FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into the Aurum Vale

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good day everyone there Comes A Time in people's  lives where they should realize that the world   isn't nearly as dangerous or cruel as they think  it is these irrational fears of the unknown or   unexplored are just that irrational because  it's only through knowing that we can safely   say whether or not we should keep something  at arm's length for example the entire reason   people don't go touching a fire is because they  know it will burn them as such experience is   one of the greatest mentors reality has to  offer though only if you're prepared to heed   its advice but with all that being said there  are those exceptional things and places that   truly are just as dangerous as people think in  these circumstances caution is all too valuable   a tool and one you would be wise to take with  you should you walk the halls of the aurum vale   I've heard many a story about this place from a  variety of adventurers both new and old and while   I'd be happy to share them we'd be here all day  discussing these Tales so instead I will explain   why this place is so Infamous and how it remains  valuable to the Holy See of ishgard despite its   flaws the Orem Vale is a cave Network located in  Central karthas and was named such after a rare   and valuable metallic ore called aurum Regis was  discovered here in fact these caves are actually   filled with multiple metals that ishgard finds  valuable such as mithril so it's little wonder   that despite how dangerous these caves are  the promise of arm Regis mithril and other   items makes the veil too precious of an asset  to Simply ignore and yet it's the very presence   of these metals that has also LED it to becoming  one of the most dangerous caves in aorzia I speak   of the yellow liquid that fills these caves the  substance known as gold bile gold bile is a very   volatile liquid that gets its name from the way  it Glitters as well as how it will corrupt the   body of any who are in its presence for too long  it's an acidic compound that was formed when the   mithril ore here mixed with a crystalline mineral  called sulfur within the natural Waters of these   caves just like the metals aurum Regis and mithril  it turns out that sulfur was plentiful here as   well and few understood back then that mixing it  with mithril and water would create something so   virulent indeed what makes gold bile so dangerous  is the fact that it's not only toxic to the touch   but the chemical reaction releases noxious fumes  into the air that will tear apart your lungs if   inhaled directly thankfully there are ways to  protect yourself the fumes are only lethal if   inhaled in the immediate area for an extended  period of time an ishgard has developed ways to   prevent the air from harming people when spending  extended periods of time in these caves for me it   turns out that a simple enchantment on a mask  is enough to keep the fumes away the reason   this entire cave isn't one huge poisonous cloud  is that the toxins in the air break down rather   quickly leaving some sections of these caves  with rather clean air All Things Considered   however even with protection you don't want to  spend too much time in these caves even if you   manage to reach the sections that aren't filled  with gold bile you'll need to contend with the   aggressive monsters that have taken up residence  here it's true despite the presence of gold bile   many monsters and even plants still call this  place home and strangely enough some of these   creatures have managed to live with it instead of  against it a good example would be the Marlboros   making an already poisonous monster even more of  a threat which actually brings us to why ishgard   would allow common adventurers into these caves  in the first place to understand why ishgard   would petition for Aid is to understand the time  in which they did so normally Mish Guardian Pride   would see that their own problems would be handled  by their own hands after all their culture has   ever been very self-sufficient but that's the  point it had been five years after the seventh   umbral Calamity and the flash freeze over kurthus  showed no obvious signs of thawing out causing   them some major agricultural problems on top  of that the amount of dragons attacking their   land had only increased as the Dragon song war was  finally reaching its Thousand-Year climax so with   resources dwindling territories being overrun and  the steadily growing political dissension ishgard   was reaching one of its weakest points in history  but instead of letting their pride destroy them   they did eventually petition the grain companies  of ayorzia for Aid in dealing with the growing   numbers of monsters in the aurum vale in exchange  for their aid ishgard promised to give the grand   companies a small set of battle train chocobos  which given the proper pedigree would have made   some of these birds worth their waiting Gill this  was the reason that the twin Adder Maelstrom and   Immortal Flames would eventually send a small  contingent of proven adventurers to investigate   and clear out the Orum Veil during these times  ishgard needed every resource it had access to   and these caves were no exception Adventures  would indeed answer the call and travel into the   Orem Vale to try and reduce the hostility of the  creatures Within These caves but what they found   was everything ishgard had steadily been worrying  more and more about while there were indeed   violent beastkinned vile kin and more some of them  had adapted to the gold Mile in a most dangerous   way weaponizing the worst effects of this  substance thankfully the adventurers were able to   pull through and make it to the end of the caves  slain would ever got in their way and causing the   rest of the creatures to run in fear but of course  that did not stop some of them from creating pet   names for the various things they encountered  for instance there was a cyclops they named   coin counter because they mockingly said that it  was trying to hoard the gold bile in the caves   not only that but the biggest and most violent  Marlboro in the caves was named the miser's   mistress as a joke that it was the personification  of avarice nonetheless these encounters were   nothing more than roadblocks as the adventurers  would succeed in doing exactly as ishgard demanded   with the aurum veil made moderately safer some of  the resources Within These caves would finally be   used in the coming battles against the dragons  the free companies were compensated as promised   and the adventurers in question gained even  more renowned within their respective groups   so now you know the story of the aurum vale  and why ishgard refuses to Let It Go despite   the inherent dangers Within though it makes sense  as we discussed earlier things are only made more   dangerous through ignorance they know now how  the toxic compound of gold bile Works meaning   they can protect themselves from it not only  that but they had the assistance of allies to   call upon that way they wouldn't needlessly lose  their own people to Savage beasts and with the   worst parts of the place made tame its Bounty  of unique resources is theirs for the taking   but that's all I'll say about this place for now  as it doesn't have much of a history beyond the   many silly stories I've heard people tell of this  place so until next we meet stay safe my friends thank you all for watching to the  end if you enjoyed this video why   not subscribe and share this with your  fellow adventurers with your help I'll   try to reach out even further and  bring even greater stories to you   although I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge  my biggest contributors a grand thank you to   papaya cyan rovacus potato burn my pancakes the  yellow couch some nobody Sage Mouse ovala Soma net and Cat with an additional nod to the  scholarships on screen links to things like   my Twitter and that of my channel artist caddy can  be found in the description thank you all for your   viewership as well as your support and I hope  all of you have a wonderful day class dismissed
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 5,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, mmorpg, mmo, lore, gaming, educational
Id: LCVCne7Kwo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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