How She Feeds Her Family all their Veggies | Full Garden Tour

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why don't we start right here at these gigantic sunflowers what happened [Music] volunteer somehow they just appeared one morning they were here right and they're just great I mean like this they have grown so much since that rain nice nice to walk us down we're right here yeah our steps are right here guys take us down the aisle maybe the herb garden and then young actually self seated we've got yarrow I plan to well actually planted the yarrow the last couple of years that's throughout this whole thing I'm actually gonna rip a bunch of it out because it's very prolific lemon balm I did not plant this this was planted several years ago and obviously it's grown nice the calendula is self seeded the dill and so the calendula I like to use that for I like to UM just pick off the head are usually scissors and then I try that and then I'll soak that in oil and then I use a make my own I make my own body lotion Gideon could you please get out of the garden you're making me stressed out so hey hold on let's give a Gideon jump hey Gideon will you go down there and find six strawberries right there and mom strawberry patch right there and come show them off there we go okay so I dry these and then I put them in oil and then I let the oil sit in a window seal for up to four six weeks and sometimes longer and then I strain that out and then I use that in my body butter that I make and I just soaked it in olive oil or just some oil it doesn't matter and I put that right here and then yaaru I just dried a whole bunch of this and I'm gonna pick a whole bunch more to dry and that I want to make a tincture actually Amy fuel had an Instagram post recently on this and it's in her book I'm gonna get that out and I'm gonna read up on how to make the best medicine for my family then dil we've got that this all self seated and I like to ferment I will pick off these heads pick some cucumbers grape leaves dill heads garlic some red pepper flakes salt water brine and I will ferment pickles and beans that way dilly beans and then dill pickles more sunflowers and I just grow some flowers because I love them I don't really you can feed the seeds to the chickens you could shell them all yourselves you could save the seeds whatever you want to do there I just grow them because I like to cut them and have them okay I have sage growing I'm gonna hopefully grow a bunch of sage dry it for culinary spices zinnias I've got this is a volunteer zinnia that popped up snapdragons I did plant that's not dragons I did plant the sage this is marigolds it's lemonjon it just makes me happy snapdragons I just want to use those as in cut flowers mr. Brown's got is got you some strawberries you got six good job you want to eat one see if it's good morning snack yeah maybe they were picked a hair early that's okay all right so you were talking about the permaculture bulletproof garden herb garden but right outside what you got there my sunflowers and zinnias and I just like to be a nice greeting as you walk up to our games it's just a nice beautiful thing and then this is just lilies that I have around the mouth like we have some poison ivy poison ivy where is that a meatball it looks like poison so let's go back in tell us what's going on here around the chickens Oh case you forget more cut flowers I love cut flowers of love to give flowers to people I love to have flowers in my home all summer long so a lot of the flowers that I grow I just grow because they're beautiful and I want them so this is lettuce this is Justin's just he kind of was just showing about how you can grow in a container garden these are cosmos daisies mayor goals more marigold sunflowers marigold sunflowers sunflowers dahlias straw flowers marigolds marigolds they're just a good variety of flowers take no extra space and I see you've grass clipped that because they were drying out pretty fast we were pretty dry overall like this is still pretty moist this is new additions of course um so this is clematis I think is what they called it at the nursery but I call it clematis and then we have our first jalapeno that's our first Alpina we've ever grown ah it's not exciting I think it's ready I don't know and I want to pick it too early so we'll start at the first raised bed these are muncher compucom burrs I believe they're called munchies I don't know they're like a smooth skin so we'll be eating those fresh we won't be pickling those then we've got a good variety of lettuce down here Jericho butter crunch and something else or cinnamon cinnamon red or something like that that's great and the idea is that the cucumber's are gonna climb this trellis shade the lettuce coming out here and picking off the bugs and the cucumbers are starting to go up got more zinnias growing in here I love to grow vegetables and flowers together so this is my zucchini which has died I don't know what happened Jermain one or the little one you had a little one this is the one that's alive still so I don't know what's going on here I just you're seeing here first folks nothing but I do have a zucchini that's exciting look at that yeah oh man um that is a beautiful zucchini and how exciting this is not my only zucchini point though don't fret right yes and the next one we have that so this is cilantro which is going to seed I need to get starting cilantro in my greenhouse maybe today then I have peas growing on this trellis with some cucumbers I have my marigolds I have a cucumber planted in here this is the homemade variety of cucumbers not homemade is it homemade I think it is homemade the homemade that's what it's called and they are I preferred them the best for pickling so that's why I only grew the only group cucumbers that I grew this year are the homemade besides these for eating that I've got parsley here I've got my green onions this is radicchio which is like a salad and then I have another one growing over here - this is a vine with white flowers that I don't remember the name of that I bought at the nursery so we'll see what happens what is hot my balloons no wait I just gotta say it and this is a white bucket glaringly calling for attention in the background let's get that one up - you can't I can't let these people see our buckets lying around so this is my my pea trellis I've got so many peas coming in we're trying to let them get big if we would let them I don't know these might be too small don't you guys keep eating them so they're just delicious but my goal is to have a pot of peas from our garden if we'll just let some girl and then I don't like the shells I know you can eat them but I screams at certain what's up at the toe bag on June 16 North Carolina what is not really typical well the Sun just came out which is nice it's gonna warm you can see the dark looming clouds right there it's coming all right that's dick and bang now push my peas back there this is crazy I did not plan um like I planted like six seeds or something well that's all you got isn't it they're just prolific but last year my peas did not do this well so last year I started C's in the greenhouse and then planted the plant and this year I direct seeded and they did really liked it better so definitely direct feed so these are my beads that I transplanted from so this is the only one that came up I planted like a bunch of these ten two rows here this is the only one that came up that I direct seeded and then I transplanted these from the crop garden that we you ended up flame weeding so they're looking good and I am gonna get those other beams transplant eventually I've got more zinnias because who you just can't have enough I mean look at that is that not gorgeous and then look at this and this one and are they is this the same point no surely it can't be you know they're two different plants doesn't like how'd that work so god we just have a nice a smattering of zinnias here this is my other zucchini plant that is kickin and hopefully won't die that's that other one and it's just plugging along I've just come out here and pick off any of the squash seeds more lemon Jen marigold but then I also printed some arugula in here so we have a regular growing kind of in interspersed with all of this cosmos and straw flowers look at how beautiful these are they just not gorgeous yeah more flowers to make your day brighter I'm just gonna say something you just casually just threw that weed you just casually it's kind of just munch you go I don't even know if you're doing if you if you know you're doing that but that's amazing I mean the chickens right there you've seen yourself that's the fun of having a garden I think you know I'm like looking at those peas I'm a little bit oh I always say it wrong tomatillo thank you thank you thank you got close and then by basil more Tomatoes I don't know what I did a variety of tomatoes so I don't know what I have growing it they'll just produce whatever it does this is like sugar something or other these are like a cherry and then then I have another cherry right here we need to come out and prune haven't pruned in a while so do that and then I think this is a great this is the grape and this is the cherry I'm pretty sure and then more basil which I need to I'm gonna dry some I've got cashews in the just picking off this head yes got cashews drying in the dehydrator and then we've got a few seconds yeah yeah we do get going I don't have too many suckers growing more basil I just like really did it and then more Tomatoes more tomatoes oh look at this that's gonna be beautiful I wonder if this is the home side I think things are gonna get really big which is why they're so spread out we'll see well just see it's it's I like planting so what I like doing is planting the varieties that I like in a greenhouse and then when we when they get out of the greenhouse I just kind of like put them wherever and then it's like a big surprise and it's fun to garden because then you're like come out and you're like I don't really remember what this plan is oh this is what it is that's awesome and then of course mayor more marigolds interplanted in to kind of help with pests I don't know if they help with pests I mean they're supposed to but I find that they just bring me joy and they just smell so good I wish you guys could smell it lemon gem these are lemon gem marigolds find some seeds plant them and you will just be happy because they will make you happy the secret to happiness folks okay then dahlias and I don't remember what this is and this is a dollar right there how to rough start okay it's okay what are you gonna do with it okay tell me you're gonna give up [Laughter] you can't pull it out plant some notes calamitous or clematis I don't know what to say but this isn't as beautiful Internet I tell you I'm sure I'm sure they will okay so here's some flowers and then I also ice planted a cucumber in here Oh fun because why not let it hang down and then this is sunflower and they're starting to I love it it's fine to put sunflowers and container gardens on condition on Rails why not is that gonna grow to be like six feet tall so there's different heights of Sun okay we're going to see that when it's cute it actually it actually has more blooms it's not just gonna bloom once so that's fun that's that so they're different varieties that's the only variety of that kind here I've got in this pot lavender more sunflowers I planted a little sunflower of sunflower forest I want to say that these might be the teddy bear ones I have no idea again like I just I like plant it out I keep them all organized in the greenhouse and then once we get out plants and I just let it fly so and then we got zinnias and then more marigold marigold lemon gems I've got my cucumbers here growing on my trellis and we're just gonna we're experimenting which we did tomatoes on a trellis over here and then we did cucumbers on this side so we're just gonna see what happens and more cucumbers kind of coming around again like I want to be super successful with my fermenting this year I want to firm it a time so what's the key to being super successful term it's just growing a lot I think and then you have a lot to choose from taking a strong stance there back I don't even know I guess I just feel like that I feel like that if I grow a lot that will make me successful yeah and we'll go from there and then all hopefully I'll have a lot to choose from and you don't boo hoo if your plant dies in one of your container gardens and I think we probably have some to harvest here I need to get out here and pick through what I do have how long does it take you to maintain every week Oh 10 minutes well put down grass I think just spend a lot of time in here if I didn't want just spend a lot of time in here I could probably get away with like 30 minutes a week 30 minutes a week that's grass clippings that's harvesting that's picking out a few weeds like you're doing right there Muir Casey honey tree farm is one who told me about it and it's delicious it's not supposed to like get bitter there's actually quite a few summer lettuces that are good for this so I lost one there so that's why it's empty and then this is a romaine head I believe I'm not sure again like I just planted over here I've got my peppers this is just a bunch of peppers orange King and other ones orange Kings only one I can't California wonder I think did you take Euler order red yellow orange or the what I did this is a marigold and it is doing quite well we're finally gonna get a flower I have something it's gonna be beautiful when it comes out believe this is Aztec then this is lemon jam and then this is my yellow squash just the one yellow squash I would let you plan squash did I plant in I gave away all my other ones on my other plans though cuz you know all of them came up you picking up bags and here we're growing another bucket yep you mess you past your strawberries you got a strawberry patch there you got a UH is that a pawpaw forget no persimmon cinnamon are being TP for the kids basically I've been doing everything maybe eventually they're gonna grasp on to the concept maybe they'll hang in it maybe they'll hang in it when it gets up there maybe they'll come and pick beans did they even help you put up the poles maybe Lily did every once in a while I can convince them in to help me but that is pretty much my raised beds out here back around to the door yeah so this is my mint I put it in this planter because I MIT is notorious for getting out of control I wanted to keep it kind of in control this is the easiest way I mean it's still kind of coming out like it's coming out of the planter but there's some right there but it's more contained than it would be had I just planted it in here this would all been mint these sunflowers are self seated I've got calendula that I planted growing in there I've got a volunteer tomato that I have saved hosta plant that I transplanted from my mom my mom's place that's a Dahlia back there I'm gonna try my head at dahlias this year I've got dahlias over here growing too they like Sun and shade then we got a wraparound not really a Dahlia poking its head up which is fun heading down the hill towards the greenhouse so here's a plant that around my greenhouse like some hostas this is a plantain but it's just a weed stock which is a really fragrant flower it's really beautiful I actually carried that in my weddings okay so I'm like trying to grow it because I want to stick it in some bouquet he's up there hollyhock which keeps on getting buried in the mulch a very large flower but maybe it'll grow and then hostas and then more dahlias I got some Tulsi basil which is another flower that it's not so good it just makes you happy more stuff lavender I'm trying my hand at gladiolas this year I kind of planted them next to the greenhouse so that maybe there's some support there straw flowers cosmos Dragons videos round this out and then of course we have our strawberry and asparagus guy there's mucho mas strawberries in there there's a lot coming on and we need to pick some tea you get a little comfrey at the end Humphry in here too and right across from the greenhouse is our elderberries yeah so I'm going to hopefully harvest those berries this year crop gardens going to start with a ranch garden up in the front yard or in the back what do we got here back garden number one kale collards the cauliflower is balding it dropped in they're not happy with the variety that we grew I have plans for next year it's probably safe what we can pull this bug netting off of it and start feeding it to the chickens huh hey Rebecca we've got to look at this cabbage and see if we were gonna have some kissers oh definitely gonna have some kisses thank oh yeah we could certainly start eating eating some of this cabbage she's got beets beets a hault rahowa beets it's gonna bust that net Justin I got a mention huh the jammed absolutely amazing so here we have potatoes why do you think this one ro did better than this row what's the difference did you know that I'm ready it's a different variety - mm-hmm it could be that there's some sticking out um here's one that's just a new potato oh look there's a bigger one yeah yeah so we've got a row of red onions Cabernet they're crushing everything like that and then we've got carrot to be weeded more some more potatoes here not a whole lot yeah more onions onions so these two rows the chickens got in and scratched it's a little bit bitter for me let's keep member glad to keep movin let's keep moving on over to that water now it seems to be doing good a rose cucumbers they do they're doing good but the plain tweeter crushed it that row was just covered in weeds wow my deals crushing it except it looks like it it might be ready huh I need to pick some do you see you have some tomato it's hard in the spring because my dehydrator needs to just there's a lot of things going on yes you got one yelling wow this is some gold so it's gonna be like a yeah okay yeah and your Tomatoes her dill and basil and then I have a space that I need I have stuff to plant and I just haven't gotten around to it and then peppers and your tomatoes of that in and then this whole row is Tomatoes I need to get time up maybe yeah I need to get some of these off of the grounds yeah do a little weeding it's been super easy with this weed over here we've got three rows of C potatoes you can see him better right here this this Gardens due for a Wheaton but here they're here the sweet potatoes for papaw fat ball even though he had a broken back in October said he was gonna plant some sweet potatoes if he got better we never got better so we're doing it for him we've got cucumbers on this one beans on that end growing nicely those are beans that I got from Lorraine from so the land mm-hmm because mine beans failed not being food sales then we've got just a whole of squash sometimes mainly that would probably see them down there if I want to go down there well yeah but they're all interspersed in this year to Connecticut field pumpkin Casper which is a white pumpkin the little pumpkins the pumpkin pie pumpkins spaghetti squash butternut squash what's that other one acorn squash mm-hmm what's that good pretty soon they'll take over so we only have the weed so yeah a bunch of different ones in the 2x2 back I did two big pumpkins so we'll see what happens okay good well congratulations on your garden success yeah and failures yeah we always learn I mean with this amount of plants you're never gonna have how are you not gonna fail you're never gonna have a perfect garden you don't have like a crazy detailed plan no you just start some seeds estimate what you think you're gonna plant a little more than that and then just go yeah all right good job [Music]
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 107,474
Rating: 4.9254465 out of 5
Id: 5NAYpINgC88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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