I got rid of the distractions from my life (and you can too!)

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for most of us our problems are caused by having too much rather than not enough too many things too much to do too many obligations and decisions and the worst to many distractions the thing that takes us away from our true Focus I underestimated the distractions in my life until I stepped back and realized that my whole day was basically run by them little interruptions here and there that seemed like nothing at the time slowly throw me off course until I lose track of my time and attention I knew that if I wanted to truly simplify my life I had to do something about these distractions so that's what I want to talk about today my biggest distractions and what I'm doing to eliminate them my biggest distraction is probably my phone the all-in-one device that's always Within Reach my biggest wake-up call was tracking my digital Wellness app and seeing that I was spending more than three hours on my phone it always starts off harmless quickly checking something or replying back to someone but in reality anything that takes me away from what I actually need to do is just another distraction for me it's been really helpful to set clear goals and boundaries so that I don't lose focus I try to come up with just three things that need to get done that day and if something pops into my mind like having to do laundry or watering the plants I write it down and get to it later [Music] I know it's kind of silly but I have to set these arbitrary rules for myself like not starting the day by checking my phone and only going on social media after those three things get done because if I don't I know it's too easy to lose track of time in our modern world if we step back and really think about how many distractions there are it's amazing that we get anything done more than ever it's so important to regularly engage in mindful practices like focus training meditation and breath work I know that for me being able to turn off my monkey brain and being able to sit in silence is a skill that I want to hold if I can eliminate the noise maybe I can pay better attention to the life that's happening right in front of me [Music] having material wealth gives the appearance of security happiness and peace and to a point it can be true but I truly believe that aimlessly pursuing this path can be a distraction to living a more meaningful life I've talked about my journey with over consumption and living a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle in the past basically after having worked 40 hours a week for three years I had very little to show for it and when I realized how wasteful this lifestyle was it made me reassess everything in my life foreign this by saying that my life is far from perfect but it's a lot more simple than before I first asked myself some big questions which bills could I eliminate what are the things in my life that's actually worth working towards being material Rich weighed me down but a simple life freed me in a lot of ways I'm able to work a job that I like workless hours and worry less about bills the goal is to keep my life low maintenance so that I can focus on having fun enjoy my peace and being in Good Company in a world of abundance where material wealth is always dangling in front of our faces I think it's important to see through the illusion and not let it distract us from building a life that feels authentic to us thank you [Music] some might think that being a minimalist means you are completely detached from material things but I don't think that this has to be true I find joy in having a cup of coffee and my favorite mug wearing a cute outfit or being in a beautifully curated space now the difference is that I'm very selective with the amount of things that I keep in my house because we all know that clutter can be distracting for so many reasons [Music] it took a while for me to figure out what I need how much I need and what is considered excess moving was a big eye-opener for me also doing a low buy challenge keeping track of the clothes I wear setting budgets and routinely decluttering [Music] sometimes we need a hard reset to correct our spending patterns and consumption the biggest takeaway for me was realizing that a lot of what's in our homes are not worth taking up our physical and mental space foreign [Music] [Music] the biggest distractions come from ourselves are limiting beliefs fear of judgment pursuit of perfectionism worrying about hypothetical scenarios these are some of my biggest distractions and they tend to get in the way of trying something new we're fully engaging in the moment I know it sounds crazy but in the recent years I've been enjoying the challenge of working through some of these barriers tuning in to my inner dialogue and figuring out why and how some of these narratives got there in the first place I really enjoyed the book The Myth of normal and this one sentence really stuck out to me whether we realize it or not it is our woundedness and how we cope with it that dictates much of our Behavior shapes our social habits and informs our way of thinking about the world I learned that letting go of mental clutter is much more difficult than physical clutter but maybe that's okay maybe we don't need to ignore or suppress our and our dialogue but somehow find the courage to move past it one situation at a time [Music] I hope this video was a moment of reflection for you to get clear about what you want and eliminate whatever distraction is on that path thank you guys so much for watching and until next time take care guys and I'll talk to you soon bye [Music]
Channel: Malama Life
Views: 332,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I got rid of the biggest distractions from my life, distractions, distracted life, declutter, focus, intentional living, declutter distractions, minimalist, declutter minimalism, malama life
Id: sDYn7aOc2SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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