Butchering Pigs ~ 10 Steps from Alive to Our Bellies

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Albino-Octopus 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's heavy raining today yeah no yeah the worst day to be raining rain early in this video I'm gonna give you a glimpse of the ten steps of what it takes to take a pig from alive to then in our bellies mr. Brown you ready for this buddy okay hey you look very excited what do you have there in your hand my okay better is that gonna be your butcher knife today okay you excited okay he's very excited he had an outfit laid out the night before are you excited Lily good morning [Music] actually I think we're all excited this morning woke up at 3:30 grandma big daddy woke up at 5:30 Jonah woke up at 5:45 step number one you get ready and it looks like look over there the barn looks like some other people have been woke up hey Mike yes good morning morning how are you you go problem for start the fire yeah we're starting for our just about having dry Kinlan right here oh good we're chopping some kindling but that might be better I've dragged Kinlan bent kindling dry I bring matches he brings a bloke a bed ready yeah Gallants 55-degree water to heat up Mike we're gonna reduce it to about 65 gallons to make it easier so we don't splash out the fire oh that's right this is too much water but I need water down there because we're going to heat water for dishwater last morning y'all never know it these guys are alone within their pen right now the chickens are there have been let out I don't want the chickens in here when we harvest these guys so my idea Jonah is to get the chickens out well let the chickens free-range today and we'll be able to get in there and harvest these pigs and peace they're hungry so to get that chicks all out without getting the pigs out we'll get the chicks all over here we'll walk over there with the feed even though we're not going to feed it to them they're hungry but we don't want to feed it because we don't want them digesting we don't want manure and their intestinal tracts when we butcher them we just wanted to be safe and clean as possible okay they're not excited do you think I know I hope they don't know can you have them yeah buddy that's breakfast lunch and dinner buddy okay go ahead drop it mr. Brown Birds yay total crazy free-range I think it'll be just fine for one day bit later this year yeah the second thing you do is kill and bleed out unfortunately I can't show you this on the YouTube platform it's against the policy but I want you guys to be able to see it if you want to do your own on-farm kill I think that's the most important because it doesn't stress the animal out and when animal gets stressed how it releases an amino acid into the meat and then it affects the quality of it so it's better to do an on-farm kill for you and the sake of the animal I want you to learn how to do it if you want to I've put up that's part one of our art of Pig butchery masterclass and I'm making that part available to you guys completely free you just sign up for your email and then I email you that video it's like twenty two minutes long we don't just show you how to actually shoot and then slip the throat we'd show you that but then we also talked about more about why you would want to do that how to stay safe and other kinds of best practices so check that out links in the description here hit me okay another thing I'll talk about in that video many of you are asking about this is it alright to kill the pigs in front of the other pigs that's a burning questions for many of you we answer it in that video I think it'll make complete sense for you go check that out safety Thanks now the next step is how do you get the pigs from where they were to where you need them to be well in our case we just dragged them down the hill their life was gone that was fine we were again we're going to skin them they're gonna get cleaned it's okay scolding wise we did program we talked about wherever you're new things the pigs are already up there for last few days it wasn't fully accidental that we started up on a hill you were gonna do it wherever you have to do it if you have a tractor in a bucket now you have a lot more opportunity to easily move it but if you're talking manual it's not that hard to haul them but you need a couple people lawn tractor with the TEL lines fine but we want to be respectful to the animal to some degree but we also don't want to bruise and damage it by aggressively rolling it down a gravel road we've really hurt ourselves and then we take the pig and scald them I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford eight hundred gallon stainless steel tank to scald them in so we've rinsed down the hog a little bit just get some of the blood off that's more for us than anybody else we have a scalding tank here lots of ways to do that you can do a 55-gallon drum that's that's semi clean and you can build a fire some form of a mount Challenger the 55-gallon drum is you can't dip it's not big enough you're gonna knock it over even with the tractor so this is a hundred gallon the other one thing you get is something that would be equivalent to an oil tank your your oblong large almost hundred gallon tank and you can cut that sideways like the barbecue tank sideways and you can create a bath we have a friend that welded a sled on to the bottom and built a fire underneath sittin he's actually doing some videos from our group are posting on part-time permease if you want to see that sled operation and the the other ways if you don't have any of these available you're still gonna need 50 60 70 gallons of water but you can take buckets it's called pour over and you're gonna pour it over the animal and our goal is to somewhat sanitized but also get the hair follicles to actually open up if it's not hot enough they don't release if it's about 145 they release and will allow us to get the skin out easy to get the hair off easily if you go much over 150 it's gonna sear them in there and they're gonna be stuck and all you can do is shave them off and that's not gonna give you good skin so our goal is to get water at about 150 and we're going to use the gambrel and we're gonna hook and we're gonna dip we moderate our water by adding cool water because we're and just a little hot which is better than having to bring it up to temperature and the challenge here is that you have a safe distance if we dump this bucket we got 70 gallons of 150 degree water moving downhill we've also programmed a whole kitchen best we could with our to create areas where things are going to run away from our cooking area you're going to try and just make things as helpful as possible easy-peasy so you can hang different ways we we like generally you want to hang from the hind because you want to move blood towards the heart and towards the towards the head and continue to drain whatever remit remains there we will take the head off after we we scrape it you know you could do it but it's just gonna eliminate contamination and bloody area so yeah it's a personal choice on that coming right behind you because we got this big and we can flip a dip you're gonna use buckets and you're just going to have to pour buckets and buckets in each section until you find that air starts to release so it'll take more water but it takes less maneuvering yep yep yep I think we're good that that was Paul that was wrong part what do you think we're gonna do pore over to potential you want to flip okay yeah yeah yeah let's do it you have a head in here right so we're gonna get a live wait most important is you're gonna be your carcass way but we're getting a live weight so we'd see our yield all right 275 I can't read 315 so this is pour-over method and then there's the scraping we have these scrapers you could use a knife scrapers Oh a little bit easier but we use these scrapers to scrape the hair off its kind of like plucking it feathers off of a chicken you get that scold all right it goes good and it went well for us that was probably one of the more time-consuming parts though we're not really raising and cutting the cutting the hair we could but we're really trying to grab it and yank it out of the skin so this is the perfect device you can use knives and kind of shave it and if it's yielded it'll scrape out pretty easily we use the smaller bail to get around the face muscles areas are we're going to be very careful around the hawks of the feet we need to clean all the hair we need to clean all the mud and do our very best to get in and around that and you can scrape fairly hard but if you go too hard with the bells they will they will pierce through the skin which is not ideal and it's just gonna shed off then we have this rate we had a tractor to dip it in and all that tough folks can use they that you could put the barrel underneath a tree and use a pulley system but we transported with the tractor into the barn and then hung it up with a police system transferred it from the tractor to a pulley system and hung them up and at this rate I guess that would be getting the guts out splitting the carcass in half you can draw down if you've got gonna is you can draw down on either side and you're gonna come around the gonads I guess we're gonna probably end up with some two males so the skin will peel off easily and then you know come you know again I'm pretending if we got some more gonad activity could do a straight line come around and we're going to end up getting around the anal cavity the anal area because we want to isolate dirty ends [Music] a protective way to to do a lot of this is if you work with your knife blade away if you're concerned about penetrating organs you have a lot of lüt ability to do that holdin the tail on isn't a bad deal because it gives you a handle but the tail can come off at your ear convenience then you're going to end up coming down straight line and up in the rib cage at some point you can take a backwards knife and you can start zipping there we go alright so we're in we've got intestine saw the small intestines in there it's not a requirement but it's a nice can be nice some people like to zip tie the end so you don't have any spillage before it [Applause] will get that after we kind of release this so we're gonna [Music] my hand behind the back of it now right got it you got the heart and throat you can cut between the the sternum if you want and saw it out or you can also kind of reach and get in there and then you're gonna get almost get your hand around grasp around the throat you'll find it in there [Music] and then there's making the cuts going between ribs three and four is going to be our common cut here and so we just feel in rib one is small one two three so we get one two three so I'm scraping right inside the red and so I'm lucky that I got right I found I came right through the spine because we took off some of the spine here a lot of times you're gonna have some spine that is still attached and what is gonna be traditional once we cut through the meat you actually turn and you just crank it up and it will open it and separate so you don't have to cut with a bone saw so we're underneath the leg and we're watching that we're not damaging the leg you should catch the back end of the shoulder blade bone you know right off the edge or about an inch to an inch and a half you can cut through that that's fine or you can you can just seam around it this is our first primal so your front leg section you know the shoulder and and we're gonna break that down into the but the butt is at the top and then the picnic with with the leg bone is the second half and it's gonna be an almost separated through the center and then you have your shank which can be left on or taken off and then we have our hawk or our Trotter which is your your foot you can't really mess up I mean ultimately you can turn the whole thing into sausage so if you mess up that bad you could just all be sausage or pulled pork so there's really not a whole lot of high pressure so you can pretty much drop stuff in here forcing forcing product doesn't help it go faster and actually seems like it it makes it a worse grind if it gets caught up you use the plunger to help push it down there but these first lawyers chunks it goes through pretty nice and then you want to store it we're storing much of ours inside and the freezer most of ours inside in the freezer the bacon needs to cure for a week inside in the fridge before we cut it and then freeze it oh no it's time to cook it now it's getting close to the glory alright so rendering lard we we took the heavy fat and we put a little bit of water in the bottom so it wouldn't burn to even the cooking we let it simmer and take the take the loose fat the liquid fat as it warmed out started to separate out we poured that off after a few hours from the thicker chunks of fat and any debris or a little bits of meat and we strained it we had a little bit of water in the bottom of it so we put it into a different pot and we let it cook until you get a little bit of browning bits and all the bubbling of water comes out you boiled it out if you have water in it two things will happen when you cook with it it will pop and spatter like bacon grease and if you store at room temperature a long period of time it can go rancid so you need to have it clear of water at that point it could actually be stored in jars at room temperature for a long period of time we roasted low roasted 325 for about three hours it's pretty much softened pulled them out again this morning and just for space we've thrown them on the barbecue even lower about 250 and we're just slow smoke roasting them to bring them up to temperature and continue to tenderize them this is gonna give us a crispy skin like you do a whole roasted pig and the beauty of that is you're going to pull the roasted skin off of there you can eat that as a crackling will get through the fat and you're gonna have those facial muscles and you basically extract them and eat them as a softened cooked item and it's it's the ears around there they're crispy you can eat those there's a lot of meat on there a lot of fat to get around it looks really scary and I understand that but once you get through it you may find it's actually a very amazing little bit and it's cherished for what it is so we do have those not for everybody but I think a lot of people finally like it we're going to look at the head cheese so we had two two heads that were cooked for about three hours and it was tender until the meat starting to fall off all of the facial muscles were extracted and pulled off between the fat and the skin and the bone was all removed we were left with this much meat so when you don't use the head look at what you left behind these are all it looks like roast beef it looks like short rib it that's not much different the tongue is in here that's a little denser so the tongues in there the jowls are in there sometimes people put some hock meat in so how much I'd like to be between two and three feet we're gonna loop it and we need to be able to tie them down so it's a standard tie so you can see this glistening gelatin and that's just telling me it smells like roast beef even though it's pork it smells between roast pork and spritz beef I don't want to break these trunks up greatly [Music] and after cooking what about tasting it and what about tasting some of the more special parts right some of the more world appreciated parts how about let's to respect the entire animal and eat as much as of it as we can and there's some heads at the table so how do you eat the heads Michael crispy skin and you eat it as a crackling that's amazing you kind of dig in for the meat and the fat you push that aside and dig in for all the cheeks and the facial muscles and you pull up those pieces and experience most of the texture and the nice flavors so that's they're the eyes and I'll let her out so don't don't be afraid there's nothing crazy in there we have a little bit of poached blood sausage it's chilled here it's soft but it is I just try it's very tasty we have a little bit of Italian links that we're finishing off and we'll probably slice just a touch of this slow cook roll porchetta detest electric which is soft just a little bit of that so those are kind of your more adventurous items [Music] [Music] so that's it that's a brief overview of the ten steps it takes to take a live Pig and then put it in your belly those are the ten steps if again if you want to see the actual kill and learn that for yourself the kill and bleed out I made a special video just for you guys it's free it's down there hey maybe you want the whole pig butchery masterclass well that's gonna be available when it's done and would probably within a couple of weeks but only those who sign up for this free video are going to get the invitation it's not I don't think I need to promote it later on or anything like that so if you're wanting in on the whole master course we're gonna include that for free with a premium annual membership purchase to our do-it-yourself abundance memory but it's only available those who sign up for the free course it's gonna be in by only an email because our registration is closed right now so getting it on that check out the free video it's there now go enjoy it
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 2,142,217
Rating: 4.543293 out of 5
Id: p11Zu-BwL74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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