __ ] what even is that oh huh i was just teasing you i can't breathe magic open sesame oh he's a [ __ ] magician magic music i can do magic open sesame oh no i know you knew okay i'll do it i'm actually really good at it this is why we need actually i'm probably better coming from this way you get the full rotation you want the full rotation in the cartwheel okay okay hi from here look i do what's up don't tell me i'm not skilled i know how to stand oh boring he's like he broke a sweat in the other office a fear of something going wrong [Music] chrissy's stressing i i've got to stop not allowed to do anything else [Music] [Music] hey ah [Music] in there what is that [Music] okay hey oh my god it's like the kids are here give up what is wrong with it maybe the office wants me to leave maybe the office wants me to leave maybe it's like you know what can you please leave no one else has that problem right worst door ever that's gotta be a five pound deduction on the rent a gaming suite is this way you can't even close the door i don't know was mike having that trouble maybe it's got maybe i'll give it too much action april yeah i've got no more magic i can't ah i know what we could do we can block it with bex x hold the door backs hold the door hold the door dudes i need your help real quick before we get back into this and i'm not feeling as emotionally drained because i feel a bit better now about a sandwich just close it oh we you saw that he kicked him up the bottom there we go oh that's my fanny what are you doing sorry jesus christ mike he'll put you in just chatting a few minutes ago hey enough for that only fans yeah what are you doing stop perving at me oh don't lie there can you stop with your cough behind me i've got the plague i'm sorry oh jesus what do you think of this come with me yeah you've been with him i'll need you god in fact you stay there you translate chats what chat things to this is funny right so display i've sent us some new stuff and i want to show off because we need the big daddy for the web show don't we oh my god you'll have to get that emma she's never going to get the job get the door it's probably the other chair do we need to go get that come with me stream almost certainly we will have to get it live we're doing it live well i answered it but i don't know what i'm supposed to do it's really hard it's one button well not right chris let's demonstrate how what emma couldn't work it's very complex right you see there's a little button with a key on it oh my god oh chat unbelievable good here is nickel it is mr knopson's chair mr knops's chair did you notice this was made in scotland oh it's michael from scotland jesus christ all the way from scotland omega i've sent it now i don't want to be funny about this but my fan is scratching now thank you very much gt omega for our chairs yes making our chairs and it's come all the way from scotland and my fan is going to sit in it the accent just like it's painful it hurts man it hurts i have to try and do this they sent us stream what do you think so they've given us these 3d mounts which we should be able to put lights and stuff behind our pictures yep that's the thinking the power of magnetism in 3d yeah i think this is actually going to look really sick so just fold these up nice and easy i'm not going to goof it we didn't i don't think we rehearsed this at all did we no no i say nothing i've had from display has been difficult to do no even i managed to put some up right so that's saying you put more than me i've put four up in the office and that was a relatively simple experience right and i'm completely useless so all right so there we go we've got a sticky and a magnet there you go easy right so the idea is with these i'll show you now is you can see the it's got some stick out on it so i think we should do chris is put some rgb behind it some sweet rgb strips well just to give it some glow and some pop behind yeah yeah for sure and if because once we get the web show from here if you go back a bit we'll be sat on this couch obviously on the casting couch it's not a casting couch it's pretty well seasoned they've got to say it's not a casting couch right like you look at that right is this going to be straight there's been some ass cheek on that if you if you ask me you know so don't get this straight i'm going right thank you it's not straight but it's not straight it doesn't need to be straight that's true but it isn't straight this bit absolutely does not need to be straight see that's what i'm saying it doesn't need to be super straight now yesterday me and chris tried to put soundproofing up double-sided tape it did not go well no i mean not at least because the soundproofing that we got was absolute shite yeah we've got better stuff coming but uh yeah we struggled a bit with the tape as it happens yeah i actually find this the most awkward part all right so you peel that off get it get a good surface hey the solid that boxes yeah there you go so now we just do number two i'm worried about the colors but i think if we put like lights behind these they're gonna look sick yeah yeah for sure nice dark background you know get there you can't find anywhere in the office to put my bioshock one and that pisses me off a lot so i might actually rotate out gordon freeman and put the bioshock on yeah well that's one of the nice things about display is you can take them off so if you've only got space for like one or two you can buy multiples you know what i mean haha now but if you come to the cyprus so we should have a nice kind of profile yeah where it sticks out a bit i'll have to get color over here what's behind that we could just run a strip of rgb down there there's plugs here yeah so you've got a good couple of centimeters there so you'd be able to fit that quite easily right perfect how would that look i honestly couldn't tell and you can't tell it's really sticking out that much can you that's what i would say actually it's just right i think all right i need to get streams reaction do we want lights and stuff behind them how is there a mutiny going on why is through mutiny i don't understand stop picking your nose on stream i didn't i made a sign where did you get a sign from i'm creative scotland screw mine look they're all on my team now this is our show now this is a sign well that was modernly unhelpful because all right get out so i'll get the information i actually want no nobody cares look 50 50 subs he doesn't care they're all in it for me they're waiting for me for all the year for me who's been entertaining you i've been censored come on he's kicking me out come on this is can i get some real answers here well she's got a hundred subs in there free emma she's got her own office i fixed your pc i slide your headphones out but what's harder plugging the monitor in or fixing the giant glass panel on the case look they're feeling impressed they're not happening well we've got dupsy's chair as well so thank you gt omega thank you for that we got mouse mats in sick for life bye emma uh that actually compression noise gate is uh it's totally fine this is we're all goofing around it was totally fine what was your question i mean [Music] thank you everybody subscriber out the window you live in the window that's where you live now you live in the window that's where you belong the plate would look good with lights yes it would it would look good with lights anyway shall we go to a funeral you guys all seem to have recovered have we all recovered now [Music] okay let's go let's go let's go let's go to let's let's go and think about teslin let's get miserable i do i feel fine now actually i got some air i got a sandwich i feel good i feel good [Music] i do want more bioshock stuff in the office for sure there he is i was afraid he wandered off again [Music] oh there's no need to worry alright's safe and well he's been showing good progress and likes to go for walks of life so his steps usually bring him to this particular spot [Music] oh i wasn't aware he had family here [Music] he doesn't it's tesla a sword that is we buried it here in her honor though he remembers what brings you back so soon out of interest i didn't think the next round of treatments was due yet uh now it isn't look i realize this is sudden i've come to say goodbye time for me to return home but rest assured the treatments will continue like look we'll come to oversee them in my stead i see you did mention that you and your friends were searching for a way home needless to say we'll be sorry to see you go i know everyone will be happy for you truly happy and grateful you did so much for us achieved what none of us dared hope was possible i will see so that your good work continues and that no more poor souls are buried here before their time so rest easy and take care we wish you every happiness [Music] thank you i'll miss you all [Music] i'm gonna lose my bet aren't there i should never gamble with you guys there isn't time to say our farewells quite yet are there any tasks that need doing hunting bees fetching water what have you say the word i need to make use of every last moment here after all time left to you it's precious [Music] [Music] that's that's right horrick that's exactly right those words will guide you true and never forget neither will i [Music] are we going to say goodbye to julia [Laughter] you're a [ __ ] idiot i swear to god you're a [ __ ] idiot [Music] oh sweet jesus but i'm not crying i just have sand in my eye that's all same a lot of sun blowing through this office today a lot of sand i need to hoover up later as i mentioned i need to stay here as long as possible in the meantime perhaps you can go looking on the others elf now for instance if anyone is crying it will be him son of sand there's like a desert in here honestly it really is [Music] this is [ __ ] by the way though like for real right before the shadow bringers expansion i cried one time at a video game once i think i want four now and walker better be like really edgy please lady chai dry your eyes the thought of never seeing you again muscles [Music] julia oh it's you as you can see alfano has broken the news i don't know how to console her she thinks we'll be lost without him [Music] yes yes you'll never let me forget it will you i'll have you know i completed the promised painting in the end now there are times only words will suffice what a new one lady chai i have a confession to make on the day we ousted lord vaw3 when i revealed the truth of his tyranny and your complicity in his crimes i did so with great trepidation not out of fear that you wouldn't listen but that you might never recover there was a time when i too in my hubris believed myself worthy to lord it over others and when the lie was laid bare when i was forced to confront the cost the lives lost it all but destroyed me to awaken from a naive dream to so harsh a reality i would have understood had you all surrendered to despair [Music] [Music] but you didn't surrender far from it you picked yourselves up and rose to the challenge you found a path forward and the strength to walk it and to keep walking it day after day [Music] but what struck me is how much faster you found it than i did really i felt pretty slow to me but rest assured we'll make yulmor into a nation anyone would be proud to call home eventually [Music] you can still come and go as you please i believe when we have good tidings to report i may trouble you to be their bearer [Music] there may also be less than good tidings in which event i hope i can trouble you for your council i should be honored to provide it master chai [Music] he's got to squash him oh alpha no i know you aren't want to sit still but do remember to take your ease from time to time and no matter where you are remember that there are people here who are praying for your health and happiness [Music] our brave and gentle artist you have our love now and always [Music] and you mine please take care [Music] guess rooney's next day gonna have some stew with our boy [Music] [Music] it's a strange feeling floor stand in the company of our friends knowing that i will never see them again i struggle to reconcile it in my mind this i know i shall cherish my memories of nordrant of every soul i met here for the rest of my days and i shall look forward to your tales of their endeavors [Music] give me i realize now that i could never ask you what business brought you here can i be of assistance alize said that did she well as you can see i'm quite all right now i'm like her by the sound of it perhaps you might consider visiting riya next given his conversance with the idiosyncrasies of the fae folk i doubt it will be an issue but a small part of me worries that they may not relinquish him willingly as such i would feel better if you were to look in our friend assuming you have the time of course we're going to scotland now feel your chair in i thought you were going to come in like why are you going to come in sitting on it and shimmying across the floor why are you wearing that giant marshmallow coat what's that when were you doing cartwheels literally just got a hospital and i've been told some bed rest [Music] one second hold on hold on hold fire you get sick and that means that i can't stream the rest of shadow brings an end walker mean you're gonna have to get divorced and stand both all right i don't want you carrying on like that again well as it's back in your cage yeah but that doesn't work because then i can't stream understand all right put your face back on all right okay let's go [Music] the old no camera no mutric [Music] this is why we have to free emma you don't need to free emma oh sepi thank you for the subs man it's so nice of you okay okay i now i assume we're gonna have some scottish berries around ah i should have the pleasure of welcoming a guest even as my own occupation draws to a close or bringeth thee hither my friend [Music] that would grant the exact final tour of the realm which hath been his home these hundred years a noble gesture as for master alpha knows concerns thou mayest rest assured that all is well here far from detaining me our faith friends have agreed to assist in the transportation of these tomes since the cabinets of curiosity not more remaineth to be done regardless as well that thou didst come i had been meaning to show something to thee an object i chanced to find after the victory over elitibus [Music] i assumed we were going to see feo all but had lost its radiance is unmistakably a crystal of light while that did in all likelihood once belonged to artbert having been interred with his body he would have remained upon his person after his possession by elidibus when his mortal form was give my in delicacy assumed by thy foe to fuel his transformation i posit that the crystal did tumble free what's happening here i may have misled you em save that with doth abide in thee there's all that remaineth of our friend and if thou art willing i would have thee delivered some settle i could think of no worthier recipient than he no more fitting a bearer than me as thou thou wilt find the amarillo in walked off my thanks flo off okay this is horrible this is actually horrible this is actually [ __ ] horrible it's just dawned on me what's happening and now i'm really pissed off [Music] we've gotta go and take the crystal of his master back to his dog that's missed him no he's dead the dog lives oh that's like [ __ ] you emma i've already cried today i'm not doing it again [Music] this dog is really sad [Music] ah all glad i am to see you safe and well rumors spoke of strange spectral foes bent on your destruction but with the sky returned to normal i assume all is well again so so what do i owe the pleasure of this visit crystal of light believed to belong to art but it has lost its radiance you would swear that a faint light still shines at its core as if to remind you that hope never dies that's sort of a chat called hope notice never die is that oddbert's crystal so it is it has changed but i would know it anywhere however did you come by it [Music] this ghost coming back [Music] then even in death his enemies found a way to profit from his sacrifice oh it grieves me to think of his body being used for evil ends but thanks to you his honor is restored and he may finally find peace no words can express my gratitude i will keep this crystal safe to the end of my days rest easy my friend you have earned it oh garden very well [Music] [Music] oh how can this be [Music] setto my old friend you've grown [Music] you [Music] i'm sorry i couldn't keep you safe or even console you had i only learned to speak sooner i would have told you how much you meant to me how much i cared i knew i always knew but i'm happy to hear it nonetheless thank you seto my partner in crime [Music] i see his journey continues [Music] then i will not yet bit him rest with you he may look forward to many more adventures [Music] it has been a while since last i flew perhaps i too will go on a little adventure ride the winds seek the horizon yes i think perhaps i will [Music] shitty trash weeb game moving on [ __ ] power rangers [ __ ] game you know what i mean just dancing cat boys yeah he wants to go chop down a tree or something yeah let's uh let's go get a kebab lads extra hots let's go and do that yeah but there's [ __ ] sand in this office everywhere i don't think you're gonna get to do the sky jackson sorry how did you bring this uh train there's [ __ ] sand everywhere someone keeps walking in it's probably emma look you can't abuse the dog but at least we got resolution what did we swear at the beginning of shadowbringers that that [ __ ] better have resolution with that dog dog dragon dog i swore that that guy had some sorts of that duck i think when it died like three times ah oh i'd returned tell me how did settle receive thine offering [Music] who's next [Music] there can't be anything worse than that next remarkable it's fate that that was the shoulders to be the one to undertake these tasks i think yeah roon aren't stew that's fine and there's advert livethon in the so two shall he and his comrades live on in the hearts of the people of northrend their tale now rightly told shall inspire new warriors of light for generations to come ff streamer oh god do we have to go see lena [Music] [ __ ] me [Music] now assuming they'll intend us to continue thy tour i'd suggest slither bar as my next destination all right this'll cheer us up these guys are really nice you're not sad in any way you've got no connection to these characters the task of tidying up one's abode is seldom light work as i suspect you stoler is heavier than most suffice it to say a pair of helping hands might not go amiss okay let's go and see ish and run and say goodbye the contest what's happening is we're leaving this world so all the friends they've made over the years they're saying goodbye [Music] why are you laughing at that what is wrong why have you got no soul why are you dead inside because i'm ginger okay i'll park said it ninjas have no soul okay why are you such a soulless husk of a human being i don't understand oh that's really sad it is sad you cry all the time yeah meaning [Music] i played this i'm sure i've had the crying but i'm not just get out then oh you invited me i know but you were invited under false pretenses i assumed we were going to be scottish for a moment we are def we are going to see fail all so stick around that has got to happen there is no way we leave without saying or maybe we don't say goodbye to fear wall because we can come back and forth [Music] that's live streaming in a nutshell you just got cancelled now you know you just got cancelled right and what is this if you come to spy on me sorry rj truly think me so slovenly the nerf loath as i am to disappoint i put my affairs in order some time ago they've even begged my farewells to everyone save rooney that is he's nowhere to be seen why can't he be seen is he off hiding he has not committed suicide that's not funny no he's not there he is master montoya garflower for too long i have remained silent oh no but no longer i could not bear it if you were to leave please stay i beg of you okay he's not proposing or anything right a brother or someone no but everybody tries to propose to her and it's not a good idea roona please oh thank god [Music] oh i had a horrible idea then i jest [Music] what i came to say is this thank you without your wisdom your strength and your kindness to guide us our people would still be lost we will never forget you master matoya wherever your journeys may take you you will always be in our hearts and you in mine remember that your people's journey that our people's journey is yet ongoing your lives will change and so too will your dreams yet come what may you need not forsake your time-honored traditions nor less your beliefs but neither should you be beholden to them for it was with curiosity and courage that the knights blessed first triumphed over adversity this is raging new knowledge and new wisdom are ever worthy of pursuit [Music] indeed they are and so until we return to the sunless sea we shall endeavor to live our lives to the fullest that is well but however great your strides there may yet come a day when the challenges you face cannot be surmounted alone on such a day on such a day what's happening you may call on me since it means to travel between worlds exists you can be sure i will find a way to employ it and there remains so many mysteries here that want for solving master latoya oh oh they're gonna have a baby really you kind of have to if you're big and hairy comes with the territory [Music] okay that was fine so i guess lena's next [ __ ] my life honestly he's a boy in the body of a man [Music] get out of it lads still have to take the exact and the bathroom ring i see very well you can looking on thank red while you're about it oh this is gonna suck as well this will be a difficult farewell i'm sure he would appreciate your support her path goes through the twine if you wait there you like to meet him on his way back if not before ah now we have to see thank red say goodbye to rene super daddy saying goodbye to daughter wonderful young girl you say that like i'm an old lady no i don't always do a comedy voice it's not a comedy moment i won't do a comedy voice swap sides of me i'm not comedic are you getting there don't you find me hilarious hey i can fit in here hey i'm in hey lot come in ah you too what is this i see i see stack red was here andreen2 he said they wanted to go to nabatha rang so we gave them the use of the trolley the trolley is the sacred thing chuck the trolley we're like look we worship the trolley see the worship of the trolley trolley is all the trolleys light by his blessed rails are we guided that's right the old girl's up and running again we didn't just put her back together mind you now with a bit help from master chai we made her faster the trolley has risen and stronger oh yes the future of trolleys is looking brighter than ever whisper it but i reckon it might be time time to reach for the stars with a trolley to dwarf all trolleys you ask me we're better off making them smaller that way they can fit in narrow shafts but that's the genius why not think of that enough you can daydream on your own time in case you've forgotten our priorities to have more working trolleys not a call that's why we turn to chinese let's make the one trolley we've got go faster you need help making a few talos back in working audience you were testing them out and your airship came as a matter of fact you seem to have a habit of crashing things you fall out of sky we are back thanks for the loan of the trolley ginger blah what are you doing here not some of the others are waiting for us that's a relief at any rate we've done what we came to do which means i'm ready to leave or as ready as i'll ever be not to pry but what's going on you're off somewhere could say that we're leaving this world forever we won't see his daughter again no we're heading home i'm just a simple miner and i don't know much about this world traversing business [Music] but the young lady here she'll be looked after will she i'll be fine thank you i have a place to stay in the crystarium and i don't want for anything besides which i've recently made a friend her name is gaia she'll always be there if i need her just like you lot guys so please don't worry i'll be fine really i wonder if we're gonna see gaia edgy team thank you at 16 if you say so being a matter of life and death i suppose you have to leave but i for one would still be torn it's all right for you i call her ryan at first imagine abuse i got yeah yeah the chase choice were mine i'm not sure i could bear to be parted for my family no but it's for the best reen has chosen to walk her own path she doesn't need me under her feet besides i have my own responsibilities and i wouldn't be setting a very good example if i neglected them perhaps not either way i envy your dilemma well then young lady there's anything you need anything at all it's a call on us it may surprise you but we can do more than simply offer you trolley rides you magnus everyone as if there's more to life than trolley rides shout out then they want her to ride their troller everybody wants to ride the trolley if you've nowhere left to visit you can go back to the crystarium together please no sex jokes she's like 12. what is the spenders hmm preparing suspenders that's the final fantasy 14 thing oh 15. there you go wait okay now we're doing the goodbye all right [Music] it's 40. she's getting younger by the second well everybody's here i oh we're all doing a goodbye serene okay oh it's you you're probably wondering why i'm not with the others it's just i always knew everyone would meet one day and i always hoped and prayed that we could find a way to send [Music] the things i mean i'm not sure i'll be there with you [Music] right thank you paul i think we all feel braver around go on ahead and join the others help me along [Music] and this is it i think we're all saying goodbye [Music] i haven't seen lean leaning yet [Music] we've all said what we needed to even as we speak becklug undertake their final inspection of our spirit vessels when thy known preparations for the journey are complete thou art to present thyself in the ocular [Music] um everyone i want to thank you all on behalf of the first you and menphilia and the exact without each and every one of you guiding us fighting for us we wouldn't be standing here now there wouldn't even be a here and no words can express our gratitude [Music] we still have a lot to do countless trials to overcome but if it ever seems too much i'll think of our time together the happy moments and the sad i will remember it all and it will give me the strength to carry on without you [Music] because you made me who i am menphilia green [Music] to honor these names and these memories i will stand with all the people of this land and strive for a better tomorrow i believe the honor of responding should rightfully be thine [Music] i know better than most how much you've grown and i have every confidence you'll make your people proud [Music] gods no i'm proud of you i always will be you deserve all the happiness in the world and more might we also say a few words there she is [Music] why this is just about all of you to see you off seemed the least we could do you risked your all for us fought for a realm not your own before you came we had never known the beauty of the night sky [Music] or the joy of your company [Music] though it saddens us deeply to bid you farewell it has ever been our way to send off friends with a smile wherever your road should lead we shall pray for your safety and following your brave example we shall continue to fight for the cristarium with or without us you've always taken good care of this city i don't doubt for a moment you'll continue to do so i am more resilient people we have never known [Music] as resilient and enduring as the tower that watches over you [Music] to the last we did not question the exarch about his past it is only now when he can no longer tell us that we believe we know the answer we have heard what became of him and what is about to be attempted all will be well of this we are certain how could it be otherwise when every soul in the crystalline is praying for it with all their heart and so when our lord awakens i bid you give him a message tell him he needn't worry about us that he need no longer hide who he truly is that he should live his own life to the fullest and that if he should ever find himself reminiscing on the past with a smile we shall be smiling with him [Music] will you tell him this [Music] [Music] thank you please look after him for us i dare say we have all the good wishes we can carry let us be on our way this is gonna be fine nothing's gonna go wrong crying no that wasn't sad you've got watery eyes still thinking about a dog stupid dog [Music] so if this all goes well their bodies are soulless in a different world where they've been kind of getting worse all things go well here they'll all come back and everything will be fine [Music] oh you're up well i suppose it's time are you ready floor all right let's not keep the others waiting [Music] why are you doing this to me the last thing the world needs is more banana people respect the flower inspector door inspector get out of the way get out of my way no russ this is why you're not invited to my house for barbecue ross gonna stand [Music] let me in open the gateway oh you'll like this no she sounds like this very old dog lady what ah there you are i think you are ready for the journey actually bang on for what that dog lady sounds like not bad at all this spirit vessels are primed and are completely complete as a word from you we shall begin on beginning the soul imbibing ritual several cutscenes will play in sequence it's recommended you set aside time all right here we go let's go very good i shall distribute the vessels i want okay so when we uh hit this button things are gonna go horribly wrong [Music] all right then pray procedures instructed beginning with your memories [Music] so [Music] [Music] the first step is complete and all appears to be in order well that just leaves our souls then i assume they're going to disappear inside them right because they are a manifestation of their souls we're in your hands angelo angelo carey [Music] oh that pig is legit [Music] it is done the vessels have received of both their memories and their souls i was worried they were dropping smoke i hereby entrust them to your care they belong to you now just be sure to guard them well yes [Music] this will work won't it am i going to lose them are someone going to rob me ah theories may i make new promises about the duck lady even the greatest mages in history he knew better than to transport a soul across the rift we my dear are in unknown territory prepare as we might we cannot account for all possibilities and it is in such circumstances that accidents are won't to occur yet miracles do happen so let us pray and will our friends home [Music] i won't stop praying until i know they're safe all safely stowed away i do hope so all it remains then is to step into the mirror go now and safe travels riding home [Music] [Music] stand [Music] tall my friends [Music] again [Music] in time [Music] this just works there's no way [Music] our journey will never [Music] is one of them gonna reject it because it's possible i'm impressed everything looks good i'm not a doomer i've just played shadowbringers [Music] [Music] i bet that's what he thought when he looked at him then [ __ ] how my fingers along oh you're back you're back you're all back [Music] thank you my body feels like a sack of purpose but otherwise i've never felt better [Music] that said i doubt any of us will be fit to travel for some while may we leave the rest to you [Music] the vessel there is our comrades blood with it in thy possession the way will surely open before thee are we going to get grahad see you back as well [Music] what i wouldn't run but you've only just got here [Music] tataru might i trouble you to brew us all a pot of your special tea ah and we may require an extra cup [Music] yours is a long road my friend and it stretches onto places beyond imagining with your every step these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint [Music] and there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way on that day i bid you remember this [Music] that no matter how far your journey may take you you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there [Music] for in times of hardship when you fear you cannot go on the joy you have known the pain you have felt the prayers you have whispered and answered they shall ever be your strength and your comfort [Music] this i hope i believe here at memory's end don't like not show it okay it's like you can't not show it man it's my character i need to know what what is this [Music] [Music] got its emma what is it are you all right do you still feel under the weather physically i couldn't be better thanks to kryl's administrations i'm already looking forward to our next fight but seriously don't you have anything to say about that [Music] [Music] hmm no less impressive than our garments you've outdone yourself to taru to give credit where it's due i had help from a certain fiery pixie who visited me in my dreams they gave me all the information i needed to get the details just that's real okay for your weapons though i needed a lot more help thankfully our favorite heads of state were happy to place their finest craftsmen at my exclusive disposal oh and speaking of the alliance leaders they all express their unreserved elation at your safe return and promise to come and see you in person as soon as they can they really needn't have gone to such trouble but we'll be keeping these gifts all the same do pass on our gratitude why didn't they keep alicia's outfit then i realize we haven't taken up new martial arts nor have i ever been one to set much store by appearances but i can't help feeling a certain lack of i don't know personal development well they didn't make her one that's why she's mad salty i quite understand but as you observed the others had the more crushing bumps plastic rich as [ __ ] right have one made oh oh if i expend any more ether i swear i will blink out of existence i need a bite to eat [Music] oh not the fish bread tataru a cup of tea if you'll be so kind and something sweet that's a [ __ ] work by mistress kriles exhausted state may i assume that the ward has been restored she's been working we succeeded in weaving it anew albeit at a slightly diminished potency than when i had background it is no cause for concern though the tower is not easily reached never mind breached and even should some few succeed their presence won't escape my notice excellent said duty thus discharged thou art free to go wheresoever by fancy taketh thee upon which note has now a chance to come to a decision why is he joining the team remain open [Music] well if you're certain that's what you i i mean if you think i [Music] i'd be wary dude every new member of the science tends to die [Music] right [Music] i accept henceforth i shall count myself a cyan of the seventh dawn uh graham at your service when i was a boy many long years ago i yearned to stand tall as the heroes of eld [Music] but like a fool seeking to pluck the stars from the heavens my every attempt to reprise their deeds fell short oh oh no help somebody help what new fish your job hippogriffs hippogriff's on the rampage a giant flock of them please we need help i could do with a little rampage myself what now wait just [Music] what here we go again [Music] [Music] when i finished my teeth yeah i'm with you this is this is below my pancake avatar of destruction descend and in her wake leave naught but tears and ash [Music] and then one day an all but forgotten dream from my youth stood before me in the flesh wait i'm going [ __ ] that hippogriffs [Music] i like the real like hardcore jobs like rounding up sheep [Music] so it was that a new adventure began i've seen the next patch that is setting up for end walker the memory of a dying world's end night after night and i thought it but a tired old dream i say i knew that securing the palace would provide your radiance with depressingly little sport but that you should fall asleep out of boredom splendid truly splendid and all that fun in my own preparations you will be pleased to hear precede a pace oh yes they proceed very well indeed frighteningly so and we owe it not least of all to this singularly useful body i chance to find ramsey bolton voice with the populares now all but destroyed it will be the simplest of tasks to discredit their groundless assertions that i met with a grisly end not emma's salk right and as the very much alive lord of house brutus i have a vast fortune at my disposal i'm just trying to put something money money money the great motivator there is simply no better way to move men and expedite plans than with its alluring glint would you not agree [Music] but wait were we not acquainted you and i saw he is it i saw his body yeah that's where i knew the voice from the ramsey bolton voice yeah familiarity i beg your forgiveness who's in there oh a dagger through my heart that my deepest desire should forever remain what to die forgotten so it goes whatever this flesh may have been before it serves only as a vessel now [Music] and i faithful fan daniel labor only to advance my lord's ambitions i'm daniel speaking of which with the palace in our hands we may now proceed with the next phase of the plan how very odd despite all the power creaking old elitibus did not deign to appear dare i hope [Music] that the last of the unsundered is god imagine it bound no more by the shackles of muldering memories of damnable duty free at last to live for the moment i cannot believe xenos has not killed this guy for real [Applause] you're radiance but give the word and i shall go forth and prepare for you your hunting ground whatever just don't be here right that's all i'm asking that which awaited was a film beast ferocious ravenous remorseless i don't even let my kids behave like this when they're super excited turn that [ __ ] down [Music] oh my god no they should have given xenos a phone because they've been [ __ ] about his phone all the time and all this [ __ ] too long my friend and insufferably dull in your absence when you return to me you will share everything every blow will be a story unto itself every triumph every kill rest assured we shall have a fitting stage for our union oh yes to reprise that transcendent moment i will set this world ablaze and we shall dance before the fire i wonder if when they finished his ark like he's earlier [Music] the flames of the apocalypse into its domain shall the hero set forth for the final chapter in the tale of this star i really do wonder if they felt that they just didn't do anywhere near enough with that character like we could do so much more with this character let's let's keep him going let's keep him going speak with grace here [Music] you're back [Music] tell me flo you think i was excessively familiar earlier my tone and mannerism i thought it'd be better to be familiar than formal if we had to be comrades but now i worry that i may have detracted from the gratitude and respect i harbour for everyone perhaps by considering a nod to my regressively less than humble beginnings yes yes that will do being free to live as one pleases not without its challenges in a way it was easier when i had a mission to consume my every waking moment provided me with a focus a constant push in a singular direction by the way stochastic spells are always so training i'd quite forgotten what it was like to do without a tower i've rarely felt so exhausted or hungry if all i did was bend the bow i would be of limited use to you on your adventures so i shall persevere oh where it might have been before i'm now a scion an experienced scion at that a green initiate eager to learn how best to contribute to the cause he might follow in the footsteps of his inspiration welcome welcome welcome welcome the next main scenario request is alice quest 5.3 over that was uh yeah i mean what do we even say about that it probably hasn't been said a million times before but that was draining i feel exhausted do you guys like i actually feel mentally drained after all that through the day i really do it's so it's so heavy it really is so [ __ ] heavy [Music] i supposed to be able to take stock of the situation by fostering the eighth humble calamity we have unwritten history future now lies beyond my ken uh showing a wind-up [Laughter] missile well now i have my suspicions as to what this is about but would you be so good as to confirm them for me i just thought they went ahead with it after all the artisans of the mean had come to me with a proposal you see celebration of the night's return that's how i wish to be commemorated on a coin or as an automaton neither i replied for all the good it did they knew i'd be embarrassed makes no difference what name they give it yet still they did it right stubborn lot they are as befits the people of the crystal it shall be just fine without me and lena may rest assured i'd not worry for them nevertheless i shall never cease to pray for their happiness no longer am i a leader of a nation whatever power and influence i may have wielded i left behind as surely as i left my body it's everything i've ever felt and experienced all these things and more i've brought with me you have brought for me i shall carry them close to my heart always until the end of my days uh no i watched the trailer we got eden's to do first they haven't finished eden yet which i wonder what happens if pancreatic and rianji are there oh jesus oh we're all having a drink it's pie time why do you two of dark mountains that makes me really sad hold on there's no free chairs anywhere all right here okay i can sit here all right i'll update the titles then oh my god that was uh i'm trying to even i'm so happy we got i know it sounds lame but i'm so happy we got a reconciliation between the dog and uh but i really am i can't believe how much they how well they did the elitibus storyline of them just falling apart after centuries and eons of pursuing his goal collapsing and was uh yeah it was well worth the payoff like it was sad with i mean it was sad with the exact but i kind of they'd already backed his memory and stuff it wasn't done with that it was more the case of uh the elitibus story is dark like considering his his history you have to kind of forgo that for the for the moment but at the end he's barely even the person who did those things uh oh god uh i mean kryl is s still i can't move lee she hasn't done anything wrong but she hasn't done anything they did as deserve promotion for sure as to these two as do these two the stonks are rising there no one has reached trolley status yet perhaps in end walker they'll reach the status of being on the trolley uh well graham's the grass b yeah yeah i still don't forget i like uh it was a long time i did not like the exact at all in fact i had him fail though he's good but he's still got a lot to prove for me he's still got he's still got a bit to do for me he's still on par with like ariana j i mean they're fine like peter is fine there's no uh disliking here there's no disliking here at all that's uh don't look at it like gamers that if unless they're they've got a 99 ign score then their absolute dog that's not the point the failed boat is down here and nobody's there uh cetera is when i've become suspicious of them beta is fine like justinian's in there tatara's in there rings in there see you'll all have your own rankings but for me right now that's kind of where it lies oh ellipse i mean emmett salk was a better villain he was so he would uh elitibus would be here i mean it real that really like raised a lot of questions with me but yeah a little bit would fall into the ata he was good the story i mean that's sort of story based it's not the character himself because he's still done a lot of evil [ __ ] over the [ __ ] years but uh in terms of the character himself it was good it was good it was an interesting twist on to have vanassian whose minds falling apart on them i thought that was i think that was really interesting gaia i mean probably i feel like gaia comes back in some way or if not but guy is probably down here she's okay terrible but it was fun to play uh she responds to voice act because you know we got to play that edgy teenager for quite some time got to we got to put her in there that was fun yeah a guy because she's okay she's all right she's not a fail she's just you know she hasn't done anything uh jeff oh uh i'm still kind of shocked that so many people i've i felt i honestly felt bad streaming yesterday i i mean not sincerely because sheer amount of people who skipped the raid story probably because their friends wanted them to raid and stuff like that and had no idea what lied in that story all day to see how many people were like i had no idea this was here and i totally missed out on it and i i i i think a lot of it i don't know i can't be sure but a lot of it was pressure from maybe friends to get the raid unlocked or just to get be able to do it in the talk of the queue or to get the mog or whatever some sort of pressure which which stopped them from doing that and it sucked because a lot of people were genuinely i think a little upset yesterday it's like i didn't know this was here and i mean obviously we had a good slash depressing time with it but still a great great experience to share together and it did suck a little bit yesterday to see that because it was it wasn't the same as like that harry potter quest line that we did wasn't the same as that this was like i can't believe that was here the ist i mean by the end of it he's a to s for sure the near raid uh it's not finished oh the alliance raid yeah the alliance raid was fun it didn't grab me uh i still i preferred i think my favorite alliance raid is still the sky pirates one in terms of story the bosses were better in the near one for sure the bosses were good i really enjoyed them very much eva that was okay as well that was okay the near one was a really interesting departure from things so i thought that was cool seth always tried to best right yeah there's like different factors that go into the alliance trade right because you have the raid itself and then you have the story surrounding the raid uh you have that for the main raid as well like the alexander story it was only really good at the end but the raid bosses throughout the alexander raid no omega throughout omega were fantastic whereas alexander's story was great that was constant alexander's story was really good where the raid bosses were a little weaker i felt where omega had considerably better bosses but the story although the story has a ridiculously good payoff it's really back loaded it's really back loaded and i feel like we might be getting that with the eden raid as well i am very curious what the next eden raid is like uh because that story is really quick they like throw that story at you and just throw you into the raid and i'm wondering where it goes from there whether we are actually going to be able to repopulate the the first or whatever now we are going to do the roll quests we will be doing them in the future we can't do everything at once obviously what about xenos which version right which version of xenos theos has now undergone more patches than a playstation uh codes we got codes oh thank you did someone send us these current patch yeah which patch is he on which zenos are we dealing with we're kind of back to original xenos but more power oh you sent me these are from ubex oh god what are they hold on codes codes someone say codes a brave new-ish ishtala okay a brave new year's taller is that big the one in the black outfit is it there's another one here a wind-up shuntoto i've redeemed them both don't worry a wind up chantoto yeah i assume it's the brand new outfits is that some of the where you get them all out they should have some sort of um mega war knacking it uh continue yes eden is tomorrow i guess eden is tomorrow i'm gonna go on iron now how exciting is that i'm not even joking i have to go and start our new green screen area so i have to go on iodine iron everything i have to iron green screens it's one of those jobs that needs doing i'm afraid friends it has to be done yeah if we want to get filming we want to get filming so i need to finish building the studio as much as i like to just chill and stream and just call it a day but that's that's not gonna work that's not gonna work for us is it that's not gonna get things done so mike i am not quite not quite uh let's go say hi uh who's on let's go say hi to captain grim why not even if you're not sticking around uh stream the ironing no thanks because i'm gonna be terrible i and you guys are just gonna troll me so hard you guys are gonna completely troll me and i don't want that ladies and gentlemen thank you for another extraordinary day if tears and emotions and all those kinds of things uh it's been a pleasure to be here for you for this ride uh tomorrow we'll finish the eden raid and see where the story there concludes and leads us up as we start slowly making our way towards end walker we are on our way my friends we are on our way be good i'll see you in the morning bye everybody i am tired i'm emotionally drained when i'm emotionally drained walk in the city [Music] you
Channel: Preach Gaming VODs
Views: 13,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, preach gaming, preach ffxiv, final fantasy online, heavensward, ffxiv heavensward, ffxiv preach, ffxiv sprout, ffxiv streamer, ffxiv new player, mike preach wow, mike preach ffxiv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 48sec (11808 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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