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let's take a look at the tail of the tape as we start to analyze what's going to go on rich all right the two of the same age are barely separated by a weaken age in fact trinidad slightly taller friend that's a first for de la hoya the weight exactly the same in american poundage that's 147 pounds and the reach the edge goes to oscar de la hoya so here we go now they face each other [Applause] [Music] felix trinidad just senior and robert alcazar were talking trash to each other and when trinidad hit de la hoya's gloves he meant it so guess what folks the fight is on now there's also there's the possibility of anything happening here at the very beginning of this fight both these guys have tremendous power both men have been down trinidad is supposed to be the slower starter but don't go to the bank on that de la hoya has told us he will box he wants to counter punch will that be his strategy so far he is moving [Applause] i went to a de la hoya training session in big bear california he said i'm going to box box box he said that when he was up in the room in up in the ring moving around box box box so far that is exactly what he is doing trinidad trying to get his jab established both he and de la hoya want to use that punch it is often said that felix trinidad is a slow starter but he is not a slow starter because his body doesn't allow him to start quickly he is a slow starter in another sense al and that's because he studies his opponent in the first round or two he uses that as a study hall he gives a little move sees how they react sees what they have sees how they throw punches so felix trinidad probably could start quicker if he wanted to but he wants to know everything there is to know about his opponent before he really goes to work and he is the first one to try and use the jab de la hoya has not thrown a punch yet we are [Applause] over a minute into the first round trinidad's still throwing some jabs there's de la hoya finally starting to get on track a little bit so very much a feeling out first round there's de la hoya with a jab and a straight right hand [Applause] neither man has felt the others punch yet we are halfway through round one la hoya misses with a big left hook you saw the speed of hand though that de la hoya left hook he's quicker handed i believe than trinidad trinidad however punches straighter will that negate that edge and speed that's one of the big questions surrounding the bow probably the only punch in which trinidad isn't as compact as de la hoya is with the left hook and that could be a big weapon for de la hoya if he gets inside one of those left hooks of trinidad and throws his own [Applause] now de la hoya starting to move forward showing trinidad a different look here so first it was trinidad pursuing now it's de la hoya just settling changing the momentum to where de la hoya is moving forward first combination and you know what's impressive so far is the hand speed of de la hoya even though he's not landing right away now remember he hurt his left hand against obakar he just kind of shook it a little bit there some were whispering that his left hand wasn't completely healed look at the problem trinidad has though when de la hoya is moving he's not drink that is a tough time hitting a moving target oscar's body looks much better defined than it did in that last fight with obakar well a very nondescript first round round two oscar de la hoya in the blue chunks felix trinidad and the white they hardly need an introduction to you but there it is nevertheless something to keep in mind al felix trinidad has been down six times in his career all of them in the second round a weird stack that is a strange stat now trinidad going after de la hoya he says he wants that de la hoya does he'd like to counter punch him we heard alcazar look say look for that left hook that is the power punch for oscar de la hoya it comes down to the trinidad right or the de la hoya left hook most people believe alcazar said that this would be an easy fight for him that it would be similar to the rafael ruela's fight [Applause] bob aaron actually said this week and was quoted in the newspaper that he thought truthfully that it would be a walk in the park for oscar i don't know about that but it could turn out to be that way and of course that's the charm of this fight it could turn out to be that way for either man so far it's been a very tentative beginning in round one and this part of round two as both men use this these rounds as a feeling out process trinidad has thrown more punches than oscar there's the first jab landed by oscar de la hoya neither man has landed much right hand gets in over the jab by trinidad that's something he'll want to do as this fight progresses starting to get a little more active you see trinidad normally has a work volume that picks up in the first two or three rounds bit by bit very important now de la hoya is starting to use the jab and use it with conviction and this is with those combinations trinidad was wary there and he backed off as soon as oscar started coming to him [Applause] the movement of de la hoya so far though very important for him i think because he does not want to be flat-footed against the big power puncher like felix trinidad and he hasn't been [Applause] that doesn't quite get there and so far it has been a chess match we doubt it'll be that for the entire 12 rounds left hand gets in by trinidad [Applause] trinidad beginning to get more active now al beginning to get into the fight here a little bit moment ago wide left hook by trinidad that's a dangerous move for him we are there's about a half minute left in this round and de la hoya runs the risk of losing these rounds these early rounds because he's done literally nothing offensively very little there he throws but misses a couple of shots right hand by felix trinidad tito starting to take more chances too oscar heard that 10-second warning and goes to work right hand by trinidad by de la hoya very close round now we take a look at some of the second round action i thought trinidad did much better he got in with that left hand de la hoya felt it i thought trinidad was starting to get there a little bit with jabs too de la hoya near the end of the round began to open up himself and got there with that long right here's the irony of that last exchange it was de la hoya getting hit with the left hook and triggered that getting hit with the right hand everybody thought it would be just the opposite but of course we've got rounds to go we think we head into round three and round two while it wasn't a wild active round as you said rich things did pick up [Applause] trinidad is moving in it looks to me like he's willing to take more chances he's tasted a little bit of oscar's power but he certainly hasn't tasted the big punch yet but he's getting a little bit bolder and uh oscar hopes to make that work to his advantage in terms of counter punching you saw he tried to counter that jab there [Applause] de la hoya and trinidad both want to establish the jab so far trinidad has used that punch a little bit more neither man has made it work real well again there's the hook by trinidad he's throwing more right hooks and he has straight right hands and oscars throwing more straight right hands and he has left hooks that's the big surprise so far each man has gotten close on a few occasions and you just hear the buzz go right through the crowd every time neither one of them does because there is the feeling that somebody could knock somebody down or out with one punch [Applause] trinidad so far i think is making one dangerous move and that's throwing lots of left hooks and they're going kind of wide very little body punching so far very little punching period so far halfway through round three so far trinidad has been the aggressor and what little damage has been done primarily has been done by him although round two was very very close [Applause] a little combination if you didn't really set down on any of those crunches did ask him trinidad cutting the distance down between himself and de la hoya de la hoya misses with the big right hand there and did you see how quickly he brought his hand back in the defensive posture after throwing that and missing good jabs by trinidad but then de la hoya comes back with his own good uppercut by de la hoya first significant punch of the fight the best for de la hoya to be sure and there's the de la hoya jab getting it and now things are starting to heat up a little bit towards the end of round three oscar's jabbing more in this fight he does have a great jab when he chooses to use it all he showed that against miguel angel gonzalez when he jabbed all night his way to a victory it's a real strong quick jam and he's using it in this round oscar's game plan was working there in the last minute oscar de la hoya you still haven't come in with your strong punch yet so we head into round four al bernstein along with rich morata delighted you are watching with us the fight of the millennium oscar de la hoya the blue trunks the wbc welterweight champ in the white trunks it's felix trinidad the ibf champion there's de la hoya going to work with his jab things have started to heat up in this match i thought both fighters looked uh tight in the first three rounds not relaxed down not really letting things go in the fluid nature that they normally do now we are seeing a little more of that as they both go after each other you see both men intent on trying to establish that jab slight blood from the nose of felix trinidad not a factor at this point they are mirror images of each other in the ring they are the same height the same weight both have good boxing skills and both have power mitch halperin the third man of the ring has barely had to step in to even break a clinch good right hand by trinidad that's what he wants to get in one of the strong points of halfburn is that he is so unobtrusive [Applause] his jab again the lateral movement of oscar de la hoya there's the hook by trinidad he's going to want to throw that punch and it's a danger for him because de la hoya could counter him with his own hook but so far he's getting away with it not trinidad becoming the aggressor trinidad walks into a jab as he tries to throw the right hand the delaware jab now starting to get there a little more these early rounds important rich because they're so close it's tough to know who they're going to go to tito that was a great body shot by de la hoya has looked a little more urgent in his desire to get it oscar in this round but oscar working that jab good counter punching by de la hayes he gets a few shots in and there again uses [Applause] half a minute left to go in round four in these rounds that are slipping by and i'll tell you what it's very tough to tell where the momentum of this fight is headed missed by trinidad with the uppercut [Applause] again de la hoya sticking the jab out there in this round de la hoya's jab has been more present right by de la hoya and he got right back out again he got close to trinidad and to the right and back the way hooked by by trinidad take a look at the action now in round four de la hoya working the body but tito countering nicely with a left hook there's that good body shot the tidal countered beautifully these are close rounds out very close to the judges de la hoya got his hand up to block part of that punch but the left got in we headed to round five in schedule for 12. it is for both the ibf and wbc welterweight championship of the world oscar de la hoya in the blue trunks felix trinidad in the white house it's been a chess match so far no matter what they've said previous you can see that they have great respect for each other's punching power they have to big right counter now de la hoya really wants to counter trinidad and we heard roberto officers are saying every time he punches counter good right by de la hoya now here's the de la hoya that could get in trouble standing right in front of trinidad and he just got it with the right hand no movement just kind of staying there not punching that's what he did against corte the jab of de la hoya getting in [Applause] the fight has not had the explosive punching power that we saw in the corte fight in selective rounds thus far aaron hasn't had the explosive punching that we expected to see in this fight yet [Applause] [Music] trinidad misses with the hook he's insisting on throwing the hook and de la hoya is not making the most of that by countering with his own hook which is believed to be the more powerful punch of the two hooks [Applause] tito chasing oscar boxing staying on his toes as he promised he won and de la hoya is using the jab as he promised he would trinity had actually abandoned his jab a little bit in the last [Applause] round trinidad he's the man landing effectively all the time with it there's the left hook from de la hoya it missed as did the right good right and a hook from de la hoya that shook up trinidad a little bit nice hand speed by de la hoya [Applause] the lateral movement of de la hoya is giving trinidad problems make no mistake about that because trinidad usually by this time in any fight is has long studied his opponent and is actively breaking down his opponent at that time trinidad is good at cutting off the ring but de la hoya is moving around well he's giving him movement both ways and just the movement wouldn't win him around but de la hoya has punched enough to get it done there's a nice right hand by true that over a lazy jab of de la hoya again very close rounds and those are the kind of combinations that can win he pushes through that back may have hurt him with the right hand all right there's that good combination by de la hoya three punch combination the most effective punch that right inside stop tito trinidad dead in his tracks and the left hook gets in there is swelling around the left eye of tito trinidad so felix trinidad comes out here in round six after having suffered a bit toward the end of the fifth round think oscar de la hoya is winning this fight so far now based on his boxing ability and his snaking left jab and trinidad is having all kinds of trouble reaching oscar with his punches and now the combination punching of de la hoya is becoming a big factor his hand speed is giving trinidad some other problems we're in round [Applause] de la five continues his lateral movement as trinidad comes forward he's not giving trinidad any opportunity to build up any momentum with combination punches it's just a punch here or there that trinidad is getting in should de la hoya be busier though rich yeah he probably could be but he's he's very concentrating on sticking to his fight game plan which obviously is movement distance [Applause] trinidad continues his assault good right hand by felix trinidad raised the head of de la hoya the aggressor in this round but early in the round de la hoya landed good good right hand by de la hoya and another he's punching with power with that right hand [Applause] the cleaner power punches so far have belonged to de la hoya and i think that swelling under the left eye of trinidad it's going to because a cause for concern pretty soon if de la hoya hits it with a few more right hands trinidad continues to follow some of the fans beginning to get on the fighters for lack of action they expected more perhaps getting on oscar for this particular strategy he's certainly using all of this ring and they're not used to seeing that so much from de la hoya in recent fights there's the jab again by de la hoya trinidad frozen with that jab gets it with the jab and misses the right hand does trinidad tactically de la hoya is controlling this fight right now of course remember there's power in that right hand of trinidad quick right by de la hoya the hand speed of de la hoya i think is the difference so far well because he's when he uses it he's using it in combinations with jab again by de la hoya he is looser now and he is throwing some shots and he has had himself a pretty good round the difference is he's throwing more than one punch at a time and trinidad's throwing only one so oscar de la hoya starting to control the tempo of this fight [Applause] we head into round seven and that's the salient question now i think rich and let's see de la hoya will certainly want to box for a few more rounds i would think he seems to have the better power later in fights he's shown it in a couple of fights trinidad did well in the opening minute of the previous round but then he let de la hoya get back on top once again and trinidad comes out starting fast again here at the starter of round seven but he has been unable really to control the whole round and i think trinidad respects de la hoya's power he's not when he's coming in he's frozen at times not wanting to throw caution to the wind again the lateral movement from de la hoya he's content to fight in spurts but it's been effective for him blocks the left hook by trinidad some of the crowd getting on de la hoya for his movement they want to see more action left hook gets in by de la hoya as he throws a three-punch combination well we could tell what de la hoya's strategy was in the first 30 seconds exactly how he's going to fight this fight and amazingly he stayed to a good right hand are you surprised that de la's been able to get his right hand in as much as he has uh yeah i think i am he has been able to land it either as a lead or as a counter but trinidad is starting to take some chances here i think and he could leave himself open even more to it now right hand misses by trinidad de la hoya continues the latter movement taps him with a jab and even though the de la hoya jab isn't landing a lot it's really keeping trinidad neutralized not allowing him to throw those big power shots see even when trinidad has him near the ropes rich he is not just coming in trying to get to him he's a little he has some trepidation there's wild left hooks that missed by trinidad [Applause] and the hook from de la hoya gets in the difference is hand speed right now [Applause] trinidad has been more aggressive this round but oscar makes him pay for the mistakes boy that lateral movement is just befuddling trinidad and when de la hoya does punch he's affected [Applause] can de la hoya move for 12 rounds like this well he's another question i think he can because trinidad's not putting enough pressure on him he's not hitting him enough punches he's not doing anything to wear oscar de la hoya down right hand again gets in by de la hoya and again de la hoya steals the action at the end of the round the jab by trinidad power right by de la hoya and trinidad gets his own right hand and so it's good on trinidad hits him after the bell and we have some action and alcazar brings him back to the corner there was the good right from tito that was a very good right hand by tito at the end of the round then he definitely hit after the bell [Applause] and the two uh exchange words de la hoya chastises him for it well we headed around eight the crowd is into it it has been a tactical fight but a pretty interesting one in certain ways de la hoya boxing trinidad stalking but not stalking in a wild fashion because he knows he's been stunned a couple times i think by right hands and left hooks by de la hoya i expected more of a shootout trinidad's coming faster here al coming after him his father whacked him two or three times in the corner and said we got to get after him but of course there's danger there because he could walk into a big counterpunch which he did earlier [Applause] see the hook doesn't get there for trinidad the more he throws that left hook the more he might get countered by de la hoya although de la hoya hasn't thrown his own left took much in this fight i am surprised oscar is good good hook by oscar after the right hand oscar's done well getting his right hand up to block the left hooks of felix trinidad the jabs in the right hands by de la hoya de la hoya in this round is putting on a clinic [Applause] didn't look like there was a low blow there oh jab to the body in a straight right to the head you can feel de la hoya starting to vary his attack and right now it's trinidad who looks more one-dimensional coming in very surprising trinidad supposed to be the two-handed fighter with a varied attack [Applause] good right by oh there goes de la hoya with a good combination after trinidad had landed an excellent right hand that's the difference in this fight trinidad throws one punch at a time de la hoya throws a couple [Applause] there's the lateral movement again being a problem for trina they just can't hit bella and when he does cut the ring off rich he's still not able to corner him and hit him yeah he's not cutting it off much in this round oscar able to move side to side the circular fashion he's been doing what he wants i wonder if felix trinidad is beginning to be discouraged but right by de la hoya he's just pecking away finding his spot throwing combinations then getting out of dodge and the wide hook of trinidad very bad for him oh that one got in but normally it's a punch he doesn't want to throw the first one oscar blocked with his hand like we mentioned he had been doing throughout the bout but that second one did get home and oscar cut wide open for some reason defensively every time the last 10 seconds come up de la hoya attacks [Applause] and again after the bell comes trinidad with a punch happy with what his son did and here we take a look well he only caught that one punch in the round it was a beauty by trinidad but oscar as you can see was controlling the action this is some of the action throughout the fight as the fight has picked up here in the last few rounds oscar's been picking up in terms of combinations in terms of getting his jab working [Applause] and trinidad has been having a lot of trouble handling that jab and getting close to de la hoya because breathe oscar take it easy very good will oscar de la hoya get fatigued for the movement will this man felix trinidad be able to cut the ring and land something big certainly trinidad has landed a couple of good shots but they don't seem to have affected de la hoya that much if anything i think would you agree the power of de la hoya has been felt more by trinidad oh yes without question and the combinations have been stinging yeah very sharp and we've not seen the trinidad right hand as much as we might have although he has landed it on several occasions and the battle of the jabs now being won by de la hoya since about the second round there's a good left hook to the body by trinidad i must admit i did expect more of a shootout between these two i did too truthfully i thought there'd be some hellacious exchanges it hasn't been that way but de la hoya's picking up in confidence now and letting the combinations fly is he working the body of felix trinidad i'm not paying for it at all he's working on the inside to the body and not taking any counter punches by trinidad but of course that could be dangerous for de la hoya because trinidad has that big right hand waiting but oscar seems to sense something here [Applause] and his foot speed delta his foot speed rich is making a big difference this is probably the best pure boxing exhibition de la hoya has given in a long time maybe ever [Applause] trinidad has just been unable to sustain any kind of attack and there's a punch here punch there again the right hand up to block the punch by de la hoya well when felix trinidad is reduced to mostly throwing left hooks you know he's got a problem that is not while he has a decent left hook that's not the place where you look for him to dominate you however you must remember and i'm sure oscar does is he takes that right hand but he can't get complacent in the ring he cannot get complacent defensively and get too relaxed because trinidad can make him pay at any moment [Applause] right hand by de la hoya a left hook by trinidad now that's one that he turned over he does that very well by a good little short left hook inside by trinidad delroy's getting into a bad habit here though of throwing a bunch of pity pat punches instead of setting down on for his comment that left cookie set down on but missed big right by de la hoya [Applause] again around which de la hoya's boxing skills looked to be enough to win this round although trinidad has landed some good shots but early de la hoya landing lots of body punches [Applause] well whenever oscar hears that 10 second warning he goes right to work [Applause] use quick hands felix there's a good combination a brilliant little uppercut inside that was a very unusual combination by de la hoya and a very strong right again catching trinidad as trinidad was coming in stopping him right in the front we had to round ten going into this fight it would appear that oscar de la hoya's best chance for power punches was the left hook and trinidad was his right hand it has been just the opposite de la hoya has landed mostly right hand and trinidad has tried at least mostly to land the left hooks but he has dropped in some right hands [Applause] the hook again by trinidad good hook again by trinidad that one got there we haven't seen the hook of de la hoya that much do you think it could be impaired still from the overpower fight well it's possible i don't think so i've seen him thought a few times with enough power and ones that he's missed to make me think that he's throwing it with intention [Applause] in round 10 it is scheduled for 12. there have been no knockdowns no one has been close to being knocked down i thought tito was coming on a little in that last round even if he lost the ground i thought he was uh he was doing better and he's come out here again intent on getting to oscar and in this round he has landed some some pretty good shots and not taking as many counter punches from de la hoya [Applause] [Applause] full power from felix trinidad and that's just what he wants he wants to go through 12 rounds without ever once facing the full power of trinidad now this round though de la hoya has done very little offensively he's going to win this round he's going to have to really make an effort here we are 10 rounds into this bout and still both men aware of the power the other man not willing to take too many chances i think trinidad's got to change that i believe you're right he's really got to let his hands fly trinidad may be a little heavier handed but really oscar's been had the far flashier combinations and the sharper punches [Applause] and with only seconds remaining looks trinidad having one of his better rounds in this bout and lands a couple of right hands against oscar de la hoya here comes de la hoya and they have a big exchange but those are not clinches thrown with conviction by de la hoya those are pity pack punches well a lot of anxiety in that corner there's tito trinidad he's fired up over what he did in the tenth round let's see if he can continue it one round does not a fight make though and certainly de la hoya did a lot of good work early de la hoya's trainer robert alcazar very clear in his instructions just boxing two more rounds and we go home with the bolts could oscar be getting tired he got nailed with a big right hand by trinidad they both have been over the 10 round limit you saw the graphic [Applause] de la hoya now boxing moving at least trinidad looks renewed though he is chasing oscar with renewed vigor and de la hoya not counter-punching much he's gonna need to let his hands fly de la hoya has the look of a fighter who is either tired or running out of gas he looks to me like he did in the seventh and eighth rounds against ike corte [Applause] oscar had it all his own way for a few rounds there but the momentum is switching in this fight he had a very good segment in the middle of this fight come out felix trinidad has been relentless in his pursuit and he's got two more rounds to make something happen he's doing very well here in the 11th is tito trinidad [Applause] gil clancy told de la hoya you're gonna have to hit him together to get his respect and he's gonna have to do that or else trinidad's gonna walk right in the jab also of de la hoya is going south on it [Applause] and if trinidad closes fast and wins these rounds boy de la hoya holding a lot and mitch halperin warning now talking to both fighters about it if trinidad wins these last couple rounds and it's still possible de la hoya could win the decision there will be a cry believe me well that's why you know trinidad should be going going for the gusto i believe because he knows he knew coming in that oscar de la hoya has been the beneficiary of very close decisions here in las vegas a couple of jabs by de la hoya good right hand by de la hoya and trinidad gets in the hook de la hoya has never gotten that left hook on trump trinidad continues to be the aggressor now the question is did tito wait too long this fight is moving in his direction he is going after de la hoya oscar better pushing back somewhere those punches not meaningful by de la hoya the hook gets in by oscar he's not throwing that punch with a lot of conviction though and tito trinidad has won himself another round i believe de la hoya simply trying to stay out of harm's way we are in the 12th round early in the fight trinidad got off pretty well in round one round two was close oscar had a series of rounds of which he completely outboxed trinidad that turned around in round nine trinidad has been pursuing de la hoya through then i have this fight six four and one even right now for de la hoya but that is so unofficial at right hand of trinidad driving de la hoya back in the corner de la hoya you can tell by the way they're instructing him they feel he has a decision in the band and they just want him to get through the 12th round safely and they feel they'll go home with the belts again de la hoya moving constantly but not throwing too many punches he faints there big right hand by trinidad another one oscar's in a little difficulty here trinidad finally seems to have solved him finally the right hand has gotten there by felix trinidad it has become a big weapon here the jab again of de la hoya it has not been evident in the last three or four rounds trinidad has closed the distance repeatedly gotten in right hand and it has been delaway doing nothing but moving he is in a prevent defense right now the crowd doesn't like it with the minute 20 left in this round trinidad continues to oh nice left hook by de la hoya there's a little bobble there by trinity after that shot you have to wonder if de la hoya would have been able to follow up on that and that was the first really good left hook he's landed in a long time good jab by de la hoya he's actually and the hook again by him so now he's doing something offensively this round might still be up for grabs trinidad had great success with the right hand early in this round and that's about the fourth one that he's landed cleanly in this round but the first one since the opening oh 45 seconds or so de la hoya stopped being offensive in round nine for the most part and except for spurts he has not been really much in this round either what was a superb boxing performance by oscar de la hoya turned into a defensive performance in the last few rounds and not one in which he got a lot accomplished and they're only seconds left to go in this bout and i believe trinidad has swept the last three rounds and what's that going to mean on the judge's score cards and possibly the last four who knows certainly the last three that'll do it this one is over you can make a strong case for oscar de la hoya who i think won this about by one or two points he boxed superbly and should he win this and you could also probably make a case for trinidad in a close decision i guess although i thought that de la hoya controlled more rounds in this fight and there were no two-point rounds [Applause] 114 to 114 he has it even bob logist scores the bell 115 to 114. and jerry roth scores the bow to 113 for the winner by majority decision de puerto rico well the comeback in the last three or four rounds apparently was enough for felix trinidad to get the job done we had it scored slightly for de la hoya but it was trinidad who pulled it out with that last comeback in the last three or four rounds oscar de la hoya is disappointed for the first time here in las vegas as they celebrate in puerto rico oscar de la hoya lost a close decision and the irony to me prince morata is i could have made a stronger pace for him losing either the fourth whitaker fight yeah it was very close because of that last four round rally of felix trinidad
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 57,372
Rating: 4.3752379 out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, espn, fight of the millennium, felix trinidad vs oscar dela hoya, felix trinidad vs oscar dela hoya highlights, felix trinidad highlights, felix trinidad vs oscar dela hoya free fight, felix trinidad vs oscar dela hoya full fight, trinidad vs de la hoya highlights, felix trinidad vs oscar de la hoya highlights, de la hoya vs trinidad, oscar dela hoya, oscar dela hoya vs trinidad
Id: nI_DnI1Z1uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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