Final Fantasy Tactics All Rarest Missable Items

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welcome back everyone this is j7js bringing you another fft video this time on all the rarest missable items in the game that are limited in quantity and a few can even be missed if you go past a certain point or don't have one of the many requirements just a disclaimer if any of these items get broken stolen or if you feel to get them I do recommend resetting as you might never be able to get them in your save file unless you have some kind of access to a save editing or modding tool which is sort of cheating you know these will vary across all versions of Final Fantasy Tactics so I'll go into details of the equipment and I'll also show you how to get these items as well this was a hard video and list for me to do as there are three versions of the game I had to capture all the game footage and coming up with an order was tough but let's get started the first item for my video is the Zeus mace or Mesa Zoo staff you can get two in the PS1 version and three in both versions of War of the Lions you can find a Zeus mace on this tile right here in mid legs deep on the third floor the hollow it can also be stolen from clichean in one of the last fights in the game but this is kind of pointless as you can't return to the world map or War of the Lions players the last way to get a Zeus mace is from defeating bremont and Lionel's new liege Lord the Second Battle this staff can only be found in the single player story and it's one of the better staves although I really question its 2pa as I highly don't recommend meleeing with any magic users in most cases next on this list would be the Kaiser shield and Venetian shield in the PlayStation 1 version you could only get one of these in deep dungeon to get Kaiser Shield you can get it on the fourth floor of deep dungeon aka the Valkyries or the catacombs or Venetian Shield it's on the ninth floor called horror or the interstis right on this tile just make sure you land on this tile with the character who has moved by an item and a lower bravery stat in both versions of War of the Lions you can get one more of each from the disorder in the order side quests to unlock it you need to have a Grise in your party finished all the battles at Malone in chapter 4 so defeating dice dark's full-on Blood Brothers salbag then head to zltenia for cutscene where you will see Queen obilia for the last time from here head all the way back to Garland head to the tavern and read the rumor disorder in the order when you are ready head to Bergen's den and two of the end enemies here will have the Kaiser and Venetian shield and a bunch of other rare items I recommend using balthier and learning his plunder abilities having teleport to get up to the top and to also koe blues's Next Top Model as she can wreck the enemies agrius and the enemies won't ever turn into crystals so don't worry if you accidentally chaos someone if you can do Rendezvous on the PSP version you can get these shields from treasure chests just through the more difficult missions and be at a higher level you because you can only get one of these shields and vanilla and two in most cases and one of the lines I consider these some of the rarest in the game next is a rare clothing piece ninja gear and War of the lines you can get two of these in the single player game in this order in the order and on the sixth floor in deep dungeon the palings or tiger on this tile right here on the PSP version if you have access to multiplayer he can gain more in Rendezvous but because in most cases you can only have two and there is only one in the PlayStation version so this makes it one of the rarest clothing in the game by far for this part of the video all these items are one of a kind in the single player part of the game a few can be obtained in Rendezvous if you missed it and I'll point out which ones of course so that means only PSP players can get more than one of these for my Longbow lovers the One of a Kind bow in single player is the Perseus bow it can be found in Midnight steep on the 8th floor aka the Switchback on this tile right here you can only get more than one of these in multiplayer making it one of a kind in single player mode next the ego blade is a one of a kind ninja sword in the single player's story as well of the PS1 version of fft the PSP version and the mobile version you can get it on the fifth floor of midlife steep the ubliet on this tile right here you can get more in Rendezvous on the PSP version however it's quite rare from my experience as I've only gotten four and I used to play Rendezvous quite a bit next these two are only available on war of the Lions it's a gun and clothing which I'm going to pair together Raz hajjthai and Mirage vest there's only one in a single player game each and you can get it from both the air when you recruit him you can get both the error after the fight with mil Idol and the free city of bravinia in chapter 4 immediately visit either Garland Golan or LaSalle head to the tavern read the rash of theft's rumor just to note you only need to read this rumor once after go to daughter and visit the tavern there read the new rumor here a call for guards try to leave daughter and you'll get into a battle and cool cut scene ROMs starts off a bit more forward so just be a little careful but there shouldn't be any issues after the battle you have the option for balthier to join he is one of the best characters in the game because of his abilities built-in Safeguard stats and he comes with the Raz aljathai and Mirage vest on the mobile version or if we can't play multiplayer on the PSP it's one of a kind if you have access to Rendezvous mode though you can find more of these in treasure chests and some of the harder Missions at a high level next this accessory can be found in all versions of the game the invisibility cloak there is only one in the main story and it can be found at Mount germanus on this tile right here however in the PSP it can be found in multiplayer as a reward at the end from treasure chests just make sure to reset your game if it gets stolen broken or if you don't find it when treasure hunting as it's a very rare item arguably the best robe or piece of armor in the game especially in vanilla is the lordly robe or robe of Lords it's one of a kind in vanilla mobile and in the PSP version in most cases it's incredible as it gives Auto protect and shell plus 2pa and One MA so don't miss out on this it can be found on the 8th floor and mid lights deep on this tile right here but what if I told you you can get more than one of these in multiplayer in the Rendezvous Mission Brave story on the 10th and final battle it can be stolen from balmafra and you can keep repeating this mission to steal it from her over and over it's just time consuming and difficult as this is probably the hardest battle in Final Fantasy Tactics history for these items I'm considering them a total collection so here it is this set of armor was a huge badge of honor back in the day and it was so unique if you guessed it yes it was the Genji armor set in the PlayStation 1 you can only get the Genji Shield Genji Helm Genji armor and Genji Gauntlet from elmdor in this one time battle there are many different ways to go about stealing from him and the fight itself but I like completely knocking out the assassins and their ultimate demon forms first and to have 108 gems on everyone to protect you from his vampire as well as Auto potion with X Potions in stock to heal when he uses muramasa I like to use Orlando to take out the two assassins Beowulf for chicken a dual wield Knight a monk with attack boost and steel and lastly ramza with metal once the two assassins are taken care of try to get chicken to land on elmdor this will drastically reduce his Brave so blade grass will be less likely to go off try to land speed break with your knight steal with your monk from behind or the side and try to steal Genji's Shield burst so the evasion won't be as bad when you steal the rest of the equipment and then have ramza use yell on your mug so he or she can get in more turns for Speed and increased still success rate and have ramza heal other party members when needed this can take a while as it's up to RNG but it's a way to steal all his equipment and this is the only time in the PS1 version you can ever get this equipment so I recommend grinding and then going for the Genji gear and the masamune is also something worthwhile sadly in War of the Lion's PSP and mobile Port you can no longer steal anything from elmdor but you can get the Genji Armor after the first battle in Lionel's new liege Lord if you miss it here it is possible to get all the Genji set from treasure chests and the later Rendezvous missions but these were still quite rare from my experience on mobile you can only get the single Genji Armor after defeating Elise in Lionel's new liege Lord and unfortunately it isn't possible to get the shield Helm or the gloves for Android and iOS users because of the small window of opportunity in vanilla the fact that you need to do multiplayer to get the full set and because you can only get the heavy armor in the mobile work it's so few and far between for these reasons these are among the rarest items in all versions of Final Fantasy Tactics and I rank it quite high on this list for this last section all these items are truly one of a kind in all versions and they won't even appear as treasure chests and Rendezvous I'm going to rank these from the worst the best but if you're a collector like myself I suggest getting all of these arguably the worst or the most disappointing staff is Staff of the Magi you can get it on this tile right here on the seventh floor of midnight steep The Crossing it has more weapon attack than the other staves but it gives you no magic attack stat making it pretty useless next is the Maximilian it gives the most HP compared to any armor but honestly HP isn't the most important stat as there are just ways to completely negate or reduce damage but it's one of a kind and can be found on the ninth floor in Midnight steep in terseus on this tile although so not nearly as good as hats Grand Helm is the best Helm as it gives good HP and it makes you a medium to Blind in sleep it's also found on the ninth floor on this tile and I recommend giving it to your favorite or best character who can only equip helmets I love using it on Beowulf personally the cursed ring is a pretty gimmicky accessory as it makes you immune to traitor and it gives you Undead status but it gives plus one to your M.A attack and speed I don't like using it much but I found it super useful versus the army of our gas in an ill win as this prevents him from using sanguine's sword next is one of the best rods Rod of faith it grants you autopay which bestows you 100 Faith practically and you have a chance to give Faith to targets if you decide to melee with this Rod it can be found on the fourth floor of midnight steep the Valkyries on this tile right here now for the second to last rarest item in the game period that can absolutely Miss is the golden escutcheon or scutcheon 2. this Shield can be obtained in all versions of Final Fantasy Tactics but it's limited to only one you have a single chance to get this at the optional storyline battle in nobeska Temple right here on this pillar but in order to unlock this battle you need to have done the Beowulf side quests with Reyes as a dragon make sure they are in your party not dismissed or killed and it also requires you to have mustadio on top of completing Fort bezela where you rest your Orlando you also need to buy the flower from Eros at the train city of salgidos if you don't have any one of these requirements this battle will be a no-go unfortunately this fight can be quite challenging as well as not only construct 7 hits hard but the Kaka choices and hydras can be Troublesome as these monsters will scale with their highest level party member on top of this you also need a treasure hunter and a specific monster type to jump onto the pillar eligible people monster types are any from the Marlborough family behemoths dragons hydras or Holy Dragon rays and construct 8 here at the pillar you also want a treasure hunter with low bravery and at least a jump set of four to be able to jump on your monster of choice at the top I prefer rappa for this I like turning her into a thief or ninja then lower her bravery a bit more with Beowulf's chicken and equip her with ribbon chantage and don't forget treasure hunter I personally like to use items as a secondary on all my characters here but things like Phoenix Downs as you will likely get koed many times and softs or remedies to cure petrify from the cockat choices I like using Orlando and construct 8 to help me take out the monsters and I like using ramza with dual wields to try and run construct 8's speed and power you can also run a party of females with the ribbon enchantage combo to cheese this fight as well because of how strict of her requirements are where it's easy to miss even one thing and the fact that this battle can be tough as well as a one-time event to me the escutcheon 2 is among the rarest of the rare items as it's one of a kind and once you complete this battle without obtaining it it's gone forever finally for the absolute rarest item is something you can only obtain and War of the lines it's the Tiner Rouge if you're missing one of these characters whether they got crystallized or dismissed then sadly this is a no-go here is how you get this insane accessory you must have a grass mustadio Alicia and labian in your party roster with at least 500 000 Gill and be in chapter four just a note you can get it as soon as chapter 4 begins to make the most use of it even though you need at least 500 000 Gil 50 000 will be spent on Tyner Rouge then you need to land on a town with the shop on cancer Pond cancer one comes right after Gemini 32 so once you're in the the Gemini get ready I like going to lasalia and Golan it is the perfect place to get it early as both these locations have shops there are three towns that do not work for this idros Castle Merchant city of daughter and zeltenia Castle once it is cancer one and you have all the requirements above enjoy the cut scene and once it is done you have the Tiner Rouge it gives protect shell haste boosts wholly Elemental attacks and also plus three to your PA and Ma just do not dismiss Alicia and labian who you get in chapter two I personally use them myself and also going to The Soldier's office and finding females with the same zodiac signs and naming them Alicia and levian will not work because of the strict requirements and how it's only in War of the Lions to me the Tiner Rouge is by far the rarest item in FFC thanks so much again for watching and I'll see you next time with more videos take care
Channel: J7Jase
Views: 58,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Best, War of the Lions, Square Enix, Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions, Missable Items, Rare Missables, Equipment, FFT, WOTL
Id: womv8ik13Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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