The Only Tank Guide You'll Ever Need (FFXIV Endwalker Patch 6.5 Edition)

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damn that's some nice F oh my God could you please knock before coming in where have I been and where's the tank guide oh you want to learn how to play tank H I guess I can put something together well I've been tanking since a rary born which means everything I say in this video is right and if you disagree then you're just wrong but feel free to leave those disagreements in the comments below to help my reach uh just to be serious for all aim moment this video does actually aim to make you a better tank if you're struggling or want to get into the role but I think learning should be a bit of fun too right also yes I do stream on Twitch go follow me there I answer newbie questions okay thanks back to the video when you hear the word tank what do you think I think of a heavily armored fighting machine carrying big weaponry and what do you think a heavily armored machine should be doing that's right wanting attention like one of those bad YouTube pranksters ignoring pain like how your mom ignores me every night and dealing damage like how red pillars dealt permanent damage to our generation I call these the free pillars of being a tank and it is your responsibility to maintain them now set your cute little butt down and let me break that down for your small little head before we begin though let's look at our options first we have the bit behind a shield Paladin very straightforward gameplay wise with an extremely flexible and versatile rotation a pleora of defensive cooldowns great sustain and a ton of utility has a lot of buttons but don't be intimidated by this Paladin is super simple next we have a baby's first tank Warrior and it's really in the name Warrior is the easiest tank in the game IR rotation that doesn't require a brain defensives that sustain you and self-healing that makes healers unemployed like me then we have the best tank in the game you know what it is baby it's godamn dark knight and this tank sucks hard and that's why I love it I mean what Dark Knight rotation is oh Jesus Christ man they're all easy as rotations okay it's a tank not a DPS what did you expect anyways Dark Knight has no sustain but they do have the best Mitigation Of all the tanks in most cases and deal the highest burst damage which will make your party members with raid Buffs very happy and last but not least is the Zuma brain gun breaker play this job if you don't like your wrist and love to panic during every tank Buster because you're mid nashing Fang combo and didn't pop defensives in advance anyways the most important decision here is to play what tank you enjoy or find the most appealing because all tanks are viable crazy concept I know but all have their strengths and weaknesses compared to other tanks except Warriors Warriors have only strengths Warriors anyways let's start with enmity or aggro or hate whatever you want to call it it's as easy as pie simply pop your tank stance and Viola everyone wants a piece of that cake there are two ways to track enmity either through the enemy list or party list from the enemy list if the enemy's icons are red well done you're doing your job they're into you if they're orange they're tempted but not fully into you just yet if if they're yellow you're slacking and if they're green then what are you doing through the party list you'll see These Bars Under everyone's job icon with letters and numbers if the bar has an a is full and red that means you have aggro if it has a two and is orange that means you're second in aggro good if you're an off tank and then it has any number ranging from 3 to 8 that means you're within that range of aggro respectively which should never be the case as a tank a good habit in high-end content is to pop your tank stance even when off tanking after your opener this way you'll always be second in aggro which is important because some tank Busters Target second in aggro rather than tanks and as funny as it is to watch DPS die to tank Busters they won't be too happy about it it's also good to be second in aggro just in case the main tank does die because then the boss will be forced into attacking you rather than an unsuspecting DPS tank stances include Iron Will for Paladin Defiance on Warrior great for Dark Knight and royal guard on gunbreaker they all do the same thing which is increasing your enmity by by while on the subject of enmity we should have talk about this funny thing called a tank swap tank swaps are needed in most high-end content and this can range from a forc tank swap due to a tank Buster giving the main tank a vulnerability which will result in a death if they take another Auto attack or another tank Buster of the same type tank Busters are these big hits specifically meant to be taken by tanks and mitigated using your defensive cooldown so make sure to use them or end up dead y Dingus you might also tank swap to Alternate which tank takes specific Busters throughout an encounter but don't worry too much about this as it's very fight specific and you'll learn that as you go into these fights executing tank swaps is Made Easy through the usage of provoke Shook and having your tank stance active provoke taunts to Target and places you on top of the enmity and makes it easier to generate additional enmity for a few seconds shark on the other hand transfers 25% of your generated enmity to a targeted party member so tank swaps are as simple as off tank provokes boss main tank sharks off tank off tank is the new main tank although in the grand scheme of things you'd still be considered the off tank for position sake or the main tank speaking of which Main and off tank are simply rolls the main tank is the tank who will do the majority of tanking the boss while the off tank will mostly be a really cute emotional support partner providing the main tank with their love and affection in terms of who should main tank well that depends the best main tanks are warriors and Paladin while the best of tanks are dark kns and gun Breakers don't at me I'm looking at you Paladin Mains who think Paladin is an off tank you lot honestly make me sick anyways come to ability and gear also play a big factor dark kns can main tank and paladins can off tank but they shouldn't but they can so don't be turned off by that did you know the best offense is a good defense or is it the best defense is a good offense whatever let's talk defenses tanks aren't just about holding the nasty's aggro Staying Alive is also part of your Ro description and is just as much as the healer's responsibility as it is yours because of this tanks have access to a pleora of defensive cool downs and we're going to go deep in this so buckle up so about that love and affection I previously mentioned well these are great on your co- tank for tank Busters but can also be used on yourself and what do you mean by love and affection oh right uh they are your short cooldowns which include palan's holy Shelton for self and intervention for allies Warrior blood wedding for self and n and Flash for allies Dark Knights the blackest Knight and oblation which can be used on self and allies and gun breaks har gundum and Aurora which can also be used on self and allies these abilities all serve a similar purpose to either support your CO tank buff yourself or save someone in a pinch while being on a relatively low cool down making them easily accessible to use all tanks have access to rampar reprisal and arms length rampar is on a 90-second cooldown and reduces damage taken by 20% for 20 seconds and our 2-minute defensives this includes paladon Sentinel Warrior's Vengeance Dark Knight Shadow wall and gun Breakers nebula all of these are identical reducing damage taken by 30% for 15 seconds except Warrior Vengeance which has the additional effect of delivering a 55 potency attack every time you suffer a physical attack but only swayy passers care about that either way you pretty much always want to have a ramper or a 2-minute defensive plus your short cool down up before tank Busters in raids and trash PS in dungeons reprisal reduces damage dealt by 10% to all nearby enemies in a 5 y radius around you on a 60-second cool down this is an absolutely insane ability so do not sleep on this it can be great on dungeon pools or tank Busters and raid wides and high-end content it's versatility cannot be underestimated use this oh and make sure your apprisal don't touch with your CO tank because that's I definitely don't like boys so you'll never catch me doing this anyways please use reprisal every opportunity you can especially for those nesty hardhead raid wides your healers will like you a lot arms length for nullifies knock back and draw effects for seconds on a 122 cool down very nice un knockbacks and a lot of high-end encounters have these so take advantage of it to keep doing what this game revolves around which is damage it also has the additional effect of delivering a slow for 15 seconds on enemies that physically attack you which slows down their cast and auto attacks by 20% amazing mitigation in dungeons but not so much in highend encounters because raid encounters are usually immune to this so use this for mitigation in Dungeons and in high-end raids and trials for the anti- knockback oh almost forgot but tanks also have these things called personals or unique cool Downs these include Paladin's ball workor Warriors thrill of battle Dark Knights dark mind and gun Breer camouflage and if you can't tell by their tool tips they all do quite different things bwork blocks all incoming damage and every damage type can be blocked thr battle increases the Warrior's health and healing received by 20% again works for every damage type meanwhile dark knight dark mind only works for Magical damage so if a boss does do physical attacks and tank Busters it's almost useless maybe use it on red wies or something and gun Breakers camouflage reduces damage taken by 10% and increases their Parry rate by 50% par only work on physical attacks so on magical attacks the P rate is completely useless but at least with gunbreaker it still has a constellation of mitigating 10% damage how about we move on to the abilities that make you say no to death inv vulnerabilities which include Paladin's Hallowed Ground Warrior home gang Dark Knights Living Dead and gun Breakers super bide for dungeons popping an invulnerability is usually not a bad idea especially when leveling and depending on the tank a paladin using a Hallowed Ground on the first pole for example can work well as it has no drawback just pop hallow 10 seconds of no damage and it'll probably be back for the last ball of the dungeon and while super bider does the same thing it will lower you to 1 HP so maybe let your healer know meanwhile Warrior's home gang just means you can't die for 10 seconds but it doesn't actively avoid damage you could infer let yourself drop really low home gang and then self heal back up with frill Bell equilibrium and and blood wedding but you also need to keep in mind what your healer is doing they could be absolutely themselves for the most part it's probably better to just hold on to home gang as a response to not getting healed rather than a planned thing unless you're really bent on giving your healer a heart attack dark Knight's Living Dead is somewhat similar to home gang except it triggers when you die and you have insane self-healing during The Walking Dead duration so it can be good in Dungeon pools when you get low but just like home gang I wouldn't plan on using it unless you're feeling extra spicy and want to save on some other cooldowns for raiding however in vulnerabilities are used slightly differently those tank Busters and tank swaps we were talking about earlier well inv vulnerabilities can be used to ignore them which in turn saves on defensive cooldowns for both tanks and resources on healers they can also just be used on really hard-hitting tank Busters to help spread out your other defensive cooldowns better throughout an encounter all right before we move on let's compare the difference between using defensives in dungeons to highend encounters because this is important for dungeons which shouldn't take too long to talk about and assuming we do Walter wall PS which I strongly encourage as they speed up your group considerably what's a Walter wallp you might ask it's when we pull until the dungeon wolves us off hence the name and as long as you're appropriately geared and you know follow this guide you have no excuse not to water wall pool anyways we'll begin with a Sprint outside of combat which will let us use 20 seconds of Sprint rather than the 10 seconds of Sprint inside of combat after that we should open up our first pull with Rampart and fill in the gaps with our short cool down reprisal and arms length if the pack even lasts that long for the next pull we'll open up with our 2-minute defensive and again fill in the gaps with our short cool down reprisal and arms length if we didn't previously use it if the pack is still alive by this time Rampart should be back up so pop that and we should be good typically the first pull won't require as much because usually everyone has all their Buffs up but the second pull might last a little longer because well everyone use their Buffs on the first P duh if for some reason reason the pack persists after running out of all of your defensives and you're really struggling to stay alive then obviously invulnerability is an option but if it isn't then you have this Nifty tool called Sprint which can be used to kite mobs in a small circle I really don't encourage this unless absolutely necessary because it will mess up the Pack's positioning and your party will most likely lose damage because cleav will miss so only consider this as a last result and don't at me if tanks are doing this when they don't need to don't worry about defensives during dungeon bosses too much they hit like little and the most you'll need is a short cool down this way you'll always have your defensives back up for the next W to wall pulls after boss fights now there isn't really a golden rule on where or when to use a defensive or invulnerability in raid environments so let me try to explain some scenarios most encounters open up with raid wides into tank Busters sometimes it's best to use an invulnerability through these tank Busters because these are the longest cooldown and doing this will put your inv on a cooldown sooner so it'll be back up later into the fight sometimes it's best to just use a ramper or a 2 minute so they're back up sooner and even the decision between using a ramper or the 2 minute can vary between encounter for example if you were to use rampar first maybe it'll be back up for the next tank Buster or if you use your 2minute first because the next tank Buster is within 80 seconds so if you used Rampart it wouldn't be back up but opting in to use your 2-minute defensive instead we'll ensure Rampart is up for it or maybe there won't be another tank Buster in 2 minutes after the initial one then you can into kitchen sink and by the way kitchen sinking is a tank and healer term but basically imagine throwing everything you have into a sink well similar concept here you're throwing all of your defensives into one instance of damage an effective technique and thanks to Ender Walker introducing every tank to a short coold down needing a ramper or a filler cool down for auto attacks is mostly a thing of the past but and there's always a but you won't always be able to kit and SN every tank Buster so keep this in mind every tank also Al has access to an AOE raid M these include Paladin's Divine Veil and passage of arms Warriors Shake It Off and Dark Knight and gun Breakers dark missionary and a heart of light just like a reprisal it's important to use these as they have such short cooldowns and offer amazing survivability throughout an encounter if you're unsure on what to use these on well you can never go wrong on using them on Boss raid whes to help your entire party out and new healers but as you get into more high-end raiding it's a good habit for both tanks to spread out their raid MS just like with their reprisals but they do stack so it isn't the end of the world if you do catch yourself doubling up with another tank oh and one last thing before moving on limit break or lb in Dungeons and such you won't really catch yourself using this but tank lb is good and should not be undervalued lb1 reduces damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds and has a 2cond animation Lo while lb2 mitigates 40% damage for 15 seconds and lb3 mitigates 80% damage for 8 seconds both of which have 4 second animation locks some trials and high-end encounters will require a tank lb for certain mechanics or other times tank lb can just save a run this is something I can't honestly put into words or explain it's just something you'll get a feel for over time but don't worry nobody really expects you to be a God game and save runs with tank lb but it can be impactful when done right got a question for you what's the most important thing in ff14 ding ding ding times's up that's right it's damage you did answer damage right well as a tank it's also your responsibility to do exactly that most tank rotations are incredibly straightforward and usually involve numbing your brain with one two three for single Target and one two for multiple Target with a few extra buttons here and there and resources to spend if that's confusing to you I don't know what to say man nah but for real there are plenty of resources going into each job individually and I'm not doing that in this video it's long enough jeez huh what do you mean I haven't explained much oh my Lord look just like a melee DPS you are a tank but it's also just as important to you as it is to a melee DPS to keep as much up time as possible what do the cool kids call this ABC always be casting or something like that but yeah keep that gcd rolling or whatever anyways more about this in another section of the video if I don't forget anyways next we have roll actions oit are you falling asleep on me come on I'm not that boring am I anyway we covered the rampart provoke shark reprisal on arms length which only leaves us with low blow and interject oh anyways low blows and OG gcd stun only 25 second coold down stunning the target for 5 seconds it can be useful in Dungeons and overall content maybe to stun them up who's doing a point blank AOE or to just stun a mob in a pull to mitigate damage but for high end raid in Trials eh kind of useless interject interrupts the target cast if it can be interrupted indicated by the cast bar visual this is good but SE forgot this ability even exists so most enemy mechanics just can't be interrupted oh well still good if you do catch one of these abilities and that will conclude this guy huh I haven't talked about grouping and positioning fine but I'm not going to sugarcoat my words here because these things are some stuff that I've seen even the most seasoned tanks fail at let's begin with one of the first habits you should learn when doing dungeon PS initially when pulling a pack rather than just pulling the pack and walking over until you're in front of them you should move through them doing this will group them up better for cleave damage for you and your party and have them facing away from the party so aoes are only facing you which means only you have to dodge the danger and not your party this also applies to rage and Charles and in their cases usually want the boss facing north most of the time for mechanical orientation unless an encounter demands the boss be faced another way either by itself or for a mechanic but just keep in mind to have the default be off and away from the party when in dungeons if a pack has a ranged mobile to there are a few ways to deal with this if it's just one range mob once you finish pulling all the other mobs drag them through the range mob which in turn Will Group up all the mobs or alternatively line ofsight the range mob just make sure not to line of sight your healer for too long but if you're dealing with multiple range mobs they might be spread out from each other so your options are line of sight or continue to pull the mobs which in turn outranges the ranged mobs and this will eventually group them up together so you can then proceed to drag the mes into the ranged mobs speaking of ranged we should talk about this cool thing known as a ranged attack because the more tanks I make aware of this the better while pulling I recommend spamming ranged attacks on enemies this will keep your gcd rolling while moving to the next pack and keep a steady stream of enmity on all the mobs if you T between the mobs while range attacking if a DPS does manage to pull Argo that's fine they are acting as a form of mitigation use their health bar to your advantage and as a DPS they will and should pull the mob into your AOE once you finish pulling the mobs if they don't let them die no I kid just provoke the mob and let it come into your AOE provoke has a fre second or so enmity insurance so even if they continue to attack the mob it'll only have eyes for you and by that time your AOE will hit it and generate a ton of aggra also I bet some of you have seen this but tanks using their Gap closes to pull bosses before you think this idea looks cool or is good stop that's bad no don't do this it off centers the boss and it's just cring for everyone M have to run over to the boss losing precious moments of damage and casters don't even get a chance to pre-cast their spells pull with your rang attack or provoke and now we run into another controversial topic provoke pulling now in my opinion both work provoke pulling is good if you don't want to delay your gcd and range attack pulling is good if you want to pull the boss in a specific way provoke pulling is a little bit more on the advanced side low if you ever get into a sweaty speedrun group it's something you might end up doing and honestly even I do it in some encounters but yeah if an encounter needs stricter positioning at the start I'll typically pull with a range attack so my gcd is at least running and I can focus on positioning the boss while still on the topic of positioning and using range attacks let's talk about a habit you should incorporate and get good at I've heard this be called stutter stepping so that's what we're going to call it say you need to move the boss from the center of the Arena to the north just for example sake now you could just go directly north and start range attack spamming this in my opinion is pretty bad low for one you're standing there like a dingus Tom Hawking or something other dumb and the next thing is the boss will rush to you and cause meles to lose their up time because the boss's sudden movement instead you'll want to stut a step which is doing a gcd moving and when your gcd is about to come back up go in for another gcd and continue to drag the boss and repeat this process until you're in the new position this way you won't lose any precious gcds during a boss fight and neither will any of your party members of course if you're in a rush or late to positioning opting in to head directly to a spot and range attacking is fine I guess successfully doing a job as a tank is the most important thing here sadly an end Walker positioning isn't really a thing because most bosses just reenter themselves in the middle of the arena for mechanics anyways but some bosses still do require precise Precision so don't completely disregard this information wow just look at you you're positively brimming with knowledge and I bet you're ready to take on any tanking challenge this game throws at you now go and make me proud but wait before you leave scroll down just a little bit and you see that button subscribe ah yeah you saw it light up yeah well click it also the like button oh you saw that light up too right click it also follow me on Twitch so I can game as my job I stream a lot and if you like this type of content that takes a lot of work consider supporting me on patreon so I can continue to release videos like this thank you patreons did I forget to mention anything important to tanking let me know in the comments and make sure to tell me I'm a bad tank mentor because I forgot your little niche tanking tip anyways have a nicer day and goodbye
Channel: Azurite FFXIV
Views: 14,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nQqawyZiLbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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