FFXIV - Part 123 - Emotional Damage in Elpis

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you boys it's a scary scary time for you boys what slices in three minutes [Music] [Music] our prayers answered i have worshipped the quest the quest will guide us today the quest will guide us there is no way in hell that i could be rng'd out of slice for a fourth or fifth time which how many many it is there is no way that i could be origined out of the game again i need one more win just one that's all i ask one more win they're lined up no nuts in sight excellent excellent yes the odds are in my favor yes this is what i like to see assemble [Music] but you're about to witness my glory my heroism this will be the final time that i have to stand in slice and not bother with the gold because it's pure victory that awaits here we go [Music] one more time at the dance one last one [Music] it's not even about getting rg'd out we have seen some absolute massacres literal massacres we've had over 100 people in slice and has seen only two survivors but it can be done we got it this time we have to believe we have to believe like the sweat from my brow oh yeah oh stop sending me friend requests right stop it stop it man just stop i'm never going into this list all right it's not happening okay just stop it's not happening it's never happening it's never gonna happen stop it no not during slice man don't make me put my sad face on i'll put my sad face on i swear to you so as we discovered that we're so much better at slice than you that we can win slice only while our pee walking prepare to be embarrassed my dear friend if you win by rp walking you literally just got lucky that's it there's nothing else to it if you win with rp walking you've just got lucky like that's nothing to be smug about you literally just got lucky there's no other reason did yourself i'm sure you did see people win i'm sure i'm sure i'm absolutely sure yeah it was pure luck all right [Music] okay nopes is not here this is great this is great [Music] it's very early in the morning [Music] play it cool no stress no stress no panic all easy all the time [Music] it's ross harpy walking yeah ross is actually rp walking around [Music] no greed no greed no greed not yet one more win and then i'll agreed [Applause] one more win and then the greed can begin uh-oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh eliminations eliminations [Music] okay we meet again [Music] we meet again we meet again i have prayed the church of queens [Music] [Music] have a look [Music] we have a chance and a chance is all i need we have a chance [Music] so [Music] all i need is a chance [Music] [Music] no man that was the last one [Music] can't i can't deal with it anymore [Music] i don't know where if there was even a safe spot on my side maybe a sliver there i can't deal with it anymore it's too much it ruins my whole day [Music] congratulations i'm very happy for you i'm very very happy for you super happy for you my heart is filled with pleasantries i have nothing but good words to say nothing but good words you're all amazing and wonderful people [Music] would you receive double legos and there ain't yeah of course everybody would be upset by that literally everybody [Music] that'll be devastating be more like ross absolutely not under any circumstances show up ross you [ __ ] [ __ ] man you're an [ __ ] you're an [ __ ] dude you're a total [ __ ] [ __ ] shut up you're [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i hate you i did see that josh is leaving blizzard i can't say i'm surprised i sent him a message this morning but uh yeah i did see it it's gonna be one of these days isn't it it's gonna be one of those days it is it's gonna be one of those days it's gonna be one of those days yeah i see it i'm gonna be casting splits or something today aren't i yep yep i'm gonna be casting splits or something yeah that's what this day is turning into [Music] unless this is a win i could turn my fortunes around [Music] this does not bode well let's be honest let's be honest this doesn't bode well at all this actually is really really bad this is not a good day see what the next one is maybe there's a redemption chance right there's still a chance there's still a chance at redemption [Music] there's still a chance there's still a chance there's still a chance i'm not turning into a blasphemy no i'm not i'm not turning into a blasphemy no let's be honest the msq will be awesome i think the msq boat's ill all right i could do an air force one to soothe my nerves before we get to same sq that's fine a nice 5k win nice and easy sailing on the winds just chilling and chilling and chilling just flying around man just flying around despair it's not despair dude it's not despair it's not it's it's a re there's a real chance there's a real chance how did liquid get on with the jlo where are they up to do we know i obviously i can't watch because i'm asleep elbow sleep so i don't know 72 yeah that phase one is rough dude that phase one is pretty meaty there's a ton of coordination to do there okay 72 so echo have today i wonder if they're gonna stream phase two they might not you know i don't even think i'd blame them they might not stream phase two if they're getting there i kind of think i kind of think they will but they might not they might decide not to if you were them you wouldn't yeah i mean at this point it's so [ __ ] tight dude it's so [ __ ] tight it really is crazy this race is just i don't know man [Music] echo does what gas explosion they don't doubt it today is it liquid with the reset no because there's a long way to go yet there is a long way to go it's not like uh a stomp they shouldn't be it shouldn't be a stomp for name [Music] but will it will they need another day that's the question because remember eu's gotta do their full reclair tomorrow before they can even get started so they'll have to pick up the double logos and do the full reclaim before they get started that's probably gonna take like four hours so it really will depend on i mean it's gonna be like today's gonna be super interesting it's like can echo get into phase two and start actually programming it and making plans for it because they'll be building in their plans now for double legendaries [Music] so if they do i would not be surprised to see them not want to stream that i don't know what the plan is here if the guys decide to do that if they're like consistently getting phase two they might just stop streaming it because any leg up that they give liquid this time is going to be uh unfortunate i really have no idea what the plan is i genuinely don't know i really don't echo streamed the jayla prague yesterday and i think that was the correct decision because we still have two days in the eu of progress so we've got one more day today and liquid we're definitely going to hit the jailer like really soon um i think they thought they'd hit the jailers sooner than they did but they did you know look we were looking to liquid to kill it like maybe four or five hours before they actually did but they got there a lot of heartbreaking wipes over on liquid size no secret face we don't know yeah we don't know yeah liquid plate their [ __ ] asses off five healing that fight and i'm genuine i was talking to ryzen yesterday and he's like liquid has better dps than us and that shouldn't be allowed that shouldn't be allowed did i hear about the variable range timer yes i knew about it um i knew about it a while ago yeah echo at the same thing yeah so i knew by a while ago those are things that we like there are some things we get told by the players without but don't say anything but don't say anything so i was like all right i don't know if you caught the cast but production let me in on some secret [ __ ] they were doing and i was like just don't tell me because then i can't get it wrong on cast and they're like oh sorry i'm like yeah yeah just don't tell me if they're doing something we're not allowed to say on stream just don't [ __ ] tell me and i can't piss it up then you know i mean i can't make the mistake like yeah like uh what i knew about the the things that i knew about rykelon that i couldn't say on stream were that the enraged timer was wonky as is every spell cast on that fight so it wasn't surprising uh and that even if you survive they uh make the boss immune to damage so even if you survive the massive big bang you're unable to do any damage to it anyway so there was no no no reason to try and look for a way around it in some form or another because they just prevent the boss from taking any damage i mean he dies now that's the weird thing the boss actually dies now but the first time echo got there he didn't die he just spam casted massive back [Music] yeah you could tell it was one key yeah for sure for sure four heels is more impressive not really i disagree four healing and five healing are both ridiculous genuinely the pre-legendaries four of five healing is both of those strategies are so dumb that's there's no one else in the world who've been come close even if you gave everybody the same classes and gear there's no way anybody would have been able to do that like that is [ __ ] stupid that those guilds pulled off absolutely stupid it's like both guilds are like so far ahead of 3-4 i mean i love pieces i want them to do really well i really want to see skyline and bdg do well but that's just so far ahead it's [ __ ] wacky absolutely wacky [Music] even the dps check was hard we saw our echo uh look like it should have been a free win and it wasn't 0.5 there i mean we had one death but why what's the ideal heel count the ideal heal account is five uh five healers which is the ideal but it's definitely tuned for double legendaries so the both of those guilds overcame about a 10 to 15 dps loss on their players that's how well they played like imagine everybody being 10 to 15 dps behind every single player and they overcame that that's that's mad that's [ __ ] crazy that is so much damage that didn't exist for those guilds yeah the health earth came a while ago though yeah yeah yeah the health came a while ago that was fun i i mean i didn't see liquid swipes but i was uh aware of it yeah i was aware of it because on breaks obviously i found out about it uh and i could see that their health timer kept their health about kept dropping yeah [ __ ] wacky [Music] 10 to 15 percent dps yeah 10 to 15 percent dps uh why is the very difficult designer outdoor gear because the rest of the world will have that gear that's it the rest of the guild the rest of the world will have that gear when they hit it they will not encounter these problems this is a world first guild problem only literally like this week you're going to see so many people smash loads of dread and so many people smash right along because they'll just be able to overcome these difficulties [Music] oh yeah i meant to heal ashara world first azalea and josh that was jaina yeah not a shower that was jaina that was good that it's a suit it's not even a world a first world problem it's a 50 players in the world problem it's literally a 50 players of the world problem yeah yeah oh yeah shower wasn't them too though was it [Music] and i casted a shower i can't remember that [Music] i literally don't even think of a shower that way so my mistake on that i i mean i casted it but i don't remember that [Music] two disc priests uh maybe i don't know okay oh the health decrease yeah yeah yeah uh why did they put the double edges on large day i don't know i don't know that's that's blizzard i don't know i don't know dude i have no idea they clearly decided to raid about you having them but yeah i don't know i don't know they they did it mr pandaria it must have put down they gave me your legendaries in week one and just let you play with them throughout progress [Music] they very decided they didn't like that time game yeah i mean it just seems to fall into their kind of uh their ethos still that's still a philosophy that's not changed do i transplant this savage to there's actually a ton of other stuff i want to do before i get to like the end walker savage too there's a lot of other stuff i want to do there's still some extremes from like heaven heavenwards on we haven't done i mean hog extreme especially the ultimate coming i would like to do that we did thordan but i want to do that i want to check out way more jobs because now i've tried sidetrack finding other jobs there's a lot of fun to be had there i mean i chose black mage because i just fancied playing a mage but [Music] it's pretty cool i want to try out different tanks i haven't healed any dungeons yet like these are still low level as you can see but uh we're getting there for sure i probably will try the ultimates yes uh i mean there's a lot of talk about that here with all the ff uh players that they're all really excited for next ultimate talked to alex about it last night yeah pretty good ninja is fun i've heard that they're all fun but i really want to do the scholar story i didn't want to do the skull story off stream consider we chose that like i don't want to i could do i could do quite a lot of story i think with my scholar and my dark knight right now like my dark knight is 51 or something so i could do a lot of story stuff uh and those are the stories you guys chose as being the best ones so i kind of want to see those out in a silver production for a race world first ff any plans um i don't know i mean they're very different right that's the thing you can't explain that to like just die hard wow players or die hard ff players like that their raid style is so different like you think oh the ultimate's coming we're definitely going to do an event for that but [Music] i can't see honestly [Music] because it's just what i mean it's not one boss but one encounter all that time i mean looking at what one to two weeks or something for that one encounter [Music] you're not gonna get a production like this like flying players out and casters and all that it'd be an online event at best i think it's pretty cool though like some people from squinix have been here if you're watching the stream last week they came and said hi uh but that they're a branch in hamburg so obviously they wanted to come and see what the race the world first was all about and see what a production was like so that's cool i don't think that's any indication they're doing anything with like their raids they were just the local squinix team that came down and said hi it's still very cool to see them [Music] i'm doing all right i got to finish a bit earlier yesterday i didn't have to go till 11. i had to finish two hours early so i got to go to bed because uh it was pretty obvious they weren't going to make any significant jailer progress so it's like we can uh if you go chill if you want i was like nice nice grandmaster sam bestowed upon me a little two-hour early finish so i was like yeah dude [Music] from what i could tell that the race scene in ff is very one-sided right now but i don't know uh that was only after looking at the last savage race so in terms of a race i don't know [Music] it depends how much effort these guys put into a into ff i mean they had a ton of fun i was talking about yesterday over dinner like i was talking narco and he's like yeah man it was [ __ ] super fun they're all over some of them are a bit pissy though because um every stream i do with you guys down here obviously i go upstairs and have lunch before i start casting and um so we're all sat at lunch together and all the like ff fans who have played through the story are like where did you get what happened i was like oh i've been helpers and i've just met heidling and uh we've formed a little detective agency like oh [ __ ] really like yeah yeah yeah it's like uh and they're trying to think of questions so they're trying to think back to their msq right and they're trying to think questions like uh so have you seen ed itself like yeah i've seen them myself and it's like oh isn't that sick i was like yeah and then i got to tell that was like so he's just like gone turned into a mega like remember i called mate megalomite maniacal maniac while claiming he's not a megalomaniacal maniac and like oh yeah when he loses it at the [ __ ] table and stuff i'm like yeah it's like you start you can see that inner sole of them itself popping out a little bit and they're like oh that stuff is sick everybody's sick and then they're like uh uh have you uh have you uh have you uh uh uh have you seen uh what have you seen what have you seen because they're trying to think like what have you you know where are you up to and they're trying to desperately figure it all out and they're like uh uh so uh did you find the flower i know like yeah it's like uh who are you really interested i'm like oh uh meteon is really interesting meeting them hermes there's something really wrong there and i was like we just did the bit where meteon clearly got a text message from outer space and they're like oh yeah and they didn't mention it oh my god and then round the table all the [ __ ] guys who did the last savage tear who had to boost are going [Music] i had to skip the story as are you gonna go back and replay it like yeah but i had to skip it it sounds really good why is everyone so excited uh like oh like like yeah uh yeah i i just i had to skip it uh i feel really bad because i'm like oh that sucks but oh well that's on you that's on you that's not my fault [ __ ] me i'm dry i feel like a sandal mine is so dry i'm dry dude i feel i feel like a shoe i'm not yeah i've got no salt there's no salt let me uh 1-800 jasmine actually somebody joint my lip balm somebody is putting their lips where my lips were all right emergency code red overdrive someone joins my lip balm do you have any left it's emergency cold red that's what it is called apollo i'm really dry i've got a sandy tongue i can't wait for hildy to come back right repair me [Applause] defcon 5. yeah i think she bought like a giant box of lip balm for everybody so i think she's got some left is the jayla killable today very unlikely very very unlikely all right barkers i'm going and walking i don't want to know if slice pops up all right because the stream would be very upset okay so whatever you do don't tell me if slice pops up whatever you do whatever you do that would be really bad [Laughter] that would be bad i'm sarah thank you very much alcohol guess it splits for you they'll do them in the morning right they i mean they do have to do the heroic jailer today so it does have to happen hopefully they can do it before my shift uh kosovo web a quick fire hello mira shapiro gilgamesh blasian horik with two gifted subs man started a lionheart with a gifted son as well look here but he's big old heart look at him while the dude's a gmo like chad sarah what up betty hugs many hooks many hugs i mean the splits do have to be done well the jail has to be done can we go pick this up yeah all right so the bernat floor inspector detective race is underway saving worlds discovering lies i'll tell you what i want to do i'm not stalling but i don't want to do it later on is i want to go get this um i want to go get this ether current because we should have done it earlier we didn't it's kind of dumb so we'll do that before we start the msq so it's not bothering me it's in my mind it was in my mind yesterday [Music] south east hello every creature in el pis is terrible north ah leave me alone leave me alone i wish mike would check his rank in the free company i don't know how to social free company [Music] thanks guys thanks guys the best really are [Music] really are the best i mean why is there a secret he's here look what's what secret there's no secret how can i mean what's the secret honestly it looks like a triangle yeah it's that those headphones squish his head i did not put him on the couch yesterday [Music] there we go that's what i wanted welcome friend to anna narisis i am suckles and i manage this region of the authority of chief hermes the head overseer of elvis and you are oh how unusual a soul bearing familia a familiar must have a mission and yet you offer no message or carry no cargo are you here for observation yes that must be it in which case you'd only mention my name to charmeleon and she will gladly give you a tour of our domain soak it all in all right charmeleon hook me up oh unicorn look at that my what's a curious familiar i suppose your creator sent you here to learn our ways and perhaps achieve some degree of enlightenment so what would you ask of me nothing [ __ ] gobby [Music] cha-cha yes what can i do for you floor is it and overseer suckles wants me to act as your guide uh no no i didn't mean it like that i'd be more than happy to show you around i'm simply wondering why they obviously chose to send you to me of all people i haven't been here long myself truth be told until quite recently i was wholly engaged in a prolonged research project at the academia and ida surely there are other more experienced individuals who could provide a more comprehensive um oh my grumbling is hardly constructive now is it the task was given to me and i will attempt to cover the most salient features of our facilities the best of my abilities after all it's not every day that one is asked to indulge the curiosity of a rare and fascinating visitor we're gonna commence at all this very moment if you like [Music] sure [Music] kind of rude just turn around [Music] then let us begin you know rather than have we let you as you walk along i think observing firsthand what we do here in nanowristis would be improved more beneficial i'll point you in the direction you could question my colleagues your heart's content once we've completed a circuit we can return to speak to overseer suckles okay a little accompaniment going on seems good seems good are we gonna go talk with unicorn people [Music] uh i believe the lalafells are you know when they split the worlds when the sundering happened from what i could tell from the law the lalafells were like what was left over after they made all the other races so they obviously had to like divide it up it's like equal chunks but it was like uneven at the end so they just had this like pissy little bit left over you know like when you get like fresh chicken he needs to cut into cubes and it's like that little bit with like bit of fat and gristle on it and you have to slice that bit off and then like you just kind of discard it that's uh i think they explained that yesterday actually what do we have here the familiar of some kind did you buy your ethereal structure yes yes i'm accompanying floor here on a tour around anarysis at the behest of the overseer at all feel free to wonder as you please of course by advice keeping your distance from the larger creatures for some reason we've started making nothing with giant fat teeth and fire breathing dragons and trying to release them into the world the foreigner i have under observation occupy the top tier of the food chain and do not take kindly to intruders in their territory especially the specimens found on the other islands they can be exceedingly hostile for some reason well i'm sure you're quite capable of defending yourself no one appreciates a surprise tossed through the abdomen hey thank you for the warning you'll proceed with your caution too much power here that's a big problem no little excerpts from this guy [Music] no little side circles or anything job helion oh and who is your friend essence familiar why you appear so astute and deliberate in your thinking i should very much like to make an extended study of your composition and consciousness if you'll indulge me later oh do forgive my forwardness it is my duty to chart the behavior of familiars and i find it ever so diverting arcane servants are rarely permitted to roam the world at all you see but our research here has given special dispensation once the subjects are properly registered as concepts of course there are times when familiars are tasked with tending cattle or must otherwise coexist with other living things oh slaves nice such projects are brought to me and i'm responsible for observing and evaluating their potential capabilities oh but of course if a zim might grant us permission and you can abide here for a few years while i analyze and on that note we really must get along step lively floor yeah not slaves guys familiars familiars yeah not slaves very different very different yeah you really yeah jot that down slaves of pockets writing it all down let's go get the notepad [Music] lalara what blasphemies become where they lose all hope jesus christ when despair loses hope wow blast hello charmeleon was there something yeah the overseer asked that i'd give this familia a tour of the grounds and i thought the best way to do that was to show her what we do here first hand i see whereas my work is rather difficult to demonstrate i hope a brief explanation will suffice my name is blaster our creations are many and varied but i mainly preside over the plant life when it comes to watching certain grasses grow one must be prepared to observe over the course of several years and in the case of trees decades tedious perhaps yet necessary plants are capable of altering an entire habitat and their presence as a food source has an enormous influence on local wildlife was that the sort of thing you wish to know [Music] yes that was perfect thank you i think we covered the main areas of interest all left now is to speak with overseer suckles wow decades of watching trees grow dope sign me the [ __ ] up there's no way that job pays well right sounds like you're gonna spend most of your life smelling like soil don't even get paid sad [Music] ah i see you've completed your tour almost we spoke with those in charge of the various facets of van are isis but i thought it would be fitting to end this visit where it began with you overseer suckles i see now what is your impression of the work we do here oh uh yes passion and patience true true truth [Music] i'm glad we could help further your worldly education and i'm glad to see you enjoyed the experience at least i hope you did you are truly a masterpiece of creation all the world should behold you preach look at you your stature your fine locks your unmoving face everything about you a masterpiece only a soul-bearing familiar could demonstrate such robust cognitive and cognitive faculties we're perhaps designed to inspire others i feel something special has been woven into your aura i don't know you have an intriguing presence to say the least please stay a while share more of your thoughts with us yes i second the civilization in all the long years i've resided here never have i encountered such a unique entity and one of azerbs no less [Music] by then bye bye we do all the currents now no okay all right let's go see heidellin yeah yeah yeah [Music] let's go bridge inspired the aseans i kind of still with the closed time loop thing we have to be here i think we still start the um [Music] i think we still start the chain of events but we'll see witness to the spectacle at present strongest thing we have to the final days is the power of dynamous and the answer leckies which can control it yet most scholars are only vaguely aware of these terms let alone study them in any depth except for hermes it seems the sonic like to stay our current course and learn all we can about the chief overseer is familiar on that subject was that all else of note you could tell me about meteor aside from her unorthodox method of communication there are more like her she has sisters she and her sisters were created journey to the stars in search for intelligent life let's go with that one uh i rather wish you had mentioned that earlier that's kind of important i know i thought it was important too but we glossed over it in the msq as well but you're correct that is important in any event would you care to elaborate but that is correct though absolutely correct so these siblings of hers now travel the great expanse in search of a deeper meaning thank you though the mystery at hand remains unresolved i feel you've touched upon a vital clue one we should keep in mind as we continue next i propose we take ourselves to parapattaya crystalline not far from here just follow the path west oh still not seeing a snowy biome oh there is a lot okay there's a lot more actually all right all right there's a lot more places here i want to see like a tundra and a snowy biome i did get a message this morning not a spoiler from raven so i'm gonna make it a parrot now before everyone spams just a heads up at the next dungeon uh use trust that's so just let you know i got that message this morning so when we get there if you could spam like a lot that would be dope sage advice whenever we get there this tower the one further along are both parts of peripatea crystalline the facility where they archive all of alps's observational testing records despite how they appear from the outside the interior is actually a vast area of magically interconnected spaces it's a tardis which while fascinating is not the reason we are here is it i shall cut my architectural lesson short and see what those two archivists have to share you can find someone to speak with over the other tower i shall join you there and on i mean it's a big building [ __ ] does tardis done for again oh time and relative dimension in space yeah that was it [Music] real questions for me certainly just a moment while i conclude my current appointment [Music] indeed so if you can provide a comprehensive block of those behaviors we should have sufficient data for our official records now what was it you wish to speak with me about [Music] chief overseer's personal research project hey about how to assume you mean meteon [Music] social documenting studies a difficult track of course after all hardly a day goes past without seeing a researcher trial by one creation or another i'm afraid i gotta tell you exactly when meteon appeared well she now spends much of her time at chief hermes's side although i do recall an interesting tale my dearest galen shared with me [Music] ah colleen is my partner a fellow researcher here in elvis she was returning late one night when she caught sight of chief hermes sending meteor heavensward a host of them for several days she would speak of that scene with wonder describing it as one of the most beautiful spectacles she had ever witnessed what does that mean he was like just firing girls off into space like with a t-shirt cannon [Music] that sounds like a story i should like to hear mistress vernats i thought you'd already return to the surface [ __ ] are we underground [ __ ] me this world is topsy-turvy commit me to thank you again for your valuable contribution to our concept placement proposal pray did not mention it as you say my original plan was to leave the top leave after the task but i have since become a gross with chief hermes's research would you favor me with a retelling of the site which so delighted yogalin of course or you could hear it from her lips directly if you prefer galene at present she should be observing a subject in metabisios meatball thalassasii she does enjoy her time there watching the sea creatures hunts and play gazing upon the salty salty waters of the world's oceans recreating such sublime detail [Music] i imagine you just find similar joy in indulging your boundless curiosity mistress finesse even though such pursuits must continuously and regretfully delay your return to the star [Music] indeed i can't wait to die [Music] there's a rest well deserved and longer would you i should think how greatly have we prospered for the wisdom you accumulated during your travels what would help us be without your earlier academic work the theories you developed served as the basis of many techniques still in use today man is a creature of contemplation but not embody that nature with as much enduring pressure as you i dare say there's not a soul alive or worthy of irritant i shall rejoice the day you depart on your final journey uh i will be honored [Music] well shall we take this opportunity to meet with galen in person and allow me to reconfigure the door to the archives here it'll take you up to the skyway and spare you the need to avoid hostile concepts on the ground that would be most helpful thank you [Music] return to the start ascension call it what you want [Music] i open the path to the skyway once you pass through the door simply walk straight across the next tower and ask for admissions to the upper tier about arriving at the upper tier walk straight across the skyway turn right past the toilets carry on down that corridor until you see the water fountain make a left and you'll find yourself at the entrance to meatball lean will be eager to fallacies her tail with you i'm sure [Music] really ancients don't have title their toilets true three seashells easy for them [Music] [Music] that's the one hour three seashells timeline nightmare oh an approachable archivist what a friendly sort just passing through that'll allow me to prepare the path if you need further assistance there's always an observer or two on the upper skyway oh what a nice guy yeah i don't wanna return to the star mr stark [Music] oh [ __ ] are we gonna walk of water are we going with vana or vana one or two [Music] don't worry about the three seashells the director doesn't know what it is supposed to be two okay vana [Music] it's not venom vanilla oh the unhurried observer okay that's just for now i was told i wasn't told to expect you would have prepared like an official welcome you know uh please there is no need for fanfare i only wish to speak with colleen if that might be arranged yeah yo of course course man i'll inform her immediately dude but uh she like might be engaged in like a testing phase so you could be in for like a little bit of a wait if you want i'll let her know your business is urgent or what that won't be necessary this lovely view will keep us occupied until she's ready to receive us all right man whatever you say [Music] oh this music is killer ah a delightful breeze and a breathtaking view [Music] what is it like in the future is the world still a beautiful place depends on the expansion [Music] i swear i could hear the glimmer in your eyes and the adoration in your voice while we wait will you not tell me about your adventures i don't think i've been in an ugly zone well not the pretentious events which led you here but the simple delights all your own by learning about the future world i may gain insight into future me's plans but more than that i have an interest simply as a fellow traveller short of going somewhere oneself there's not more stirring than hearing another's account [Music] sorry about what alfie was drawing nudie pictures [Music] this is this place called the gold sauster incredible i could have been there to see it you will yours is a harsh and unforgiving world yet in spite of this your brethren hold fast to their virtue to know that the light of mankind's potential still shines even in that far away place it gives me heart [Music] thank you for regaling me with your tales i will treasure every word [Music] as you know i was once a scholar and among other things i sought to understand the workings of the world what exactly is ether how formed the laws of nature when sprung mankind riddles and mysteries beyond counting over the years i have managed to find answers to some few of them yet rather than attain a sense of mastery the more i understood the more i came to hold the world and its miracles in all we too are miracles each and every one of us born of the warm breath of life that traverses the heavens swirling through eternity when i fully grasp the improbability of our existence nothing felt impossible anymore if it could be imagined it could be done take that raglan [Music] a passion swelled within me an epiphany dispelling all preconceptions of what was natural and true and a presence without immense yet intimate fate perhaps holding us in its tender embrace as reassuring as it was intimidating how keenly aware i became of creation's fragility built as it is upon precarious happenstance i was overcome with an irrepressible urge to know the world more intimately to hear its voice feel its breath [Music] i ventured forth on a journey that very day so very long ago now freed from presumption and prejudice i saw the world through a newborn's eyes everything fresh and new and so so beautiful lands that stretched on forever skies one could drown in the heartbeat of nature silent yet strong [Music] and amidst it all are people beacons of light and life laughter that warmed my heart like not else before they are my meaning and my purpose my love and so long as they need help i cannot return to the star perhaps my future self is still waiting for it the moment she can let go and walk unto the end [Music] safe in the knowledge that man will find his own way feels like she does want to retire you who are our future tell me this and tell me true has your journey been good has it been worthwhile do i get to answer [Music] pray forgive my lateness what did i get to answer my observation subject was rather irritable and it took a while to settle it down no need to apologize your work takes precedence besides we had a pleasant conversation in the meantime you're too kind now then i'm told you wished to ask me some questions indeed i have an interest in one of hermes's creations meteon you witnessed a host of them take flight yes [Music] oh that yes yes i did it was in the dark of the morn i'd left the thalassay after nocturnal observation as i walked along i spied a bright light climbing high into the southeastern skies then in an instant it was gone like a shooting star only rising rather than falling but then another shot up then another and another intrigued i made my way to the edge to investigate and who should i spy on an aisle to the south but hermes and meteon the mattea rather [Music] there were lots of them and i realized they must be the shooting stars that i'd seen a dazzling spectacle indeed have you spoken with hermes about this [Music] oh yes the site left such an impression on me that i approached him about his mystery project the very next day alas he said that he couldn't reveal anything just yet that he needed to conduct further tests it shouldn't be long now though he often returns to that aisle and i have a feeling he's nearing a breakthrough tell you about it later honest [Music] splendid we are likewise eager for the details [Music] well that is all we wish to ask thank you for taking the time to indulge our curiosity you're very welcome it's always a pleasure to speak with other inquisitive souls oh and will you be descending now if so i shall link the doors for you please [Music] i don't understand these doors like there's no like panel it's actually bugging me that it's they need a person to manage the doors every single door we need some sort of panel or something like that [Music] so another piece of the puzzle falls into place what we've learned thus far that we could safely conclude that hermes hasn't been revealing the details of his research to others i got that as well yeah which suggests that either someone will appropriate his discoveries and make use of them or that hermes himself will have a handing cause in the final days since we have no reason yet to suspect the farmer we should consider the latter the more likely possibility we could go to the assumption our next step should be to divine why or even if he might desire such a terrible fate for our star we kind of know can we tell her can he tell us we can't i mean we kind of know he's sick to death about we treat all the life we create yeah he's angry he's got full of despair he's depressed i should like to visit the site from attorney sent forth the meteor if we are fortunate we might find some hints of what drives this research of his colleen said she spotted them in the south east rising from an aisle she could see from the edge if we start at the same vantage point it should not prove too difficult to locate the island question let's take a look shall we you should just smile more hey hey you should just smile more you know right you'd be pretty if you smiled i'm not condescending i'm just saying that you're fugly with your normal face and if you just smile all the time you'll be way prettier and aren't you supposed to make yourself pretty for me it's important smile please yeah just don't be sad [Music] ugly crier don't bring it down kind of true kind of true ship it boys uh what's that dudes ever needs me [Music] i called you before the stream [Music] german company [Music] it's not legitimately easier to call people through whatsapp at this point than to use the actual phone network hey you okay what's up so [Music] [Music] so [Music] he's got a lump he's got a lumpers he's got a lumpers it's a tiny one he's got like a a spot thing so go and check on it nothing major hopefully it's got a little lumpy spot thing that's come up we'll check what it is owl's bed now uh nine [Music] it looks more like an acne spot but it's doggy one i'm sure he's fine he said he's great he's been on a he's been on the beach this weekend barking at waves he's not poorly or anything he's just noticed i was just noticed he's got a little spotty thing on him so this is where we fire young girls into space eh all right cool [Music] now if we're conducting some mystery research where would i go oh there's definitely a power moon over there ah what about that one have you the means to fly it's quite a distance away i've not diligently farmed [Music] hmm convenient but hardly an insurmountable problem [Music] to me argus oh no [ __ ] hey [Applause] hello did see you in the intro to the area good to see you again my friend would you mind creating a double to carry floor here over to the island [Music] so that's supposed to mean i've got treats stubborn creature there's no place for this great star we have not together travelled and still he remains obstacle in the presence of strangers argus is rather exacting standards i'm afraid what you've written him before uh-uh you're before meaning my after that's all confusing that interesting it's certainly not unthinkable but speaking of the here and now the quick solution is for us to face off in a sparring match you don't want that i'll [ __ ] you up i will i'll [ __ ] you up demonstrate to him that you're capable of holding your own against me in battle you should convince argos that you're worthy of his back and besides i might even teach you a thing or two in the bargain all right you want to go one-on-one with the great one you seem helpful useful lesson or not it will certainly be a moment to remember and maybe the distant past to cherish what say you traveller out of time all right i burn you i admire your confidence clear your mind prepare your weapons i'll await you at the clearing i'll be under i don't know i literally i'm gonna break a thumbs [Music] she doesn't know what i've been through she doesn't know she doesn't know how long i've been denied so so oh wait [Music] ah 814 where is that then up here [Music] did we do all them oh bg-100 [Music] yeah i think that's another island i think we were up there earlier all right shall we begin be warned i won't go easy on you has she got any quality taglines sloppy let neither side hold back okay [Music] oh look at you with your helper [Music] my blade sings you're circumcising me what does that mean [Music] [Music] true [Music] oh made it [Music] my blades sing oh [ __ ] sake right clearly the play here is to stay very close to her impressive i shall have to try something different she's going to give me the moose what's the moose she's got a war quad have a taste [Music] black page not doing particularly well here [Music] i see you won't be easily overcome okay can i pop off soon or what [Music] true aerial force i heal oh [ __ ] these bombs help oh god they stay yikes help prepare yourself okay [Music] uh i mean [Music] okay [Music] i will put damage into uh vanara at some point all right what's true stone for okay oh [ __ ] me [Music] okay we're good we're good we've only just begun we've yo this is not easy [Music] she's kind of a blaster honestly [ __ ] i can't remember what true black claws was just where she ate with me oh is that one okay oh is that oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm super dead okay [Music] oh there's a runner again there we go [Music] very well let us move to the final trial what does this mean did i pass no there's more jesus [ __ ] no chill out lady uh these ones seem to have a lot of help am i dead if she gets those maybe [Music] uh more what the [ __ ] is this you trolling [Music] okay [Music] more [Music] break your chains shed your burdens and show me your strength of will okay what now [Music] people of your time are more resilient than i had dared hope i have seen enough whoa [Music] that was brutal that wasn't fair all [Applause] [Music] still one though it was my intent to finish it but clearly i underestimated you they all do it's all good it's all good it's all good killed zodiac you won't pull you know god bless one would think i never learn i made the same mistake with azam when we first barred despite being less than half my age her strength was astounding for a story mission that was really hard just claim you have weathered considerable hardship far more even than your tales would suggest it seems we have both learned much on our journeys [Music] hey [Applause] poppy power [Music] well now i dare say he has warned to you a boon to be sure he never forgets his favorites and is ever eager to come to their aid [Music] and that's i did not have to do this to make friends with ben i didn't i i didn't have to like travel back through time and beat the [ __ ] out of some old lady [Music] i would have done but i didn't do that you know what i mean thank you are you sure that's your mother that's your mother i'm surprised i mean i think black mage probably made that a bit harder than it was for other classes but that was tough argus will soon have a standing on the very spot where meteor made the departures of night sky but look we'll learn something of hermes intentions my hope is that we find no connection no festering wish for oblivion we might have hermes and his considerable expertise working for us rather than against us easy as melee yeah i guess so a lot running around there [Music] a flower upon your return interesting name let us move over to the edge before mounting shall we they'll allow argus to capture the currents rising up from below and give us a smooth ride over to the aisle [Music] come on puppy let's go it's easy when you sell three out of three fish let's it go you've got to let it go you've got to move past it all right you've got to be moved past it i don't want to be like of the last boss of elder ring or something it's like this boss is way easier if you sell three out three fish mate you know what i mean you just [ __ ] if you'd slide out just slide out you'd have been fine [Music] argusman motions to his back with his muzzle we've been given the go ahead to hop on hey we ride [Music] you could have just transformed me into a mughal or something [Music] is this pleasant hargis certainly seems to think so now what was the name of that tree know something ah noticeable quite a striking specimen is it nuts it looks like it fills my garden with leaves you know that's what bothers me about it like it's nice and summer and then it [ __ ] up my whole garden brace yourself for the landing i wouldn't want you tumbling off at the last moment [Music] i'm taking this noted emote away from you guys [Music] it's giving you guys too much power quite a small place lacking even the most basic equipment [Music] the present may yield no clues but we may yet try perusing the past have you done this before is that really echo so you cannot control the power freely worry not i shall assist you come and stand before me [Music] there are two ways to see the past the first entails peering through the walls of the soul in the moment a subject is recalling a memory the second requires no subject and is instead a process of piecing together an event from ripples left in the ambient ether [Music] as memories are etched upon the ether of the soul so too are they etched upon the ether of the world in this way can history be preserved such memories are given to fading however and can prove challenging to visit but come let us try [Music] close your eyes [Music] all units fully functional and proceeding on course towards their respective stars estimated time to completion of survey is 108 cycles end of status report severing connection with shared consciousness she is a borg did you hear that hermes all is well [Music] yes good tidings at long last [Music] every step of the way i've been reminded how little we understand creation how the universe defies imagination but soon we won't need to speculate we'll know the answers what others live for [Music] indeed and will owe it all to you and your sisters i wonder what answers we will get whatever intelligent beings that exist out there are bound to be vastly different from us diverse in form and culture possessed of unique ways of thinking their conception of life and its purpose will be no exception completely and utterly unlike ours [Music] utterly unlike how i have no idea yet whatever answers we receive i will not dismiss them out of hand no i will think earnestly on them all and i will share them with our people that together we may contemplate our own existence [Music] perhaps then our star will become not only for man but for all life yeah best laid plans best intentions meteon as though i gave you wings to saw the heavens i did not teach you how to walk the earth so loathe was i to bind another living being in the course of your long journey you will learn from those you meet learn to walk and run and so much more and when you return older and wiser we will have a celebration to mark your homecoming and coming of age both [Music] will there be apples covered in syrup and how are you supposed to eat them cold bro cold rather than cold dude perhaps a flower yes upon your return i will gift you a beautiful flower did they come back and hermes wasn't waiting for him so what is your opinion hermes wouldn't wish for the final days he's a gentle soul and yet i understand he is a gentle soul and well intentioned yet it does not take ill intent to be get ill true we must consider the possibility that something may have gone awry perhaps it was oversight or simply an accident in light of this [Music] i propose that we reveal your tale to hermes himself i was thinking that let's just go to him if he does not wish for the final days as we believe he may well join us in pursuing a solution [Music] then it is settled let us seek out our friend with all swiftness [Music] it would not do to let such a pure soul be blackened by tragedy i think we cause this he changes his plans or something i'm reminded of the star trek episode where they receive a message from a few hours in the future and in the wisdom of captain picard he says we change nothing because changing something could be exactly what causes the thing to happen and as it turns out he was correct [Music] instead we proceed on course which episode is it um [Music] they encounter a disturbance in the space time consuming which an old ship from 70 years past piloted by kelsey grammer comes pulling through it and only by data noticing the pips on commander riker's collar of which there are uno does thrice does he recognize that commander riker's plan is the correct one and he saves the ship look it up look it up [Music] there are any number of places where hermes might be in elvis [Music] noted frasier is in star trek he is he is but we could do worse than to look into this hyperbolic everywhere the largest facility it stands on the northern isle i'm wonderful for an institution which claims to studiously research every species destined to release into the world did you not question how they find room for them all at so few islands the answer lies within concise itself i touched upon the practice before oh back at the archives where vast areas stitched together out of multiple conceptual spaces saying holds true for the interior of this facility in its magically constructed environments this is there within those sprawling habitats that the chief overseer and most of alba's observers could do the bulk of their work come simplest route is via the nearest north of points and ocus are you telling me this is just one environment of this area and there's like [ __ ] five of these or something is that what you're telling me okay all right sure guess [Music] hold on hold on we got eat the curry quests woohoo eat the curry quests final days could wait we must be able to fly flying is imperative the card would have sold three fish probably at least he knows how to count likes that's the important thing a student oh god spotty student uh you're a versus two aren't you perhaps you might be willing to help me then if you happen to see a blue-eyed woman in the area she wouldn't have been wearing a mask [Music] let's see she and i are students at the academia in idaho and she decided to spend our down time visiting helpers together we're just on our way when she realized she forgot oh you [ __ ] you've got snakes dude oh look so she ran back and that was the last saw of her she can't be a bit ouchle i put it scatterbrained so she may well have simply got lost on her way back but i'll not search for myself but what if she comes here while i'm looking there so it's not too much trouble could you look for her why because she won't be wearing a mask and so she could stand out a touch you'll find her in the area of philosopher's notice in all likelihood if you do come across her you could help her out a bit see that she makes it back she definitely didn't just [ __ ] ghost you bro you got ghosted and you want me to go hunting her down i don't know about that break i don't know got ghosted on his date [Music] if this was the real world that's what i would have told him i was like dude this place ain't that hard to navigate right it's a big [ __ ] circle and you're in the middle so [Music] well this is a pickle wherever i might um please tell me you're here to deliver a message from cleon you are a familiar yes er go slave are zam's familiar oh i do like your spectacular name floor but do you belong to a zem then what has become of our visitor from amarat who was meant to arrive some time ago our wildlife subjects are accustomed to the presence of long-term observers when someone from outside developers comes to visit the reactions can be so unpredictable and occasionally violent would you be so kind to track down cleo see that no harm has befallen him visitors don't wear masks so he should be easy to spot if you do happen to find him in the process of being mauled you have my permission to terminate the offending subjects safety first anything for you yes violence has been approved we have to go ahead ah onwards are we definitely sure the other point is off the island it's only 440 yarmouth we are getting to the edge yeah it's up there right uh oh that's the msq [ __ ] oh he's right over there how the hell did you get lost all that way [Music] right [Music] yeah i'm right i'm right yeah i know i'm doing i'm good yeah lost i've been there i've been there when uh a girl has not arrived feels bad man feels bad but i played video games instead oh it's another one of these wonderful creatures that the world definitely needs awesome what's it ever i think it's happened to me once and uh the reason was that she got scared that i wouldn't show up so she didn't go on that day i was greeted by teenage girl logic what a welcome sight it was to behold on that fine day no she met me the next day i was like where are you she's like i was pretty sure you weren't going to show up so i didn't go all right thank you for taking the initiative i wasn't sure about the etiquette of destroying a creature under observation i am cleon we see the riot from romerots i assume mera sent you to fetch me you're meeting a teenage girl yeah when i was a teenager i mean that's implied right we're all the same page here we got this let's see well we have bestdock keeper waiting any longer fear not i'll avoid upsetting any more of the local inhabitants it's a reminder i've been married for like 20 years so we're gucci we're gucci [Music] oh that guy's definitely going to get harangued on the way back let's go get the other lady [Music] uh i assume i can't leap off here so let's do that 18 is still a teen [Music] well i haven't been married for 20 years but i've been with emma for about that time about that time i'm not sure how long i've been married actually [Music] eight years something like that around there [Music] it's been a long time dude yeah it would have been because yeah yeah eight years eight years [Music] we were together uh 12 years before we got married yes can i help you oh wait do you need directions somewhere not to be rude but i beg of you ask someone else i happen to be lost myself what was that i wouldn't ask you to come and find me that would be my friend no doubt embarrassing i had hoped to keep this hopelessly directional aside of myself under wraps i feel terrible leaving her like that but i'd forgotten to ask from one of my professors i rushed back to collect the item i had asked for which i found thankfully but got rather turned around on this circular environment when attempting to return but don't worry about me i'll be fine on my own now if i either follow this road east will lead me to a teleporter i think i mean uh i know i can escort you [Music] you mean it truly well i mean if you're heading in that direction anyway i don't see why i shouldn't suck along oh no please after you if i'm able to get as far as the teleporter that connects to pokey connoicus i should be able to make the remainder of the trip on my own now would you mind okay uh i actually don't know where this is it's there okay and i can't mount up either god damn it and he was going in the wrong direction as well he was gonna go east what a failure what a failure quest luck shows all it does but i knew it anyway i was looking for the little stairs icon i knew what i was doing easy yeah i did want to call it oinkers uh hi preach have you enjoyed a fish sandwich in hamburg already no no food here heavily rotates around uh chicken and potatoes uh b for potatoes uh beef and this very weird german thing i think it's called spit or spitzy splitsie spitzer something like that it looks like failed pasta yeah it's like failed pasta shavings it's like they took pasta and like shaved it up and threw it on the floor and then rolled it around yeah that thing and there's another thing we get which is like uh fries but not cooked but is cooked like boiled french fries i mean they're all right but they're very floppy and they'll find that really weird [Music] what a relief it is to see a familiar sight i should be all right without you now i've drawn it's just a straight shot from here to poison oinkers goodness the earful i'm going to get from my friend i've kept waiting for far too long i should really hurry she's on an explanation and a heartfelt apology do come and see us though i'd like to thank you properly it sounds it tastes fine i've got an issue with it uh but yeah generally it's that's it so a lot of broccoli very big on the broccoli if it's not broccoli it's green beans green beans i don't mind english food is the worst i mean just objectively false so uh i mean that's the end of that discussion meme alex we're talking about what we wanted to eat when we get back alex is going immediately for a curry uh i'm going for a chinese i really fancy a chinese proper chinese or an italian you gotta remember they've gotta make the food relatively bland otherwise no one's gonna eat it right there's just too many people here to mix everybody's favorite types of food so it has to be relatively blunt [Music] thank you for your help truth would truth be told when my friend first dashed off i'd assumed it was because she forgot uh an assignment from my trump lo and behold i was right he was studying at the worlds of mytron in academia and ida learning all we can about endangering of aquatic life from the selfsame master [Music] honestly though i have no idea why mitral would ask me to procure a flower of all things that one's still undergoing testing in helpis it's very beautiful but what does it have to do with it theology well nothing but that's the point surely it must be intended as a present one meant for logarithm my shot is hopelessly enamored as we all well know we do necessarily news to me though now that you mention it i suppose i have seen sparks between them i wonder why i never noticed before that settles it we need to hurry back and begin an in-depth observation of their romantic entanglements i can't believe i wasted all this valuable research time lost amongst the trees i don't have wasted even more if not for your good lady now that my friend and i are together and go back to the academia deliver the flower to hold my trouble before it wilts ah but before we shuffle a reward you deserve it thank you [Music] are a greek actually i could go for a greek when we get back i could i could go for a greek i want to know where largox getting his food from largox getting like delivered food separate from everyone else i think it's just chicken and boiled rice but it arrives and it looks like a lot and i kind of just want to take it off him but he'll squeeze me between his thighs and i mean i'll partially enjoy it but it'll also hurt [Music] i can't order myself but i don't know it feels kind of comfy he's like having food made for you delivered and you're like i'm just gonna order takeaway you know what i mean there's nothing wrong with the food it's just i'm looking forward to some flavor [Music] floor thank you for seeing the safety of our guest indeed my hesitancy acts would have ended poorly had your message had not been there to shield me [Music] i'm certainly glad she was i shall proceed to the business of the day i believe you had some concerns regarding your personal creations yes as the bars exist to admit i was worried that the concepts i registered with the bureau of the architect may not be fit for release into the wild oh you didn't feel embarrassed you would be the first visitor we've had who's expressed difficulty in helping their children leave their nest we can look at them now right if you like i should very much like to but i do have one request when he swooped in to rescue me for the beast i was treated an impressive display of battle prowess an entity with your strength and instinct would be the perfect candidate for evaluating the worth of my modest creations i must insist that you join us uh what's a fascinating notion yes i quite agree with your assessment uh i just want ethercurrent then we'll go together whenever you're ready floor uh [Music] i'll be back when i need experience points okay bye there will be a time [Music] it's just not now when i need experience points i'll be back i swear dracula thank you for picking up one of my questions dude thank you for everything you do the crawlers you pulled me out of dark times over the years my favorite creator oh man that's so nice of me no brown nosing no no no no brow dosing but yes i think the crawlers make a lot of people happy every day as well awesome man central though cold ice cream man phoenix render beer in your rear michelin shadow quattro random beer in your rear beautiful that's a beautiful name majestic moats of light yet hang in the air just the device was but recently activated hey georgie how you doing brother got your boy getting that wedding on getting his wedding home all right almonds we push ah good the nearest acknowledged you as my guest you should now have the authority to use it as you wish ask for the way to excise this hyperbaria before this path that said left at the crossroads okay sounds good right am i up on the island where the thing is yeah all right whoa what the [ __ ] is that are we old towers what the [ __ ] is this spiky does that kind of look like the towers [Music] [Music] it does look a bit vegas like oh we've got all the currents nice [Music] that's like a quick goosey at this thing [Music] me it's like hard to see holy [ __ ] holy we could fly one day one day one day [Music] [Music] here we are the grandest research facility in helpers we should head inside and ask after hermes's whereabouts [Music] that's another facility as we have just discovered [Music] hello [Music] furthermore we've confirmed that his studies into dynamis as well as his creation of meteon were entirely private pursuits no one else we spoke with appeared to possess the chief's depth of knowledge on the subjects and neither did we hear any tales of stolen research which means that if hermes himself harbors no desire to bring down an apocalypse then he might be recruited to help prevent one or so sayeth the illustrious emmett selk according to our story the 14 divine the connection between the celestial currents in the final days but whenever able to pinpoint the root cause of the calamity our people's greatest minds not to mention heidel filius's sharp eyes committed to the pursuit of a solution such an outcome seems inconceivable the only possible explanation is if the nature of the catalyst was so inexplicable that even we fail to perceive it [Music] and what better fits the description than the invisible intangible dynamism [Music] which in turn leads us to our next question how did hermes and his role as van daniel not recognize the subjects of his own research we must assume that he either knew and was unable to help or that he was otherwise prevented from identifying the cause in the first place at this juncture all we could do is speculate to be clear the convocation does not tolerate acts of deception on malice we are practiced at perceiving truth and would have known had fun daniel lights was hermes has no conscious wish for the worlds to end of that i'm certain it seems there is more to the tale after all [Music] we conducted an investigation of our own you see he's been shooting girls into space at the night times how comforting we seem to have reached the exact same conclusion i see no reason to delay further just time he brought hermes into the fold as it were let's do it not a maniac save your thanks i did not say i believed your ridiculous story but as emmett's selk i have a duty to examine and potential threat to our existence no matter how ludicrous or personally offensive i might find it [Music] little deus is laughing at him all the time [Music] i think the time for leisurely exploration has passed if i might have a moment to adjust my vision [Music] there he is on the next aisle over meteon is with him hermes appears to be in the midst of an absorb observational study i suggest we hurry over before they venture elsewhere head straight down the path we could teleport some misophosis euros from the device at the bottom of the slope [Music] all right [Music] would you like a flight inspector no i don't thank you no i'm good i'm good [Music] the traveling taxis of helpers me and my gorilla are fine [Music] let's go i still haven't seen different biomes yeah i keep being promised them i thought we were gonna go to an ocean a minute ago where's that they're close by within the hungering gardens that would be the circular enclosure you just see up ahead well end floor make yourself useful and bring hermes out here to us if i was a go he would assume i was the only there to press him on the fan daniel mata of all of us present you stand the best chance at convincing him to put aside his work for the moment but the creations in there are not exactly then again perhaps floor can handle them she did survive about with vanara after all off you go find hermes but do be prepared to come to blows with the garden's denisons [Music] all right [Music] and there's no currents over here huh no currentless all right whoa oh this looks like a jackson's facility look at this place cool [Music] this is like a james bond's villain house holy [ __ ] [Music] ugh i mean well he's just chilling in here or what [Music] [Music] i'm guessing i have to fight these then [Music] is hermes inside one of these probably swallowed up [Music] no not hermes armies maybe if i kill everybody he doesn't like it if we kill his creatures [Music] [Music] maybe i docked it i can't be wrong it's a game that's wrong you want to in danger so he's gotta be nearby [Music] armies ah are you two doing huh floor where did you come from floor what are you doing here i thought you were keeping hitler death and it was salt company an important matter not related to my decision on fan daniel you say and yes i will come as soon as my work here is finished it will not be long i promise you but you should really wait outside the garden with the others this is no place for idol exploration agreed this place is wrigley and slimy let's move out you see people stuck in 15 minutes yeah he's a trixie you think he would make like an observation booth or something you know considering the sheer uh like elaborate facility he has here [Music] [Music] i spoke with hermes then and we're briefly entangled with the dentists of the hungering gardens as well i see or should i say smell i cannot speak for certain convocation members but i for one are impressed with your fortitude well done indeed now that you've convinced hermes to confer with us let us pray that things will soon take a turn for the better for as fascinating as it would be to meet the m itself who would recreate ammarot in the depths of the ocean i think it best for all concerned if such tragic events never came to pass but in our future or your past assuming yours is not truly written in stone naive hope that it is [Music] hermes said he wouldn't be long yes and we shall wait here until he emerges stinky stinky need a bath my apologies for keeping you waiting i understand there is a matter you wish to discuss yeah are you like evil bro i a matter of the utmost gravity if one can suspend disbelief go on then tell him what you told us who you are and why you came the final days [Music] the phenomena observed during these star-encompassing calamities is likely the product of a dynamous reaction and none is more versed in the applications of this energy than you hermes i must stress that we do not believe you would desire such destruction we come not to lodge accusations but to beg your wisdom and so distressing though the exercise may be i ask that you share with us your opinion on the matter on the assumption that our visitors tale is true [Music] even you for now [Music] as you say the phenomena observed in the two calamities may both be attributed to dynamis of note is the difference in its effect in the first final days it warped creation magics in the second it warped the people themselves [Music] the key variable i suspect is the etheric density of the men of each age dense okay as you know ether in essence negates dynamis [Music] harboring high concentrations of ether we ancients cannot readily manipulate dynamis nor be manipulated by it therefore rather than ourselves the calamity affected our magics [Music] in contrast having been sundered the people of the future are composed of that makes pure logical sense thus are they susceptible to the influence of dynamics gg screen x transformative potential but that would explain only the mechanism not the cause though perhaps it's all about it can't we have a big budget even should it be a hypothesis we would hear it dynamis is an energy put in motion by feelings feelings for which there must first exist a source the source to which the victims must be attuned one that harbors the self-same negative emotions elsewise it could not be the agent of such extreme change so it wasn't the stagnation of the celestial currents someone or something is instigating the star's demise yeah we couldn't find it though don't know where it is or who it is so we have a villain on our hands after all that's what i'm talking about who or what it could be the celestial currents comprise the outermost layer of the stars ether encasing it like a protective sphere according to your tail this was where the currents were weakest that the phenomena first manifested truth inciting factor came from without a theorist then its effects would first be seen in those locations [Music] aliens greetings can you hear me do not be alarmed i mean you no harm oh i wish only to hear your words share your feelings know your thoughts may we please be friends what is it say yes executing scheduled tasks suspending individual self and connecting to shared consciousness connection established commencing status reports make it stop please make it stop steady meteon steady so scared so lonely the pain it's too much [Music] [Music] she's gone but how she has altered her etheric density in order to blend in with her surroundings an ability for avoiding confrontation she's got cloak most effective frustratingly so i can't see her either not even a trace [Music] stay away please this is [Music] are you all right no in your mind no we only heard her speak the instant before she vanished of course when communicating without words meteon also employs dynamis oh i like this that will explain why you were able to hear her when we could not and because i wasn't here originally you couldn't find the sauce follow her voice and try to track her down hindered though we may be let us split up and search as well yeah they're quite literally too dense to receive the messages [Music] what did they find out there [Music] it's gonna be like omega well pissed off [Music] this is not azeroth dude dude it could be earth honestly [Music] i turned up there was rona there was [ __ ] potentially world war three it was just all bad like yeah it was not good calm your mind and sense questing for any hint of meteon's presence listening seeps it seeps into my mind our voices reporting [Music] there's elegant music playing no no hermes must hear them they have to run to hide [Music] his anguished voice goes distance the saw seems to flee down the slope [Music] this is elegant tunage [Music] restrained to catch even the faintest whisper but failed to hear meteon's voice she must be elsewhere yeah water is the universal conduit now i would not even be surprised if we reached into the water and flips upside down into an alternative universe they're like oh [ __ ] dude [Music] yeah feel think greetings and salutations oh now who is this commencing reports oh no we can't tell them that we must run run far away [Music] please don't follow me you see those anguished voice phases you sense her climbing to the top of the ridge i'm coming [Music] she found shadowlands look i don't know are they gonna go fully out there there's like [Music] no because it didn't it can't be like an invasion or something because it would exist in our time it doesn't what could it be [Music] whatever it is is still disrupting it now i mean whatever it is came here and stayed here but it's not visible to us are detectable even brains whizzing he's strange to catch even the faces whisper but fail to hear meteor's voice because it's still in that it's still there in our time i know itself [Music] hmm how how did it come from this is this the reason we traveled to the stars why we sort out other life forms it can't be that there's nothing out there [Music] is it the hopelessness of the universe interesting if we go that way and also the only thing that really terrifies me is considering how small we are in the grand scheme of things oh cannot be cannot be south [Music] [Music] i think that's why the outer wilds like [ __ ] upset me so much at the end when you really get a grand scope of how tiny we are like every time i'm reminded of how utterly infestable we are i'm like oh jesus [ __ ] ah you know what a flat earth and a dome that seems quite comforting when you really think about it [Music] dlc suit copium have you played it mike i'm curious if you played it or not dlc suit definitely before christmas remember that's what we said she's not here i'll yeah do not get spoiled on the outer wilds but it's so worth the play through it's so good it's in my top 10 games of all time [Music] compiling report for dissemination to hermes and all peoples of aetherius processing explicit data preparing profiles on intelligent civilizations formulating answers to the question finalizing report no floor you mustn't listen [Music] girl [Music] i'm getting on my nerves now [Music] it's wrong it's all wrong [Music] any sign of medium panicked and confused which will make it all the more difficult to predict her movements hermes what do you make of this situation meteor will link to a single mind a shared consciousness which connects them across any distance i suspect something has happened which disrupts its usual harmony how might we access the shared consciousness of this [Music] much as you would approach any sentient being directly in the meteors case that means speaking to any incarnation in physical reach [Music] so unless we could track down the medium we just lost we have no means to communicate with them you got a spare bro you got spare any spares no way of knowing what befell has sisters no way to provide directions or guidance we best set our musics aside and concentrate on how we might find her [Music] it sounds like this guy should have had like emails that back up the reports [Music] just saying i would have done that [Music] so when they communicate with each other there's like a hard copy right for research oh my dear medium what did you witness out there that frightened you so why do you seek to keep it from us how terrible could it possibly be i'm going with nothing that's my guess they found there's nothing [Music] a frantic search for available you must be clever about this gamber sure i'll put 25 subs i've got 25 subs they found nothing gamba correct me if i'm wrong but mitian renders herself invisible by matching her etheric density to that of her surroundings does she not if so could we not then disrupt her concealment with the surfer of ether watch out emmitt sucks solidified your presence when he first met don't be absurd i can have the channel either to a recipient whose whereabouts are hidden from me which is why we must all work together floor will continue to search in the same manner as before but this time with you in tow once she has to change meteon's like location you proceed to reveal our way we're familiar with a swift ethereal downpour very clever but thankfully she has made herself easier to capture by fleeing towards the left assuming she is made visible it should prove no great feat to herd-heads in the corner then we have our plan floor and emmitt's selk will be our tracker and trapper respectively while we others predict and obstruct meteon's avenues of escape eric salk and i will keep an eye on each other's people to help coordinate our efforts let us be about it i like this plan me and emmett well it seems we are partners for the time being let us return to where we last saw meteor pick up the trail from there i'll keep myself in a state of preparedness ready to rain down ether at a moment's notice meaning it falls to you to keep the way clear all right easy game easy life emma easy game easy life easy game use life [Music] hey this place is nice right sorry uh as we were calm your mind new senses questing for him etion's presence you failed to hear the voice okay that thing's this way we try another route then the [ __ ] [Music] come on get him out bro you could literally cut you off from thin air right you don't even need to go on the [ __ ] store [Music] why can't i fly are my functions being restricted yes i'll just have to hide where no one can find me walter's edge she went into the lake this wasn't tiresome enough well at least the open expanse should make her easier to find won't lose her this time [Music] uh bitrate herder around here oh this place is awesome me like it all right where are we going will emmet help me of course this is why i'm going to kill you later saying just saying just say spoilers okay are we on not here i'm not here please not as emmett not us by that rock is she very well [Music] what why can't i hide come on meteon it's okay it's okay push down what's he saying everything is so faint i'm sorry i'm not strong enough stay away i'm begging you don't make me say it will break him it's poor fragile heart now we have a chance as the others are in position the two of us can hurt her into the midst all right we chase yeah we should be able to bowler her legs or something i mean i don't want to she's you know she's a good person but she's putting up a struggle i didn't say to break her legs that's not what i said yeah i didn't say break her legs that's not it's a bowler bowler just wrap them up this is not in use so it's a bit left to the mercy of the elements by the way there's no trace of meteor's essence we move on serious there i see her where's [Music] one help of what they're supposed to be like pincer movement here whoa what the [ __ ] is that corn monster look at this cornhole is that alive this big corn dude this corn is legit look at this corn awesome i would hide under the corn that's pretty alien it looks like he could walk right is this where we started she's doing laps or what any corners any corners in the chat please don't start the puns no puns i wasn't being corny oh my god she's so quick sleep dart or something can you magic some [ __ ] give chase we shall herd her into the shelter you give chase couldn't have done that before [Music] [Music] so you guys need a different outfit you always look ominous please we must speak they're not cornered i'm not looking at you i'm sorry hermes i'm so sorry if someone can hear these words then please please protect them protect them all from what individual self-suspended connection with shared consciousness stable our survey is complete we shall now report our findings [Music] move closer all the units safely arrived at their respective destinations seeking answers to hermes question we attempted to make contact with the intelligent denizens of each star results are as follows in order of numerical code anna traces of civilization found structures believed to have served as domiciles no extant life forms detected dio ruined remnants of buildings scattered across star surface of which is encased in ice presence of life could not be verified tria evidence of large population centers akin to cities recovered no extant life forms found only their lingering essence tessera edifices surmised to be abandoned residences found no extant life forms detected deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction they're all dead octo star found in state of violent conflict contact successfully made with inhabitants the deployment of weapons of mass destruction resulted in total annihilation of local populations yeah i see where they're a barren desert no identifiable flora found bones of living beings resembling men discovered beneath sands but determination regarding their intelligence inconclusive remind me hermes what exactly was the question you entrusted to meteon i tasked her with asking what others live for what gives their lives meaning war did you consider what may happen if the premise of the question is flawed to be able to answer it one must be living and desire to continue doing so if meteon finds no living beings in the course of her journey or none who desire to live what then what answers would she derive from their silence meteon enough suspend your mission and return hither at once decapentay local civilization once flourished under auspices of higher power said power later laid waste to civilization in fit of rage upon revealing this to me entity elected to self-terminate in lieu of providing answer to question no other intelligent life forms found turning a deaf ear are we we are taking meteon back to amarot as i understand we will need her if we had to bring back all of her sisters it yes meet him it isn't right is it it isn't right to turn away from the answer even if the answer is pain even if we aberrations must scream ourselves hoarse to be heard i whatever answers we find i will not dismiss them out of hand these words i said to you and i will hold myself to them [Music] what is the meaning of this you cannot take meteor has finished her report who else must wait this is like old news for me this happens all the time honestly where i come from you fool it's just another tuesday brother just another tuesday for the old warrior of life pay up i mean all right technically they didn't find nothing i suppose you're right technically they didn't find anything i i it seems dubious to me but i mean i could agree my intention was that there was no life out there so she would be filled with despair so fine she would be filled with despair so that's what i did agree yeah you're right streamer my intention was definitely that there was nothing living out there in terms of there never had been all right that that's that's where i was okay so yes fine fine i was i was expecting pure stuff split the difference well there could be batches of 20. so we'll do it that way but yes kind of right how's that kind of right kind of right kind of right yeah all right it's all fair i mean anything that's all right so if you dodged dodged the cat how are you dodging how are you dodging this much oh my god right let's have our pee break it's been like three hours that's a happy break for our last session before i have to go and join the race the world first have we even started raiding yet by the way they like even started no they've not right no okay before i go rescue meatball let's have a pee break and do all those wonderful things i have a quit fff man i need to go for a pee and it's like [ __ ] miles away thank you snow lb frogsky and thank you uh preach lfw for all the gifted subs thank you so much i'll put quit in charge while i'm gone yeah there you go question charge for a minute we'll put the mask on i wonder if i can get this whip on my lips [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] didn't even bring no you didn't oh you did didn't even win slice what a garbage human being we're back we're back in charge all right all right all right i can't drink through a mask just learned write that down noted no it got it good okay why hermes why could you not leave well enough alone these answers assuage the pain you feel when a creationist returned to the ether and you'd never cast your accursed questions the distant stars you may have one day learned to be at peace upon this one all right oh we're finishing the zone i feel like the story's just [ __ ] started you know what i mean we've already like killed zodiac we've dealt with fun daniel xenos is on his [ __ ] mission of peace and i feel like the story's just started hermes has headed to isis considering the expensive dimensions of the expansive dimensions of the place even if he may have a difficult time locating his ether all i can say is that he entered from the rooftop and likely arrived at the uppermost point of the facility so do we pursue him of course we pursue him that's what hermes might be thinking meteon is a potential threat that needs to be brought into our control the convocation's duty to safeguard the star takes precedence over any personal stake in the matter it's clear we stand on the precipice we have yet to determine beyond a shadow of a doubt that lution is the hand which tips us over the edge nevertheless if we are to learn the truth of the final days we must give chase and if eve and even if neither hermes nor meteon is ultimately responsible it cannot lead them to suffer this torment alone i wonder if we have to make hermes forget because they have the memory wiping machine don't they then we just have to make him forget agreed in all counts to crisis here we go [Music] gamba no i mean i could kind of almost see them having to revert him to almost a childlike state and you know like something like he just it's the only solutions he has to forget we'll see we'll see [Music] it's going to be like the end of sphere anybody see sphere where they choose to forget i was really sad forget what i think we have to destroy the meteons and he has to forget everything he knows maybe not sophia spears p-h-e-r-e spear well it's all naughty of the ordinary i don't know what caused it [Music] i dislike the look of this [Music] [Laughter] noted emo it's gonna kill my soul i swear to god what have we here excuse me has something happened is psychotisis this is for that i'm so glad you're here no i know it's all prompted but the alarm was sounded and concise is put in a state of alert procedure dictated that we evacuate immediately and we have yet to investigate further this is hermes doing obviously and what does this state of alert entail exactly a field of dampening magic is straight from the entire facility usually in response to escaped entities and the like besides scholars and observers are unaffected but everything and everyone else is weakened to a fraction of their usual capabilities that consider us forewarned we do have our urgent business with chief hermes we must enter the premises regardless that said if hermes is willing to enact such measures i wonder what other obstacles he see fits to drop in our path without a feebling spell in place we're not likely to get far uh be at our fighting best now it's hardly an effective combatant to begin with i have little to offer beyond my ethereal vision i'll put that ties of yours to good use you were fairly skilled at spotting weaknesses if i recall fairly skilled now you've got to raise everyone's expectations you all need only make the most of your strengths i will fill in the gaps as required i was once azam after all so it's my job to rise to the occasion be that as defender aggressor or healer i got three jobs leveled up [ __ ] heidling yo i feel better about my lack of prowess already and you emma salt can impress us with your arcane majesty you love posted spells as easily as breathing but you can also channel that power into a protective manner if you choose if you so choose yes well yes so the situation called for it excellent that should cover us on all fronts your tail let us here floor it is only right you lead us now no matter what lies ahead we will win through to hermes meteor i can't read and then we will face the future together sadonga okay cool cool all right crawlers who's joining the group let's have a look let's see who's joining members [Music] i can scarcely contain my excitement oh let's get this over with come let us be off yo you guys are all under leveled the [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] this looks awesome [Music] i'm not clicking that ross notes a stream if ross sends you a link don't click it [Music] please [Music] seems he's determined to protect meteor i alright bother this is going to be [Music] do we need to make volcano creatures oh [Music] have you ever wondered whether your creation is a beneficial existence to the star wonder no more for isis hyperbaria our mission is to determine the answer from temperate planes to tropical jungles from smoldering volcanoes to frozen fields we put the creations to the proof in a wide range of meticulously recreated environments while will your creation be able to survive in the wider world or will it threaten the survival of other species the answer to such questions are more our highly straight staff will uncover for 45 per month your concept can be housed here at katitus hyberia be sure to check out our intention package where you will gain a special trainer who will monitor your concept from start to finish tune in now at dial oh 800 184 800-184-184 and get your all-purpose members pass to cathisis hyperbaria [Music] sold baby emma you ninja puller you what are you doing for me all right that's it ready to blast one two and flare and flare and mana and flat yummy i'm not entirely useless good are you man good on you how about you sloppy okay okay okay [Music] god paul you wouldn't yo emmet's got heroic leap sweetie not moving heal me not moving have a taste don't say that don't say that stop it stop it out of my way [Music] i see you happening [Music] don't say that either man come on dudes since this is very suggestive standpoint out of my way [ __ ] off man way have a taste oh i see you opening stand firm [Music] let's just make our way through the frozen sphere uh acro one tank this yeah this is suggested it's gonna be fine i'm not entirely useless [Music] good this is bad tanky by the way the cleave is not helping [Music] toxic dps i'm just saying after watching uh the wow and mid maxing over the last few days i got upset if we're not constantly cleaving wow this is beautiful [Music] noobs man your [ __ ] noobs honestly [Music] i see you opening [Music] i'm going to say that to emma when i get home i'm not going to be able to restrain myself it's too good of a line it's an actual banger that one i'm not entirely useless i'm gonna say that too [Music] it's gotta be good man well i've been here forever super true and super real yeah got carried once how am i being carried i've been carried by him itself whoa hey big boy lisa how about you i'm getting versus evil vibes [Music] frost bite and seek oh is it this this is seriously trying to hide fellas [Music] i see call have a taste [Music] move away from the tank dudes are you being risky you don't need to be mr [Music] how do you know he's gonna appear [Applause] i don't get how that works i'm following the npcs yeah the footsteps going like a weird pop though i'll turn up again on the next one [Music] i'll blast on the next round out of my way out of my way the skull dasher boom [Music] oh man all right so we went around so we should be safe here right this is where the leading edge of his tippy toes are [Music] i'm not entirely useless oh you're okay dude yeah all right you're all right come we mustn't hurry [Music] the terrestrial artemis oh [Music] oh stick boys stand firm no props have a taste [Music] a child [Music] yeah yeah i know i know i know i see you opening [Music] to be fair those these lines are written in a certain way [Music] [Music] hello tank hello just me full [ __ ] out of my way i can't forget you've got this other polyglot thing i need to remember have you know it that jobs no fly true you know i could see why they're angry this is not a good aviary for that many birds men that would not pass a health inspection test i see you opening don't write that down needs better aviary all right are we taking no good good good good you gotta care about the animals there's a pawn [Music] this place [Music] the music's okay it's not grabbing me grabbing me but it's fine [Music] the trust still feel awfully slow comparatively but it's fine for story reasons ah [Music] according to mistress lisa her creation is based on a concept for a bipedal wolf and a deed is impressively man-like in its gate it's also highly intelligent as evidenced by its ability to employ tools while the gleam in its eyes gives the impression that it comprehends our words if this proves to be the case we'll be ashamed that its throat isn't designed for speech i must make mention of this in the next reports poor wolfy can't talk pieces kill dreadlords so good for them man so good for them that's awesome they might just put a comp together for it that's legit [Applause] [Music] um i mean i've used ley lines now i might as well pop off there's so many enemies how can i not because no way wow that's so rude there was like four enemies of course i've gotta a pop-up oh true [Music] through got him there we go [Music] not bad not bad [Music] you didn't win [ __ ] from slice don't lie [Music] what do i get rest if i die will they res me oh [Music] shot snake boy look at this [Music] you pulling or what [Music] ball [Music] how about you okay so i see that just goes in front of him correct all right we burn i see you opening out of my way out of my way four are you gonna be big aoes the nbc's aren't moving nevermind never mind oh you have too much which watch which heads do it okay no problem no problem i'm not entirely useless saved [Music] it's not my fault not my fault all right so which one is it the ones that are swollen [Music] okay so it's the side ones okay [Music] and dodging [Music] [Applause] [Music] right so this one is middle and side okay i see it i've been watching wow i've got dudes i've been watching wow for like a [ __ ] two weeks they never have anything like that a pass for constitution but a fail for intelligence if its concept is submitted i'll be certain to reject it yeah i need weak orders am i missing playing well no not really like the the raiding for sure like i would like to uh do some of these mythic raid bosses but other than that not really [Applause] i cannot let you take me because [Music] hello have a taste oh i didn't even ninja bowler have a taste like legitimately this may stick i think my next raid fight i want to do is extreme nidhogg i think that's the next one that one i'm really excited for [Music] not sure i'll be able to remember how to play this class at that level but we'll get i it do it another class i could tank or something i am relying on everyone else to tackle i see you opening out of my way oh my dark knight is 51 now so once like two locks came over i think i just wear crafted gear y'all don't join the dog extreme what what are you talking about i've attacked many many bosses in my life at least four out of my way [Music] all right luke team it might be brave pets or something in here yeah how does this go [Music] all right ask a simple question i suppose [Music] for the opening i promise i am ready to engage [Music] you guys will be fine for a second right [Music] oh nice wasted ley lines mike good job [Music] out of my way very pretty more birds might as well it's here [Music] yeah but i mean birds don't typically fly above the clouds like on space platforms no i'm no ornithologist as you guys know uh obviously i'll be on the bus i think i'll be coming soon [Music] yeah this is this is cool i mean they're not surprised that they could it surprises me they have the tech to just send uh robots off into space and explore oh they haven't already done it actually no one seems surprised that he was able to do that [Music] familiars mammoths whatever [Music] the successful creation of migratory birds which travel between continents with the seasons came as a breath of fresh air to the long stagnant realm of flying lifeforms in the end it was relatively simple to grant the creatures the ability to navigate by celestial bodies but this method lacked their precision needed to guide them to the same location each time as would be vital to their survival the breakthrough came in the form of magnetic fields don't you know a new switch was discovered by the culprit phantom daniel during his tenure as chief overseer of el pish truly inspired ideas brought long lasting to the start good stuff [Music] uh hey dude you alright man you good bro you okay so it comes to this i have no wish to fight but this time but i cannot heal though the world may think me a man i will hold fast to my [Music] he'll go so far as to transform so far as to make himself a villain [Music] oh then unleash your power [Music] [Music] i [Music] all right so the dark one can survive two okay i'm not entirely useless hey you got hit by two of them though you're [ __ ] bad you ever tell you're as bad as game brother sad honestly [ __ ] shame that shame one [Music] i uh let's go off in order right okay yeah i wasn't wrong my suspicion was accurate one manor [Music] one manor [Music] i see you [Music] [Music] true bravery interrupted unlucky my way they always fall in the same pattern i am [Music] even when transformed but i am not finished yet you are dude it's over it's so over have a taste i'm not entirely useless me no may know [Music] she didn't die it's all good oh she's fine she's fine [Music] it's not paradox [Music] yes thank you we're saved stream we've been rescued we've got lip balm all i have to do thank you all i had to do was ask we have been rescued no more shall we held back by scraggly lips oh oh yeah oh that's good oh yeah ah oh strawberries yo [Music] strawberry lips you sense by opening have a taste let's just leave the rest to em itselk oh please calm down very chase he led us up [Music] i mean besides the comedy lines i'm not sure why we needed to do the trust i mean the comedy lines were genius don't get me wrong i'm glad we did get the comedy lines like i'm glad we did it i was expecting some sort of extra cutscene or something but it's over hermes in the name of the convocation i hereby take meteon into custody and setting aside the matter of your nomination you will come with us too we require your knowledge to assess and resolve the situation meteon i am so sorry but that i could have listened to your report in full is more reflected upon its meaning and conveyed it to others that they might reconsider their chosen course [Music] but i have failed and that wish will never be realized however here our fates become the province of others i bid you tell me just one thing was there happiness in those distant stars was there a reason for living [Music] we conducted our search as per your instructions we scoured historical records communed with the spirits of the deceased heard the final testaments of the dying welcomed their shadowed hearts into our own one race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity they renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal and in so doing brought about societal collapse one race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people they were conquered though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal they could not regain their former glory one race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes aspiring to shatter its shackles they went in search of infinity they discovered nothing is infinite and that neither time or death can be cheated disillusioned they gave up on the future and themselves one race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow hoping to have only joy positive energy they found joy lost its saver in the absence of sorrow and lost their will to live the worlds apart these people shared a belief the belief that they had tried their best that they had tried to fulfill their potential with every step and success in the course of which they learned the truth that they would never be free of fear and sorrow anger and despair of loneliness so long as they yet lived [Music] even now their souls cry out for oblivion and to this song of anguish i lend my voice we lend our voice [Music] oh beloved mankind shimmering jewels of beautiful etheris rejoice for we will free you from the cruel yoke of existence all right skynet calm down there is no need to struggle in vain foreign [Music] will know peace and serenity and it will be beautiful yo just [ __ ] kick her in the teeth now right we will make our nest at the edge of the universe and there in the dark of dead worlds hold sorrow and suffering like disneyland our chorus [Music] such is the answer we have found in the stars such is the gift we now offer to affairs us right [Music] who were you to decide our fate to decree we live or die [Music] is this our fault i don't think so [Music] have you lost your mind you heard what she said she means to destroy us all yet you still take her side [Music] in the name of the star we have discarded those creations that we [Music] that we too should be discarded that is sophistry and you know it perhaps it is perhaps i am wrong who is to say that you are right let us settle this with a determination in my authority as chief overseer i will make a judgment on man's fitness to exist all right ego if he can learn to value all life and retain his will to live even should his end be justified he will surely find a way to revert his demise if not he will perish from the star as with all determinations provisions must be made to ensure fairness kairos awaken [Music] memory reconfiguration system kairos activated awaiting instruction [Music] command universal memory alteration target area katissa's hyperborea starting point arrival of emmett's selk of the convocation that propolis endpoint the present oh no raise the memories of all events and replace with a vague recollection of the following i was here preparing to demonstrate the functionality of kairos to emmett selk and the days meteon's shared consciousness became unstable she and her sisters could not sustain their existence the law dissipated the burst the resultant shock wave accidentally triggered kairos which erased several days of memories from all present we're getting full-on men in blacksman command acknowledged initializing three processes remaining to execution bravo i dare say one would be hard-pressed to make it fairer everything that you told us everything that has happened the fact we've even met it will all be gone go meteor to the edge of the universe where the edge of the universe to beat the shell of a little girl you come with me all right if you were to shed your flesh i should be able to carry you [Music] silly four had you said yes i would have granted you the gentlest end this ends here get him bummer get him high meteor that is far enough hermes [Music] argos to me first process complete two remaining to execution of memory reconfiguration as if we needed more pressure no matter what you cannot forget what happened today for it is the key to saving your future your world how we just blow this [ __ ] place up is our fight what exactly the shielded dude our problem to contend with not yours no your own struggle awaits and no one else can take your place beam me up scott you must flee this place with your memories and i will see that you do now then where is it there you are my little confluence yo [ __ ] uh the nice gigger comfy on the back of that dog actually ladylike and [ __ ] almost oh [ __ ] pitching speed bastard very well you may elude us this day but not forever [Music] meteon's gotten away second process complete one remaining to execution no no time for brooding listen well beyond lies a spatial confluence that connects the interior sections of this building we've got time for this bro i will destroy the confluence and force over you must jump through i cannot tell you how sorry i am [ __ ] you hermes neither can i let you escape [Applause] shot too brave by half exemplary work as always emmett selk what but how i thought the confluence was over over there yes we were rather hoping we would it was never anywhere but where it is now the instant those two began making their way towards nothing it was clear the plan was a diversion [Music] i'm quite incapable of destroying a confluence i must confess a gambit brazen beyond words though we've grown accustomed to reckless improvision due to the antics of an incorrigible associate [Music] though in the case of certain present company incorrigible is an understatement [Music] honestly i'm beginning to suspect it's a requirement for every asset [Music] saved by a popper let it be known quickly even now i do not believe your tail i would not suffer us to walk such a wretched path and it's coming true right still if it must be said do not squander it the legacy i leave you [Music] final process complete executing universal memory alteration go of us [Music] we will remember him oh i'm fine just a little tired so we do this a lot can it be true are we the only ones left who see beauty in the world in life are the stars above no more than husks of fallen civilizations and yet i feel her though she is unimaginably distant i feel meteon's presence and the place where too we must go as she make good her escape i placed an enchantment upon her one which allows us to follow her trail she has already left the outermost bounds of a theorist and continues on her way given the vastness of the universe it will still be no easy feat to track her down [Music] but thanks to emmett selk and his ladies all is not lost we remember so long as we remember our fates remain ours to shape [Music] what indeed let us begin by ascertaining the situation at catissus hyperbaria where the others should still be yeah this theme is ridiculous it's so good given the likely state of their memories however it would be imprudent for us to approach them directly in which case [Music] i am sorry my friend i've asked much of you this day but may i trouble you one last time will investigate in our stead we will share in his consciousness and see and hear as if we were with them to be a papa now close your eyes and open your mind i'm not licking my balls [Music] have a taste you animals thank goodness you are unharmed unharmed there is a gaping hole in my memories i can scarcely remember arriving here in elpis forgive me i was preparing to demonstrate the functionality of kairos to our guests [Music] but meteon her shared consciousness became unstable and she [Music] she [Music] so that's what prompted the state of alert sure and when you went to investigate you were caught in cairo's accidental operation so it would seem it's all a blur to me [Music] such an unfortunate accident oh and what a vanilla and your other companion you went inside together as i recall we did if fanart was with us i have no recollection of it but that there is her familia is it not the fellow seems happy enough so i think it's safe to assume his mistress as well [Music] i haven't the slightest notion who this other companion might be however ah well that individual struck me as a bit different for want of a better word [Music] perhaps it wasn't actually a person but some manner of creation [ __ ] rude man curious i must ask vanara about it when next we meet yes yes you do that now if we may tend to hermes whatever this meteon did it seems he bore the brunt of it [Music] once you are fit to travel you will return with us to amarot we need to make certain there are no other ill effects also i am here on business of the 14 we've already had the conversation like it's not but since your toy wiped my memory we'll have to have it again yes of course as you see fit [Music] this kairos it manipulates memories through the emission of etheric waves correct there is a theory which holds that memories scoured by blasts of ether are restored when the soul is cleansed in the underworld if true then perhaps when our time comes to return to the star oh very cool i doubt ought of interest occurred look forward to the revelation but i should prefer to reminisce on more memes how would we visit the underworld oh i'm kind of excited for some sort of big finale with emmett at the end let us rest if only for a while to the shadow lights oh we still have a long long way to go yes we do can you send me back mommy i miss my squad honestly this place is [ __ ] jank it's nuts here i don't like it when i go home i want to go home where my biggest problem is a frugal lalafell guys are all making [ __ ] monsters and lizards and memory wiping machines and you can't use a lift without somebody helping you [Music] are you feeling it all recovered i understand your exertions are more than purely physical but resting one's body only for a moment is never without merryman as for hermes i think it unlikely you'll create more intellectuals he poured much of himself into meteon and now she and her sisters are gone dissipate in his mind the grief must be unbearable you'll blame himself you believe that had he never acknowledged his dissatisfaction with the world then the media would never have been born to suffer and die the offer to join the 14 will be a welcome distraction and one day hence he'll face the advent of the final days in the role of fan daniel [Music] [Music] we can fly floor listen to me our duty now is to denounce hermes for his misguided determination or to convince emmett selkin hertha lydia's ithlo deus they have been deceived [Music] no we must instead ensure that the experiences homies sought to expunge are perverts are preserved what remains in our memories alone will be our weapon against the final days you must fight this battle in your age [Music] come let's walk together once more i will see you to the doors [Music] [Music] they see me walking i'm flying i didn't do my diligent farming did it do my bombing didn't do my farming [Music] all right i hope i get oh we're getting the gang back together i've missed them i've missed you gang so anyway you remember last time that i told you i visited like another world and like time is flowing different and they're getting attacked by light waves and you're all like dude that's crazy guess what happened this time it's bad i tell you you guys gotta come with me on these adventures it's wacky your time in this age is drawing to an end upon speaking to vanner several cutscenes will play in sequence is it half an hour's worth of cutscenes we'll be all right it's not half an hour [Music] just means after rush lunch it's fine if it's late so it is within the portal that brought you hither and will take you home [Music] [Music] i appreciate your sentiment i truly do but it's a very long game that we must now play and while you have maintained a stable presence here thus far there are dangers in lingering over long [Music] no you must return to your own battlefield make use of the knowledge you have attained that your days here and our friend's sacrifice be not in vain [Music] with meteon free to pursue her designs it is only a matter of time until the final days are upon us [Music] we must be ready from fortifying our defenses to securing our escape there is much to be done in spite of this we cannot allow the report that set this calamity in motion to become common knowledge where the masses to learn the fates of the other stars i fear the situation would spiral out of our control i mean it's not going to be good anyway just saying i must carefully consider who can be trusted and bring them into the fold ordinarily i wouldn't hesitate to call upon the 14. however it was the desire for a fair determination that drove hermes to attempt to erase our memories and were he made aware of his actions there is no telling whether he would remain a friend or become a foe alternately we might try to alienate him from the convocation yet in doing so we would deprive ourselves of a brilliant mind who would be invaluable in the crisis to come [Music] quite the dilemma which is why i must work independently of the convocation [Music] regardless of how we proceed if we are to permanently avert the final days we must be equal to hermes's challenge we must prove that mankind is worthy to exist and this hinges i think on how we confront the all-consuming despair that accompanies a senseless and seemingly inevitable end [Music] bewildered and divided we would perish like the peoples of those celestial ruins we could not hope to survive the final days much less take the battle to meteorology [Music] we must find a way to defeat despair to unite and prepare as many as possible for the struggle ahead heavy will weigh the burden of guiding this legion of souls yet i have faith in mankind's potential as long as he believes in himself there is not he cannot achieve so i will not give up on him on us [Music] you may find your world to be very different or perhaps the erasure of our friends memories has sown the seeds of a conjunction between us we cannot know until the moment is at hand [Music] so shall i strive to do my best taking naught for granted as i walk my path [Music] and i pray you walk with me to the end [Music] as you move forward so too will i as will all resolved to fight for the morrow [Music] and when mankind has found the strength to stand against despair [Music] we shall silence the song of oblivion we'll learn our journey is far from over this i promise [Music] fare you well my light of the future till we meet again not as not as indeed [Music] [Music] there i go flying through space again from this day forward i shall strive to bring honor to the seat of van daan uh is even now i remember standing there locked in a moment where the sky is a flame where stars fall as tears and screams darken the seas where resignation rots the trees where terror twists magics into abominations such as the lament of they who have gone before the song of they who tried and failed to create a better world the song of the end [Music] that which hides at the edge of the universe is no longer hope's creation [Music] it is hopelessness incarnate that day mankind saw half of its number sacrificed to bring forth zodiac [Music] and covering the star in a shroud of ether we forestalls the final days [Music] [Music] yet the cries echoed still we wept for innocence lost wailed for death inevitable [Music] a reality too terrible to bear and for too many who sought comfort in gilded memories of joyful days and tranquil nights [Music] this is all wrong why must we suffer so [Music] it needn't be like this no there must be a way to restore things to the way they were to reclaim the perfect paradise we once had no my friends suffering exists and we cannot pretend otherwise no civilization however great could eliminate it if we would live we must accept it as our constant companion let us not seek to forget this tragedy let us carry it in our hearts that we may grow stronger and no true happiness [Music] we can't accept it we won't accept it it will be ours again a world free of sorrow no it will not for there has ever been sorrow mankind was but spared its biting sting for a time so please open your eyes to try and reclaim those lives we lost by sacrificing yet more isn't wisdom it is weakness no paradise is without its shadows if we cannot accept this truth and learn from our pain then our plight shall be repeated [Music] oh mighty zodiac god born of our boundless faith we bid you hear our prayer accept this offering of lives and deliver unto us the lives we once had deliver unto us the days of old the days when the star was a font of love and we knew naught but bliss [Music] you would destroy it a beautiful world [Music] lands that stretched on forever skies one could drown in the heartbeat of nature silent yet strong and amidst it all a people beacons of light and life laughter that warmed my heart like not else before they are my meaning and my purpose my love in spite of or perhaps because of this i choose to believe in mankind's potential in his ability to find a way forward so let there be no way back from that temptation i sunder us no more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise henceforth he shall walk she tried she tried until the last moment [Music] is [Applause] [Music] all is excruciatingly pain i breathe fire and torment i birth a world of suffering to mire and plague [Music] tell us [Music] [Music] in one fleeting moment lives come and go ever moving towards the unknown and in that fleeting moment they cry for the answer to the question [Music] why given life are they meant to suffer to die [Music] as fragmented imperfect beings yours is a never-ending quest [Music] a quest to find your purpose knowing your end is assured [Music] to find the strength to continue when all strength has left you [Music] to find joy even as darkness descends and amidst deepest despair light everlasting [Music] that was heavy oh god a conjunction has begun to form an intertwining of your time and mine when you truly understand what is at stake and your journey has prepared you to surmount the insurmountable then shall i honor the promise made in another time enjoy your wow stream [Laughter] you guys are bastards oh that was very heavy that was very very heavy just keep walking one foot in front of the other [Music] is the world okay i assume so the world's okay [Music] probably i assume the world's okay a little bit and there was heidling dowers during storm blood there were heidel endowers and what expansion would be playing oh i can't remember where we were before end walker came out yeah that was a bit heavy but uh [Music] there were people [ __ ] on hardly there was a per there was a period of time we were playing something just before ed walker came out and there was [ __ ] doubters about mommy there was definite doubters a hundred percent there were dowers [Music] they were no definitely was no it wasn't me it wasn't me i was never a doubter rich was a doubter was richard doubter that's what you get for supporting thank red from the start man [Music] that's what you get for supporting thank red from day one world looks okay all right world looks all right nobody's turned into like dog people or anything all right i didn't [ __ ] anything up too bad i need to go home i need to i need to be with my uh i need to be with with the crawlers i hate to be close i need to be close to the crawlers oh my god that where the joining is happening i assume that i assume two things are that but it's it's a little ambiguous uh one is that hitler deus was one of the people who had to die that day and he was saying goodbye yeah yeah i got that uh and uh the bashes on heidelin where she was trying to help us where all the rejoinings happening yeah you meet him on the moon [ __ ] off with the music you put your videos [Music] let's all of us sit down let's have a sit down let's have a nice cup of tea [Music] because i'm a cup of tea wow i still feel like we've only just started because from this point on and [ __ ] my eyes are still going uh from this point on we seem to have to take a bunny spaceship moon to the end of the universe to beat the [ __ ] out of little girls hey that's the next plan i think that's our next move like for all those gifted soaps it was crazy [Music] to all of my viewers i have to leave i have to go i have to go and cast the race to world first i have to so thank you everybody for subs but yeah we have to we have to go i have to get myself in order let's go to go talk about the jailer i did slip into such devastation for you all yesterday i did slip it in i got that in but we're back tomorrow i think squeenix wants us to have a quick look at their new final fantasy game tomorrow for a couple of hours as well so i'll have an update on that later but we'll put it in somewhere big love i have to go like sort myself out like a lot but i will and i'll be on the couch in an hour i'll be on the couch in an hour let's talk about world of warcraft shut the [ __ ] up i'm not listening to that i'm not listening to that if you're not sticking around say hi to everybody uh and i'll see you all again in a little bit of town time [Music] [Music] team [Music] hello [Music] you
Channel: Preach Gaming VODs
Views: 22,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: kUWXkfEY6fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 260min 13sec (15613 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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