Feeling stress so I went to a CBD cafe!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the tokidoki traveler show where i tend to make videos about me being sad recently oh yeah that's what we like to see emma keep it up give us some sad videos everybody loves them they're they're yeah i hit with the kids today i had plans and they are cancelled because i have new plans now i'm gonna go see my friend taylor b we're gonna go eat something we're both just stressed so today is a de-stress day that's the plan oh also i got a new haircut sorry i didn't acknowledge that i got a new haircut it's very short i quite like it this is a wave he comment he trying um i don't know what's going on but i got my haircut so what i've done today so far as well is i put my laundry out and i went to the gym and that's been my day so far but gym is good cause it got me pumped got me going i'm alive i'm okay get out of the house here we go get out the house when you're feeling low hey all right let's go [Music] so okay so i made it to harajuku and uh taylor and i are gonna go to ikea for food so that's i don't know if you guys know but there's an ikea that's just opened in harajuku which i thought originally was gonna be a bad idea because it's just like who would want to buy furniture and then try to take it home from harajuku but i think it's mainly to do with the food so there's a lot more vegan options now so i can eat some dairy-free stuff and i think they have lasagna as well so i'm gonna get some of that and then also gonna go to the cbd cafe afterwards it's very weird vlogging in public again especially because there's like no tourists and so i don't really fit in with anyone in some areas around tokyo the leaves have started to change but not here yet there's some gingko trees here but they're very much still green veggie sausage plant bowl set i mean that sounds pretty bomb that's so cheap what the heck [Music] wow okay 500 yen okay [Music] here's what i got i got a little plant-based meatballs i got a veggie sausage and i got some elderflower soda okay i'm just gonna get stuck into it taylor's still waiting for her but i just need to try a little bit i'm very hungry i haven't eaten yesterday so that's so good [Music] oh my god i love elderflower flavored things so a little bit of mashed potato a little bit of meatball a little bit of legendary jam the best i'm so hungry we also have this veggie sausage i've never had this one before yeah we're just gonna chat and hang out eat maybe look at some ikea stuff but it's a bit busy so i don't really want to spend too much time here i got more plant balls is there two dialers that's a nice surprise it's a new harajuku station if you haven't seen it the old ones right there this is the new one now we travel around harajuku looking for more tasty treats let's go what's up it's your boy taylor b it's your boy it's your voice taylor b stands for boys expensive cake expensive cake you can't fake expensive cake but you can anybody can make expensive cake you just make cake put a price on it put gold flakes on it that's such a thing these days putting gold flakes on cake stuff i don't want to like eat gold i keep saying things about like the world's most expensive blood it's like truffles caviar gold flakes gold straight up gold served in a diamond it's like okay why what do you think cv stands for can butts do this [Music] cool butts i didn't show you guys my outfit fancy cake baby sippy baby you you we don't play please where's the real baby i'm the real baby yeah so this is a gato or chocola with the oil on it i don't know actually if the i'll be quiet i don't know if the oil does anything or if it's a a thing where i think it's gonna do something and then everything's fine anyway but either way it is nice cake we got a hot chalk too too hot to chalk baby what flavor is that oh the mint there you go okay neat week that's good it's good cake i like this berry the berry sweet bear wine it's actually very it's actually berry every time i leave the house and my hair is like wavy just go straight again that's the curse i don't want that i quit goodbye we're gonna eat cake and swear a little bit okay just say goodbye to tayla and i'm gonna i wanna i want a blazer i don't know when i'm ever gonna wear a blazer but i want a blazer i'm gonna go see if i can find one that's my story hey i just got home uh and i'm about to stream so uh i gotta set everything up also i i got a blazer i have wanted a blazer for a long time because i really like beautiful masculine feminine energies mixing into 20. i know blazes aren't that masculine everybody wears them but for me it's a very masculine image and so i don't know i just i've always wanted a blazer especially lately and i got one so i just want to look fancy i won't feel fancy so i got one and maybe i'll work for the stream tonight which is kind of random but uh yeah i want to show you i wanna i wanna dress nice and be in my blazer late night on a wednesday putting on a blazer you know how it'd be it's one of those kind of days there we go whoa look at that i want to show you the full fit but i don't know this is the highest this goes up but i feel kind of like a sexy pirate i got my my blazer i'm blazing i just put on jeans and ducks but yeah oh okay yeah i sorry the light's so strong oh my god i just broke the light it snapped it actually snapped wow okay well that sucks i don't know when i'll wear this i want to wear it every day but uh we'll see how i go with my confidence and how cold it is outside all right cool finger guns we're streaming this is my setup i'm i'm in the autumn awesome leaves wow look at this so professional it's like i know what i'm doing but i don't know anything i do this is what i look like in real life it's green it's just okay i just finished streaming uh i should just be winding down and getting ready for bed but i just don't want to take this off i feel i feel so great in it i feel really good um so maybe i'll just keep it on for a while and just like i don't know dance or something let's just enjoy the evening i feel like i don't know like a like a vampire i just went over to luke and sophie's because they live really close by um let's get some hair product off them um but yeah it's it's like 11 30 now 11 45. i gotta get ready for bed uh and be ready for a fresh day tomorrow and the battery's gonna die so it's it's perfect timing but uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna take this gotta take this blazer off it's not very fun all right i'm gonna go to bed and hope that tomorrow goes really well and stress goes away i'm feeling a lot better though than i was this morning so that's great also taylor b is wonderful i'm headed now but thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below or hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this or not like this but thank you for watching i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 59,508
Rating: 4.948154 out of 5
Keywords: living in japan, living in tokyo, life in japan, life in tokyo, tokidoki, cbd, cbd tokyo, tokidoki traveller, tokidoki traveler, tokyo, japan, stress, stress vlog, day in my life, ditl, cbd oil, cake, day out in tokyo
Id: fpZ-awmAHbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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