Final Fantasy Tactics Early Game Recommended Job Builds & Guide

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welcome back everyone this is j7 JS bringing you some early game job builds that you would probably unlock at this point in the game and builds that can be viable for use in chapter 1 of course I'm going to start off with the ones I recommend most give some tips on what to look out for and lastly don't worry as all of these won't be too grind intensive and can also be used on ramza as well now I've said this in the past but the best three jobs for use here are monks black Mages and knights they do excellent damage and most cases and are relatively easy to unlock I also recommend male characters for any physical damage dealer as they will have more physical attack and HP than their female counterparts if any of your generics have higher bravery like high 60s and more even better it's great as this will also increase the success rate of nearly all reaction abilities think of it as a percentage it also benefits monks even more as their unarmed damage is also affected by how high their bravery is for females I recommend them as magic users as they have Superior Ma and MP compared to males if possible look for one with a higher fate stat so their magic will be a lot more effective just note that they will also take increased damage to most magic attacks too in nearly all cases you will probably unlock the Knight first as this requires a level two Squire but before that I also recommend getting JP boost move plus one and if you want to grind a little bit more Focus from Squire spend some time in chemist to get out of potion for your reaction ability along with potion and Phoenix down works well and it's probably your best secondary your support ability that I recommend is concentration from the Archer as it will work around evasion and ensure your attacks will land 100% of the time or just use JP boost and for your equipment for your weapon shield and heavy armor whatever is the most expensive at the shop at this point in the game is best for you but for your accessory I re recommend battle boots for that extra move as Knights need to be up close in order to deal damage your build setup should look something like this I chose this male generic as his bravery is solid and his faith isn't too high so he can take a bit more damage from black Mages and this build is more than good enough to handle some of the tougher storyline in random battles you can also sub items with fundament and use Focus during your downtime to do even more damage once you're up close if you want something that is a bit better a monk is a superior choice just make sure your character's bravery is on the higher side for better results on war of the lons this requires Knight level three and in the PS1 Knight level two in most cases they will be doing more damage and their abilities are just better in more situations for example things like or blast chakra and Shockwave are a lot more versatile and abilities I do recommend learning first their one extra jump stat makes them more mobile and your extra speed comes in handy this build here is more than adequate and isn't too grind intensive fundaments with focus and items with Phoenix down for your secondary abilities Auto potion or counter for your reaction abilities JP boost or concentration but if you're a bit more daring get attack Boost from geomancer and lastly move plus one or go with life font if you're using life font I recommend getting or blast and shock wave to attack from distance and for your equipment the best clothing you can get at the shop and battle boots for Mobility as the monk base move is three before I get into the inferior jobs and builds arguably the most destructive thing in chapter 1 is a female black mage with high Faith especially if you can get your hands on one that is a Pisces I recommend learning a tier 2 magic spell like thundara or Bol two and pairing it with an elemental rod from the shop to amplify its damage even further give them a row robe so silk or hempen robe and a Manzel or battle boots as we have range and for the abilities for your secondary you can use a variety of things martial arts with chakra to restore their MP is great items of course with Phoenix downs and Potions white magic with cure and raay and time magic with haste and slow aren't bad choices but I prefer martial arts or items but it's ultimately up to you since I keep on saying Auto potion I'm going to recommend carry from the night as the Black Mage rods have a block rate of 20 I find it failing me more often than not because I have bad r e most of the time but if you're lucky it's pretty good then for your support ability go with the equip Shield to further boost evasion one of my members and patreon supporters black cat suggested this one to me a while back so here is a shout out to him however the best support ability at this point is Arcane strength to increase magic damage by around 30 3% if not just use JP boost then go with move plus one as your movement ability so your builds can look something like this honestly some of these abilities are a bit Overkill because the black mage's damage is just insane but these are just to really ensure Victory these three jobs are the best at this point if you want something to do strong damage to help you with the more difficult battles but if you want to use the other jobs I have something for you the Squire if you insist on using one can be decent enough if you give them focus and items along with move plus one and battle boots to take advantage of their Mobility while I suggest a meal sword over the battle axe for its more consistent damage the axe can provide solid numbers if Lucky because clothing and hats don't provide as many perks quite yet giving them heavy armor from the Knight and counter from monk can make them a pretty good Frontline fighter just ideally use someone with lower faith ramza can Excel as a squire as he has better stats and has access to Tailwind just note he can't equip axes chemists aren't that bad of a choice at this point although their offensive options are rather weak as you can't use guns quite yet but learning High potion and Phoenix down is more than good enough with their built-in throw items just equip them with the best clothing hats and battle boots at the shop and it's more than good enough and in battle try not to bring them up close to enemy Knights for Archers you need a level two Squire to unlock it and here's the build I like to use fundaments with Focus as your secondary Auto potion concentration and move plus one or jump plus one at Fort snon then a silver bow the best clothing you can get and battle boots use Focus to increase your PA and then attack from a distance white Mages can be unlocked by having a level two chemist they have a slight Edge Edge over black Mages because of their faster speed beating them to the cast although they will have less Ma I like using them both as a support so grab magic like cure protect shell and rise and to be a damage dealer use black magic as their secondary although martial arts with chakra isn't bad to restore MP you can also use Parry an equip Shield to help them evade although the Black Mage will be slightly better with their rods at this point having 5% more block lock but if you want to put in slightly more time to the Grind Auto potion and Arcane strength are superior lastly move plus one for your movement ability Time Mage is unlocked by having a level two wizard in the original Final Fantasy Tactics and a level three Black Mage and War of the Lions I use them for their haste and slow magic as it makes a difference in battle and I usually pair them with white magic although black magic is another solid Choice then I like Auto potion and any support ability I'm using so JP boost as a placeholder here and move plus one to unlock the thief you need a level two archer in the PS1 and a level three archer in War of the Lions I don't like using thieves all that much at this point but getting a lucky Steel Heart can really help turn the tide in battle or even a steel weapon but it's just not consistent enough for me because they are faster than others and have lower than normal HP I highly recommend out of potion and a lower Faith stat just in case they die their death timer will count down faster so make sure you have someone with a reliable revive like Phoenix down or you could just grab Mo plus two and change out of the thief I'm not a huge fan of them because monks actually have a higher steel percentage due to brawler and Thief damage isn't great but like I've said it's a single player game so play how you want now finally for the last job you would probably unlock in chap one is the geomancer it requires a level three monk in the PS1 and a level four monk in War of the Lions to unlock I eventually recommend learning all the elemental abilities however tangle Vine sinkhole and contortion are the most common and learning snowstorm is extremely useful at Fort Zon I don't recommend equipping axes as they are far too inconsistent so my choice is a methal sword and bronze Shield at the shop then equip a red hood ring mail and battle boots for your abilities geomancer is solid with a variety of secondaries because of their overall decent stats so fundaments with focus is what I like using nowadays as it will also power up the damage from geomancy then i' like Nature's wrath then attack boost or Arcane strength and finally move plus one these are all the jobs you will probably unlock in chapter 1 and here are builds that can can help you get through some of the harder battles here in the future I do plan to return to make some really overpowered builds at this point in the game but I wanted to show more minimal and Bare Bones approaches as I usually just make ultimate builds for each character that is all for this video thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time with more fft videos take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: J7Jase
Views: 1,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Best, War of the Lions, Square Enix, Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions
Id: Pd7gaGwp2Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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