The Ultimate Glam Guide for New & Broke Players | FFXIV

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hi friends etheria here and today I want to talk about glamour specifically for those who are leveling up or maybe just don't have a lot of money to spend on the market board I was inspired to make this video because I'm currently working on leveling up an alt and especially when you first get started the Glam kind of sucks and it's worse if you are playing like I am a conjur or some sort of disciple of magic cuz they're stuck with all these ugly robes that look like burlap sacks so so in this video my goal is to teach you where you can look to find better fashion mainly I want to tell you like how and where to get fashion while you are at low levels first off I want to mention the Smith because you can get a full outfit is it like the cutest outfit in the game no but it is a whole lot better than a lot of the other ugly stuff you have at really early game so you can go to the Smith at level 15 in fact the msq will actually push you to meeting the Smith but where is the Smith the Smith is near any Inn in any of the major city states so gonia UA and limsa lensa he will be right near the inkeeper there is also one near Sasha and that is the one that the game will push you towards and basically what you have to do is you just have to finish the training exercises they're pretty easy but if you are a new player I think it's definitely a good thing to do like you should absolutely do the training exercises with the Smith because they do teach you the basics of the game but like I said we're talking about fashion today and there is one way to get sort of a nicer fashion than what you're probably going to have at low levels another thing to consider is your race clothes so every single race has a different outfit and some of them might look kind of well some of them are better than others like I mean look at the bunny girl one right but I feel like the mot one is solid and even if you don't love the entire outfit there are pieces from each one that I think work really well for mixing and matching don't be afraid to mix and match some of your race gear in with other Glam pieces next is a classic the hempen cames and even the hempen pantalettes and obviously these will look better on some races I think the Catgirl has one of the best ones and honestly hure Highlander has a really sexy one but it's a pretty solid piece for a lot of the races whether you male or female it's worth looking into and they're really easy to get you can get them from an NPC they're super cheap so if you are looking to get these you can go to to Bongo Zango in lims L menza my senta in New gonia Or roric in Ula another tip I have is to get the emperor's new pieces so there's a whole set of items that are called emperor's new and then whatever the piece is so it might be like pants whatever and what these are is basically nudity like if you put this on your gloves then you will just see your character's hands you won't have any gloves so if you have say like you're starting early in the game and there's like a really ugly necklace that you're wearing and you just hate it you can put the emperor's new necklace in your Glam slot or Glam over that necklace with it and you will no longer see it um you can buy this on the market board it's pretty cheap however there are some NPCs that sell it but I do believe you have to unlock them there's one in morona and there's one in vur Bay so if you don't have those NPCs unlocked maybe you can get a friend friend or an FC member to buy them for you cuz they are really cheap they're like a few hundred Gill but they're worth getting especially at low levels so you can cover up any of the ugly glams with just nothing like I would rather just be wearing nothing you know and how could I forget but we must talk about the Bridesmaids and best man's attire which you can get from an NPC in Ula named Renne it's actually pretty close to the etherite plaza in Ula every item that she has is like really cheap fashion personally I really love the shoes both the best man's and the bridesmaid's shoes both of them are really versatile and look good with a lot of stuff I also really like the bottoms the bridesmaid I don't know what they're called but they're the bottoms because they kind of have these little stockings with them and they look really good under dresses are just like really long tops so those are really great and really cheap and definitely worth checking out next I want to talk about the gold saucer this unlocks at level 15 and you will have to farm the currency there called MGP before you can get anything but it is not that hard I recommend doing fashion report every single week for like 60k MGP and by the way you're going to want to check out Kyoko star on Twitter or X to do fashion report because every week I think around Friday they post a little cheat sheet for how to get 80 points and as well as 100 points for the fashion report you really only need to shoot for 80 you can do 100 once to get the title but after that just go for 80 and you will get the maximum reward of MGP that you can get so make sure to check out Kyoko star on X and speaking of fashion report next to the fashion report guy masked Rose is a girl called Kumi who sells things and the more that you per perform well in fashion report you will unlock more stuff from her but she does have some nice things and obviously just the priz exchange in the entrance square there's a lot of stuff in there so take a peek around there Farm what you think looks cute but it's definitely a good resource and like I said it unlocks pretty early at level 15 now I know some people hate PVP and honestly I'm kind of one of them but there is a lot of really really really wonderful delicious adorable sexy cute awesome Glam pieces that you can get from doing PVP so first of all there are these maai sets and this was basically an event that happened in the past and is currently happening right now and you have have to talk to the dishonorable priest and basically exchange Wolf marks and you can get these different Glam pieces from there so I definitely go to Wolf's Den find the disreputable priest and see if you like any of the gear that she has I really really like the one for Disciples of magic like White Mage so there's a lot of good stuff there but that's not where it ends there's obviously exchanges elsewhere in the wolves den where you can exchange Wolf marks and there's a bunch of pieces there but there some really really good pieces because they just added some new uh Tech style gears not Tech stle but Tech style Tech techno technical tech tech style pieces like Tech wear that are really awesome there's some of my favorite fashions in the game now to be honest and just an FYI the tech wear does cost trophy crystals not wolf marks and then on top of that every time there is a new series there will be series mom Stone so if you open up your PVP profile and click on series molones you'll see all these different rewards and there is almost always a Glam piece sometimes it's not a Glam sometimes it's a mount but often times there's a Glam piece at rank 25 or reward number 25 and a lot of those are really cool so it can be worth farming and you can just do front line like once a day you can do it really casually and eventually you will get there and you will get that reward doing any kind of PVP will level up your Series M Stones it does not matter if it is front lines or crying conflict there are some really really great rewards from PvP and the cool thing is that PVP unlocks at level 30 and I mentioned the maai thing being on event but it's been ongoing forever I I kind of wonder if they're ever going to get rid of it but speaking of events there are events in the game and a lot of them do give fashion so if you happen to be subbed while those events are going I think it is worth getting even if you think the fashion is ugly you might be surprised that someday down the line you're like oh wait this pair of gloves isn't ugly like the rest of the outfit and I can use it with XYZ so I think it's definitely worth getting those event pieces another thing to consider is the wedding outfit you can get a free version of this because if you go on the Mog Station obviously there's some paid options but there is a free one too all you need is a friend or an FC member who is willing to help you so you go on the Mog Station you grab the free version it'll get sent to you in game but the cool thing about this is you don't actually have to go through with the wedding like you don't need to schedule a date basically go through the quest until you get the outfit because it will give you the outfit you get to choose between like the male or the female one and you're done you don't have to do that much to be honest it's actually really quick to get it and I might eventually do a video on that but just know that you can get the free wedding outfit without having to actually go through a wedding now it is worth noting that the free one is not diable but I still really like like the boots and the skirt from it and honestly even like the cute little veil with the flowers I use those pieces from time to time and I think they're worth having next I want to talk about Grand companies and hunts and these two kind of intertwine so there is fashion that you can get just from the grand company if you talk to I think it's the Quarter Master and just look through all the things they have to offer but a lot of it's kind of ugly however through your grand company you can get certain Fashions from the hunt person that is like right near your grand company in the same area there's an NPC and again some of them still suck but there is one really good one and this is why I join the immortal Flames every single time to get the flame Elite Shaw and the flame Elite loin cloth because it is Sexy and I love it but basically the reason it intert with hunts is because you have to pay like I think it's like a th000 Allied SEALS or something but it costs Allied seals which you get from doing hunts so that is why those two intertwine and there obviously are other pieces you can get with hunt currency so whether you're doing the most current currency which is the nuts or one of the older currencies you can go to different NPCs and a lot of them actually sell old Tombstone gear that is no longer offered as tomstone gear but is still in the game because some people like it for Glam reasons so that is why the grand company and the Hunts can be another great way to find some fashion and finally the market board you would be surprised but there are actually a lot of affordable Fashions on the market board like you can find cute pieces for like 10K or less there's also things like necklaces and flowers for your hair stuff like that that is pretty cheap and here's the other thing you can hop both servers and data centers so if you're on a budget you do not have to necessarily pay whatever the price is in your server of course hopping between each world within your own data center as well as hopping to other data centers to just look around is really timec consuming and it's a lot of work luck luckily there is a website called universalis where you can type in the name of whatever it is that you're looking for whatever outfit that you want and it will show you the price of it on each server in each world and now it's pretty accurate but it's not always completely accurate but it is generally pretty accurate so I would suggest going to the market board in your server looking through to find pieces that you like adding those pieces to like your favorites so don't lose track of them and then going and seeing how much they cost using universalis because that way you can find out which server it's the cheapest on and go to that server and buy it so like I said if you don't have a lot of Gill you're a low level you're maybe still leveling up or you just you maybe you first reach endgame and maybe you don't know how to farm Gil which by the way I have a video on that like you can find cheaper better prices okay so if you're very very new you might be like etheria this is all great information but how do I even even unlock Glam in the first place well you need to go to Vesper Bay and if you don't know where that is don't worry the main story Quest will take you there in Vesper Bay there is an NP seam named SW I might be pronouncing that wrong but once you reach level 15 she will have two quests for you one Quest will be to unlock glamming in general and the second Quest will be to unlock dying you want to do both of them cuz you want to be able to dye your beautiful glams and they're really really easy she just sends you basically to get orange juice first from an NPC nearby inside like the little building nearby and then to the merchant nearby um so it's super easy and then if you want to earlier I mentioned you can get glamour prisms both from Grand company seals and from spending wolf marks but if you want to you can also craft them so if you get a disciple of the hand to level 15 you can go back and talk to sim and she will teach you how to craft glamour prisms and now just a side note for some endgame players on where you might find free fashion it's everywhere at endgame trust me the fashion that drops from places like Dungeons tends to be way cuter and way better so obviously dungeons are a great place raids are a great place I mean check out some of the old Eden raid gear really cute current raid gear too the um pandemonium gear has some really nice stuff and it doesn't have to be Savage but you can go back and do the old Savages un synced if you like certain gear from there Alliance raids have a lot of good gear um the nearer ones are beautiful some of the in the game honestly the current Alliance raids have had really good gear too Island Sanctuary there's a lot there and even variant dungeons because you collect those pot shirts and they have Glam pieces that you can buy from the NPC okay so that was my little aside for the end Gamers and finally just a few last tips before we wrap this video you can get glamour prisms from Grand company seals you can also buy them with PVP wolf marks so if you are finding that you're like oh my gosh you've been talking all the time about all this glamour but I can't even get the glamour prisms there you go save up some of your grand company seals and definitely join a grand company the msq will push you to do so but it's definitely something you want to do you can Farm seals by running dungeons needing or grading on items from Dungeons and then turning them into the grand company dude it's either I never remember the name it's next to the Quarter Master and another good tip if you are looking at Fashion on the market board and you hover over one and it says shop selling price and then it has has a number next to it that means you can buy it from an NPC and unless it's cheaper in the market board which occasionally it is but usually it's not if it's not cheaper on the market board then you're going to want to go to Google and search the item and find out which NPC sells it so that you can go to that NPC and buy it instead of wasting money buying it from the market board where it's probably more expensive one thing to note though is that sometimes things will say shop selling price and then after it it'll say restricted that means that there's probably some sort of unlock that you have to do before you can access that item for example with certain dyes they will say restricted after them because they come from Beast tribes and if you haven't done that Beast tribe you would not have access to that Dy but they are sold from a beast tribe Merchant so there can be similar things you don't see it as often with Glam but that can be similar so just keep that in [Music] mind okay so those are pretty much all of my ideas for how and where you can get Glam if you are currently leveling up through the game or if you just don't really want to be spending your hard-earned Gill on Glam as always thank you so much for watching and if you found this video helpful then please consider leaving a sacrifice to Lord algorithm in the form of a like comment share or subscribe bye n
Channel: Aitherea
Views: 72,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv online, final fantasy 14, final fantasy, aitherea, glamour guide, glam guide, fashion guide, ffxiv glam, ffxiv glamour, ffxiv glam guide, ffxiv glamour guide, ffxiv fashion, ffxiv fashion guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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