Monk in FFXIV is easier than you think

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hey hi how are you my name is felt welcome back to Final Fantasy 14. today I'm going to be talking about Monk someone who remained monk throughout the entirety of the Savage too I just wanted to talk about the job as a whole essentially created a giant boot camp for people who don't quite get Monk but it's about what it does and how to play it clearly the number of people is high because monk is actually one of the least played jobs in the current Savage tier and I don't mean just like the least blade melee I mean it's one of the least played jobs it seems to be some form of barrier preventing people from wanting to play the job and hopefully I can help break that barrier down because I believe monk is in a phenomenal state right now and it's one of the most fun jobs in the game let's hop right into it okay let's start by talking about the very very basics of Monk something that often confuses people is that monk doesn't have combos a lot of other jobs you hit one button the next one in order starts lighting up and flashing and you go down a combo string until it is over tanks are a great example of this as they all typically have a one two three combo and sometimes have an alternate ending version that applies a damage buff or a damager for time or something monk is very different from that and it's very different from the other male is not and that you don't have combos you just have three forms that you will be cycling through and doing different things with there is the upper opal form which is boot shine Dragon kick shadow of the Destroyer or at lower levels I believe it has a different name it is armor of the destroyer at lower levels uh there's the Raptor form which is true stars true true strike twin Snakes four point Fury then there's curl form which is snap punch demolished Rock breaker now how does this work well if you use one button in the form let's just start with dragon kick you shift to the next form let's use one snake so we shift to the next form use demolishers up to the next four go through the forms in order but because of that monk is somewhat free-flowing in the nature that it works because you are simply shifting through your forms the buttons that you push change up a bunch and what leads me to my next point and how I think about monk as a job which helps me wrap my head around it better so monk has what I think of as a quote unquote buffing gcd in each form and then a quote unquote raw damage gcd in each form now what do I mean by quote unquote buff I say quote unquote because not all of the buffing gcds are truly buffing gcds let's talk about Raptor because in my opinion that's the easiest to get your head around to get this conversation started Raptor form has twin Snakes twin Snakes legitimately gives you a 15 damage Buff when you hit it when you're in Raptor form so that is the buff gcd for Raptor just the one that gives you an additional effect if that checks out this is just how my brain focuses about it and I think that maybe explaining how I think about it might help other people get to the same conclusions or at least a similar one it is the buff one it gives you an increased damage amount then for curlform the buff gcd is demolished because it applies an additional effect it applies the damage over time it's not a raw damage gcd it is a quote unquote buff gcd that's how I think about it these are also the gcds that you don't need to be hitting every time you just need to be hitting them when they're going to be running out or you don't have the effect that's why I think about them in this way like if my damage buff is going to run out of course I'll hit twin Snakes if I damage over time is going to run out of course I'm hitting demolish that's why I think of them this way for Oppo form it's a little different um because it's not a damage buff increase or a damage over time it does giving you an effect that you will use on your other version Dragon kick if you use it under Oppo gives you the linen fist buff which makes your boot shine gain 100 potency and guarantee a crit which sounds a little strange because you're like well but wait like Dragon kick is higher potency at base level yeah but guaranteed it correct you're guaranteed to create that will almost always be more damage unless you're getting very very lucky that's how my brain thinks about this this top level here are the buttons that you push when you have no reason to apply a buff or you already have the buff these are your raw damage gcds like my boot shine I have leadenfest I'll hit boot shine I have more than enough time left on discipline fist I hit true strike my DOT isn't going to fall off I hit snap punch oh I need to get a boot shine Brock use Dragon kick oh I need to reapply my damage buff twin snake so I need to reapply my DOT demolish if that makes sense that's how I think about it and now there is a bit of a weirdness about that if you'll notice I'm going to go through my rotational like my basic one two three rotation here and you'll notice that the timer is a little weird 15 seconds on discipline fist but then there's 18 seconds on demolish right so like you can't do the classic Dragoon where like every other rotation you apply demolish and every other rotation you're replying um print snakes it operates on a two to three operating system now what does that mean it means that every second time you go through your rotation you'll hit twin Snakes and every third time you go through you hit demolish however that's not an easy way of thinking about it now watch this right here okay I have 12 seconds left on discipline fist no reason to reapply 15 seconds and demolished no reason to reapply it okay let's see oh I have less than seven I have less than seven seconds of discipline fist I should reapply it oh I didn't have less than five of demolish I don't care oh I have less than five demolished reapply it you'll notice that like in place of thinking oh every second or every third my brain doesn't like work like that it doesn't like that so the way that I think about it and a tip that I've heard before was that if you have less than seven seconds on Twin Snakes you should be reapplying it and if you have like five or six seconds left on demolish you should be reapplying it if you're not someone that does a good job of getting into pure pattern recognition of every second time my twin Snakes every third time I demolish just go off your timers if you have less than seven seconds get more damage buff if you have less than five seconds reapply your Dot that was a really long section of this video to just talk about forms and the basics of your one two three combo but that is really important to monk because monk is at its core mostly just a constantly hitting these gcds over and over and over again and if you're not confident and comfortable in doing that you're not going to like the job which is why I give I'm giving you an alternate way of thinking about it if you understand the idea of every other combo you use twin Snakes and every third combo use demolish think about it like that but if you're like me and you're like okay there's less than seven seconds of twin Snakes reapply less than five seconds of demolish reapply then think about it that way let's move on to the next part all right let's talk about Perfect Balance now perfect balance as a skill that'll guarantee three stacks of Perfect Balance which is essentially three stacks of formless fists more or less allows you to cast three gcds in a row of any form and they will give you their form as a chakra so for example you cast an Oppo gcd you're gonna get a notebook chakra you cast a raptor gcd you're going to get a raptor chakra you cast a curl gcd yeah I hope you get it by now you get a curl chakra and the reason why that matters is because Perfect Balance after you use all three charges grants you masterful Blitz now this secondary aspect of it only comes into play at level 60. however um this job only really comes alive at level 60 plus because until then Perfect Balance isn't really used for much and below the time to be a perfect balance the job really is just kind of figure out what buttons to press but as you can read on masterful Blitz here the amount of Beast chakras you get in terms of their typing determines what skill you get to use let's look at the actual skills and we'll talk about the good ones and the ones that you want to avoid so it says one Beast chakra type you use Elixir field that means that you will do this AOE that is 600 potency and then 70 less for all remaining enemies it will also open the lunar Nadi that is something that matters later on but the general idea is that it opens the Luminati we're going to skip these three in the middle for now because at a higher level they typically won't matter except Celestial Revolution but we're going to skip them for now we'll go back to Celestial Revolution okay let's talk about Rising Phoenix now Rising Phoenix is something that will grant you the solar naughty which is obviously the opposite of the lunar right well if you read masterful Blitz the cast Rising Phoenix it is three Beast chakra type the same way that Elixir field is one Beast chakra type so example you want to cast Elixir fuel do dragon kick boot shine Dragon kick right simple or if you have the proc boot chain Dragon kick boot shine because that way you get to do basically the most amount of damage possible to use Elixir field now why those they're the highest potency snap punches 310 potency sure but boot Chinese 310 with a guaranteed crit and dragon kick is 320 flat so technically speaking you're always going to be wanting to use your perfect balances on as many Oppo gcds as you can especially for when you want to cast Elixir field and get the lunar naughty at Verizon Phoenix is different because you want one of each as it said you want three types of them so quite often you'll use perfect balance and Rising Phoenix to essentially refresh your Buffs to make sure the Rising Phoenix goes off with all Buffs intact as well as your damage over Time Buff being reapplied to the boss underneath party Buffs because in case you can't guess it you will be using Perfect Balance under your party Buffs so that you can cast Two Perfect balances and so two masterful blitzes underneath Brotherhood and whittle a fire at the two minute windows and at the odd minute Windows you will be wanting to use one Perfect Balance underneath the riddle of Fire it's probably gonna be a weird cut in the video but that's because this part has been so hard for me to record um predominantly because just a massive amount of information we've talked about Elixir field and Rising Phoenix and we talked about how Elixir field gives you a lunar naughty and Rising Phoenix gives you a solar naughty well let's talk about the skill that I chose to ignore that does actually matter and it's Celestial Revolution Celestial Revolution Will by default open the lunar Nadi but if it's already open it will open the solar naughty instead what does this mean um Celestial Revolution is your pity it's a consolation prize if you screwed up take this it's only 450 potency it's not AOE so it is worse than Elixir field worse than even Flint strike definitely worse than Rising Phoenix and definitely worse than Phantom Rush and tornado kick is its own thing for those of you who are confused as to why I'm ignoring Flint strike and tornado kick Flint strike just turns into Rising Phoenix tornado kick just turns into Phantom rush so they are effectively the same thing so I will use the higher level version of them to discuss them because it's just easier because those are the names I'm used to the celestial Revolution is literally a Pity button for if you screwed up and you only did two Beast chakra types you get Celestial Revolution do you already have a lunar it's a it's fine it gives you you know a solar naughty if you don't have any naughty it's fine it gives you a lunar the only time that's a problem is if you accidentally screw up and cast Celestial revolution first and then you mess up and hit Alexa field afterwards because you will accidentally have two Luna naughty but if you're a good monk you'll be able to fix that on the fly if you're not a good monk you'll probably have a meltdown like I did when I first learned it's a lot to keep up with the bottom line is you want to avoid Celestial Revolution at all costs so be very careful when you use Perfect Balance to make sure you hit the right gcds like I said they're all about hitting these under party Buffs because masterful blitzes are your strongest abilities now why am I talking so much about the naughty well when you have one of each is when you get to cast your big skill Phantom rush or tornado kick now read the description carefully here it says three Beast chakra and both naughty they left out types that is important so while the most optimal way to use your perfect balance and your solar naughty to get off at a phantom Rush is to use Perfect Balance to go Dragon kick boot chain Dragon kick or bootstrand Dragon kick boot shine if you already have the proc however if you've gotten off in your rotation if you've gone through some down time during your burst window um you can use whatever you can reapply twin Snakes to make sure maximum plus has it you can reapply demolish mixture doesn't drop off you can use Dragonic you can hit any combination thereof but that is not the optimal way to do it the optimal way is to reapply all of your Buffs properly then use Perfect Balance to use three Oppo Oppo gcds for the highest amount of potency underneath your burst window but it does have kind of a built-in Fail-Safe of if you mess up if you realize your damage Buff's gonna drop off if you realize your dot dropped off you can just kind of hit those buttons it is just sub-optimal and I do not recommend it I'm just trying to give you as much information as I possibly can so you get the basic ideas now right I've talked about how masterful Blitz functions I've talked about how the gcds forms function let's talk about a combo of your party utility and your Pony Buffs we're going to just very quickly go through your product utility first and foremost you have fan like every other person you have Thunderclap to be able to dash it on the battlefield without needing to use it for damage you have Mantra to boost HP Recovery via healing actions only gcds by the way only gcd heals but still it helps and then you have riddle of Earth riddle of Earth is an ability that has saved my skin more times than I can count during Prague because of the fact that it just gives you 20 flat damage reduction that is the same as a tank cooldown riddle of earth makes you beefy Now it only lasts for three gcds and with how fast monks gcds are that is probably around six seconds but you have three stacks so you can effectively get like 15-ish seconds of riddle of Earth out even if you um even if you flub it up a bit it's a very useful skill um it's descriptions a little confusing but the bottom line is you get 20 damage reduction while it's up after three gcds you should probably reapply it if you need it again let's talk about your personal Buffs and your party Buffs though and how that matters and learning monk at a higher end and how that matters and result in context with masterful blitz and your perfect balances because this is very important during your opener you will be using both riddle of fire and Brotherhood and there are two ways you can do your opener I will be talking about the double solar one later because that is essentially specialized information I'm someone who toyed around with it a lot when I first learned Monk and it worked out for the most part but just do lunar solar and so when you go through your opener with both your Buffs up you'll have a riddle of fire and your Brotherhood out you'll want to use Perfect Balance to get both the solar and lunar naughty up you will want to start by either using Rising Phoenix or Elixir field and then you will want to use the other one afterwards now the full monk opener is something I'm going to very quickly go through right here that's something that I basically have memorized you for the kid actually remember how it functions but as you can see I'm going to go through it and you start by getting the lunar Nadi by immediately going for your Elixir field you'll apply riddle of wind riddle of wind is just a fancy button that gives you more attack speed it's really good then you use your Elixir feel then you'll use your second stack of Perfect Balance here to go over your solar naughty and because of that you'll be ending your opener with two with two stacks here one of each right you'll be ending your opener with both a solar and lunar Nadi and then you'll basically be in your filler window and your filler window is basically just going through your combo over and over again using um The Forbidden chakra the second you have all five is that five or six chakras I kind of remember five chakras available um because it is something that will easily over cut because you are guaranteed crits through boot shine and monk because of that uses crit in their bits a lot I believe you sit around like 21 or 2200 here at this it has been 2200 Abyss without even eating my food it's a lot but so now I would have been going through the fight and fighting stuff and now I'm at the one minute window right you can see 60 seconds have passed I'm now about to have riddle of fire reapply right so riddle of fire would reapply and I'd use all of this duration to go through all sorts of stuff right I'd use oh the time to just kind of keep hitting stuff and then typically like right before riddle of fire ends here we're going to use a stack of perfect balance and we'll go boot shine Dragon kick boot shine because of how my stuff turned out and we'll hit Phantom Rush underneath that riddle of fire during that odd minute window that's the gist of Monk especially if you're going with the standard lunar solar method of play you will do both during the opener and you will use Phantom Rush during your odd minute windows it is technically the easiest and most simplistic way to talk about the job so that's what I'm trying to show you here let's talk a bit in more specialized stuff in this next section the status for people who already understand the basics of Monk and you're looking to optimize the job so let's talk about double solar now this is monk optimization stuff that you should not do if you are just learning the job this is stuff that you should do if you understand your kill times you understand how fast the boss is going to die and typically you are playing with a static now what is the difference between lunar solar and double solar lunar solar involves using Elixir field and Rising Phoenix in your opener so that during the odd minute Windows you will hit Phantom rush and during the even minute Windows you will use Elixir field and Rising Phoenix again now there is a form of optimization that changes your opener but risks the loose abuse of I don't know risks losing a usage of phantom Rush we're leaving that flood then why God we're leaving that in so what does that mean uh in place of going Elixir field into Rising Phoenix near opener you'll just use two Rising phoenixes now how does that look in a minute since I've done it but if I recall correctly it is basically an early popping of perfect balance into more or less an early Rising Phoenix there so that you do indeed just get two Rising phoenixes in your opener because they're just higher potency I think I screwed up the placement of the second Twin Snakes but you get the idea the idea is that you use two Rising phoenixes in your opener because they're one Higher potency it's an extra 100 potency and two during your odd minute window you'll only be using Elixir field which is your lowest potency masterful Blitz doing that odd minute window when there's no other party Buffs around especially nowadays after the ninja change you'll be using Elixir field underneath the orbital of fire in place of phantom Rush what does that mean for monk as a job that means during the next two minute window you will start by using a phantom rush for the highest damage ability you have which will typically be underneath all the party Buffs that your party has to offer and then you'll also use a Rising Phoenix underneath all those party Buffs which is once again the higher potency things so it takes away a usage of Illuminati throughout the fight but you will have bigger hits during your burst Windows however if you use a loose loser usage a phantom Rush across the course of the fight by ending the fight with a solar and looter Nadi the opener will not have been worth it because Phantom Rush is so much damage as a skill with the way that the job works that um essentially if Phantom Rush doesn't get used as many times as it can throughout the fight it's more worthwhile to just do lunar solar and hit Phantom Rush without all the party Buffs now this is something that you shouldn't really consider too heavily if you're not going for optimization if you're not playing with a party with a lot of party Buffs because that's the time that makes this really shine and you just generally don't know how fast you're going to kill the boss if you're going to kill the boss in between like six and seven minutes for example you should probably use double solar opener because that way you know you just know that you will end with having a single solar Noddy in the bank which is fine it's something that works better the more party Buffs your party has though so for example mystatic throughout most of this tier ran monk Dragoon Paladin Warrior astrologian and Sage with dancer and Red Mage so me being the Monk and being the highest personal damage job got like seven Buffs pumped into me I got five percent damage from Red Mage I got five percent damage from Dragoon plus the buff I get an extra five percent damage from dancer as well as it's crit buff as well as getting cards master logian in their divination so all of this was being pumped into me so I would do the double solar version of the opener because that would mean that during those burst Windows my Phantom rushes would be critting for 80 to 100K if I was getting really really lucky I believe the highest numbers I saw during p4s prog would typically be upwards of 80k depending on how the fight was going and how plot windows are working out but I'm giving you this information so that you have it and you know when to not use the information about double solar please look these things up for yourself please find the giant pile of warnings about them and please do not worry about all the people that's saying it's gonna be only like a point one percent gain if you want to do it and you want to try it to see if you will perform better as a result go for it however on average lunar solo is just easier to handle it has a simpler rotation and you don't have to early recap your damage buff or dot sometimes to make all of your stuff fit in your burst Windows proper so that's the gist of it that's monk but in a much more detailed manner I hopefully hope to understand the job better hopefully helps you get a better grasp on it and hopefully helps you understand why it's my favorite job right now barely behind Reaper just barely but that's because Reaper is really easy to play and I like easy to play jobs don't let people telling you the oh if you play at this gcd make sure you lock your frames to 60 FPS or oh you have to learn about optimal drift to be good at Monk as someone who's still learning about Monk and still performing pretty well um all of that is minor super top end optimization that only matters if you're trying to be the top 100 monk in the world locking your frames to do better at keeping your riddle of fire from drifting really you're going to lock your frame rate to make sure that a certain skill doesn't drift at all so that you can optimally play the job better if you're going into that much effort you're probably not watching this video for one but for another you already know more than enough about the job and if that's something that you're reading and finding out about you don't need to worry about it I think that's something that scares people away from monk the general complexity of its Base Kit being forms not combos the weirdness that is masterful Blitz giving you this random extra thing in your gauge the weirdness that is perfect balance being a 40 second cooldown the weirdness of the timings of forbidden chakras the way that six-sided star works all these things kind of throw people off in the job but monkeys at its core a very simplistic job and I hope I've somewhat proven that to you the part that is complex is the explanations for how things function at their core masterful Blitz you want you want a lunar naughty one Beast chocolate type use triple Oppo under Perfect Balance you want a solar naughty three Beast chakra types under Perfect Balance you want to use Phantom Rush slash tornado kick three Beast chakras period not even types just period under perfect balance but I wanted you to have you the viewer here to have a good handle on how the basics of this job worked so that you could maybe understand the job better and hopefully understand my enjoyment of it I don't think this job was that difficult to get a hand handle on me playing the job from level 80 to 90 and leveling it helped me understand it pretty well personally and I think a lot of people just make an effort to almost not learn the job when it comes to playing monk simply because it has such a strange First Look compared to any of the other melees I think it's a lot of fun I hope you enjoy it too but that will be it for this video things we can watch and if you have any questions or comments or concerns leave them in the comments if you want other great resources about monk go to the balance they're the people that post and all of the monk channels in the battle and stuff helped me a lot in terms of just the guides they've provided if you want to go look at him for an extra look on stuff please go look at it they're very good I personally learned a lot from them for now thanks for better than watching subscribe if you like it and want to see more like it if you like it dislike it if you didn't uh regardless of all that I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: feltcrowd0955
Views: 3,362
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Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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