[FFXIV] Level up Fast and Efficiently with any Combat Job!

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looking to level up some or all of your jobs to level 90 Before Dawn Trail or maybe you just want to level some jobs to use right now whatever it is I will present both the things you need to prepare before you start leveling to make the most of it and go over a way to level combat jobs as efficiently as possible regardless of what role they are I will also list a few other alternative leveling methods near the end of the video first off if you're looking for a way to level up your main really fast meaning you have yet to finish your main scenario Quest do that first this quest line might not always be the best for XP however it is mandatory to complete it to access the higher level content anyway so you have no reason to avoid it it is also often your best XP Source now with that out of the way let's start by taking a look at the various XP bonus options we have access to the easiest one is the rested XP which boosts the XP you gain from defeating enemies by an additional 50% take note that crafting and Gathering items also get boosted from this so you can quickly end up spending it all with a gatherer crafter you can see the accumulated rest XP by the dark yellow part of your XP bar or if it is actually covering the entire level a blueish turquoise part rested XP is accumulated by being locked out in a sanctuary which is denoted by this moon symbol next to your XP bar this means any City and most towns in the game this is also where you can use glamour plates for example as it only boosts XP gains from defeating enemies it does not boost the XP from dailies and such so it may be less impactful if you don't grind dungeons or anything else Beyond The Daily roulettes and the like next up is the heat of battle buff this one can be provided by your free company in the form of heat of battle 1 2 and three respectively boosting XP gain by an additional five 10 and 15% gain from defeating enemies the rank three version is a lot less convenient to collect than the other Buffs so there a lot more common to only see rank two alternatively you can also get this buff from a squadron battle manual which you can get through Squadron missions this manual is equivalent to the rank three heat of Battle of 15% and does not stack with any of the ranks after that a much easier buff to maintain is the wellfed bonus all edible food in fin fancy 14 that gives the wellfed bonus will always include an additional 3% XP bonus from defeating enemies and can be maintained with something as cheap as boiled eggs 5 Gil a piece simply make sure to keep this buff up all the time while leveling genuinely anything as the buff also boosts crafters and gatherers in a similar way next there are also a handful of equipment that give XP bonuses in certain level ranges the friendship circet which is obtained through the recruiter friend campaign grants an additional 20% more XP from defeating enemies while at or below level 25 the brand new ring obtained by simply completing the whole of the noice with one roll grants an additional 30% more XP from defeating enemies while at or below level 30 a notable detail about both of these items is that their bonuses should still apply when you get synced down to their respective level ranges although based on the XP that they boost you will probably not get very much out of it anyway there's also the bojan earring which boosts XP from defeating enemies by an additional 10% of two and including level 80 and is obtained by appraising 1,000 forgotten Frank Ms in boa which sounds a lot more daunting than it actually is note however that you need to be level 71 to equip it it also grants its bonus when sync below level 80 and finally we have the bonuses that you either already have and possibly know this or you can't have at all the first of these is the road to 80 a multiplicative 100% bonus to all XP gains across the board this means double XP from all roulettes and everything else for that matter this should also double the value of the other bonuses I listed earlier this buff is granted when you make a character on a preferred world and stays around until 90 days have passed or if the world is still preferred by then until it stops being preferred the other difficult to access XP bonus is from pre-order bonus earrings to give an example of the most recent one the menus earring gives an additional 30% more XP from defeating enemies up to and including level 80 which makes it a lot more significant that its bonus should activate when you get synced down to an appropriate level range depending on when you're watching this guide it may be worth considering that there is a very high likelihood that the pre-order of dawn Trail will be accompanied by a similarly effective earring although we don't know that yet as of the making of this guide by the way not sponsored somewhat similar to this there is also the Armory bonus which is granted when leveling a job that is a lower level than your highest level job and is an additional 100% more XP when below level 80 and 50% when at or above level 80 this bonus in particular applies to most things a bit like the road to 80 buff however it does not apply to Quest rewards specifically as a last thing worth prepping before we start be sure to pick up our one wonderous tales book from Khloe alapo in idles Shire unlocked through the unctuous Adventure near the etherite filling this book and returning it Awards 50% of a level regardless of what level you are to the job you're currently equipped with you can pick up one book each week and you have up to two weeks to fill that particular book I have more information on the wondrous Tales if you are interested in this other video link in the description now with your stomach full and a good rest your battle manual at the ready your circlet ring and earrings if you're you have any all in order let's get to the leveling itself the primary strategy that I will recommend will probably unsurprisingly make use of the daily roulettes however the magic happens in what we do between them and which ones we do as a tank or a Healer you will probably find very little downtime between Dungeons and that is all right however the downtime becomes far more impactful as a DPS among all the daily relets the particular stinkers on the list are the level 50 60 70 80 dungeons as they give extra extremely abysmal amounts of XP compared to the time invested Guild Hest is actually even worse than that but because of the presence of the challenge log for completing three of them each week they are worth doing just for that although doing 10 might not be worth the trouble with that said if you plan to do all the remaining roulettes in a day anyway then the order is not particularly important however if you don't have the time to do all of them I recommend doing them in the following order trials roulette it is usually quick and gives a decent amount of XP for the time then leveling roulette as it is simply a good reliable Choice take note that the limited leveling roulette setting only works if you have a full fourman pre-made and also only works on specifically leveling roulette next main scenario roulette although keep in mind that while the XP is great here it can take a while and it might not be the most entertaining thing in the world after that comes Alliance roulette which tends to give about the same XP per time invested as main scenario but your mileage may vary then comes front line which is a PVP mode so if you're not into that you can simply skip it I demonstrate how to unlock Frontline in this other video Linked In the description Frontline gives a pretty large chunk of XP for the daily and comes with the added benefit that once you have entered the duty you can switch job freely and the XP will still go to the job you queed as so if you don't like PVP as the job you want to level you can always switch to a different one once inside finally comes normal rates since while they take about as long as trials the reward is smaller now if you make it through the entire list of rets and still have more time and energy to level more in that day instead cue for the highest level dungeon you can but never end of expansion dungeons meaning level 50 60 70 or 80 dungeons this means that if you are level 60 you should ceue for the great Gobal library at level 59 instead of something like the an Tower at level 60 if you anticipate you will be forced to do it this way I recommend saving some of the more potent duties like main scenario and front line to push you past that specific level as much as you can the highest level leveling dungeon you can access will always be the dungeon that Awards you the most experience from defeating enemies now obviously for some jobs DPS primarily simply doing roulettes and spamming dungeons isn't as effective due to Q times to compensate for this I have a list of other somewhat effective XP sources you can spend the time making use of between cues these can also be helpful if you run out of roulettes or the queue is slow for some other reason the first one is tribal quests each tribe has varying requirements to unlock but it is typically a matter of doing a specific set of quests that lead up to them I recommend Googling the particular tribe you need but I do have a general starter guide for the subject Link in the description as you are limited to 12 tribe quests a day you can help somewhere between two and four tribes per day depending on certain factors it is worth noting that for the XP alone the AR reborn tribes suck so I don't recommend doing these for XP farming reasons for all other expansions The Experience scales with your level but stops once you level past the expansion itself meaning for example that Heavens SW tribes will will stop scaling their XP reward once you go past level 60 they will still Grant XP of course but if you do a Heavens SW tribe Quest at level 80 you might not find the XP particularly impressive Heavens SW has two combat tribes in the vanu vanu and the vath storm Blood also has two in coin and ananta shadowbringers and Ender respectively have only one in the form of the pixes and the AR sodada the most efficient way to make use of these quests is to use a level appropriate job for the quests but if you're only leveling one job start with the highest level ones you can do and make your way down level 50 and Below jobs will have to skip this step but I will get back to that Niche situation a bit later the second option is to do daily hunts not to be confused with the randomly spawning hunt marks in the world to unlock this you need second left tenant in your grand company and then an NPC will grant you access you also need this already unlocked to access the hunt in any expansion it is also further important to note that you have to unlock these different hunts in order so you have to go and unlock the heavens SW ones first then the storm blood ones and so on once again the arel reborn hunts give nearly no if any experience at all so these can be skipped the elite marks also give nothing in this regard so these can also be skipped if you are only interested in the XP now the hunt in heaven sword is unlocked and accessed near the Forgotten Knight in in ishat the storm blood Hunt is unlocked and accessed near the isaz hostel in kugan The shadowbringer Hunt is accessed near the tanos rery however the quest to unlock it is found closer to the Inn the end Walker hunts are unlocked through an NPC near the etherite and is accessed at the Scholar's Harbor near the leave quests simply grab every single Mark build for a given expansion and get to work clearing each one if you don't want to play around with discovering where each enemy is found yourself or planning kill routes there are websites that can generate your path for you I will leave one such website in the description once again I recommend using a job in the appropriate level range for each expansion however unlike tribe quests if you can defeat the last mob of a particular Target with a job you can get the XP for that job meaning that if you're capable of beating a mob 10 levels above you you can do that this can be more problematic for some jobs than others as melee jobs may find it outright impossible to beat something that much stronger where range jobs might find it surprisingly doable using kiting if you're still at it after having done all your tribe quiz and done all hunt marks you feel are relevant for you my third suggestion for filler content between cues is to do Fates simply make your way to a level appropriate Zone and start doing Fates do note that you have to be in the zone when a fate resolves to receive the reward so if your queue pops you may lose out on that but there is very little you can do about that other than being slow to accept the queue for example this can be particularly handy as well if you haven't finished the shared Fates feature which allows you to buy certain it items in shadowbringers and end Walker with bolar gemstones awarded from Fates and you need to do 60 Fates in each appropriate Zone to max out these options with even more options unlocking when you have cleared all in an expansion to summarize the leveling strategy one activate all your XP boosting options you have two go through your duty relets meaning trial leveling msq Alliance front line normal raid maybe three Guild HS once a week for the challenge log then spam the highest leveling dungeon you have available three to pass the time between Q pops do your tribal quests hunt marks and then level appropriate Fates note that doing 10 Fates with a gold rating is also on the challenge log for some extra XP now if you're leveling a job below level 50 you'll be lacking many of these options in that case do your leveling roulette and front line maybe three Guild tests and then simply queue for the highest level dungeon you can while doing so do your actual hunting log for your job job in question if it has one and if you run out of those do level appropriate Fates usually doing the dungeons will level you up quite fast so this shouldn't be a major problem with that out of the way I want to highlight a few alternative leveling options that are also somewhat popular the first one is using your squadron if you have an effectively set up squadron you can spam level appropriate dungeons in rather quick succession regardless of what job you are which can accumulate XP maybe f faster than doing it with players but this depends on you as well the important part is that the XP is a lot more consistent as the Squadron caps out at level 60 this is a leveling strategy that can work from level 15 to 60 or maybe 61 if you don't have an already set up squadron simply using Duty support can also be a decent way to level although this will specifically be more about being low effort than high speed the second strategy involves deep dungeons however you may need a pre-made for this pal of the Dead is fine for level 1 to 60 Heaven on high is better for 61 to 80 and Eureka authos is probably best for level 81 to 90 however you may want to be able to start each of these from floor 51 21 and 21 respectively because most of the players that use this mode to level with will start there and finish after those 10 flaws and reset back as it turns out to be the most efficient I suggest you might need a premade for this strategy as sometimes the cues can be rather long and if they are then this method of leveling is simply not very effective finally the third strategy involves boa simply running around and doing skirmishes and critical engagements will accumulate lots of XP for you with it being more effective the more players that are in the area this includes both boja and zadel this area also gives you your level 82 kit specifically at all times so you can get a bit of a preview this strategy is very effective for leveling from 71 to 80 and is supposedly so good that even though the XP stops scaling after the 80 it is still competitive with things like roulettes after level 80 it can however get quite monotonous after a while this is also true for the two prior options of course now at the start of this guide I did say that I was listing some ways to level jobs and you should make sure to use a strategy that you enjoy leveling needs to be fun else you will lose interest what I mean by that is that it is entirely pointless that BOA might just be the most effective way to power level past 17 one if you don't like it there there's no point in doing Frontline every day if you hate it and there's no reason to do mset if you find that boring prioritize ways to level that you find fun even if they might not be the most effective if you do that you will be sure to get further in the end than if you bore yourself out of the game by forcing yourself to do something that you don't like with that said if you have some leveling tips and tricks of your own to share I would love to hear about them in the comments now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you would like to support me in my channel more directly you can become a member like these wonderful people here you can also alternatively support me through Kofi Link in the description you can also support the channel by letting the YouTube algorithm know by liking the video leaving a comment subscribing sharing and hitting the Bell to get notified when next I post a video fun fact since storm blood each expansion pre-order has come with an XP boosting earring the stor blood one only worked up to level the shadow ringers one worked up to level 70 and the end Walker one worked up to level 80 presumably the dawn Trail pre-order bonus will include an earring that boosts XP by an additional 30% from defeating enemies that work up to level 90 and probably gives stat scaling with your level
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 31,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, leveling, levelling, tribe, tribal, quests, frontline, PvP, Deep, Dungeon, Bozja, Adventuring, Foray, Zadnor, Roulette, Duty, Hunt, FATE
Id: KvuhoaoP03A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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