How to Sync Local Files

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syncing local files is such an essential thing to do just because sometimes you just don't know if something's gonna break for instance I was in Steam just the other day playing one of my favorite games that just came out by the name of Dwarf Fortress amazing game absolutely love it but it does not have a Cloud sync so a lot of times I'll have my steam deck I'll have this PC I'll have an inside PC if I'm like editing or something and then I might have a laptop floating around and I'm relying on Cloud sync to work from Steam and some games just don't set it up so I need to do this sync back and forth and there's a lot of different other things that you might need like maybe a localized Dropbox instead of using a cloud service for that type of thing that can cause security problems all sorts of things you can actually just do a local sync and keep all your files local especially if that's all your clients need to be is just all right there in that Network and you don't want to sync outside the network or maybe you do so I'm going to talk about sync thing in this video everyone's heard sync thing oftentimes they leave it on the stock default configurations and I'm just sitting here shaking my head especially if you're just doing needing a local sync so that's why I use it but the configuration is actually pretty simple I'm going to show a couple different configurations today let's get on the Windows desktop and we're going to show sync thing over here so to start out with we have an article just so you can copy paste things there's a couple tools you can use in combination of sync thing just to make your life a little easier same thing Dash gtk is something I've always used for the Linux users out there I'd say hey use gtk it's great but lately I've actually been used using something a little bit newer called Tracer or sync Tracer I'm probably saying that wrong but let's just install that and start configuring it because it's pretty slick as well let's so we'll close this and pull up sync Tracer and the initial configuration is going to look something like this we're going to just say allow access to private networks only uh do you want to allow Anonymous usage I'm going to say treat this more like a secure environment so I'm going to say no to that do you want to set a username and password most people do if you're sharing folders from that computer definitely set this up if not it's not too big of a deal as people will have to have access to your local network and in that case you probably have bigger problems than what you're syncing over here but I'll leave that up to you we'll hit okay let's go full screen this is the default folder we're just actually going to blow this out we're just gonna say you know what I don't need this folder remove it I'm not sharing anything from this computer but I do want all these Dwarf Fortress files or save files located somewhere where I can just get to it at all times so I have a little Nas box back there that has sync thing running now it could also be a Linux box or a computer that just is usually always on that's usually where you want to share the sync and that way that is constantly being synced back and forth from any of the systems that are left on so leave whatever system's left on the most or if you have a 24 7 Nas box like I do you just want to put it on there and that's going to be what's going to be serving the files so I'm gonna actually log into my Nas box with that sync thing and here we go this is the folder that I have it's just sitting in this Nas thing it's not even them the location is not even important but there's a couple things I usually set up here you can see I currently have four different systems or three different systems located or connected to this one right now there's my main PC inside that's connected up you have a studio Arch PC that's out here that's currently I think I write this out but I can reconnect it and then we have the steam deck so if I turn that on it'll actually show up to date I'm going to actually click that on real fast and you can see that pulled in right here the cool thing is it actually tells you when the sync thing client's running so if something's running like if a studio orange PC is currently disconnected I know that that sync thing is not being launched on Startup so I probably shouldn't go troubleshoot that if I wanted to make sure that's working but I'm just going to shut down my steam deck you'll see it pop off as I talk about some other things this folder sync does right here there's the add folder button you would just add one folder usually games and then sync things to it from your clients I like to just do it that way when you click add folder you just put a label and then the folder path and then it can be aligned to whatever it is in that system so what I usually do for games like specific games like Dwarf Fortress I made symbolic links in all the operating systems to just push to that one folder so I'm not syncing a whole bunch of garbage I just want to grab that one folder and then if someone like let's say logs into my sync thing it's not going to be that really big of a deal because they're just going to be able to sync my game safes which I don't really care about and one other Advantage here too is the versioning that you get and I like Dropbox and those types of things have versioning but you can really choose uh get really granular with your versioning here so it just depends on how paranoid you are but if you go into file versioning you can have simple versioning trash can versioning I recommend probably simple for most users this is just a very simple hey this file changed I'm going to keep a backup of it I'm going to keep five versions of it and then usually there's a cleanup interval of you know where wherever where you set hey clean it out after 120 days so if a backup's more than 120 days old just remove it and that's simple file versioning if you really want to get aggressive and you're really scared of someone messing things up or you have a lot of sync clients you might even go to staggered file versioning if it's more important documents or even pushing it off to another system either way is really neat versioning tool that I wanted to kind of go over real fast just to let you know that options there with that said let's just sync up this new system that we started with over here and we're going to just add uh this device now right now it's identifier is EGF k l g and you can see these listeners since we want this to be fast and we don't want it to go out to the internet a couple minor settings I like to do is just come into settings connections and then I usually disable Global Discovery and enable relaying those two things are the big ones to make sure you just stay within your local network with those done you can see the listeners drop to two and the discovery drops to two all that's really good we can still Discover It On local network but if we were outside my network and you typed in my identifier it's not going to find it so let's go back to our other system our main Drive let's add a remote to drive you can see hey it already found EGF klg4 great save and it just automatically puts this in and we'll see what that is once we come back to our system says hey this wants to connect yes add the device what are we going to call this Synology save and then it says hey I'm win 10 VM and it's connecting to this analogy now back on our other server device you can say it's connected it's unused right now we want to share the games folder to it so what we'll do is just hit edit sharing and then we just say hey yeah toss it over to win10vm please save so from the server we go back to our client says it wants to add this folder yeah add it please where is it going to add it it's going to put this whole sync into user subscribe games save and then it goes and syncs it now this is about 300 Megs and you'll see it's able to chew through this at a pretty good clip if you don't need to get out to the internet and do relaying and and sync outside your network always do these settings because if you don't this is going to be a lot slower and I do mean a lot slower even with regular land travel this can be quite a bit slower so that's one thing I caution you with now it's probably a little bit slower because this is I think Wi-Fi but it's still not bad for it being about a third of a gig takes a couple what maybe 10 20 seconds to sync over and then subsequent saves will only be a differential sync so it means it just grabs whatever changed so it's not having to sync all that whole thing on the first go and if we pull up on the clients here you can see our games folder under our user folder where we put it and we can see our backups and Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress save and so all this needs to be synced over to our save folder if we had Dwarf Fortress installed and then I would just do a Sim link back and forth that way it kind of gets all my saves and I can put whatever I want over here and it would sync to all the devices and all the drives so you can see Dwarf Fortress there let's go ahead and install drawer Fortress over here we'll click it hit install we'll hit play all right you can see I don't have any worlds it just says create new world mods and that type of thing well that doesn't do me any good let's go ahead and quit that and we're going to grab uh our saves right here and Link that over to our Dwarf Fortress quick example of a Sim Link in Windows would be this and I'm just going to right click manage browse local files and then we can see the save folder here with nothing in it so what I'm going to do is just delete this we're going to copy this entire directory let's just do a terminal as admin we'll type CMD we'll paste that in and hit enter and then it says symbolic link created and if we look back here under Dwarf Fortress we got that under the regular Dwarf Fortress you can see all our saves are there so now we've established that link we'll close this out we'll hit play again [Music] we'll continue this we got three active saves you can already see it's pulling in all those saves which is great but I'm going to make a little change and then we're going to watch the sync happen the reverse way so we have my little dwarf Colony here see all these guys they're pretty happy for the most part a little happy bunch cool all right we'll pretend like we did something we'll just hit pause let them do something save it well let's save and return to title screen save this timeline alright as it's saving those sets I'm going to come back over to here and we should see some syncing happening back and forth from Windows 10 VM over into the games folder and there we go preparing the sink happened really quick and you just if you blink you might miss it that's how fast that local sink is but oh I absolutely love it for some of these games that are a little bit harder to manage and that's gonna do it for local syncing Sim links was kind of thrown in there I know that's a little Advanced but I'm trying to get a little deeper dive in some of my videos try and throw a couple things at folks to just teach them something new and that's what I'm always trying to do with my videos I know sometimes it's can be a little bit of a snore fast and my retention is going to suffer for doing this but I don't care we're just gonna keep plowing forward I really want to expand knowledge bases and do deeper Dives on things and hopefully something new let me know if you guys like this format it's something I'm kind of trying uh this year just to try and teach people more things instead of just kind of covering more of the surface level stuff that you see all over YouTube and with that let me know your thoughts and I'll see you in next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 70,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, How to Sync local files, how to sync local files spotify, how to sync local files spotify to iphone, how to sync local files to iphone, how to sync local files to onedrive, how to sync local files spotify to iphone 2021, how to sync local files to sharepoint, how to sync local files to spotify mobile, how to sync local files with git repository, how to sync local files to onedrive for business, syncthing, syncthing steamdeck
Id: dBVTedUWbfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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