Drilling a Well | Where to Drill a Well on Your Property

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that's right y'all the sun's out and we're out man it's been raining for about five months but we've been doing our best here to get you some good action trying to get outside now and got one i've been wanting to do for a while it just hadn't ever quit raining when i ever had time to make videos windley well services coming back at you what we're coming at you with today is talking about where to put a well where if you've got some property and you're building out there or you're going to irrigate where is the best place to locate drill well all right so before i get too deep into this video you know i'm really specifically talking about uh people that are located in the rock country you know those of you that are fortunate to be in some of the coastal areas you know i've heard of people saying well you know if we get a well that's 12 gallons a minute that's bad um you know up here up here in rock country our average well is about 10 gallons a minute so if we get 10 to 12 gallons a minute we're pretty happy so you know i'm really talking about those of you that are kind of up above the up above the fall line which is where the the rock line drops off i'm not going to get into too much detail about that but those of you you know it's a big deal there there can be issues come up where you know some places are just tougher to hit water and then some of them some of them aren't that's that's the nature of the beast that we get to deal with every day that's mother nature so before i get out here and kind of show you some examples here you know is this is pretty typical of places that we go there's there's a lot of open area or there's a lot of you know areas with trees that can be cleared and you know it's just kind of a big deal where do i put my well i don't know am i am i going to hit water i don't know anything about wells what are the chances of you hitting water um well the chances are pretty good you know most well drilling companies out there have a pretty good here in rock country have a pretty good success ratio of hitting water but if you can hit more amounts of water and if you're in an area that has a good recharge rate meaning a good place to hit fractures water flowing through the ground more obviously wouldn't you rather put the well there versus you know putting it somewhere that's up on top of a hill and you might not get as much water now obviously there are trade-offs to that you know the further away you go from your house you got to run more water line you got to run more wire but i always tell people up front if you can go ahead and get the well in get the well in kind of have an idea of where the well is going to go before you even get started get the well drilled know you have water know how much you have know how deep your well is and then it's not a it's not a shock to you you you know and and i'm i'm kind of talking from experience here i mean this doesn't always happen but it does happen we'll get on lots that are very small and everything else is kind of set in place oh the well's got to go right here it can't move and the next thing you know the well starts going deep there's not a whole lot of water there well what do we do well i mean what what can you do you know everything else is kind of set in place you're kind of you kind of stuck with what you have and so you know i always tell people when we're meeting with them before we come out and drill a well as you know go ahead and at least get the well drilled first and know that you've got a good water source there under the ground that's going to fulfill your needs for whatever you're needing to do okay so is there a guarantee that you're going to hit water no but typically speaking generally speaking water under the ground this is again in the rock country here where there can be issues of finding water typically water under the ground runs through the ground like it does above the ground okay what does that mean well what we typically try to look for is we'll try to get off of the top of a hill and kind of get into valleys or swells or draws as they're typically called places that's kind of like a natural funnel through your property you know there'd be a little dip and then the swells going down could be dropping down into a creek it could be dropping down into a bigger gully whatever if that's typically what we're looking for on your property to drill a well now does that mean you can't hit water if you're directly on top of a hill no we've hit water up on top of hills but if i'm gonna recommend a spot for somebody to pick the drill well i'm always gonna try to recommend the the best place to start first so the well doesn't go as deep i would rather spend a little bit more money running pipe and running wire to a well versus taking a well five or six hundred feet to try to find a good source of water you know that's gonna the the deeper the your well goes the larger your pump has to get to pump that water out of the ground all right so what we what we typically try to do is we try to come out to a property and look for swells if we can if you've if you've got access to that not all places have access to swells okay you know it can and obviously you know you've got setbacks from property lines you've got setbacks from septic tanks and leech fields and structures and that kind of stuff so there's obviously the law is going into consideration too okay but typically water always remember this water under the ground tends to run like water above the ground uh what i typically like to do is kind of get in the middle of the draw or the swell so if the swell's starting on top of the hill here and the bottom of the creek is here i hope brian can see this on camera give me a thumbs up if you can yep what i typically like to do is find somewhere in the middle of the draw or on the middle of the hill and try to try to drill a well down in there you know and i like to offset it off of the draw a little bit so you're not directly you're in the draw but you're not directly in the path where water and brush and debris or whatever if there's a big rain event is going to wash by the well and have a have a tendency to you know wash over it and filter down beside the well you know that's not going to happen if if the well is grouted properly but still i don't like to put the well directly in a spot where it's going to be in a wash area okay so just in case i've royally confused you what we're going to do next and stay tuned for this is we just recently put a well in at our property and i'm going to kind of show you where the well is and what the lay of the land looks like here as far as being in a draw and i'm going to give you the results of it too so stay tuned for that okay so here we are we're located down here obviously there's a well that's been drilled right here up under this cover um you know i'm not going to pull that off and show it to you you know what a well looks like but from the last shot we took we we are probably i don't know i'm guessing probably 150 yards from where i was standing and the point i was wanting to show you is is look back here behind me see how you know it's kind of sloping to the left and then this swell over here is kind of sloping to the right and this kind of draw i'm going to kind of move over here but you can kind of see it it's kind of running straight in line with me here coming coming from back that way and again there's no guarantees we just said all right we're gonna stick the whale down right here we're probably i'm going to say we're probably 150 yards from our shop that we built too and this well was 260 feet we hit about 90 gallons a minute in it uh had all the water by 210 feet and the area that this well is in there's some there's some tough wells in this area there's you know several i can think of 360 do two or three gallons a minute it's one i can think of 600 doing three quarters of a gallon of them in it you know this this well kind of shocked us this is the area that's not really known for having a lot of high uh recovery rates and high discharge rates and you know you can see where the wells put you know obviously it's not on top of the hill there's the the hill goes back up behind where the camera is a pretty good ways but you can see this draw goes way on down the hill it kind of goes straight cuts to the left and goes down to the creek um the point is is to if you have the option start in the best location first and you know get the well in first you know water is a priority always water and power and know know that you're gonna have a good good supply of water you know even if it's five gallons a minute six gallons a minute you know whatever you're wanting to do always start with the best chances that you can first and we're actually going to go back to the uh another another piece of our land in the back i'm going to give you an another idea of kind of where out where we would put a well if we had a if we had a chance you know is there any guarantees that you're going to hit big water no but this is typically what we're looking for we're trying to look for a swell you can kind of see i'm kind of in it here you know the swell starts from back behind the camera and it's running all the way down this way and we're kind of we kind of got the well off to the side of it just a tad so hope that makes sense for you feel free to leave comments if i've rambled on or if i haven't made sense we'll do another video to try to make more sense to explain it but i got one last shot for you we're going to go back here to the back and kind of give you a broad overview of a piece of land that hadn't been touched and it's pretty flat and gonna gonna try to just give you an idea of where where we would put a well so you can have a better idea of if you've got a piece of property and what to do you know give you some better ideas of where to start to put a well so stay tuned for that all right one more quick quick clip for you all out there what if you got a piece of property like this you see it's pretty flat not a whole lot of elevation change where where do i start to put a well where where where would you try to do a well and it's kind of hard to tell but you can kind of see again what we're looking for you know there's kind of a little bit of a slope in the lay of the land coming this way a little bit of slope in the land that way we'll probably try to if we were going to put one we'd probably try to put one back in there you know the land this property slopes off severely once you get down in that tree line kind of spoiled it a little bit for you but there is a there's a draw that's kind of going back through there and you can't tell it because the trees are there but you can kind of see the forms of it starting right there as the land's kind of sloping this way and sloping this way and again you know we're not you know if i could tell people where to i wish that i was where we drilled wells we could guarantee water but we can't uh no no well driller up in the rock country can guarantee water that's just kind of how it is in our neck of the woods so you know anybody that says they can guarantee water you know we just we just try to go off of history in the area and try to try to look at your property and put it in the best place to hit water and you know if i could guarantee water i i wouldn't be out drilling wells i'd be telling people where to drill wells and uh you know be making a lot of money that way but we but we try to you know we try to just get you in the best location that we can to start with i know there's every job's different and there's only certain limitations you know people people might not have four or five acres they might only have three quarters of an acre to work with so hope this is helpful for you out there just again where to drill well it's always important to kind of start in the best location that you can and get the well in first and kind of kind of be looking for these things again you know again just kind of always remember water under the ground tends to run like water above the ground so kind of have that in your head as far as looking at your property and thinking about where to put a well so thanks for tuning in hit the thumbs up button for us hit the subscribe button for us stay tuned for the next one we appreciate you
Channel: Wendell Lee Well Services
Views: 33,199
Rating: 4.604301 out of 5
Keywords: where to drill a water well, best location to drill a well, best spot to drill a well, drilling a new well, drilling a new water well, well drilling, water well drilling
Id: 5QHvBRW70xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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