Feral Tank Season of Discovery Guide (Level 25)

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the feral bear is one of the best tanks in the game exactly like I predicted and partially for even more reasons than I accounted for so I am going to go over all the talents your runes your rotation your veting slot all in one go so you can go than all the BFD fresh 25 bad ass naked because if I can do it so can you trust me Lord so can you for talents there is a lot of competing builds I know what you're going to be saying right away ex Talent is a waste this Talent is a waste okay I know I know hear me out this row over here you're going to have to waste two talents to get to the next one okay you got to choose your pain here I am going to first talk about the omen of clarity build this build right here that I'm going to show you is not ideal but it is the best cat build that you can get right now which is something about this right here you get an omen of clarity you get ferocity right here if you want to play cat and bear like I do with even though I don't take this build this is a really good build for cat because you get free shreds right here you know 360 energy is a big big deal for a cat every every so often when you hit you get a free ability basically it is not ideal for a druid you do get 10% damage which is not that much but you can tank stuff with this build it is not ideal for a bear though I wanted to mention it because people are going to be asking me what if I want to play Cat 2 uh you can take this it is not the end of the world now I am going to tell you about the ideal build for a bear first of all we're going to be taking five out of five in ferocity F less rage on the cost of the abilities that is a no-brainer and now we're going to go take feral Instinct right here this one is also absolutely mandatory you can't really compete with 15% rage and now we're going to take right here sharpen close for 6% crit crit translates into damage and translates into rage We Care mostly about the rage generat as you may know as a be most of your threat is base values especially at level 25 right so a lot of CR a lot of rage is a lot of threat and now is the part where we got to waste two talents we got to get to the next row this is only three we need two more talents you have only two real options here if you want to actually three if you want a PVP you can take feral charge I personally do not take feral charge and you can also take here tick hide two points that's 2% armor uh 2% armor at level 25 is absolutely nothing and you can also take here fine swiftness that is 30% movement speed when you are a cat in vanilla the doge is only for cat form not for Bare form so this doesn't affect your bare form at all it is just for convenient you know for questing for going around and I got to be honest with you between choosing for 2% misly armor or just taking 30% extra movement speed in a tier where mounts do not exist I am going to take this one I know it is not a benefit to me in the raid but I want to leave a little I want a quest I'm taking this one sorry and finally we're going to take Primal Fury right here 50% chance to gain five rage when you crit it is a decent Talent rage is what you really need why not predatory strikes you may ask okay predatory strikes is an excellent talent but one point of predatory strikes in this level is rounded up I think 13 attack power that is less than 1 DP yes so no we're not going to take predatory strikes it gets really good at 60 but not now your runes are pretty simple right here I spent 40 gold on this monstrosity right here I'm still mad about it my survival of the Fest Rune is hell to get uh you basically take H 20% less damage and you become immune to crits so that is really big the thing is I did BFD myself without any gear almost and I got to tell you I never struggled with surv ability too much when I struggled with a raid it was mostly a threat problem so I want to mention you can take wild strike it is basically wind Fury right if you have no other through that can give you wild strikes you want to go wild strikes yourself to get 20% extra chance of an auto attack does more rage does more damage obviously uh if you have rage issues we're going to go wild strikes that's what I take most of the time myself now I like speed but if you're fighting a really tough boss like take for example gura uh yeah you got to go survive a l the fs right here for the hands we're going to take lacerate lacerate is the best one you do weapon damage you do a bleed that generates a lot of threat you stack it five times really high base threat two on disability lerate is insane the thing is the thing is that there are a lot of mobs that are immune to bleeds for example Baron aan is in BFD he is immune to bleeding so in that case we're going to take mangle mangle is basically just a single Target boom boom ability it it does a bunch of threat it's not great because it has a cool down but if you're fighting a boss that is immune to bleeding you have no choice really and finally we're going to go for skullbash why because it's the only freaking ability that we got for be right now it's an interrupt I mean it's nice it's an interrupt but yeah it kind of sucks honestly I didn't even bother getting it honestly I got to get my reputation with the supply faction to get it and I was like I'm going to get it whenever the hell I get it I'm not even going to work on it screw it now we're going to talk about your stat priority by the numbers I found that clearing BFD you absolutely do not worry about survivability at all unless your healer is a massive dumb Dum that cannot heal you very well or your dpsers are massive Dum Dums that drag the fight out too long and your healer runs out of Mana uh those shouldn't happen you should get a better Guild in that case it's not very hard to meet those DPS checks but yeah if your guild sucks and you don't want to find a new Guild I guess you got to go for survivability everybody else though your best stat is agility I know people argue to me to that about agility agility is crit crit is Rage you don't need strength because strength gives you attack power that doesn't translate into more threat translates into a little more damage it is threat yes but the being able to get more rage to pump out more lacerates to pump out more moles that is much bigger than making every mole or lacerate hit a little harder by far strength and attack power will affect your regeneration a little but at the same time 1% of crit will equal to about 3% extra regeneration on average that is much higher than any other stat also agility gives you dodge agility gives you armor so it does make you tankier too next is going to be strength obviously strength is slightly better than than attack power because we got now the hord has blesso Kings basically with the aspect of the lion buff you know from the hunters so yeah you get like a 10% extra value on strength uh one strength is equal to 2.2 attack power if you want to calculate that now and finally you want to Stack stamina sadly there is not a lot of talents that give you extra value on stamina but you do multiply your stamina a better it is a decent stat and you're going to need some stamina now it is time to talk about your rotation yeah okay single Target it is dead simple you want to First H yourself that means throw a regrowth and a rejuvenate on yourself and then you pull why because when you got healing on yourself not only that is free HP right the healing is also threat so you want to turn into a b immediately when you pull and enrage you know that's the one that gives you extra rage rage generation is also Threat by the way and now you want to start with demoralizing shout why because because demoralizing shout at level 25 for whatever reason it do a deceptively high amount of threat who would have thought you got to refresh it every so often but after that you want to stack lacerate lacerate five times that is a bleeding a DOT effect it generates a lot of threat it is basically the best single Target threat in the game by far and once you do that you can mle as a Feeler and make sure to refresh it obviously and in the rare case that you're having a lot of rage maybe you're getting a bunch of in a row or something you can dump it by spamming lacerate it doesn't have a cool down of course it is not ideal but if you have excess rage what would you do this is to my knowledge the best single Target threat in the game I have not seen any log of anybody being able to be the a be Droid uh there are a lot of specs that have similar numbers there are a lot of specs that have more utility more tankiness obviously but as far as single Target threat goes right now nothing be to be AO wise it is a much different story of course if you are fighting three or five Ms you just swipe and and tap through targets right and you're going to have decent threat you're going to be pretty good at it but if you're doing actual big AOE pulls your only real AOE ability is the moralizing shout it is about 40 something threat I don't remember it is not very good for that you're not going to beat a mage in AOE when you do that but that's fine you're not supposed to do that remember you're going to be relying on your regrowth and your Rejuvenation to get your initial threat on on the AOE because healing is a global threat remember that so the best way to hold threat ironically is to heal since we are not expecting to really hold Arro in a big pull against a measor a warlock what we have to do is a little different you're going to pull you're going to try to hold threat for as long as possible but as soon as your Mage pops off and gets the threat off you what you're going to do is swap out of form and heal him or heal yourself whoever is low because again healing is your best AE Threat by far and and otherwise if we're saying that the Mage is good for example we're getting a mage with improved blizzard something like that and he's like taming the monsters ring them up you know like a cow boy really good Mage what you want to do then is to play goalie so there's going to be stray mobs mobs that move away from the pack mobs that go straight for the Mage you want to just taunt and stun those guys with bash and just try to make it as easy as possible for the Mage to hold Arro basically so yeah the AOE is not is not very good it is doable I have many AOE spel CLE especially if you want to do big AOE you probably want to look at Pro Paladin those guys are busting run out on AOE like they should I also want to remind you that heavy armor kits are your best in slot enchant they are dirt cheap armor that you get from enchancing vanilla multiplies of your bare form so you are getting kuple value on them can you beat that no you can't at the end of this to to my own horn a little bit I want to say that I got most of it right I I like to believe I most of it right pre- launch the only like real big mistake I made is that I undervalued wild strikes and mangle there are some uses for them even if I didn't think of that at the moment back then so yeah but overall the bear one of the best tanks in the game right now you can't go wrong with the bear shamans are coping and sitting right now because you're taking all their gear uh there's a lot of Shaman tanks I don't know why people really want to play Shaman tanks right now they are no good players my man they are not good at all they want tank anyway anyway I think this guide should be plenty for you to go out there and start tanking your first BFD and dungeons right now and get yourself acquainted with the B if you got any questions let me know in the comments I would love to answer them subscribe leave a like join the Discord and thank you for watching
Channel: Sanmedina
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Keywords: world of warcraft, wow private server, mmo, mmorpg, wow, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: l_IUBN7F44s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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