Feeling stressed and overwhelmed. This is what's helping me.

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when we talk about stress we often think  that it's caused by big life-changing events   but stress can also be caused by a build-up  of small pressures in life waking up to a   pile of dirty dishes day after day seeing the  junk mail slowly accumulate by the front door   always running out of printer ink and paper when  we're in a time crunch to get something done i know it might sound silly to stress over  these seemingly meaningless situations   especially with everything that's going on in  the world right now but these non-stop strains of   everyday life can add up until one day it'll sneak  up on us and we won't be able to ignore it anymore i've come to terms with the fact that some  days will be more difficult than others   but that also doesn't mean that we need to give  up and just wait around until we start to feel   the stress take a toll on our emotional  and physical well-being i found that there   are habits and systems that we can put into  place to minimize these small stresses in life   because we all know that we don't need to add  more things to our list of things to worry about my first suggestion is to  find a way to balance your day   like everything in life we need harmony and  this applies to how we spend our days as well   i noticed that i used to dedicate 80 of my time  to work and 20 for my personal life no wonder   i was always feeling burnt out i had to find  a way to rearrange my day to work less hours   without feeling guilty or  feeling like i was falling behind i don't know if you guys can relate but i noticed  that i made up a lot of these arbitrary rules in   my head i mean no one was telling me to work  overtime or to reply to their emails as soon   as possible but it was out of habit and over time  it left me prioritizing work over everything else now i try to schedule my days and my weeks to  reflect how i actually want to spend my time   because how we spend our days is how we spend  our lives this means scheduling meetings but   also date nights family dinners self-care  days too because what goes on my calendar   gets done of course this is much more difficult if  you don't have full control over your own schedule   but the least that we can do is to look at  our calendar and find a day or even just one   hour of our day to schedule some time to have  fun relax and detach from our responsibilities my second suggestion is to find mindful practices  that work for you when i decided to incorporate   more mindfulness into my routine i eased my way  into it with five minute guided meditations daily   walks journaling prompts to guide my writing  while these are great methods to help us to be   more present now i know that mindfulness  doesn't have to be a specific activity   it can be as simple as taking a moment to  be mindful of the small everyday pleasures maybe for you it's gardening turning  off your phone when you're eating   cuddling with your dog on your couch or just  taking a small break to listen to the rain whatever helps you to connect with the present  moment do it and do it often throughout your day   these pockets of mindful moments act as a reminder  for me not to worry about the future or to feel   anxious about the past but to pay attention  to the life that's going on all around me i am a perfectionist not with everything i  do but i do have high standards for things   i truly care about and creating these  youtube videos is one of them during the   editing process i find myself making endless  little tweaks going over the tiniest details   that no one other than myself can probably notice  in the final production making sure that the font   is the right size the skin tone is perfectly  saturated that the song transitions are seamless   while i don't think there's anything wrong with  caring so much about what i produce trying to live   up to this unrealistic expectation week after  week created an unnecessary stress to my life   it forced me to constantly look for mistakes  and i never felt quite satisfied having this   mindset felt absolutely exhausting and took  the fun out of the creative process altogether i know it's just the perspective change  but now instead of looking for my flaws   i see my improvements and my growth   i even set a rule for myself that i will publish  a video when it's eighty percent quote perfect   and even if i make a mistake it's  okay because i can try again next week one of the biggest reasons i get stressed is when  i feel overwhelmed with everything i have to do   too often i would feel anxious procrastinate and  end up not doing anything at all but i realized   that a lot of this was due to not knowing how to  properly manage my time and not being able to get   over the hurdle of just starting this is why i  find the 5 minute rule to be so effective to get   rid of the unnecessary everyday stress i look at  all the lists of things i need to do and decide   which tasks need my uninterrupted attention and  which tasks i can tackle with the five minute rule   five minutes doesn't sound intimidating right  and i think that is why it's so effective   this is not about cramming more and more  into our day but it's a way to push through   so that we have less things on our to-do  list and it takes a load off of our minds so the next time you are feeling  overwhelmed with your list of things to do   don't dwell on it just give yourself five minutes  to start crossing off some things off of your list   and you'll be amazed at what you can  do in such a short amount of time   lately when i find myself  stressing over a situation   i started asking myself is this  something even within my control   that doesn't make the situation go away but  it has a powerful effect on easing my mind   the stoics believe that we have very little to no  control at all we can't control what happens to us   what people say about us other people's actions  the world and its problems and if so why are we   more than willing to spend our time and our energy  trying to solve it like it's our own problem   the more that i try to control everything around  me the more anxious i feel and i don't want to go   through life carrying this heavy feeling so i'm  trying my best to accept that some things will   always be the way that they are but what  i can do is focus on what is in my control i hope that you guys enjoyed  today's video if you're new here   my name is sophie and i would love  to have you join our minimalist   and intentional living community please feel free  to subscribe to my channel for more similar videos   thank you guys always for tuning in and  i'll talk to you next week take care guys you
Channel: Malama Life
Views: 261,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stress, feeling stressed, overwhelm, overwhelmed, mental health, slow living, slow living tips, daily habits, healthy habits, malama life, how to be happy, how to be calm, how to be more calm, be calmer, calm from anxiety, how to stop anxiety, how to calm down, how to relax, stop being stressed, how to remain calm
Id: MAEqhEmpkwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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