Steve Hilton rips ‘smug, entitled, arrogant’ Democrat elites

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with all the chaos the biden regime is creating in afghanistan at the border in congress it's easy to overlook the smaller things that actually explain the big things so i want to take a moment to focus on one of the most disgusting comments made by any democrat on any topic this week or in fact for a long time it came from jen saki here it is there are some and i'm not sure if this is the case in this report who argue that in the past companies have passed on these costs to consumers i'm not sure if that's the argument being made in this report we feel that that's unfair and absurd what you just saw was the authentic voice of the smug entitled out of touch arrogant elite of someone who's never created a single job in her entire life and there's no clue about the stress and struggle of starting and running a business check out jen saki's resume on wikipedia it's kind of amazing actually mostly just one long list of deputy press secretary and spokesperson and communications director and whatever for one democrat non-entity after another over two entire decades the sum total of jen saki's private sector experience is a couple of years at swamp lobbying firms and on cnn what does she know about what it's like to actually run a company scrabbling to put financing in place finding good people making enough money to pay them and take care of the managing overheads and expenses getting customers through the door fighting off competitors worrying the whole time they could all come crashing down and you're accountable you're responsible i've done that multiple times here in america back in england how dare jen sarki call it unfair and absurd for americans to try and keep their businesses afloat in the face of assaults from democrats stupid cruel anti-enterprise policies what does jen sarki know about any of this what do any of them know look at susan rice the clinton administration the obama administration the biden administration the brookings institution the u.n look at pelosi's career dnc member northern california party chair california party chair san francisco convention host committee chair democrat senatorial committee fundraising chair member of congress for nearly 35 years and of course biden the worst of them all nothing but a leech on the wealth creating engine of america for over 50 years he's never had a proper job in his life oh apart from facing down corn pop as a lifeguard one summer back in the 60s biden's been nothing but a machine politician since he ran for county council in delaware in 1970. these people make me sick they think business is just a piggy bank for government schemes that feed their own vanity look how bountiful we are giving money to families and children aren't we good not like those business people who are unfair and absurd what's unfair and absurd is jen saki susan rice nancy pelosi biden they understand go on about nurses and doctors the heroes in the public sector the teachers their donors by the way and yes of course some public sector workers really are heroes including the ones the democrats constantly insult like police officers but here are some other americans who are heroes the small town shopkeeper whose family business has been at the heart of their community for generations who was forced by the democrats to close its doors while target stayed open the local restaurant owner who employs local kids and sponsors little league the independent auto mechanic who keeps our cars and trucks on the road these are the heroes who make everything else in america possible not just through what they do but because of the jobs they create the wealth they create that's what pays for everything else these are the heroes who actually pay gen saki's salary who pay for the job security and luxury pensions of biden and saki's precious public sector gen revealed the true ugly face of today's democrats they are the party of the public sector for the public sector and if you're not part of it you're nothing to them it is truly contemptible i'm steve ducey i'm brian killme and i'm ainsley earhart and click here to subscribe to the fox news youtube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis
Channel: Fox News
Views: 282,366
Rating: 4.9569578 out of 5
Keywords: biden, democratic party, democrats, jen psaki, socialism, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news hilton, fox news media, fox news network, fox news steve hilton, fox news steve hilton tonight, fox news the next revolution, hilton, steve hilton, steve hilton monologue, steve hilton the next revolution, steve hilton tonight, the next revolution, the next revolution tonight, the next revolution with steve hilton
Id: mzt__sjCkLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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