FFT JOB FOCUS - GEOMANCER - Guide to Abilities, Equipment, Stats

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[Music] through their spiritual connection to nature geomancers can call upon the powers of the earth itself to harass and debilitate their enemies nobody on the battlefield is safe as thorny roots strangle torrents of gushing water waylay and biting winds cut like razors geomancer abilities are quick to learn always hit and have up to a 25 chance to afflict a status ailment on your target while geomancers form that perfect offensive potential being both magic based casters or physical based fighters they excel at neither and so primarily fill gaps in your squad composition instead of taking center stage hi i'm mikey from final fantasy tactics live tournament and today i have another episode in the job focus series the goal of these videos is to crack open the hood on each class present technical information in a simplified way and help you make better choices when raising your squad in today's job focus session we're going to be doing a deep dive on the geomancer class looking at their equipment choices how their abilities work and take a peek at how to manage their stats if you're trying to tweak your geomancer for balanced pvp play crafting a unique unit with plenty of options or you're simply maxing out their power for destroying the story battles no matter what the terrain let's get tangled up in the geomancer job focus session [Music] geomancy is a skill that changes depending on the ground your geomancer is standing on that makes the map you're playing of highest significance if you do not know the appropriate skill your unit won't be able to take advantage of their own primary abilities luckily geomancers also come with a wide range of equipment options so if your primary skill is unavailable you can resort to melee or other magic based attacks because they have access to both physical attacking boosting clothes as well as magic attacking boosting robes as well as shields and swords there's hardly a gap the geomancer cannot fill and while their class and growth stats are appealing they do not warrant any focus for leveling nor do they justify a reason to stay as a geomancer as you level once you've learned all the high priority skills to unlock the geomancer you will need a level 2 squire a level 3 knight and a level 3 monk on your way to unlocking a geomancer you are setting yourself up for success with good hp and physical attack growth the lacking in magic attack we will see how this plays into their builds later on [Music] because your geomancy skill takes advantage of both your physical and magic attack as we will explain later and you have access to clothes robes hats shields axes and swords you can be overwhelmed with decision paralysis i suppose the first thing to do is decide if you want to lean heavily into physical attack magic attack or balance of both for the melee bruiser definitely go with any gear that improves your physical attack for weapons golden axe and moonblade are top tier options powergarb is great for that extra physical attack boost or up your speed with mirage vest and same for headband and thieves cap in the hats category your preferred accessory is going to be a bracer for power and brigand's glove for speed and haste for the magic based long range harasser concentrate on robes such as wizards robe and hats like lampent hat or brass coronet i would suggest mage power gloves for your accessory and take advantage of room blade and aegis shield for additional magic attack boosts for the balanced geomancer the challenge will lie in how you distribute your physical magic attack bonuses as we reveal the formula for geomancy attacks you can tailor this balance towards however you want your character to behave in battle [Music] geomancy is the primary ability that you will rely on for ranged magical damage to calculate your damage first add two to your physical attack then divide that result by two now multiply that by your magic attack and voila now looking at this formula you might think that increasing your physical attack power will help boost your geomancy's strength but you will find that increasing magic attack power will scale better here [Music] geomancy hits automatically and is instantly cast every geomancy attack has a range of five which is one tile further than other casters some not all have an elemental type associated with it which can be found in the help section of each ability in addition geomancy has one tile area of effect so you can actually do a bit of splash damage note that the geomancer themselves are unaffected by their own attack so using it on yourself as a defensive measure can be a useful means of dealing damage [Music] the most notable of all of these perks to this primary skill is the 20 to 25 percent chance that the attack will inflict a status effect the effect varies from stop to frog to even death and will depend on the terrain type of the tile the geomancer is standing on for a measly 150 jaw points each you will quickly be able to maximize their offensive capabilities and either stick around as a geomancer or bring their main skills to another job for reaction abilities the geomancer has nature's wrath which will target the assailant with a geomancy attack all the normal rules for geomancy attacks apply here so whichever tile the geomancer is standing on will determine the attack type and inflict splash damage as normal a very good offensive ability for only 300 job points for support skills we have attack boost which increases your physical based attack skills and melee attacks by 25 this is a great support skill that carries over well with other jobs and is worth investing in if not for other builds at 400 job points finally for movement we have two abilities that can be safely skipped over ignore weather and lava walking nor weather will remove any impedimentary effects from rough terrain such as flowing water features lava walking allows you safe passage across the only lava tiles in the game in the mount burvenia stage [Music] when we take a peek at the geomancer's stats we see a very promising class stat line with a move rate of four we get our standard jump of three and a fair class evasion rate of 10 percent our class stats are also promising but not overly exciting 110 for our hp gives us a little boost 95 for mp is no big deal as we won't be using mp for geomancy 110 for physical attack and 105 for magic attacks again give us little boost just for switching to this class speed remains the same with 100 on the growth stat side we see similar patterns for hp we're actually getting great growth second to monks in fact mp is pretty great as well considering the class physical attack growth is a bit slow compared to knights around the same as samurai here and magic attack and speed growth are standard in conclusion a decent class to level as while you gather all of your earthly talents though it would benefit the geomancer to have high raw stats before switching over permanently [Music] while not excelling in melee or magic speed or evasion you can quite easily make a geomancer have a little bit in all of the above with great ranged options diverse equipment choices the geomancer offers great utility with decent stats geomancy's elemental attacks are magic based and benefit not just from high magic attack stat but also from your physical attack stat as well all geomancy attacks have a 20 to 25 chance to afflict the target with a status ailment geomancers have access to a wide variety of equipment allowing you to boost physical or magic attack to your liking you are free to create a melee fighter a long-range caster or mixture of both nature's wrath and attack boost are decent reaction support skills that carry over well to other jobs and are worth investing in geomancer movement abilities however can be safely skipped over until you would like to master the job while geomancer stats don't incur huge penalties they don't grant huge bonuses either while you're grinding job points toward learning all primary abilities you will not be hampering your raw stats as your level and switching to a geomancer later will provide decent class stats for every situation this concludes this episode of the job focus series with the geomancer if you are getting value out of content like this please throw it a like and even greater gesture would be hitting that subscribe button it's our mission here at final fantasy tactics live tournament to get a wider community involved around the multiplayer options that haven't fulfilled their true potential whether you use these job focus series to tune your units for pvp purposes so you spend less time play testing or you're strengthening your party as you battle your way through the amazing story you'll find there are other players just like you who want to share in that experience i want to give a shout out to the tactics league discord and the moderator yoshinja for hosting a server with guides on how to get started with final fantasy tactics multiplayer modes without his initiative and drive to see a wider pvp meta develop it would make my job of organizing players for matches much more difficult if you haven't been there yet you can find links in the description below it is a great community with helpful folks who can answer some pretty advanced questions and i'm also there too from time to time to get a match in this is mikey from final fantasy tactics live tournament signing off i will see you in the next video and until then be well everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tactics Live Tournament
Views: 3,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy tactics, war of the lions, psp, fft pvp, fft live
Id: UQ83tZ8c-1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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