FFT JOB FOCUS - ARCHER - Guide to Abilities, Equipment & Stats

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] fool would rush headlong into enemy front lines knowing that an Archer lurks in the background the Archer inflicts persistent damage from a safe distance with their trusty bows when not utilizing both hands for maximum firing potential with bows archers can equip a crossbow and shield to give them better survivability and while their reaction support and movement skills synergize well with their job their primary skills are anything but diverse making their use limited and cast a shadow on the class hi I'm Mikey from tactics live tournament and today I have another episode in the job Focus series The goal of these videos is to crack open the hood on each class present technical information in a simplified way and help you make better choices when raising your squad in today's job Focus we're going to do a deep dive into the Archer class looking at their equipment choices how their abilities work and touch on how to manage their stats if you are starting out in the game and need a quick preview of what's to come with this opening class or maybe you haven't used an Archer since the very first chapter and you're curious to revisit the job or perhaps you're looking to utilize one to balance out your multiplayer roster no matter the case string up those long bows sharpen up some arrow heads fill up that quiver as we get into an Archer job Focus session [Music] lending to Great Heights in order to rain destruction down on your enemies carefree and protected by their friends is the way of the effective Archer like magic wielding casters The Archers range is their best weapon and a source of vulnerability so great care must be taken to ensure they won't suffer extra damage from Reckless positioning Archer's equipment choices do give them better chance at survival than Mages though you will need to strike a balance between your PA and speed as you will benefit from boosting both their weapons are unique to their job and worthy of consideration beyond the early missions when archers become available able to Pepper weak enemy units with high damaging physical attacks or soften heavier targets with insured accuracy to unlock the Archer you will need a level 2 squire as one of the first jobs you unlock it is also the first fork in the road to how you want to develop your unit let's take a closer look now at how leveling an Archer will help us further down the line and what we can do with them in the meantime [Music] how archers arm themselves for battle with Snappy weapons and protective gear for starters we're going to cover the two weapon types unique to the Archer bows and crossbows both bows and crossbows require a direct line of sight to your target that must be outside the minimum range though crossbow users can Target a tile behind the target if they are too close bow wielders cannot take advantage of this as the arrow will sometimes be lobbed over the unit's head as it is treated as an obstacle the damage formula for Bose is the average of your speed and Pa multiplied by your weapon power Bose have a special range between three and five tiles that can change depending on the height difference between your Archer and the target the formula for maximum range is five plus the difference in height divided by two that means for every two height difference over your target add one to your max range keep in mind the opposite is true too crossbow damage formula is your PA multiplied by weapon power crossbows are not subject to the extended range based on height difference and will always fire in a straight line to their target with a range of three to four tiles if you go bow I recommend finding the yoichi bow from mid light deeps or play Rendezvous to score a Sagittarius bow otherwise gastrocities as a crossbow will serve you well alongside an escutcheon too for the rest of our kit we have clothes to sort through normally I offer Speed over PA for equipment options an acacia hat is my go-to you could also run with a thief's cap for the same speed bonus for your armor I highly suggest ninja gear for the initial invisibility and speed bonus if you are thinking you need some added survivability then I suggest Brave suit for the regen a re-raise Mirage vest can also be a good item to Don for plus one speed for your accessory it can be a bit of a toss-up between extra speed with items like Bergen's gloves or extra punch with bracer for female archers I would go with taina Rouge for PA and haste Buffs [Music] aim is your primary skill set as an Archer and is very straightforward albeit lacking in variety or complexity let's break down the abilities so you can determine if it's worth the investment aim is a charging ability that adds power to your weapon listed in this chart alongside how long in clock ticks it will take to execute your attack aim works for every weapon in the game and will factor into the weapons damage formula in specific ways for now we will look at how the damage increases for bows and crossbows for bows take the amount of power K and add it to both your PA and speed before dividing by two then multiply by your weapon power for crossbows add K to your PA before multiplying by your weapon power aim is not affected by haste or swiftness it's cast time being completely static this is further Complicated by aim not being able to follow the target If It Moves before the action executes and will cancel the charge and forfeit the attack if the Archer moves before then as well lacking the benefits of being able to select a Target to aim at and move away like magic users severely hampers this unit's flexibility and survivability as being in a charging State prevents the use of any evasion from equipment the long wait times of higher power abilities means your target will need to be immobilized stopped or somehow pinned in place to pull off moving on to reaction abilities with two to choose from Archer's Bane is considered a Shira hadori type ability activated by Boeing crossbow attacks only and determines your additional evasion by your bravery the higher the better Adrenaline Rush increases your speed by one whenever you lose HP if you have a way to sustain yourself or have a high HP pool this ability can begin to Snowball the longer the battle lasts though most archers will want to stay out of Harm's Way let's see what we have for support skills we have a quick crossbows so you can take range physical attacks to other classes and we have concentration an excellent skill for any non-magic based job that ignores your Target's physical evasion this does not go through Shira hadori or Archer's Bane as there are separate evasion types and doesn't guarantee 100 success rates for skills that have a chance to miss like Arts of War for movement abilities we have Jump Plus One and that's it pretty self-explanatory so let's move on [Applause] time to look at what we can expect from our stat line by switching to and leveling with an Archer with three move and three jump backed up by 10 class evasion rate we were looking to keep this unit far from the front lines while we get a smidge better evasion than a mage it's nothing to be confident about for class stats we keep our HP at 100 a penalty of 65 to our MP a little boost of 110 to our PA 80 to our Ma and our speed stays at 100. looking at the stats that matter we luckily don't suffer but we don't get a huge bonus either so we are feeling a little meh so far for growth stats we get decent HP growth bad MP growth average PA growth and standard Ma and speed growth looking at this job from this perspective does make learning all those aim abilities less intriguing as other jobs offer better stats and skills at this point in your adventure [Music] giving physical damage dealers another option of delivering value by attacking from range is a welcome addition to any roster that can take advantage of hiding their Archer away from damage bows are double-handed weapons and have a minimum range of three an extendable and contractable max range that depends on the height difference between you and your targets and can Arc over obstacles crossbows are single-handed and archers can equip Shields to accompany them they fire in a straight line with a minimum range of three and a max range of four [Music] concentration ignores physical evasion of your Target's shield and accessory and weapon if they have Perry this does not work against Shira hadori or Archer's Bane if they're using a bow or crossbow aim simply adds the amount charged to the damaged formula of your weapon type as additional power the charge time is static with no way to decrease the wait time in both you and the target must remain stationary for the attack to hit [Music] Archer class and grow stats are slightly above standard which is not encouraging for keeping this unit to level with over a long period of time since the job is unlocked early it's best to learn the abilities you will use frequently coming back to boost your job levels and pick up any other important skills at a later time this concludes this episode of the job Focus series with the Archer if you have been watching the live streams we have here on this channel and you may have listened to one of my rants about how aim has so much potential but is wasted with its simple and mundane mechanic well I did my best to hide that contempt and bring you the information on this early game job as bias free as possible and I hope it worked I do actually enjoy having an archer in my squad for late game often just using them as consistent damage dealers tucked away in the corner hasted and free to fling arrows all over the map if you enjoyed today's completely neutral episode on the Archer make sure to hit the like button subscribe if you want to get alerted when more tactics content goes live and please share this video or other videos from the Channel with a friend who you want to get into multiplayer War of the alliance with speaking of archers in the multiplayer community check out the PVP paths we are testing over at tactics League where the Archer has gotten serious improvements to their kit and are a formidable foe to find in your opponent's roster you can find more info on this Linked In the description and I hope to see you there soon this is Mikey from tactics live tournament signing off I will see you in the next video and until then be well everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tactics Live Tournament
Views: 2,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy tactics, war of the lions, psp, fft pvp, fft live, tactics multiplayer
Id: ZlarCc8hM1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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