Making Tempura at Home!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to Tokyo kitchen sheds win a bag for past two months in isolation I have not ordered any food or gone to a restaurant to pick anything up I haven't had any takeout which feels really good it feels great but there is one thing that I'm missing a lot which is tempura and I know at the supermarket you can buy premade tempura and you can order tempura online and get takeout but every time I get it it's always already soggy unless you have it in the restaurant when it's like nice and crisp so I thought today I can make a tendon ten for tempura dawn meaning over rice so into the store and got all the ingredients for tendon and I'm just gonna give it a go I've never made it before so I hope that this goes well and it might be really easy it sounds really easy even the flour that I got so it's cold soon or you don't know like you don't need skill you don't need talent to use this stuff so uh yeah I'm just gonna have a good time deep-fry some stuff and bring you guys along for the journey so today I'm gonna be using actual tempura flour so you just need to add water but if you don't have access to tempura flour it's very easy to make with just all-purpose flour and egg and water also because this is Kitchen chats during this whole thing I will be telling you updates about my life and how things are going and just having a chat while I cook so uh just be ready for that so the ingredients that I will be using today in my tendon are a B or prawns kabocha or pumpkin or squash or whatever you want to call it Nasr or eggplant maitake mushrooms Bank on a lotus root she saw and finally tempura flour and washer as well before I started filming this video I put some rice on in my rice cooker so it's just finished so that's all good to go when I need it also I am using quite a bit of oil to deep fry it but I don't have that much so I hope that it's enough and it works we shall see it so the first I'm gonna do is I'm gonna prep all of my things that are going to be dipped in temp with us so I gotta peel some prawns chop up the vegetables and get everything ready yeah how's that were you doing out there how you guys doing I've been going pretty good yesterday I started using itoki I'm not sponsored by them or anything but I just wanted to give it a go cuz hey I got all this time I might as well get better speaking oh my god I had my first lesson yesterday and it went well it was it was nice just to have a chat and weapons and grammar and everything so yeah it feels good to get back into learning I played is such a weird texture it's like rub ah I'm just gonna cut into this to be honest I'm not actually the biggest friend eggplant but when it's in tempura I always enjoy it when most things are intemperate I enjoy it for the maitake I think I'm just gonna grab a chunk if you guys haven't had lotus root before there's this thing that does it's kind of a little bit disturbing if it's in big enough chunks and you cook it when you pull it apart it's kind of stringy almost like hairy kind of shocked me the first time it happen to me but yeah it's normal and it's totally fine so this is she saw I don't know if you guys are familiar with she saw maybe I should eat one now there's so much leafiest leaf you've ever had oh oh there's something that is really enjoyable about it it's this really her ball not spicy it's just got a bit of a kick it's strong it's a strong herbal leaf takes a bit of getting used to I really like it in tempura but by itself or when it's like you know with sushi or something it's just a little bit much it's a bit hard to stomach for me now I'm gonna peel some prunes but I'll try to leave the tails on in exciting news I recently got into salads that cool it's so embarrassing I I didn't used to make salads the other day I made the first salad in my life cuz I've had you know pre-made salads before and a lot of them I just so not for me I don't know why I just always thought that salads were just a bit boring this is such an exciting topic of conversation but I don't know I just gave them a try the other day like when you make your own it's so much more satisfying than buying one so if I go out to a restaurant in Japan one of my favorite things is usually tempura like I I loved him but I want to go onsen if there's a restaurant I'll get tempura they sometimes have this thing it's called much of salt and it's in the name it's just matcha insult and for some reason it just feels so special this little green salt it tastes so good and you are yeah you dip your template but usually the salt comes with like a template of money our set like a variety of solvent but because I'm doing tend on I should I should use a sauce I have some metal soap here so that should help me with the prawn depends if you don't have a metal spoke when you work with the special something stinky you can just rub your hands on the stink okay so I have all of my ingredients ready and now I'm gonna make the batter let's just look on the back of the pack and see how to do it says hundred grams of this 160 milliliters of water and whatever bits we like and then you can make tempura because it's super easy okay so first of all 100 grams of beef flour you can't see but I'm weighing it right now get the ground 160 milliliters of water next okay and then I just have to whisk it so just a quick update on everything here in Japan with the whole situation I think we're scheduled to go back to work and everything the 31st or the 1st of June 31st to make the 1st of June no idea that's still going ahead but that's the the general thing so we'll just have to see what happens but for now I'm still hung it's been good I've learned a lot about myself and I think it's been a good time for growth for me okay I need to stop heating the oil I really nervous I don't have a thermometer so I'm just gonna test it with a little bit of the bass to see if it's hot enough but I'm nervous I don't have much oil in this I hopefully it goes okay I'll have to give him a flip now I'm only gonna do a little bit at a time because if you crowd it the temperatures gonna drop so I guess I'll just see if this works uh-oh I'm dripping everywhere I'll do a bit of culture [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that one's done great time for more so for my dougie not a heavy Oh amazing great III read wanted my mulberry tree and it's so much happier now if it believes are so dark green and it's having so many berries and yeah I ate so many strawberries from my garden but I think that the strawberry season is over now for my my plant here's my template I saw at MIT look at that isn't that beautiful look at all the different colors Oh looks gorgeous some kind of stupid I forgot the sauce and tend on always has like this sticky nice sauce with it so I just looked up a really quick recipe luckily I have all this stuff to make it so this really quick I'm using minun sure you suck though sugar and dashi so I'm doing three tablespoons of meeting one tablespoon of show you and one teaspoon hug dashi oh my god that smell it's so tempo - of smell and one tablespoon of sugar okay that's done okay time to plate up now I need my my rice [Music] okay time to assemble here we go sorry I'm gonna do a little bit of these guys at the front [Music] Oh [Music] look how beautiful that is oh I'm so proud of it oh my goodness hey there's one left oh so I'm just gonna eat this all right time for some sexy shots and this time to eat it looks so beautiful I'm so so happy with it [Music] there it is look how huge it is it's massive oh it's got all the best stuff in it - this is like my dream tendon look at that I'm gonna dig in it's a document [Music] that sorcerer I did take a little bit of time filming so it's not as crispy as it should be but it's still down mmm oh my god oh my goodness this was so much easier than I thought it would be I'm gonna sit here and eat this and enjoy myself enemy to watch Lucifer I've been really into Lucifer I think it's like a dumb cop show it's the same story over and over again but he's the devil and I kind of like it it's actually pretty enjoyable yeah hope you guys are well out there thank you so much for watching this video me making my fav tempura so I totally forgot to try the pumpkin mmm i-it's just so good okay I'm gonna head off let me know in the comments down below how you doing let me get some updates on your life and everything but thank you for coming to spend this time with me and I hope you're all well if you enjoy this video please feel free to give it a thumbs up leave a comment or hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this but thank you so much for watching hope you're well and I will see you in the next video John [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 63,243
Rating: 4.9743128 out of 5
Keywords: tokidoki traveller, tokyo, living in tokyo, living in japan, japan, tempura, japanese tempura, japanese food, how to cook japanese food, japanese apartment, tokidoki traveller apartment, tokidoki, tokyo kitchen chats, kitchen chats, tokidoki traveller tokyo kitchen chats, japanese cookinh, lifestyle, lifestyle in japan
Id: CqR4hzrYhlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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