Felix peak Gen Z energy for 15 minutes straight

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[Music] before the video starts i just want to clarify okay i know that stray kids is a group full of gen z but there's this person called felix who's just on a different level since pre-debut [Music] tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] metallic knife [Music] drop [Music] way [Music] basically i'm saying oh oh foreign [Applause] um would you please care to introduce yourself sure good day mate my name is felix nice to meet you all right phillips nice to meet you sir um i have a question um there's this whole fanship syndrome going on these days how do you feel about that well firstly i'm a huge k-pop fan and also previously i don't even know where to begin and you know hearing this what fanship going on i was like man this is a feeling you know you get to see and do almost everything here and i was like bro this is so good you know what i've got to go see strangers someday straight kids i'm a huge fan of speakers too you're my brother hey hi oh we'll feel like thanks for having me in time with us no worries mike i'll see you later good luck good on you [Music] this song is good smile [Music] i like it [Music] [Music] so i was 13 years old i've been watching this wow oh teens react and so just having to watch it until now i'm just so i'm such an honor on this song i used to listen to it um in my mom's car room room give me mom's car i'm in my mom's car broom broom get out my car that's so old but anyways ciao anyway so let's see i just remember looking outside the window while listening to this song in the car i'm just like vibing to it grab a listen everybody um um [Music] i have to ask you which like what kind of brownie that you prefer is it crunchy or is it gooey or is it oh so um my aim was to make it gooey on the inside but like not too gooey so like when you eat it you know you're not in your mouth and you're like yes [Music] so don't forget to clean what cake pop i didn't know that he was oh it's not raw egg i don't think my friend wouldn't give me [Music] i don't want peace i want problems always cheese [Music] give me that coffee oh [Music] [Applause] oh my that's the good stuff [Music] i'm not happy with the idea that you physically abuse your son i have never laid even one hand on him he's flying bro he bashed [Music] please don't talk in front of the teacher like that he will get me arrested [Music] she [Music] oh oh [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] when was the time you started gaming gaming [Music] in general i feel like game is just a way to discover [Music] never understand [Music] do [Music] so [Music] here's an inside of our stray kids waiting room part one castaways we are castaways ahoy their house we are castaway castaways [Music] [Music] i got spray paint on my fingers but it's all good now performing thundurus i hope you enjoyed [Music] no
Channel: mystay
Views: 787,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: do2MSePPu7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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