Felix Trinidad vs Mamadou Thiam - HBO World Championship Boxing July 22, 2000

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network of Champions in the past 18 months where we can Felix Trinidad has become an American gold medal slayer three times he has faced past Olympic title holders three times Trinidad has vanquished them in February of last year Trinidad met 1984 gold medalist Pernell Whitaker [Music] right now wobbled again [Music] seven months later Trinidad faced 1992 Olympic gold medal winner Oscar De La Hoya [Music] scoring ground for Oscar De La Hoya Trinidad looked like anything but a winner after eight rounds but in the fight change Felix Trinidad is going to have to do something dramatic and do it soon turn this around [Music] for the fight seems to be a [Music] [Applause] four months ago Felix Penta dad's Olympic Tour brought him to a man with considerably less experience than de Loya 1996 gold medalist David Reed that early knocked down by read alternative [Music] [Applause] [Music] somewhere in Trinidad's near future looms Fernando Vargas but before that Tito will have to get by tonight's opponent mama duty on no gold medals in t arms past but there's gold in any matchup with Felix Trinidad [Music] welcome back HBO Sports tonight comes to you from steamy Miami Florida where we have a special edition of HBO's world championship boxing Felix Trinidad defending his hundred fifty four pound world's island against mandatory challenger potentially dangerous Frenchman originally from Senegal mama duty on the American Airlines Arena in Miami packed in the cheap seats though some of the expensive sections are less fully populated and you can be sure almost everyone here has come to see Puerto Rican born and raised Felix Trinidad fight South Florida's Latino population hasn't seen Trinidad alive in seven years they're expecting the most out of their camp they owned hello again everybody I'm Jim Lampley we welcome you back to this special edition of HBO's world championship boxing special because it's a chance to see one of the most celebrated fighters in the world and what is really a showcase for him enroute to bigger business down the road if Felix Trinidad can get past this mandatory challenge against little-known Mamadou TM tonight if later this summer Fernando Vargas can defeat Ross Thompson in a similar situation then on December 2 in Las Vegas we may be seeing Felix Trinidad against Fernando Vargas in the next mega fight to take place in the hundred forty-seven hundred fifty four pound neighborhood where so much of the sports talent is concentrated that's the focus for Trinidad tonight to get past this hurdle and go on toward more multi-million dollar business working with me as always HBO boxing analyst Larry merchant Larry we're here in another traditional type arena as opposed to a concealed environment that's exciting it's exciting to me that we don't know anything at all about Mamadou tianmen virtually nobody does off what we've seen how would you compare him to another African fighter who was nurtured in Paris I quarte a possibly stronger and tougher with a legend on his side the legendary batwing seeking came to Paris from Senegal at the age of 12 both of them became fighters but seeking whose Guardian was a French actress would promenade on the Shahs Alizee with a leopard on a leash and he famously took a fight with light heavyweight champion George Carpentier on the condition that he would throw the fight and then he double-crossed the champion knocked him out that was 1922 tonight the Challenger is supposed to lose on merit the merit of the champion but you got to watch those treacherous Sanga Lee's fighters amend the story Larry and it's entirely appropriate of course that Mamadou tiem comes out of the spiritual footsteps of battling seeking to seek battle with Felix Trinidad and for a more straightforward look let's turn to two-time world heavyweight champion George Foreman George Felix Trinidad at only age 27 goes into his 18th title defense tonight that's a lot of time spent at the top plateau for a fighter at that age and of course in the past year he's finally begun to get famous and rich as well he is see any indication though that his motivation will slip 27 is a lot of age for a fighter who's been in so many good fighters Olympic champions and he's gonna distant with most of them so it's not like he's a young boy but I haven't seen anywhere where this guy's slipped he's not happy anymore but as usual well in one age the Trinidad has always been his life is about fighting and not much other than fighting Felix Trinidad has had to work a long time to gain the kind of star power that other fighters in his weight class began their careers with he found a formula get into the ring with the bigger stars and beat them face to face a year and a half ago welterweight champion Felix Tito Trinidad walked into Madison Square Garden to finally bring his career out of the shadows despite 14 previous title defenses it wasn't until February 1999 the Trinidad was first face-to-face with a marquee opponent that's when Felix took on Olympic gold medalist and longtime pound-for-pound King Pernell Whitaker that was a difficult fight because of Pernell Whitaker style he does a lot of bending and moving around that's one of his hallmarks in having so much trouble with Whitaker he's maintained his poise [Applause] I did learn some ways to take things more comedy not to get frustrated in the ring I like to go for the knockout but I can win by decision the most important thing is not to make any rash decisions the resounding victory gave Trinidad leverage to pressure a second Olympic gold-medalist into the ring Oscar De La Hoya the long-anticipated super fight to superstardom was bigger than just unifying the welterweight division and the pressure of this career-defining moment made Trinidad uneasy the most anticipated non heavyweight showdown of this decade if you're nervous he doesn't mean you're afraid you're nervous because you don't want to disappoint the fans you want to do well with all the attention you're getting the lessons of patience Trinidad had learned from the Whitaker bout backfired here and Oscar took advantage [Music] [Applause] or scandal now have always had his hands in front my fight against him was harder because he moves around a lot I was chasing him and it was difficult because my hand almost couldn't reach [Music] but then De La Hoya sat on his lead and Trinidad desperately played catch Oh [Applause] Felix beeped out an upset win a disputed decision while the lackluster fight frustrated all its massive expectations some people have said that maybe it wasn't the fight of the millennium because it wasn't a good fight but I don't agree maybe Oscar thinks that but I was there to fight with the victory Tito was king of the welterweight and a bigger hero than ever in Puerto Rico win terms for a rematch with Delaware collapsed Trinidad targeted yet another American Olympic gold medalist where once he beat the LA yeah we got the opportunity to go up in weight the door was opened that was David read a lot of people [ __ ] this fight would stop Tito adjusting to an added 7 pounds combined with another slow start to create a near disaster he was lucky he hit me and I went down people said I was a little slow in the early rounds I didn't see it that way I try to keep my rhythm he landed a good hint but he cost him in the end for the second fight in a row Trinidad needed a gutty second half comeback to win the new title further enhanced the Latino heroes delayed star stats I've had 37 fights undefeated thirty knockouts I've beaten three gold medalists I have fought against six mandatory number one challengers during my career I've beaten them all dato can be the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world Pernell Whitaker Oscar De La Hoya David Reed they were great boxers beating them makes me very proud for myself and also for Puerto Rico when my career is done it will be their recorded in history tito Trinidad's rode the glory opened up much later than he had planned but by tarnishing three gold medalists in 13 months he has carved out a spot on center stage and now looks to state his case as best pound-for-pound back in Miami the theme continues in Trinidad's career victory tonight bolts in toward the possible matchup with Fernando Vargas and though Vargas did not win a gold medal in Atlanta he was there as a member of the American Olympic team and that identity has helped to spur his early professional prominence the tape now for Felix Tito Trinidad against mama buti'm and you can see that T AMA is one year older at 28 gives up two inches in height two inches and reach the arm weight in a pound and a half under the limit has put on six and a half pounds since Trinidad is added 9 to bring a four pound advantage into the ring tonight punch stat numbers Larry a lot of numbers what does it mean Theon's 93 punches around who were made against fighters that weren't household names anywhere except in their own households if he can do half as well as this against Trinidad we might have a fight both of them throw jabs but mainly are known for their big punching power rules of the bout with our unofficial ringside scorer Harold Letterman the Felix Trinidad mammoth routine fight is scheduled for 12 rounds using the unified rules of the association of boxing commissions there is not standing eight-count love to reenact down rule only the referee can stop the fight and you cannot be Saved by the Bell in any round including the 12th and final round [Music] [Applause] Mamadou Tom will enter the ring first moved from Senegal to France at age 12 as his family gradually brought all of its members over to France he began to get into neighborhood sports including soccer including bicycling boxing just one of the many that he picked up and it's the one to acquit he stuck [Applause] sure no coming I'm sure all of us given the name Mamadou would prefer to be called noodle right well maybe due to his Darlene imprint you know as a fighter he has some love ability particularly if you like plunges mama DTM is not expected to be an elusive target for Felix Trinidad he stands in front of his opponents and tries to blow them away 1 Las Vegas oddsmaker looking at the list of geometry vyas opponent's almost all of them in France install Trinidad as a thirty to one favorite but if you've watched Obama doom punch on film intend to give him a little better job than their overall record Padilla 33 wins only one loss early in his career 30 Kos but when Trinidad was fighting Bernal Whitaker TM was fighting Alex and their parabola coffee when Trinidad was fighting Oscar De La Hoya diem was fighting Valentino Montcalm draw your own conclusions has the appearance of a steak source against an allowance the network of Champions in the past 18 months rhetoric and Felix Trinidad has become an American gold medal slayer three times he has faced past Olympic title holders three times Trinidad has vanquished it in February of last year Trinidad met 1984 gold medalist Pernell Whitaker [Music] we're now wobbled again [Music] seven months later Trinidad faced 1992 Olympic gold medal winner Oscar De La Hoya [Music] or Oscar De La Hoya Trinidad looked like anything but a winner after eight rounds but in the fight change Felix Trinidad is going to have to do something dramatic and do it soon this around big margin in the early round for the fight seems to be evaporating now [Music] four months ago feel expanded ads Olympic Tour brought him to a man with considerably less experience than de Loya 1996 gold medalist David Reed that early knocked down by read all Trinidad [Music] [Applause] [Music] somewhere in Trinidad's near future looms Fernando Vargas but before that Tito will have to get by tonight's opponent mama duty on no gold medals in t arms past but there's gold in any matchup with Felix Trinidad [Music] welcome back HBO Sports tonight comes to you from steamy Miami Florida where we have a special edition of HBO's world championship boxing Felix Trinidad defending his hundred fifty four pound world violent against mandatory challenger potentially dangerous Frenchman originally from Senegal mama duty on the American Airlines Arena in Miami hacked in the cheap seats though some of the expensive sections are less fully populated and you can be sure almost everyone here has come to see Puerto Rican born and raised Felix Trinidad fight South Florida's Latino population hasn't seen Trinidad alive in seven years they're expecting the most out of their Pompeii own del mundo hello again everybody I'm Jim Lampley we welcome you back to this special edition of HBO's world championship boxing special because it's a chance to see one of the most celebrated fighters in the world and what is really a showcase for him enroute to bigger business down the road at Felix Trinidad can get past this mandatory challenge against little-known Mamadou TM tonight if later this summer Fernando Vargas can defeat Ross Thompson in a similar situation then on December 2 in Las Vegas we may be seeing Felix Trinidad against Fernando Vargas in the next mega fight to take place in the hundred forty seven hundred fifty four pound neighborhood where so much of the sports talent is concentrated that's the focus for Trinidad tonight to get past this hurdle and go on toward more multi-million dollar business working with me as always HBO boxing analyst Larry Merchant Larry we're here in another traditional type arena as opposed to a concealed environment that's exciting it's exciting to me that we don't know anything at all Mamadou tiem and virtually nobody does off what we've seen how would you compare him to another African fighter who was nurtured in Paris Ike Quartey possibly stronger and tougher also with a legend on his side Shiki came to Paris from Senegal at the age of 12 both of them became fighters but seeking whose Guardian was a French actress would promenade on the Shahs alizée with a leopard on a leash and he famously took a fight with light heavyweight champion George Carpentier on the condition that he would throw the fight and there's a boxing for the WBA super welterweight championship of the world and now ladies and gentlemen in attendance pan boxing fans joining us around the world live from Miami it's time for the main event of the evening [Music] introducing to you first the Challenger on my right fighting out of the blue corner entering the ring wearing black trunks with gold trim handling from and representing Paris France he weighed in at a trim and ready 152 and 1/2 pounds with a fine record of 33 wins hopefully one loss he has 30 wins coming by way of knockout ladies and gentlemen here is the European champion at the WBA number-one ranked contender introducing the Challenger Mamadou [Music] [Applause] [Music] and his opponent across the ring is the defending world champion on my left of the red corner truly one of boxing's the black trunks with braids man and fighting out of cuvee up so where the Rico he way Hana super-wealthy wig limit of 154 pounds he was undefeated in his campaign to the ring with 37 wins no losses 30 wins coming by way of knockout here is the former welterweight world champion and the current undefeated WBA a super welterweight champion of the world aqui esta a web link angel here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] once again a referee in charge of the map now to give the instructions Jorge our lone soul really not Mamadou Mamadou right people I got fighters I gave you this process early in the dressing room today right remember my instructions [Music] [Applause] the bells come out and give me a clean fight let's go let's go Jim it's axiomatic and boxing fighter is good and distinguished his Trinidad could only be beaten in his prime by himself if he hasn't taken care of business of preparation for a fighter of this caliber he's not that kind of fighter or at least he hasn't been in the past but Felix Trinidad is a notoriously slow starter so too is mama to Tom it'll be interesting to see if one of the two tries to step up and take advantage of the other in that regard and of course as you know Trinidad has been down in the early round of a half-dozen fight [Music] [Applause] every time he got up to knock the man out in t-those got no sweat on his body dry body Mamadou as well he see the veins he's done some shadowboxing in the dress room said every fighter warm to laughter in the dressing room George the warmer you are a better and get hit on the chin I was in it has been a habit of Trinidad he probably has not learned his fart for warming up in a dress room everybody's got their own great cab Trinidad as he backs up Mamadou has gotta be careful and steady if you knock him down don't try to finish him you've thrown 300 right hands in the gym don't try to throw 600 in the fight we in every round knock him down every round don't probably finish him out Trinidad of course use your jab sniffing keep us dip go to the body to make certain this guy doesn't get his coordination going but throwing double left double right around tentative both fighters seeming just to try to get their legs under them a little bit [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] by Felix Trinidad strength [Applause] [Music] you know you got a hole no one's caught this guy on the ground fighting Holden to the body [Applause] if he can get out of the ground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this guy just got hit with a lot of shots he had his glows in front of his face that hurts and his pushes your palm into your eyes that might have happened because Tom's right [Applause] [Music] 20 the work don't worry don't go crazy our interpreter is a li Shiraki in toms corner where they speak French okay he sang to me he said to me you're going to put your right hand [Applause] okay you said what happened it seems that that PM's pimp when you watch to the dead play these kinds of questions start thinking what God had in mind there is a fighter [Music] the box numbers are overwhelming Trinidad landed 40 of 67 in a rare big first round the big first round made pasta by the fact that comedy tiem has never seen this kind of competition and couldn't handle Felix's punch when first he felt it [Applause] see you there finish your mouth because becoming stronger you heard him don't let him recover what about the I George well the eyes in bad shape but if you can look confidence with a bad eye you can you don't want him to get that confidence you heard him finish him out Mamadou made the mistake of standing in front and fallen a big puncher you don't do that to go left and right then go to him and they told us and he had worked in the gym on a new fight plan and he had worked in the gym on doing something different and something different would be to go side-to-side and be more elusive but of course if he's had 33 fights and you've done that's what you're likely to do when you get into the ring picked up when he can get in a right double left double right you get that rhythm going he can give you trouble he hasn't gotten it going here now he tries to come with the left hook Mamadou seeming to understand that his best defense here will be a good offense and now he begins to try to put Trinidad back on his heels by attacking you see moves to mama dude left because that just to his left on fire mama dudes right just doesn't see a thing so Trinidad's moving toward the data to set up an attack that talking if you can stay out of home wage whenever you want to his left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an opportunity to counter with Islam it better be very careful when he throws the right Benedict Steffen shift left jab because this guy's tasted his best stuff now now he's going to come on you lose a lot of the energy trying to knock him out and he on docks [Applause] guy in school I'm going yet [Applause] from feeling [Applause] you can take the punishment and steal have not been for them [Applause] [Music] the ring doctor is dr. Allen fields and he will be watching mama duty on across the race our interpreter Linda mcquaig dad's corner is Hector Garcia [Applause] to knock out him [Applause] [Music] just get your hands in there don't go back [Music] [Applause] the arm is probably the strongest fighter that Trinidad has ever faced he's determined he just doesn't have the skill level filled with a fighter of this quality so you're saying already he's stronger than David Reath absolutely very strong I am [Music] Trinidad starting off the fight circling his opponent it's the opponent who circled away from him but he has shown some respect for the fact that this guy is very strong and then in the second half of the round punch stat numbers in round two threaded at 19:45 teamö 19 of 57 [Applause] some fighters know about it and some have never seen it this review [Applause] can't cover up you just can't hold this - hands up between rounds dr. leaned in over the ropes to try to get a look at geometry I mamamoo's father here from France stepped up on the apron and leaned in women he wanted to see how his son [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the waste moving standards deals 11 [Applause] what is it about Felix technique [Applause] [Music] chance [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] Joseph technique pure power some guys can do the same thing and nothing happened the completely not sure how long did [Applause] doesn't have big arms he doesn't have accepted pick shoulders and a blanket in there so far [Applause] you hate to see them do it but it wasn't going to get any better born he wouldn't acquit - a consistent possible [Applause] we just never seen that kind of power brother there's two uppercut left hook combination that was it the trigger daddy just doubling the have to look for uppercut [Music] [Applause] once we get out anyone Felix Trinidad landed 29 of 46 power shots and it would have been that way it would have been target practice as long as they continued [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very smart fight never did stop moving at all yep now Delaware is first seven rounds against Trinidad where is masterful as masterful can be when he was sucking up fire he kept moving Trinidad the boroughs guys that you look at something inside of him we call it the gift or the fight as Larry Merchant said God had a fighter in mind that's true Larry call that one right [Music] so now the ball moves into Fernando Vargas court and Vargas coming off of his huge win over Ike Quartey will try to beat a mandatory challenger named Ross Thompson in August to set himself up for a meeting with Trinidad let's look back at some of the damage that was done toward the end and that's when mama did Tom decided he had enough you can see how badly swollen the I was and Tom seemed to realize that Trinidad's left hand is his big weapon there was nothing he's going to be able to do to stop it and you think about it this guy made Trinidad fight a fight he wasn't even intent in the fight he was in his face from Round Hill to bail yep get up off the canvas getting right back into his face I think he made Trinidad a better fighter tonight takes a fight like that to make the fighter step up I imagine Felix you know to the degree that fighters enjoy this kind of thing he had to enjoy that a guy who would right to stand right in front of him and fight him bring you a punching bag to the center of the Ring that's what he does and that's what he had that Mamadou was a punching bag tonight let's try to let's go to Jimmy Lennon jr. for the official particulars on the TKO ladies and gentlemen we have the time two minutes 48 seconds in round number three tied or unable to continue a referee in charge stops the contest the winner by way of technical knockout he is still undefeated and still the WBA super welterweight [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] final punch stat numbers totally dominated by Trinidad 96 out of a hundred and seventy five to thirty four out of a hundred and thirty six Tito a notoriously slow starter as we told you at the beginning of the fight forced to come out and start a little faster by the aggressive style of tiem and after he landed the first uppercut left hook combination and broke up teams I he had a target to work with and there was every reason to continue to be aggressive 72 out of 100 18 power punches if Felix Trinidad does that against you you're going home early and you're going home hurt and that's what's happening with mama duty on heck of a performance by Trinidad and one more thing George he looks so comfortable at 154 pounds like Larry said God had him in man when he made a boxer yep this guy's all of that he's got the whole package and he's doing just gonna get better tremendous performance by Trinidad via and interpreter let's see what he has to say to Larry Merchant all right thank you Jim congratulations Tito you usually don't start this fast what was there about your opponent that you saw such opportunity get to within two ponente get a saw and posad de semana de go Rosario mechanism karate me temprano mmm let's say Rojo you know he actually he broke up with me because my good in the air around it he seemed to be very strong when he came out he was circling around just waiting for an opportunity what did you see that gave you that opportunity a little button to quit tailgating a primeras a to-do list with an underweight up another load for but I put it in traveler the Common Era k2 we say Yeol oportunidad de poder optical diamond Eric attakathi baramos oh yeah Provo cheddar momento que tenia moving on everywhere health I took on another of the opportunity that I had in the first round my conditioning is very good what has it meant to you moving from welterweight to junior middleweight que quiero ser para t2 read Alice in 2011 hora he also introduced you want to quadro know Asia tour tempo saw you in super well tell ya Kiki was in the moving I feel very good at this way I'm a super welterweight I feel very good very comfortable this way are you satisfied with the opportunities at this way rather than the much talked about rematch with De La Hoya to top masa de pecho NSF Aneta peso okay no tratando de karate yo holla romantic juan de la hoya Josiah's using underwater lira co catawampus only up a camera penguin holy agua window I'm a hundred I'm 154 pounds if after the Hawaii wants to come up to my way that's fine so be it alright just tell us what your impression is of Fernando Vargas and your thoughts about coming to that fight later this year Canada gonna see em - yeah hey Fernando Vargas is an empanada que viene I don't know why grandpa at all to go you know what I mean chuckling but oh yeah in a repo a differente but one company oh he's a great fighter I'm a very good friends of his but in the ring is something different thank you very much again congratulations go ahead yes Tito see Jeremy la persona que que pueden la rural' need Oh Derek a páramo consumer a super - Rico la casilla para moto but your ego she's talking about a child in Puerto Rico that was kidnap and he's hoping that whoever whoever has that child for eternal Tamika Romeo Zulu banana Puerto Rico kangaroo and just like salvations - people in Puerto Rico and French know what happened under mr. Fernandez wasn't wasn't a phenomena it was this was this fight in Miami everything you had hoped for in terms of the greeting you had from your fans esta pelea in Miami welcome to pensaba de la manera que los fanáticos de puta Boyan develop a logo symbol of oil in here knows exactly esta noche para por el momento yeah the fans here in Miami are great and they were show that we're here go to support me thank you again okay Jim all right thank you very much Larry now think of this one as an extended trainwreck it started in round one when Trinidad landed the left hook uppercut combination that busted up mama Dukey arms right eye young compromised through the rest of the action in round 2 Keon came out aggressively at the beginning of the round and actually rock Trinidad back with a right but then when Felix began to target the left hand again in the third minute of round two he again put the arm in terrible difficulty and by the middle of round three Fiamma realized there was nothing he'd be able to do to stop Trinidad's left hand power and he walked to the referee and asked that the combat be stopped at that point at the risk Georgia putting undue pressure on Fernando Vargas because he has to win another fight against Ross Thompson before he can get to the possible match up the trinidad on December 2 we've seen what Trinidad can do now at 154 pounds Vargas is a fighter who can punch but he can also boxing moves he showed in his great win against Ike Quartey would bar Gus have to fight against Trinidad the same kind of plan that De La Hoya fought against him for the first eight rounds at 147 none at all Vargas can stand with him he's got big shoulders he's strong as a matter of fact you go steal some of Turner that boxing Vargas I think that Vargas stands the greater chance because the strength of his body he's a true one he's a middleweight for sure I can't wait to see it now you made me more excited than ever George oh yeah it's gonna be strange and interesting and I'm gonna have a lot of fun as matter of merchants wife told me to let's hope it takes place and Larry merchants wife is among the millions who now look forward to some upcoming sports programs right here on HBO so Patricia if you're watching these are what they are August 5 it's the next edition of HBO's new boxing series KO nation this show will come to you from Madison Wisconsin where hometown hero Eric Morrell attempts to win the flyweight title from champion sworn fish i boost new rochonc HBO a heart and soul of boxing also if you missed it check out our latest installment up when it was a game in disturbed documentary viewers will once again be taken back to the time when fans had special bonds with their heroes with names like Gibson Mays mantle and Aaron when it was a game 3 with its exclusive home movies playing in July on HBO tune in August 17 for another HBO Sports documentary ali-frazier one nation divisible we'll examine what may have been the most anticipated sporting event of the last half century and you'll see both men as fighters and as symbols of America's fractured society in the 60s and early 70s Ali versus Frazier One Nation divisible coming next month to HBO and we bring it back to ringside in Miami we told you our website question this evening who do you think is the best 154 pounds I tur not terribly surprisingly given of course that you as an audience are interested in Felix Trinidad or you wouldn't be here and off the performance we just saw printed out the overwhelming winner in that poll question 49 percent 28 percent picking Shane Mosley if he moves up to 154 pounds as the best of the group and of course later on this evening you can chat live with a hundred and fifty-four pound champion Fernando Vargas as he waits to stake his title against Trinidad 154 pounds idol a little bit later on this year it's no secret what we're working on here we're talking about four terrific fighters within seven pounds of each other de LOI and Mosley at 147 trinidad and vargas at 154 of course it's reminiscent of the situation we had in the 1980s when the four truly great fighters wound up matching against each other a total of nine times first it was Ray Leonard against Tommy Hearns beginning the whole enterprise on September 14 1981 then later Hagler against Iran and among the four fighters as I mentioned they produced nine big matchups during the decade including the unforgettable three rounds of mayhem in Hagler Hearns and of course Ray Leonard's incredible comeback win over Marvelous Marvin Hagler by controversial decision April 6 1987 well we've already kicked it off among these four last year Oscar De La Hoya taking on Felix Trinidad at 147 pounds controversial decision to Trinidad De La Hoya had already beaten Ike quarte a to set up that fight Fernando Vargas got a huge win over quarte a earlier this year to put himself into the four fighter sweepstakes along with De La Hoya Trinidad and Shane Mosley who on June 17 scored a dramatic split decision win over Oscar in their fight in Staples Center George when you have four fighters in a situation like this a difficult is it for them to focus on their own careers and not pay attention to what the other three guys are doing all full difficult as a matter of fact you get out there and you thinking about I've got to look better each time I get out then delahoy yeah then shane mosley the next thing you know you don't have a career of your own shut it out tinder your own business and I think that whoever does that is gonna be the one standing in the last easier said than done but the one who has had amazing focus throughout his whole career is Trinidad he's shown that Trinidad has always been the best kept secret in the world now he's the world champion and there's no secret that's right no secret anymore and Larry merchants of course you experienced all of those great matchups among the four stars of the 80s what are your thoughts now as you look forward to a possible repeat of that scenario well the Stars have to be aligned and in that case you had Sugar Ray Leonard who took part in most of those fights and he was the big box office draw and sort of made that happen but when I'm reminded of when watching the champion tonight Felix Trinidad is that you have to be careful what you wish for in boxing because there made me something better out there you remember six months ago only everybody was talking about a rematch of a kind of mediocre fight Trinidad vs dela Hoya Trinidad moves up to 154 and what do you have he beats David Reath De La Hoya has to fight Mosley Mosley wins there's a rematch in score Trinidad is now going to fight Vargas we could get a rematch out of that we could get in the next three or four years a whole series of great fights so once again be careful what you wish for in boxing there may be something better out there and indeed our next appearance here will be August 19 we'll talk about more than that in just a moment in addition of course we'll be back with more on what happened in the ring let's look ahead to some other programs here on HBO [Music]
Channel: Jay Seklow
Views: 54,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z_hpLcAesjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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