February 27, 2022 Sunday First Service [Elder Andrew Martin]

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glory bye surprised [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] let's focus here [Music] the lord [Music] [Applause] righteousness [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is all my righteousness [Music] [Applause] [Music] ourselves [Applause] [Music] [Music] concentrate jesus bless the lord everybody bless the lord everybody these songs let us forget about ourselves and concentrate on him and worship him let us lift our hands in his presence right at this moment and i know god has been extremely great to you so use this moment just to tell him thank you jesus thank you lord you are worthy jesus thank you jesus let us just whisper the name of jesus hallelujah jesus thank you jesus thank you daddy thank you jesus you are worthy mighty god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus and as we are about to read a portion of god's holy word this morning i'm going to ask us to turn our bibles to psalm 105 and as soon as you have found it i'm going to ask you to just shout a and it's customer that you know once we're about to read the word of god we ought to stand you know in reverence so psalm 105 reading from verse one through to it and we'll be reading alternately hallelujah praise the lord all right and we'll begin o give thanks unto the lord call upon his name may known his deeds among the people sing unto him psalms unto him take ye all his wondrous works talk he all of his owners glory in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the lord seek the lord and his strength seek his face forevermore remember his marvelous works that he had done can i say that again remember his marvelous works that he had i still feel to say it again for somebody who is doubting this morning and feel like giving up and giving and throwing in the toilet remember his marvelous works that he had done his wonders and the judgments of his mouth o ye seed of abraham his servant ye children of jacob his chosen he is the lord our god his judgments are in all the earth he has remembered his covenant forever the word which he had commanded to a thousand generations and i still feel like reading verse 5 again allow me please remember his marvelous works that he had done his wonders and the judgment of his mouth i still feel that urge and i want us to place our hands on our chest because we're talking to ourselves right now because sometimes we're going through something you know nobody else knows might put on a smile and you know look nice and everything but deep down there's some struggle happening so we're going to be talking we're going to internalize this scripture this morning let's go remember his marvelous works that he has done his wonders and the judgment of this month bless the lord everybody bless the lord everybody now let us turn to our pentecostal hymnal to him 29 send the lights and we are the light this morning and who will go who will go this morning all right who will go this morning all right let's go there's a call comes ringing or the restless wave send the light send the light there are souls to rescue there are let it shine forever [Music] [Applause] let it shine let us [Music] very shy let us is is foreign praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody hallelujah hallelujah the blessed gospel life and as i call this morning the verse says there are souls to rescue there are souls to save send the light and having said that we are going to go to pray at this morning this morning and we i don't have a prayer list but i we always have a lot to pray about so this morning we are going to i'm going to be dividing you accordingly so this side i'm going to be asking you to pray for this assembly you know our desires you know our plans and we are going to pray that it well we know it is already done but we pray that everybody will be on board and exercise faith so we are praying that god will have his way in this sanctuary and all our plans in the middle right here we're going to be praying for the leading of the service today on this side right here we're going to be praying for those persons who may be sick that you know of those persons who may be hurting those persons who may be grieving and right at that section we're going to be praying for all the unsaved that you may know whether it's a family member a neighbor a co-worker a friend as they come into our midst this morning that the lord will have his way and that they will surrender their entire being there are souls to rescue there are souls to save and on the choir loft here we are going to be praying that the lord will just have his way and that he will keep our minds and that he will keep us in perfect peace and help us to keep our minds focused on him because it's really a trying time and we need each other so let us go to prayer heavenly father lord jesus as we humbly come before you we give you all the glory and all the praise that is due unto your holy name lord you are great and there is none like you almighty god we surrender our entire being before you this morning lord jesus as we come before you god we pray that you'll wash us that you cleanse us make us almighty god forgive us of our sins that we have committed lonely and unknown almighty god help us dear lord jesus in our work with you to keep our minds focused and steadfast on you mighty god help us dear lord jesus to do your will help us to walk the way you want us to walk help us to talk the way you want us to talk mighty god help us to live life that is pleasing unto you mighty god i pray almighty god for those persons who are on their way almighty god i pray that you cover them under your blood right now lord jesus grant them safe journey and mercy is god those sins those individuals in the sanctuary at this moment god i pray that self will be slain mighty god and that they'll let go of anything that may seek to have them bound or have them bombarded mighty god but they'll truly surrender their entire being to you god and come to receive that which you have in store for us this morning mighty god i pray that we will not live the same way we came that we will live stronger that we live rooted that will be strengthened in you mighty god heavenly father lord i pray for those individuals that may be mourning at this time lord i pray that you comfort them you are our daddy you are our comfort almighty god so comfort them in this trying time heavenly father god i pray for the backslidden at home wherever they are whoever is hearing my voice once they are black city almighty god i pray that they'll find their way back in zion today mighty god that they will surrender right now wherever they are right now jesus your word said that you almighty to the backslider god help them not to feel so far off that they can't seek you help them not to feel so far off that they can stretch for their hands and say daddy i'm here i'm coming home heavenly father dear lord jesus i pray that you prepare our hearts as a people that we not just be christians in words but christian indeed in thoughts and way of life mighty god i pray dear lord jesus as we commit our plans for the sanctuary almighty god you already made the way and we know it is already done so we just stand and thank you dear god jesus for the great miracles that you will work in our midst we thank you lord jesus for those persons who may be doubting and looking on that you will give them a testimony that you god still read that there is nothing too hard for you to do mighty god i pray that as a body that will be on one accord seeking your faith living the life that you have ordained us to live walking in units of life god has stayed in our position almighty god heavenly father dear lord jesus i pray there god for the sick among us there lord jesus lord heal you know every single situation you know the right here on our head the very fibers of our being god so we ask that you stretch forth your healing hands and administer to our knees mighty god individually and collectively god i pray for the service this morning god that you will lead and direct that we will not follow our routine but we just go as you lead god heavenly father god i pray that we yield your entire being unto you mighty god we pray for the leadership of this church bishop daily and all the ministers mighty god and their families mighty god i pray that you cover them continuously under your blood lord i pray that even though god that you strengthen them on their in the work with you god i pray that you'll keep speaking and ministering to them god have your week continuous in their lives dear god as they lead this flock almighty god you god are great and we surrender everything to you mighty god have your way continuously we thank you god for your love we thank you god for your mercy so undeserving but yet still you love us thank you jesus let us not be bombarded with the things of this world so many things happening but help us in this time in this trying time and in these last days to keep our eyes and our mind steadfast on you dear god i pray that whenever you move we'll move with you too almighty god help us not to be stuck in that place where we were last year yesterday last week 10 years ago but help us to move as you lead have your way continuously in our lives in jesus name i pray amen bless the lord praise the lord everybody bless the lord one more time hallelujah let's lift our hands this morning let's lift our hands in the presence of the lord hallelujah god you're worthy this morning hallelujah we thank you great god hallelujah let's give him some glory let's give him some glory let's give him some praise this morning he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy god's worthy almighty creator alpha omega beginning and then hallelujah let us give him let us give him this morning hallelujah hallelujah the many trials we have had this week let us just give him some praise this morning thank you lord thank you great god it may not have been what i wanted god but it's your will god hallelujah hallelujah god you're worthy hallelujah hear my cry oh lord attend unto my prayer hallelujah let's offer up some scriptures to him just now hallelujah let's give him some scripture first this morning make a joyful noise unto the lord all he lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know he that the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord his mercies and this truth to all generation let's give the lord a clap praise let's give him a clap praise let's give him a thank you jesus let's give him a thank you jesus hallelujah praise god praise god you may be seated this morning hallelujah thank you great god thank you jesus so good to be in the house of the lord just one more time and i bring greetings to one and all greetings from my husband who is unable to be here today i greet us all if you are in the house saints visitors our friends whoever you are this morning if you are watching online we greet you brethren in your home visitors in your home we greet you and we welcome you this morning if you happen to buck up on this service this morning we greet you this morning whatever your situation and saints i just want to encourage us this morning just to hold to god's unchanging hands whatever the situation whatever the circumstances ukraine russia what is ahead the bible said when we look up we should look up when we see these signs come to pass is war in the air look here we may get a bit perturbed and disturbed but guess what the good old book had prophesied on these things and told us we should look up and we should re rejoice because of redemption joy at night the lord bless you this morning hallelujah singers m261 hallelujah hallelujah just want to encourage us this morning hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah praise god praise god praise god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you great god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you great god great god hallelujah 261 hold to his hand hold to god's unchanging hand hallelujah hallelujah let us stand this morning let us stand this morning hallelujah glory to god hold to his hands god's unchanging hands to his hands [Applause] changing hands [Music] on things transition [Music] and [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] so oh is [Music] unchanging two more times [Music] come on [Music] yes hallelujah hallelujah let me hear you praise the lord let me hear you praise the lord hallelujah god bless you this morning at this time we'll bring greetings greetings will come to us from our pastor garfield o daily god bless you [Music] amen and can we praise the lord everybody come on we praise the lord everybody can we praise the lord another time one more time just one more time just one more time come on we put our hands together and give him glory he is worthy to be praised yes indeed from the rising of the sun and we say it every time but it is a fact and nothing is wrong with saying it over and over and over again from the rising of the sun until the going down of the shame he is worthy to be praised he's a good god oh come on we put our hands together one more time and give him a round of applause he is just absolutely awesome amen amen and it is a privilege of mine this morning to greet the household of faith amen gather together to worship him to lift him up to glorify him every saint of god in the house can i tell you welcome into the presence of the lord welcome into the family in the sanctuary this morning come on we put our hands together for all brethren in the sanctuary at this time it is just good amen to see all of us that are here i also want to greet the membership that have that are with us via the worldwide web we greet you in the wonderful name of jesus wherever you are wherever your home is you're at home and you're tuning in and you're a part of the service this morning we greet you in jesus name and can we put our hands together for the brethren who are joined to us via the world wide web amen we thank god for this family of faith this family of believers and then to the to the visitors that are online because we recognize that week after week we do have online visitors we want you to know that we greet every one of you in the wonderful wonderful precious name of the lord it is just so good to have you tuning in sunday after sunday and if this is your first time amen tuning in with us we say god bless you richly and it is our prayers if you have not yet been saved that you will make today count god bless you and then so the visitors in the sanctuary are there and visitors with us this morning just just stick your amen amen just put your hands up visit us where are you let's put your hands up praise god praise god praise god praise god come on we put our hands together saints of god follow for the visitors that are in the house god richly bless you bless you real good it is our prayers also for those that are here that if you have not yet surrendered to him you will do so before it is too late and i'm telling you it is almost midnight it is late in the day and so today is a good time to surrender to the king today is an opportune time to make it right with the living god before you die seek the lord reach out and touch him now believe his word and we thank god for this opportunity today god bless you come on we put our hands together one more time and applause the king of glory praise god praise god praise god brother borison it's just so good to see you god bless you good to see you sir in the wonderful wonderful precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ sister blair so good to see you praise god sister blair and the entire blair family would want to express their sincere appreciation to all the saints of this family who have been with them in their time of grief and loss we spoke and she asked me to relate to everybody and if you're online or you're in the house the blair family wants you to know that they deeply appreciate every call to wish them the best ever prayer that we sent up on their behalf saints of god we were there with them and i am happy for that sister blair it's because we love you and the family like oh we love the extended family and we we got a call i got a call from the u.s saying thanks to the entire church sister sister barrett in florida wanted to just express herself and to let the church know that she appreciate them and just to see that the thing was online and even at the graveside it was online i didn't know folks were particularly interested to see the body going in and they were happy for that and they said to say thanks to sister blair thanks to the team that facilitated that amen and we are happy we are here for each other amen and i thank all of us on their behalf god bless you god bless you and then they are not here this morning but kurt kimon sister blair's two children she wants you to know how much she appreciate you for what you did over these few weeks to let the thing happen literally she was only informed but you guys did all the up and down and put the thing together and facilitated all that needed to be in place she wants you to know that she appreciate you guys she loved you you mobilized everything and it went well god bless you sister blair you'll be strong we are praying for you and we are praying for the entire family oh praise god what a good god what a good god he's worthy he's worthy to be praised come on we stand up everybody i'm going to sit down surely amen we stand up and put your hands together one more time and give give another hand clap of praise to the most high god praise god praise god praise god he's worth i don't remember the hymn and you know you're not gonna keep pulling for the hymns every now and then amen keep along that line i don't remember the hymn but it says there was a time on earth when in the book of heaven an old account was standing for things yet unforgiven my name was at the top and many things below then i went on to the keeper and i said it long ago a wonderful feeling we could sing this morning and glorify god for what he did for us the lord has done great things for me we're off i am glad brother jackson is the bucket that wonderful boy look at them these people serious them nobody come with a regular bucket they're coming up big pan god bless you sir praise god there was a time on earth [Music] come on and i said hallelujah i never tried my god my god oh see that next verse is yes it's clear yes it's clear [Music] yes my god foreign oh [Music] if is he come on is foreign me is hallelujah [Music] i promise him that i will serve him down on my knees hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus come on let's lift our hands let's lift our heads let's give him the glory hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah praise god praise god thank you great god thank you great god we glorify you may be seated thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you god and just from the building fund committees they want to say thank you to everyone who supported and assisted in one way or or other to make jerk friday possible special thanks to the chef and those who assisted with preparing the meals the team has noted that the various feedbacks and we'll be reviewing them for future jerk fridays and we'll be reviewing them for march monday and friday praise the lord everybody praise the lord so just start putting your change together so that we can make this a success under god praise the lord at this time i'll ask the ushers to come hallelujah jesus hallelujah great god praise god praise god come on we praise the lord everybody come on we praise the lord everybody amen now we we should recall that this is the end of month sunday and we had indicated to us that today we will be taking a special offering amen because comes tomorrow we make our next payment amen on the property we did the first one already amen and we covered that 2.5 and we are good and amen come on so the first one was done in january and we met the goal the target was there we paid up that and comes tomorrow annex 2.5 is due and after tomorrow then april montana annex 2.5 is due then uh april april montana and next 2.5 is due and then june month end the next 2.5 is due so we had done it so we could spread it out to make it a bit easier for us and the proprietors were gracious enough amen to accept our proposal so that we could put it together and they receive it so this morning we are going to be amen taking that special offering and of course our usual titan offering i'm not sure how because this big yellow bucket brother jeremy and brother everton what this one is for what this one is for the special offering this yellow one okay i thought this one was for coins so two for coins okay wonderful so the special offering goes with all right so the ushers will be coming around but what i will ask us to do i will ask that praise team you're going to sing as usual but everybody we are going to stand because it would have been nice but we are unable to do it to waive our offering and to march around and then to drop them in but we are going to be unable to do that but at least during the taking of the offering all right thank you and so once you're using the envelope at least make sure that you because some folks are giving their equal sacrifice offering their monthly if it's the monthly thing you're doing right monthly salary or you know you remember last time we spoke we said you can give a part of your monthly salary until you reach the full month if that is what you're going to give just make a note of it that it is monthly and if it's just your pledge what in your heart you determine that you're going to give just right pledge so that at least we can differentiate it because when we are going to give you the update we want to break it down for you to tell you what we got in pledge what we got in monthly offering and you write your name uh on it also so we can put everything together and we know what is what all right so we are ready to go so whether it's your tithes and offering which is you know how that goes already that remains the same but for your pledge you're going to write pledge if it's your monthly [Music] that special monthly one month salary you write it on so we can distinguish and that will help us to advise you when we are giving to you the report on what we have done so far can we praise the lord everybody come on we praise the lord everybody if you feel happy that you're going to give this morning won't you give the lord a praise amen amen let me invite the singers to come amen and amen we ask my god minister bushey just to bless the tithes and the offering we ask him to bless the special offering and to bless the endeavors amen that we will be pursuing in the name of the lord praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god let's leave your hands on us worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's borrow our heads while we pray hallelujah hallelujah merciful lord jesus we thank you lord for the goodness that you have extended unto us this morning we thank you lord for the air we breed for the food that have provided for us we thank you lord god for the jobs that you have provided for us and even those without jobs but they are able to give lord right now lord jesus we pray lord that you bless this offering that you're about to give lord jesus whether it be tithes or special offering lord jesus christ our pledge our general offering lord i pray god that your hand will be upon it that will bless it lord multiplied bless every hand that stretched forward to give lord and if not those that don't have to give up love to give i pray i will make a way and provide the means and the opportunity receive the glory as we say thank you lord in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah praise god amen trouble sometimes are here feeling men's hearts with fear [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] morning or night shall rise right foreign [Music] right forever [Music] [Music] foreign foreign is is get is together yes jesus will carry on oh foreign is lord jesus i got a big every hour keep it true sing it again yes my god yes is [Music] yes with rice [Music] glory to god glory glory glory glory hallelujah we bless your great name jesus thank you lord thank you lord o glory to god hallelujah hallelujah to our great king hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus it's it's important that when we give we give cheerfully it's important that when we give we worship and we praise him and we magnify him it does something amen it does something it does something tremendous we bless the lord we bless his great and matchless name you know i can tell you saints of god [Music] don't despise the day of small things don't despise and i i don't want to go ahead of the team but i want to tell you that with a few little bottles that we collected it's one buckle it's just twenty dollars and we turned in some bottles and we got a hundred and a thousand dollars the first move that we moved and the buckles keep pouring in the first set of coins that we got we just turned them in and we got over a hundred thousand dollars and the coins keep coming in don't despise the small things we would be surprised and don't watch ho hide the mountain let's just trust god believe him and push and do the best that we can or can we praise the lord praise god amen amen all right so come brother jeremy and the ushers just wanted to have a quick word the ushers just wanted to have a quick word as it relates to the offering let me ask brother jeremy and just so quickly all right praise the lord everybody amen um just this just chopping my spirit i'm not gonna say come from god he don't come from me just chopping my spirit to say this i remember when we were purchasing number two at rainfield drive you know i was a new convert at the time and um i was working and then every week i used to save my money i said i want to achieve some stuff so up you know we i think we'd have a week service you know giving and giving and every evening i went to that service you know the lord was pumping me to give that money that i was saving but i never know that god was talking to me and i never wanted to give the money so every evening i went to the service you know god keep on pumping me pumping me pumping me to give the money and i remember brother nathan said that yeah listen but the last night when we were supposed to give that money he said you have that money and you don't want to give it give it and i said in the world not going to give the money you know and the lord speak to me never know that the lord speak to me i have a knowledge or anything and the lord said if i don't give it we're still going to purchase that place that i give yes or no we're still going to achieve our goal and believe you me i never give the money and long after i start to grow in god god remind me and i feel so guilty and that money that i used to save is happening to our jacket pocket and when i went back for that morning native dollar was in that jacket bucket so i just want to say to somebody i did repent and i said god this word never happened to me again even if you don't talk to me may i go give it so i understand this is somebody so if you have something you are wrestling to give it doesn't matter if god is talking here this is the will of god to grow the kingdom of god for souls to be saved you know a lot of us pray for marvel epoch but god of death in store greater things if i'm in store for us so just give that if you don't want it if this is your last man just give it believe you me god bless you all praise god praise god praise god praise god amen my god i do you know what thank you so much brother germain amen saints of god let's give amen i was going to say something what i would say because you didn't start laugh already amen praise god praise god but believe me it it is it is so good to give unto the lord and it will only come back good measures press down shake together and running over let's give give to the lord the lord which to bless you amen in his great and precious name his long is his authority i see over there so my god god bless you sister dorothy i know i said i said it's a long time i didn't sister i haven't seen sister dorothy you know it's good to see her praise god saints of god it's time for the word and can i just tell you that you know i really appreciate the saints of god i really appreciate how we have started to move when it is as if the machine is being oiled up and the moving parts are getting together and it is just happening and we are going to do our best but i just really really really want to say that i appreciate this bunch of people saints of god your wonderful people and the lord richly richly richly bless you i appreciate you just for who you are and how you just move amen to for even if and i know that it cannot be 100 of the brethren that fully sees what we are doing i know you know and we have different levels of faith and for some it takes a while you know just to drop in and to fall in line and it will take longer for some but as the thing starts to move you know and folks kind of catch the vision they will come in and they will start to move because we are all different and it takes different time you understand and i am so fully aware of that but even the folks who probably are not so sure and kind of see the full thing as yet and you know trying to guess what they are just singing along and they're just just moving along and they're doing their little parts and we appreciate all of it amen and i want us to know we're praying we are trusting god and let us day by day as we pray put this project in our prayers our person not just when we meet as a group but in our personal prayers and i'm telling you we will grow into it and once we are all together and one of we're gonna see it just move like a rushing gushing mighty wind but i i appreciate us all love you all thank you for what you're doing thank you for the support and we are gonna under god do the best that we can come on we give the lord a big praise he is worthy to be praised he is the god of gods he is the king of kings amen and he is worthy and we are trusting him it's time for the word and i'm going to ask us all just to stand at this time just to receive the preacher for amen for the moment for the hour amen it is my privilege it is my delight to bring one of our leaders one of our young men young scholars to come to this podium and to minister the word of the lord to us please help me to make welcome to this podium elder andrew martin in the name of the lord jesus christ praise god bless the lord sorry let us pray praise god let's bow our heads father we come before your great presence again having lifted you up in praise because of who you are having worshiped you because of who you are we thank you lord for accepting the words of our mouth we thank you lord for accepting the sacrifices of praise that we dare to offer up to you we are unworthy but god you have made it so that we can praise you and you can come down and reside in our praises we bless your great name it comes time for us to break bread it comes time again for a servant of god to deliver a word i pray that you will rest your hand mightily upon your servant right now as he stands to deliver a word from the book from the throne on high i pray that you will use him mightily i pray that he will take charge of every part of his being so that for the moments that he will be around this podium he will declare the word of god with boldness and in simplicity that it will reach your words will reach the hearts of your people that your words will reach to those who are unsaved and that great things will be accomplished in the lives of men and women who hear him today it is not him but it is the words that come from the book and from on high and we pray that your perfect will be done today we give you thanks we glorify you right now let your will be done let your name be glorified edify your people and we will continue to give you glory and praise and honor in jesus name in jesus name amen amen amen can we shout a praise to our god one time can we shout our praise one more time [Music] okay what a good god i'm going to ask you to turn with me in your bibles to ii chronicles chapter 20. ii chronicles chapter 20 amen second chronicles chapter 20 amen if you have found it say amen let's start from verse one let's read together after two one two it came to pass after this also that the children of moab and the children of ammon and with them other beside the ammonites came against jehoshaphat to battle then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria and behold they be in hazon tabar which is in gedi and jehoshaphat feared and set himself to see the lord and proclaim a fast throughout all judah and judah gathered themselves together to ask help of the lord even out of all the cities of judah they came to seek the lord verse 14 then upon jehazil the son of zechariah the son of benaya the son of jail the son of matania a levite of the son of asaf came the spirit of the lord in the midst of the congregation and he said how can he all judah and he inhabitants of jerusalem thou king jehoshaphat thus saith the lord unto you be not afraid nor dismayed by a reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but god tomorrow go you down against them behold they come up by the cliff of this and you shall find them at the end of the brook before the wilderness of jeruela you shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves standing still and see the salvation of the lord with you o jerusalem or judah and jerusalem fear not nor be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the lord will be with you verse 20 and they arose early in the morning and went forth in the wilderness of the koa and as they went forth jehoshaphat stood and said hear me o judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god so shall it be established believe his prophets so shall he prosper and when he had consulted with the people he appointed sinners unto the lord and they should praise the beauty of holiness as they went up before the army and to say praise the lord for his mercy endures forever and when they began to sing and to praise the lord set ambushment against the children of ammon moab and monsieur which will come against judah and they were smitten for the children of ammon and moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount sir utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of syria everyone helped to destroy another and when judah came toward verse 24 the last when judah came toward to watch torah in the wilderness they looked onto the multitude and behold they were dead bodies falling to the earth and none escaped lift your hand one more time and worship him can we shout a priest to our god one more time [Music] [Applause] clap your hands everybody clap your hands everybody you may be seated you may be seated every time i read the account in 2nd chronicles chapter 20 i'm reminded of david who when he had just become king of the 12 tribes of israel he expressed his heart to them as a people and he said in psalm 144 and verse 1 he said blessed be the lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight notice from that particular verse that david did not see the lord teach his hands to war which is in the past tense but david said the lord teacheth my hands to war which is in the what is called the present continuous tense he said that because as long as you're in the lord's army praise god the lord is always teaching you how to war amen he's teaching us every day that we are in a war fear praise god and brethren can i tell you that it has become apparent children of god that we are living in a time where there is an attack upon the word of god there is an attack upon the truth of god's word everywhere and every person and persons everywhere are redefining what is right and what is wrong praise god there is an attack on what is sin and what is not there is an attack on marriages and the family hatred and violence seem to be the order of the day and as we turn on our televisions every day praise god we see on the news chaos we see on the news confusion all over the world and as we look governments are getting more and more corrupt and there seems to be an attack in the mind of the saints praise god and many are neglecting the ways of scriptures they're looking at the bible and they're saying that some things now are old-fashioned praise god society has neglected god's way because we think our way is smarter we think our way is more sophisticated we think that our way is more effective and more powerful than god's way biblical values are slowly become stripped out of our culture praise god and carnal worldly minds think that they know more than god does but i'm here to tell somebody this morning that we are in war god sent me to remind us that we are in war i mean there is a war that is coming against us better yet we are already in a war and god sent me to remind us this morning the question is how do i fight this battle amen how do i fight in a time where everything is going contrary amen we need not to worry first of all brethren because while we are in war in this war we have the greatest commander in chief in the book of exodus chapter 15 and verse 3 god sent me to remind you that the bible said the lord is a man of war praise god the lord is his name let me say that again the lord is a man of war the lord is his name this morning what as we he want to give us some key principles of how to fight it does not matter if the battle that you're going through is an individual one it doesn't matter if the battle that we encounter is a corporate one praise god i want us to understand that god is not naive that we are in a battle and he has a war plan somebody's a war plan the devil doesn't want us to know this but every weapon that is given to us from god every devil every demon fears it the very god himself the devil feared the bible said don't believe us that there is one god don't do us well the devils also believe and they tremble the bible says we have the name at the name of jesus every knee we're not talking about this human knee we're talking about spiritual needs demonies have to bow of things in heaven and things in the earth and things under the earth we are in war somebody say war as we think about second chronicles we see from scripture that the word came to king jehoshaphat that a vast army was coming against him the bible said that the people of moab were the people of ammon and others that beside him the ammonites came to battle against him brothers and sisters this was significant because the people came to him and tell him who he was warring against not only was jehoshaphat aware of the enemy that was coming on the horizon but it was clear that when the people came and told him he knew who the enemy was now i wanted to stop right here for one minute one minute not very long in saint john chapter 13 and verse 2 the bible says and supper being ended the devil having now put in the heart of judas iscariot simon's son to betray him now i want us to see two things from that very verse firstly point number one if you leave space for the devil in your heart he will gladly take it satan is looking for a space and what he saw in judah scary's heart that is what he occupied that is why paul writing to the church of ephesus said don't give no place for the devil none by god because the enemy will jump at every opportunity to find a place in your heart if your heart is left unguarded he will try to enter every little hole if there is a little spot he will try to push himself in he's not lazy in that regard so the bible says guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are they issues of life but there's a second point i want us to get from the scripture in saint john chapter 13 and verse 2. i want you to understand that your enemy is not your brother your enemy is not your sister that person that lied on you that person that stole from you that person that betrayed you that person that hurt you is not your enemy your enemy brothers and sisters is the world your enemy brothers and sisters is the devil your enemy brothers and sisters is the flesh what has happened is that many hearts are left unguarded so what we see in the physical is a manifestation of the devil manipulating the person's heart in the spiritual there is a devil who attended the art that caused the person to steal that caused the person to lie that caused the person to betray you that caused the person to cause hurt but as we enter this battleground we must identify who the enemy is and when we identify who the enemy is then we attack the enemy somebody said war so let's jump back to jehoshaphat the bible said king joseph when he got the word that the people of moab and the people of ammon and others besiege him came to battle against him what do you do brethren when the issue of life comes at you what do you do brethren when it is hard hard not easy and i can tell you if you are living for god it's not a matter of if trouble will come the bible says in job chapter 14 and verse 1 man that is born of a woman is of a few days but it is full of trouble so it is not a matter of if trouble will come it's a matter of when the trouble comes what do you do when the situation piles up when there's an army on the left and there's an army on the right and they are beseeching you what do you do king josefat had an army he had an army king joseph didn't lack money he was rich but here he was in his place in judah and there was a crisis on him what do you do so as we examine the story in second chronicles chapter 20 realize that the king was human indeed the bible said he feared brethren it is normal we are not robots it is normal for you to feel fearful when something reaches you if we should go to the doctor tomorrow and we hear that we have a few days to live it is normal for us to feel fearful am i lying if god should allow the devil to touch our lives and we lose everything that we thought was dear to us we will be fearful that's normal king jehoshaphat didn't see one problem brethren some of us have one problem and it messes us up but what happened when there's two and there's three three different armies rose up against the man and they had one aim and that was to ensure that at the end of the day jehoshaphat was dead let me quickly tell you that the devil wants to kill each and every one of us and if he had his way which he does not brethren my god if he had his way then every one of us already would have been dead but blessed be the lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight somebody said war jehoshaphat was fearful but how do we deal with the fear is the key to our success in this war this morning we pull out some of the gems praise god from the chapter there are three things i want to highlight that i noticed that the king did there are three things i want to pull up from the scripture that i noticed that the king did and can i tell you something the word of god is settled forever and forever god don't need to change no strategy it work one time in work all the time god's way so we are in war what do we do number one the first thing we have to do is pray someone say pray as we engage the kingdom of darkness our first weapon must be the weapon of prayer it is through our prayer that we take care of the devil's plan for tomorrow today tell me holy ghost joseph was afraid but he resolved to see the lord and the bible said he acknowledged the source of all his power he had an army but that was not his strength he had money but that was not his strength so in verse 12 he said 4 we know as he prayed we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us nor do we know what to do but he set our eyes it's upon you and the holy ghost so the bible said he prayed somebody said prayer when you pray prayer brings blessings of prayer prayer permits us to enter the treasure house of god and leave us with some riches that is give us power and comfort and assurance some as a prayer prayer is the best response to our problems somebody said prayer prayer give us a message in the holy ghost somebody said prayer prayer girls you human weaknesses and gives us divine strength somebody said prayer prayer turns human fully into heavenly wisdom somebody said prayer prayer gives troubled mortals the peace of god somebody say prayer prayer is a slender nerve that move the muscle of omnipotence prayer opens our ears to hear the words of the omnipotence prayer opening our ears to hear the words of the omniscient prayer allows us to feel the presence of the omnipotence prayer wraps us in the arms of the omni and my god somebody say prayer [Applause] say it again prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of the omnipotence prayer open the ears to hear the words of the omniscient prayer allows us to feel the presence of the omnipresent prayer wraps us in the arms of the omnibus health ah my god prayer prayer prayer that is why jesus said in luke chapter 18 and verse 1 that men are always to pray not to faint jehoshaphat was fearful as a man but i'm glad he remembered praise god that the weapons of prayer and he used it so the bible said he prayed he said oh lord god oh father he said are not no god in heaven my god and rule is not though over all the kingdoms of the heathens is asking god questions and in the hand is there not power and might so that no one is able to withstand thee it's a art not though god who did drive our inhabitants of this land before thy people israel and gave it to the seed of abraham thy friend forever you say and i dwelled therein and have built a sanctuary for thy name saying if when evil comment upon us as the sword judgment or pestilence or famine we stand before this house and in thy presence for thy name is in this house when you got the holy ghost and you were baptized in his name you took on his name so when you're praying you're going through your prophecy god your name is in this [Applause] he says no i cry without affliction and they will hear and help somebody say prayer number two the second lesson that i want us to get from this is that we have to listen when we pray don't just utter words as we engage the kingdom of darkness it's important that there is a conversation going on between you and the heaven base you know i read an article where an american soldier said that his most important tool he had while he was in war in afghanistan he was not his gun he was not his vehicles that he drove in he said the most important tool he had with him as he was in war was his radio he'll be holy ghost clear exchange of information is vital to any successful military operation there is a military saying that goes like this knowing is half the battle praise god so we need to understand that in this warfare the devil's aim is to get you to stop listening to the voice of god if he can get you to not hear your command in chief then you have lost the battle the bible said that while the king and all of judah saw the lord they were praying god ensured that he responded from this somebody said respond out of the blues the bible said upon jehazel praise god the son of zechariah the son of banana the son of jahil the son of metania the levite the son of asap the bible said came the spirit of the lord and he came upon him in the midst of the congregation we see the army coming jehoshaphat decided to pray and out of the blues and no name character jumped up because the spirit of the lord was about to send a message and the bible said god sent a sure word in that situation can i tell somebody this morning you are praying and god is about to respond god is about to send a sure word to you the name jahizel and he will be held off god it means beheld of god and god was about to behold that praise god jehoshaphat and give him a word in a season he says now hear the word from the mother of god jesus jehoshaphat he said thus saith the lord unto you him says god be not mismade nor afraid by reason of this great multitude it doesn't matter what your great multitude is your great multitude could be your financial difficulties your great multitudes could be your emotional struggles your great multitude could be your depression could be the fact that your boss is giving you problems could be the sure word and your children are acting up your bank account is empty your health is deteriorating it doesn't matter what this great multitude is he's saying be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude why for the battle is not yours can i tell you brethren that every time you encounter something the battle that you're going through he can't get back at god so he tries to attack us and god is saying the battle is not yours it is god's jesus said look you listen to me tomorrow my god hakubo shah tomorrow him say go eat down against them praise god behold he said they cover from the cliff of this and you shall find them at the end of the brook here it is that god is giving all the information all you need to know the red going back to look at the enemies on the left the god is radiant and i said the enemy is on the right he said you need to do this and you will be victorious he said they will come up from the cliff of this and you shall find them at the end of the book god is evil telling them where the enemy is going to be praise god before the wilderness of jerusalem he said you shall not even need to fight in this battle you say all you need to do is set yourselves [Applause] sometimes when we try to fight to make things worse but god says set yourself up it's a stand still help me holy ghost and see the salvation of the lord with you oh judah and jerusalem fear not nor be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the lord will be with you it's one thing to go to a battle it's a nectar to have jesus beside you on the battle speak holy ghost somebody need to hear you speak god i've been praying for one year god i've been praying for two years god i've been praying for three years we're not hearing none we can't move unless we get the radio in from heaven god send that jehazal that the spirit of god might come upon him i might be clear as to a word that we can stand still set ourselves lesson number one pray and seek the lord lesson number two listen for his response here comes lesson number three as we engage the kingdom of darkness with our weapon of prayer there is a third weapon that can be done at any time and at all times it's called a weapon of our praise and our worship in psalms chapter eight and verse two according to the kingdom version it says out of the mouth of babes and suckling as though ordained strength because of their thy enemies it says that though might are still the enemy and the avenger now when i listen to that i like it but i like the nav version a little more it says through the praise of children and infant you have established a stronghold against your enemies the silence the foes and the avengers praise is such a powerful weapon because it establishes a stronghold against your enemy now what does that mean in the middle of the battle you might say why am i praising god it seems counterintuitive and it seems contradictory i am saying thank you according to sir according to help me jesus the scripture and everything give thanks for it is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you help me holy ghost we're sister roman when i need her praise god we are giving god thanks for a situation that we don't even know praise god and without lord of the uncomfortable saying thank you god it seems contradictory it seems counter-intuitive praise god but in the spirit when we praise god we are setting up strongholds against the enemy now what does that mean brother in ancient cities a city was considered strong based on the walls of the city the taller the walls the stronger the world the stronger the city praise god great walls means that they were impossible or very hard to penetrate because the wars gave them protection now the bible says in santa 22 and verse 3 that god inhabits the praises of his people so when we praise god it's like the city was because the kind of glory comes down and it surrounds itself around us amen and the bible says it's 125 and verse 2 as the mountains are around about jerusalem so the lord is around about his people so when we praise god brethren what happened is that the presence of god it comes down brethren and it surrounds us and it surrounds us and you tell me which devil in hell can penetrate the wall when jesus surrounds me with devil inhaler can penetrate the wall when the presence of god is to all help me holy ghost so the hebrew word that is used for the presence of god in the old testament hebrew means dwelling it means setting so psalm chapter 47 and verse 1 says oh clap your hands all you people and shout out to god with the voice of trying can somebody clap your hands can somebody make a shout catch somebody clap their hands [Applause] help me holy ghost now the hebrew word that is used for clap is not just talking about putting your hands together to produce a soul no no no that's not what it means claps from the hebrew word is a word that's called aqua and it means to drive a weapon it means to give a blast it means to give a blow so when you clap your head somebody clap your hands again you don't understand what you're doing you're giving a blow to the enemy you're giving that blow to the enemy i wonder if somebody could jump to their feet and shout the best praise that they have to their god we are in war we are in war we are in war [Music] through the weapons of your praise we are detuning our problems somebody shouted praise through the weapon of praise we are destroying our anxieties can somebody give a praise through the weapon of praise we are dethroned in our worries can somebody give a praise to our weapon our praise we are pulling down hearts [Applause] i wonder if somebody could give god a clap effort one more time because the spirit of god is pulling down every high place every authority of the devil everything that the devil has tried to set up in the heart we are placing god in his rightful place we are putting god on the rightful place of our hearts and we are giving god our best [Music] praise i can't believe some people still sitting down is there anybody who ever danced is there anybody who ever sung is there anybody who ever shouts [Music] i want us to understand this morning that the bible says let every saint every saint be joyful in glory let them sing upon their beds he said let the high praises of god be in their mouth and a two edges sword in their hand it says to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishment upon the people this morning our praise we are going to bind every demonic agent with chains and with fractures of iron we are going to execute the pandemona the judgment written this honor have all the saints uh somebody praise god one more time [Applause] i want you to understand that when we shout hallelujah tell me holy ghost whenever we sing songs whenever we shout whenever we dance it's more than just having fun in church what we are doing brothers and sisters is that we are weaponizing our praise we are weaponizing our worship against those enemies that come against us the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty to god to the pulling down of strongholds somebody said pull down the bible says that we are about to pull out some things some things that are coming against the church but i'm ready to pray i am ready to listen now and i'm ready to give god my best praise [Music] [Applause] hasha we're worshiping we're worshiping this is that ceremony in action we're worshiping [Music] the bible says in first in second chronicles chapter 20 verse 22 and 23 that when they began to sing and to praise when they began to sing and to praise when they began to sing and to praise that means that you're not going to get the victory until they begin to sing and praise praise god the bible said the lord not jehoshaphat not jehovah's army not help that came to jehoshaphat's aid but the lord himself the bible said is set ambushment to the dictionary ambushment is positional soldier in a concealed place in order to surprise and to attack the enemy the way god is going to do it is if you yourself are going to be surprised you're going to say god i never you're going to come that way but god is getting ready to set ambushment against the enemy when god restores your heart when god fixes your financial problem when god mends your broken relationship when god fits your broken heart the lord is getting ready to set ambushment against the children of amman against the children of muhammad against them that come from monsieur because they come against judah as i was getting ready to close i got up this morning and i was looking at it and the bible don't play with words when the bible uses words every single word in the scripture is significant the bible said the armies they came up against judah let me say this again it says the armies came up against judah the judah comes from a hebrew word which means praise can i tell somebody that no devil no demon no fool is going to stop my praise and devil if you try to stop it god is going to set embarrassment against you tell somebody beside that my praise is still here my praise is still here it's hard but my praise is still here trouble on every side but my prayers is still here you made a mistake devil you attacked my praise you try to silence me but i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall forever be in my mouth bishop said last week or magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together [Music] this poor man cried poor there does not mean poor in terms of the fact that you're financially poor in the hebrew is said to me the person who was going to troubles and destitute he cried he gave god his praise he gave god his best worship and the lord heard him and the lord set embossed the lord sets up a secret battle hear my worshipping god on my knees not knowing what is happening but in the atmosphere god is doing our work don't you know that the angel of the lord and can't prone about them that fear him and deliver them devil you can't silence my praise and when god does the work god don't do it halfway three armies were ahead god sent the word god sent the embarrassment against them they were so confused because sister so and so you should have been troubled you should look depressed you're supposed to look like you're going through situations and glad you're still worshipped to the devil confused in the new world ain't no new effort though the devil sacrifice against devil [Music] the bible said the army turned against one another to the point where they were totally destroyed come on somebody give god praise give god praise give god praise give god our prayers give god praise give god our praise holy god [Music] listen to me we are in war we are in war we are in war but can i tell somebody this morning that god is getting ready to fight my god [Music] you don't need to fight in this one you just need to set yourself position yourself for your position yourself pushing yourself with your hands raised in worship pushing yourself with your mouth short in our praise position yourself for the hallelujah position yourself with that thank you jesus [Music] i can see some missiles flying against the enemy i see some devil is backing up don't use the physical as a full representation of what is happening in the spiritual you don't like it's what name but god is working the sun says even when i don't see it is working work holy ghost [Music] stop the battle we are in war we're in war what i want you to understand [Music] tell me who can stand me for us when we go in jesus name [Music] the devil hear this word because somebody is realizing that god is about to fight for them the devil hates this word because somebody realized they don't need to backslide god i don't know what to do god i'm troubled on every side god there's a storm but i thank god i serve the god who controls the wind and the waves i'm glad i serve a god who is a man of war one more time lift your hands everybody everywhere give god your best praise now your best praise give god your best worship you don't have to be allowed but it's he got your best put god as his rightful place on your heart you were fearful yesterday you are troubled on every side hallelujah but god will set you up upon a rock and then your head shall be lifted up about them which are above you so that you can offer any sacrifices of joy hallelujah we worship you this morning holy god we worship you this morning mighty god we thank you jesus that we are on the lord's side hallelujah hallelujah some hallelujah are broken this morning i feel some devil backing up this morning i feel victory in the house this morning let me let me quote the pastor you're going over you're not going under holy ghost victory victory in jesus my savior forever victory i feel god doing something i feel god doing something i want to come down i feel god doing something that situation that is troubling you just come on somebody shout her praise [Applause] the devil meant it for evil but we serve a god whose master at strategizing situation we don't need to fight in this one we just need to stand still give god our best position of praise and watch the consuming fire burn away everything the enemy tries to put in our way can i tell you something brethren let me close by saying this one last thing is when god block a road it doesn't matter who the enemy is or the situation is you say if god block it off you can't go over you can't go under you care if a god blockaded block if a god stop with it stop when god fix it it seeks when god healed your heal when god delivered you delivered [Applause] somebody shouted praise one more time somebody said victory god bless you god bless you god bless you praise god praise god praise god it is settled it is second it is done it is second hallelujah we receive it in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah it is second thank you jesus thank you lord for your word this morning thank you god thank you great god thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah can we just lift our hands and just wave them on to the lord and just give him thanks for his word lord jesus heavenly father lord jesus christ we thank you this morning for your word we thank you lord jesus god for your man's servant we thank you jesus for your anointing jesus for your great power that you lord jesus god has ministered to every heart here today we receive it jesus we receive it in the name of jesus every soul as an individual as a body we receive it in the name of jesus continue to strengthen your man's servant continue to use him cover him lord jesus god you are the awesome god thank you god thank you god as we stand still and praise you in the name of jesus hallelujah can we just give god thanks can we just give god thanks praise god we were praying for the day to come again when we have time to worship and we are not constrained by this time that we have to move but god is an awesome god this morning and we have received a word from god thank you holy ghost you holy ghost thank you holy ghost hallelujah thank you holy ghost thank you great god god bless you god bless you as we prepare for the other service god richly bless you in jesus name god bless you keep this word in your heart keep it in your heart keep it in your heart whatever it is when you open your mouth to praise god everything will be all right god bless you in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus devils will have to flee jesus jesus precious we have the victory in the day of jesus in the name of jesus we have a victory in the day of jesus in the name of jesus devils will have to be tell me who [Music] we [Music] we have the victory [Music] tell me who can stand before we have a victory in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Laughter] [Applause] when we go in jesus jesus jesus we have the victory [Music] [Music] jesus will have to be [Music] in jesus name jesus jesus jesus we have a victory [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 2,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: UgHiR6W1YPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 14sec (7574 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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