Video Production for Live Projection (IMAG)...

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hey everybody I wanted to talk today about imag or image magnification which is kind of an industry term for basically just taking whatever's on camera and putting up on a projector so uh I did a big event a couple weeks ago in San Diego and we took my fly pack that I have here and the 2me panel we had here and kind of a minimal setup just because we were having to drive and we didn't have a ton of room but we pulled off something that's actually pretty cool and show you just kind of a brief little video clip of the setup that we had there unfortunately I can't really show anything from the show itself we don't have permission from from the company that we working for to do that but we wanted to kind of go through some of the things that we did uh did well and some of the things that maybe could have done a little bit better so you know hiide is always 2020 and after the fact I thought of a couple things that I could do to make things a little bit better so let me give give you just a little bit of a kind of a overview of what the situation was like so we had uh three cameras and we had three three projection screens so there's two screens on the side were projectors and they were being fed by the same signal and then we had an LED wall behind the stage and we were feeding that with a different signal so basically what was going on we had different different presenters that were uh giving Keynotes or giv giving talks and whenever they had slides we'd put those up on the two side projector screens and we'd leave some sort of image uh on the LED wall as a background behind the speaker occasionally we would put up video on there we had they had number of videos that they wanted to be able to play and whenever it came time for a video we put the video up on all three all three screens simultaneously but for the most part the screen in the middle was left on some kind of image we would try and change it up from time to time so between different speakers we would change what image was going to that center LED wall screen but uh for the most part the screens on the side were used to either project the PowerPoint presentations or uh for imag for basically taking the images that were fed from the various cameras so now on top of all of that we actually had a number of video sources we had to include so in addition to the three cameras and video playback we also had two different video sources for PowerPoint uh so we had the main PowerPoint output and then we had the presenter view we didn't include that on the program feed but we did have to feed that to some confidence monitors then we also had uh presenters up on stage it would bring a laptop and they they'd be able to take whatever is on their laptop and we'd be able to put it up on the screens uh as well so quite a quite a few different things there in fact we had one presenter who had dual outputs on their laptop and so we had to be able to take two feeds from that laptop and be able to project that up on the screens that were there and be able to switch back and forth between that uh there are some other curve balls that were thrown our way that we weren't necessarily expecting like for example the CEO of the company loved to do interactive things with the people that were there uh in attendance and he always say let's put two minutes on the clock and in order for you guys to get together and discuss things and so what we intended to use only as a countdown timer for for speakers and ended up being a video source that we ended up using across the various uh projectors and led wall to let people know how much time they had left uh for whatever activity that they were being asked to participate in that we also ended up using that to let them know when the next session was going to begin so we'd set a countdown to the schedule time for the next session and so a lot of things just sort of happening dynamically and changing real time on the Fly uh but it was a fin to work and technically kind of challenging in order to drive all those the various screens and produce uh program output for for for the projectors and program recording as well now this event actually had a decent budget behind it but it wasn't quite enough to have all of the Personnel on staff that we would have liked it would have been really nice to add one or two more people like one is kind of a runner to make sure that we're getting things shuffled around as needed so memory cards and water and snacks and like whatever to keep the crew uh up and happy and every have everything that they need but would have been really nice for us to have a second person running a second program output and the reason I say that is because when you're doing imag and you're also live streaming or recording at the same time the needs of those are very very different for so for imeg the people that are there in attendance in person they can see both the presenter and the projection screens at the same time right so it's more important when you're doing imag only to make sure you're including a lot more of their presentation up on the projectors than you do necessarily of them talking especially those who refer to their slides often which we find is very often the case like somebody takes the time to do a PowerPoint presentation they're very often going to want to make sure they're covering everything that's in that however for anybody who's watching remotely and for the recording for anybody who's going to watch it later you don't want to be staying on the slides for a super super long time it gets boring it gets uninteresting they want to be able to see the people that are that are talking a lot more than they see the slides so you've got two very different needs here and unfortunately a lot of clients don't understand that the recording that you're going to want to do it needs to be very different than what you're going to be showing up on the projector screen and that was the case with this one this event that we did so unfortunately we are not able to budget uh an extra person to be able to switch those separately and so we are having to basically run the same feed to the projectors that were going was going out to the live feed and very soon after the event started we get a phone call from someone who's watching the live stream and they say you guys are showing the slides too much you need to focus more on the people that are presenting a few minutes later we get a complaint from the people who are in attendance you guys are showing the presenter too much you need to focus more on the slides so what do you do well we ended up coming up at the compromise I spent less time a little less time on the slides uh for the recording and a little bit more time on the presenter so the record recing actually uh was a little bit more a little bit easier to watch and made it made a little bit more sense and flowed a little bit better but in an ideal situation you would be producing two separate programs and one of the ways to do that is to use a switcher that has two mix ofx engines and that's one of the reasons I use the constellation me a 2me switcher and one of the reasons I bought this switcher actually specifically is it has two Mees two mix effects engines so you can produce two separate programs at the same time now with that said in this case we actually needed to produce three programs if we were going to do this right so we've got the one that's going to the live stream we've got one that's going to the projectors and we've got one that's going to the LED wall behind present the presenter so in an ideal world would be nice to have a 3em switcher to do that but that's a lot of money for a fly pack that I don't necessarily use all the time and so I make do with the 2m switcher and I want to focus on some of the techniques that you can use and uh in this video in order to make that work out the best now one thing that I'm sure a lot of people who are watching this video are going to suggest is that you just pick one of those and have that be fed by one of your auxiliary outputs on your switcher and that absolutely can work but the problem with doing that is you lose the ability to do any sort of overlays to do any sort of transitions besides cuts and so it isn't necessarily the best experience so and in this particular scenario the most likely candidate for just using an ox output in fact it will actually was an ox output would wouldn't the LED wall so when whenever we needed to change up the image we could just go into the auxiliary output on the switcher panel here and just change the source but again as mentioned that means that it's changing as a cut it's not not dissolving and there's no way we could have done some of the other things that we needed to do like putting up the clock on on the screen as an overlay on top of the graphic that we had behind it uh you can't do that on an auxiliary Apple you need an me a mix effects engine in order to make the that happen all right I want to take a few minutes and talk about how I had things connected how I things have wired up and show you guys kind of the out various outputs that would be uh would have been going on at any given point in time it kind of is a simulation obviously I'm not going to be showing you the actual video here but I wanted to show you what we did in terms of how things were connected and how I ran the switcher panel here in order to get the closest we could but given the budget constraints and the the equipment that we had available to us in order to make that work so I'll make come come over here to this particular view here so we have this is a multi view output from the switcher that's the constellation switcher that's behind me so on the upper left that is me output one so the main program output for the switcher and that's what we use to draw to drive the projectors there in the room the upper right is going to be me2 mix effect effect Engine 2 program and that's what we use to drive the LED wall behind the presenter all right in the lower left you're seeing the multiv view output of the switcher and then the lower right this is where I wanted to deviate a little bit from what we did so this is the clean feed clean feed 2 coming from the output of the switcher and that would have been in a more Ideal World that would have been our program output and the feed that drives the live stream so uh so that kind that case I would have been able to drive to create three different separate programs at the same time so we had things set up like this so me1 was the one that's driving the projectors there in the room and in this particular case it was also driving the live stream and the program recording that we delivered to the client so it works pretty much like any other program that you're switching with a video switcher and that you select your preview select preview source and then you got your program up here and you can do your cuts and your dissolves between those various sources so right now you can see that I've Got U my uh me on camera as the program output and then I've got my PowerPoint slide which is in this case a PowerPoint presentation that I did here on this channel a while go about IP networking I have that on preview and then if I want to dissolve between those I just hit the dissolve button you can see that there it is so in the upper left hand corner that is going to be what actually was going out to the projectors there in the room okay and that works just like it normally would and that works works really really well so in the ideal world that would also be used to drive the live stream and then I would deviate just a little bit and I'll get to that here in a moment now I come up here to me2 on the switch and this is what's driving the LED wall so in this case I've got media player 2 live and I got Media Player 1 on on preview and if I want to dissolve between those I just hit the auto button on there and that dissolves between those two different sources and so what you're seeing there on on the upper right hand corner of your screen is what's going up there on the LED wall now because it's an me it's a mix effect engine I can do some other stuff on there as well say for example if I want to include my timer on there I can select key1 and then dissolve that and there now I have the timer overlaid on top of what's going on on the LED wall similarly I can come down here to me1 and I've also got that same Source set for Upstream key on there and if I dissolve that you can see that hey now now the clock is overlaid the timer clock is now overlaid on top of the other screen as well now if I wanted to go and show the same background on the two projectors on the side I can go to Media Player 2 and then dissolve that and now there you go so now we have the same thing going on on on both projectors and LED screen all at the same time it's also going to the recording as well so that works really really well and you let's let's uh let's take those take that key back off again if I hit Auto button on both of those simultaneously it comes off on both of them and if I want to disolve back over to the camera hit the background and then hit the auto button on there and now the camera is now currently live on the two projector screens and we've got our graphic without any overlay on the LED wall okay now say we get to the point we want to do video playback and we want to do that on both screens select my video playback Source make sure I've got background selected on both up up uh me1 and me2 and then I hit the auto button all both of them disolve at the same screen at the same time show the video and then I can monitor the status of the video on my panel here and then when time for the video to be over I can hit the auto button there is all back back to what was currently live before whether that be camera or PowerPoint or whatever okay all right so all that works really really well and it seems kind of overwhelming to see how many buttons are here but in reality it's actually really not that hard once you've done it for a little while you kind of stop thinking about it and you just just punch the buttons uh automatically as if you're on autopilot so not that difficult to figure out so now let's talk just a little bit about some of the philosophy behind the producing a program this it's for imag and I'm going to go back to full screen on me here so as mentioned earlier like when you're producing imag you are producing a program for people who are already there in person seeing what's going on so you want to think a little bit differently about the way you produce that so for example as mentioned earlier if someone's doing a PowerPoint you're going to want to spend more time on that PowerPoint than you are on them because you want the audience to be able to see the things that they're talking about and again they can always see the person that's currently talking currently alive but the other thing you want to consider is that there are certain shots that maybe don't necessarily make a lot of sense in context of imag for example a wide angle establishing shot doesn't make a lot of sense on imag because it's showing the exact same thing that they're seeing with their eyes so you probably want to stay on medium and Tighter shots when you're doing imag however on the live stream you probably want you probably do want to have some some wide shots in there in order to show the establishing shot and let them see what's going on on a wider view let them have context for what the things that are going on that's where having a switcher that allow you to do 3 mes or having running someone running a separate uh switcher just for for the live stream comes into play there is kind of sort of a happy medium in in there as well and that's kind of where I wanted to focus on a lot of the stuff that I want to talk about in this video and that's where we can use some of the existing features on the switcher in order to do kind of a hybrid all right so let me go back to so to this view right here okay and actually want to go to this view right here so you can see what I'm doing here on the panel now one of the things I've done here is I have set up my PowerPoint presentation uh the slides uh that showing there the IP networking I've set that up as a the the source for Downstream key 2 on my switcher and then what I've done is I've taken the clean feed 2 output of my switcher and then then routed that to one of the SDI outputs on my switcher and then run that into a hyper deck for recording and also into a video encar for for live streaming and what that allows me to do is to be able to replace the video Source that's going uh to the program output by overlaying the downstream key on top of it but because I have the clean feed feeding the recorder and the live stream that Downstream key is not included as part of that part of that output and so I can continue to to switch video sources on the bus here while the PowerPoint is still going out to the projector so let me even show you how this works so as mentioned I have the PowerPoint going to Downstream key2 so I hit Downstream key2 Auto and you can see there on the top of the screen that the PowerPoint is now showing up on the me1 output and therefore going to the projector's in the venue however I still have the ability to change the shot that's underneath that and it's going to the clean feed so if I want to say for example uh I don't know go go to the timer for whatever reason so I can select the timer put that there on the program bus and then I want to maybe dissolve over the camera as the next shot so I que up my camera there and then I hit Auto on there and now it dissolves from the timer over to the camera all while the PowerPoint is still there up on the projectors when it comes time to take that down off the projectors all I have to do is come over here and hit down stream key Auto to and then that dissolves off and they're back to seeing whatever I had on program one so it's kind of a cool little hack there it allows you to take a switcher a 2me switcher and make it do more than maybe you think it it could normally so um there's one little trick to doing this and unfortunately I don't have a computer hooked up that I can actually demonstrate it but I'll just very briefly describe what I did here so Downstream key 2 I set the fill on that one to be be the PowerPoint and I set the key to be the uh black video source and then I inverted the key uh so basically it gives a fully white key therefore it makes the video Source fully opaque and therefore anytime I want to fade that on or off I just hit Downstream key Auto and then if I want to like do a a cut away from that I can just hit down Downstream two cut and then that does that as well okay so anyway that's kind of the gist of it that's we can use additional features on these switchers to do some things that you can't normally do now I should mention that this feature only works with a downstream key it doesn't work with an upstream key and the reason for that is that the there are a couple of TAPS in the video chain that allow you to extract the video before those Downstream key Downstream Keys get applied and that's where that clean feed feature is and if that's something you're not familiar with I do have a video about clean feeds here on the channel so there you go that's kind of a few ideas on how to take advantage of some of the stuff that's on a switcher that you might not necessarily think of otherwise in order to make it do some things that maybe it wasn't necessarily designed to do that can make your job a little bit easier and allow you to do some things that hey you might not been able to figure out otherwise so if you have any questions about any of this you can certainly leave those in the comment section down below or even better join us over on the on my Discord server you can go there get there at djp Discord it's a free service doesn't cost anything uh if you already have a Discord Discord account it's super easy but if you don't have one it's really easy to sign up and to get one we've got a lot of people over there to discussing video relateded things very helpful community and if you have a question or opinion or whatever you can you can share that there on the server and I'm sure you'll get a response from from people in the community so that's going to about do it for now so thanks everybody for watching and have a fantastic day
Channel: Doug Johnson Productions
Views: 7,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doug Johnson Productions, DJP, Live Video Production, Event Video Production, Orem, Utah, Live Streaming, Internet Streaming, livestream, livestreaming, live video, blackmagic design, atem
Id: Ecmqsp-Y94M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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