🟩Resilio Sync [ Avoiding the Cloud at all Costs ] *Freeware Mostly

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hello second channel viewers um every once in a while i get passionate about something like randomly i was just walking up my steps and excited because of a application that i've actually paid for um it used to be called bt sync but now it's called rosalio sync and it's so [ __ ] useful that i have to tell you about it this is not a paid-for thing i should charge after i make the video that would be interesting but if you've never heard of rosalio sync which what the [ __ ] are roselio you've probably heard of bt sync or you've heard of bt which is bittorrent everyone knows what torrent files are we don't know what torrent files do right we know what jordan files do very illegal things but now let's imagine that they didn't do illegal things they actually did legal and helpful things so what bt sync was and what rosalio sync is and i'll link that in the description is essentially it uses the torrent sharing technology where these four chairs all have a copy of lord of the rings and i want to copy the lord of the rings so i tell them i want to copy lord of the rings and all four of these chairs will send me bits of the movies until i have it so even if that one's got a slow connection that one's got a fast connection it's like i get lord of the rings and if i have lord of the rings and another chair or a [ __ ] speaker or goddamn there my pressure washer is like hey i want to copy lord of the rings now those four chairs and me share to that now using that sort of technology that's how illegal file sharing happens you know i want a tv show someone hosts it only one person needs to have a copy then two people have a copy then five people have a copy then everyone has a copy now imagine using that for good and i mean like legal good and i mean not just legal good i mean i've been using it for years and i don't know i just never came i didn't have a second channel to do a video on it so what roselio sync now does uh have it installed on this computer and it's it's an application that runs on your computer or on your nas i have my my nas sitting down there and it is a docker app and this is it's all broken because i use a high contrast mode and that's the one thing i'm going to say is if you use a high contrast mode everything looks like it's missing [ __ ] that's fine um of course we can go to the one on here which is the one that's running off my nas and i can show you what it's doing so very recently the one that i've had it sinking here's what it does all right here's what it does my music collection my absolute 100 legally downloaded music collection i have it i have it here that's not safe enough so what i did since my brother likes music because this doesn't have to be done locally can be done over the internet over the whole world it's bittorrent is my brother i generated a key what happens is you install the application here your brother or something installs the application there you say i want to share this folder full read and write or just read only i wish there was just to write only dracelio people if you're watching if you found this video because no one does a video on rosalio sync please a write only function would be amazing so that you could have like a collection and then have this computer connect and just send it files just send don't don't don't give me so all my music was on my computer here was on my brother's computer in new york and i had that silver laptop that i had a one terabyte hard drive in it i'm like i got this so i could take it places and use my music but all my music's on my nas and you know streaming forget streaming exists for a second because we're just going with like raw data if i wanted to play flak i would you know if i didn't have it internet access i would need it so what happened is rosalio sync was installed on a laptop my brother's computer new york and i'm an ass and i shared a key i'm not gonna actually show you my flak key because if i showed you the flak key um how do i show you the flat key on oh yeah you just gotta share if i go like share and go back to back away the [ __ ] up so you have permissions i don't to show anything here you have read only read and write which means if my brother downloads an album of some terrible nostalgic polish music and on read and write i'd get that too and if i download you know the greatest collection of weird al he gets that too so read write is you got to be careful with it um unless you're paying for it in which case you get selective sync which is really the only reason to pay for the pro version is that you can literally get a list of what the person has you don't have to have it all you could see the pokemon user can be like no the problem with selective thing is you have to actively go and look to get anything new or actively go and send it so i don't want to do that so you have the choice of read only right only or owner what does that mean see that's a weird thing i've never seen the owner tab and then you have you know new peers invite must be approved so if you send it out what i'm gonna do in this video if you go into the description of this video i'm gonna actually create a share for all of you and i'm going to make it read only because [ __ ] you i don't want you because if i made it read write and shared it in the link of this video in the description this video anything you put in your folder that you set would come to me and that i cannot have because god knows what kind of weird terribly illegal [ __ ] you guys would just have magically appear on one of my hard drives no be careful with this this is a very powerful and very dangerous piece of software if you don't use it right but you get the options for security of need to approve new new links which i'm not gonna do if i'm sharing it on the internet it's 500 approvals i can always just shut it off too um since i'm the creator so here's the thing though if i'm the creator and i create a share and then i decide to leave it doesn't destroy the network those 1700 other people who have it they can still do whatever they want except i'm doing read-only it was read write you could do that like if you did a music sharing initiative which would be probably very illegal don't do that and you have a link expiry date three days and the link can be used how many times that might be what something i include i might say make this link only able to use a hundred times so it'll generate an actual long url and you'll click it on whatever computer on it'll be like hey do you have sync if you say no it says download you don't need to pay for it to use it it has some other limited features um really i don't even know what they are i've never encountered it where i just like the program so much i paid like the 30 for lifetime and it gives me selective sync um so you you just do that you copy it or you can email it or if i back way the [ __ ] up way the [ __ ] up way up there's a qr code and you could just literally copy paste a qr code so i might how can i use that in my new merch endeavor i'm doing merch by the way merch is coming this is this is a small channel no one's watching my friend uh tristan um ohio is like look i got tons of free time i got placed right down this block for me that makes t-shirt prints drove me to manage your merch store and he's he's young and excited and he's got a kid and he needs extra money so i'm like [ __ ] do it i wonder if we could put qr codes on the shirts that would then lead to like a sharing thing i don't know how it works it's it's very i don't know how to promote this properly yet like i can't just throw all my movies in there because that's go to prison but um i could certainly share like secret videos i'd love to get you guys doing your own thing like your own shares because that's the beauty part rich if you share something you only have to upload it once you only have to upload it once for the second person to have it and then the third person tries to join you only have to upload it half and then the third person gets it and then you have three of you so you only get uploaded a third to have a fourth person hell you could just disconnect at that point because there's other people sharing amongst themselves and using it here on my network um my original use for it was wallpapers because i had two computers i used to do reviews on i had my vertical computer which is still over there which still has bt sync running and i had my living room computer where i did my 4k videos on the on the 50 inch tv and i didn't have a nas at that point this is pre nas if i had a nas it would have been just put it on the nas and everyone just pulls everything off the nas this is when i only had two individual computers if you have a network attached storage this isn't quite as important because you can just access from there however that was the first use it was okay all my all my wallpapers that i generated if i'm sitting at my big computer upstairs the 40-inch 4k and i'm editing wallpapers and i save them to my to that computer it would then get copied somewhere else if you deleted something it would go into an archives hold position it wouldn't be completely deleted if you delete something on the the client the server end the client then goes this file doesn't belong in this folder anymore but i'm not going to delete it i'm going to move it to the hidden.sync folder into the archive so i can actually go and see everything i've ever deleted until i go in there and actually actively delete it so you might want to know that for purposes um what gets me excited about it today in fact you can see i installed it i didn't have rosalio sync on my computer here which this computer is this little baby guy here the little lenovo and i have i'm going to admit to it i don't know if it's a character flaw or maybe it's awesome but um i'm a photographer in tv and anime i just posted to the switch fam i sit there and i hover my finger over the f5 key while watching tv shows and anime if i see big old anime titties i hit f5 if i see an awesome [ __ ] wall like like landscape if i'm in like a a very very depthy part of a show and i want i take pictures of my instead of picking up a camera and actually taking pictures of amazing parts of movies and [ __ ] i will just screenshot constantly and it's gotten to the point now where i had like a thousand screenshots hold on we've got this where are they so just just cool scenes from [ __ ] shows i love who remembers that scene in zombieland saga it's irrelevant what i'm doing and why i'm doing here vivi you got vivi vivi what's this and it names it all when you do a screenshot of media player classic tensor and nikki oh this is slime i can't be too certain because there has been some other things that have been like there like how could i not have this screenshot of the epic of slime sitting there so i watch shows in multiple locations around the entirety of my house i have actually three computers i watch tv shows on and if i'm down here nice motorcycle if i'm down here watching something on the projector and i'm like jesus that looks [ __ ] amazing screenshot and then i go upstairs where i'm where i watch i can completely ignore this and leave let's go to the other computers that have it what i'm basically doing is i made a new share on my nas the nas had no screenshots on it checking things the nas had no screenshots on it i made a screenshots folder than asked i said hey rosalio sync this is a new share folder read and write which is why i'd like a write only because um if i watch stuff on this computer then i hit a screenshot button it goes into my pictures folder my old silver computer here this used to be the home theater pc in fact it's still named that for five years in my old apartment this was what ran the projector this is what ran to my living room everything i've ever watched is on here every screenshot so i have that one i've got the big computer downstairs and i've got my active this is where i watch tv shows now in the sunroom and just having screenshots because you don't think you could set the screenshots to share to save to a remote place so i had them save to their local folders and now i've got rosalio sync taking every single screenshot from every single place and putting them on the nas in a single backed up location because it's kind of like if i go on vacation you want to back up your pictures i consider screenshots like my vacation pictures of watching tv right is that something that i should go to a doctor about probably the problem is you only have read or read and write those are the two things so that means if i had 27 screenshots on the big computer the main gaming computer that's fine put those in the folder i had 4 000 on that computer and i put those in the folder but now those 4 000 since i can only do read and write are now on this computer as well so every computer now has a perfectly speedy in fact let's uh i was doing doing a test with dress-up darling all right so let's see perfect there wait no that scene what do we got going on over here anything terrible no cool did i minimize it you suck zios where am i oh that's a whole thing that's a whole parsec thing going on there so let's go to the actual well i can go to my actual pictures folder on this computer make sure nothing's loading that's stupid all right so here is this computer's pictures folder here here's all the screenshots i've ever taken don't look too closely at them if i just hit f5 because i'm running multiplayer classic and we come here and i cover those two it shouldn't take more there it is it's already there that's how fast it went saved it saved to that computer and rosetta sync is constantly monitoring and went this is new give it to the group and every computer now has it so now how can you use that because it doesn't have to be [ __ ] screenshots of anime that's [ __ ] think about how productive you can be they sell it as a productivity tool someone like linus i hate [ __ ] mentioning linus but he does have a lot of [ __ ] he does which is a little crazy if you're working on a project that requires you to have like 100 gigs of files and your friend in [ __ ] southern spain needs to have those same 100 gigs of files that's the perfect [ __ ] problem you just set it up you set it up there you save a new file in and it goes oh there's a new file and starts sending it if you change and modify it i'm not sure if it would then archive the old one like i've i've never actually used it for productivity work like that but think about how [ __ ] useful that would be how insanely useful that would be it's a great [ __ ] the fact that he uses torrents is great too because you have like 25 people to share with once one person has it then two people have it and those two people can share to the third and third to the fourth until there's very little bandwidth being used that one person who started it does need to be there whatever i put i'm going to put like a helloworld.txt in a folder and share it in rosalio sync link in the description and then i don't know every time if i want to just share things with my audience like actual hard copies of files and i don't want to go uploading them to focus that's what you're avoiding we're avoiding the cloud we are the cloud you become the [ __ ] cloud torrents don't rely on the cloud torrents rely on every single [ __ ] that seeds around the whole world it's a wonderful community effort to get tv shows and anime when it first started when torn first started like the early 2000s that was like that was magic that was that was our woodstock we were hippies man man free love and music man you just gotta like love the enemy man you just do it and torrance allowed that to happen because if a thousand people wanted that same thing and they sat there for a little while then another thousand people could have it so how do we use this how do we harness this technology for good and you can see how i'm doing in my local network which is my music is in several places and my wallpapers are in several places and all these screenshots are now in several places what would you do with it how can you use it i'm sure someone watching this is like huh you know i've got a computer i keep in my garage and a computer i keep in my house and i really can't read off the network fast enough in the garage because i'm on wireless but if it just automatically copied [ __ ] game files just have a complete steam backup just everything you've ever saved everything you've ever done in a computer could just be somewhere else and it's really just share this and then you set the permissions and then you hit go and you've got a link or a qr code and you put another machine and go i have it on my phone it doesn't work as well there is a resilio sync on my phone in fact i i haven't run it in like a forever it's minimize where is it where's sync sync it's just called sync and ideally this was to connect to flac so that i had a folder and here's here's the crux i have a flak folder with 40 bajillion gigabytes obviously i don't want 40 gajillion gigabytes on my phone um so i made a separate folder and the thing is you have to put the actual files that you want to sync in that folder so i had 40 gajillion gigabytes but i want to have four gigs of flack on my phone that folder then has to copy files put them in that folder called phone share or something phone flagshare share that folder to sync with this onto the sd card and then whenever i run this app and hit go it syncs if there's something new it syncs i could set that to read only because i don't need the phone to write the phone's never gonna get new music on it it would be a read-only code but you could just say i i should really do that my wallpapers because i use the wallpapers that i use as my backgrounds here they're on the sd card and they're the ones that i use for reviews and every once in a while i make new ones or i have someone paid to make new ones or make new ones and i want them on the phone so what i would do is i would set up the sync which i actually try to get plus messenger stuff pulled off the board set up the sync here's everything that's in my flack folder i should set up a sync so that i can get the wallpapers just like i'll have a folder it'll be labeled this is your phone sync wallpaper don't [ __ ] [ __ ] with this 17 new files copy paste they stay on my nav so they stay on the computer because that's the thing it doesn't have to be an ass it could be anything it could be the [ __ ] phone only you could have just phone sync i'm pretty sure that'd be [ __ ] wild every picture oh my god every why don't i have it set to download every picture i take because it would kill my battery probably i haven't seen how the phone is flaky the phone app is flaky if they straighten it out i think that's got to do per phone like if the wi-fi shuts off when the screen shuts off things like that you don't want to murder your battery so i don't have it set to run constantly let's play in here by the way oh just once come on phone my phone is not liking everything that's going on currently great i just closed that it didn't stop so i'm going to mute that but the power of this the power of sharing it's literally the biggest hippie [ __ ] thing ever the power of sharing you can just have files be somewhere else in fact um if i had to pick a sponsor for my videos it would be seed hosts dot eu seed bear bear host i forget i'll link that in the description as well even though god knows what youtube does with seeding sites so let's say i want to download a perfectly legal copy of a free program that's you know two hours long with surround sound on it you're everyone's like vpn vpn suck my vpn dick is basically what i'm going to say right now vpns are hot trash i hate them people use them they're slow so if you're specifically looking to just not have that sort of proper completely legal program download data go across your isp like we all legally completely legally download like like programs that are movies and tv shows if you wanted to avoid that you but you buy what's called a seed box my friend cheese definitely didn't tell me about this years ago and i ignored it but now i'm paying for it so anyway i pay 78 a year to have a server in holland download everything i need you know i just click a magnet link and it's like it's there already it's magic and then roselio sync is on seedhost.eu they have it pre-installed on your server and you have to turn it on and what you do is i turned it on and i turned it on my nas and i said hey nas whenever there's something new on this place in holland get it and it does i literally click a magnet link for perfectly legal things that are definitely i paid for and it opens up a text window and then i close that window and then i don't see anything happen and somewhere in holland a thing downloads perfectly legally on like a 100 megabit connection and then rosalio sync at 10 megs a second because that's what the actual server host site is limited to just brings it here just bring it on here brings here and it just ends up in my downloads folder it's magic [ __ ] magic just magically appears there i didn't have to do anything i click link and it's it's there that's like that's how it's supposed to work but now it just happens thousands of miles away and then it's here because the my isp you know i don't want them judging me for how much i i love free um napster programs like that so just you don't see it because it's just rosalio sync is bitter and it's the bittorrent protocol but it's whatever secured data is coming across the end that's the end of this like rant video i like these they're free flowing i could just say whatever i want i could talk about shitty [ __ ] problems with my driveway and been anime waifu wallpapers and screenshots it's amazing by the way crt review coming [ __ ] crt review coming perfect anyway i'm done enjoy i would love to share all the screenshots like i could literally share my screenshot share that i made i could literally share that make copy because you can copy the read and write code or just the read code and then everyone watching this video who clicks that link would have 7925 files just appear in their [ __ ] computer just out of the [ __ ] thin air and i would have to upload every one of them first but after that everyone uploads them and everyone downloads them everyone uploads it until everybody's got it like that the beauty the actual beauty of [ __ ] bittorrent the magic that is that [ __ ] mesh network system of just everyone's getting it and it's unfortunate that you know i have nothing to share with you sound demos i don't want to do wall i mean you know what i could i could do wallpapers i could do my actual wallpapers because i had it previously set so that like oh if you join my patreon subscribe so you get access to all the wallpapers but i didn't draw them i'm not the artist i should not put it any behind any paywall i just wanted to have a place where like if you're a patient it's like an extra benefit but [ __ ] that i'm gonna sort out my wallpapers folder there's a couple that are not safe for work i want to make sure those are not in there and if you want to have a copy of every single wallpaper i've ever used in a review how cool the sun looks click the link in the description that's it it'll it'll that's and i'll make it read only and whenever i am done with wallpapers i just move them to a done folder i have a folder called done so that means i'm going to have a [ __ ] the only problem i could see with this or see with this is i already have the wallpaper syncing so how do i have those wallpapers because there's other subfolders in there that i don't want to sync to the public like i could do you know what i could do just the 16x9 ones instead of the vertical ones but the vertical ones are so good we'll see i'm going to sync something in the description click it see what happens if it doesn't happen then i chickened out but you know these i just i want to share something with everyone and i want to i want to see that number because i'll be able to see how many peers are in the group and i would love to see 150 people all just bt syncing something something interesting i'm too big of an anime freak to not just share anime [ __ ] and i just try to keep look did you see any anime stuff you see any anime stuff right now no you don't because it's hidden in my cabinet hi girls see that's fine you could be a weeb all you want just cover it with a facade of normalcy anyway i'm done with this roselio sync passionate rant it's a passionate rant i usually do these things on like live streams but [ __ ] it let's do them right here right now and there's no release schedule i don't know when the next one of these will come out when i gotta talk about something or complain about something or i already have a cooking channel i i think i was trying to be too constructive like a cooking channel for cooking videos an unboxing channel for unboxing videos or a review channel for reviews this second channel if i like something i'm just gonna [ __ ] talk about it i'm gonna talk about anime i'll shut this off i'll turn it back on i'll talk about [ __ ] anime because no one does that [ __ ] from the headcam perspective hell i might even show my face in this [ __ ] channel but anyway i hope rosalio sync helps one of you do something just something you think think about like your parents like your parents have all these pictures that you want to get and they keep adding pictures just go to your parents who are old they won't know what's going on install resilio sink tell it to sync with your [ __ ] house in fact if you set it to read and write if you deleted a picture it would go into the archive they won't know what an archive is they wouldn't even see it there anymore put your whole kids computer on there see everything they're downloading don't do that that feels scummy if i was a kid i would figure that [ __ ] out and i'd burn my parents house to the ground um but yeah no this is it this is this is a roselio sync review or passionate rant it's one of the best applications i've ever used maybe i'll do more of these like software driven ones because it's really not how the software itself is okay except for that doesn't work with you know high contrast themes but the functionality when it's working when it's not the phone and sort of jank the jank phone thing is sort of jank when it's not the phone jank it's great it's great it's [ __ ] works great and i'll see you whenever the [ __ ] whenever whenever i feel like
Channel: Zeos' Second Channel
Views: 7,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sound demo, demo, speaker demo, headphone demo, speaker, headphone
Id: Gk8jA7i1wUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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