Federal Premium PUNCH 22lr Ammo

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Good vid

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PaulHarrell4Prez 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just did a similar test, and it was surprising how slow some .22 ammo is through pistols compared to others. Hard to find anything that gets supersonic - you could almost tell the velocity by the sound each round makes in this video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/obxtalldude 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

As someone commented on the video, aren't these all products of Vista Outdoors?

Jason Vanderbrink, president of ammunition for Vista Outdoors, which includes Federal, Speer, CCI and HEVI-Shot, as well as Remington, told investors demand was still red hot.


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Beretta_errata 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ah hi today we're on our range to which i have exclusive access and we're talking about federal premium 22 long rifle punch ammunition many people have contacted me asking me to do a review of this type of ammo and a viewer gave me this box of ammo thank you very much so here we are and i'll shoot this alongside some other types of 22 long rifle ammo that are considered to be high performance such as cci mini mag cci stinger and remington yellow jacket and we'll see how the punch ammo stacks up and we'll start with a close-up of what these ammunitions look like from left to right our ammunitions are our federal punch 29 grain flat nose cci mini mag 36 grain hollow point cci stinger 32 grain hollow point and remington yellow jacket 33 grain truncated cone hollow point before we even get started there's two very important things i have to point out one we saw that our different types of 22 ammo have different projectile weights and some people would consider that comparing them would be unfair i'm going to say that it is fair because your federal 22 long rifle punch ammunition is marketed for personal defense it actually has the words personal defense on the box so i'm going to compare it to 22 ammunition that i would consider to be good and or popular choices if someone were going to use a 22 long rifle for concealed carry personal protection home defense the second thing is this has an advertised velocity printed on the box of 1070 feet per second that does not sound particularly impressive especially when you compare it to our cci mini mag which has an advertised velocity printed on the box of 1260. 190 feet per second more with a bullet that's significantly heavier okay you have to read the fine print when you look at ballistics charts and you look at the velocity of 22 long rifle ammunition that is almost always achieved using rifle length barrels right here on the box it's printed velocity achieved through two inch barrel you have to read the fine print before you count this out so let's go to the chronograph and see what kind of velocities we get using several barrel lengths i have the chronograph set up at 7 yards i have my ruger 10 22 with an 18 and a half inch barrel and we'll start with cci mini mag 36 grain hollow point 1309 [Music] 1289. 1283 1281 [Music] [Applause] 1325 1315 and 1296 let's see how that compares to our other ammo and now our cci stinger 32 grain hollow point [Music] 1501 [Music] 1562. [Music] 1545 [Music] [Applause] 1532 15 49 [Music] and 15 51. let's try another type of ammo and now remington yellowjacket 33 grain truncated cone hollow point 1309 [Music] [Applause] 1286 1287 [Music] 1287 [Music] 1340 [Music] 1329 [Applause] 1328 [Applause] and 12 48 and now our federal punch 29 grain flat nose [Music] 15-13 [Music] 15-26 [Music] [Applause] 15-28 [Music] fifteen twelve [Music] fifteen forty five fifteen thirty five [Music] and fifteen thirty three now let's try a different type of firearm now let's see what kind of velocities we get out of a handgun i've got my beretta m922 with a five and a quarter inch barrel and again we'll start with the mini mags 11 15. 1104 1092 [Applause] 1129 10 91 and 11 16. let's see how that compares to the stingers and now the stingers 12 29 11 14. 1266 1252 [Applause] 1259 12 12 [Applause] and 11 13. let's try another type of ammo and now our yellow jackets [Applause] 10.78 [Applause] 10.99 1091 1100 [Applause] 10.75 and 11 26. now let's see how those compare to our federal punch and now our federal punch ammunition 12.45 12.94 [Applause] 12.45 1273 1264 and 1220. let's try one more firearm now i've got my beretta model 21a which according to my ruler has a two and three eighths inch barrel and we'll start with the minimax 8.99 936 [Applause] 954 904 [Applause] 910 and 910 so we'll cut out one of those nine tens let's see how that compares to our other ammunitions and now the cci stingers 9.79 984 [Applause] 988 [Applause] 976 and 10 18. let's try our yellow jackets and now our remington yellow jackets before i shoot these there's two things one yellow jackets have a reputation for not working really well in all auto loaders so we'll see how they do in the 21a and two you may have noticed that i've moved a little bit closer to the chronograph when using this pistol that will not affect our chronograph readings we have a presentation on that if you'd like to watch it but it can affect the health of the chronograph 880. [Applause] 8.97 8.97 906 [Applause] 9 58 and 9 13. now let's try our federal punch and now our federal punch ammunition a thousand and forty [Applause] a thousand fourteen 1024 1018 [Applause] 1021 and 1041. now just a second ago i said it was 1021 that was actually 1027. but with that let's go crunch the numbers well i crunched the numbers and here they are and of course it comes with the normal caveats that chronographs don't always agree with each other and certain environmental factors like ambient temperature and elevation can affect chronograph results and the results i got were with the ruger 10 22 and it's 18 and a half inch barrel with the cci mini mags we've got a mean velocity of 1299 feet per second with the stingers we got 1540 that's a lot more now remember that the stinger is a 32 grain bullet not a 36 so that is less but still 1540 is an impressive velocity with your yellow jackets we've got a velocity of 1303 now that's a 33 grain bullet so it's three grains less than the mini mag but we're also seeing a velocity of four feet per second more now four feet per second more that's well within the variation in one round to the next and not enough difference to make a difference so even though there's a slight bullet weight i'm going to say that the performance of the two rounds there isn't enough difference to matter but when we get over to the punch ammunition we see a velocity of 1544 now that is impressive however the velocity with the stingers was 1540 so we see a difference of four feet per second well within the variation in one round to the next not enough difference to make a difference and remember the punch is a 29 grain bullet compared to the stinger 32 grain bullet so it's achieving that velocity with a slightly lighter bullet now when we go to our m922 with this five and a quarter inch barrel we expect to lose some velocity and that's exactly what we got with the mini mags you see a velocity of 1107 with the stingers 1206 that's 99 feet per second more so that's still quite a bit more with our yellow jacket ammunition we see a velocity of 1094 so that's 13 feet per second less than the mini mags again i'm going to say well within the variation one round to the next not really enough difference to make a difference with our punch ammunition we see a velocity of 1256 okay that sounds impressive that's 50 feet per second more than the stingers got out of the pistol and although 50 feet per second more sounds like a lot i'm going to say that might not be as significant when we're talking about velocities above 1200 and remember the punch ammunition achieved that with a bullet that's three grains lighter but where it really matters is when we get down to our beretta 21a with its two and three eighths inch barrel remember the punch ammunition is marketed as a personal defense ammo so the shorter barreled gun becomes relevant and here we see that our mini mag ammunition has a velocity of 920 compared to our yellow jacket over here with 910 we'll sing the same song well within the variation of one round to the next not enough difference to make a difference but with our stingray ammunition we see a velocity of 989 that's 69 feet per second more than our mini mag so while 50 feet per second more up here might not be that impressive with velocities above 1200 69 feet per second when you're talking about velocities down in the 900s i'm going to say is impressive but when we get over to our punch ammunition we see a velocity of 1027. that's a hundred and seven feet per second more than our mini mag now that sounds like a lot more but here's where we have to remember that the punch is a 29 grain bullet the mini mag is a 36 grain bullet so we're talking about a loss of seven grains now that might not sound like much but when you consider that the mini mag is a 36 grain bullet losing seven grains is about 20 percent so that is significant but what we have to put into all of this is the concept of when you're talking about 20 percent less in 22 long rifle ammunition 20 of nothing is still nothing a new version of the adage twice nothing is still nothing all of these velocities and all of these minute differences in bullet weight may very well make very little difference when it comes to shooting the intended target so although a velocity of 107 feet per second more down on our bottom line here sounds like a lot more it may not be a lot more and that brings me to the bottom line of all of these things are just numbers on paper how will this translate into effectiveness on the intended target let's see if we can put that to the test to test the effectiveness of our ammunition we're going to use something we call the meat target for those who haven't seen it before the meat target is leather couch skin followed by pork steak pectorals pork ribs a bag of oranges to simulate lung tissue more pork ribs on the back four layers of lab coat on the front four layers on the back and the whole thing followed by the new and improved high-tech fleece bullet stop and i'm going to shoot this from seven yards and i'll start with my beretta m922 which is loaded with our cci mini mags and our remington yellow jackets we saw that their performance on paper seemed to be pretty close let's see how they compare in terms of performance in our meat target [Applause] we've got our meat target taken apart our ribs on the front of the target have 22 caliber holes through them where projectiles actually hit ribs broke them we see 22 caliber holes through our orange lung tissue didn't tear up our oranges too much the one that is torn up is where i was looking for a projectile some of our projectiles were stopped in the orange lung tissue some were stopped by the ribs on the back of the target some were stopped by the lab coat on the back of the target none of them actually made it through to our fleece bullet stop but let's take a close-up look at these projectiles here's our yellowjacket projectiles and you can see they have very good expansion now by contrast here's our mini mag projectiles and you can see that the expansion is to some degree good but not as good here's one that has almost no expansion one of the projectiles fell on the ground and i couldn't find it so although on our chart it would appear that our mini mags have greater performance than the yellow jackets in our meat target the yellow jackets performed rather impressively now i have a new meat target set up and i have my m922 loaded with the stingers and the punch ammunition let's see what kind of results we get now [Applause] we've got our meat target taken apart there's two very important things i have to point out one this is an ear plug case where ear plugs with every shot i take and although i do not consider safety glasses really necessary when using the chronograph i do wear them when i'm shooting things like the meat target i just typically take them off before i get back on camera two our cci stingers are hollow points our federal punch ammunition are flat-nosed solid ammunition and we can see the difference in effect between those two rounds in this meet target our ribs on the front of the target as the projectiles go in we just see 22 caliber bullet holes those projectiles coming out the back we see some are still just 22 caliber holes some have obvious hollow point expansion we see this continue as the bullets go through our orange lung tissue those hit with the punch ammunition just have a bullet hole in one side and out the other those hit with the stinger hollow point projectiles there's quite a bit of damage now when you're trying to shoot a large intended target with something low powered like 22 long rifle penetration becomes a big concern some people are concerned that if you have good hollow point expansion you're going to get insufficient penetration well in this case of the eight projectiles i recovered four stinger hollow points and four punch flat noses all of them were stopped by the lab coat on the back of the target for the first layer of fleece so damage significantly different penetration no significant difference at all now let's take a close-up look at these projectiles here's our punch projectiles and we see limited deformation to the flat nose projectiles now by contrast here's our stinger projectiles and we see a lot of hollow point expansion so the two types of projectiles have equal penetration but with our stingers we saw significantly more damage to the intended target we're going to shoot one more meat target remember that the federal punch ammunition is labeled as personal defense so it's very likely someone's going to be doing concealed carry with a handgun smaller than my m922 so now i have my beretta 21a loaded with the stingers and the federal punch ammunition let's see what kind of results we get with this [Applause] so with our stingers and our federal punch ammunition being fired from the 21a we still saw that all of the projectiles were stopped by lab coat on the back of the target or by the first layer of fleece but now let's take a close-up look here's our federal punch projectiles and we can see just like before very little deformation but now here's our stinger projectiles when fired out of the 21a the stingers drop below expansion threshold so although the penetration was equal with both types of ammunition the stingers are now not really giving you any advantage now there's one more thing we want to cover someone told me that there are unsubstantiated rumors that federal punch ammunition will start tumbling and it will not shoot accurately when shot from longer barrels let's see if we can put that to the test i've got my ruger 10 22 with an 18 and a half inch barrel i'll go back 25 yards and i'll shoot our gopher targets which were donated by a viewer thank you and i'll shoot the target on your left with the cci mini mags and the target on your right with federal punch ammunition and let's see what kind of results we [Applause] get [Applause] so [Applause] remember this is me shooting off hand at 25 yards and we see with our cci mini mags a centered group that's not too bad with our federal punch ammunition we may see a shift in point of impact that's understandable considering the difference in velocity and projectile weight now the shift back to the center i probably did that subconsciously but we do see a pretty good group and i see no evidence whatsoever of bullet tumbling now there's one more thing i want to add i only had 50 rounds of this federal punch ammunition and i've now fired all of it you saw in shooting the gopher targets there was a delay between the 9th and 10th round that's because i had a malfunction but that was the only malfunction i had with this ammunition regardless of which firearm i was using now the takeaways from all of this today we saw that the federal punch ammunition did have impressive velocity but when compared to the cci stingers it really wasn't that impressive when shooting our meat target compared to the cci stingers we saw that their penetration was equal but the stingers had hollow point expansion and did a lot more damage even when shooting the beretta 21a which is propelling those stingers below expansion threshold we still saw that the stingers and the federal punch had equal penetration and did equal damage now although we did not shoot the yellow jackets and the mini mags through the 21a today i have done that demonstration on a previous occasion and i found that of course when using the 21a the mini mags are below expansion threshold but i've found that the only 22 long rifle ammunition that i've ever fired that does have hollow point expansion in those very short barrels is the remington yellow jacket so even though the results we saw didn't seem that impressive if you're shooting a handgun with a very short barrel that might be something to consider but the real bottom line at least for me is that although the federal punch ammunition was impressive it wasn't that impressive compared to things like the remington yellow jacket and the cci stinger that have both been around for about 40 years and it brings me to the bottom line of this question is the federal punch ammunition good ammunition i'm going to say yes but i'm going to say that i'm not willing to pay a premium price for it there's also the question is it the right ammunition for me and i'm going to say no is it the right ammunition for you you be the judge so as always don't try this home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the federal premium personal defense punch 22 long rifle ammunition video [Music] you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 136,115
Rating: 4.9830141 out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell 22, paul harrel 22lr, paul harrell punch, 22lr punch ammo
Id: PlL3uBoTrM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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