Week in My Life! Working in Nara 🦌

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everybody i woke up at 5 45 but i have coffee that is decaf and snow milk so it does nothing we're on our way i'm here with sarah good morning team good morning today we're heading to kyoto uh to start shooting i'm going to be there for uh three days look at those it looks like a pokemon this is my first time getting on shinkansen in a while so it's very cool we're gonna see fuji [Music] picking out oh there he is hello regular train people we're looking we look down on you there it's beating us maybe have a nap maybe do some work we shall see but this is the start of a three-day adventure with sarah in [Music] i'm editing a kyoto for a video and i was just editing this bit and it made me laugh so hard because i highlighted the text look at that look at this chunky boy we be riding look how square oh i love that the driver has to sit like all the way at the top that's crazy we're just organizing um i think i'm gonna be staying in kyoto for more time because i have to just work on my laptop so i could just spend time with sarah and enjoy kyoto and make videos and stuff here that'll be fun also we're on the next train to the location we're shooting and i got this little shiso wiener danish [Music] i'm very sleepy i need to go to bed but we keep on going son the beginning of our day really it's the beginning of shooting we both got four hours sleep so yeah we're not not doing the greatest but we're doing [Music] it so right now we're in this fishing town and it's cute and we went and saw a rhythm and i can't really show you much of it because of work stuff [Music] but uh we wanted to catch a taxi after the shoot to go to the next location and the taxi driver who took us here gave us this card and then we called it and it was like a company and they were like sorry we just have no there's no taxis and they're not they're busy for what how many minutes like we don't have any taxis for half an hour i'm like in this town in this town they're like we have not a single taxi for a half an hour but at least we get to look at some cool water so now because there's no taxis for half an hour we gotta walk for almost half an hour but that's okay another walking journey with sarah i don't know if you guys can hear me but there's a restaurant called baby face planets and none of the words are related to food not baby not face not planets and if you look at the sign for it it's like green and purple and there's a water like a big jar at the front that says baby face i don't know what the vibe is crab crab crab crab crab could have a club kyoto style party in the elevator what's [Laughter] so we just got to the hotel room we both have two separate rooms and the rooms are insane i mean look at this this is so extra also there's just my stuff down there but like oh my gosh there's like a whole kitchenette and a fridge and two double beds and a bunk bed here too like what is going on i'm only here for one night is there anything out here can i see anything oh you can see the shinkansen hi wish i was staying here for longer this place is amazing [Music] good morning guys oh shinkansen's going past already there he goes what a cool view yeah good morning everybody um i slept a lot last night which was much needed but this morning um and last night as well my eyes gone red we're a little bit red in here a little bit sad so i'm just gonna be wearing glasses for most of today this morning i have about 20 minutes before i need to go downstairs and meet sarah but i need to book a hotel because i want to stay uh friday night and saturday night as well and go back on sunday i'm trying to make a decision in the next 15 minutes as to where i'm going to be if you guys want to stay here this place is called me maru it's the uh the one in front of the station so miyamoto kyoto station not sponsored by this place this is just a random hotel we're staying in but dang i recommend this place it's so nice so today we're gonna pack up our stuff and head to nada we're gonna go and see the deer okay i'm gonna pack up all my stuff and then head on out look at us we're shiapan girls we've both got two shield fun we're arriving hi baby you going home we're in nada now oh the air's really crisp out here as well yeah it's nice to be able to breathe it's a green tea latte oh very nice we had a bit of free time so we're just eating working in chatting here on another walk a dangerous walk dangerous walk we're gonna be okay we're walking on the road all the way to a place for a shooting we are in the middle of nowhere again but that's good we love adventures with sarah we have to walk so far the bus just kept on going past where we wanted to go and we're like oh no [Music] oh my god [Music] okay just got to the next hotel and this bed is insanely massive i also only just realized that this is a window what is it this trend of is it a train or is it always been a thing of there being a window to the shower or to the bathroom so we just got back from shooting yeah probably just gonna lie in bed and chill maybe have a nap this has been a journey to find food but we found food we're having yakiniku and if we're still hungry we'll go to lawson we also got bibimbap which is really good it's our last day nada and i'm about to go down and get some breakfast in the hotel i went and bought some eye drops yesterday there's a lot of eye drops here that have what feels like menthol in them they're like very refreshing oh my god the feeling of happy what feels like menthol in your eye it's like it's so spicy it's like it's so minty and you know when you eat mint and you breathe in it's like very fresh it's like when you have it in your eye and you open your eye it's like ah so hopefully just keeps getting better and better but yeah i'm going down now to meet sarah and get some breakfast before we head out and see the deer and everything so excited okay guys so this is like a a no touch glove thing there's air that pushes it in yeah we made it boy hello [Music] hi [Music] so there's been a few articles and and places talking about nara lately being like oh the deer are really suffering because there's not enough tourists with the tourists not there they're not able to eat enough and it's like a really bad situation for the deer and uh we were talking to some people from the government yesterday yeah and uh that's not true and even being here it's clear to see that they're totally fine they're totally fine and there's a school group so many school groups still so many people visiting so they're happy also they eat grass as well like they're probably happier because they don't have all these people yeah not many people annoying them [Music] we're just gonna go get some shika senbei some deer crackers uh for the video we're doing and i'm just sorry they're all like oh is she gonna get the crackers i got the goods and we're walking away all right this has been very intense here we go again the last one you see that was so nice why can't you all be that gentle [Music] we just did the shot that we needed and it was so stressful the deer is so intense they're uh they're relentless they don't even they don't care about anything like if you don't have senbei they don't give a crap and they're like super sweet and they're like yeah i don't care about you as soon as you have somebody that like rip you to shreds you're very cute you're just so scary when descent [Music] okay thank you i love you you're the best experience i've had i hope you're having a nice dream your butt's so great look at that look at that butt it's lunchtime but we're not having lunch we have a dessert we're having some zenzai which is red bean soup with mochi in it i haven't had enzyme ages but you can actually buy it in cans from the jitter humvee from uh from the vending machine but they don't have the mochi in it it's just red bean but it's really good it's very warm and very very delicious in the in winter you can't eat this it's a camera just about to go and do the last oh yeah the last spot of the whole trip which will be good [Music] oh dang you didn't tell me you had moves until i have [Music] okay we just finished shooting for the whole trip so cool yeah right now we're at kastagar taisha and i just opened an omikuji that i got which is in the shape of a dia it's called shikamikuji so this is what the shikamikuji looks like so so cute but when you take the fortune out of its mouth it looks like it's it's like yeah for my fortune from the the shikamikuji i got a daikichi so i got a big big old luck which is awesome i really would like that for the end of the year for 2021 who knows just good luck if it was good [Music] let's go to some of this woo we did it the shoot is over i'm back at the hotel and this is where i'll be staying for the weekend i actually got uh sarah's room off the room at sarah stayed in last time yeah me and sarah going to meet up now and go get some dinner i'm going to go catch some trains and yeah start enjoying kyoto for a holiday hello everybody i'm just about to leave uh the hotel and i'm heading back to tokyo today yesterday was super fun but i didn't want to include it in vlogmas because uh a lot happened and so it's gonna be its own separate video um but yeah i got to see sharla which is really cool and hang out with sarah again i've really really enjoyed my time in kyoto super super nice only thing is i never know how to feel about it when it's really really busy usually and like i don't know seeing kyoto with just japanese tourists it's it's so much less intense this time has definitely been good for my image of kyoto i think it's awesome i think it's wonderful now but uh yeah i just gotta remember that it's not always this peaceful you know anyway it's time to head out and say goodbye to this beautiful hotel see a few more shinkansens go past before i have to leave but yeah it's been so so nice love this place [Music] okay today i'm sorting out christmas presents uh if you are friends with me in real life stop watching thank you so i wanted to show you guys these really cute cards that they sell here you might have seen them they do like japan santa cards and i chose these ones of akihabara because they're just super cute there's little things to notice like there's a little mario santa here and there's like goku over here also got some hatsuhashi from kyoto and it's got amma beer on it who is the symbol of uh corona i guess like getting well and into recovery i wanted to show you my outfit for today because i really like it uh i got this top from lazy oaf and it's just really cool and i've never layered a long sleeve under a t-shirt before it's my first time in my life very cool so i gotta go do run some errands and i gotta go send christmas presents so that'll be good yeah no i have 18 000 photos on my phone [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm assuming that this is the second week of vlogmas uh i don't know if it is i have lost track of my life but it's totally fine just thought i'd pop in and say hello lately my life has just been editing i have been editing so much and i'm so behind in everything but i'm enjoying editing lately so it's okay for the past two days i've been editing a client project that will come out in january uh it's taking a bit of time but it's it's rewarding and i'm enjoying it but uh yesterday i spent the whole day basically looked away in my office um editing so this morning i'm editing in bed instead because look ugh the sun coming in is so nice i just need to get a lot of work done today so i'm pretty much just gonna sit here and just work my butt off and hopefully get everything done by 10 pm i need a new chair good evening everybody i'm here to let you know that unfortunately this year there's only going to be two vlogmas videos so this is the end i hope you've enjoyed um i just wanted to say thank you so so much for all of your support this year uh it's been absolutely amazing and i hope you guys are doing okay out there and i hope that you have a very very merry christmas and a happy new year yeah you guys have made it a really fun time both here and on twitch so thank you so so much for all of your support but i hope you guys have an amazing christmas and a very happy new year and i'll see you in 2021 so uh thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below or hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this or not like this but thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in 2021 and in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 83,465
Rating: 4.9750605 out of 5
Keywords: tokidoki traveller, vlogmas, vlogmas 2020, tokidoki, living in japan, living in tokyo, kyoto, kyoto 2020, nara, nara deer, japan 2020, christmas, working in japan, travel japan, japan, jvlog, jvlogger
Id: s39IoRP9xpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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