How We Rest, When there is No Rest (on the Farm)

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[Music] y'all tryin to move that are you gonna need a whole length you got rid of the gap good job can I go more you need help [Music] that's a terrible cook for a mulch situation we need one where the newer drops down through wheels are but we need a chip shop but this time we need a cutie one that she called it hey what's wrong with mine they keep t enough for you so how you gonna make it different to be cutesy okay in a pitch tree okay it's gonna be colorful I like the challenge look at this guy with the nesting boxes back in what you take it in yes okay so it's Saturday which means it's zero day for us we try to rest as much as possible still gotta do chores don't do any projects yes so we're trying to sneak and let the other kids sleep in and we're trying to do their chores the cows are fat and happy laying down start laying down Flossie just getting up laying down means think they're satisfied from the graze it's you and their time that's when they're actually you know further digesting not think it's a good sign you don't want your cows walking around all the time I've been pushing the luchador ring lately a more convenient but it's like whoa I can see in the grass there's no snakes and I'm not walking on their fresh plate of food hey what's the matter I need you to help me okay where we pulling it out okay soldier I do is that an indoor plant okay chicken on the sea monsters freshwater it's to the point they're growing fast enough that they probably need to have a session at night to get in let's get everything up change the bedding and get their feeders Phil okay hear that chirping there's constant chirping but the chirping before we came in here looks a little more intense you get the hang of it you could almost hear outside the door if they need something yeah they let you know they let you know what's wrong fat chicks you're scared are you chicken head pull up that bad joke came out laughing rolling your eyes well our little experiment yesterday didn't work we had left the chicken tractor out I don't know if you know this back but they didn't climb up on there so Jonah putting them away he decided to put the chicken tractor in hurt them in and closed them up I would feel comfortable if they're a little older how old are they Rebecca yeah so this is kind of like a normal time when they start getting out so we put them out early hey get in wasn't that thankful wasn't that bowl full of grit rock was it they've eaten half of that thinking Gretton one day hopefully that's all they need hopefully they're slowing down I like to see a big appetite they came out this morning and they meaning to tell Jonah just leave the door open on the chicken tractor go give them areal protection they've got land protection with this poaching that with this pig net and then they can come out in the morning and he all they want go ahead back be mindful of good roosterteeth there have you ever pulled this thing keep going okay how is it is that not easy it's not keep going keep going all the way to the end all the way to the end there you go this is what it's about remember this is what it's about it's not about hurrying and turning the water on it's about spending time with you right five minutes later work on it there it is you get shut off for whatever reason that beautiful woman keeping it going while we were gone she hasn't always been able to help because of her illnesses but she's kicked that in the butt okay it looks like it's working it's actually almost cool man hey ladies the grass is not greener over here you're in the best pasture on the farm we accidentally left the gate open and these ladies got in come on let's go come on there we go come on come on come on the grass is always greener on the outside isn't it Phyllis Flossie okay we learned on the farm tour though the grass is greener where you water it there might be a way to pull this then we can put more birds in could we do that around the bar through it Wow I don't know if it's gonna work cuz that yeah so we can't get this handle to sit low enough to even try that you know I thought is there something to tie to this maybe that's it getting a little Jerry maybe there's something to tie to this to it yeah if maybe these handles were even a little longer what if this were longer look how pretty even it is what this were longer and somehow we could tie it there I know you meant you mentioned Jonah's contraption we made a contraption that we hooked it up to the motor once before the bar came under we strapped it and it hooked to the we could do that I'm just trying to make sure there's not an easier way all right we're gonna go the old-fashioned way and just keep oh this I want to put more birds in here though it won't make it doable walking up a bank like [Music] three the birds [Music] good morning guys hammer and diesel getting fat now somebody said there was a tick on one of these guys you wanna help me find this tick Rebecca while they're eating is that one that's 109 come on Teddy come on mom Gideon listen we go in there we say hey guys it's time to get out time to get out and then we say do you want coffee or tea I'll be surprised if they're not up like eight ten that took a long time over an hour and a half oh hey maybe they've caught wind is that our kids there's that somebody else all right let's see really clean the house we thought maybe did that last night and that was off because you're like ding I have honor guests today and then why was the fence off y'all cleaned up in there walnut tree so Teddy that's that's what Eddie was going nuts since geometry filled this up I was gonna feed the chickens out of this oh good that's funny okay didn't you say your night yeah yeah Sam say it's time to get out okay you and me coffee everybody else tea we don't watch TV much zero day they work so hard clean to the house yeah we watch our great American farm to adventure for those of you they're new here in 2017 we visited every single State of the Union Alaska and Hawaii to in search of America's greatest farm it's like what two hundred and sixty something videos it's got two hundred ninety okay ten months I'll leave the link to that playlist down in the description so on the farm when you can't really take a rest rest rest they're gonna do chores we try to think of dress for fun things what is I have coffee once a week and that's after we do our chores and before we know do is every once in a while he tries to surprise people and get up early and go this we get up at our res day we get up early and do the choice we watch a little boob tube you know let him watch a little YouTube in the mall today stay with me guys watch a little YouTube in the morning or you know maybe in the afternoon when it's hot we might even watch a movie together used to do a family movie night but it makes sense to go to bed and then watch a movie during the heat of the day thank you miss thang for over two gallons of milk she didn't even she looked she didn't even need all her alfalfa that's a first that's telling you how rich that pasture is she didn't even need that the protein pastor no it's our best why is it so good because we've been rotationally grazing it oh my gosh has it been 10 years this pasture has always been where we gone to we had small amount of cows we only were in this pasture we've had turkeys in there we've had chickens in there repeatedly chickens you guys want white clover run chickens in your pasture whoo I like this Jonah put a spring gate on this we gotta like it mom would really like this - this is nice and then we could hang that right there ooh come on Mustang see ya take it after noon break at the lay kids playing adults reading what you reading back regarding next year my honey and nice sorry not that I don't this year just it's gonna be different yeah well you're gonna cut flower garden do you have a cut flower flowers that I grow or cut flower butt this will be like oh I will generally not cut the flowers like in my herb garden I'll cut them from those hey it's time to go chor time whoo afternoon short time you've got some new overalls you're gonna have to tell people because I get asked all the time Patagonia right so I bought an extra pair because well like right now all of my roles are in the dirty clothes it's the Patagonia work where is that their spot that's what I'm gonna leave them that looks good all right we've got our cheap pet set up there it's a little bit of a tricky move a little bit of lean äj-- we got to go through moose you ready mom you gonna go call them you you feel free to walk I'll kind of bring up the rear that went smooth we've got the minner we've got the mineral shot sheep shop here for boy they were out of quite a bit you and get in yeah okay good deal how they do that I'm gonna go move the Luchadors and the pasture birds check on them I was up there she must be showing Rosie some love what you doing lately oh she's picking some clover for the chicks that's very kind of you what you doing dude Jima okay if you didn't hear she said Rosie needed a bath on this hot day a little still bit she'll still be up there we'll go check on that that let's move these Luchadors real quick how'd she like her bath grandma I think she enjoyed it look at the feathers it's unclear look I brought this over to hopefully you know they're wanting to go in that but hopefully if they get this closed maybe they'll want to start perching on this you think we should come and put them on the purchase wyatt 10 okay okay I almost forget it like you didn't do anything about it hey Jonah just had an idea tell them your idea buddy uh-huh okay all right I like the ramp idea see they're there they're under the shade right now they're liking the shade so why don't you do but they may be half the size maybe maybe two feet wide sitter for do you want to be in charge of the ramp Rebecca was readin cut flowers I was freshening up on my Joel Salatin pastured poultry profits he mentioned that you want to hang your waterers and hook them up to water could we do that because we have our water supplying out here and always have our chicken waterers hooked up it would be elevated and clean and we wouldn't have to pour any water I'm also carrying water to be sheep twice a day now that it's hot if we had a water line through our lanes and connections every hundred feet or just be walking down to the connection or attaching the hose and run it in up to them I like to be them in the point at our farm where we're saying kokin we've got it established how can we make it better I like that I think mr. Brown has the idea hey Polar Plunge I think I think we're done [Applause] all right little micro Joe Cylons right here mom says that's disgusting let's let's bucket it out get some fresh water I'm thankful for our new drain system right down there right about now okay - we'll browse later 43 40 39 36 35 36 whoo I think that's the coldest as we've been huh I'm gonna get in before that 55 degree hose water cooler warms it up whoo whoa it's worse oh yeah yeah I got into sin that's not enough for I think that was the key though put the ice in first I can plug Dennis Rodman really cool in this you said ten minutes you're gonna do it for ten minutes be cool this is what I said but I hope I wished you wouldn't have heard that got three minutes I think I'll go - yeah it's artwork - rolla's it's too intense too cold okay which I won Wilbur a balloon eggs now yeah all right I did my time Becky that's weird I'm like an 80 degree day my feet are numb my feet they're not weird another thermal pop it's 92 out here she said the benefits happen at 55 so why go over the top 50 so why go to 30 yeah like it's 82 out here anyone I want it I want to do it but I don't want it's my street to freeze like that it's still under still in the thirties what sorry I guess we overdid it but I sent first Teddy you like the ice okay I dumped out the ice for Mom we got the hose going on it what was interesting is that spend agree water felt like warm water on my feet in that tub it's still in the thirties okay I'll skip off some more well she tried it is that 40s still pretty rough 40 all right we got a shepherd's pie in the oven with hamburger from our land the kids they've got a wonderful view out here hey guys we got to pick up some clothes it's so nice with the cows and the Sheep and the turkeys and the sea monsters you guys hang back hang back get back on your seat I didn't mean disturb it any all right that's a that's a rest day on the farm that's about as rusty as it gets rusty so yes oh that's right the fat hens will be out there no not tomorrow the next day yeah that would be cool and tomorrow I say we start smooth affiant and say we start working on getting water lines out to the out through there what do you think what do you say
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 98,474
Rating: 4.9579296 out of 5
Id: m2Qlko9wZSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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