Fastest Meat to Grow (473 LBS in 58 Days) Harvest

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I don't have to show you this but I'm gonna show you this this is happening on the butchering day on the butchering day Flossie is way down here you see her there Jonah's bringing her in what she's supposed to be across the street way over there so he'll bring her in put her in a stall until we can milk her later we built us a homemade drying rack for after the chickens soaked to dry them off before vacuum-sealing them and putting them in our freezer I think this is gonna work out nice they didn't have a few parts the the way to make this oh hey hey hey hey we're going this way we're going this way honey drink our ice bath he's gonna go right I could tell look on her eyes she go and go right past alright there we go oh we gotta get her in a stall not the stanchion all right come on this thing Jenny got her good good you'll be many more comfortable in there it's like an hour and a half they don't they didn't make that I don't know 1 2 3 4 way so that we could have and then over there too so that we can have these stringer actually be a 5x16 we will one day have 21 on this but I think that'll do right all right more than we had in the past well let's see we're rain's gonna fall on this it's collecting right there oh it's just falling right on the edge that may be just fine all right our quick and easy way to ventilate this greenhouse just might work free the birds my man here it is last day we're gonna have a wonderful harvest I bet we didn't even lose 10 they're huge they're huge and also look at the gift they've given us look at the gift can you guys see the green patches where they've been that's a sea monster patch that's the sea monster sea monster pest sea monster pesky thank you guys and return I'm gonna get you guys some fresh grass even the very last day is gonna be as pleasant as possible fresh clean grass plus we don't want to be butchering poopy chickens this is where they were so I'm so glad we got him out we got their feeders out last night so you want to restrict feed otherwise what you call their crop where they first put their food would just be full of food and it will just not be digested so it'll be wasted but it also makes a mess when you butcher so everything so far everything on this butchering day is going really good joining me this morning Jonah you got eleven realizing we didn't clean out our tank from the pig butchering that's gonna get back we're gonna get my man good morning okay I need to go get you the cleaner oh you got it yeah we're gonna get ice in this tots oh you and I can maybe pick up the wheelbarrow together yeah tubs will put we could wheelbarrow it or Henriette that's not terrible we just have to clean Henry out Gideon let's go we forgot to fill up the tank with water and clean it out so I'm in a bit of a rush it was all going good and then I really forgot it won't it won't take no time okay fill it up with us how many ice bear wheelbarrows I would do per obably fill it up three I would fill it up at least a third of the way if maybe closer to a half with ice holy smokes maybe a third you got my hair and get that much nice over there more than a third is maybe two yeah yeah that'd be really cool to the basement was cleaned out then we could go in there Lily good clears away in the basement so we can go back in all the way the ice machine around you think Bob will fit in this I mean do you think that will fit into Bob because if we could pull Bob sheet they're gonna sprout this is our past receipt shoot I just went like that Bob and I don't think it'll fit but what's your idea I was thinking we can duck two of this yeah fill this up and bring yeah that's nice yeah that's true she wants to fill it up a third of ice yeah how many of those do we have - okay we could take a couple chairs either and we have some totes over there you guys go through the basement I'll get the containers I think they're excited about good Sally in the basement I am to enter the basement yes yeah we're gonna go right into the basement you looking forward to that are we allowed to drive the car into the house let's also grab a couple of these getting will you say to to annoy okay you got that one I also realize today it would happen today what we've ordered it ten days ago our feed orders coming today alright let's drive into the you ready to drive into the basement you guys think we can fit in we're making it all except that table but I think we'll make it now what do you think us I am underneath the bedrooms right now I love this house turn on the light in here guys please [Music] you know this means we can park Sally right there all right we made it plenty of room all right that's why we got this machine guys that's a lot of nice mucho mas so much more still I think it is gonna be enough let's go see everybody needs to sit and Sally in the seats not in the back all right we're at word to going down the hallway guest room y'all through in meinem ops room all right grandma I got to sleep in you don't have to run a bio sighs yeah everybody gets done early before lunch we'll take an ice bath everybody be hot dirty be nice hey just realize we have run into a real cold ice bath the boys have also talked me into getting them hooked up getting the trailer hooked up to Sally and putting the chickens in this as a holding area and I said okay we'll do the trailer if we do the shavings and that way they'll poop into these shavings you'll help keep them clean and then we can dump this out somewhere maybe on the where the pig pasture was or maybe where the chickens were you know where we could dump this where we had the piglets and we haven't sown seed in there yet you can dump it there this will be a good covering while seed sprouts I'm milking a little early so we can get a jump start on butchering it's always a big big morning Fred's coming are and Bri you excited about that living with their children children you know butchering is always more fun I could even say it's bearable when you well to miss the gate honey do you miss the gate come on let's go well she went around the house and down the road okay she's going back in the field there can you guys go get her and just put that fits down to get her back in Thanks Hey [Music] this was a Jonah's idea we got our chickens up here don't look too stressed no cages Arthur's having a kick and a giggle because it's kind of funny that these chickens are not will not jump out of this trailer did they try but they couldn't do it huh all right the first one okay good yeah let's start 8:45 let's see how long it take and guess we don't want to scare them to compress each other hey do we have water in our bucket got it would get water in our buckets to catch the blood so that doesn't coagulate us bad we can use it on our Gardens all right let's get this filling up there a lock on this yeah there we go all right mr. Brown you want to watch that gets pulled up still not next step scalding [Music] nice that was easy cuz that wasn't stable probably because you're laying it right on its bottom and nice on its wheels hey we got one grace go ahead we tried fixing this we've leveled it up a little bit better turn the pallet the other way so the wheels can sit on top of the pallet let's if that little more steady grandma is that batter [Music] all right I got an idea I'm banging that pat pat that is too wobbly do you know where we have a a plywood just the first one the way cool is this still feeling yes there's Old Faithful no this one oh did we use that one I got this table yeah that's good grandma you look at it to go too long it'll start tearing off the legs Wow in the heads okay he's got to get most of photos off and you're done there we go just your station Arthur for now oh I'm happy to go anywhere but what you say he's sitting with your skin this is your usual spot in it every buck we go backwards we go backwards you just do a little slit right there you can see in there actually can break most of it and then cut between the bones yep keep going keep going get in that's the crop yeah hold on let me help you with that heart huh mr. Brown gave up on the on the victories all right and wants to do it I don't want to leave them out so what's your first impression grandma boy that thing the water works wonderful yeah yeah you guys are key I mean we're a hard time keeping up with unit so you're doing real good a good to 200 Chapel butchering together yeah but you've done a very important job of sharpening that's 80 percent of the work right there buddy is this gonna be another great day on the homestead yeah it's a so on your homestead okay damn my own stuff are you gonna have you found your role Rebecca all right I heard her saying her mom would not believe you know I heard your mom talking it's like she's she's that makes three generations yeah of us out here working together and that's not even the line like your grandma I mean your mom didn't even have anything to do with like like this land it's not there that's not her land patience dr. day yeah that's nice yes how they holding up in here you seem to be doing good what are we a third of the way through it's only ten o'clock ends up raining a little bit so hey guys go real calm Adam go real calm so check these guys in here just keep them drunk happy as possible look who's back you're getting a shot at it that what you wanted is it everything you thought it would be is that a concentration face is that a grave doubt face are you grossed out no yes no that's concentration what do you think joyful you like it yeah you like the way it feels how does it feel to have a race we're all done the last five chickens and but not the speed but quality Rebecca the judge of that alright y'all ready so much pressure the oil glands hold on all around there a little bit okay so nothing's gonna go to waste so we're gonna take paddock here we're gonna maybe go in between I'm gonna go up here we've diluted it with water this will forever be dreaming hey ladies how's my rack working out metal racks fish we needed to buy more and we just couldn't in time and they were expensive so yeah I had 16 but I think I could put 17 18 19 20 21 how about that do we even have to do the bags over them right now because there's no flies well it's just nice okay all right how long do you let them dry a little bit I still need the waiver okay I agree that I need a piece of paper to input them to mark down I need a place to do that all right we got you that table right there that close enough yellow cold I'm excited about this all right so this is where the pigs were and they killed for us we're gonna put this grass seat down just past Rashid and then let's throw the shavings on top of it to be our molten sand fertilizer there you go good we're spreading it out over the whole thing perfect man I'm excited about that that's so good thank you pigs thank you chickens it's all about and proving the pressure for the cows all right third and final load it's nice to have this cool room some people say tenderizes them to put them in the fridge first for three days I haven't seen the need with Cornish cross but it does put less pressure on your freezer you want to hand those to me well no you're eating you're eating so we've set them in here err airing out so air can get all of them all around them and we've been able to put them all on our metal shelves this is nice and look at the size of these birds whoa six-five it's not just point 5 at 6 pounds 5 ounces 5 pounds 12 ounces the smallest one and this we can be happy with that in the past oh there it is 4 pounds and 9 ounce note we got a 4 4 pounder 4 pounder I think our biggest one was somewhere 6 6 pounds 11 ounces that I'm thrilled since we ate people to a chicken dinner that's 91 in total that means we only lost 9 in the brooder stage out in the field only last night yes one set of birds graduated high school one set of beds gonna graduate kindergarten let's get them out to grasp these are the same age those are normal chickens these are sea monsters this is one of the best jobs this is their very first time on grass she's a good day it's a really good day pants you got a little while hours without one but here you go five more weeks of guard duty here's your new batch Rosie did you see how she was running in there with him just a sheet of laying down she's kind of showing him who's who's in charge right now she did that was a good lay down and on them well as soon as we got done it started to rain you really don't want to put them out in her ink but it's gonna rain all week so we just had to do it I wish maybe we could have set them out under the shed but they'll probably figure it out they have their feathers it's not gonna be cold but I think just best practice we're gonna maybe hurt them you can't hurt them under this thing okay guys we're gonna show you your all right we got them herded under they found their feet this would be better this takes some pressure off of them getting in that the electric fence what you think all right I think you're I think you're happier anyway Rebekah's calculating our average weight we're having supper anything but chicken so randomly I'm from the land and some tomato soup this is delish Rebecca why you finished calculating it up and the kids eat I think there's a number of things that came into the zoo sis it's gonna be a record one McMurray hatchery thank you guys for sending us these guys genes are different from a hatchery a hatchery we're very impressed with these chicks 91 made it to the end out of a hundred some of those were predators some of those were accidental step ons very few of those were just dropped down dead another thing we always fed roosterteeth didn't we we had roosterteeth 24/7 that's grit we haven't been as disciplined that that in the past but I think that made a big difference I think it made it easier for them to digest so the feed went further they just weren't eating us out of house and home we fed them 24/7 and at most at the end they were maybe in 40 pounds a day so they were very efficient with it we moved him twice a day to that last week gently gently that was different so is there anything else that maybe has led to such a success it's soy-free feed which we've always done what's the average nine hundred pounds of chicken how many chickens is here oh you went and counted them in the freezer yeah I wish uh all the divide that by ninety one now give you your average no it can't be nothing did something wrong but anyway numbers calculated okay so bless your heart you're going to do that again no I have them in rows I have like all these added Oh done all right well okay hold on one second forty six ounces okay so wait yeah 473 pounds wait you realize what's happening 473 pounds of food in 58 days so our average was five point five point two pounds yes yeah doesn't really go with the pound fuck no sir yes five pounds yeah that's crazy but do you guys realize that what happened over 400 pounds of food but still right you guys hear that do you understand like spinach grows fast forty five days but how much would you have to grow to get 407 pounds of food sea monster for the wind everybody sea monster for the wind get that much weight off of two pigs and that took five months six seven months that's crazy what are all like chicken so much right eat up boys unbelievable power in the sea monsters could you see my excitement absolutely unbelievable I want to help you guys the best I can and doing this yourself if you want to what about the harvest how do you actually go about getting them from the field through the cone through the plucker through this Calder getting the guts out all that stuff how do you do it humanely and quickly as possible I've got a free instructional video on how to do that the link for that for you guys down in the description thank you also Thank You art and Brie for helping us out around we had really fun it's always better to butcher with friends
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 214,460
Rating: 4.8972116 out of 5
Id: qmTjZGQVMvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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