Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Devs Talk Future DLC + BIG Remake Part 3 Speculation

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with remake and rebirth now available we've only got one last part of the Final Fantasy 7 remake project to play and with the game still a few years away from its release we have a couple of big developer statements to go through to help shed some light as to what kinds of DLC Final Fantasy 7 rebirth may be getting in addition to what we may see going forward in the third and final game to wrap up this ambitious Trilogy the third game is already very much underway with significant work already having been done to the title of which we reported in this previous video here Linked In the description and at the end of the video and this video is an extension of just that a continuation of more hints that helps us paint a clearer picture of what we are likely to see in the final game of the trilogy there will be some spoilers regarding locations and story elements from the original PS1 game from 1997 towards the end of this video and I will make sure to address those sections with spoiler warnings so if you are especially sensitive to the original PS1 game haven't played it or don't want insight into what we are likely to see in remake part 3 this definitely is not the video for you when Final Fantasy 7 remake launched in 2020 it came a half a year shy of when the PS5 launched making Final Fantasy 7 remake intergrade in the intermission DLC chapter featuring yui in 2021 to be the perfect package to release on the PS5 to take advantage of the new hardware and give us a glimpse at what the future Final Fantasy 7 remake installments may look like on the platform the game also saw its release on PC in 2021 as well and while this awesome look into yui's events in midgar and its expansion of the ending of remake generated even more hype and simultaneously bewilderment as to where the second game ultimately named rebirth would take us it seems like rebirth may not follow in the footsteps of the game before it with its approach to DLC as DLC seems to be out of the question for rebirth in an exclusive interview with Spanish language Outlet vondal in September 2023 creative director tatsuya nura stated that the team at square has no plans to release DLC for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth with nuda stating quote we are not planning any DLC for this entry remakes episode intermission DLC with yui made great sense with its introduction to yui as a character that would accompany the party in rebirth and I got to say I was half expecting Square to repeat this trend with rebirth by giving us DLC about Sid or Vincent but it looks like square has at least publicly shot down any hopes that rebirth may be getting some DLC to help shorten the weight between rebirth and whatever the third game will be called real quick if rebirth were to get some DLC what do you think it will be about my money's on Vincent Valentine expanding on his introduction by exploring his history as he is a character integral to some of the earlier moments of the greater Final Fantasy 7 storyline that could be expanded on in DLC it could also be explored just as it was in the original PS1 game in part 3 but with the developers stating rocket town is very much happening in part 3 my bet is on Vincent getting more screen time before part three launches considering if the team even does DLC for rebirth which they stated they don't have plans for it is worth noting that Final Fantasy 16 producer Nai Yoshida mirrored a similar statement prior to Final Fantasy 16's release stating that no DLC for Final Fantasy 16 was being planned but here we are not even a year after 16 released and the second DLC for that game is only a few weeks away from releasing even so the team working on the Final Fantasy 7 remake projects are very different and it may be true that we just may not get any DLC whatsoever for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth just as they stated as it is likely that the team is going full steam ahead with its development on remake part 3 as evidence from the numerous statements from several interviews indicating that the team has already made a lot of progress on the third game here is just a quick summary of everything we know about the development of the third game to catch you all up we know that rocket town will be featured in part three along with a greatly expanded wuai in addition to a fully operational high wind Airship and complete traversal around the world map with much of the world map having already been made and rebirth much of the development on the third game has already been completed since part three which follows dis 2 and three of the original gives players full access to the world map we'll get into that in greater detail later on in this video but before that we have more developer remarks over potential DLC or an expansion if you will and this time it surrounds one of the mini games Final Fantasy 7 rebirth introduced a ton of mini gamess with one of the highlights without a doubt being the robust queen Blood card game due to the mini game's great reception from fans and critics alike one of the developers remarked about the possibility of seeing the game further expanded not just in the third game but in some sort of expansion in an interview with Red Bull rebirth game director Nai hamaguchi stated that due to the positive feedback with Queen's blood that he is open to the idea of expanding on the game with future expansions we haven't decided anything in terms of future development for Queen's blood hamaguchi States but so far the media who played it have provided very positive feedback on it so we want to consider further expansions as a possibility it's no denying that Queen's blood has gotten so much love from both fans and critics alike and that it may be a possibility that we could see this miname transcend the game to where it becomes its own Standalone game similar to that of The Witcher 3's gwent but even so just hearing that hamaguchi may be entertaining the possibility of seeing Queen's blood become bigger is a start and leads to a number of implications down the road the aforementioned Standalone game for Queen's blood similar to gwent could be an option here but seeing as remake part 3 is being developed it's pretty clear that and let me know whether or not you agree that we will be seeing Queen's blood in part three for sure with that game a few years off it's not far-fetched to see Queen's blood getting some sort of update adding more cards past the current 145 on offer plus new mechanics and tournaments being added that can spice up this miname even more for part three I don't necessarily think we'll be getting more Queens blood expansions for rebirth for that reason alone but if there were to be an expansion perhaps a free update to the game involving more matches or a small extension to the existing quest line could be done so two things one are you a fan of Queen's blood and two do you think we will see more of it in rebirth or will that be better save for part three definitely let me know your thoughts about this in the comments but if there's anything to know about the future of Queen's blood it is for sure going to be resurfacing and will likely be expanded on in part three due to its success here in rebirth all right so DLC whether on a scale like episode intermission or a simple Queen's blood expansion may or may not be HD rebirth but we all know that remake part 3 is going to be absolutely massive and we are going to dive into that speculation of where part three will take us in this last part of the video culminating in what I'm thinking may very well be part 3's Proto Relic storyline definitely know that there will be spoilers pertaining to the original PS1 game going forward so just know what you're getting into from here on out with dis 2 and dis 3 of the PS1 game being the blueprint for which Final Fantasy 7 remake part three is going to follow we already know from previous interviews that rocket town this massive region here in the northwest of the western continent is going to play a big role in part three along with wuai which is especially massive both in land mass and also in its importance to the story this time around what was once a completely optional area of the original Final Fantasy 7 we have square now telling us that wuai will be playing a much larger role in part three now that it is at war with Shinra while we do not have an accurate look at what the rest of the world map looks like for remake part three we do get a hint at the map found here when Shinra was broadcasting junon celebration commemorating Rufus Shinra as the new head of the company yeah it's definitely pixelated but you beta I'm going to use this to highlight the key areas that part three will take us to we explored much of this in great detail in my previous video again Linked In the description and at the end of this video but we are no doubt going to have access to the great Glacier region featuring icicle in in the crater along with rocket town here the massive country of wuai out west and I wouldn't be surprised if they break this up into two regions due to its size but we'll consider wuai its own region for now on top of that we have medal in the islands out here to the southeast of the Eastern continent including this which appears to be Fort Condor of which is of major importance in dis 2 of the original game and up in the Northeast we have round Island also featured here big shout out to final fan TV for merging the landmass passes from the original Games map into the current world map that we have in rebirth as his work helps paint a greater picture for what part three's map could end up being because remake part three will likely give us the option to return to every previous region in Rebirth of which there are seven regions when counting the Meridian ocean the new regions introduced in part three being rocket town the great Glacier region wutai medal the underwater region with a submarine and the sky as introduced with a high wind this gives us a total of 30 different regions we may be able to explore that number 13 is an important one no not Final Fantasy 13 but something that will likely serve as the Proto Relic quest for part three have you figured it out already I'm talking about none other than Knights of the Round found here in the northeastern part of the world map known as round Island this island will likely be accessible after obtaining all 13 Proto relics across the entirety of Final Fantasy 7 remake part 3 culminating in a showdown with the legendary Knights of the Round that we are for sure going to be able to get with this summon Materia being such a memorable part of the original game for those who took the time to breed a gold chocoo to get it there's no way the developers are going to just pass this up in the previous video we discussed whether chocoo breeding would be in part three and well I honestly just don't see it happening even though it would be so awesome to see because round Island was only accessible by gold chocoo in the original as even the high wind was unable to land there I think access will be granted to us should we complete the Proto Relic quests in all maybe 13 regions for part three definitely let me know your thoughts about that in the comments and whether you think the Knights of the Round are going to be tied to Proto Relic missions in part three just know there may very well be less or even more regions than just 13 in part three but the point stands that Gilgamesh was rebirths Proto Relic Quest that Unearthed more of the meridian ocean that perhaps round Island may only be accessible by Sky next time in part three for the sky regions Proto Relic Mission so when looking at the totality of what part three May Encompass just solely going off of dis 2 and dis three of the original game we have the great Glacier region Rocket Town wuai medal the underwater region containing the Underwater Reactor the sunken gelnica and the emerald weapon and the Sky Region that may be host to round island of which may only be accessible by Sky this time around on top of that we have bone Village that wasn't present in rebirth along with the potential to explore more fully the Temple of the Ancients as the story has Us return there later on in the original game perhaps even going to the Ancient Forest as well we will of course be going back to junon for some gripping face slapping action returning to Cosmo Canyon for bugenhagen and parachuting into midgar and with new events that are likely to take place during part three I'm pretty sure there are big reasons to visit the other areas from rebirth as well it's no doubt that remake part 3 is going to be an absolutely massive game and while the wait may be a few years off I'm still thinking it's going to be a 2027 release in time for the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7 definitely be sure to stay tuned to the channel for all updates pertaining to remake part three and watch this video going into thorough detail regarding all developer interviews shedding light on what we can expect from Final Fantasy 7 remake part 3 and I look forward to seeing all you good people real soon in the next one
Channel: Fun My Life
Views: 72,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Devs Talk Future DLC + Remake Part 3 Speculation, final fantasy, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 remake part 3, final fantasy 7 remake reaction, final fantasy 7 remake cutscenes, final fantasy 7 rebirth tifa, final fantasy 7 rebirth gameplay, final fantasy rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, final fantasy 7 rebirth ost, final fantasy 7 rebirth review, final fantasy 7 remake gameplay, ff7 rebirth, ff7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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