A Week in my Life 🎄 Working in the City and Countryside in Japan!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody welcome to the start of vlogmas if you're new to the channel unfortunately here vlogmas does not mean a video every single day it means once a week [Music] today i am heading to saitama to do a shoot for an instagram project job thing uh with ticker creative for my own personal stuff the kind of shots that i have to take today aren't very stressful it's very uh straightforward and it's just stuff for instagram so should be pretty good i think should be not the most stressful day but i'm gonna go catch trains decide summer and uh and head on out so let's go vlogmas here we go it's almost christmas i haven't bought my family any [Music] presents [Music] this is day one of vlogmas it's sarah drinking a coffee wow we're uh we've got one more train to go before we're in well we're inside but before we're where we need to go and before we start working yeah so i'm getting briefed this train has the most indiana jones-esque song maybe not indiana jones just an adventure like usj yeah we're getting on the monorail to go to disneyland what's that you're gonna be okay are you gonna fall over [Music] look at that sneaky little baby he's like who me with my butt cracker this tiny house his name is christine love her okay this is the first stop that we're at it's called toraya and they do wagashi we just got some wagashi that i'm going to be filming with for the instagram thing and they're so so cute so this is rosichan because this area we're in inamati which is known for roses so that's chan then we have a little funky little totoro it looks like a penguin i feel like a little little oh my god and this this oh god amma amar it's a japanese yokai which is like a um a legend a myth a monster it is a mermaid but it has three legs it's a yokai yeah yeah we just finished filming with the wagashi store i ate like four dorayaki yeah now we're going to go to the next location which is like an hour and a bit away a park so cold today my hands all freezy boys it's fine i'll give her lots of hugs oh my god yeah am i playing it's so fresh like so fresh so crisp what we want to do is put it in a a jar not a jar what is it called a can a can jar would work airtight container tupperware yeah next giveaway on emma's channel giveaway guys saitama area tupperware okay this is not looking good that's not looking good not a that's not a leafy tree that's a very unleafy tree hi guys do you tell him yeah emma you gotta join in okay we just finished uh finished shooting it was a bit rough didn't go as well as we planned but that's okay we're heading to an onsen now which is exciting we get to eat dinner too yay so we are having to walk through the park it's so dark look how light it looks so bright on the camera i'm gonna die dude doesn't look so bad on the yeah the camera makes it look so good we have to do a walk through the park to get to the bus stop google maps has been so rude on this day we're two strong ladies i'm intimidating you sure are and i've got my big boots on this is so scary yeah can you get your torch out yeah let me get the big one out okay here we go this is the full this is like scarier oh they're flying he'd look at us in the night the bbq mascot [Music] we have to keep walking because the bus wasn't coming until 7 p.m no no 40 minutes 40 minutes okay but if we walked another 20 minutes we'll get there so uh sarah's making it up to me by buying me a hot lemon sweet sweet kind sarah thank you oh my poor frozen hands but yeah we gotta we gotta keep going sarah was like do anything for the cold meeting i was like oh no but i'm just so happy to see a comedian a familiar face a little bit closer at the sign like what what cold meanie is that seiko mart seiko mart that's not a familiar face i don't know huh now i've got sniffles you look great in this light you look beautiful look at that thank you say come on like hot chef [Music] oh very pretty she's sick [Music] we made it to the onsen we survived and it's time for food what did you get you got tempura soba zado soba yeah i got tendon miso soup takoyaki and a salt cutie it's cucumber i was so hungry okay we finished eating and now we're doing the final part of the shoot which is at the onsen uh but we get a private onsen which it this feels like a yolk on like it's a whole room there's like a little bathroom area and there's like toilets right there and yeah this whole massive room and then the private onsen's out here we finished shooting so i get to just chill in the onsen it's excellent but i have been in the onsen a lot for the shooting so i'm very warm so i kind of just need to pass out for a while [Music] what's she dreaming of [Music] it's baby okay uh we gotta go now say goodbye onsen goodbye beautiful onsen goodbye sarah bye emma i got home it's time for bed it's 11 30. see you tomorrow good morning i survived the night and now i'm in ikebukuro filming we are just going to be filming with tc today and then we're going over aki's to film more and then i'm staying above accused tonight which is exciting it should be a good time i'm a little dead but i'm gonna be okay all right so now we're at aki's place and we're just about to film uh the next part of the video we're in cute matching pajamas let me show you guys look how cute we are these are the best pajamas i've ever had in japan oh really yeah i i soft they're really nice i really like them we're making gingerbread houses and this is the first gingerbread house i've ever made wow we'll see how it goes also i'm gonna take one of this okay in the last video which is a uh christmas meal video we're gonna be eating like shortcake and kfc and talking about christmas in japan and stuff cooking up some plant bowls sharla [Music] looking nice so it's almost bedtime right now it is 11 00 p.m but we still going we're making some butt pudding this is my namumu beautiful gift from today aki's playing assassin's creed there she goes happy lady playing a happy game that's why emma isn't sleeping because i'm playing assassins get ready for bed and we gotta wait for this butt to set good morning everybody uh slept over ackees last night and now i'm getting ready to film a video for her channel and then i'm gonna go home and shower and take a nap very i'm very tired um but doing it live my life look at that ass did oh yeah give it a pull oh it's sexy oh baby that's good thank you tendon uh soba little pickles wowder launch hello everybody i get a day at home today oh i have taken it very slowly i slept in a long time and i got up and i cleaned the house did a little bit of gardening water the plants today's monday i gotta i gotta write down my my schedule this week and what i'm what i'm doing gym get some groceries laundry detergent and then i i have so much work to do i have to edit a lot so uh yeah also i'm wearing the pajamas that i got at a keys and they're super comfortable and very cool [Music] oh frick ah crap i just remembered a job i have to do by today god damn it i really really need more time i needed a sleep i needed to sleep but i i've run out of time for everything gosh dang it well let me show you guys let me show you guys the house because i cleaned it this was already clean generally this is the office this is the general setup oh so bright look at that sun so we have the bedroom yes it's getting colder now so i have another blanket the garden outside the living room oh here's the new cow this is where he sleep near mumu here's everybody outside got the straws we have one fig left which is getting pretty pretty close to being done the mulberry tree is shutting down for winter we have some geraniums as well right now very nice puffy boys also there's baby love your baby let's go back in the gym feeling good feeling fresh the day is almost over i'm screaming but i'm very hungry so i fill up my fridge because i was away for a while so my fridge is empty i got some fake crab sticks i like to dip them in mayonnaise mixed with yuzuko shell because it's bomb i got some mince meat i'm gonna do some little burrito wrap things got some daikon kimchi i got some cochijan they had broccoli on sale for like 100 yen each so i got two but the weird thing was it was like it was like a black friday sale on broccoli and i'm like i don't know in your country for black friday is do groceries ever go on sale for black friday it just felt so weird that it was like black friday broccoli is one dollar i always imagine black friday is like you know people getting tvs and and big things and expensive stuff and people going crazy over it so i can't imagine anybody going too crazy over broccoli i got some yogurt boki i also have some maitake mushrooms some floretia and i also got a treat i got appetizer my favorite it's kind of rare that they sell it here so i was very excited to see it i'm mixing mayonnaise with kabusu kosho which is like user kosher but it's carbosur so the citrus from oita make it spicy let me in let me eat it [Music] almost boring little things i've ever made but it's uh mince meat onions lettuce yogurt with lemon juice and it's taco mix seasoning too it's so boring but i'm just hungry i'm just gonna eat it here i go i showered i got my heater on because it's chilly and i'm gonna do some work i'm gonna do the work for a project that i'm doing right now so you do that and then i gotta edit like a crazy person and try to get a video out tonight i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it i'm fed i'm jimmed clean house refreshed i gotta work i did the first job kind of it's almost done they need to check some things and then i gotta send off more things i got it but it's it's not fully done but i gotta wait for some replies so i'm gonna move on now to editing it is now almost 6 p.m yeah i finished the first job by the way it's all done so now i can just focus on editing it's 7 22 p.m [Music] any food yeah hey did you guys make weird noises while stretching you got it right it's part of the whole thing i want more appetizer okay it's like uh almost 10 o'clock now so it's almost time for game night game night game night i gotta be there for my goals [Music] it's half past midnight whoops i gotta go to bed yeah yeah okay so is it does this us shipping to japan not take very long because i wasn't sure because japan to us is like totally f right now there was a there was a band that played at my university that wasn't king isn't in the lizard wizard but they had a song called mr chameleon and i always remember it like that was the catchiest dang song i've ever heard mr chameleon mr chameleon and i'm like oh my god mr chameleon good morning i just finished streaming and i put up the christmas tree oh yeah so excited about it and it looks so nice and today's such a beautiful day and the sun's out it's gorgeous and we're in a little christmas dress that i have because it's like five for the stream beautiful the lights on and everything and babies at the top the queen the star of the show the angel of the tree today i'm going to go film with my friend vina we've been doing a cafe series like a vegan cafe hopping series uh so today we're going to the last couple of places for the video and which should be good and then i'm meeting a friend after that it's going to be a big friend day i think i really need to edit okay just got ready and i'm gonna go meet vina now to film at the cafe hopefully there's enough space on this sd card otherwise i'm kind of screwed [Music] okay i just got to shinjuku and i'm waiting for vina vina is doing a uh a week of different outfits video and so today she's dressed like super weave so i'm excited to see how she looks i don't know if i'm in the right spot though we're having a bit of trouble finding each other shinjuku is amazed i wanted to get a shot of you walking up but it's too late the weave is here the beam is here adorable look at you yeah how do you like it this little dingus got me a present oh my gosh you little dingus she got me the top that i tried in the fashion video which if you haven't seen check it out link is up here i love it so much i i didn't want to get it because it was a little expensive but she got it for me anyway and she made me some apple crumble you're an absolute fave thank you so much for the vegan video today we're filming at a yakiniku place that does soy meat so uh this is so it's crazy but yeah check out the other video if you want to see more [Music] there she is oh my gosh it's like scooby doo hello it's so cloudy and cold today and making me sad so i put a fireplace on the tv and i lit a candle and now i'm making some peppa paprika dip putting together this paprika thing for olive oil a nice coating i put it in the oven forever okay peppers are cooking in the oven now here's my whole setup today we've got the fire going the tv and i'm working right here on the couch my friend chum's here hi hello hi welcome we're going to be doing a korean barbecue thing so we have some meat i'm gonna be doing uh like a yakiniku kind of thing putting it samyap style style in some lettuce we've got some daikon kimchi and i made topokey or pocky with the oh yeah that's going to be some good business but yeah so i'm excited i'm very hungry we're just watching a fireplace oh the lettuce pho oh no no we have to cancel the whole thing resurrect yeah okay guys my friend chum has gone home and now i am about to have a music lesson with my friend storm shout out to graveyards he's teaching me a lot about music production and uh it's very difficult for me it's there's so much going on but um i'm learning today i've really focused on learning how to sidechain and it's uh it's going okay i i don't know there's a lot of things that i need to work on and also this week's been so busy with work that i haven't had too much time to uh to work on music so that's very frustrating but i'm gonna have my lesson anyway and do my best hello this is emma from way in the future or from the night that this is posted to be exact that's how uh that's how that's how i'm operating these days it's a little bit busy right now thank you for watching all the way through of uh vlogmas week one there will be a week two i don't know if there'll be a week three but uh just i don't know what video's coming out next i got like five videos happening there is content coming it's just busy times busy times hope you guys are having a great christmas season hope you're all okay out there and uh thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below and hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this but thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video whatever it may be [Music] foreign
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 79,592
Rating: 4.9658713 out of 5
Keywords: tokidoki traveller, tokidoki, tokidoki traveler, tokyo, living in japan, life in japan, living in tokyo, life in tokyo, christmas in tokyo, working in japan, vlogmas, vlogmas 2020, vlog, tokyo vlog, japan vlogger
Id: QqPgFThadhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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