The Best iCloud Drive Setup.

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hello and welcome to another episode of my working with apple series and it's been a little while since i last published a video on working with apple but over the last few weeks i've actually been asked a number of times about how i organize my icloud now just to give you a brief history lesson here around about five years ago i was using dropbox and i updated my macbook and got a macbook pro and i realized that actually what i want to do is to go all in on the apple ecosystem which meant i needed to drop dropbox and start using icloud instead now it's been a revelation because that actually turned me on to one of the things that not just apple but google and microsoft are doing which is encouraging us to not have to worry about how we organize our files and documents and just let the system deal with it and that has enabled me to create a what i believe to be a fantastic system inside icloud and i want to share that with you this week now before we go any further if you do get any value from this video then please help me by clicking on that like button below and if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet and you want to get all the latest tips tricks and news on using apple's productivity tools then please subscribe to my channel okay let me take you into my icloud drive now and show you how i have it organized okay so hopefully you can all see a blank screen in fact i know you can see a blank screen and there's a reason why i want to show you a completely empty window is because i want to show you how to initiate icloud drive simply from your keyboard all you need to do is tap command and then the n key and that's going to bring up your finder window a finder window as apple will call it now i have mine set up so that it brings up my icloud drive right from the very beginning now to do that what you need to do is you need to go into your preferences tap on and you get this little box here and down here it says new finder windows show and then you can choose now i think the default is recents so every time you do command n you're going to bring up all your recent documents which i think is actually quite useful but what i found over time was i'm actually this is where i want to go 90 of the time so this is why i have my icloud drive set up to come up every time i hit command n so that's the first thing so you set that setting up now let me just go through how i have my icloud drive organized i have my cpi which is my productivity company up at the top here because this is the one that i use all the time now i should point out that you're going to see that i have cpi at the top fes which is my english language business which i still have a few students in that company and then my personal stuff what you'll notice is you can't rearrange these these are alphabetical so whatever your tag is up at the top so just to explain what i've done here is if you look at my tags i have three tags i'm really strict about the tags that i have in icloud so cpi fes and personal so it all goes alphabetical now if you want to have something at the top what you'll need to do is put 0 1 0 2 or whatever to get it up at the top but that's something that you may just want to play around with just to make sure that you have that set up correctly but it is alphabetical now way i've got this set up at the top is along the top line here you have um options to show these as icons so it shows up as icons like that which some of you may prefer or you can have as i have it as a list and i prefer the list view just simply because it just seems to work better for me and actually cpi is where i go most of the time so i have cpi by the way i should just point out anything with no tags you'll see down here that really the only things that are no tire i've got a scanned document i don't know why that's sitting around there it's been around since april this year um anyway there's a scanned document there which needs to be organized so but going along here the only thing with no tags are the icloud application folders now some of these like drafts for example they will save drafts your drafts are saved this is like a note-taking app by word which is something i don't actually use anymore but it's there because i used to use by word and my writing option of choice my writing application of choice is all all my things like are in here documents automated by word desktop this desktop is what i have on my desktop but this is just the way that icloud likes to organize things for you so that's basically the setup my main folders documents are all in here and my online course document i'm sorry my my language company documents are there and then i've got my personal stuff here so these are like the online courses that i've taken i've put in there and all sorts of stuff so that's the basic setup now how do you get this setup that's the real question what you do is up at the top line you see this circle with the three dots in if you tap on that you get use first of all use groups is enabled because that's really important because then that's how it groups up the tags and then i group by tag so that each of my different areas in terms of business are organized that way now show view options is another one here which i actually want to show you here so always open up in list view now normally that's not going to be enabled so you want to check that that is enabled browsing list view it's up to you and then i've got here group by tags again sort by name sort by name is okay but i actually i prefer lust modified simply because that is uh how i naturally would organize things and like to see things now you can play around with your tech icon size you can change that to the small which i think it just makes it look a little bit overwhelming so i prefer to have the bigger icon size and then you can change the text size in here and you can make it bigger whichever i find 13 works best for me and that is essentially how i manage and organize my icloud drive it's really very simple particularly when i'm dragging and dropping so for example in my coaching business i actually write feedback for all my clients after every call that generates a lot of documents and i have a lot of clients in there so when i've written their feedback i usually save it to my desktop and then at the end of the day i can just drag and drop them into there and that's essentially it the cpi folder is basically the administration of running my business that's just all the expenses and in formal documentation like the company registration certificate and all that sort of stuff is all in there and that's it that's how i manage and organize my folders everything that i need is right there on top when i need it how i need it and it's just fantastic i've used this system now for well over three or four years it does make things so much easier to find although to be fair i generally use spotlight to find most of my documents now just before i get loads of comments asking me why do you still have dropbox and for example google drive well google drive i use for all the documentation that i'm working on that i'm in collaboration with somebody else now not everyone is using an apple computer icloud drive on the web is not as good as google drive in my opinion so i whenever i'm collaborating i put stuff into google drive dropbox is still there simply because all my books i write in an application called scrivener and dropbox just works for backups so much better than any other cloud storage i don't need to pay a subscription now for dropbox because i'm not using it and there's only a small amount of stuff in there it's basically for one application and it's for backing up my books so there you go well thank you so much for watching this episode and it just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week hello thank you for watching this video now i'm very excited to tell you that the 2022 edition of my create your own apple productivity system course is now available this year we're utilizing the brand new features in reminders and and notes we're going to be looking at how you can use the tags to create an even better productivity system we're also looking at how icloud comes into the picture and your calendar this is a complete productivity and time management set up that if you're in the apple ecosystem i can guarantee is going to make your life so much easier no more overwhelm no more stress no more forgetting events or tasks it's all going to be there in your own system that i show you how to build it also includes the time sector system and my brand new notes organization system capra okay i hope you get time to join this course and don't forget if you're already enrolled in this course my promise to you is every year it's a free update i hope you enjoy the course and it'd be lovely to see you in there
Channel: Carl Pullein
Views: 113,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: icloud drive, icloud storage, icloud tutorial for beginners, how to use icloud drive, how to use icloud, understanding icloud, how to use icloud drive on mac, icloud tutorial, cloud storage, how to use icloud drive properly, Carl Pullein Apple Productivity
Id: FiAwbI7_ekA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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