Butchering 700 LBS of Turkey & Chicken (in a day)

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[Laughter] [Laughter] we're not feeding ours enough look how big they are and the thing is they're not eating that much thirty pounds we made 30 pounds at the end this is 98 chickens too man grit all the time all they can eat new country starter and i bet we're going to have an average of 5.2 yeah what are you doing that's big in the freezer how you feeling this morning mr brown good it's huge oh and guess what guys we're going to do turkeys also we had a nice little surprise this morning we didn't think the turkeys were going to be to wait in time but we just weighed them this morning and yeah i don't know how we're gonna put them in there without them jumping out do the turkeys you think they will jump out what about our cages remember our cages we could lay over it cages remember those cages we used to put the cornish cross in while they waited the butcher yeah let's do that this was smart they put the fence down oh grandma's here yeah cool can you imagine i'm gonna cross this a 100 times no so that's smart they put the they just open up the fence down here and nobody can get out and they're cornered in there and they're having a pretty easy time this is nice you ready let's get them back over there okay he didn't help me yesterday he didn't no i asked him to can you help me maroon had to do this all by himself and gideon has right helped me to bring this this one like holding the poor guys like the little kids helped you yeah okay well we're ready aren't we yes we got the chickens here we got the restraining cones we got water in there to catch the blood so it doesn't um coagulate we can spread it on the pasture we got the scalder we got the black oh we got grandma it's over it's we're ready that's all we need ready grandma's here on the early shift aren't you yeah she likes the early shift the 7 30 shift okay jason and lorraine from southerland youtube channel you guys you're ready okay yes you win apron of the year you win the crazy chicken lady award today so how long you been butchering uh four years now okay feel like a pro yeah any nerves are you nervous no it's becoming normal yeah it became normal yeah okay even that's tough all right josiah join the fun they're waiting on us over there now you stirring it in the scalder good boy yeah much better this one over here all right now you hold it in okay [Music] [Music] how's it going josiah good you're on this today oh good you're doing the polly face trick too make sure you get all feathers off of it and everything how's the uh how's the crazy chicken lady doing good papa get off the skid here get in wants me to help him yep pull off the let's pull it up a little bit pull off the skid put this in that bucket papa put this in the bucket how about i'm doing it yeah you are now this is my first time pull it off the skin you see the band here cut into that right there and then bend that up right like right there right there okay just do it gentle don't hit any bones i'm keeping my hand not close to that nice cut like that how about i'm going to do free eat bob this ticket is almost done my head had poop on it i washed it off probably that was weird that's oh you're good and then cut across papa pig guts are huge pop up doesn't say take all the legs you stuck with it buddy good job proud of you did everything okay well wait a minute let me come take a picture off of you with your chicken okay hold it down there we go all right get in second bird you're determined buddy and he's doing that one all by himself how do you get in five he says oh we got a good bit more we're going on two hours and we're what three quarters of the way done well guys the cows still got to get milk doesn't matter if it's butchering day sorry it's been real [Music] come back i'll come back as soon as i can there it is grandma two gallons grandma helping today special day today how so 722. it's your anniversary 48 years ago i know congratulations how did i get this old how did i forget so what are you gonna do for your anniversary bruce is coming down grow burgers here's what we're going to do next winter we're going to take you to hawaii that's right hey sounds good because it'll be our 20th woo you're 50. almost alright you're 50. well it'll be in between it'll be in between our two so we're gonna take you to hawaii we'll take you to hawaii for two years thank you two weeks maybe three weeks three weeks half at least okay might as well right i know you're already there yeah we're flying over there and look at this we're harvesting all kinds of stuff today chickens rebecca just harvested a bush half a bushel of beans and a whole bunch of potatoes jonah harvested us well those potatoes have been curing grandma's gonna make us french fries for lunch and i'm gonna make some jelly beans should we make some green beans for lunch too oh yeah we could does that go with burgers yeah that's fine i was gonna um i'm gonna do some jelly beans too the only thing that's not homegrown that goes in this is the red pepper flakes so you have dill head you have wild grape leaves garlic nice beans and then i do need to add the red chili pepper nice all right rebecca i'm gonna go see how they're doing okay hopefully we're gonna get these turkeys done before lunch at 12. oh everybody's doing good so jason we're shooting for lunch in an hour and 45 minutes okay you think we can get the other 20 turkeys in there yeah at the rate we're going yeah i think we could do it all right let's think about where we could put these guys so i could take this wagon and get the turkeys over here we could like put put that up i should make like sort of yeah let's make like a triangle barrier you see what i'm doing put a pallet right there and the door right there and that will hold in we can put in the remainder of the like this guys and now it's a uh now it's a holding area shut out jason good all right who who's gonna go with me to catch turkeys jonah josiah you guys gonna go with me to catch turkeys just i'll go with me all right we got the trailer empty the only problem is i think turkeys might actually jump out of that but we have these cages that we could lay over it you found them already yeah things are going really good for us today it's ten o'clock and we've almost butchered a hundred chickens we've done all the chores what do you think josiah makes it we'll just slay those k's it makes it i will just lay this over them you know what let's do let's get the ducks out on our way out there the ducks and the geese are just one week old but they're so big and we have a shocker not net and it's it's warm it's dry what do you think josiah let's get them out yeah i guess no yeah look how big we'll just go ahead and get them out to the greens i know you're scared right now but you're going to a better place just i was asking if turkey processes like a chicken absolutely i think it's a little easier because it's easier to get your hand in there this net needs to be moved though that was their last stay on that net that we're going to move over so let's give them some fresh grass josiah we might not even have to move them as much because they don't tear up the grass is bad end there's only 24 birds versus a hundred so let's set this up get the net around it and let's try out the michelle with the ducks and the geese i personally think this is going to be a beautiful system for ducks and geese because they can eat so much in grass so much of their diet can be in grass happiest day of their life right here first time on grass dip their beak and then put them under the we want him to seek shelter in here is there grit there you go good job guys pretty happy look it's already eating the grass this is going to be beautiful one reason i can put these guys out at a week old is this shocker knot it's got a one inch mesh here at the bottom so they can't escape it rosie you have some company another another duty it's only stuck with the ducks yeah they're gonna love this they're so big one week old they're bigger than the cornish cross at one week so i guess that's why i'm not hesitating to do this okay that's it [Music] jose seems to think we can herd them in i think it's probably worth a try we didn't bring any pig boards we think we can hurt them in there get in you're gonna need to get out of the way i don't think it's gonna happen to you all right let's put it back up pick them up put them in there one at a time [Music] this is surreal i didn't expect to do this today but we got them in a little bit of chasing definitely need the cages i was maybe going to try it without the cages they would jump right back let me jump right out all right let's just hope those cages stay put besides got the just hope the goose and the rooster behave the rooster thinking about attacking but i don't think he's gonna good all right now this posse has a guard goose doesn't really need it because we're so close to the house but it's a good place for it until we have another job are you all ready for the turkeys no more chickens alive no more chickens alive all right there's still some what's the update jason we are how many chickens we have left two three three three chickens we're about to re-sharpen some knives and then get on the turkeys okay okay the chicken's just full yeah cool do you think 20 will fit absolutely i'll see i mean if it won't we'll get another one going so water and ice forgot about these uh these barrels is this still cold hardly that's pretty cold [Music] all right let's get some more water in there look at this thing turned out nice you have to hold on you have to hold on to its feet and sort of like move it around in the plucker and it will do it okay take one person or two to catch this bird i think two okay one person a little bit more stronger than a chicken yeah they're livelier they're more active yeah you don't want to get scratched in the eye beautiful turkey how is it different lorraine so big everything's just bigger and thicker a little easier to get a hold of huh yeah or is it more difficult no it's great you can certainly get your hand in there a little easier yeah how is it everyone i feel like i'm in texas oh yeah why because everything is bigger there that's our uh halfway mark guys 11 45. i've moved lunch back to 12 30. it's a little tougher to [ __ ] these guys yeah it is i plucked it can't quite handle it you know it's rated up to 25 pounds yep you just do this don't you it gets stuck you know what i bet we got feathers down there we go this is our last turkey and we've done what 19 turkeys this will be the 19th i've done tuckeries once before i'm going to show you guys how to do this if you want that i can't show it on youtube but i i've got a link for you down in the description look at all the rocks they have in this thing we've opened it up this is the muscle that eat that chews up their food it's got wait it's a quarter of rocks 30 rocks yeah that's it guys that's it that's our turkeys that's our chickens what a day we're gonna take a break for lunch and then we gotta bag them look at this gmaw pulling this off big daddy cooking the burgers looks good look at those fries i cooked the burger i started my dad all right and we got coleslaw all right we just filled up lunch everybody full yes ready to do this drying nearly 100 chickens 20 turkeys we need intermission we got us a helper that looks like a big one it is what is it six pounds almost seven pounds what was the biggest one um seven pounds four ounces look at these six pounds five pounds five six pounds five pounds four five two good job mr brown thanks i think this one's the biggest one lorraine's quality control she's just getting things that we might have missed jason is dunking them in our 180 degree water you about to do one yep gonna pierce it at the breast he zip tied the bag and then he's gonna he's gonna put on his glove heat glove safety safety first holds it in there about 30 seconds it bubbles when it stops bubbling pulls it out shrink wrapped bam they get a sticker they get weighed they put them in a wheelbarrow we're gonna get our birds chilled here in the cool room before we start putting them in the freezer well we put some in the freezer i just don't want to do them all 500 pounds of meat that's a lot for our freezer so let's put in a cool room and then dirty tomorrow 30 the next day turkey time these look nice it looks like we did it right we harvest them today [Music] that is 11 pounds two ounces is your biggest one so far 12 pounds seven up that's perfect for us yes i'm happy i'm very happy with that are you happy with that how's that this is a wheelbarrow full of turkeys this is all of them how is it yeah cold it's going cold yeah okay it was a long hard day man i think we finished with it 4 30. but we did get birds weighed average more than five pounds and there was almost a hundred and that was just the chickens and then we did the turkeys they averaged 10 pounds i think we would have bought the or got to i think we would have gotten the turkeys a week earlier um to maybe average 12ish pounds but we're very happy with it this is a good way to celebrate getting the ice we are hot we are tired it's gonna give us a new energy [Music] ready oh yeah
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 352,141
Rating: 4.8837399 out of 5
Id: RKSsInn5qDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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