A BLESSING in DISGUISE (what to do when your back is against the wall)

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oh [Music] we love you we love you jesus come on come on come on just worship him out of your heart out of your spirit we love you jesus [Music] we worship you we glorify you we magnify you lord oh glory glory glory glory glory we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you lord [Music] oh glory to god so good to see all of the lord's wonderful people on tonight oh come on let's put our hands together and help me give him praise the other night come on somebody come on come on come on come on give him praise give him praise let everything glory to jesus let everything let everything let everything that have bread let everything that have breath give him praise on tonight david said i will bless the lord at all times his praises his praises his praises it's a choice to praise him you don't always feel like praising him but that's when the bible says you've got to offer up to him the sacrifice of praise what is the sacrifice of praise when you don't feel like it when all hell is breaking loose when you're battling depression amen when the devil telling you what god promised you will never come to pass you're dealing with fair f-e-a-r false evidence appearing real come on somebody come on come on david said it's in those moments i will glory to god the devil ain't got no saying about this one i will it's my choice oh come on put your hands together help me give him come on come on come on help me give him praise here come on come on somebody come on come on come on you'll be amazed at what praise in him can do and one thing me and pastor amy have learned is how to keep the atmosphere in our house right all you got to do is just open your mouth and just begin to praise him glory glory glory come on somebody come on come on come on you know when i get up at four in the morning to go and pray you don't feel like it you know you don't feel like it but the minute i walk out there on the way out walking in the living room i'll just begin to say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god i'm alive i'm alive it's good to be in the land of the living oh god i love you oh come on come on somebody and i put some praise and worship on to just help me get in there oh you need help sometimes i said sometimes you just need a little help you just need a little puss come on somebody and before you know it you see when you i don't mind saying this when you [Music] when you have a discipline listen good when you have discipline your flesh to seek the lord it doesn't take as long to come into the presence of god when i when i go out into the living room within within within five ten minutes i'm in i'm in the presence are you listening to me but but before you can get there it takes work it takes effort it takes discipline you don't let your flesh tell you stay in the bed the devil is a lie that's the day all hell will break loose in your life you just i don't know about you but i ain't got no choice i just got to get up to see god i you can't give the devil you can't give him an inch the saints of old say if you give that devil an inch he'll take a mile oh yes he will you can you can you listen i don't know about you but i just cannot afford to not seek the lord i i know who my arch enemy is i'm seeking him on a daily basis glory to god i'm waiting for nothing to go crazy come on somebody so you got to get into the discipline and when you get into the discipline of seeking the lord at first you know at first when you when you getting up in the morning to seek him you got to battle your flesh you got to battle that flesh but sure enough if you stay being consistent and if you stay committed to seeking him on a daily basis it becomes easier and easier and easy and there are times listen to me good i said there are times before i even get in the living room and sit down the presence of god's already fallen because god is committed you know in the book of i think it's the book of james he said draw nigh to me and i'll draw an eye unto you it's a choice god's waiting on you to make the first move he said draw nigh the minute you decide listen you get the victory in prayer not when you start praying your victory you get the victory in prayer the minute you make your mind up and say i'm getting up out of this bed i'm going to see god that's where you get that the victory you don't get the victory after you get into your little prayer closet and start praying and speaking in tongues and putting on your worship and doing no no the minute you decide i'm going to seek god ain't nothing stopping me and the minute you grab your bible or your tablet like i would and my stuff and and i just go walking i mean come on you already got the victory so it's that decision and this is why the apostle paul this is why the apostle paul said i die daily have you ever thought about what in the world's paul talking about i die daily what what's he talking about how do you die daily you die daily when you you sub you submit that flesh to prayer you drag your flesh into the presence of god you tell you tell your flesh get your lazy self up you always staying in that bed you going to read your bible you go and pray you go and seek god but something something something i guess this is for somebody the holy ghost got me here so i'm just going to stay here for a minute let me let me share a little secret with you so when you get up when you get up to seek the lord you know that's what the bible talk about in isaiah chapter 40. the holy spirit's talking to somebody i have no doubt about it you see isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 said they that wait on the lord they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength that word renew listen good the word renew literally means to exchange the word renew means exchange so when you get up to seek the lord the minute you begin to walk out into that place of prayer go towards your prayer closet an exchange begins to happen you may not recognize it right away but an exchange has taken place you are trading your weakness for the strength of the lord you are trading your hatred for his love are you listening to me you are trading your murmuring your impatience for his patience come on somebody your unforgiveness for his forgiveness are you listening to me oh blessed be the name of jesus you exchange your ignorance for his revelation knowledge i mean it's the place of exchange when you come into as and as you as you wait on him you are shed in the flesh are you listening to me you know we used to go fishing in the bahamas and the minute we catch them fish we yank them up and pull them up on the line you take something knock them in the head you know what i'm saying you knock them out so they ain't flapping around and getting them bones all up in your hand and what do we do we take the knife and we begin to scale that joker rubbing off all them scales you know who know what i'm talking about wave at me let me look at these folks if you know what i'm talking about talk back to me on youtube come on face grady yeah you from louisiana fish country i'm from the bahamas so you know what i'm talking about but but you got to understand as you are in the presence of god the holy ghost is cleaning you up just like you scraping the scales off that fist oh glory to god past amy love when pastor sean go spend time with god he ain't his grumpy in his booty oh come on don't even look like you got it all together you know the holy ghost got to crucify all of us come on here somebody my wife and even sometimes she say are you gonna spend a little time with the lord that's like a cute like dude you need to go you need to get in the spirit you're getting all the nerves come on somebody wave at me if you know what i'm talking about here tonight but the longer you wait in the presence of god listen to me listen good the longer you wait you and this is why you this is why i don't this is why i'm sorry i want to have church service count work for pastor sean i'm sorry y'all that's not my calling good luck for who that's working for and i know everyone's at a different place in the game and that's not for pastor sean and pastor amy i've gotta wait in the presence of god for hours so the holy ghost can get a hold of me and turned me inside out and caused me to look more like jesus when i come out of prayer are you listening to me here on tonight five minutes is not working for me i'm sorry it takes time you you you've got to wait on him you've got to spend time with the lord you know i was reading the scriptures i was reading i remember i was reading in the book of exodus when moses went up to seek the lord you know moses waited listen good moses literally shot out there in the mountain for six whole days without god even saying one word to the man that's what i'm talking about that's what i call discipline and on day six the lord begin to speak to moses and some and some folk want to rush into prayer five minutes and run out and then they wonder why their life is so jacked up and then they wondered why they married to the wrong man and married to the wrong woman if you were to submit that decision to prayer and waited on god god could have saved you a whole lot of trauma i don't know about you but i ain't got time to get married and find out the hard way i'd rather sit my backside in the presence of god and wait 40 days and 40 nights if i have to and get some real answer from the lord come on talk to me somebody i need someone to say i'd just rather wait i'd just rather wait on the lord i would just rather wait on him glory to god and it ain't too late if you mess up it's okay we serve a loving forgiving kind god he just said just come into my prison seek the lord seek him while as he may be found call on him while he is there let the wicked forsake his way come on somebody who knows god's calling us to seek his face lord have mercy we're living in a time of war where where countries think they can just do whatever devilish hellish demonic nonsense they can do i don't know about you but i shall have been on my face this week praying and calling on god come on somebody you can't just sit there and watch the devil do what he want to do and not you got to pray things you got to intercede you got to fast don't just ignore world events when you see it happening turn the plate down get in the place of prayer and seek his face are you are you hearing me because because because we may be next i said you know the bible say in the last days they're going to be wars and rumors of wars you think we're going to always have peace don't ignore it when you see someone else dealing with it praying in a seed i don't know about you but i just love seeing goliath get his backside kicked i'm sorry that's that's just pastor sean i'm just going to be real tonight i i i i'm always in the corner of the underdogs i love when the giants go down come on talk to me here somebody forgive me if i'm just showing favoritism but i i never did like bullies i can't tell you how much how much fights i jumped in where i see some some some bully wanted to wanted to go and take advantage of of some some little boy i said you know what what you go i got you back bro why don't you come bring it to me come bring the fight here come on somebody i said come on somebody i don't want to get too political here but you know it's a real disgrace when everyone can just sit there with their hands full and watch people go and bully other folk around and they don't do a doggone thing but you know what i i thank god i thank god he is helping that country oh come on somebody i prayed i fasted i stayed up all night for several nights i'm like god i bind this demon who this rascal think he is who in the world does he think he is i'm like god i bind his spirit shut him down who does he think he is you ain't you ain't more power i don't care much nuclear weapons you've got you're bigger than the god i serve come on talk to me can i get some believers with me tonight you just looking at me like oh yes pastor sean is saying it i'm just gonna say it amen ain't nobody got more power than the god i serve are you listening to me oh come on put your hands together and just help me give my god some praise here tonight my god my god where is the real church come on somebody help me give him praise help me give my god praise i don't like seeing the devil take advantage of people who who's in agreement with me here tonight i do not like seeing the devil take advantage of folks greater i need someone to say greater greater greater greater greater greater greater is he lord have mercy father come on pray with me father in the name of the lord jesus christ on tonight dear god we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we magnify your name on tonight we love you with all of our hearts our minds our souls our bodies and our strength on tonight minister to your people strengthen your people on tonight encourage them call us back into the place of prayer you said my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves call us into prayer you said if my people glory to god if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven i'll forgive their sins and i'll heal the whole land step in god put the devil on the run put it come on come on come on come on come on pray with me tonight put the devil on the run open your mouth and help me pray put the devil on the run put him on the run i bind every foul and unclean spirit every demonic force come on saints pray with me tonight i bind every form of witchcraft every devil and demon of manipulation i curse it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i bind him i bind you tonight oh come on open your mouth i bind you tonight shayden i hate the devil with a passion i don't know about you but i hate him i hate him i hate everything he stands for the thief comes to steal he comes to kill and he comes to destroy but jesus said glory to god i almost want to help church early jesus said i've counted my double shutter i've come then you can have life come on somebody i bet someone lift your hands to heaven and say god is on my side i say god everybody shut up hallelujah somebody help me give my god praise i say god is on your side thank god i'm a part of the body of christ upon this rock i'll build my church i'm the gates of hell shall not i know someone said the gates of hell [Music] shall not shall not shall not somebody type it for me the gates of hell shall not prevail the gates of hell the gates of hell hallelujah uh come on somebody help me praise him help me praise him help me praise him help me praise him bless the lord oh my soul let's go for it guys my god sing it bless the lord come on help me worship him on tonight oh my soul and all singing chest that come on and sing it with me bless the lord bless the lord come on church oh my soul and all that is within me bless his hope come on and sing it to him bless the lord bless the lord that's it oh my god hello that is letting me bless his hope holy he has done great things kevin will sing you and me and he has done great things come on church he has done great things he's done and he has done great things come on and bless him tonight come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and give him praise tonight he has not come up he has done great thanks come on put your hands together tonight he has done great things the case of hell should not prevail and he has done great [Music] come on and bless him come on and bless him tonight he has that come on and he has done great things what a mighty god research and he has done great things yes he has and he has done great things bless his holy he has that he has done greatness come on singing with me church he has done qrikets yes he has and he has done great on and bless him come on and bless him come on and bless him bless the lord o my soul come on church bless the lord help me worship him on tonight oh my soul come on worship him and all that is within me bless his come on a blessing come on and magnify him sing it with me tonight bless the lord bless the lord oh my soul and all the god is within me bless his come on and bless him tonight hear about the shelter come on and bless him he has done he has done greatness come on sing singing to the king tonight he has done great things yes he has and he has done great things come on and bless my god come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and bless the lord tonight he has done he has done great things yes he has he has done great things singing with me and he has done great things don't you just love him tonight i feel the holy ghost tonight he has that he has done great things come on and bless my god tonight he has done greatness singing church and he has done greatness bless his come on and bless him come on and bless him bless the lord bless the lord on my soul oh my soul and oh [Music] somebody love all my jesus tonight somebody love on him tonight somebody help me praise him bless him bless the lord oh my soul [Music] that is within me bless his come on and bless him [Music] bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord hold my soul handle that is within me [Music] come on and bless him tonight come on and listen sing it with me tonight he has done he has done great things he has done [Music] yet he has and he has done greatness blessings come on and bless him come on and bless him he has done come on he had done give it everything you got tonight he has done great things and he has done great fix bless his come on and bless him come on and bless him bless him bless him he has he has done great come on and help me worship jesus tonight he has done [Music] yes he has yes he has and he has done great things come on and bless him come on and bless him tonight he has done singing he do you love him tonight do you love jesus with everything in you tonight is he worthy of the praise is he worthy of the glory is he worthy of the honor tonight somebody help me magnify jesus tonight come on and bless him bless the lord o my soul bless the lord [Music] oh my and all that is within me [Music] we love you jesus just just begin to praise my body your heart tonight we love you jesus we magnify you jesus [Music] we love you tonight you mean everything to us god [Music] we love you we love you we love you jesus somebody lift your hands to heaven and say we love you jesus we love you lord we love you we love you we love you jesus we love you jesus somebody love on it he's receiving your praise tonight he is receiving your worship tonight he is seated at the right hand of god he is receiving our worship he's receiving your worship tonight love on him love on him love on him he is the king of kings and the lord of lords he is the great i am he is the lion of the time of judah he is our soon-coming king he is the lamb of god which takes away the sins of the world isaiah said his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace come on and bless him come on and bless him he has that he has done great things mighty god you are tonight [Music] lord we love you tonight and he has done great things bless his whole holy day come on and bless her bless his old come on and bless him listen somebody somebody here tonight you deal with some serious migraine headaches right up in the back of your head here and nothing makes you extremely weak to the point of almost passing out and the holy spirit is literally healing that person tonight you have that problem that you and you have a severe migraine headaches i mean and it causes you to become extremely weak i just i just that listen and i don't mind saying it that is a spirit of infirmity i rebuke that tonight it's like a dark cloud almost hanging over you i rebuke the spirit of infirmity tonight just put your hands on the on that part of your head be healed be healed in the name of the lord jesus christ i rebuke the spirit of infirmity i curse the devil in jesus name that's come against you i rebuke it that weakness i command it to loose your body i command it to leave your body right now come on if that's you i want you to talk to me don't just don't just sit there you've got to respond you have to respond to the holy ghost i said you have to respond talk back to me if that's you dealing with that problem i want you to talk back to me tonight because the holy ghost is working a miracle in your life glory to god bless you tonight diane campbell on facebook says that's me i believe it's more than you that that thing is strong that's attacking several people diane just put your hands on your head tonight i rebuked that i rebuked that don't start bombarding me with prayer requests i'm flowing in the holy ghost tonight i'm dealing with something specific right now come on there's another person marlene said i suffer with migraines every month michelle said yes pastor amara on youtube say that's me just just put your hands on you on your head amara said she's been dealing with this for 10 years just put your hands on your head i rebuke that i rebuke that i rebuke that i rebuke that tonight i rebuke it i rebuke that tonight i rebuke it adam say that's me i rebuke it that's facebook then people on youtube a lot of people are responding come on and bless him tonight elisa say that's me pastor come on lay your hands on yourself oh the power of god for miracles the power of god bring it down for me the power of god the power of the living god he is healing people here he is healing people here tonight just put your hands on your head and receive it i rebuke that i rebuke that that's leaving some of you some of you will never have to deal with this problem again as long as you live i rebuke it i curse that demon tonight i curse it in the name of jesus glory to god come on and bless him tonight it was that kel's said i have had migraines for over 20 years but when the power of god shows up he brings that thing to an end just lay your hands come on just lay your hands on yourself here tonight the power of god's hair for miracles he is healing you quite i mean this is just god doing it come on and bless him tonight mighty god you are tonight mighty mighty god you are mighty god mighty god you are tonight heal your people heal your people tonight heal your people tonight heal your people i rebuke that i rebuke that i rebuke that i rebuke that i rebuke it i'm not in a hurry because i'm waiting the holy ghost is the holy spirit is at work here you see when you see the holy spirit is working and the holy ghost give me a specific word of knowledge the reason i stayed in park and just wait is because you can't you can't just you can't rush the holy ghost is healing people you got to let god do what he's doing right here right now god's touching people right you can't you can't rush the lord we are not your traditional church the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy spirit is i mean god is setting people free tonight i believe in miracles go for it he's healing people i believe in miracles i've seen a soul set free mighty god you are tonight miraculous the chains in one redeem through calvary [Music] i've seen the lily push its way up through the stubborn sword cause i believe in miracles for i believe in god i believe i believe in miracles i've seen a soul set free miraculous the change in one [Music] redeemed through calvary [Music] [Music] the stubborn soul cause i believe in miracles for i believe in god come on sing with me tonight i believe in miracles i've seen a soul set free mighty gods you are miraculous the change in one redeemed [Music] i've seen the lily push its way up through the stubborn soul [Music] cause i believe in miracles for i believe in god listen whilst i was there singing that song i see somebody with a cane you have to use this cane to walk because of the problem in your right knee i see you sitting there and i see that problem in your right knee that causes you severe trouble you have to literally use a walking cane to get around the holy ghost is healing your right leg completely he is healing that right leg right now right in that knee area that's where the real problem is the holy ghost is giving you a miracle holy holy holy eye lord go for it and there's an anointing here i gotta park there is that anointing of god for miracles holy yah your lord thank you jesus holy holy holy ah you lord his anointing is here for miracles tonight the elders are an angel's mouth the redeem will worship you now [Music] listen so there is that person with the problem in the right leg around the knee area you have to use that walking cane to even be able to put any kind of pressure on that right leg you have to put the pressure on that cane the holy ghost is healing your right knee and this is for more than one person you may not have a cane but you have problems in that right knee and i may not be focusing on that left knee but just go ahead and grab the word and say you know what that i'm i'mma lay hands on my left knee and just believe god to heal me right now come on come on there is an anointing here you don't even have to wait the minute you see the holy spirit begins to talk to that person doing the ministry and the word of knowledge begins to come it's obvious there is a shift there is a shift for miracles and so you just jump in the river with the lord so just you that have problems in your body in your eyes in your chest wherever you have problems put your hands there right now there's leneville there that's one of our partners well never said that's me pastor recently started using the cane do the problem with the right knee lynette put that cane down and get up and walk put it down just put it down see i now she's a faithful partner but i didn't know she was having that problem but you see the holy ghost knows that put that cane down lynette just begin to walk just begin to walk begin to put pressure on it begin to put pressure on it begin to put pressure on it begin to put pressure on it begin to put pressure on it there's a miracle happening there is a miracle you got to respond you've got to respond in faith you got to respond in faith you got to respond in faith come on another person rosalind said pastor it's me the right knee i was at the doctor for it on friday come on the lord's healing you the lord's healing you take it take that miracle don't let it pass you back take your miracle tonight you that have that problem in the right knee when it whenever you see the holy spirit gets very detailed about your situation he does that to to just resurrect your faith so your faith can just come alive he's healing people in the right knee just take it just grab a hold of it you and we'll pass this on how do you grab a hold of it you say lord that's my miracle and you get up and you begin to walk on that right knee and bend it and exercise it and just don't do it once and say oh let me test it you know what joshua marched around the walls of jericho seven times before he saw anything happen and they did this for seven days naaman had to dip seven times before he seen anything happen elijah told his servant pastor wayne preached about it this week go and look seven times and the seventh time he said look i see i see a cloud the size of a man's head come on come on and so and so saints and i know we have a lot of new people so let me just teach you how the holy spirit works in pastor sean in pasadena's ministry when the anointing is present you don't have to beg for prayer i understand that's the way you've been treated but when the power of god is moving like this all you've got to do literally all you got to do is say lord the healing power of god is here i'm dealing with this problem and you just call that part of the call the problem out to the lord jesus call the problem out to him and guess what expect him to respond expect him to respond expect him to respond some people are being healed here tonight and people are being healed some people are being healed in the right knee especially you that had a cane and had to put the pressure on that cane because your right leg couldn't take it due to the problem on your knee the holy ghost is healing you he is healing you tonight and as soon as you know you are healed you gotta res you gotta talk back to us communicate with us let us know exactly what's happening if you have been healed in your knee tonight talk back to me and let me know what's going on don't just don't just get healed and go your merry way and don't respond and say nothing no you got to talk about it you got to talk about it you got to talk about it you got to talk about it check that knee check it out check it out check it out oh blessed be the name of jesus the elders and angels the elders and angels now the redeemed sing with me tonight holy holy holy eye you lord can you hear the sound of heaven tonight can you hear the sound of heaven like the sound of many waters it's the sound of worship coming from the throne their cries there are cries of adoration as men from every nation lift their voice to make his glory known singing holy come on somebody help me worship him here tonight the power of god for miracles is here tonight holy holy holy ah you lord we love you jesus the elders redeem sing it to him holy holy holy hold on one second hold on hold on one second lenev that's our partner lenev said pastor i'm walking without the cane bending my right knee thank you jesus lynette i wish you can jump on i wish you could jump on uh jump on zoom with us so we can see you if you can't jump on zoom take a picture and email it to us right away and we'll grab it and show everybody what you're doing lenev is a faithful partner of ours thank you jesus that he's touching you tonight come on singing with me tonight lynette said she's walking up and down without a cane bending that right leg oh come on somebody help me give god praise full of them tonight holy holy holy are you lord the elders and angels the elders and angels shelian said my migraine is gone that's what i'm talking about come on somebody come on help me give god praise sing it with me tonight holy [Music] holy holy ah i almost missed that i oh can't miss that listen some people with heart of hearing in the left air and some of you are deaf in the left air the holy ghost is healing you the holy spirit is healing the left air right now he is healing listen just put you put your finger in your left air put your finger in that deaf left air that left hand that you your heart of hearing out of it this problem in that left ear just put your finger in that left air right now do it there is an anointing here the holy ghost said i'm healing some people in the left air i rebuke you deaf and dumb spirit come out in the name of jesus i there's someone to shout come out in the name of jesus come out of there receive that miracle in the left air right now receive that miracle is that lynette that may be her receive that miracle in the left ear lennev let us type a message to me let us know if that's you jeff help me out can you chat with that person who just came in jeff find out if that's the nap some people are being healed in the left air in the left air come on come on in the left air in the left air receive it receive it receive the touch of god receive the touch of god in the left air right now come on saints join your faith and help me pray don't just be a spectator tonight please come on come on pray for folks tonight when you hear the holy ghost have me dealing with that thing begin to pray for that person that they receive that miracle in their left ear just begin to pray use your authority check your left face i rebuked that i rebuked that i rebuked that lenev where you are tonight shot me go check out jeff said she has a name wait wait about me oh there she is bring the nerve here for me please bring the neff just unmute your mic for me lenev holy where's that king i want to see that king lynette i want to see that kid [Laughter] come on somebody come on somebody come on look at my sister oh come on come closer that camera lenav lord have mercy lord have mercy the highest i've raised it in weeks you hadn't raised it in weeks yep look at that now come on somebody come on come on come on come on look at my sister walking without the cane and the pain is gone enough the pain is gone yes the pain is gone and the knee is moving too high look lord have mercy that's what that's my kind of god come on somebody lynette please take a picture take a picture with you holding that cane and email it to us lord have mercy lord mercy thank you and god bless lift that cane up for me i want i want the devil to see it and cry come on somebody i want the devil to see it and cry come on give him praise tonight look at that my look at it look at it she got the cane in her hand she's walking without it you won't need it again come on and help me give him praise tonight oh blessed be the name of jesus the elders and angels now come on give god praise full of help tonight give god praise from my sister tonight give god praise for my sister tonight show them your king again lynette show them that king again look at the king look at it look at it saints look at it look at it look at it look at it look at it look at it look at it holy holy holy eye you lord the elders and angels the elders and angels bout to redeem the redeemed singing with me tonight [Music] rise up and walk rise up and walk sing it holy holy holy eye you lord isn't he awesome tonight lauren isn't he awesome holy [Music] listen wait a minute there's another person michael joseph said pastor i have a cane as well pastor i'm walking fine michael why don't you come on on on zoom brother come on zoom we want to see that cane show it to god's people tonight oh come on i'll send you with me sing it with me tonight holy michael said said pastor i have a key and i'm walking fine send me a photo michael do something holy oh blessed be the name of jesus tonight the elders and angels bow city church the redeemed we worship you now holy he's a miracle worker tonight sing it to the king church holy holy holy ah holy holy holy are you lord come on testify the elders are an angel's mouth the redeemed the healing power of god is here tonight come on take your miracle tonight saints take your miracle receive it receive it you that had the problem in the left air i want you close your right air real good and you would notice that you can hear perfectly out of that left air that was deaf just check check check it right now close up put your finger and close up your right air and you would notice you can hear every word i'm saying clearly out of that left ad do it right now the holy ghost is healing people in that left ear i can't back away from it i rebuke it i rebuke it i command that left air to open i command it to open i command it to be healed in the name of jesus christ the son of god he was wounded for your transgressions he was bruised for iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed tonight glory to god glory to jesus glory to jesus receive that miracle in the left air in the left air receive it tonight i command that left air to be healed i command that left air to open wide and you hear every word cleli glory to god problems in the stomach problems in the stomach being healed tonight problems in the stomach being healed tonight glory to jesus just put your hands on your stomach you don't have problems there just put your hands on your stomach and receive it tonight receive it tonight receive it tonight receive it tonight receive it you that have been healed in your left air as soon as you know you are healed in the left air jeff see if that's michael for me that's joining as soon as you know you are healed in the left l let me know because the holy ghost said i'm healing people in the left air in the left air come on saints i need you praying now i need you praying i need your prayer when you pray when you pray it keeps the anointing of god flowing very strong amen are you lord thank you jesus holy is that michael jeff the elders and angels now the redeemed holy holy holy are you lord glory to god tonight glory to jesus glory to jesus glory to jesus god's healing his people here on tonight someone listen you do you have been dealing with upset stomach for a while now you have been dealing with upset stomach for a while you have been dealing with it the holy spirit's healing you right now that upset stomach it causes you to vomit a whole lot receive your miracle just put your hands on your stomach put your hands on your stomach and receive that tonight i rebuke that i rebuke it that you see sometimes you can feel it that's the spirit of infirmity causing that i rebuke it come out give me my flow for a minute that's a demon come out i dare someone to shout come out of there i rebuke you out of their stomach loose them and let them go come out i command you in the name of jesus come on open your mouth saints say in the name of jesus come out you have no rights you have no power here you have no power here come out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] glory to god come out you can't you can't you ain't no match with jesus you ain't no match you eat no match you eat nomads [Music] come out in the name of jesus come out i bear someone to shout come out here by the shut up may broker sunday come out in the name of jesus come out somebody about to run involvement i said somebody about to run to their bathroom involvement that devil that's a spirit of infirmity come out you can't stay you can't you can't in the name of jesus [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh this thing been causing you to become extremely sick in your stomach but the holy ghost [Music] but the holy ghost but the holy ghost is bringing the healing power of jesus into your stomach right now be healed be healed be healed take it take it take it take the miracle take it take it in the name of jesus take it shut up come on come on come on take it take it take it take it almost complete it take it take the power of god take the power of god take it hallelujah take it take the power of god receive it there it is ship there's power in the name of jesus that person is ill that person is healed come on i said that person is healed cause there is power come on in power in the name powering the name doubts it [Music] the person is healing the stomach to break every chin break every team break every chain to break to break every chin sing it with me tonight there is power cause there is power in the name of jesus come on sing it there is power in power in the name power in the name there is power [Music] some people are healing their stomachs to break pick it up pick it up pick it up to break everything to bring every chin to break to break every chain break every chin [Music] there is power cause there is power and power in the name power in the name we love you jesus we love you jesus cause there is power singing to the cake to break to break every chin [Music] listen problem problems in the left foot the holy ghost is healing you in your left foot right now just just receive it it's the power of the lord in your left foot be healed receive it receive it the holy ghost is healing you in your left foot right now glory to jesus glory to jesus glory to god he's healing people in the left foot right now begin to step on that left foot begin to put pressure on it check it out thank you jesus oh we love you jesus thank you master the left foot the left foot is being completely healed the left foot is being completely healed by the power of god thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus be healed thank you lord that problem in the left foot god is completely healing it all the way into your toes the bottom of the left foot god's healing that completely top bottom toes the heel area the ankle the holy ghost is healing problems in the left foot receive it receive it tonight receive it receive it receive it you that have problems in the left foot receive the power of god receive it jeff thank you jeff karen said karen on youtube said pastor penn i've been having an upset stomach for a while when you prayed i started belcher and i could feel the anointing i claim my healing tonight praise god praise god praise god jeff make sure i get clarity next time for me all right get a little more clarity if you can listen check your left foot you check check the left foot check that left foot check the left foot please check it don't just ignore the holy ghost and i want you just if you the rest of you i may not be the holy spirit may not be giving me details about what you're dealing with but he knows you're here the power of god is here for miracles just just put your hands on the part of your body where you need god to heal you and ask the lord jesus to heal you he is your healer tonight he is your healer on tonight the problems in the left foot is being completely healed by the power of god problems in the left foot be healed be healed some people were healed in the left air i'm still waiting to hear from them some people are healed in the left air but right now the holy ghost is healing people in the left foot i want to hear from you tonight to break every chain [Music] glory thank you lord mighty god you are too mighty god glory glory to angrill said engel good night pastor sean i've been having a back pain since yesterday but tonight i'm healed in the mighty name of jesus i can bend all over we'll praise god for your anger god bless you god bless you tonight for you uncle dennis on youtube said that was me sir i've been having pains in my stomach for the last two days but i'm healed in the name of jesus glory to god god bless you dennis god bless you tonight and um to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb for you are glorious for you are glorious and worthy to be [Music] we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb upon [Music] thank you jesus tonight thank you lord and worthy to be praised you're the lamb upon [Music] the throne to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb upon [Music] you're the lamb you're the lamb you're the lamb of god tonight you're the lamb upon the throne come on somebody help me give jesus praise here tonight help me give out god praise help me give him praise help me give him praise tonight [Music] oh bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you tonight bless you tonight glory to jesus glory to god come on somebody help me give jesus praise here tonight oh blessed be the name of jesus oh glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to jesus glory to jesus the lord bless you celts mighty god you are tonight lord bless you come on help me worship him and keep you make his face to shine [Music] the lord turn his face toward you [Music] sing i'm into the kingdom [Music] and uh [Music] the lord bless you come on sing it to him lord bless you keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turned hips [Music] and give you peace sing amen come on [Music] may his favor be upon you come on sing it me his favor be upon you and a thousand generations your family and your children and their children and their children may his presence go before you and behind you and beside you all around you i'm [Music] the morning in the evening in your coming [Music] he is for you he is for you tonight he is for you [Music] come on sing it to somebody tonight [Music] he is for you tonight he is for you tonight listen somebody we are singing and worshiping the lord and the holy spirit won't let me get away from it someone's being healed in the right elbow somebody is being healed in the right elbow receive that touch right now someone is being healed in the right elbow glory to jesus someone is being healed in the right elbow in the right elbow just begin to exercise that just begin to exercise it just begin to exercise it say lord i receive it just begin to exercise it and you who have been in car accidents and have broken bones and your bones didn't set properly i pray for you tonight you that sickened body we join our faith me and pastor amy join our faith with you on tonight we rebuke sickness out of your body we rebuke disease out of your body we rebuke infections out of your body heart disease liver disease lung disease kidney disease prostate cancer every other form of cancer fibroids in the body cancer of the ovaries intestinal cancer we rebuke it tonight cancer of the colon we rebuke it in that cancer of the bone of the blood we rebuke it in jesus name multiple sclerosis we rebuke it tonight scoliosis on the spine we rebuke it degeneration on the spine bulging this slip this we rebuking problems in the vertebrae in the neck we rebuke it tonight brain tumors we rebuke it in jesus name arthritis we rebuke it diabetes type 2 diabetes blindness cataracts glaucoma asthma we rebuke it tonight autism we rebuke it in the name of jesus osteoarthritis osteoporosis we rebuke it tonight broken bones fractures in the body injuries we rebuke it cuts tonight we rebuke it in jesus name saws that's refusing to heal properly we rebuke it in jesus name be healed tonight be healed tonight you that's been affected by the pandemic we rebuke it we rebuke sickness out of your body we take authority over it in the name of jesus christ be healed tonight be healed tonight be healed tonight he's for you he's for you he is for you tonight come on he is for you someone pointing to the camera he is for you tonight my jesus is for you he is for you he is for you [Music] yes he is tonight come on sing it to somebody i see that request we rebuke that cerebral palsy in the name of jesus we rebuke it we rebuke it tonight he is for you [Music] wait a minute wait a minute there it is this is julia brown julie is one of our faithful partners julia said pastor wait hold it julia said pastor that's me that had the heart of hearing in my left ear for some time now i can hear clearly julia can you come on zoom with us tonight come on let's give god praise for julia that woman does not miss a broadcast julia say that's me i was hard of hearing in the left air and now i can hear clearly come on and help me give him praise sing it he is for you tell somebody here's for you tonight he's for you tonight julia jump join us on zoom julia see you with me his he is for you that's a god i serve he is a god of signs wonders and miracles phyllis he is a god of miracles he is a god of miracles we give him the praise we give him the glory we give him the owner tonight come on point into that camera come on he is for you that's what i'm talking about tonight he is for you [Music] this is why i'm in love with jesus grady he is a god of miracles he is a god of miracles and there's someone to wave and say he's real to me he's real he's real he is for you my god is real my god is real my god is real [Music] he is for you tonight he is for you that's the god i serve that's what i'm talking about tonight i love a god who can show that he is real singing he is for you come on come on come on come on [Music] he is for you tonight [Music] he is for you tonight sing it he is for you he is for you [Music] tell the devil he lost tonight tell the devil he lost tell the devil he lost tell him he lost he lost tonight he lost he lost i don't know about you but i like seeing the devil lose granny i like seeing him lose jeff i like him losing i like him losing he is for you tonight come on jesus he is for you that's it that's it [Music] everywhere there it is there's another one there's joanna joanna on youtube said i am healed in my left foot come on somebody the holy ghost ain't playing games come on somebody the holy ghost don't play he does not play games that's why i'm sold out to jesus i'm with him all the way i guess i'm gonna say i'm sold out i'm sold out he is for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is for you tonight somebody needs to hear it pointing to the camera he is for you that's what i'm talking about [Music] glory to jesus [Laughter] for cain i agree what a blessed night what a god we serve with a god we serve what a god we serve [Music] sing it he is for you tonight come on he is for you somebody needs to hear it [Music] i'm in love with jesus he is a god of miracles he is a god of miracles [Music] see listen you know me and pastor amy we take this stuff very serious we told god we said god hold on jeremy is that what grayson what are you saying what's happening with you grayson did you receive a miracle grayson my god is for me he healed me in my air my foot and stomach talk to me grayson let me know what's going on with you you see me and pastor amy we prayed we said lord there's another person messing on uh youtube said i have no more pain in my left foot oh come on somebody come on somebody the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost i love seeing the lord touch and heal and deliver his people hey who believe the pandemic is coming to a close you see you you see when you walk with the lord you're waiting for the news reporters to tell you you get the news way before these folks come on somebody i said elisha and elijah them they weren't waiting on cnn and fox in abc and cbs them men were in their prayer closet they got the news way before the natural folk got it come on somebody come on the holy ghost told me the pandemics coming to a close who remember me saying that who remember pastor sean saying that is it coming to a close phyllis is it come on nurse phyllis is it coming to a close out there's someone to say it's on its way out it's on its way out i'm ready to hold a miracle crusade in dallas texas lord have mercy glory to jesus as somebody help me give me help me give my god some praise here tonight hey i'm sorry y'all up i feel the holy ghost i can't wait [Laughter] i'm sorry my wife knows we are burning up inside i mean the lord's just healing his people you've got to give the holy spirit listen things you've got to give him chance to move you've got to make room for the holy spirit you see when all of us come to a service like this everyone's coming from different backgrounds people coming from work people are dealing with different things so you you've got to give the holy spirit an opportunity to bring those people into his presence and calm their mind down and get their mind off their troubles and what happened at work do you understand what i'm saying it takes time who can see it takes time and this is why and don't think i'm being too harsh but but i really have i take issue with these one-hour church service i mean you you know when the apostles when when they had meetings in the book of acts the bible says people came back and people came back three hours later and it was still in service paul preaching the power of god fell paul preached all night to the point somebody fell off the second floor he fell asleep man i would have dropped sleep too paul preach all night lord have mercy and you think my service is long i'm letting you go attend apostle paul started seven and nine he wasn't done till seven the next morning 12 hours non-stop he must have preached from genesis all the way to malachi lord have mercy i need someone to lift your hands and say you got to give god time to move you got to give him time you got to give him time look look i don't know about you but you know when we put our thanksgiving turkey in the oven my white pasta amy will tell you pastor sean don't trust nobody to cook that thanksgiving turkey that rascal in the oven for i i i marinate i marinate him for one good several days and when i stick that turkey in the oven he gonna be in that oven for one eight nine hours i ain't in no hurry come on somebody and who knows when you let them meet low and slow baby bad but listen come on who knows when you let that turkey take its time and cook in the oven when i slice into my turkey i like the meat to just fall over in my plate who know what i'm talking about now if if we can wait hours on a turkey man and you know why you wait a long time because you want that turkey come out perfectly but yet when we go to church we want to give god one hour and we'll stare at that football game that baseball game for four if they they you know who know when they have a tie they just keep going and who know that game can last five six hours then folks stare right there and they're cheering the whole time and yet when it comes to god but god's raising up a group of people who put in the holy ghost before baseball who put in the holy ghost before football who said god we're gonna wait on you come on somebody i guess i'm gonna say we're all right we're gonna wait we gonna wait my god he is for you he is for you you've got to let the holy ghost move man you gotta listen i remember my mama me and my big brother were talking about it this lady they used to call this lady mother ellen if any come on apostle carolyn pam and aussie minister prime minister dawsey bishop cliff if you guys are here tonight these guys are from up east where we are from a little bitty town mama mother ellen lord have mercy and my mom they used to call her sister g reverend jolie depending them ladies would take me and drag me into prayer meeting they would drag me in the prayer meeting thomasina they would be praying speaking in tongues falling out in the holy ghost grady from nine in the morning till three in the evening they would have so much oil on me when i go might have to dry the oil out of my hair i had an afro you you know you would think i was that little fella after little rascals what they call his name babes the little fella they would jeff help me out come on jeff you used to watch the little rascals you ain't always been in church what would was it is it buckwheat is and when i would go on phyllis and lean over in the mirror you could see like 10 different hind prints pressed down in my good afro man i the holy ghost had to get a hold of me he for as much oil as them women put on my head and i'm sure my sisters must be laughing right now and they know when when you when you hear my mama say i'm going to pray meet with mama ellen oh jesus i would take every toy i can carry because they would pray for me and i should be thinking to myself how in the world can they go on like this for just hours and hours but now i understand now i got the same holy ghost they got and i can't help myself somebody help me give god praise here tonight blessed be the name of jesus there's another miracle karen thompson on youtube said pastor the pain in my red right elbow is totally gone that's what i'm talking about chaos why don't we go for it promises my god are you enjoying yourself tonight god of abraham you're the god of covenant faithful promises come on [Music] time and time again you have proven you do just what you say though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass greatest great is your faithfulness to me come on sing it with me your faithfulness to me from the rising sun to the sitting sea i will praise your name greatest great is your faithfulness god of abraham [Music] god of abraham you're the god of causing a faithful promises singing with me tonight [Music] time and time again you are proven you do just what you say though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to [Music] from the rising sun to the setting save i will praise your name greatest great hits your faithfulness go from age to age god permeates the age though the earth may pass away your word remains the same yeah your history can prove there's nothing you can do you're faithful and true though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass greatest great is your faithfulness greatest greatest great yes come on just keep singing that great as your faithfulness greatest great hits come on sing those words with me greetings your faithfulness to me come on church great yes come on come on keep singing that right there great as your faithfulness to me jesus christ is your faithfulness is he faithful to you tonight greatness great hits [Music] i put my faith in jesus [Music] my ankle to the ground my hope and fun foundation he'll never let me down listen here i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he never let me down sitting with me i put i put my foot in jesus my ankle to the ground my opinion foundation he never let me down sing it with me i'll put i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my opinion foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and foundation he never let me down i put my faith i put my faith singing with me tonight my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he never left me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus and my anchor to the ground my opinion foundation he never let me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus come on my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground he's my opinion foundation he'll never let me down this is for somebody i put my faith in jesus come on my ankle to the ground my hope and foundation he never let me down sing it up what i put my face come on somebody my anchor to the ground my heart [Music] foundation [Music] great is your faithfulness singing with me tonight great is your faithfulness me great is your faithfulness from the rising sun from the rising sun to the saying i will praise your name greatest great is your faithfulness god of abraham [Music] god of abraham you're the god of covenant a faithful promises listen to this time and time again you have proven you do just what you say though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak of work it will come to past greatest great is your faithfulness my god my god sing it with me great here's your faith from the rising sun from the rising sun to the setting sea i will praise your name greatest great is your faithfulness though the storms make up [Music] and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass credits great here's your faith [Music] marie the holy ghost is going to come through for you and your family marie iron stand i can hear the holy ghost all up in my ears the holy ghost got a breakthrough coming for you and david it's coming it's coming i said the holy ghost got a breakthrough coming for you and your family god said i've heard your cry daughter i've seen your test and god say i'm turning it around even now i'm turning it i'm turning it i'm turning it i'm turning it create it create yes [Music] come on who is the who else is the holy ghost talking to god said i'm turning it i'm turning it somebody lay hold of the word i'm taking it god said i'm turning it i'm turning it i'm turning it somebody's swinging your finger he is turning it he is turning it come on zoom come on youtube come on facebook he is turning it great is your faithful to see you with me great is your faithfulness to me just stay right there great is your fake fullness come on hit them drums with me sir greatest great is come on put your hands together tonight greatest greatest great here's your faithfulness though the storms make up throw the storms and the winds may blow i remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will count to past greatest great is your faith come on somebody help me swerve help me swerve help me swing back and forth on zoom tonight come on somebody come on somebody greet is your faithfulness sing it great here's your faithfulness i put my faith in jesus i put my faith in jesus [Music] foundation he never let me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus come on send it my ankle to the ground sing it my whole fine foundation he never let me down sing i put my faith in jesus my anchor to the ground my hope and fun foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my whole pineapple he never let me down i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground [Music] foundation he never let me down i put my faith i put my faith come on singing with me my anchor to the ground my hope and firm foundation though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass greatest greatest [Music] come on sing it with me we gonna park right there for another minute greatest greatest great is your fake fullness he's been faithful to me and my family singing great yes come on darnell how's he been faithful to you down now sing it with me great yes your big veronica has he been faithful sister nikki sister kim sister lee come on how's he been faithful pam has he been faithful has he been faithful with awful has he been faithful has he been faithful glory to jesus singing with me tonight greatest greatness your faithfulness he's been faithful to me he's been good to me he's been better to me than i've been to myself he's been good i dare someone to type in the chat great is that faithfulness greatest great is your faith sing it again god of abraham [Music] god of abraham you're the god of covenant a faithful promises [Music] time and time again you have proven you do just what you say though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come too great is your faithfulness [Music] come on credits great here's your face from the rising sun from the rising sun to the setting sea i will praise your name great easy i put my faith in jesus i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and fun foundation he never left me down i put my faith i put my pain in jesus my ankle to the [Music] foundation he never left me down i put my faith in jesus [Music] foundation he'll never let me down i put my face i put my face [Music] listen theresa marisha rogers francis it's always good to see barisha on facebook i'm sure you heard me share her testimony over and over parisha is the lady the holy spirit had given me a word for her before she went into surgery the holy ghost just told me declare the word there's a woman listening with cancer when you go to have surgery they won't find any cancer in you burisha grabbed on to the word she had all the tests and everything done that proved she had cancer in her body they scheduled barisha for surgery lord have mercy when they cut marisha open they they could not find one trace of cancer in her body they said all they could see was a cloud come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody come on barissa let me let's sing it to him tonight i put i put my faith in jesus my anchor my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he never let me down i put my faith i put my faith in jesus my to the ground my whole panther foundation he never let me down i put my faith in jesus [Music] [Applause] i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and the foundation he'll never let your faithfulness great is your faithfulness how's he been faithful to you church has he been faithful to you singing with me great is your faithfulness to me greatest greatest great is your faithfulness has he been faithful to anybody here tonight have your back been against the wall and he came through he made a way where there seems to be no way come on somebody said great is your faithfulness great is your faithfulness greatest [Music] though the grace the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come though the storms may come though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learned when you speak a word it will come to pass singing again though the storms though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast let my heart learn when you speak [Music] listen the holy ghost is talking to me somebody here tonight somebody here tonight you are scheduled to have surgery within the next three weeks the holy ghost is about to give you a miracle your doctors are going to be amazed they are going to be confounded and god is going to get the glory and there's someone to lift your hands to heaven here tonight some great miracle is happening here tonight i said some great miracle is happening here tonight thank you jesus a great miracle is taking place in somebody's body here tonight this ain't something that you can recognize immediately this is something you have to go to doctor and when they test you again they are going to be shocked your surgery is going to be canceled the power of god is on some people here tonight great is may blow i'll remain and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come though the storms though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart look when you speak a word it will come to pass greatest to me come on sing it with me great is your fake fullness come on keep singing that right the greatest greatest [Music] greatest greatest great is your faithfulness to me great is your faithfulness though the storm though the storms may come and the winds i'll remain and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come come on [Music] though the storms though the storms may come and the winds may blow i remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come greatest greatest great is your faithfulness [Music] my god my god my god my god my god greatest great is your faithfulness [Music] greatest greatest [Music] greatest greatest greatest there there's another one of our partners on you and patricia patricia and patricia was healed from cancer a few years ago how long ago was that and patricia how lo how long ago was it she got totally totally healed from cancer a few years now lord have mercy is our god amazing or what you do listen norma yes her name's norma don't just don't just when you hear us talking about these miracles you got to sit and let that let that thing sink in at what and what we just think about this y'all these are people who had cancers in their body and they go back to the doctor and and they had they did all the tests to prove that they had cancer you can't do a biopsy in 10 to 12 different tests and they all come all wrong the devil's a liar come on somebody but dr jesus happens before they had surgery dr jesus showed up that's what i feel like singing to him great is your fake fullness come on singing we'll be here tonight hit them drums for me sir great here's your faithfulness he's gonna be faithful to you marie [Music] is your faith [Music] my family in the bahamas he gonna be faithful to you see you with me great is your faithfulness [Music] storms may come and the winds may blow i remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will count too though though the storms may come and the winds i remain [Music] and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come great is your faithfulness great is your faithfulness greatest great easel thankfulness from the rising sun from the rising sun to the setting sea i [Music] [Music] oh come on come on come on come on come on i think we suck all the milk we suck all of the milk out of that song tonight lord have mercy oh come on somebody help me give jesus praise here tonight help me give jesus praise here tonight lord have mercy isn't our god just absolutely awesome darnell darnell got the baptism in the holy ghost almost a month or more ago darnell you're still enjoying being full of the holy ghost might says come on come on come on come on let's give god praise for my jamaican sister from jamaica you know [Laughter] one love one love one love uh blessed god bless you sadie sadie mccartney all right down there in the bahamas she posting the bahamas flag oh god is so good god is so good praise god i want to take you into the book of malachi chapter 3 verse 10 through 12 we'll receive this evening's offering for the preaching of the gospel amen for declaring the word of god for his kingdom amen and then we will go into the word of god on tonight praise be to god don't you just love him with your whole heart we gonna talk about a blessing in disguise lord have mercy only god knows how to take what the devil means for evil and make the thing work together for your good are you enjoying yourselves on tonight's scenes come on come on talk back to me talk back to me you know i like participation i don't like folk sitting up there like a wall on a pickle you understand where i'm coming from i like people to respond lost susana jesus what are you doing break down since the lord have mercy that woman having herself a holy ghost time lord of mercy somebody you can tell who used to be in the clubs you know oh yeah oh yeah lori is just as guilty as they come let's go into the word of god here on tonight come on who all used to be in the clubs come on now come on come on i come on lord of mercy a whole lot of former clubbers we still clubbing but now we're covering with jesus we're getting drunk on the new wine praise be to god some of my some of my some of our former buddies some of our former buddies who got saved you know they just said they ain't no high like the most high lord help us all right i guess someone said day no high like the most high [Laughter] pasta amy say i don't know what you talking about i did enough damage for all of us put together but praise god let's go to the book of malachi here tonight malachi says bring all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and we know tithe means 10 of whatever you make it belongs to the lord and then whatever you give on top of that it is an offer and it's a free will offering never allow people to pressure you to give your rent money and all this kind of thing come on you understand just just do your part god doesn't expect you to do the whole thing that's why he said bring a tithe are you hearing me bringing all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat and you know some people some people write it and they say pasta i wish i could do more and i totally get that but but you don't have to you don't you just do your part and would you would you take what you have and give it to god and trust him don't feel guilty you can only do what you can come on somebody and who knows when you get a harvest you don't give the whole harvest away are you all listening to me let me look in the camera you're listening to me tonight you do not give away the whole harvest i remember hearing dr all roberts share story and you know i remember reading in his book there was a businessman who used to support dr all robert's ministry and he he noticed this guy was giving huge amounts of money to his ministry so dr all robert said he had a conversation with the guy come to find out the guy was almost given given all of what god was blessing me to dr all robert's ministry you know dr al roberts told him say no no no no no god does not expect you to give away your whole office pay your tithes and if you want to give an offering on top of that that's fine but god understands you got a family to take care of you god come on come on oh you don't have much preaching ain't much preachers we're going to tell him different come on somebody come on somebody come on come on so so you don't give away your whole harvest you gotta you gotta put something into savings come on somebody talk to me you gotta put you gotta put some stuff away for rainy day you can't give away all of what you got you got responsibility and you got to be responsible you got to be wise you have to be wise with what the lord gives you you can't just take the whole thing and give it away and then when tough time comes what are you going to do you see where i'm coming from so you got to have wisdom i said you got to have wisdom god only expects you to give a tithe and an offering you just do that and it's between you and the lord and you just trust god to do the rest amen so he said bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here which said the lord of hosts if i will not open for you the windows the windows of heaven and paul you are the blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it you know them folks used to be planting crops in the day and went back in the day when he said he's opened up the windows of heaven god was talking about ringing down on the ground so that crops can get nourished from the rain water are you listening to me so the so they can bring forth a massive harvest but for us we know when he said i'll open the windows of heaven god will give us opportunities to bring financial increase into our lives supernatural abundance come on somebody for you know second corinthians 8 9 says for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that through his poverty you might be rich the word rich didn't mean multi-millionaire right there in second corinthians 8 9. the word rich means so you can have more than enough to take care of your family and do the will of god come on somebody are you listening to me on tonight so he said i'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and and i will i love it i will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither should your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field said the lord of hosts what a god i remember we had tried we tried i tried some uh i took taking the class to learn how to do some stuff and the class it just didn't work it it just nothing happened but years later almost with eight or nine years later something like that come to find out that that school i had went to they were scamming people and ripping people off and doing some unlawful things are you listening to me and we we'd gotten us a check in the mail i wasn't expecting it i mean a check came in almost six seven years later huh babes i was like what lord have mercy we took that baby to the bank [Laughter] i come on somebody we we we we we took it straight down to the bank ready shine it and make the deposit come on you know god will do things that you ain't even expecting when you pay your tithes and you are committed to him who likes seeing checks come that you least expect who love when god gives you opportunities to increase the finances you have lord have mercy he said i'll rebuke the devil for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruit of your grounds neither shall your vine castle fruit before the time in the field said the lord of hosts and all nations i love it and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome land said the lord of hosts so you don't give away your whole harvest just pay your tithe and give an offering and watch god work it out for you father in the name of jesus christ as your people prepare their hearts to give in this offering take note of every single one of them father main pastor amy ask you on tonight to lay your hands on this offering this love gift the tithe on tonight donations gifts lay your hands on it give it back to them good measure press down shaken together and running over let men give into their bosom bless your people your people have been so faithful to continuously stand with this ministry honor their gifts on tonight bless them beyond measure bring financial increase into their lives some of them are dealing with financial hardships give them a financial miracle step in and turn things around and do what only you can in the name of jesus christ we pray someone say amen greatest just plain across chaos from that song great is your faithfulness to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at sean pender.net forward slash give you can also give through the ministry paypal account that address is paypal dot me forward slash sean pin the ministries you can also give through the ministry zell account the email address for the zell account is info seanpinder.net you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry kashub address is the dollar sign sean pinder ministries you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters spm to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also mail your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money orders out to sean pender ministries p.o box 2726 mckinney texas 75070 greatest great he's your favorite to [Music] though the storms though the storms may come and the winds may blow i remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass credits [Music] is your faithfulness to me great is your faithfulness from the rising from the rising sun to the setting saying i will praise your name gracefulness throw the stops [Music] i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak it will come great is your faithfulness great is your faithfulness to stay right there for me because greatest great is your faithfulness [Music] i put my faith in jesus [Music] foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith in jesus my anchor to the ground my opinion foundation he never let me down i put my face my god [Music] i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he never let me down i put my faith in jesus [Music] foundation he never let me down i put my faith in jesus my anchor to the ground now hoping for foundation god of abraham [Music] god of abraham you're the god of covenant a faithful promise hits time and time again you have proven you do just what you say though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass greatness great is your faithfulness rick is your faithfulness from the rising sun from the rising sun to the setting sea i will praise your name great is your faithfulness god from eight days [Music] god formates the age though the earth may pass away your word remains the same yeah your history can prove there's nothing you can do you're faithful and true though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain come on sing it with me tonight and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come put it up there for me josh great it's great is your faithfulness somebody help me sing it here tonight come on great is your faith though the storms may come so the storms may come and the winds may blow i remain josh are you going to help me tonight with it and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come too though the storms though the storms may come and the winds may blow and remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to grit is your faithfulness [Music] stay right there for my greatest [Music] father god in the name of the lord jesus christ as we prepare to go into the word of god on tonight minister to us let the holy ghost bring this word of god alive to us on tonight dear god do it only you can tonight speak to your people tonight you know exactly who need to realize that the situation the dilemma that they are in it is a blessing in disguise you are about to take what the devil means for evil tonight and you're about to make it work together for good because we love god and we are called according to your purpose speak to us through the word of god on tonight in jesus name we pray come on keep singing that with me tonight gray is your faith for to me great is your faithfulness to me come on give him praise lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy praise be to god on tonight praise god let me encourage somebody tonight some of you are still believing god for your healing tonight so what you can do is once this once we are done preaching here tonight just go back over the service amen always go back over it go back over it when we are praying for the sick who knows the anointing is captured on these videos praise god for that right you just rewind it and you just go right to where we praying for people to get healed and just go through the whole thing again amen that's what we used to do we used to study when we were studying healing ministries thanks scales when we were studying different healing ministries we'd always go back to where those men and women of god were praying for the sick and not anointing was moving and we would we sit in tons of miracle services lord of mercy we said go all over the country to go as far as we can go and drive as far as we can to get and sit in their miracle services so we can be in the atmosphere and learn and understand the flow of god amen so you got to pay a price when you want to see god do something in your life it's not automatic it's not going to fall in your lap like cherries off of a tree [Laughter] you've got to go after it with everything in you now i want to get to what we are talking about tonight a blessing in disguise can somebody open their mouth and say it tonight a blessing in disguise a blessing a blessing a blessing in disguise praise god now what i want to take you to i want to take you into the book of second chronicles i declared some of it on the broadcast on this morning and i just felt in my soul you you got to you got this hang here for a minute jump back in second chronicles chapter 20. i don't want to be moving too fast i want people to get a chance to absorb the word of god in their minds and in their spirit and get a hold of it who knows that faith comes by hearing and hearing i mean you got to hear it over and over and over and over and over again me and my wife a lot of mercy we got videos and different videotapes we listened to some messages so hundreds of times you heard me you you heard right hundreds of times faith is not an accident you got to be intentional about building your faith are you hearing me i remember we we were sowing seeds back then so all the miracles that god's doing today it's the result of the seeds we sown in our own spirit man the bible says seed produces fruit after its kind that means whatever a man sows is exactly what he is going to reap amen so if you're believing god for a healing get around those healing ministries go back over those videotapes watch them over and over and over and over and over again i can't tell you how much how many times people say pastor sean i was listening to one of your videos from like three four years ago and the power of god came through that and i'm healed right now i'm healed i love it i love it because the anointing does not get old the holy ghost does not get old his presence is real blessed be the name of jesus glory to god all right let's go in the second chronicles chapter 20. the bible says in verse 1 it came to pass after this also that the children of moab and the children of ammon and with them other beside the ammonites they came against jehoshaphat they had they had jehoshaphat outnumber ten to one lord have mercy i'm sure we all totally get a good understanding of that after these couple of weeks i think we understand what it means to be out number 10 to one and be surrounded lord have mercy let's go on to the next verse then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria behold they being hazards onto my witches and getty bad news lord have mercy let's keep it rolling josh and jehoshaphat now you can pack there for a minute for me josh and your hoes are fat i want you to see this and your hoes are fat fed who knows fear something that's real when you see all hell i mean there's some stuff that can shake you up i don't care who you are there is some stuff lord of mercy that can literally shake you up and jehoshaphat fed and set himself to seek the law and proclaim the fast throughout all judah keep it right there for a minute and jehoshaphat fed he became terrified but he counterpunched the enemy you see when the enemy when the enemy comes against you let me look at the camera for a minute you see we're not lying we're not lying raws the reason that lion roars is because his raw is so loud any prey that's in close range of that line when he rose he he almost leaves them paralyzed he is fit i mean they become so afraid that they become paralyzed and just sit there and not even moving who knows that's what the enemy wants to happen with you have you ever had something happen to you and you we all know we supposed to fast and pray but whoever had something happened to you and you felt lost like you didn't even know what to do come on come on it happened so suddenly and so quickly that you were just paralyzed for a minute we we all got to deal with that that type of situation but jehoshaphat responded in a way that the devil was not looking my god he gave him an uppercut upper punch he gave it to him real good the bible says when jehoshaphat put it back up there for me when jehoshaphat became afraid the bible said he proclaimed a fast that's it and he proclaimed the fast and then he set himself to seek the lord he refused to allow fear to dictate how he would respond to the situation it's okay to be afraid but don't just sit there and become paralyzed you've got to do something about the situation don't just sit there and do nothing because the enemy will devour you come on i love that acronym for fair false evidence appearing real the devil will tell you people of faith you are finished i got you right away i want you i got you you gonna lose the house you're gonna lose the car you're gonna lose it all you're gonna lose your marriage you're gonna lose them kids you come on come on somebody you're gonna lose that jump come on how have the enemy been turning the heat up lord have mercy have he been backing anybody on in this on this broadcast have he been backing you in a corner i remember as a little boy i was and i won't go into all the details i know you like hearing pastor sean's dirt come on somebody it it's juicy stuff isn't it come on so i was i was a bad boy and i i want this you know you know we you know i'm in the in the bahamas we leave our doors open our windows open and we'd hate because the neighbor's cat would come inside our house and man my dad would break almost half the house i'm trying to chase the cat out of the house you know and he would always miss man we had fun watching my dad trying to chase the cat out of the house he'd be breaking this window he'd be breaking that furniture and just throwing man and just missing and so i caught i caught the black cat and i backed him i i thought i got him now i got him on the patio and so i pick up this little rock you know and i back the cat all the way into a corner and i lift that little rock up i'm like i'm gonna hit you so good you ain't coming back in our house now you animal lovers give me a break i was just a little boy so just back off of me don't send me no emails i i didn't i didn't hit him but but i i lift the rock up and i was about to hit him and man that cat turned into the incredible hook on me grady that can't he wow i thought what man he he in my opinion i was a little boy he looked like he raised up about 10 feet you know but he just man i backed him in a corner jeff and that cat came unglued and his claws were looking extra long and i thought and i took that rock and i was like let me let me do a reversal here [Laughter] i put that rock down and i broke off a rudder lord have mercy i ran in one direction and the cat ran in the other direction so so so so when you are backed into a corner you you you come on somebody it's time to who knows you got to fight back you got to fight back i said you got to fight back don't just let them come in and do you in you got to be and listen some of you when the enemy has you backed in the corner it may be your bills it may be it may be your marriage it may be something you're a businessman it may be your business it may be some business deal about to go south on you who knows you can change some things by fasting and praying and calling on the lord come on talk back to me here somebody i said you don't have to sit there you do not have to accept the natural outcome of what you think is getting ready to happen because the devil is telling you i got you exactly where i want you but jehoshaphat say you think you got me you got me back into a corner but now i'm gonna call on god i'm going fast lord have mercy come on who knows what i'm talking about when i say fast i'm talking about turning the plate all the way down i know there's different types of fast now watch this so jehoshaphat shall hold the facts i got to do something we going to fast and pray and call on god my god my god let's go right into verse six let's go right into verse six where jehoshaphat begins his prayer his petition to god and he said oh lord god of our fathers i not doubt god in heaven and rulers not die over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in your hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee that's the god i've been calling on this week lord have mercy god there is none there is none who is able to withstand you i know they can only see me god and i know from the natural standpoint they think they got me back in a corner and they think they're about to come in and devour us but i'm looking to the hills like my great-granddad david said i'm looking to the hills from whence comet my help my help comes from the lord somebody shout help is on the way it's on the way help [Music] help is on the way somebody silent help is on the way it ain't over until god says it's over i may be surrounded like the black cat i may be in a corner ah but i'm about to come back i need someone to say i'm about to make a comeback [Music] submit yourself therefore to god resist the devil that word resist means you gotta fight back i guess i'm gonna shout fight back fight back fight back if it's your marriage fight back if it's your health fight back if it's your finances fight back somebody shout fight fight fight fight fight fight fight hey my god my god my god my god now watch so so now jehoshaphat this man is beginning to pour his hand out to god lord have mercy verse 7 i not thou our god who did his drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people israel and gave it to the seed of abraham forever my god my god verse 9 go straight to verse 9 and you said if when evil comes upon us as the sword judgment all pestilence and you know the sword right there means wartime it means war judgment or pestilence pandemic or famine and we stand before this house and in your presence so important to come into the presence of god in prayer lord have mercy are you following this jehoshaphat say once we come into this house and we get into your presence for your name is in this house and cry unto thee in our affliction the word affliction means trouble it means you in a tight place they got you surrounded he says this is what jehoshaphat says he said once we do this in the presence of god then my god my god do you see why i love when we come into the presence of god i'm gonna put it back up there but do you see why we love to come into the presence of god through praise and worship because something i don't i'm telling you it's biblical something happens when you come into the presence of god listen to me good if when you are outside of the presence of god it's real hard to believe god who knows what i'm talking about here tonight come on have you been trying to believe god for something and there was no presence there was no anointing of god moving you were struggling come on somebody lord have mercy but the minute you come into the presence of god the minute you get in the spirit of god who knows faith comes alive i say faith comes alive that's what john said that's what john said in the book of revelation chapter 1 verse 10 through 12. john said these words john said i was in the spirit on the lord's day that means he was in the presence of god he was the anointing of god was all over him he said i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i began to hear the voice of god i heard his voice my god my god and this is why i this is why i took some time teaching on the importance of praying in other tongues praying in the holy ghost come on here somebody we know there's different ways to come into the presence of god but one of the quickest ways to come into the presence of god is praying in the spirit praying in other tongues the apostle paul says he not speaking in an unknown tongue speak not unto men but unto god how be it in the spirit glory to god he speaks mysteries the minute you begin to pray in the holy ghost you come into the presence of god and one of the other ways you come into the presence of god it's through worship that's why that's why i taught my daughters how to play thank god he anointed them and they took the music from me and they took it to the next level and and this is why you think we have all of this music going just to waste time who knows that was one of the that was one of the strategies that elisha used in his ministry a king came to elisha who needed a word from the lord elisha said hold on mr king bring me the minstrel the mitchell was the anointed musician glory to god give me your flowcase lord have mercy and a minute the minute that minstrel begin to play the bible says the hand of the lord was on elisha because because worship and anointed music it provokes the holy ghost to move come on here somebody it it stirs the holy ghost up the holy ghost said i can't take it that praise is too sweet that praise is too good it's too sweet you're all i want come on you're all i need come on lift your hands to heaven you're all i need jesus and my sufficiency singing with me tonight you're all i want you're all i need you're all i need jesus your mass efficiency [Music] you are all cause you are all i won't sing it you are all come on sing it to him cause you are all hero sing it you are all cause you are all i want you [Music] so the bible says the minute the men shall begin to pray elisha is in the spirit and now he can hear god clearly and elijah said to the king thus said the lord he was able to and this is what so what we are doing is a hundred percent biblical what are we doing we giving the holy ghost a tool to take your minds off of your trouble and bring you into literally the manifest presence of god and it's when you come into the presence of god guess what happens your faith is activated your faith comes alive come on someone just lift your hands to heaven the presence of god because you are all jehoshaphat they were in the presence of god and when you come into the presence of god like that the lord becomes the lord becomes so real to you listen and you know and when he becomes real when he becomes real to you like that that's when you pour your heart out to him i'm seeing some of the greatest answers to prayers from coming into his presence and then pouring my heart out there and this is why we encourage you just talk to jesus he's right there he's right there and who knows that's when miracles happen that's when i can i can see people's knees being healed i can see their spines being healed i can see the cancerous tumors trying up and leaving their bodies i can see broken bones being healed deaf has been opened blind eyes but you got to come in the spirit you got to get in the holy spirit you got to get in the holy ghost and who knows that's where victory happens this is why we this is why we take our time ministry is not some game it's not this we did we are not corporate america we are not herding cows we get you in from nine to from nine to ten 30 and grab up that offering and heard you out and then heard in another crew give me a break give me a break i ain't corporate american i ain't trying to be corporate america we are the body of christ we are called to minister to people under the anointing of god are you listening to me thanks so so jehoshaphat they who you see that who felt the presence of and the minute you pulled the music now i don't the god give you a chance to sit there and listen to the word again but but do you see how the do you see how real the presence of god is and and what you are learning you are actually learning a lifestyle you don't have to wait listen you don't have to wait for sunday services you know what you can do grab those videos and just keep rewinding it right back to where the presence of god's real strong on that video who's ever done that and you just pull it right back pass this sean right there i like this part of the service right there and who knows the presence of god will flood your house all over again that's what that's what past amy can tell you when we used to i'm sorry y'all i'm just teaching now it's okay let me just go yeah i'll come back to the word but i remember when we used to be following this this ministry this man and god we're learning the anointing we're learning the presence of god all of grady jeff all of the services where the anointing was extremely high in his services i learned how to edit audio clips and so i used to cut up all of the audio clips of all the most powerful parts in the man of god service and i would listen to them all night i would just be drenched am i telling the truth past amy and just for hours i would just i would compile all of them clips of the high moments because i wanted i wanted to understand how god moved and how and then once i understood it then i realized all right now it's my time i took 10 15 years 20 years learning this stuff now so so so god begins to teach you but but what i'm trying to share with you you don't have to wait make it your own god may be using this ministry to to prepare you and to teach you but what you got to do is you got to take you got to take ownership of the anointing are you listening to me well pastor sean how do you take ownership you take ownership by practicing and doing exactly what you see best of sean and pastor amy doing that's working for them just do the exact same thing darnell said donald say pasta you confirming what i've been doing come on talk to me somebody she ain't got no shame in her game she said i'm in it to win it glory to god come on who's been practicing who's been so so you got to you've got to practice the presence and you you have to practice the presence of god and and i don't mind saying this some of you are going to miss it because you are trying to chase 15 different ministries at the same time that's the best way to miss what god's trying to teach you you've got to learn listen find find those three to five ministries that you know god is really speaking to you through and park right there you know where some people make the mistake they got that five ministry that god's really using to pour into them and they're just out there looking and looking i start getting irritated like what are you looking for do you understand what i'm saying like why are you trying to go around i mean come on saints wake up you you've got to learn when you've got to learn when to just quit all that running and park do you understand where i'm coming from you've got to learn when to park you you have to if you don't park you are going to miss it but i'm telling you i w schambach lord i had over a hundred and something of the man's tapes kenneth hagin i had over a hundred of his tapes pastor benny and it's quite obvious we love that man that's where i learned how to flow in the holy ghost come on somebody apostle carolyn come on somebody you hear me talk about a whole lot so so we found those ministries that we felt god was calling us to pattern our lives after and dr t.l osborne ryan had bunky too come on here i might have a little more than five i guess but but but we but we park right there and we went after we chased those ministries down we chased those men of god down until every last one of them laid hands on us and bless our life and ministry come on somebody so there was that time of impartation and i feel like i'm teaching a discipleship class there was that that was that moment of impartation there was that time of learning there was that time of learning where god was pouring into us and preparing us for our own call and our own work so we are a mixture of several different ministries i learned how to preach hollering and screaming watching td jakes and bishop noel jones come on somebody oh come on sir i can't leave i can't leave bishop jake's out man i'm sorry jake's is a preaching machine wave about me if you know what i'm talking about come on come on somebody so so so the holy ghost said i'm going to take all of what you learned and put it into one ministry so we do it all we scream hauling we sweat we pray for the sick so do you do you see it all right let's get back to the word let's get back to the word my wife said babes where are you going with this let's go to verse 9. so so so so jehoshaphat said if we come into the presence of god and cry unto him in our trouble in our affliction then glory to god i don't want you to miss that then that's why when the holy ghost starts moving miracles begin to happen come on you notice you notice people do not start getting healed until we come into the presence of god are you are you paying attention to it because because there is a shift you go from the natural to the supernatural and for jehoshaphat it was prayer and fasting that got them there my god go back to the scripture he said and if we cry unto you in in your presence then you will hear you will hear and you will help so when we come into the presence of god every service and we come into the presence of god and we begin to worship him and call on him guess what happens he here and he helps lord have mercy because miracles start happening he here and he helps let's keep it moving josh lord have mercy verse 11 verse 10 verse verse 2. no go straight to verse 11. jehoshaphat says behold look god they got us surrounded behold i say how they reward us to come they want to drive us out of this possession which you gave us my god my god my god you gave this to us to inherit have the lord give something to you that you know the enemy has been lusting after and want to strip it out of you you you've been fasting and praying and believing god to get that job now that you got the job the devil and jumping several different employees and they're getting on your last nerve but guess what you go who am i talking to here tonight but but but you got you you got a decision to make what are you gonna do let them run you off the job you can get mad and apply for another job and go to the other job and them see him demons are right there cause you're dealing with something that's spiritual come on somebody we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places come on talk to me somebody so you might as well make up your mind i ain't gonna move another further come on somebody i ain't leaving this job you might as well make up your mind it looks like i'm about to get into a rumble that's what we used to say when i was in the gang ah looks like we gonna get into a rumble here tonight come on somebody i need someone to roll up your holy ghost sleeve come on i dare someone to say we bout to rumble because i ain't giving you one inch of what the holy ghost gave me god gave me seven kids and he told me they're gonna be full of the holy ghost and they're gonna serve god all the days of their lives the devil might as well pass my house up and go to my neighbor house come on somebody because if he stopped at sean pitt in the house who knows they're going to be a rumble in the jungle i feel the holy ghost here i said there's about to be a rumble they're about to be up come on somebody get me a baseball bat get me a machete come on somebody get me a block up from the bahamas you know they grab a block and knock you upside the head come on sir get it get do we have any blocks around here give me a block get me a 2x4 cuz i ain't about to move they want to drive us out of what god gave us i guess somebody said there's only one option we're gonna have to fight it's getting ready to go down i'm from the bahamas so it's the 242. i got to steal it from new orleans they said it's going down in the 504. come on somebody i need someone to say fight back you got to fight her you got to fight her i refuse to roll over and play dead and let the enemy come in and ravage my family it's getting ready to go down shouty ass yeah shut up hallelujah now watch this listen to what he says in verse 12 my god my god my god jehoshaphat this man is praying i gotta dissect this prayer listen to what he said he said oh our god my god some of you been praying this prayer this week oh our god will down not judge them judge these buncher lord have mercy don't cuss you guys don't cuss in your mind now i don't need you to fill in no blanks with me you know i'm calling them scums or something some of you going down another street there come back come back come back on the straight and narrow oh oh god will you not judge these bunch of thugs these bunch of rascals come on somebody these these are scumps these are the lowest of the low for we have no might they got us outnumbered god we have no might against this great company that's coming against us neither know we what to do but our eyes somebody shout i got my eyes i got it on jesus my god david said i will look to the hills from whence come with my help my help somebody shout my help my help my help is coming from the lord which made the heavens and the earth he will not allow your foot to be moved that means you ain't gonna lose who am i talking to the battle that you're in you are not going to lose because god sits high and he looks low and david said i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread god said call unto me in the day of trouble and i'll hack unto help and i'll answer your prayer who am i preaching to god is about to answer your prayer god is about to roll up his sleeves and come down and fight this battle somebody shall fight fight fight it god fight it fight for me fight for me fight for me they got me surrounded they got me outnumbered it looks like i'm going down hold on one second here my god my god i'm just like you who have been glued to the news for the last couple of days here lord have mercy the holy ghost say fast for the nation son the holy ghost said pray for them people pray for them cover them in the blood the holy ghost said pray for them i sign up all night praying not just me but i'm convinced the holy ghost had christians all around the world praying praying praying praying my god for the ukraine and every time i listen every time i listen to to some of the some of the natural generals from around the world they would look at the situation and every time they assessed the situation i turned my television off because they looking in the natural they said there ain't no way there ain't no way ukraine can survive this they're about to be trampled they got them out number 20 to one it looks like they're going down i'm preaching to somebody the enemy got you out number 20 the one and it'll look like you going down but the holy ghost send me the drop by and tell you it is a blessing in disguise god has the last word in this situation it in honor until god says it's over the god i serve he still has and answers prayer your prayer is about to be answered somebody lift your hands to heaven and say the answer is on the way the answer the answer it's on the right it's on the way it's on the way here the shutdown it's on the way it's on the way i got on my knees this week i said god they may be outnumbered but you are still god you are the great i am you are the same yesterday today and forever you did it before with david and goliath you can do it again i ask somebody to say god can do it some of you help me tonight don't just sit there somebody help me give god help me give god watch this [Music] i want to jump straight on down to verse 14 lord have mercy here glory to god i feel this tonight my god my god my god my god lord help us tonight jesus now jehoshaphat demands the bible says he set himself to seek god he fasted marie my god my god he prayed for cade he fasted and he prayed and after you get done faster than praying you just need to sit up and wait because the answer is sure enough coming my god my god i said once you fasted i said once you fasted glory to god and once you prayed i said in any minute now god is about to open the windows of heaven he's about to speak i guess someone to lift your hands to heaven and say speak lord your servant is listening i need a word do you need a word from god tonight do you need a word cannot talk back to me saints do you need a word from god one word from the lord almighty can turn your situation around somebody shout i need i need a word i need speak to me speak lord [Music] now watch this let's go into verse 14 my god my god my god listen to verse 14 jesus help us here the bible says now jehoshaphat he already prayed he set himself to seek god he fasted now god's got god's beginning to respond to this man's prayer lord have mercy lord have mercy listen listen to what the bible says here in verse 14 and then watch this y'all then upon jehaziah this is how god answers your prayer the holy ghost has to move then upon jehaziah the son of zechariah the son of banaya the son of jill thank god my dad's name was arnold praise god my god when i hear these names i'm like lord help us tonight i feel like i'm praying in tongues but we're going to get through this now watch this then upon jehaziel the son of zechariah the son of bania the son of jill the son of matani a lord have mercy they're going through this this manhole genealogy because they want you to understand it didn't start with jehaziel it started with his great great granddad you listening to me tonight i said it started with his great-great-great-great-dad it might have start with you but it will pass on to your children and then to your children's children are you listening to me it didn't start with me it started with one of my great granddads and they pass it on to my dad now it's my time i guess i'm gonna shout her the holy ghost is here the holy ghost my god the bible says the bible says then upon jehaziah the son of zechariah the son of banaya the son of jill the son of matanya a levite of the sons of asaph came the spirit of god in the midst of the congregation the holy ghost showed up going josh moving the holy ghost showed up and he said under the anointing of god how come you all judah and you inhabitants of jerusalem and thou king jehoshaphat thus said the lord somebody shout the answer is here the answer is here the answer the answer is here the answer is here the answer you've been praying for the answer is here thus said the lord unto you for cade thus said the lord unto you now on youtube thus said the lord unto you barisha on facebook apostle carol and bishop cliff my sister reverend madrid reverend pamela and aussie and pastor j and first lady watch this then upon that he said ha khan all judah and you inhabitants of jerusalem just said the lord unto you be not afraid not dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle for the battle is not yours it belongs to god somebody shout the battle belongs to god this is not my battle this is not my struggle this battle belongs to god that means the victory is guaranteed that means i'm coming out of the fiery furnace i'm coming out of the lion's den they may be bigger they may be better they may have more weapons but on my side is the lord almighty david said you come to me with a sword and with a spare but i come to you in the name of the lord of israel the god of israel whom you have to find this day shall all the earth know that there is a god in israel i dare someone to lift your hands and say if god before you who who who somebody shouted who who who if god be for you who can be against you if god is on your side he is more than the whole world against you saints he gave you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and overall i dare somebody to say i got more power than the devil than powers than principalities than spiritual wickedness in high places because greater is he that's in me that he touched in the world my god and he said my god and he said in verse 17 you shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves stand still and see the salvation of the lord with you o judah and jerusalem fear not not be discouraged tomorrow go out against them for the lord will be with you who am i talking to tonight you gave up a little too early shake the dust off brush yourself off roll your sleeves up and said i'm gonna fight back god is on my side he said stand still and see the salvation of the lord the word salvation it means victory it means breakthrough it means you're going to win by a landslide it means that god is about to snatch you out of the trouble he's about to snatch you out of the tribulation he's about to snatch you out of the trial i guess i'm going to lift your hands to heaven and say i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm coming out many the afflictions of the righteous but out of them all the lord delivers him god's getting ready to deliver you out of what you are facing somebody shout it is a blessing in disguise it's a blessing it's a blessing it is a blessing in disguise now watch this you got to understand what happened here when these nations were about to when these nations were about to surround king jehoshaphat you got to understand they made a mistake because the enemy he always make a miscalculation when he comes to attack god's people i said he always over plays his hand he made a miscalculation who am i talking to here tonight i said the enemy always miscalculates guess what he did guess what he did for cade guess what he did sister nicki all of the precious jewels the precious gems the precious diamonds that they had looted and plundered from all the other nations they defeated day it took them it took them several months to haul all of that silver and gold right on along with them this is how dumb they were because they were so sure that they were going to get the victory over judah and jehoshaphat and god's people that they were big and bold enough to bring all the silver and the diamonds my god they brought precious jewels they brought the gems they brought them and piled it all around you to my god and they were looking at judah and say you next in line but i guess i'm gonna say the only thing i'm next in line for is a miracle the only thing i'm next in line for is a breakthrough because after jehoshaphat after he got the word that god was going to fight his battle he got the praise team he said i'm going to put the praise team to go and face the army and we're gonna stand behind him and as they went out the next day to face the enemy they lift their hands to heaven they open their mouth and they begin to sing the lord is good and his mercy endures forever can someone open your mouth and say the lord he is good and his mercy endures forever and the bible says when they begin to sing when they begin to praise god the bible says god himself began to ambush the enemy god himself begin to attack the enemy he began to confuse them and the enemy began to attack one another they turned on each other and when the dust was settled and the smoke was cleared every enemy was laying dead the bible says not one enemy escape i stopped by to tell you on this broadcast tonight not one of your enemy is about to escape not one of your enemy is about to get away not a one i dare someone to wave your hands and say not a one not a single one god is on my side why shall i fear what can man do unto me the snare is broken and we are escaped my help is in the name of the lord who made the heavens under earth my god can you play that cross for me great is your faithfulness to me play it girls god have mercy lord help me here tonight are you listening to this on tonight sing it with me on tonight greg great is your faithfulness to me come on sing with me tonight great is your faith [Music] and the bible says the bible says when they begin to sing when they begin to sing do you see why we love praise and worship when they put it up there for me i want them go straight to that verse there for me josh when they begin to sing i want them to see this put it up there for me josh verse 22 when watch this and when they began to sing unto praise guess what happened lydia the lord shed ambushments against the children of ammon and moab do you know why as we are praising and worshiping god do you know demons are being slayed are you hearing me tonight demons are getting defeated principalities strongholds are coming down every single service when they begin to sing into praise this is why i encourage everybody to open their mouth and help me praise god you see when you praise god is when your breakthrough comes of course i can help you some degree but you can't just sit there and depend on pastor sean you got to open your own mouth come on somebody open your mouth and sing it greatest greatest come on great here's your fake fullness come on open your mouth and sing it with me tonight greatest great is a demon is going down right now somebody seen greatness great i want you to see this go josh i want you to go down there to verse 25 for me because a wealth transfer happened in this situation listen to this verse 25 put it out there for me josh we're getting here put it up there for me sami as soon as he got it just pull it up there verse 25 praise god go for it check this out i want you to see this and when go back to verse 24 for me i you know what go to verse 24 i can't miss this i got to read this look at verse 24 and when judah came toward the watchtower in the wilderness they looked under the multitude this was the enemy and behold they were dead bodies fallen to the earth none escaped this is what i call a sweatless victory he didn't have to lift one seal one sword not even a spare or a born arrow for cade this is straight god fighting for his people but it doesn't stop there let's come to the good stuff because this message is called a blessing in disguise and when jehoshaphat and his people came to take away what the spoil of them look at how god turned it around they were petrified one day thinking it was over for them and the next day they come in towards the same army there's only dead bodies on the ground and they're coming to collect balls they found among them in abundance because it took a month to gather that stuff and bring it in surround judah they found in abundance both riches with the dead body i can hedge jehoshaphat say man you dad you don't need that big gold chain round your neck let me have it yank it right clean off of them look at these big old gold braces around their arms you don't need that for kids laughing you don't need that that i'm a made out of pure gold grab that sean jr come on josh grab the shoes off his foot looked like he paid four or five hundred dollars for a grab and he don't need it we got to put use of this stuff these folk are dead they can't do nothing with this money i guess i'm gonna say my bank account is about to increase increase my bank this is what i call a supernatural wealth transfer god allowed the devil's people it took them they bust their backside hauling all that stuff around judah this is why i call it a sweatless victory they brought this stuff from hundreds of miles away and all you got to do grady is back your truck up pull the tailgate down they found them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves here it comes more than they could carry and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much somebody lift your hands to heaven i pray in the next three days god do something ridiculous in your life i said i pray for the next three days i pray god does something ridiculous that's what i call a supernatural wealth transfer they didn't even have to haul the stuff it was brought it was brought it was brought to their doorsteps and god used the enemy to bring all of that wealth and what did god do after he finished with the enemy he caused them to turn on each other and these men got a wealth transfer somebody bank account is increasing somebody's investment is increasing tonight i said somebody somebody's wealth is inc who's receiving that tonight who's receiving that i said who's receiving the increase tonight who's receiving it who's look didn't he say shall man give into your bosom he just didn't tell you how it did this wasn't angels who brought the silver and the gold these were their enemies and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise the same degree watch this the same degree that you were afraid and terrified and petrified is the same degree of excitement that's going to come on you when the breakthrough happens are you hearing me the pendulum is going to swing from the left all the way to the right column you're going to go from being fearful to shouting screaming and dancing and running up and down through your house hollering come on somebody that's the listen and and you know what me and pastor amy had to learn as we study our bibles that every time god's people go through a crisis every time they go through a crisis we've learned that there are always spoils at the end of every battle come on here somebody i said who knew i said there is always spoils at the end of every battle don't go through all of that hell and come out empty-handed the devil is a liar you going through all of that trouble and then you gonna just give up and throw the towel in and say i'm done with this job if you were to just hang around for just another month or two god will blow your mind but some of us are too quick to give up we want the easy way out we want the path the path of least resistance rarely leads to success are you hearing me tonight look at david goliath everyone said everyone said this is a catastrophe david said what did you all say just now what is going to happen to the man who kills this big rascal tell me again they said the king is going to make his father's house tax free in israel tax free and the king is going to give him great riches david said are you sure david said my family's coming out of poverty thank god go live showed up do you you you got to look with the mind of the holy ghost everyone saw goliath as a problem david saw him as a door into the palace when david who's receiving this tonight nikki you sure look like my niece i have a niece her name is aaliyah penny she's in colorado dear god y'all look alike but listen so so what what may seem like a problem in the front of you and me and pastor amy had to learn this in our own life and ministry what was a problem when we attacked it it turned out to be one of our greatest blessings that's why you don't always run away from trouble are you all this i'm sorry y'all i just got to repeat this part here the president of the ukraine i was very impressed with that man this week god god knows i prayed for those people people were offering him to evacuate him out of his country this man is a real leader a real shepherd lays his life down for the sheep this guy he said i don't need a ride i need ammunition that's my kind of man i'm sorry i would recruit him back in the day lord but but but you get my point do you that's the kind of do you do you understand that this man said i'm not leaving my people he had a struggle i'm going down with him when you come around pastor sean and pastor amy that's the kind of people we are we go down with you hello somebody i'm not going to leave you here to fight for yourself come on somebody if you battling sickness if you batman something in your house your problem is minds are you hearing me we go to fasting and praying and turning our plates down because i'm not gonna allow the devil to just ravage you are you hearing me when he attacks you he attacks me and pastor amy too and that's why we pray for you guys are you listening to me on tonight i'm sorry that president and i'm sorry i was very impressed who all prayed for the ukraine this week come on somebody come on come on come on you you can't ignore these things when it's happening i thank god he had mercy on those people everyone said they are finished god always have surprises i said who knows god shocked the world this week all kind of five-star general oh it's over for them the minute i hear them say that i turned them i said man these fellas in the flesh all day and and listen and what they saying is not false what they're saying is right from their natural understanding but that's where we gotta go be your natural understanding and get into the holy ghost and get the mind of god come on somebody that's in the situation like that is when the holy ghost said lean not to your own understanding you can't accept defeat when you can call on god because who knows god can always turn it around so this nation they surrounded jehoshaphat and at the end of the day what the devil meant for evil jehoshaphat those walked away with more wealth they walked away more blessed than what they could have ever dreamed possible the devil meant it for evil but god used it as a supernatural wealth transfer some of some people under the sound of my voice tonight you have been taken to court wrongfully and people some people are trying to sue you the holy ghost said i must prophesy and tell you when god turned that situation around you will be the one walking out a champion you will walk away with with finances that you didn't even work for it couldn't take you 20 years to make the kind of money that the holy ghost is about to bless some of you with when he rule in your favor come on talk to me here tonight somebody i said listen listen listen to me i remember we were preaching in a small church right here in dallas the pastor the pastor was a woman pastor i mean just wonderful she reminded me of my mom so much she's those old school pastors and man just preaching preaching preaching and the holy ghost i got over into the spirit while i was in that church preaching and ministering and her son her son her son is the assistant pastor those people saw enough can sing lord have mercy and and while i was in the spirit the holy ghost showed me her son sitting up at three in the morning looking out through his window just worried worried worried worried and the holy ghost said tell pastor cecil that money that's supposed to be released to their family god is going to release it pastor cesar was the assistant pastor when i told that family then people went crazy screaming they went they went wild they were screaming they were crying this i mean he's a big tall black i mean this fella's a giant of a man my wife know what i'm talking they cried and cried he was just weeping he said he said please give me this microphone pastor please let me just say he said he said it only could be god talking to you he said because at three o'clock this morning i was right there staring out through my window that window in my house where you saw me and he said we were worried because there has been we have been in court for a long time and a huge amount of money is supposed to get released to me and my family and the devil was just trying making us believe and it just from the natural he said everything was stacked against us and we were about to lose but that the holy ghost gave me a word of knowledge and said you tell them they're going to win i guess i'm going to say i'm going to win come on man my god i feel the anointing i feel the holy ghost come on and sing great is your faithfulness to me great is your fake fullness isn't that god real tonight [Music] from the rising sun [Music] to the my god [Music] he is an awesome god [Music] though the storms may come though the storms may come and the winds may blow i'll remain come on sing it with me on tonight let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come though the storms may come though the storms may come and the winds may blow i remain pass and let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass greatest great is your thankfulness my god my god my god my god [Music] from the rising sun from the rising sun [Music] great is your faithfulness come on sing it great is your faithfulness listen i want someone type these words i'm going to win i'm going to win and i'm going to win big gray is your faithfulness [Music] i put my faith in jesus my faith in jesus my ankle my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and foundation [Music] i guess i'm gonna say i'm going to win and i'm going to win big [Music] some of you listen wait a minute wait a minute and i'm hearing these words some of you here tonight some of you here tonight you were dealing with somebody on this broadcast you are in a court case and there is a massive amount of money that have been held up for a long time i can only tell you what i'm saying the holy ghost showed me within six months the judge will rule in your favor every single penny that was promised to you it's gonna be released the holy ghost said you've been dealing with spiritual warfare but that devil went down tonight i said he went down tonight i said he went down tonight you listen the holy ghost said this word ain't for everyone but it's for someone specifically here tonight the holy ghost said listen good saints whoever this is for tonight the holy ghost said what the wind that you're about to get in court will change your standard of living from now until the day you die you will never see poverty again you will never you will never see poverty again did you hear what i say just now i said you will the holy spirit's talking to someone here the holy ghost said you will never see poverty again because when this judge ruled in your favor the amount of listen listen the amount of finances that will be released to you through this card case is literally in the millions and god said you thought it was impossible but nothing is impossible with god now you watch this word come to pass and when it come to pass don't leave pastor sean hanging you better let us know not that we want any of your money amen you do it what you want but just let us know when god gives you your breakthrough because it's good to testify and and show because i remember i remember the holy ghost had us on one of the broadcasts the holy ghost said somebody's somebody's debt is about to be canceled supernaturally one of our partners wrote and he said pastor sean it happened to me right after god gave you the word he said i had a 96 000 debt he said the company wrote into me and said we felt in our heart that we just need to wipe your debt clean and release you you don't owe us a dime 96 000 wipe clean oh come on somebody come on come on come on come on come on somebody somebody help me give god are you listen wait wait wait wait are you listening to me tonight did you hear what i preached tonight a blessing in disguise you've been drugged through the courts forever your enemies was hoping you go bankrupt and broke and can't afford no more lawyers and what's not but god kept making the way for you he kept making the way for you he kept making a way for you every time you thought there's no way we can come up with the money god would make a way for you and you would still end up going to court and you will still end up going but in six months this thing is going to be wrapped up and you are walking away blessed beyond anything your family have ever seen somebody put your hands together and help me give god praise here tonight somebody help me give god praise here tonight i said somebody help me give god praise here tonight i put my faith in jesus my anchor to the ground my hope and firm foundation he'll never let me down i put my faith [Music] sing it one more time [Music] come on shake it one more time to [Music] you see see that that's a strategy from your enemy they were hoping to drag you and drag you and drag you and drag you so you could surrender and get one out of the fight and so you can just surrender and yield and had you done that you would have walked away from it you would have walked away from a blessing that's gonna change your life but because you were willing to fight and hang in there and believe god within six months your life will never be the same again it'll never be the same somebody put your hands together and help me give god praise here on tonight come on singing with me i put my faith i put my faith in jesus my ankle to the ground my hope and firm foundation i put my faith i put my faith in jesus my ankle [Music] i surrender all on tonight we want to give someone an opportunity who've not yet surrendered their lives to the lord jesus he loves you on tonight and he is calling you into his kingdom the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life he loves you with an everlasting love on tonight and he's asking you to surrender your life to him the bible says you must be born again a lesser man is born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of god the lord is calling you tonight and without any further hesitation i want you to pray with me say lord jesus i am a sinner tonight and i'm asking you to forgive me of all of my sins wash me in your blood i believe you are the son of god i believe you died on calvary cross i believe god raised you from the dead on the third day lord jesus god raised you from the dead you are now seated at god's right hand and soon and very soon you are coming again i repent of my sins and i acknowledge jesus christ as lord and savior of my life thank you for saving my soul forgiving me of my sins and writing my name down in the lamb's book of life from this day i turn my back on the world the flesh and the devil to serve the true and living god and his son jesus christ if you prayed that prayer with me let me and pastor amy be the first to say to you welcome into the family of god welcome into the family of god i want you to type below this video right now sean and make sure you uh pin that link for them i want you to type in the live chat right now i've just surrendered my life to jesus let the world know jesus said if you be ashamed of me and of my words down here on this earth i'll be ashamed of you when you stand before my father and the holy angels i want you to acknowledge that you just surrendered your life to jesus i want you to type in the live chat right now i've just surrendered my life to jesus if you want zoom i want you to type it if you're on facebook i want you to type it we want to give you a big welcome into god's family on tonight what a god we serve on tonight and god bless you doreen on youtube said i surrender tonight god bless you no she said i surrender my husband sorry about that if you've accepted the lord okay there it is someone on facebook ralana god bless you rolanda welcome into the family of god susan on youtube welcome into god's family on tonight susanna and zomb said i surrender my life to jesus god bless you give them a big welcome god bless you there's another susan on youtube as well susan denny god bless you welcome into god's family surrender all god bless you lenny on youtube i surrender all [Music] god bless you daniel and all to thee my blessed savior [Music] god bless you janice on facebook i surrender and i surrender all what a god tonight and i god bless you veronica on youtube said i just surrendered my life to jesus welcome anna god bless you all to thee my god bless you max davey welcome into god's family alan just surrendered his life to jesus god bless you alan god bless you what a god we serve what a god we serve isn't he awesome sonia god bless you on youtube welcome into god's family on tonight welcome into the family of god cordell cordelia taylor welcome into god's family on youtube whitney grant welcome into the family of god said i just surrendered my life to jesus come on somebody put your hands together give them a big welcome i surrender and i welcome welcome welcome souls are being saved on tonight heaven is rejoicing heaven is rejoicing tonight you that have you that have surrendered your life to jesus on tonight i believe we pin that we paint a link on youtube it's on facebook as well make sure you click on that link and fill it out let us know you just surrendered your life to christ we want to stay in touch with you jonathan alfred welcome welcome my brother into the family of god tonight i've just surrendered my life to jesus god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you we love it we love the power of god but who knows the greatest miracle of all is when a sinner finds jesus there's no greater miracle and you know when god heals and demonstrates his power it's to get it's you know the healing ministry is the dinner bell for salvation it gets people attention it also lets people know that god is real and he loves people and deeply cares about him and when people see people begin to be healed it affects them it opens their heart to the gospel of the lord jesus the apostle paul that was the secret that was one of the secrets to the apostle paul's ministry paul says that's how he warned people the christ through the power of the spirit of god through great signs wonders and miracles paul said i have fully preached the gospel of christ and he said that is what god used to bring the gentiles to the lord jesus so this ministry is all about demonstrating the power of god it gets people attention and lets people know jesus is real amen and when god heals somebody one miracle one miracle can do what more than ten thousand sermons can do are you listening to me tonight one healing can just shake people up and open their eyes god bless you god bless you a lot of people coming into the family of god here on tonight praise god praise god pull it up here for a minute for me simon we love all of you thank you for thank you julia brown julia we read your comments all the time we read so much of your comments on facebook it's such a blessing it is such a blessing we love to hear what you all have to say it's encouraging amen you guys encourage us pastor wien did an excellent job last week and pastor wien we're so blessed you guys y'all's response it you know a preacher we we know it's not us we know it's the holy spirit we know better than that but you know it helps a preacher to know that you appreciate what the holy spirit have him preaching and ministering to you it means something when people respond because we have been around people who just make you feel like you have nothing to offer thank god we have been delivered i said thank uh jeff thank god we have been delivered thank god pastor wien is an awesome man of god awesome and uh also pastor radico pastor radico awesome awesome powerful men of god we'll we'll probably have pastor radico back me and him stay in touch we we all we we stay in touch with each other and the same with pastor wayne and pastor jay there are several pastors pastor eddie victor down there in freeport several pastors we've been pastor laquez williams too we stay in touch several several pastors that love the lord with all their hearts amen and so when we start doing our conferences again we'll have these ministers these men of god pour into yours lives apostle carol and bishop cliff amen we'll we'll have we'll have all of you come down here to dallas and minister it seems like we're going to be able to do something this year the pandemic is lifting praise come on somebody thank god thank god come on thank god thank god amen we love all of you we appreciate all of you and if you didn't have a chance to get a hold of that book get it it's going to be a tremendous blessing in your life we labeled on that book me my wife and my daughter michaela we labored you know they have to go over it and correct my english you know i'm from the bahamas you know i i talk funny sometimes i'm kidding what are you laughing at grady you from the feet dude you ain't got nothing on me you might as well have been from the caribbean too we love all of you we love you we love you god bless you it really looks like it looks like i'm going to be able to do something right here in dallas this year it really looks that way praise god we love all of you we love all of you god bless you thanks all of thanks a big thank you to all of our friends and family that on here watching and support this broadcast we love all of you god bless you we will see you on thursday 7 00 p.m central standard time and you guys will be hearing from jeff zone jeff is also a preacher jeff is a preacher i've trained jeffrey when we passed to the church jeff was one of the elders in the church with me jeff jeff is a teacher and a preacher so you will start hearing jeff more often on the morning broadcast i'm the holy ghost said start bringing more people in start bringing him in we'll get grady trained and get him rolling as well amen right grady so so we we're gonna have more of these people around us helping preach the word of god god said bring other people around and start letting them help you minister and carry the load amen pastor sean can't do it all amen and you'll be hearing my kids as well i'm not leaving my children out come on somebody we love all of you we love you so much god bless you thank you for staying with us until 10 36 tonight go get some sleep god bless all of you take care of yourselves now bye-bye holy spirit speaks comes an inspiring new book about living an undefeated life through christ the harder the battle the sweeter the victory combining biblical insight and real world experience pastor sean penner unpacks practical truths and encouragements that will prepare you for your next battle and help you win the one you are currently in somebody shout the harder the battle the sweeter the victory warfare is an inevitable aspect of any christian life but the fight you face does not have to destroy you you cannot void your battles but you can make the most of them learn how to approach your battles correctly and gain peace understanding strength and ultimate victory order the harder the battle the sweeter the victory today available on amazon and all major book suppliers don't merely survive your battles learn how to thrive [Music] never forget we love you take advantage of these other videos here they will be a blessing to you a strength my god they will increase your faith
Channel: Sean Pinder
Views: 10,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a blessing in disguise, what to do when your back is against the wall, 2 chronicles 20 kjv, 2 chronicles 20, 2 chronicles, blessing, jehoshaphat, Sean pinder, Pastor Sean Pinder, Sean Pinder ministries, Sean Pinder youtube, Sean Pinder youtube live, Sean Pinder live, Benny hinn, Pastor benny hinn, Benny hinn ministries, Jesus, Bible sermon, Sermon, Sermons, Bible preaching, Bible teaching, Bible study, Bible, Church, Music, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Video, Live, bless, disguise
Id: uEzRgbS5qUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 55sec (13015 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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