Oscar De La Hoya vs Felix Trinidad

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some of the biggest bouts of all time have been staged right here in Las Vegas Nevada but according to the boxing establishment tickets for tonight's Dilla Joya Trinidad fight have been the toughest to get in this city's history and folks that includes matchups like homes and Cooney Hagler Leonard Leonard Burns and Tyson Holyfield so it is no wonder that here at the Mandalay Bay Events Center a packed house of more than 12,000 fans some having paid scalpers up to $7,000 a ticket this fight has generated thirteen and a half million dollars the largest non heavyweight Gate in boxing history celebrities here it is indeed a star-studded affair Jack Nicholson Jim Lampley friend and superstar dr. J the original highlight Bell John Elway Magic Johnson on hand Charles Barkley from the basketball world big fans indeed there's Elway back-to-back Super Bowl title winner Shaq olio hopefully he's not what a box pack rally coach of the Miami Heat and the list goes on and on Andre Agassi and Steffi Grob all here because they love boxing ed Norton Kirstie Alley Catherine zeta-jones and of course Michael Douglas one half and now the other half of the hottest duo in Hollywood Sylvester Stallone and Billy Crystal Oscars host extraordinaire Brad Pitt and Ed Norton as you all know involved in a current release of purply entitled The Fight Club and good evening once again everyone I'm James Brown and we thank you for joining us for TV Kayo's presentation of championship boxing my co-host tonight boxing's only undisputed champion considered by many to be the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world light heavyweight champion Roy Jones the moment of reckoning is almost here let me put you on the spot now size up the fighters strengths and weaknesses in who you like well I think Oscar De La Hoya's strength is in the fact that he's been through this numerous of times before therefore he's going to have patience be selective about what pushes he throws and I go out there and let his girls show early Felix Trinidad on the other hand has to go out there and not be so aggressive he has to be aggressive but he can't be so aggressive until he spills his beans and shows Oscar everything that he has cause if he does that then it may be a long night for him we talked about oscar being somewhat of a chameleon he can adjust his style Trinidad only knows one way to fight which style will prevail tonight in your mind I know Trinidad is going to car think he's going to be relentless if the bike goes late I'm looking for Trinidad relentlessness to be a key factor in his fight because he will not let up if he ever gets into the fight so Oscar has to try to keep tinted and out of out of the fight completely because if he doesn't it'll come back to hunt him down the land in the early part of the fight though I think I have to lean more towards Oscar because he's smart he's very selective with his punches and he throws big bombs they have a lot of shock on him De La Hoya has acknowledged he does not very often listen to his corner I think his instincts are pretty good we'll find out how good they are tonight let's take you back downstairs to Jim Lampley all right JB we said at the beginning of the evening that it was a privilege now as the moment arrives it feels at least in this heart like an even bigger privilege than was anticipated so Larry Merchant in this sport whose public relations are constantly at stake it is thought on the part of many that it's important significant somehow for the sports biggest crossover star its biggest public icon Oscar De La Hoya to win is that true yes but again maybe not yes because Oscar De La Hoya attracts non-believers into the boxing foe but no because every great fighter found out that it's what you do after you lose that really counts when you look back at your career should the the other fighter happened to win the fight tonight what would happen well we know that Trinidad status would rise he would have a rematch with De La Hoya there were to be other mega showdowns down the road that is the nature of the game but what boxing truly needs tonight is a fight that lives up to or even exceeds the very high expectations for this fight it could also it would also be nice if we got a decision that was just in the end which may be asking too much of this sorted but beautiful beautiful sport we've been waiting a long time while this fight cooked Jim it's a beautiful souffle now we get to taste it and at this point it is impossible to discipline yourself not to ask for both the moon and the stars because we know that it's possible final word before they come into the ring from the sports other major crossover star George Foreman George what must each man do to win Trinidad he's done he's gotten here by being himself going forward throwing bum after bum let the 12-round stop him if he continues to do that he can be successful Oscar De La Hoya is got to throw left jab moving to the left left jab moving to the right J up all night and set things up and do not become a stationary target alright let's hear the national anthem of the United States of America from Latino singing star John Sakata but everyone please remain standing as we honor America with the star-spangled banner to be performed by a very special guest here this evening at the Mandalay Bay ladies and gentlemen international recording star mr. Jon Secada oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we [Music] leather - aye lastly whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight or the red Burt we were so good [Music] [Music] [Applause] that our flag was still there [Music] Lucy does a star-spangled banner [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tail up the tape down for the most anticipated non heavyweight showdown of this decade Oscar De La Hoya and Felix Trinidad are less than three months apart in age less than a half inch apart in height they weighed in equally at 147 De La Hoya believes that it is to his advantage that he has gained only 5 pounds since the weigh-in as opposed to the 9 pounds gained by Trinidad our measurement shows a three inch reach advantage for De La Hoya we have seen other measurements which differ from that but that's what we got with our tape punch stat numbers Larry these numbers may surprise some people these fighters despite their reputations as terrific offensive fighters don't throw a lot of punches in the ring this is against three common opponents Camacho Carr and Whitaker they are measured assassins look at how often they jab roughly the same rules of the belt with our unofficial ringside scorer Harold Lederman he Oscar De La Hoya Felix Trinidad right is scheduled for 12 rounds using the Unified Rules in the association of boxing commissions there is no stay of the gate count no three knockdown rule only the referee can stop the fight and if you have to say better billing [Applause] given the choice between entering the ring last or choosing the gloves Felix Trinidad Jose Reyes gloves so he comes in first now to the accompaniment of the music of a couple of fellas named Fat Joe and Big Pun they are in the rain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is Felix Trinidad father right in front of him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crowd fills every available inch of space in the arena this is an exceptionally lengthy walk in as the result you can see with your own eyes Trinidad and his surrounding entourage limited to a step four so at a time as they gradually make their way in [Music] Trinidad's founder geeking over his left shoulder his trainer renowned for his dictatorial control of his son's career here in Las Vegas he has for the most part fielded his son from media they are a private group [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and you get a sense from looking at Felix's eyes that suddenly it all comes clear to him how big this is how different it is from everything else he has gone into his career [Applause] in my experience gym fighters like this will show the talent the ambition have sustained it for a long time usually live up to the moment at the moment they are stalled [Applause] [Music] unbelievable that security forces in this arena have not been able to make the walkway for the fighter to get to the ring there could be no higher priority beyond public safety then that Trinidad makes into the ring where are they does anybody see anyone this is like the ultimate traffic jam in Manhattan gridlocked be a ploy on the side of Trinidad people that keep those new the door and the noise going to an Oscar De La Hoya for coming out last Trinidad is not upset about it at all do you think that this foot created distraction for dello it seems like the Trinidad show is going on out here for the longest and he may be on what you call a co-star if he does remember when Mike Tyson refused to leave his locker room in 1988 prior to his fight with Michael Spinks giving Spinks extra time to think about the confrontation yeah they're loving every minute of it is it staged got different musics of different stage well now the group begins to move as the BP security guards in front of them begin to take control and crowd responds as they see the fighting approach the ring [Applause] thirty-five fights for Felix Trinidad 35 wins thirty by knockout and his record in title fights downright extraordinary it's not only 15 you know with 13 chaos gym all of his title fights have been at welterweight unlike dela boy so now Felix will wait in the ring as De La Hoya will try to get through the same crowd let's see if it moves any more quickly for Oscar [Applause] [Music] [Music] well no apparent traffic jam for del Hoyo for the moment [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I've of the Trinidad delay was a ploy or the security forces somehow figured out in short order how to get it right for Delia Illinois has records eerily similar to that of Trinidad 31 wins 25 by knockout also equipped record in title fights but as Larry merchants laid out quite a number of those title fights in the lower weight classes 130 135 and 140 before he arrived at welterweight in 1997 and now will the official introductions let's go back to ring announcer Michael buffer ladies and gentlemen welcome Thomas agave jurgis bienvenidos Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino of Las Vegas Nevada tonight Boxing Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum and his Top Rank incorporated along with your undisputed undefeated king of beers brewery fresh Budweiser this Bud's for you present world championship boxing the unification bout for the IBF and WBA titles in the welterweight division an event so big it took to will the newest Las Vegas resorts to bring it to you presented in association with the Mandalay Bay Resort Casino and Paris Las Vegas casino resort sanctioned by the Nevada State Athletic Commission Chairman dr. Elias Connell commissioners Blanton Clara no Lorenzo Fertitta dr. Luther man and dr. James made executive director Mark trattman timekeeper at the Bell Jane Broadfoot counting for the knockdown seconds al bison lead position dr. flipped ho man ski ringside positions dr. James wish King dr. Alec apana and dr. Margaret Goodman WPC president Jose Sulaiman supervisor for the WBC John Morris IBF president Robert W Lee's senior supervisor for the IBF Bobby Lee jr. the three judges scoring this belt on a 10-point must system will be Glenn Hamada Bob Lucius and jury Rolf and when the bell rings your referee in charge of the action Mitch Halpern and now ladies and gentlemen yo the Thomas e caballos the time has arrived for the ultimate confrontation 12 rounds of boxing for the welterweight championship over the world are you ready vamanos están listos from Holly Bay Resort and Casino of Las Vegas for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world ladies and gentlemen Damas acaba yellos [Music] introducing first in the blue corner the resin thomas primero wearing white and weighing in at 147 pounds he brings a perfect professional record to this ring 35 pounds 35 victories including thirty knockouts with eight ko is in the very first round 27 knockouts and five or less he has been a world champion for six years plating and 15 world title belts 13 ended by knockout and he has faced six world champions tonight he puts it all on the line tonight he looks for victory and in glory ladies and gentlemen here is the reigning and defending undefeated IBF welterweight champion of the world Damas Y Caballeros fake to pay off to Bertolli co-present Hamels Haley and across the ring fighting out of the red corner wearing blue with white he also weighed in at 157 pounds in nineteen and now as a professional he has a perfect record consisting of 31 butts 31 victories with 25 victories by knockout 22 of those knockouts coming in 5 rounds or less since March of 1994 he has consecutively held four World Championships 14:19 world title belts 14 ending by knockout and he has faced 12 world champions tonight he also puts it all on the line in his quest for victory and glory from East LA he is the time [Applause] Felicity ever-present immerse them in you they all grow the golden boy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Felix Trinidad does not have a mouthpiece it's astonishing that after all of that lengthy walk to the ring they could delay in trying to find a mouthpiece in the corner and you begin to get the impression that Trinidad wants to stall and force De La Hoya to lose his warm-up before the fight begins you would think that but his father seemed to be in surprise about it too now they take time to rub Trinidad's body in the corner I don't think there's any question they're stalling somebody there's a mouthpiece missing and they've got a scavenger hunt outside the ring looking for one they've all been celebrating this fight somebody forgot to do his job [Applause] meanwhile De La Hoya who was lathered up in his dressing room earlier looks extraordinarily dry so Oscar goes back into his corner and begins to move again to try to get the warm-up back Harold Lederman tells us that the fighter is required to come to the ring with two mouthpieces so the Trinidad corner has misplaced not one but two of them this way may pump a new rule that the commissioners are going to supervise the mouthpieces from this point on maybe somebody picked somebody's pocket while they were having that long walk to the ring towards making a steak but I think the crowd they're so excited about being here and the people at home they don't even man to a crescendo there they go back to the dressing room we believe this is a security guard carrying a mouthpiece for the Trinidad corner they please were younger fighters and experienced fighters who might theorize that it would bother somebody I don't think anybody will remember this but every time you see you think you've seen everything in boxing somebody does something like this well were they stalling or did they omit the big Pike we've been talking to talk now it's here they've got to fight the fight an unusually vigorous touching of gloves between two fighters who seem to like each other less and less every day one begins la hoya moving immediately De La Hoya is going to keep his motion left and right make Trinidad reach out for everything he gets and at the same time Trinidad has got to close the distance they look for one good shot to keep him hurt every round sit him back to his Kona washes start Trinidad doing most of the punching De La Hoya blocking the punches with his gloves and to the dad made oh we all made a mistake by around death delahoy to get into his rhythm we don't want him to do it you should charge him and make him get off with him and find it in the level round maybe the second or third round Felix is known to be a slow starter and the overwhelming majority of his knockdowns the times he has been knocked down by opponents it has happened in the second round and their delegate gets in a little left hook left hook his first landed blow Trinidad's got a lot of respect because in see Oscar De La Hoya is a record of knockout you just can't charge in and he's been a little reluctant at this time it's like a rattlesnake and a pope was sizing each other up for now someone's got this thought to fight disease Finnish Trinidad has done it Trinidad much more willing to let his hands go and indentify the fight [Applause] nabela Joya dictated when he moved and when he stopped this is not good for Trinidad you've got a dick dictate when he stops back in the tour up and make him throw shots short with his first attempted big laptop [Applause] neither fighter has established the jab Trinidad now starting to fire it with much greater frequency loa is still blocking it with his lugs locked again bellow how you move to his left and then back to the right to make Trinidad pick up his feet and start all over again until that way you can't saying that they believe Trinidad has trouble with a fighter who goes side to side Larry Mertzon says hey everybody does now Oscar's back in the Trinidad up without even thrown a punch justice big shoulder with [Music] [Applause] put through the top of De La Hoya's head but by far the more authoritative punches in the first round he longed to deloria 20 dad throw then we got the first month up to the body by and you can believe Oscars going to try to pay him back for that tactic around any question how much respect these two guys have for each other [Applause] Spanish is spoken in the corners our translator is Wade Torres you're doing well Oscar he's gonna set you up even the other end your room is gonna be outside work work nicely and make sure your jabs all right they've been sleeping better by doing yeah babies are taking care of everything jab will come in and everything overfill you got better posture has been programmed to Friday smart conservative flight choosing the times to engage and he did that in the first round yeah but how conservative can you get they lawyer through only 19 punches a round number one Trinidad throwing only 34 lol landing and about tie rate 6 out of 19 the 7 out of 34 for Trinidad Felix obviously wants to be more aggressive in the second round and he begins to fire with both hands good left jab now starting to connect by Oscar De La Hoya he would give him to a jab in match believe me Oscar's gonna get the best of it because his is stiffer sooner dad is off to the saddle a bit with the south of his arm left hand [Applause] wasn't strong Trinidad off more than anything is the size of Oscar De La Hoya's shoulder Wow they're massive for that way so you don't expect you something a wonderful guy who I'm going to beat him up and then the city's thick shoulders it makes you stop their lawyer moving to his left seemingly wants to lure Trinidad in jail are you telling us yesterday I want him to come at me I want to make a Miss I want to make him pay it's discount $5.00 are you whenever it gets into a jabbing that you can believe Trinidad doesn't want it like that dad just a shade off with the right hand flip del away his here rather than the pound against the side of his head Tito Tito Oscar's gotten to get flat-footed a little bit that Louie is splitting his hands and landing that cab through Trinidad's gone right hand lands for De La Hoya food that jabs got channa dance bleeding in the nose already [Applause] Oscar bouncing through most of the first two rounds he said that he would box box box so far he's mixing it up a little bit moving bouncing jabbing and occasionally throwing the power plot of Trinidad is extremely good because his right hand goals are almost like a jab it gets right back into the station again good left hook by Trinidad his most authoritative punch so far and the mother oscar has not thrown one good left hook yet so he's got something in reserve to catch him neither man has gone to the body with the exception of the one landed body punch in the first round I Felix Trinidad and you wonder when Delaware will try to dig his left hook to the body hey Louis said his right hand would be a bigger factor he lands another right cross their train of dad follows with the right hand of his own straight right hand put to the body not the right hand by De La Hoya death of your mother energy all right you think this happened in the Jessica the plot is nothing let's put some gas poor son don't worry deeply but it's nothing you got him the job is getting to him [Music] earlier in the round to the dead left hook right to the mouth of Delaware late in the round late flurry that might have won the round for De La Hoya Compu box numbers in round 2 de LOI 11 of 39 Trinidad 5 of 35 Oscar has landed more successfully in each of the first two rounds and again round three begins with respect as the watchword both men seem anxious not to make a mistake George and Trinidad is really trying to load up whenever he's stiff moved to left or right the lawyer moves his feet very wide Trinidad had problems with bleeding in an old Pernell Whitaker had the same nosebleed coming from Trinidad you get the sense that Oscar is watching Trinidad's right hand and trying to time it for a counter left hook now Trinidad sticks his jab up the middle and lands a left hook that's the way you want to send your opponent back to his corner this is forward more about his nose and instructions any dad starting to feel his way in seeking to be more aggressive little half-steps trying to cut down the distance between himself and a lawyer you gotta clear dad's got to find his left foot right in the middle of Oscar De La Hoya's if that was you there and left hook to the body by Trinidad as the crowd briefly chanted tico-tico the only thing I've ever seen Trinidad show you so much respect for an opponent certainly up to now the waves move I'm not sure I'm seeing Oscar De La Hoya show so much respect excuse me double jab at this point about that lawyer I meant go ahead my band I think it's true both fighters Larry yeah it's absolutely true sometimes you with so much at stake and so much respect between fighters we get this kind of intense tactical fight why do you get the impression they both read the papers they know what they're facing Oscar's able to keep moving like that without any difficulty because sooner that is not landing in a good body specs Oscar landed a right hand lead Trinidad doubled up on the jab now fires another damping back by the 1/2 [Applause] Oscar jabbing Trinidad back [Applause] this turns into a jamming contest I'll tell you a skedaddle aria is going to get the best of it you don't want to turn into that the ring Trinidad looking for an opportunity to come back Dale away it wasn't their superior movement in the first three rounds for Oscar De La Hoya good jab whenever Trinidad's bowels down a little bit Oscar hits him with his left jab and as the great clothes know how to do to my eyes at least Delaware winning the fight with his feet so far Oscar listen to me listen to me relax relax okay you're taking up two schools you're giving them a boxing lesson man venison is fancier make sure you maintain the distance we need that distance you still a little wide open with a left hook okay you know more careful little more finesse deeper you haven't go to the body you need to get to the body my ears deceived me did Felix Trinidad senior ask his son to be more careful and show more finesse how much more careful could he have been in the first three rounds in the third then all I meant by copyof ox numbers 20 of 53 Trinidad 10 out of 33 Harold [Applause] sitting that terribly hottest core Karina nothing 32:27 Oscar De La Hoya he's landed the cleaner after the death Wilson and he walks into bunches I think Ashley's doing a real hotshot beautiful ring generalship good clean punching Oscar wins on those two points I had the first round even us for winning the next two right hand by De La Hoya and if there's an early surprise offensively its de LOI his ability to land his right hand what John said earlier but all oscar has to do is just wait on that lazy left hand about Oscar Trinidad pull that right in whenever he does it connect a bargain oranges right [Applause] and of his own only when Oscar gets a little lazy and drops his left hand and stands around you got a cute jabbing nobody's perfect George not in this arena somebody's got to get a punch through sometime lasted as long as he keeps his jab out that he's probably surprised and he can win this fight with his left hand he's won every other fight with his left hand George he's mean with his left jab left jab now Trinidad becomes the aggressor and begins to take over with combinations De La Hoya trying to jab him back and create more distance between them again Trinidad steps now Hyundai has found his range because the hospital let him get a little closer without the Jews in the jail we've got to keep jabbing a few Oscar De La Hoya and Trinidad you just got to keep moving power Candela William moves like this for 12 rounds he's conditioned title upstairs for the big one the leather has begun to find round four damn just missed with the right hand they Lohia blocking the trinidad right to know that his aim and he's even looking at Oscars body we shouldn't look down just throw the punch trinidad out boxed in the first three rounds but making his relentless pressure begin to work for him in round number four all within the left jab before take effect because and it hit you in the top of the head their last designed of start to take juice out of your back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise your hands up raise your arm I know my nose it's a little bloody normally they don't want you blowing your nose in a boxing match changer hi once in a while the game is starting to get on for Trinidad after the left to the body do those whose own left to the head [Applause] he needs a couple of more rounds like that Trinidad so that Delaware has to stand and fight with him Trinidad begins round five with a big left hook even in round four and which trinidad did so much better delhi out landed him twenty two twelve by copyof box numbers but trinidad with the eight to four edge in power shots De La Hoya scoring mostly with the jab through the first full run [Applause] the fight come to him now start reaching into Trinidad's territory that right hand will scape it touch but it hurts when the bed [Applause] when a dad discovered this is entirely different than fighting renown Whitaker and Hector Comacho opponents against whom he landed half of his power shots it's not that easy to get one in against aloia but he's getting more and more aggressive and making it work for it if he over commits on her right hand though look for Oscar to counter with a big left hook you true that son of jabs that right hand out squad to really counter it just got a stem Talde and threw it double Ted De La Hoya that he moves to his left [Applause] beginning to dispense with the jam using the left of fire hooks and this is what you don't want to be if you ask us stay away from the ropes he does let sleeping dogs lie stay away from away galvanized bride who threat of Trinidad delahoy has been able to maintain his game plan he's using the middle of the Ring perfectly those gams by the way of starting to work against Trinidad as the fight is doing more and more [Applause] snap Trinidad's hit back and let me tell you it hurts because you don't recover it shocks you right quick and leave it on for stuff nice piece of timing by De La Hoya who saw Trinidad drop is left and took it back 20 dad sticks the left this time stalking stalking Trinidad the hunter de loyola the effectively hunted fighting back now Trinidad is taking some of the sting out of an old right hand starting to lay it out there and you don't want to do that with Oscar their lawyer dad misses the right hand again doubled up on the dead tactical boxing match right on the face of Trinidad and another chat right now the best use we've seen go away and make of his right hand in a long time much has been made of the difficult relationship between Oscar and his father to Al de la hoya Joelle was in training camp three times to visit his son Oscar said that's plenty Joelle told the writer I think he looks great Oscar said I'd like to hear it from him faint and snap that jab looking good Billings heathyr you need to put some pressure hand city boy Delaware's stopping long enough to throw a left a straight right followed by another left many dad's left eye is swelling he is blinking a lot his left eyes beginning to give him a lot of trouble and George you mentioned and when he tell a fighter not to blow us know should never blown his nose that's automatically comes with the puffiness of the eye and all of a sudden Trinidad's left eye is swelling dramatically Delaware was a left hook to the body Trinidad comes back with the left upstairs Oscar's got his excess bounce on his feet he's in control when you see Oscar silence left-right combination by an increasingly dominant bellow you know delahoy you start to even get a cur with his right hand now era Letterman giving that last round to Trinidad I think I would have given as Oscar on the big right hands you know Oscar Nez moving around and he's the puncher although he's reluctant who can't follow a punch around today I just starting to do that he hits you you keep coming and he's going to hit you again eventually it's going to best of you [Applause] whose father in the punch around by picking up gun foot then picking up the other [Applause] Trinidad perhaps feeling a sense of urgency as his left thigh swells stepping in and firing combinations [Applause] [Music] start loading up this early [Applause] keep a little respect oscar delhi you should keep a new respect for trinidad [Applause] [Music] hard right hand the right hand has been a big weapon for Oscar De La Hoya here and under the Trinidad camp called him a one-handed fighter Oscar moves to the left and stop till dead rocks right into him he moved to a right till there walks right into him [Applause] if you will about Oscar throw something at our town crowd wants more action any of them not appreciating that they're seeing a superb boxing match sooner then is that done in his painting you gotta face with your left or your right place with your right for you left he hasn't done any of them 20 dad misses three times with the left hand make it four bellowing sticks over the rights [Applause] Trinidad backing away from the left but then Delaware sticks it in his face big round here for Oscar good right hand to left by fellow Lea and another right hand Lance gotta be a tremendous story for Oscar De La Hoya [Applause] by these twelve rounds there's nothing happened yet we still have a long way to go let's be calm we some water they made a Hollinger scooches what lessons in Aspen and impatient De La Hoya wants to get back to the action in round six by copy of ox numbers he landed 29 of 55 punches Trinidad who's accustomed to landing half his punches is landing at a 27 percent rate Aloha is up at 41 percent very close to his customary 42 so it's Oscars fight so far as we go into the seventh Oscar is Florida batter as well as he could fight in the first half of that play excuse me Larry if he can sustain it the victory will be his Herald how do you have it through six I thought he heard the 10 second woman and try to steal their ever-living couple of their shots but basically if the Trinidad won the fifth because who's busier the race Oscar De La Hoya I have it for one and one to Bella would I would not be surprised if there are judges at ringside who have it five belongs I wouldn't be surprised if one had a five to one for Trinidad what you saying is nothing that's surprising though of course you're the man who lost to Shannon Briggs George but you know that Oscar is doing a good job making [Applause] keeping his hands up but that left jab has done all the damage I have to assume that the boos are being directed at De La Hoya by the Trinidad fans who want to see Oscar stand and fight instead of moving away from their man's shots Trinidad has tried so hard to get a knockout you should not have gone in that fashion you should try to get in and just get some punches here another sharp right hand by Bella was just a tiny bit for Trinidad does damage with the left hook the left jab [Applause] Illinois you're making Trinidad miss what is frequently making impact well the picture you get presumably from out there among the fans is one man dancing around the ring and the other man chasing him there's a natural inclination to think one guy's trying to not not to fight and the other guy is trying to fight that's not true he's making it work you know there's an old saying in boxing you in this fight you look sensational in the next one just trying to win this right it's throwing just as many punches this Trinidad is choosing when to stand his ground and rallying and moving away all but that's superior conditioning the footwork the boxing [Applause] turn that poles up and doesn't throw a shotgun he keeps digging Oscar's gonna stop and it doesn't happen effective combination by De La Hoya try to below the right Lance [Applause] the minute Trinidad right there [Applause] what stick around don't get out of your concentration you need to focus you can't keep working the same Li dude you did good [Applause] I get blue we gotta be fast I good woman I gotta take a look at that punch after the Bell [Applause] Oscar stops catches a little jab to the whiskers Stein experienced fighter like Oscar should have had his hand up by copy of ox numbers Oscar through 71 punches more than doubling Trinidad's output of only 33 they're booing Delia because when he moves this effectively Felix can't find it till that had no idea that Oscar could be so dynamic he's moving left he's moving right and he closed the jab whenever he wants swelling right eye is now her left eye I should say is now under control left click over the top the Trinidad not able to get the leverage into his punches that he's accustomed to getting Oscars doing too much moving by the time he sent Oscars in another position [Applause] Oscar stands and flurries with the left comes back with a straight run and another right hand right down the Trinidad unable to stop Oscar De La Hoya's right cross you look for something unexpected that's it left to the body it's helping lots of all but a good right hand hospital lawyer said yeah Oscar setting up the left are setting up his right hand with the left I get the sense Jim and joy that Oscar sinks at to today is weakening and then he him straight forward more than he has before whether he's right or wrong remains to be seen but he seems to think so would be a fatal mistake like lightweight they're standing and fighting because he moves sooner dad gets the idea that he's not a puncher can never forget though he's moving and all his tolls ask us the best power puncher and that weight dimension what he's showing his great self-discipline Ogawa ho he moves he moves he stops he throws three or four punch combination and he gets right out of there before trinidad can respond Trinidad has to now start to really make some desperate moves to change the rhythm of this fight otherwise he'll be out of it he can't keep fighting this way because he's losing put that left jab just bends his neck back back and back and was like a pool in the matador the malodorous Dixon and he continuously plots in you don't want that but at this point Trinidad has to continue nice left hook into the dead and Oscar even nodded to him as if to say that was a good punch but it's one punch and around in which delahoy [Applause] of combinations and we'd see what happens when Ocotillo is the with Felix Trinidad [Applause] there has been the difference in what delahoy has done tonight war straight right hands he's always been considered a left-handed fighter with his jab his hook his uppercut and he's used his right hand more than we've seen before and here is the jab which is kept Trinidad off-balance unable to counter I've not seen a welterweight that active and with that good enough jab no no no copy box numbers on the tabs to the round eight Lu Han Felix I mean Oscar De La Hoya off his stool very early you know everybody has spent a lot of energy looking back at burns and Leonard and comparing this fight to that one certainly as a great promotion as a fight everybody was looking forward to with tremendous anticipation was there but the fight itself has been drained of its drama so far by De La Hoya an expert you got a left jab you can keep the drum out of it he simply been too good in round eight copy box numbers they lawyer you 30 out of 64 20 bad 15 out of 39 another big round without the lyrically at least read lol that's better keep his right hand up when he bowels down Oscar can see it a little engine he throws Berlinetta Oscar [ __ ] shut it down buddy back upstairs glass is too big a word for what Estela we have piles up the point now Trinidad with the right hand just not enough of them there's a big power shot by Felix any old most pins bill away in the corner well when you're doing that good as that are you is you don't mind you got the awesome shock because you've got your eye on him and you know exactly what he can't do it's like a sparring match at this place and as De La Hoya has decided to shorten the distance between himself and Trinidad Trinidad has now gotten the chance to land some of his bigger shots he's landed bigger punches in this round and had been the case for four or five rounds partially blocked Felix talking again trying to trap hello in the corner Oscar's feet still moving around [Applause] away from the land what defensive skill is on display since those early flurries hasn't done anything further Ladd has taken a lot of the power out of his clutches and they didn't get more every this is a hitman fight but go ahead then a dad chasing chasing Landing some of his power shots in the taking combinations in return another right on the face of felix those right hands don't carry the power of his left hand but trinidad has been able to deal with the left hand though his left hook he hasn't been ready for the straight right hand the straight right hands look good on the floor guys whether they do damage or not [Applause] or energy as the round comes to a close Trinidad peasant round in a while but was it enough La Hoya has simply shown more versatility round 10 coming up smooth side to side sad to say Tasker you gotta listen to you time control you gotta fight you got to fight make sure you want the record a lot of punches in this round but the most dramatic punches were landed by him which could be the difference in the scoring I think on everybody's scorecard here Felix Trinidad is going to have to do something dramatic and do it soon to turn this around he spends in front of Oscar not moving his head and sticks in with that stiff left jab Oscar De La Hoya has had two knockouts past the ninth round in his career he looks splendid out only one is against Anthony Stephens that starts the rally insert of the knockout he would appear to need to up and Oscar De La Hoya Harold how do you have it through hon Jim six rounds to three 87-84 Oscar they won't layer boxing beautifully ethnic village for the businessman shop and I don't expect and that's going to be in front of them than that but you know he asked her eight there asked his blooming beautifully that's range Allison they have the great shots thank that's Katsidis burn beautifully job by asking them away so far at least the three-point lead I have it six rounds to two and one England my copy box numbers De La Hoya threw more landed 27 punches to only 16 for Trinidad Trinidad's were the heavier blows [Applause] sooner that is jabbing with this right hand now it's not any power it doesn't care he's trying to land something's trying to load up with a ruffle it missus all night getting prepared for it and then it misses it's desperation time [Music] the trinidad knows it and so does delahoy and when you're desperate like that for few round the judges are watching it and they think that you're in control the body trying to take some of Trinidad power away as Felix tries to rally down the stretch Oscar lands a little left hook and then steps away timid em who's doing everything he should do Oscars just not making it dad comes back with a left to the body hey lawyer Perry's him off with the jab what I find so interesting is that Bella who have made his reputation through most of his fights as a warrior here he is a boxer in his biggest fight Oscar De La Hoya has had a pattern of swelling under the left eye in the past couple of years it happened against Oba Carr tonight as Trinidad's right [Applause] right uppercut Trinidad comes back to the straight right hand and they trade punches as the [Applause] no more rounds like these okay [Applause] I don't feel as good okay I box the next two rounds that's what you need two more rounds that's it then we were home bottom line the worst thing is over now now it's your fight he's finished we gotta take him now Twitter - with a 24:15 edge in power shots in round 10 he looks his dad slapping him between rounds as if to say wake up come on the time is now I'm knocked lol can't wait you got to do what you're gonna do if you're trinidad you can't stop and look at what you're gonna do like getting closer on Harold Lederman's card Trinidad still with a mathematical chance to draw there or to win if he could get a two-point round and told him to box but he should have said jab and box don't try to win the fight by just are saved in the fight try to win the fight [Applause] you heard Robert Alcazar tellin fox foxfox Oscar is just running now he's not fighting back at all so far he's used his legs so much tonight [Applause] both fighters claiming a force that they train more for this fight and for any other fight in their career both fighters probably in fact did just that [Applause] saturday is looking for a knockout you got a look at just land forget about the knockout I'm gonna throw lots of punches if your Trinidad the knockout will come get you connect but it's hard to throw punches at a moving target that's what's happening tonight for ten and a half so reducing his Oscars they always been the one to close the show now he's trying to close the show by guaranteeing a victory for himself simply by staying away from Trinidad well let's see what his instincts lead him to do in round 12 Trinidad with the right hand to the body hello you're moving away jabbing trying to do just enough to keep Felix off of him giving away the round now they lure you back but still it's Trinidad throwing the bigger thunder you don't want to stop and let that puncher hit you with anything Mosca's got to make him respect him will something hard his poor anything there's not an edifying go away the way he's caught this round not what his a fans have expected from him and it gets him off the it's a fight that Oscars gonna have to fight you man won't be able to just postal pick three minutes to go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] after 3 min under pressure you just listen they thought you got a bridge ahem [Music] [Applause] you can feel the scorecards narrowing as well 12 begins Harold Lederman how do you have it going into the last frame 105 104 6 rounds to 5 Oscar De La Hoya the gym the question is can you win a fight runner the way Tino Trinidad to control the despite bound line sweat my 10 and 11 he's gathering round 12 to at least pull out a draw I have Glasper ahead by a little bit more than that six four and one this fight to the side [Applause] Oscar's gotta hit him make him respect him and pull it out that way well we've talked and talked about the home-court factor the question of whether Tito Trinidad can get a decision against Oscar De La Hoya [Applause] seems to be evaporating now a lot of this is fatigue and not the power today and Oscar still moving well if you choose to fight this kind of play the fatigue resetting now he's fighting a fight he had to fight [Applause] that Galileo has endeared himself the fans here tonight but he probably has endeared himself to the officials and he's endeared himself to his trainers Robert Alcazar and Gil Clancy who begged him for weeks to come in here in box he has followed his plan many questions to be answered after these next 55 seconds fill away I wouldn't want to be a judge tonight judge Glenn Hamada from Washington State touch Jerry Roth from Las Vegas [Applause] [Laughter] in his grave right hand thrown months of anything except for these rare occasions when he stops and rallies and here I'm trying to steal the round where'd you tell me do you think but though has won the fight police caught the rash of around [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I winning the fight six rounds to five and what even my suspicion is we'll get a few more points than that from the judges is exactly my suspicion as well it was not what boxing fans hoped for now will it be what bellowing a hope for Harold what's your final school gym I disagree [Applause] absolutely with that question sweat 9 10 11 and 12 decrease the action he woke up something happened they Laura spectra of bunches village through the dead deserves a draw 114 114 6 rounds of peace there one no even rounds met with decisive bronze one guy who was the other one Oscar Fox beautifully through the first six or so he literally went through it as you went four and five by Felix swept the four rounds decisively at the end of the fight Harold early in the fight you gave around between a dad which I felt was clearly Bella's now let's see if the judges felt the same way in which case it would be a 7 to 5 win for Oscar but not what boxing fans expected or hoped for it was a tactical cautious respect bill boxing match became the attacker only it was clear that he was behind and desperate hallelujah controlled the first half of the fight easily with his boxing did he give that Martin away by failing to fight down the stretch [Applause] Michael buffer has the numbers in his hand maybe go over the budweiser scorecards when hamana scores the bout 114 to 114 he has it even Bob Logie scores the bal 115 to 114 and Jerry Roth scores about 115 to 113 for the winner by majority decision they put the leak [Applause] really [Applause] so that answers the question of whether Felix Trinidad could get a decision against Oscar De La Hoya in Las Vegas yes he could [Music] turn give it away Bella ha you gave it away the last couple around is there for him all he had to do is reach out and puck he let the guy have to fight a tactical error down the stretch by Oscar De La Hoya and Felix Trinidad wins exactly the kind of fight he didn't want to fight a cautious respectful boxing match in which Trinidad takes for the welterweight division [Music] [Applause] and the sudden show of respect between the two fighters after months of disrespect in media [Applause] let's take a look on tape at the reaction of winner and loser to the scores as they were announced that's Trinidad learning that he had won [Applause] and that's De La Hoya discovering that he had lost the first loss in the career of the golden boy while Tito stays unbeaten [Applause] and now Larry Martin is on the ring with the winner thank you thank you very much Jim Tito congratulations did you think that you would be able to overcome the tactics employed in this fight I knew that ask is a great fighter but I had said the will to win I had told everybody the press I was gonna win were you surprised that you were able to get a decision here in Las Vegas which is ask his home turf okay hallelujah Bennigan's a little simpler if I get paid just really going on and I saw psycho Grinnell I came to win I didn't know I'm very humble I don't know if I was gonna win by a knockout or the decision but I figured I would win were you were you frustrated that you were unable to fight your normal fight put your punches together laying some heavy ones be important American food in Paris in Grand Prix all make you know see I gather he said he moves well and he moved too much but my corner told me keep attacking and that's what I did did you feel the desperation as you moved into the later rounds Paris your Kapadia purdell cuando los últimos round no [ __ ] Tommy puso para para la pelea se lo easy you say you trampled a military operation ring a bell not not really I knew was close so what I did after then the later rounds I put a pressure and it came out the best in the world number one the National okay what's our Rico all right will you give us kadoya a rematch I don't allow you can negotiate oh gosh you're no king in Osage Sarah Sarah Graham pelea okay lucky we need to discuss that and then negotiate it with Don King asking deserves a rematch but we need to talk about that Oscar he wants to ask you a question see ya go get Punto Cinco know what it is he has my work that 10 and I have million dollars it's not he's gonna answer me yeah let me say this every fighter tries to say different things to hide themselves up and you know my tactic was to to try to take away his confidence because I knew he's a very confident writer so that was my tactic but uh hey look we can go to dinner right now [Laughter] congratulations kido-san well Emiliano Raven Elia Allen L AM akima at hola muchachos yep eshel oh my sobbing Gandia Melanie Stephanie mi madre y memories are chilly Col Yebra Charoen rhetorical carro man imam hassan al - quiet okay Viva Puerto Rico [Applause] all right Oscar your you seem to be taking this setback extremely well are you really hurting inside you know I know I you know he's a great fighter I thought I put a boxing lesson of my life I mean people were expecting me to Duke it out he's a very strong fighter but I was making them miss and and making them pay and I'm just I'm hurt you're hurting I'm hurt inside emotionally because your plan didn't work my plan didn't work I bet it didn't work but uh hey I mean he's a good fighter he's a great type and I praise him a lot and hopefully we can do it again you made your reputation as a smart warrior tonight the feeling some people will have going away from here is that instead of closing the show the way we've seen you before in big fights that you were protecting a lead and through a fight that you were winning away oh my gosh I thought I had to fight one easy I mean by out boxing them I outclassing them and that's what people didn't see all along in Oscar De La Hoya throw out my last few fights people were people know I'm a warrior I can stay in there with anybody but I wanted to demonstrate a boxing show and I guess it didn't work people in your corner obviously were telling you that what you were doing was working and you believed them right it wasn't working I felt it in my heart that it was working but uh pencil hola todos Americanos amigos ganado pero de vuelta de esto hasta este de modo pero éste Boyet raha palace again thing I'm not translation I just found that I worked hard I'm very sorry all my Mexican fans I love you guys I'll be back if you had to do it all over again I know and I know you would would you stop and trade with him more than you did because you more than held your own when you did trade with him I will know there was no problem but I wanted demonstrate a boxing lesson that's what I wanted and I guess people did in the didn't appreciate that tonight so that when you went out for the so-called championship rounds the eleventh and the twelfth rounds your thought is I won the fight I'm not gonna give this dangerous opponent a chance to turn it around that's exactly what I was thinking I mean he's a very strong fighter I give him all the credit in the world I praise a guy a lot and I was protecting the rounds I had in the bag which were most of the fight but I just want to show what great foot movement I have inside the ring boxing ability counts a lot not just my brawling style where do you go from here Oscar take a vacation I'll be with my family and rethink all this over and we'll see what happens presumably you want a rematch of course definitely people will demand it and I will I guess next time be a brawler thank you very much Jim all right Larry final Compubox numbers and make up these what you will there's no question that punch stat numbers are gaining greater and greater currency and influence in the sport there's also no question they don't always tell the whole story but del Hoyo with an edge of 97 landed punches in total punches landed and he threw a hundred eighty-six more punches than trinidad jabs another category dominated by De La Hoya 143 out of 370 142 out of 144 by Trinidad so where did Trinidad win the fight well here's his edge our punches no that just isn't true De La Hoya landed 124 out of 318 okay I'm not sure what the 12 is De La Hoya landed 124 out of 318 Trinidad 120 out of 277 Felix landing many more power punches down the stretch after Oscar had a big edge in the early rounds George Foreman the two corners in Oscar's corner two voices Robert Alcazar and the legendary Gil Clancy should one or the other of them have reversed his course in the closing rounds well you have to think about this guy used a lot of his energy boxing and moving and he really gave Trinidad a boxing lesson early on takes a lot of energy you don't want to push your fight over the edge I think they did an excellent job there's always tomorrow well but but they did not win a fight well they seem to be functionally in control up you know I would sit down and then look at this fight and say Oscar won the boxing match to it all he had to do was protect his lead and they felt like that too he was ahead he gave this guy a boxing lesson he just coasted of the last couple of rounds and the judges gave it to the other guy would a rematch be more explosive more explosive Oscar will have more to prove and I think that he'll get a knockout this time he will not play around so you're picking del Hoyo to win the rehab tonight knockout because he can do it why he didn't do it tonight I don't know why all right let's take a look at how the three judges scored it round by round and incidentally the final margin comes as two of the three judges gave Trinidad each of the last three rounds but once again the final scores hamato would the fight even Lodge East with Trinidad the winner by a point and raw with the two-point margin and now let's go to our reporter Ricardo Solis in Puerto Rico thank you very much Jim now freely grating sound wonderful the Rick was just incredible all these fans I never loved the Fred in the local boy Felix Tito Trinidad he does really that mother told me yesterday that she sent a special soup not somebody for you to her son to go through God to give more strength and stamina to be taller than oh yeah and you see that's so funny for you really work for Tito Trinidad tonight remember I told in the beginning of the broadcast they're going to have a huge parade tomorrow here in San Juan Puerto Rico to honor the new champion Tito Trinidad no let's go back to James Brown unless I got a bailout all right Ricardo and I'm joined again by Roy Jones and we're let me ask you a question there were many more than just the die-hard boxing fans watching this one tonight and an obvious question how can a fighter lose when he's out connected his opponent well it's simple JB sometimes guys have to understand that Compubox only does a little bit of his job it doesn't explain who's the ring general who's in control of the fight who's Megan if I go the way they wanted to go who's the busier of the of the fight and in your mind that was Trinidad as well get a dad was the aggressor and he kept pushing the pressure pushing the pressure if you win six rounds or you give him six you got a draw fight but it's more likely that they would give him the fight if you gave him the last six because the last six me a little bit more than the first six you think a fresh once we jump out and get a big lead but you give the hunt they can come from behind a lot of credibility because you think that he always has a chance as long as the race is going on so in our mind some time when a guy jumps out too early lead he can coast and protect the rounds and win the fight but you still have to win every other round perfectly is that what
Channel: coachstrout’s classic fights
Views: 1,014,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coachstrout, boxing, boxers, boxeo, boxen, boksning, fights, Boxning, “ボクシング”, “, มวย”, quyền anh, “бокс”, “波形, 권투, “πυγμαχία”, “fighters”, “mma”, “ufc”, “hbo”, “mayweather”, “mcgregor”, “boxe”, oscar de la hoya, felix trinidad
Id: kqGfm0xX0ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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