February 27, 2022 Sunday Second Service [Bro. Royan Barnes]

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[Music] is [Music] [Music] as we offer up the sacrifice of praise lord you are well come into this place [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody we serve an awesome god we serve our great god we serve our mighty god we all have a testimony that god is good turn to somebody and say god is good it's the reason that's the reason why i'm here god is good in spite of god is good some of us are mourning but guess what god is good some of us might not have enough funds but guess what god is good some of us might be feeling pain but guess what god is good praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody hallelujah thank you jesus you are worthy god can we just lift our hands i want for every one of us this afternoon to just lift your hands lift your hands if you're not old in a child regardless of how small you are once you're understanding me just lift your hands and i want you to close your eyes and i want you to say something to god tell god thanks for something whether you baptize in jesus name or not i want you to lift your hands and tell god thanks for something tell him thanks for something and i want you to worship him i want you to open your mouth and worship him because guess what he deserved the glory he deserved the honor and in spite of my god we are here to give him thanks this afternoon we serve an awesome god we serve a great god we serve a god that is bigger than all our problem we serve a god that is bigger than all our fears we serve a god that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all which you could ever ask or think we serve almighty god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus you are worthy great god because of who you are i give you glory [Music] because of who you are i give you pray we worship the lord everybody because of who his come on because of who you are worship worship lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are because of who you are i give you glory [Music] because of who you are i give you praise oh because of who you are i [Music] because of who you are these are provided this afternoon hallelujah [Music] my [Music] of princess and i worship you because of who you are [Music] see [Music] [Music] prince of peace and i worship you because of who you are [Music] of who you are i give you glory the words of the son because of we because of whose you pray god you're the reason why we're here [Music] because of who you are [Music] lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are thank you jesus praise god praise god and we are going to re we are going to pray so we are going to pray this afternoon and i have two requests here and i know separate and apart from these requests that i have here there are persons in here this afternoon that have requests that are unspoken and i want you to just place it you know in your heart when we are going to present peace before the lord and not just these but that the will of god be done god is already here and i want for us when we're praying it's what we put in we will get out because nothing will change from god being who he is because he's already here he is already here so you want to worship you want to feel the presence of god you are to give off your worship and give your praise praise god we're going to pray for sister althea love she's asking for prayer you know for that child that died you know in the car that four-year-old that died um his father prayed for his father you know they're not taking it well so sister althea is asking for prayer for the father the family really it's our sister so it's our nephew sister althea's sister althea love nephew pray for the family please my god and i want for us to pray for cj um he's a jamaican and he's on foot in in ukraine right you know heading to to to poland and we just want to pray for him and there are persons that they are keeping but because they are male you know they want them to help in whatever way i guess my god bought god and to pray for sister until daily not asking for prayer oh she has pain in the neck and the shoulder so we have three requests here and we're going to put sister love and the family before the lord their mourning and the family of that the father is not taking it well and we're going to pray for sister daily and we're going to pray for cj and all the others that are there not citizen of ukraine but of jamaica and maybe other nations you know we're going to put them before the lord we're going to put the service before the lord and we're going to pray that the lord as i said before god is already here and we're going to pray that we'll just open up before god and just give him what he deserves give him deserve put him at the place where he ought to be at the first at the front at the top and we're going to put ourselves before the lord praise the lord everybody and praise will be done here this afternoon let us just bow our heads in prayer most righteous and eternal god we thank you jesus this afternoon for your grace your mercy your love and your kindness truly lord jesus is nothing good that we have done while we are here but we just want to say thank you lord jesus as you look down your presence being here wash us and you and fresh that god the words and the worship that will come from our mouth will come from a place of truth lord jesus that lord jesus you will accept it mighty god god we pray lord jesus that as we open up our mouth and worship father god you will restore unto us mighty god the joy of our salvation mighty god strength lord jesus that you'll break chained mighty god that you'll uplift spirit mighty god and that lord god you'll set captive free my god lord jesus will present or request before you represent lord jesus sister love mighty god i'll tell love and her family lord god now in mourning mighty god of the lord god what seemingly lord god oh god words cannot express but god you're the god that see all things know all things understand all things and nothing take you by surprise but god you being that god you are also a god of comfort and we pray almighty god that you'll extend comfort unto them mighty god like they have never received before comfort that father god i pray lord jesus that you'll touch their heart in a special way almighty god and minister into their spirit god we put lord jesus sister daily before you we pray lord god that you will touch our shoulder and neck god you know the pain and the cause of the pain lord jesus but you are a healer and god we thank you for being lord jesus the elah lord god that you are as you lord god touch her in a special way father god we put cj before you mighty god we know not what he's going through in his mind but we pray almighty god if he's evil your name jesus that he will he constantly breathe in the name of jesus jesus as he walked mighty god jesus god as he looked mighty god be offense wrong about him and not just in mighty god but the others that are in fearful almighty god in their hearts and in their spirit lord god you're a god of lord god comfort and a god of strength but god your words must come to pass and i pray oh god that as we pray lord god we pray with understanding i pray almighty god that we love our heart and our mind lord god to lord god we open up and recognize the signs of the time and the things that are happening lord god that we look up for our redemption joy my mighty god god you are still on the throne and you still read mighty god and we thank you lord god for what you're about to do in this place god we pray lord god that you'll touch the hearts of every individual in your lord god saver and savior god that we will give you fresh worship that we will give you fresh praise jesus lord you deserve it mighty god you deserve it mighty god many of our fallen but mighty god you raise us up so you deserve it lord jesus you die on calvary cross shedding your blood for our redemption mighty god you deserve it so god that as we worship you will do so in praise in thanksgiving and lord god giving you all the glory all honor all the praise god take full control of the service the moderate almighty god the word that will be coming forth i pray almighty god that your holy spirit will rest upon the moderator might take a rest upon the preacher that will be bringing the word that when the word come from their almighty god it will comfort with power and authority it will send forth lord god and do that which it must accomplish in the name of jesus god we thank you for what you're about to do and what you're going to do in jesus name we pray amen amen amen and can you turn with me in your bible to psalm 100 and 21 praise the lord everybody can we stand for the reading of the word can we stand praise god it's a well-known scripture but we're going to put we're going to we're going to we're going to read it this morning we're going to read it this morning my god god still reign god is god and for whatever reason we are visiting today god see this day before it was and jesus know why my god thank you jesus thank you jesus if you find it can we praise the lord everybody praise god after two one two we're going to read together i will lift up my eyes onto the hills from whence commit my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and hurt he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber be all he that keep it israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and i coming in from this time fort even forevermore praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise god thank you thank you jesus it is all right all right it is all right all right as long as i have my lord beside me it is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] it is [Music] as long as i'm under his control oh [Music] oh i know it was the flood i know it was the blood i know it was the love that saved me [Music] [Music] cross i know it was the love that saved me oh yes i know he can save you today [Music] we died come on i need everybody here to clap your hands i'm not hearing the clapping are you not clapping to me let's clap for hands to the king of kings one more time tap your head [Music] he carried my sins far away rising he justified feed me forever one day he's coming back gloria take living living here and dying parity carried my sins far away rising [Music] one more time living in love dying is my [Applause] one day he's coming back one day he's coming back one day he's done let's sing it two more times one day one sweet day lunch money children to feed problems and situation live bill because one day he's called me back what she did he'll be back are you listening to me today he's coming are you ready for that one day one day one day one day he's coming back everybody clap your hands [Music] [Applause] come on put your hands together everybody clap your hands we're here to worship the king of kings you haven't been this much i haven't had this much people in a whole little while to come everybody clap your hand everybody clap your hand everybody clap your head [Music] oh i know it was the plan i i just want to worship him [Music] one day he one day one [Music] [Music] everybody clap your hands after the king [Music] everybody clap your hand come on everybody shout hooray everybody shout some praise one more time everybody shout some praise [Music] i feel like god warming up to a prayers now come on [Music] one more time everybody shouts to pray everybody sounds so great everybody jump for joy if you can't jump jump with me everybody jump where people can't jump [Music] everybody clap your hands [Music] one more time everybody clap those hands [Music] if you're visiting for the first second or third time it's an important this is an apostolic service sometimes we get delicate active just to express how much you appreciate god see you as soon as we don't don't worry wait until then guess what everybody clap your hands everybody clap your hand [Music] everybody clap your hands everybody clap your hands everybody shout your child [Music] everybody shout for joy if he's been good to you everybody shout for time [Music] everybody tap those heads [Music] all right jimmy be seated come on someone lift up your hands lift up your hands you can't sit on the ball lift up your hands as you see though [Music] you came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to the cross my death you paid from the cross [Music] you came from [Music] that's what he did [Music] from the earth [Music] came you came here you came from heaven to earth [Music] lord lord your name oh [Music] [Music] your name everybody in this building lift up your hands right now let's worship the god of god the king of all kings let's lift up a sweet savor to him something you can smell us a year man that worships smell good come on everybody worship right now just for a couple of seconds in your seat lift up your hands right now so that somebody passing outside can feel that something is happening in this building hallelujah somebody somewhere lift up your hands there's so many things happening in the atmosphere come on worship him let's drag his attention to this place come lift him up right now somebody somewhere everywhere hallelujah lift him up high lift him up high lift him up high somebody lift him up for yesterday hey hallelujah lift him up for today lift him up for last month come somebody lift him up come let's take one minute and lift him up everybody hallelujah we lift you up god hey you are worthy come on lift him up he's worthy hallelujah hallelujah you are worthy of all the glory god you're worthy of all the praise i lift you up mighty god lord i lift you up i lift you up i lift you up you finish lifting more up if you finish that's fine but i won't lift him up a little bit longer god was a stingy and he was blessing me hallelujah god i lift you up hallelujah holland who won't lift him up with me can i get one person two person come give me three hallelujah lift him up somebody lift him up lift him up i need somebody who pass him if you're willing to turn back a reverse and say no man if you somehow pass the gate there hallelujah i'll lift you up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] honor he's been good to me [Music] it's not that i lost her words we just can't find the words can't find the right words that is sometimes i forgot to shut your mouth before the presence of god i don't know about you but i don't deserve to be here hallelujah his mercy is his mercies his mercy if you're here today you think oh you're listening to me think you wake yourself up i'm here to tell you it wasn't you your alarm cannot wake you up you can't wake yourself up his mercies endure forever they are new every morning great is his faithfulness to us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah everybody clap your hands [Applause] i mean it i want to mean it man clap your hands to the king of kings [Applause] since the year started i just can't shake this imagery in my head about the elders casting their crowns before him and i'm like i want to be there to see that and if i want to take up mine to want us to worship him because nothing deserves glory in his presence no one none of us none of our activities he's just deserving of all of it hallelujah [Music] come on church worship the king of kings you feel his presence in this place somebody worship the king of kings and the lord of lords we don't want visitors to leave the same way they came they must come here and feel something different from where they're coming from hallelujah the presence of god must be rich and we welcome him here hallelujah come jesus this belongs to you this is yours hallelujah do whatever you want in this place god we belong to you let your fire come down and consume or worship god hallelujah accept our sacrifice and praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] this is the house of god he belongs to none of us we lay our sacrifices at this altar he belongs to him and our praise will be consumed by him if it is acceptable help us to make our worship and our sacrifice acceptable before him it is our reasonable service hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah lift up your hands everybody one more time hallelujah i hope you're not tired to worship him i hope you're not tired to worship him he's deserving of all our glory all over all of your honor my name is above your name praise god i just want to pause for a moment to invite bishop just to come and greet anybody officially who may be visiting with us for the first or so time i really want him to greet you so that you feel welcomed and that you're willing to come back again praise god everybody but do continue worshiping praise god bishop praise god praise god what a wonderful wonderful presence of the lord amen in the house today can we put our hands together everybody clap your hands holy people shout unto god with the voice of can we give a praise to the most high god put your hands together one more time and just give him some glory praise god praise god praise god he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be praise the praise god amen i i'm happy that i get the privilege to be in service twice amen i get it double every time amen and we had a grand time in the house this morning from beginning to end and already we are having a great time in this place god is a good god oh let's put our hands together one more time and let him know that we appreciate him praise god praise god praise god praise god and i want to greet every saint in the house this morning everyone in this place greetings in the name of the lord jesus christ our great god our great king he is worthy to be praised i greet you in his great name all the saints that are a part of this service you have joined us by the world wide web i want to greet you in jesus precious name amen service really would go on without you but then we would be missing your praise and when we say we you know probably just to hear it but almighty god who receives them if you weren't here or if you were asleep or if you were somewhere else not praising him he would miss it but we thank god for those that are in the house we thank god for those that have joined us via the internet and we are here [Music] praise god and we thank god for all of us that are joined in amen as we give praise and glory to the great god almighty amen i also would like to greet all the visitors that are on the internet you have joined us by the internet greetings to you every visitor we want you to know that we love you we appreciate you and if you have not yet surrendered to the great king of all kings amen we pray today that you will bow before him and do it no because if you don't do it no one day in the future you're going to have to do it except that it will be under different circumstance and so we invite you if you're in the host and you're a visitor amen any visitors in the house just just stick your hand up we just want to identify you visit us amen amen amen amen amen amen come on we put our hands together saints of god for all the visitors in the house and those that are with us via the world wide web we bless the lord for all of you we say god richly bless you amen god place his hand on you and may we recognize may you recognize visitors that the goodness of the lord leads to salvation and he has been good to you and if you have not yet surrendered it to him today is a good time to bow amen and give your hearts to the lord to renew your commitment to this great god he is worthy to be praised amen i see the mccloud clan oh today sir my claude god bless come on we put you we we all know sister bubbles macleod that great amen prior warrior intercessor that departed she's in the glory land right now and we give god thanks for her life and the things that she did while she was here it's good to look across and to see sir mclaughlin god bless you amen candice and kelly's and and i sense that other family members are here god bless every one of you good to have you in the house come on we put our hands together and let them know that we appreciate them all god is a good good god praise god and since i'm here just before i take my seat um remember today is the last sunday amen in february we did it this morning and we are doing it again for this service because those that weren't here you are here now and we take our special offering today please if you don't have your envelopes you can just indicate to the ushers you write your name and you indic and the ushers are there sister russia around the back a man amen sister brian over there they have their envelopes just indicate just wave your hands they'll come across you you're gonna be writing your name and you're going to be indicating exactly what it is if it's the pledge if it's the one-month salary whatever it is just indicate and then the ushers will be here later on what comes tomorrow we are going to have to make another payment amen in relation to the property and we were faithful you were faithful and so we were faithful to the vendors they got the first 2.5 amen in january and comes tomorrow there's another 2.5 to be handed over praise god and i can safely say we are sweeping through the gates come tomorrow and we will be making that then the next one will be due at the end of april then the next one will be due at the end of june and already i see the trajectory we are sweeping through the gates and god is a good god the big guns are going to be drawn comes the end of september because that time now 2 million u.s is going to have to be handed over but if we start the way we start and if we are carrying on the way that we are carrying on i kind of know how our god is and i just i don't know how it's going to call my daughter what's going to happen but i just know that god is going to and the preacher said when if god block a road in it well black and and if god fly the gate it wealth i was a rich man can close the gate when god open it and put on the latch and say leave it to yourself which man can lock it off and puff and push and struggle but god is good and he's doing a great work and and we're seeing what he's doing and not only are individuals coming forward in about departments the the bible school you know minister came across this morning or or dean of the bible school came across i said we have our contribution you know i don't even want to tell you what you know what is some is is big guns almighty god and i give god thanks and they are making their contribution go ahead sister williams big guns put them there we i'm telling you god is up to something and i feel excited i feel excited we had remember we remember we said i wouldn't just i don't tell nobody this because i don't finish praying but i just went pick it up you know every now and then i don't just drop a like a tiger and troublio and make you wonder what's happening so you can pray and so we were talking to it for this building you know because this is not a part of the deal you remember we talked about it this one here where we are is the other big one but it kind of looked away took a bit over there so i'm gonna leave this one so we're just to the same people and all of a sudden they said no no no and all of a sudden last week with your talking i will say it it's not going to look good we have to just complete the circle and all of a sudden the person said you know we thought about it but could just work out something because we're trying to get a place because it looked like when we have to take the old thing in a week or somewhere else i just heard that no we're not sure what is happening but in the same way oh i am thinking about it i don't want this particular bird be a male one so i just in short a little bit and tell you so the whole weekend every time we shoulders and we can pray and see what is god is going to do you know so we don't afraid among them we just move out in the name of the lord and what i sing if we get the entire please tap the bottom nothing left behind and so we are we are trusting god we are trusting god um the little coins that we collected from the other day this one is half full already that's what is coming on with the coins that we collected the other day we took them to the exchanges and we got over a hundred thousand dollars for those little coins and we give god thanks small things matter we're collecting buckles and we're not afraid to tell the world that we're collecting bottles one one buckle and we got buckles the other day and we took them to dng and we got over one hundred thousand dollars for the liquor buckles that we have been collecting and the buckles are still coming in the coins are still coming in the fifty dollars and the hundred dollars are still coming in and although you hear us talking and asking for the five hundred thousand us and the one million u.s and all of those things to make this thing happen it starts with the coins and we are going in the name of the lord praise god praise god you know normally i would have said wait until offering time because but it look good when we're talking people just dropping in tonight we just can't we ain't passing you just where's entire you're taking too long [Music] i would normally wear telecommute and if i'm taking too long pardon me just forget about me anything just drop a teeth and go back to your seat and leave me let me talk amen amen but god has been good and he has shown himself strong amen and he is doing is that that one that's fine mighty god good wonderful god bless you the man bringing bank a whole bag god bless you god bless you god bless you damn blinker one one dollars five dollars twenty dollars watch it watch it what you know what i usher's call because he's like sending me a message listen their message osha has popped up because these folks are embarrassing me [Music] [Applause] so if you have your pledge envelopes get them out we are going to be giving to the god bless you god bless you we are going to be giving to the lord so as we said this is the last sunday the special offering is being taken and we go to the vendors again tomorrow and do amen another make another payment praise god praise god praise god minister you want to pray yeah we're going to the offering now so just ask god's blessing hallelujah lord jesus we want to give you thanks for your mercy and your grace we ask you right now as we're able to collect a portion of what you've given to us that you bless it that you use it for your glory i pray god your hand be upon us and that you will multiply it we ask these mercies and more in jesus name amen amen praise god now as the ushers come around singers are going to be singing once you drop your offering in the bucket just stand so we're going to find that somewhere standing and as you give your offering with stand and just keep worshiping amen as the signals you lead god bless you in jesus name [Music] the upward way new heights i'm gaining [Music] every day [Music] but still i'm praying [Applause] as someone so jesus pled my fears [Music] every day [Music] but still i'm praying [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah oh i'm practicing on hallelujah [Music] every day [Applause] but jesus i'm praying i'm praying [Music] [Music] so jesus blends my feet [Music] oh oh is is [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] your hands [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] everybody lift up the king of kings he's worthy to be praised lift your hands and worship the king right now everybody everywhere hallelujah lift him up his name is worthy to be praised we worship you jesus hallelujah praise god we're going to be having right now a dedication or two i believe we're inviting deacon to come we'll be having a dedication right now praise the lord everybody how could that stand while the singers sing and breathe [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] there's [Music] is [Applause] [Music] all of your is they shall praise the lord everybody praise god as the scripture says in psalms 127 verse 3 children are the heritage of the lord and the fruits of the womb is israel but bishop you know you have an excuse to be overlooked proverbs 17 verse 6 says children children are the crown of old men and the glory of children are their fathers what outcomes are something nothing about mothers but if you look in the revised version what many i have left out it says the children glory is their appearance so women are not left out praise the lord everybody i'll be reading for mention the names i will just be reading from regular script of deuteronomy 6 from verse 3 to 9. praise god hear o hizrah heir there for ho israel and observe to do it that it may be well with thee and that you may increase mightily as the lord god of thy fathers has promised thee in the land that dwelt floweth with milk and onion here o israel the lord our god is one lord and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and those shall teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when though when those cities in the host and when the walkers by the way and when they're lie dawn and when they will rise it up and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine heights and those shall write them upon the post of the holes and undy gails praise the lord everybody it's so fitting first of all to say when you have the fathers praise put your hands for them because we know it's not those mothers alone have to grow the children so fathers it is fit you know we feel good to have you we just don't want you to make it just a one-time visit praise the lord everybody well we'll be dedicating pastor we need some what i call linguists here today these names no easter eggs anyway i have like a friend there for the skull from around the back end she know how to pronounce words anyway zahana sit my stick already walker is the problem he gave us second one is uh all right i don't need to help this one i believe i can javier zaheer richards the club god and now we'll be dedicating bringing them forward come on most righteous father we give you thanks for your love and kindness lord jesus therefore nothing takes thee by surprise why life exists no there are presents here today [Music] dissolve your words for the beginning of the world therefore we look to you with the author and finish them off right now your divine intervention as we lord [Music] for your glory and for your prayers [Music] foreign and walk in the face of god almighty and they may bring in the right way in the administration and fear everything give them protections [Music] [Music] god almighty touch them to them lord god from the heavens your spirit [Music] right [Music] hallelujah [Music] in jesus name [Applause] and you move mountains you cause walls to fall with your power you perform miracles and there is nothing that's impossible and we're standing here only because [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you move mountains [Applause] [Music] mountains [Music] [Music] and there is that's impossible for him to do if you believe today he can make a miracle in your life [Music] [Music] that's [Music] [Music] lift up your hands everybody as we're standing ready to receive a word from god you want to believe that he will make a way for the world to come forth freely into hallelujah into our hearts let's pray that somebody listening online was going to be watching this service in a few minutes if they're not watching live hallelujah even know that when they come off work and they go on the stream that the world will minister powerfully to their hearts hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you god for what we're about to receive give us full god give us food god hallelujah hallelujah right now we're going to be inviting to speak to us as the lord leads him i'm going to invite brother ryan barnes just to come and leave a word with us as god directs him praise god [Music] praise the lord praise the lord if anyone has a mind and just spray or pass i can't go ahead and just spray we thank you great god almighty for another opportunity to come and to sit at the table to be fed we thank you for the privilege we thank you for providing bread we thank you for making a server available lord we are hungry even though we ate earlier on we are hungry because it is the word of the living god their spirit in their life and we are desperate to hear from you we pray father in heaven that you will anoint your servant for this moment we pray that you will use him as an instrument my god to speak a word into our beings i pray that you will direct in a very focused way the things that will be said today so that they will hit the spot hallelujah and our souls will be lifted and our hearts will be encouraged and we will be ready to walk one more mile use him for your glory have your own way we pray lead us as only you alone can we are willing to go the extra mile we are willing to go all the way but go with us we pray so send your word we say thank you and we bless and we honor you in the name of jesus christ we pray and we give you thanks in jesus name amen and amen praise the lord thank you thank you sarah all right uh if you have your bibles uh i'll be reading two passages of scriptures first is from proverbs 22 verse 28 and the second passage of scripture will be revelations chapter 2 and i believe verses 1 to 7. so proverbs 22 verse 28 and it reads remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have said and we go over to the book of revelations the last book in the bible hallelujah revelations to revelation and it reads unto the angel of the church of ephesus right these things saith he that will let the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks i know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them would see their apostles and are not and have phoned them liars and has borne and hath and has patience for my name seek hast labor and has not fainted nevertheless i have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love remember therefore from whence the lord fallen and repent and do the first works or else i will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent but this thou has that thou hatest the deeds of the nicolasians which i also hate he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god lord bless you you may be seated hallelujah thank you jesus i take the time out just to agree to our bishop bishop daily praise the lord hallelujah his wife starika daily all our leaders and our lovely wonderful congregation praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah god is just awesome and he's worthy to be praised hallelujah i give god thanks for the opportunity and the privilege to be here one more time in his presence just to lift up his name just to glorify him because indeed he is the king of king and lord of lords and he deserves all honor all glory all praise it belongs to him hallelujah thank you jesus and you know before i even get into just the passages of scriptures that we've read just want to using sort of an analogy you know for those of us especially who familiar with the automotive world or if you drive a car you know you will have at least some understanding that uh in order for a motor vehicle a car to move you know every car that you check it will have an engine right and over time you know these would have been developed right so we have what is called the internal combustion engine you know whether it's uh there's diesel engine or a gas engine right so combustion happens inside the engine but prior to that we had what was known as the external combustion engine you know way before my turn and you know an example would have been the steam engine praise the lord and that's external combustion furthermore now we have a new dimension you know what uh we call the electric engine so it requires no sort of combustion whatsoever and you know i was thinking about this and and i'm saying that i see some similarity in some sense in the progression of the church where just as how at one point we had an engine where the combustion was external at one point if you read the scriptures the holy ghost it would come upon us or come up on the individual you know just with samson and gideon and many others it was external and then christ came and died and made the promise and we got the holy ghost and then we have that which is internal sort of just like the internal combustion engine hallelujah but that's not i'm having a bit of an issue and all this is good you know one of the things we learn especially about engines and especially the diesel engine we will hear that it's somewhat noisy it's bad for the environment you know greenhouse gases and stuff like that and so over time and it's good to progress and you know we now have the electric engine as i said earlier but the problem i'm having is that somehow that's how we deal with the church or that's the direction that we seem to be going in we are at a place where hallelujah even as the scripture points out not to remove the old landmark and i see where we're at a place where we the spiritually analyzing it now want to move away from the noisy filthy polluting so to speak diesel engine and we want to get to that place of the electric engine no noise quiet hallelujah can i say to you this morning that the church can never get to the place where it becomes quiet hallelujah the church can never get to the place where hallelujah we submit to the world standard that would say that what we are doing hallelujah we have moved past that we have moved past the shouting we have moved past all that noise what is that noise you're making it's polluting the environment can i tell you that i thank god for this whole noisy church hallelujah for on that day when i received the gift of the holy ghost uh it came out with an evidence hallelujah that evidence of speaking in tongues as a spirit gave utterance hallelujah and i would not trade it for anything hallelujah no matter how nice it seems hallelujah no matter how much we progress in time hallelujah give me that whole time religion hallelujah oh god when i can sense the life raw hallelujah's presence of god hallelujah jesus you see we have oh lord hallelujah especially for those who would have acquired some sort of a property we get the survey and the surveyor comes in and um he puts what we we call the pagan he marks it really is a datum point and he said this is where your land starts and where it ends similar to the principle we see in deuteronomy you know where the land of canaan was divided hallelujah can i tell you that if you decide to move that datum point or that peg as you would call it you're gonna be in problem it's one of two things that will happen is either you're going to move that peg and give away a piece of your land or you're going to move that pig and you're going to be stealing from somebody hallelujah can i tell you that it is important that we maintain the old landmark hallelujah jesus hallelujah now we are living in a time when we want to progress beyond the principles and the precepts that has been laid out oh god we want to put a spin on what holiness should be what righteousness should be hallelujah oh god we want to move the old landmark hallelujah jesus and i'm going back to an example pastor if you have a car a mitsubishi and it comes with specifications from the manufacturer and if you decide after a while that you're having an issue what you ought to do is to go back to the dealer the manufacturer and can i tell you if you have your mitsubishi and you decide that i'm gonna do an upgrade because the engine are having some problem and you see i'm gonna get the best bmw engine and i'm even getting it for free hallelujah and you install that engine into the motor car and there comes time for some sort of a servicing or something and you call the dealer the auto part store and you said i need some oil or i need a filter and he says what's the chassis number and you give the chassis number for the mitsubishi but in shoot and in fact what you have is a different engine and lo and behold you try you try to put that air filter in but it just won't fit and you go back and forth back and forth you're giving the right chassis number but you're having the wrong part hallelujah can i tell you that that car that vehicle is no longer a mitsubishi but it's not a customized car oh god and somehow i see where we want to customize this word and customize the gospel and customize the principles of god hallelujah and think that we can just be oh god as things used to be hallelujah oh god and you go out into the world and do all manner of things comfortable hallelujah thinking that oh yes this will work and that will work but after a time when you develop a problem hallelujah and you go back to the manufacturer which is god and you say god i have a problem hallelujah and you're praying you're fast no because you're in trouble ah but it says what's the chassis number and you give it and he said you have the right chassis number oh yes i see that you are called a christian oh but when i check the heart oh when i check the engine this is not hallelujah from the manufacturer oh this is not what i gave you hallelujah oh god light cannot mix with darkness oh god hallelujah island water don't mix oh god you can't mix the spirit of god hallelujah with the spirit and the works of the flesh hallelujah here comes a time when we ought to be grounded in romans chapter 10 it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but if the word that you are getting is not the word of god hallelujah then what you are hearing is not really building fear maybe a form of faith or a form of godliness but we have to maintain the authentic or potent word of god undiluted oh god that is sharper than any two edges sword his word that feels not oh god don't get caught up with every wind of doctrine because it looks good oh yes because it sounds good hallelujah oh god forget about that noise you don't want to hear that holy ghost noise but give me that holy ghost rumbling in my soul oh god for the name of the lord is a strong tower oh the righteous running and their slave hallelujah but when you trade your righteousness and you try to run into that name hallelujah you end up in problem maintain that standard of righteousness and holiness hallelujah hallelujah can i tell you that the devil is after your mind for it's with the mind hallelujah that we serve hallelujah god the word of god but oh with the flesh oh god we we serve sin hallelujah and the word says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down a stronghold hallelujah jesus every imagination everything that would exalt itself ah against the word against the name of god bringing every thought into captivity hallelujah the war is on and is after your mind hallelujah because if you give your mind over to the things of this world then how can you serve god the one thing that you need to serve him which is your mind hallelujah just like with the landmark what i believe is happening is that sometimes the devil presents a package that is so attractive and what he's trying to do is to get you to move that landmark and he's saying come just come over on my side i can give you all that this world has to offer hallelujah and we would be aware of what's happening in the world even now and so here we are creating a bridge going on the devil's territory and he is the accused of the virgin we would learn that from the book of job and he goes and says god that is your servant but he's on my land and i must move in and take hallelujah because he has crossed the line hallelujah and i must create the invasion oh god i have access now to create a pathway hallelujah he has access to create a pathway into your mind into your thoughts hallelujah hallelujah but can i tell you that the word of god it's powerful it's powerful it's powerful hallelujah so from the scripture we have read in revelations praise the lord we see where the church of ephesus got some commendation but he said that you have left your love and i recall in the new testament they asked jesus what's the greatest commandment and he said first you ought to love the lord thy god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul and the second is love your neighbor as yourself can i tell you that that commandment is still valid today hallelujah we are to go back to the place of our first love with the one who died and calves crossed for our sins the one who peed the ransom and set us free all you have to do is accept him hallelujah he is your strength hallelujah and so of all the churches in revelation that were spoken of we helped sperna who he warned would have been persecuted pergamos came up with false doctrine and was warned you must repent we have tyatira who spirit of jezebel took over that church we have sardis that was spiritually dead we have lordosia that was lukewarm but we have a philadelphia that had little strength but was faithful that remember the name of the lord hallelujah though you seem weak can i tell you if you have the lord as your bhaktivera then you are stronger than you think david said some are trusting horses some trusting chariots oh but we we will remember the name of our lord his name is a defense a strong tower he is our banner oh yes he is a provider in the time of need he is our strength he is your light in darkness oh can i tell you to turn back oh to your first love his name is jesus the god that never fear can never feel bigger than the universe bigger than all my problems are bigger than anything that i can ever encounter yes it may seem like you're at the end and the end of the road you tried everything hallelujah but don't drop oh don't give up you know we have some sin sometimes and i guess some of the time it's we develop trust issues and you know a saint will be struggling real bad and he's how are you doing oh praise the lord you know i'm giving god thanks i'm doing well and we give that sort of diplomatic kind of answer and then sometimes we understand but when you get in the presence of god oh lord just take it all off and become naked before him don't be afraid to say lord i'm struggling i think that if i go through the door hallelujah i will make it through today much less tomorrow can you just be real for a moment with your god who is the deliverer oh he knows your thoughts anyhow oh god yes yes yes yes yes just lay bear before him lord i'm struggling lord i have this problem i am weak but but oh god i need you ah to make it through the next minute to make it through the next moment to make it through the next song oh yes i need you oh god i went out today and i sung like i never sung before oh but i'm broken inside oh lord jesus nobody knows it i'm right at the bringer of just giving up oh lord who has said this is my last service oh it's the last time i'm gonna oh god turn on the tv and tune into faith oh lord shuffle because after this this road is too hard it's too rough oh lord jesus but endure the fairy trail oh god you want to come out as pure good endure endure endure oh that fiery child because he's coming back to look for a church oh lord jesus even if we feel in numbers oh lord coming back to look for some soul that didn't sell out oh god when you back against the wall oh lord jesus just look to the hills from whence commits your help oh you never said the help came from bishop or deacon or pastor your help it comes it comes from god who made the whole universe your problem is small he's bigger than any problem oh yes if he gave your vision just believe it if he gave you a promise just just take him at his word with everything that's in you the church ought to be the church where is that spirit that is saying that i can compromise where is that spirit coming from that is saying that it's okay i can live anyhow no the part won't fit where is that spirit coming from that thing i can mix oh with the world and have a little enjoyment oh it could not be this rough no no not a good god like that oh but the fire trial will come and it's only to make you stronger oh we look at the life of joseph can you imagine if when joseph was in prison he got a break and got out of prison by his own means oh god just last week i was saying to some scenes oh lord joseph said to the chief butler when you go back to fear oh god just remember me make a link for me but perhaps he made that link that connection and joseph would have run back to canaan not fully going through the process and being able to accomplish that which god has in store oh lord we want to restore you better than it was before because there are a set of people that needs to be delivered but you have to endure this trial or else or else or else ah some people will be going down with you just to see him let the church be the church hallelujah it's rough oh yes it's tough hallelujah but my god he's an untimed god tell somebody don't lose your fire keep it burning oh god i want us to have a holy ghost connection that burn of sin and dress hallelujah that overturn every plot of satan hallelujah oh god every agent that has been planted i want to rekindle the fire in a hallelujah that will expose the plans of darkness oh god me and my house oh god we serve the lord this house we will arise and serve the lord in spirit and in truth it's all right if you feel weak it's okay it's a part of the process all the strength you need it's in god you can't full a bottle that's already full you wouldn't be able to know the extent of the power and might of your god if so many times they weren't in trouble if your back weren't against the wall there would be no need to pray no need to fast no need to seek him no need to say lord i need you i can't make it without you have you ever been at that place oh god when you've done everything and you said lord where are you oh god because if i'm to make it over this next hurdle i don't have the strength i don't see how lord jesus you better show up for me or else i'm gonna lose it all lord jesus and though you're going through the struggle just you you know he's with you maybe he don't deliver you right away but you see him opening a door lord of mercy he said oh god to the philadelphia church oh i am a god that oh open door that no man can shut and shut door that no man can open and they say i'm going to open some doors for you because i see your faithfulness yes when they laugh and scorn you when they look down and you are supporting look at him going to church every sunday ah in the same old raggedy old clothes huh one pair of shoes and a film going church every sunday ah but can i tell you that your god is going to show up right on time oh god hallelujah right up in the face of your enemies oh god the thing that is over you're done and over with oh yes but we have a god he feels not we have a god jesus is his name hallelujah oh god somebody just said jesus ah jesus jesus break some yokes jesus lift some heavy burdens jesus you promised that you would do it oh god here's some sickness jesus oh god restore life oh god to the of sight to the blinded eyes jesus there is power in that name hallelujah that extend beyond all the power in this world oh god that dunamis power that is greater than any atomic bomb oh lord jesus oh god he says the devil goes about like a roaring lion huh seeking home he may devour oh god i am weak huh but when the devil come knocking oh god listening for my response oh god i want him when he knocks on your door on your heart giving a phone check to see where you stand let it be that he hears oh god hallelujah that when he knocks he can hear on the inside the lord is my shepherd i shall not walk oh god hallelujah oh no he saved me uh yet yet will i trust him let it be when he knocks knock knock knock knock knock oh who is there my jesus and i in here we got a good thing going on oh i'm struggling but my jesus ah he that abideth under the shadow of the almighty oh god hallelujah i will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water and i can bring forth my fruit all induced caesar are going to abide in this vine ah this true vine oh give me strength it gives me strength when i am weak hallelujah don't let it be when he pulls up and he knocks and he comes checking and he says brother john says to mary ah let me in let me in and say who is there oh it's just me it's not them it's just me lucifer oh it's just meme oh lord jesus ah don't let him find you complaining oh lord jesus oh from the pandemic start i can't see god moving my life what happened to god lord jesus god you must be death oh lord jesus it's about time i move past this foolishness you know oh lord don't let him confine you complaining and murmuring and uh saying all manner of evil against your god hallelujah oh that god that died on calvary's cross so that you and i might have life oh life life life there is life in the blood that blood that was shed for me jesus can you just imagine if your child was taken ah negat get a number and call ander said we want five million for you to get the child i say okay we pay the ransom can you imagine if after you peed a ransom the child calls and said mommy are daddy i know you appeared ransom but i'm willing to steal jesus oh calling somebody out of sin this morning calling somebody because that man christ jesus he paid a ransom for you oh god don't ignore him oh it's similar to that child that is willing to say i know you paid ransom but i'm comfortable in the world i'm comfortable with the future that only leads to hell yes the word says broad is a kid ah that leads to destruction ah but another road and narrow way the narrow way oh it leads to life eternal i know it's narrow and you're something have to dilly and deli to go through oh you get some bruise you get some scrape but it will be worth it hallelujah it will be worth it after all you have too much gifts and of insider you oh god for satan to win this battle oh lord jesus hallelujah always somebody get real radical with me and say yes sir though he slay me oh god i can trust him oh god i feel like i am a grown zero but god i know you are a god that never fear one thing i love about god before he throws you in the fire he gives a demonstration that proves to you that he's real that proves to you that he's able oh god jesus oh god i remember the days oh god i had nothing and i would search for coins jesus just to go to the shop and buy a bullet jesus that i can go on to the next day just got saved and you would think that getting saved you wouldn't have to endure certain things oh god and he made a way jesus and i cannot tell the art that he made aware he said take another plunge jesus but the thing about it i already have the evidence that he's able and he has delivered me once before oh god and he can do it so many times again god never wrote out the option god never run out run out him can i run out i will run out what do we run out the money in the bank we run out oh god what here means a provider all-powerful annoying on my present god is anything too hard too hard too hard oh for my god oh lord jesus jesus devil devil you all have oh god my mind you won't win this war jesus oh god i hear some holy ghost warfare drum rolling in the spirit jesus hallelujah i see the scenes rising up i see somebody saying ah no more all i needed was just a little just a little energy hallelujah just a little juice just a little jump start oh god hallelujah oh gosh get somebody oh join with me and be a holy ghost bulldozer lord jesus oh god don't curse your god because you have the evidence the evidence the evidence the evidence lord jesus that he is real that he is a deliverer that he is able mighty mighty mighty mighty to save hallelujah let it be that if there is anything that the lord will see about us let it be that i see that you're weak i see that you're struggling but you're mean faithful i see that all the options has been presented to you but you're still saying let me be that fool one more time and just trust god just for the next minute just for the next half an hour i don't know if anybody has been at that place where it's like this is it and you say you know what god i feel like i'm going to step across the line but there's just something on the inside that's saying lord just to come to you hallelujah oh god i need love and i pray oh mighty mighty weapon of fire my god are you saying lord jesus i know you can't hear me i know you're the only present god so every word that i speak you're right here and you're hearing it you see the situation that i'm in and you're able to deliver for whatever the reason you're still going through the process just endure because in the end the lord will open doors that no man can shut her jesus huh jesus hallelujah my god he will shut some doors hallelujah you're trying to purchase that property and every time you encounter a roadblock it's something else but the lord is saying to dear ring the bell cause i'm working it out for you hallelujah you've given up on your child you taught him hallelujah all the precepts and he loves the gang more than anything else but the lord is going to break that this morning hallelujah oh god you're going to get a call saying mommy mommy mommy lord jesus i can't bear it anymore hallelujah jesus break every fetal lord break every feta lord jesus oh break every feta oh lord break every feta my god they gave me that ultimatum oh god four more weeks but i'm giving cancer four more days to dry up and leave that body jesus i want somebody come with oh god that testimony oh they give me four weeks oh god hallelujah but count four more days not a cancer cell in your body my god is anything is anything tell me who can stand against us when we go in whose name jesus name hallelujah i know it's so hard but he said it in his word hallelujah jesus let us give him the best praise while we're going through the best praise hallelujah hallelujah the best priests that's more than any a flat any c sharp any d measure lord jesus any tone oh god the best praise oh lord that gives you the peace that passes all understanding lord jesus oh god protect protect your head put on your helmet man hallelujah oh god cover up your head man guard guard the lines on your mind with all diligence lord jesus hallelujah lord god i know some of us we have money it's familiar we have money in the bank and we protect it because it's the most important thing to us it is what gives us bread god but can i tell that your mind is more important than that hallelujah you've gone to the embassy you've gone to many places and the employee security guards so that fees don't break in persons don't trespass hallelujah but today oh god i know it's old-fashioned but here's the big mighty scared guard the word important word lord jesus keep it in your mind hallelujah oh god hallelujah so when anything trespass you can draw for a word and just cut that down and say hallelujah my god shall supply my needs i want luck and suffer hunger oh god young lions luck and suffer hunger but he promised that i who is the apple of his eye will not lock and suffer hunger oh god hallelujah like the car with the whole engine oh god the mechanic will put on the scan tool and it's an arrow reading arrow error error wrong part lord jesus put on the scan tool to the man and clear all the arrows oh god all jesus all the things that's bombarding our minds lord jesus and let's get back to being sick let's get back to the old landmark some of us move our peg all the way over yonder time to take about the pig man and put it back in right full please because it's there for a reason if you go left earth go right is a problem one way or the other line of alignment precept muppon precept hallelujah we got to preach this word in season oh all the season don't let nobody tell you that it's still an old-fashioned and get all the style let's stick to the acts 2 30 that says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name in the name here comes the name again of the lord jesus christ for the remission of your sins hallelujah and he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost give me that old-time church give me the noise bringing the noise because on the day hallelujah of pentecost they were all in one accord in one place and there came a sound oh like a mighty mighty mighty rushing wind it filled the room and people's life were changed and transform oh lord jesus forever lord god give me that sound give me that sound give me the noise give me my tambourine give me the word yes give me the drums hallelujah bring in all the noise hallelujah and let us keep on keeping on hallelujah it says he shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you that power hallelujah doesn't come with silence there ought to be a stone comes forward whether it's loud and high pitch or it's low but there's gonna be some evidence there's gonna be a sound i want to hear that sound can never get tired of it it never gets old and dreary oh god hallelujah lord jesus we can never allow the church to become quiet because our environment is saying that we ought to be so many warnings went out i'm gonna give you this land but don't be like the people who are in this land because you're a chosen generation royal priesthood called for such a time as this let us with everything that's in us submit to the plan and the call of god let us submit to his word regardless of the external pressures let it be that we be the change in our environment and not the environment with the change in our lives the lord bless you the lord bless you mightily lord jesus the lord bless you bountifully lord jesus and i pray that he gives someone strength to dear that is just clutching on with everything and saying that this is my last the lord bless you the lord bless you in jesus name can we all stand can we all stand everybody everywhere the devil is a liar god is exalted we'll never be defeated we'll never be defeated the devil is a liar god is exalted yes he is we'll never be defeated we will never be defeated praise god can we all stand everywhere if you're hearing me let's stand right now let's all stand together if you were here when you heard the word and you would like to come to dedicate your life to god you need somebody to pray for you need a touch if you watch it online and you just need a little bit more strength that oomph to go forward hallelujah you can log into our zoom it's running right across the screen you too can be prayed for you can feel god touching you giving you that strength to go on you don't have to give up god can fix your engine and make you brand new hallelujah the devil is a lie i don't believe what he's trying to tell you now if you need help you can get it praise god i'm not sure if the zoom is zoom link is going on at this moment but if you're here you can be prayed for you can come forward willingly we will pray for you hallelujah god is speaking to somebody today i hope they were hearing [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we sing honolulu [Music] [Music] thank you for coming forward [Music] [Music] trying to draw you closer to him glory never fills hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] how great is [Music] you can see how great it is [Music] is if you don't have to leave just yet can i make you 10 minutes to just worship with us with those who are at the altar right now i feel like god can do something different in their lives before that [Music] is [Music] oh this your heart can sink today somebody needs to know that he's worthy he's been keeping you making you alive provided for you your heart will discuss [Applause] um jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] to thee [Music] how great [Music] you can't deny how great he is to thee [Music] [Music] i how great is oh [Applause] [Music] a few times me [Music] he's indeed almighty god [Music] [Applause] who is here today that god has been calling for a long long time and you're running from the call of god in your life hallelujah from you was a war a religious girl god has been calling you making you to make him know how great you think he is in your life after all the times he's made for you i mean if you're here probably a relative a sister bubbles you know the testimony she has given you don't leave the same way okay take a few minutes let him know how great he is he's your savior your king hallelujah how great is the lord how great the amount of time it was the most immediate accident and you know it was the blood and the prayer over your life while you're never dead [Music] hallelujah make him know how great he is time people try oh and it's the mercies of god while you're still here with the people that want your job and god said no mercy again [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] you will be watching on the stream hey he is he is worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy [Music] [Music] i feel like somebody can get the healing today listening just before they leave you need a healing just return two more minutes two more minutes reach out to the king of kings not expected [Music] jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] we give you [Music] we give you all yes we do [Music] [Applause] who is we worship you yes [Music] [Music] we give you all we [Applause] died [Applause] things over your house and put things in a way give him all the glory there's deliverance in this house come on just worsen just worship come on just worship everybody worship the king of kings oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh you are [Music] [Music] you [Music] hallelujah [Music] is your name [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] you [Applause] i [Applause] you are you are yay [Music] is [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] come on since worship worship the king of kings you can feel and seek out doing something come on facilitate the move of the holy spirit in this place um [Music] [Applause] yes you are yes you are [Music] i [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh yes they are the works of men you are the most high god there is [Music] there is [Music] [Music] you are they are the worst of men [Music] they are the worst of men oh [Music] they are the worst of [Applause] you are the most high you are the most high you are the most high you [Music] you are the most high [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one last time [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise god praise god thank you jesus for your mercy and your grace thank you for your love thank you for your presence almighty god thank you for embracing us this morning thank you for um helping us to know that we're in a war and we should fight back and we should never give up we know jesus that you are the world that surrounds israel you are the world that surrounds us mighty god help us to remember that as we go in jesus name cover sunday of blood in jesus name [Music] uh praise god praise god
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 2,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: gXmo5vdm-pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 44sec (9524 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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