FFXIV Lore- History of the Adventurous Au Ra

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a crazed geomancer was terrorizing yang shay using dark rituals to twist the will of nature into following their will entire settlements were now in danger the kami were displeased and if this corruption spread as far as neng shay there was no telling what sort of chaos the citizens of doma would need to endure in the future as such the current ruler of doma needed someone who could handle the situation quickly yet they would also need to be powerful strong enough to deal with a mage of formidable skill before he could make his decision one of the king's retainers offered up his service the retainer was an aura swordsman who had just returned from his pilgrimage and wished to prove his loyalty to the rhizian house the king had have a mind to ignore the aura and send a group of seasoned warriors instead but this aura bowed even deeper begging for this chance relenting the king decreed that if the retainer insisted they would go alone to deal with the geomancer if they failed they wouldn't be saved as the king needed to prepare another group to deal with the mage in the worst case scenario they eagerly agreed wishing to put their skills to the test for their lord and their country the owl rod traveled across the lands of yangshi eager to do as they pledged and eventually they did come upon the lair of the madness riddled mage with the element of surprise they engaged the geomancer who used all manner of spellcraft to contain and slay this intruder but the strength and skill of a trained outra is dangerous to underestimate and rarely is magic fast enough to match the speed of an aori blade master after exhausting his opponent the rain dashed and finished the fight with a decisive blow and eventually he would return to doma bowing to their king and presenting the geomancer's weapon as proof of the deed thoroughly impressed the geomancer's bell would be kept in a vault and the rain would remain at the king's side as a personal guard to the family for the rest of his days historically it's not unheard of for cultures to change over the course of their existence after all conflict is often the cornerstone of change and to live is to always know conflict in one way shape or form one race understands this philosophy very well and has developed many ways to work alongside avoid or even challenge the chaotic nature of existence good day my friends i am the synodic scribe and join me as we dive head first into the polarizing lives of the aura while the many races of man usually have a long and storied history within eorzea the el-ra are still rather new and fresh-faced as far as the land's recent lore is concerned the aura have been known to travel westward towards the continent of aldenard but were only ever seen on rare occasions making them just as exotic to some as they were terrifying to others it's only during the conquest of land by garlamald and recent civil unrest within the continents of ilsevard and othard that we've seen aurora moving to ayorzia on mass between invading forces and failing politics many auros sought to move westward in search of safety however their distinct profiles has caused more than a few questions to arise amongst the people of aldenard questions that we will attempt to answer here and now the most striking difference between the aura and other races of our world is their scaled and horned appearance these thick scales cover various parts of their body but are mostly centered around their heads and tails these tails are known to come in a variety of shapes and sizes with their horns usually coming to some form of point or points aside from making their visage more imposing their horns have been found to increase their sense of perception and spatial awareness as the horns are able to catch subtle changes in the environment and atmosphere this is even more impressive when you realize that the elrod don't have ears at least not in the usual sense as their horns assist in that role but as we move along we realize that their skills have given them a somewhat notorious reputation to some cultures many people seen an aura for the first time mistake them for being related to the skelekin or even dragons but this is a false observation as the aura have been observed to have absolutely zero relations to dragons or any variety of scaled monster in the world for example while dimorphism between the sexes of a species isn't uncommon in nature it's very much represented in the size difference between their men and women our men are known to tower over most other races much like an ellison or roguedin meanwhile an aura female is much more petite and resembles the hero and stature more often than not additionally it has been noticed that the owl have a unique and sometimes colorful ring that is found against the iris and or sclera of their eyes the abilities granted to them by their horns combined with their unique genetics and interesting ocular designs have not been observed in any other scaled species in the world making the aura their own unique race however that does not mean they don't have a story to tell far from it the history or rather the creation myth surrounding the aura is actually well recorded due to each generation having a storyteller dedicated to keeping their traditions alive this story starts in their homeland the azim steppe with god-like entities called dawn father azim and dusk mother nama when the world was created these two beings apparently disputed over who should rule the new lands thusly they created the ra to serve as their soldiers in a holy war against one another the dawn father created the tribe known as the reign and the dusk mother created the tribe known as the zela the reign and zela waged war on behalf of their creators for an unknown amount of time hoping to champion their respective god but the fighting came to a surprising end as the two tribes began to understand and even love one another and this created a new generation of aura born of empathy and respect the dawn father and dusk mother both were so moved by this display of compassion they gave up on trying to rule the world instead leaving the lands in the custody of their beloved children as they returned to the heavens while the truth behind this story is subject it's a beautiful tale of love triumphing over tragedy and our only record of ancient our history which brings us to the current age to this day the reign and zela are still both two distinct types of aura found within the world and they no longer simply differ in appearance but in philosophy as well however one of the few traditions that still persists in both tribes is seen in their attire quite often you'll see an aura wearing armor clothes or belts with obvious scaled patterns on them while many assume it's to reflect the scales on their bodies the pattern actually symbolizes good health and vitality in their culture in the same breath any mild tears or damage to their clothes are usually left alone since they view such marks as proof of experience however that's where the similarities begin to end and to know why we'll start with the tribe known as the rain also known as children of the dawn father distinguish themselves with brighter colored scales and horns these colors are usually a shade of white or tan but are known to get closer to a brownish color in dim light some time after their creation myth the rain left the azime step and spread throughout the continent of othar they were quick to adopt the hero's common tongue and many different groups of rain began to live varied lifestyles based on the regions they settled in in the first few years of their travels however the rain were mostly met with hostility due to their aggressive appearance this caused some to retreat underwater and build a society with a turtle-like beastman called the cogin the others that persisted began to forge bonds with the surface races but in othard the racial tension only began to simmer once a prominent warlord from yangshi took the reign in as vassals after being thoroughly impressed by their wisdom and skill after that many rain became respected as they were seen as peerless warriors under the lords they served this only improved their reputation as some then traveled even further east to the land of koshu becoming known as legendary blade masters meanwhile other rain had traveled westward and a large group of them would end up settling on the island of davner this history tracks with their physiology the rain aren't the strongest aura when it comes to raw power but what they lose in strength they win in dexterity making them surprisingly agile as they became accustomed to living and mingling with the other races the rain began to learn and teach this opened their minds making them into reliable mages and wise scholars despite the rough start the reign are now thoroughly a part of many cultures such as doma hingashi and rajat han as such their naming conventions reflect the society they're living within as they adopted similar naming patterns with this new found confidence the rain began to slowly spread throughout the world in the past few centuries with the bulk of these numbers being a direct response to recent garland invasion and yet despite all of these changes their original loyal service to the dawn father is reflected in their service to whomever they pledged themselves to there are countless stories of noble reigns serving and uplifting whatever person place or cause they believe in next we move on to their cousins the zela also called the children of the dusk mother the zela are identified by their darker scales which are commonly seen in shades of blue purple and black the zela have mostly remained in their ancestral homeland of the azim steppe living as nomads and dozens of unique tribes but many of these tribes don't look upon the other races with the same patience as the rain displayed in fact it's often the case that if you're unable to prove your worth through whatever philosophy they value then you're less than dirt to them because even the ground beneath one's feet serves a purpose this love of action and hate for politics is commonplace in most tribes of zela to very degrees as it is also partly why they've only recently began to develop a written language in the past couple hundred years with no universal formula amongst them each tribe can have its own written characters making any translations difficult if not impossible without talking to the tribe it came from but this simpler lifestyle suits them just fine as most zela tribes live and die by the codes of their respective groups however the most common rules being to respect the azim's step and honor the dusk mother though the best way to honor their goddess is usually found through shows of strength their love of combat has left many races calling the zela barbaric but it's this lust for battle that toned them into machines of war while you won't find many mages amongst the zela you will find an excess of them mastering various forms of weaponry and martial arts in fact their pursuits were so grand that some groups of zela left the azim step in search of stronger opponents and greater challenges to many of these zela there was no greater beast to defeat than that of the unknown which is why we've steadily seen more zela in the world outside of the azim steppe but like most descendants these newer generations of zela have steadily begun to get absorbed into their new cultures making them more civil currently within the azim steppe there are still roughly 51 known tribes living their best lives with each and every one of them having their own culture and dogma some are passive intolerant whilst others are extremely brutal and violent that being said the number of tribes is known to change from time to time this is because of some tribes getting absorbed into others if not killing them outright though the one additional thing all of these tribes agree upon is the nadam the nadam is a combat ritual in which any tribe wishing to stand as the dominant group on the azim steppe may participate though not all tribes attend the nadam simulates open warfare and the one who emerges undefeated is crowned the kagan of the steppe and overlord of all tribes because of this system no one leader sits at the top for their entire life not with so many fighters eager to prove themselves in the eyes of gods and men but an old zela will warn you against recklessness they'll admit that violence lives deep in the hearts of all those who truly crave glory as such they will advise that you never delight in violence but also never to completely deny your nature either with all that being said the owl raw have started to become more than a race restricted to the continent of othard they've spread far and wide with both reign and zayla showing off the tenacity and skill of their species despite the racial stigma they face from time to time they've proven themselves capable fighters and survivalists making any who stand amongst you an invaluable asset and an even more loyal friend thank you all for watching to the end if you enjoyed this video why not subscribe and share this with your fellow adventurers with your help i'll try to reach out even further and bring even greater stories to you although i'd be remiss if i didn't acknowledge my biggest contributors a grand thank you to rovakis potato burn my pancakes the yellow couch papaya cyan sage mouse vavalus oma sazani azari and kat with an additional nod to the scholarships on screen links to things like my twitter and that of my channel artist caddy can be found in the description thank you all for your viewership as well as your support and i hope all of you have a wonderful day class dismissed
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 21,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, mmorpg, mmo, lore, gaming, educational
Id: b7KfgiTJeD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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