Butchering + Comparing Meat Chickens, Guinea and Heritage Roosters

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you burning the candle at both ends back chickens the butcher today hmm that's heating up nicely fetching water in our bucket to test our blood prevent it from colliding which makes it more liquid for us to be able to spread it on our garden to other houses here's you a knob before it there you went mr. Brown you checking on the Roosters he said did you know that it's a butchering day I said did you know he said yeah Papa told me mm-hmm not tell him the important stuff these guys look bad Jonah must have done that they're going out to pasture today after we get the pastured one's completely harvested I make sure this stuff works that's at 149 degrees okay mr. Brown you're gonna get in there and help us oh yeah these these these aged up much better now they're much bigger good job mr. brown bring it on over drop it in there buddy all right we got him Jonah 12 in each look who's here with his whole crew this morning yeah they're here they're coming I like that shirt thank you here they come I heard Lorraine was a real pro got you guys in the holding area they come through to the killing cones calder and into a room alright how you gonna top that chicken apron Beth thanks for bringing the ice right there good catch gently yeah they're saving feet next gizzard fat livers and heads most of its stock will make some sort of fatness out of the gizzard Pat what do you need mr. Brown okay here comes mama can you bet you with Mama is this your butchering happy place okay good it's about getting this just right not too much water but enough I think that'll do it so all hands right now on the evisceration [Music] Josiah and I went and got him another 24 chicken actually I'm thinking just so I might go get some more because I'm gonna milk in 30 minutes and really only I can go down there lift that thing lifted 12 chickens out of that cage how's it going here you guys still like you keeping up okay I think I might go down and get you some more birds then we've got the meats all propped up with its handle so that chickens can't get under there and we can't get another two dozen [Music] how are y'all doing over here you're so steady huh I like my space so it's easier to yeah Europe this is from our kitchen we're using our normal butchering sink as our kitchen during this renovation this is from our old kitchen which is gonna be set up for something like this [Music] getting an eye and just side just went it and we got him on they're all up here Randolph you coming to watch this butchering watch his chicken killed okay he's got him a large coffee yeah it was only a small on Monday he knows now what he's getting into so where'd you get that mr. brown okay well here we go I think there's one in there that's a hammer we're doing real good if that's all the roosters we got out of a hundred we did hear one out in the field this morning so there are more and we'll just get them next batch in about five weeks these guys are so feisty pretty sure you shut this gate behind me on me alright Jona those guys are super feisty I want them to stay in that cage inside of this cage so if they get out of one cage they got to get out of two cages it's not for our breakfast but looks like you guys are like done okay so maybe we take a short break how long does the birds have to go out this is one of those little roosters it is there's such a rubber chicken they really are oh my gosh great for meat stock though yes he'll be wonderful excellent come in stock these are all these are all our roosters can you show me a sea monster Marine has a small sea monster - there's your difference and this is the Guinea look how purple yeah look at that it tastes like dark meat start chicken meat the whole thing whoa I'm bangin that's half bucket of blood what was mixed with water so let's say a quarter a bucket of blood that's a one-in-four ratio I'd like it to be more one in ten beauty sanding and priming this is the heat here it's a little bit on each plant and don't plant to pour it on the actual plant between these two Gardens and that garden how's it going down here guys are you able to help paint Jenna we got three nitrogen-rich mulch about to do one of my favorite things on farm and that's put chicks out on grass for the first time we need to move this netting completely over there I'm concerned about donald's our guard goose what's he gonna do with nobody around this neck gone is he gonna follow the meat Shaw can I hurt him over there we'll see let's first move this net we got one tents up already put it over there done he's just acting like nothing that's happened he's doing hanging by the water by the the meat Shaw so what I think I'm gonna do is remove this fence we've set it up last thing I do is move that meat Shaw hopefully he'll follow it all right Donald did leave his old area right here that he sees the show he wants to be over here I think he's looking for his buddies I got you some new buddies coming real soon Donald well he walked right on by hopefully he doesn't go on up to the other floor let's see if we can't just hurt him in Donald you brilliant you're brilliant buddy such a good guard news kindergarten graduation in here - what a beautiful sight white goose mowed lawn fresh grass clean water nice taunt fence you guys got it made for the next four or five weeks first time on grass I want you to meet penguin that's Jenna's Icelandic chicken there's something wrong with it walks kind of like a penguin so he's bathing it a little bit and raising it with these sea monsters what do you think about your new foster kids Donald such a good guard goose they look happy they're under the shed we've got to meet your Sepp it's just gonna be like the last time and the time before that and the time before that I'm sure lunch time is a good y'all give us a holler if it's good he built for you I love this this is like magic because we're gonna pull it open and have all of my stuff for cooking yeah good work Randolph and this is the cabinet you did not have in there before no counter space you did not have cabinet you did not have okay all right Bagon time 3.2 3.2 pounds average that's about a pound less than our last one that's due to the change in feed we've gone back to the old feed and they seemed they're liking it more so yeah Rebecca 3.2 pounds I wish I would have recorded how much food days it is actually probably more probably more pound poundage for the money with these guys because they would have eaten more today's time we finished up the time for the rain thanks to the eighth in your back pocket yes thanks Lorraine both you guys thank you so the land yes we are yeah you can follow us on Instagram and we have a link on our Instagram okay all right that's so the land yeah okay man yeah this is Randolph's most excitable shareable work today a complete new cabinet beauty is very excited about she's having to sand it prime it tonight work doesn't stop for us this week sounds like it's gonna go through all of next week too we've had supper still going at it I give you a smoothie for refreshment I'm watching the Nino you put how many layers of primer on this wood you can tell by the expression it's a lot I mean you're gonna have to put in the primer but I'm not surprised because it's raw wood and it's like kind of old but I have stains coming through so it's a stain blocking primer Rebecca it's like gets better every time so I'm just gonna keep doing it I might just spot treat when I get to a certain point you're looking at it from this perspective this is starting to look really good and really light in here I like where you're going with this it's it's sort of kind of easy and fun to see the vision from over this blue and maybe tomorrow we're now just gonna start putting this back together over here he said I am which he can work next week oh yeah we weren't sure if Randolph could work next week we didn't think this was gonna take two weeks but he can okay I'm getting you a cabinet in here to sand well there are sands to paint oh okay I got it okay so are you gonna be able to go to bed after this [Music] think of my back okay
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 330,921
Rating: 4.7444234 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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