Fast, Unlimited, and Cheap File Sharing: Resilio Sync

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hey everybody one of the challenges that we run into as video producers is sharing large files video files tend to be pretty massive you need to start shuffling those around the Internet it's not necessarily the easiest thing to do I've seen a lot of people resort to Dropbox or one of the similar services that are out there I think I have something that's a little bit better and depending on who you are you might be able to get it for free so let's take a look I see an awful lot of people in the video production World using Dropbox to share video files this kind of drives me crazy for a lot of different reasons I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty of those but I think this is a company that overcharges for what they're offering I think that they also haven't figured out security and privacy that's something they're still working on and still have a ways to go but the thing that drives me most crazy about them is they double bill for the storage space that you actually use so if I've got an account and I share a big file with you you've got to have that same amount of storage available on your end they bill you for that too that just drives me nuts like why are they double charging for that I think I have a solution that's going to be a little better for those of us who work in video production and if you're an individual you'll be able to actually get this for free the piece of software that I wanted to show you guys is called resiliosync and it's based on some old technology that's been around for quite a while and that's peer-to-peer file sharing remember the days of Napster or BitTorrent those kinds of things this is the same kind of ideas but it does it in a secure private and easy to use manner her so let's just kind of take a look at their website just a little bit and see what they have to offer I should mention that I have no relationship with this company other than the fact that I'm a happy customer so they haven't paid me they don't they're not even aware that I'm doing this video so let's take a look so this is the resilia website and the product that I want to point to is called sync they have two different versions of it they have a sink for small business and a sink for home users so if you are just an individual and you're just doing things for fun as a hobby or whatever you can certainly get away with sync home but if you are someone who's earning money by doing video production related things I would strongly suggest you go with sync for small business they're essentially the same pieces of software just a few additional features here and there and the license licensing terms are just a little bit different based on who you are and what you're using it for but I'm going to go to the sync business page I'm going to install sync home here in just a minute but the sync business page actually kind of has a nice little summary of the differences between this software and online file sharing service like Dropbox or Google drive or one of those kinds of things so sync business which is most of these things are going to be true of sync home as well the data is only stored on your devices so your data is not actually going up to a cloud service anywhere it's actually just staying on the devices that are actually synchronizing the files so if I create a file share on my computer and I share my files with you that data only lives on my computer and your computer it never goes up to any Cloud servers anywhere out there on the internet so we remain in full control of where that data is going the other nice thing is it's unlimited data because you're not storing the data anywhere in the cloud you're not charged for data storage in any kind of way which as such it uses your own storage space so it's you can save and share as much data as you have space for on your devices and one thing I should mention about that unlike things like Dropbox and OneDrive and Google Drive the folders that you share can be anywhere on your computer whether that be your main hard drive or SSD or external drives or whatever the software just allows you to specify any folder anywhere on your computer to share and I'll demonstrate using that here in a little bit but that's very different than services like Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive where everything has to live within a folder that that software designates let's jump down a few here and says much faster file transfer I have certainly found that to be true in my own use of the software over the last decade or so that uploads and downloads using this software tend to be faster than a lot of these file sharing Services as long as the internet connection that I have and whoever I'm sharing with is is pretty decent speed but the other Advantage we have there is the file start transferring immediately you don't have to wait for your file to upload to a cloud service first and then download on the other end it actually starts transferring right away and so you're not having to wait for your upload to finish before you can start the download on the other end file start transferring immediately once you stick them in one of your shared folders another thing that they point out here is this is a secure way to share and send files it's end-to-end encrypted and there's no cloud service that can possibly be hacked anywhere in the middle the files are actually not stored in the cloud so it doesn't matter whether someone's got your username or password for any online service they can't get to these files because they do not exist in the cloud at all now there is one downside to doing things this way and it's because the files don't live on any sort of Cloud Server anywhere if you ever need to go and download one of those files on a computer that doesn't already have the resiliosync software installed there's no easy quick way to get to it you can always install the software and set it up to synchronize a particular folder but you're gonna have to wait for everything in that folder to download not just the one file that you need so this makes it not necessarily the best solution for sharing a single file but it can make a great solution for any time you're doing collaboration with other people on a video project or if you need to deliver a lot of large files to somebody this is a fantastic way to do that let's actually download the software and I'll show you what it's like to set this up so I'll set it up to share a file from this computer and then I'll also connect it to another computer that already has files that I want to download as well so as mentioned I'm going to download the home version because that has all the basic functionality that we need for this demo so I'm going to go ahead and click on free download down on sync home I'll wait for that to download I'm going to go ahead and say save as and then save and then I'm going to open that to actually start the installer one option you can turn on here is to install resiliosync as a Windows service and what that does is allows the software to run in the background when nobody is logged on so if you're on a computer that you share with other users and you have your own individual user accounts so different people are logged in at different times or if you log off at the end of a session you might want to turn that option on when you do that you interact through the software interact with the software through a web browser rather than its own dedicated user interface but you can go either way I prefer to not run it as a service but whatever works for you so with that I'm going to go ahead and click on next to finish this up and ask for information and then I'm just going to get my browser out of the way here and I'm going to say my name is djp and then agree to the terms of service and then go ahead and get started okay all right now what I'm going to do here I'm going to skip the newsletter and do that later I'm going to go ahead and tell it that I want to share or one of the folders on my computer so I'm going to click on plus here and I'm going to say standard folder for most situations the standard folder is going to be just fine it's all you can all you need so I'll click on standard folder and then I'm going to go into my projects folder here and I'm going to share a folder here let's let's do this one called Freedom Fest okay and I'm going to say select folder now from here we have a couple different ways that we can share this folder with other people so we can share it as a link that they click on in order to set up the software or we can use a key so the link is the easiest for people that are receiving access to a folder I prefer the key method myself it's just a little bit easier to deal with but I'll go ahead and do the link method here so I'm going to share a link which allows people to both read and write and then there's an option here to require approval for each person who is added to that to that shared folder I'm going to go ahead and turn that off and I'm going to turn off the link to expire at the option to expire those links okay so I'm ahead and I'm going to copy that message all right so that's now on my clipboard and then I'm going to open up notepad and paste that in so you can see what that looks like and when the person who receives that link clicks on it they'll be prompted to install the software if they don't I have it already and then they'll be asked where they want to share those files now that workflow is actually pretty easy for the person who's receiving files now I'm going to show you the other workflow which uses Keys which are these long string of alphanumeric characters so I have a shared folder set up on another computer and I want to be able to share those files and download those files to this computer so I'm going to go over here and I've got where I've got that key stored in a text file so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to say copy to copy that to my clipboard and I'm going to go back into resilio sync and click on the plus button here and then I'm going to say enter a key or a link and I'll click on that and it's going to ask me for that key okay and then from there I'm going to say next now it's going to ask me where do you want to save those files so I'm going to go in here to my C drive and I'm going to create a new folder I'm going to call this one IP because this is a video project about ipnetworking and then I'm going to go ahead and say select folder and then it's just going to start going so there we go so it already found the pier on the other side of the connection one other person connected and see what we're currently downloading all right so just a couple of seconds to pass now and we can see that it's already nine percent done with that transfer this is a pretty large folder that I've shared I think it's about 60 gigabytes if I hover over that we can see that it's transferring in 112.7 megabytes per second which is the maximum speed that my connection here actually allows 100 megabytes a second is pretty fast it's not megabit that's 100 megabytes per second so at this rate I'm going to be able to transfer all 60 of those gigabytes in about nine minutes now if I want to see those files the thing I can do here is I can click on this name and that will open up a folder in Windows Explorer or find it on your Mac and that will show you the contents of that particular folder as it currently exists so we can see that those files are now coming in and which within just a few minutes I'm going to have access to all all those files that are in that folder coming from the other side now a moment ago when I set up the file share one of the things that it asked me for was whether I wanted the key that I was using to be read only or read write in this particular case I'm doing read write which means both of us can make changes on either end and those will be synchronized back to the other end but you can also set it up to be read only so if you've got files that you want to share with somebody but you don't want them to be able to make changes on them you can share those as read only and then they can download the files and if they make changes they're not synchronized back up to you so maybe depending on the situation that might be a more viable more useful option for you all right so as mentioned the home version of this software is free so if you are a home user you're just using this as uh something for fun using sharing files with friends or whatever totally free to use no problem there if you are using it for business I would suggest you sign up for their their business plan and just kind of like let you review the plans as they exist right here right now at this particular point in time so I'm going to go to the sync for business page here and scroll down and we can see I'm going to select the build monthly option so those of you those of you who are wanting to try something for short term you can see what it costs so for nine dollars a month as a small team by the way that doesn't mean you can only share files with anybody on your team you can still share files with anybody whether they're you're part of your team or not but nine dollars per user per month is actually pretty pretty affordable for what they're offering here I've been a user of this tool now for probably close to a decade and I've been very very happy with it it's always just work which which is something that I can't say about Dropbox in OneDrive and Google Drive I've seen all of those things get stuck where they stop synchronizing and files don't get transferred when you expect them to and not only that this is a faster solution and you're not paying for storage so anyway great tool I highly recommend it and again I have no relationship with this company other than being a happy customer so go try it out they do have a free trial you can download as well so you don't necessarily have to sign up as a paid plan in order to see if it's going to work for you so if you have any questions about this or anything else related to video production you can leave those in the comment section down below or even better join me over on my free Discord server where there's a community of hundreds if not over a thousand people who work in video production who know this stuff inside and out and are very helpful and eager and willing to answer your questions there as well if you're new to the Channel please consider subscribing I do video production related content about once a week and that is becoming more frequent now that I have a studio in my home so anyway thanks everybody for watching and have a fantastic day
Channel: Doug Johnson Productions
Views: 12,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doug Johnson Productions, DJP, Live Video Production, Event Video Production, Orem, Utah, Live Streaming, Internet Streaming, livestream, livestreaming, live video, blackmagic design, atem
Id: RaGPvh5KlEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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