Weekly Reset Routine For Mind, Body and Soul 🌱

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what is a reset routine and why do we need one we all know that life can get busy and  it can feel so messy and chaotic at times   a reset routine can help us to get our  life together again it's a day to reset our   mind body and space to prepare for whatever  life will throw at us in the upcoming weeks   for me it's the pause i need to regroup and  start all over again with fresh new perspective usually i dedicate sundays for my reset routine   and it's the one day out of the week  i turn off my alarm and wake up slowly this feels like resetting my internal clock   my mornings are so much more peaceful and it  just sets the right tone for the whole day in our busy lives it's a luxury to wake up  without having a full schedule ahead of us   which can be mentally and physically draining while it seems like the whole world is going  through a seasonal transition right now   it's still very hot here in maui i've been waking  up craving something cold and refreshing lately   so i've been skipping my usual coffee and  i've been making my iced matcha latte instead as much as i love the taste of it  i really enjoy preparing it too   just going through the  motion is really therapeutic ever since adapting to a more minimalist  lifestyle one of the things that i no longer buy   is new books i mean audiobooks are great but  sometimes i do miss the photos and illustrations   so i've been renting hardcover  books from the local library   i think it's ideal for people  like me whose interests change   constantly so i don't have to fill my shelves  with books that i will probably read only once   something i'm interested in right now  is aerial videography and photography   is such an interesting perspective of  our everyday lives and surroundings   and it really inspires me to go  out there and try it for myself usually i'll do a quick  workout before i start my day   but i take advantage of slow days  like this and go outside to do my yoga it's crazy how we can quickly  adapt to our everyday surroundings   but that also means that we can get used  to almost anything and take it for granted even living on a beautiful island like  maui i don't think i fully appreciated   the abundant nature and peacefulness of  this island until a couple of years ago now every chance i get i try to be outside breathe  in the fresh air walk on the grass and be thankful   to be here because there's nowhere  else i'd rather be in this exact moment one thing i always try to include in my reset  routine is mapping out my upcoming weeks and   looking over my schedule on my calendar this  prevents me from having major anxiety on mondays   i don't have a specific work schedule but i do  like to set some kind of structure for myself   as a way to keep myself accountable and because  spending 12 hours on monday in front of my   computer to edit my videos was not sustainable  sometimes i'll also brain dump any ideas   quotes stories or video ideas i saved on my  phone onto my journal so that i have all the   information in one place and of course i  can't work or think in a cluttered home so   sundays i try to reset my space by deep cleaning  decluttering and organizing my house things that   don't normally get done with our regular chores  like separating the recycling scrubbing the shower   and other miscellaneous things that need to get  done our environment plays a huge role in our   day-to-day and i think it's important to take care  of it set the right foundation for everything else robert frost once said the little things in life  are what connects us to all the big things we live   for and these words really spoke to me we forget  about the everyday monday moments of life like   doing the dishes watering our plants going for a  walk these are the things that make up majority of   our days we should pay attention to them with  just as much care as the big things in life living life with this mindset makes me  want to make every minute of every day   count to get ready for the day even if i  don't have anywhere to go to look forward   to the little things i enjoy in my day and  most importantly be at peace with my reality much like my plants that need love and attention   i constantly remind myself that i deserve the same  love and attention as well i say this because it's   common to always place ourselves on the back  burner while we take care of everything else whether it's taking some extra  time to deep condition my hair   exfoliating in the shower maybe  doing a face mask or a facial massage   it doesn't have to cost a lot but it's the simple  things that make the biggest difference to me it's been a journey to get to know my skin my body  to find out what products work the best for me   but i'm slowly adding it to my routine over time  and i'm just enjoying the getting their process i think it's important to have one  thing that we do for pure enjoyment   for our souls to be nourished and that for  me is painting i don't have formal training   but with each painting i feel like i'm  learning new skills to express myself better i'm learning that i need to be inspired  to fuel my creativity because ideas and passion   they don't just appear out of thin air at least  for me i've been on the hunt to look for images   that i want to recreate and my latest inspiration  has been the history of fashion in hawaii i can easily get lost in time when doing  these activities i can fully take my mind   off the next deadline or the work that i need  to catch up on just focus on each brush stroke whether you've had a bad day or feel like your  whole life is falling apart i hope you know that   you can always take some time to reset your life  i hope that you can find a reset routine that   works for you to get your life together to relax  recharge and feel in control of your life again   thank you guys so much for watching and until next  tuesday take care and i'll talk to you soon bye you
Channel: Malama Life
Views: 650,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reset routine, reset, Sunday reset, routine, refresh, personal growth, self help, self care, self care routine, how to get back on track, how to get back on track with your goals, getting back on track, resetting my life, restart, plants, house plants, motivation, inspiration, life refresh, refresh routine, habit building, building new habits, good habits, positive habits, Habits, Malama life
Id: IbS-eReTZpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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