Father James Altman - Not One More Penny Campaign

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so okay hello everyone i'm in houston minnesota tonight had a wonderful rally uh with a whole group of people at outback ranch that included jessie romero doug berry ray d'souza and michael voris and i we all talked and and then someone celebrated the holy sacrifice of the mass is that right now we're kind of behind stage so that's why it looks like it dies uh i'm hiding out here so i could get a bite to eat after several hours of confessions and things uh anyway just wanted to say hello and let you know that we've completed the transfer the move to wisconsin rapids uh but we're not unpacked yet and it's hard for me because i seem to be going to places to speak and share the faith to feed the sheep which is really what this is all about in the first place from day one it's always been feed my sheep what kind of father wouldn't feed his children and how around the world i've discovered they've the sheep have been starving because they have been they the shepherds have failed to feed their sheep so that's what i'm doing here now and one of the things that we're working on is a billboard campaign and it's uh not one more penny now you know you've heard me say that many many times and i mean it not one more penny to them who wreak such destruction on the faith of the people and who abandoned you in your time of need not one more penny so that's the the billboard campaign and it's uh there's a georgia knows where it is it's uh on google paypal paypal paypal hey bell uh anyway i just wanted to let you know that it is in fact a legitimate thing a fundraiser to pay for these billboards that'll go up that say not one more penny and they're going to have cancelled priests on there uh not one repenting to you reinstate these priests who were actually feeding the people that you weren't so uh so just to let you know uh that i it is legitimate and i'm there as sort of part of it i guess so i think my picture's on there but i just know that um hopefully soon within about three weeks time i was hoping less but things are taking longer i'm gonna have the media room set up where i can start giving daily um teachings i call them meditations i'll give daily teachings as i did before so that uh what you're not hearing in your local parishes uh you'll hear if you come to that website that will be for my my regular teaching center of the faith of feeding of feeding you so god bless you all thank you for the incredible support what you have done is you literally have enabled me to do what i'm doing now and to do what i will do in the future which is feed you and that's all i could ever ask to do that's the vocation god has put in in me created me for is to feed you and thank you for enabling me to do that i i wish i could meet each and every one of you in person but it's probably not going to happen but hopefully god willing we'll all see each other in the hereafter god bless you all the father and the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: Caritas in Veritate
Views: 15,694
Rating: 4.9703565 out of 5
Id: a3NtuUXTC_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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