Document Storage: OneDrive, SharePoint or Microsoft Teams

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in microsoft 365 you can store files and folders in onedrive sharepoint and now microsoft teams but this confuses a lot of people so in this video i'm going to show you exactly where you should be storing your files and folders in microsoft 365. but before we start a quick introduction my name is jonathan edwards and i'm a business it consultant from yorkshire in the uk my it company integrality helps businesses all over the uk with their i.t support and the cyber security like most of our customers you are probably using microsoft 365 for email file storage and now microsoft teams for collaboration but there's a lot of confusion as to where you should be storing your files and folders there's obviously a product called onedrive but there's also another product called sharepoint and now you can start information in microsoft teams so with three different products where is the right place to store your files and folders well the answer is it depends what kind of files and folders that we're talking about so to let me explain a little bit further let's start talking about onedrive microsoft onedrive is designed to be your own personal storage space so nobody else can see the files and folders that you save into your own onedrive but also with onedrive you do have the capability if you want to to share files and folders with other people so why would you want to share thousand folders from your own onedrive with other people well firstly let's mention sharing with onedrive should be done on a fairly limited basis but i'll give you an example as to how i share files from my onedrive so in my onedrive i've got an excel spreadsheet which is my monthly expenses obviously this information is private to me no one else should see it but at the end of every month i need to share my expense report with the payroll department so what i can simply do is share my expense report with the payroll department at the end of every month that is a perfect way to use sharing with onedrive so i can explain the point further let's have a look at how onedrive works so as you can see i've logged in to my microsoft 365. to access onedrive i can just go up here i can click on there and i can open onedrive now the files and folders inside of here are my own personal files and folders so let's just have a look i've got something called family holidays and i've got a couple of holiday photos in there what i can do this is a list format i can go up here and i can choose tiles so i can view images like that so there's a picture of me on one of my summer holidays and i can also look at my other picture which is a picture of my dog roland on his christmas holiday last year so they these files are personal and they're private to me so they will be stored in my own one drive and i can also go back and i can see my expense reports what i'll do is i'll just change this back to list i've also got a folder called my expense reports and it's got that expensive spreadsheet that i was talking about i don't want other people to see this it's my private information so at the end of every month i can simply right click on this and i can click on share and i can type in the email address of the person i want to share it with what i can also do is i can set an expiration date so i can say a couple of days after payroll has been run stop this from being shared so again it makes it private just for me and i can also say i don't want the person to edit anything because it's my expense report i don't want anybody else making any changes so that's a really good example into onedrive file sharing now i've seen some businesses use onedrive to share too many files and folders the more sharing you do from within your one drive it quickly becomes messy what i've seen some companies do is create a folder in the onedrive called something like company data and it's got everything in there so it's called company data and then what they'll do is they'll share that out to everybody in their organization so they're using their own personal onedrive as kind of a file server that is the wrong way to use onedrive so what do you do if you want to create some shared storage space for people in your business perhaps you've got a sales team and you want everybody in the sales team to be able to see some files and folders but you don't use onedrive for that instead you would create a sharepoint site so how do you do that well back to my microsoft 365 i will click on here and you can see here that this sharepoint so i will click on there and the top left hand corner you can see i can create a site there's two kinds of site that you can create there's a team site which is generally used for shared storage like this example or as a communication site now the communication sites are generally used for a lot of kind of one-way conversation but in this instance i'm gonna create a team site the first thing it's gonna ask me is what do i want to call it so let's stick to that example that i've just said it's going to be sales team so i'll call this sales team now you can see here that it's available and it gives me the site address of this sales team now the privacy settings i think is quite important we want it secure to be to be paramount so there's two options here there's a private and a public so if it's public it means anybody in your business can see the sales team data this might be okay but i always set these up as private and then i invite people in then i click on next now it's saying add members so what i would do now is simply i would add all the members from the sales team and then that would give them permission over the data in the sharepoint site i'm not going to add any members here i'm just going to click on finish now you can see it has created my sales team sharepoint site and within here i've got some document library here so i can click on that what i can do i can create folders and i can create all kinds of documents inside the sharepoint site so i can create a folder called telesales maybe one called social media and then within these files i can create documents so i could open my online version of microsoft word test document and all that is stored in my new sharepoint site so as you can see so far i've been working in the web portal of 365. what happens if i want to work on my computer if i want to access the files and folders on my computer well let's just start with the onedrive example from before so onedrive is installed already on every computer that runs windows 10 and windows 11 but you're not signed in so i can do i can simply sign into onedrive i'll just enter the email address and i will click on sign in and then i go through the setup process and once that's done i can click on later for the mobile app and then i can open my onedrive folder so as you can see here i've now got a folder i'll just extend this out here i've got one drive jonathan edwards now do you remember before when i showed you the picture of my family holiday and my expense reports as you can see everything is now here i can see my two pictures that i had and i've got my expense reports as well now going back to that sales team sharepoint site that we had so i'll go back to here and i might want to use this sharepoint site on the computer as well so all i simply do is click on this sync button here and that will launch onedrive i'll just click on that [Music] and now it's telling me that it's syncing me files so if i go back to windows explorer you can see here now i've got my one drive that with a little one drive icon and i've got kind of a it's like a an office icon and it says here that i've also got my sales team documents here so that's how you would sync those files and folders from onedrive and sharepoint to your local pc so hopefully that makes sense it's one drive for your own personal storage and it's sharepoint for shared storage so you can create different sharepoint sites for different departments or different projects or however you want to use it you can use both within the web version and you can synchronize both to your personal pc for ease of use where does microsoft teams go into all this so microsoft teams is a huge product that's used for collaboration i've spoke to lots of people who've said oh we store all of our files and folders within microsoft teams this is perhaps a little bit misleading because beyond every team's channel is actually a sharepoint site let me explain a little bit further so if i open my web portal here i'll just close that and close this and i'm going to open microsoft teams so this is my microsoft teams it's a little bit empty it's just a test account there's nothing in it but if i go in and if i create a team i create it from scratch i'll make sure it's private i'll give it a name so let me call this account and then i'll create it again i can add members to my new team if i want to but i'm just going to click on skip and there is my accounts team now now you'll notice at the top i've got something called files okay so when i click on that it should open a little file menu so what i'm going to do now is an example i'm just going to um like this and i'm going to go back to my onedrive i'm going to get my expense report just to prove a point here and i'm going to drag that into here now i wouldn't normally do this because i don't want people in the accounts to see my expenses so that is in there and you can see it's longer files there i've got an option here called opening sharepoint so if i click on open sharepoint you can see it's just like the sales team one so every time you create a teams channel it will create a sharepoint storage site behind it so you can't actually store files in teams it's all done behind the scenes with sharepoint so again if i wanted i could sync this account sharepoint site down to the computer go back to file explorer you can see now i've got accounts and i've got the sales team so how you use this is completely up to you we've got some customers who are using one drive for the personal storage and then they use sharepoint they've not really adopted microsoft teams the idea about microsoft teams is they want you to do everything within microsoft teams so you collaborate you've got the ability to make phone calls and you can also access all your files and folders without leaving microsoft teams so as more organizations adopt microsoft teams that is the way you will work just one other thing to add if i've got a teams channel and i want to add an existing sharepoint site to it i can do that by clicking on the plus and i can click on document library so if i want to add the sales team sharepoint library to my account team no it's not a great example i can do that so i can use the sharepoint link and i can copy the sharepoint link of the sales team and it finds it and then i click on next i choose the documents there click on next we can call it anything so i can call this sales team so it's familiar for people and then you can see i've also got that so you can have multiple sharepoint libraries along the top there so i hope that's explained i hope it's clarified it's one drive for personal storage it's sharepoint for shared company storage and it's teams channels with a sharepoint backend if you're using microsoft teams i hope you've enjoyed this video i look forward to seeing you again soon
Channel: Jonathan Edwards
Views: 79,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collaboration, drag and drop, dropbox, excel, file management, files, google drive, microsoft 365, microsoft office, microsoft teams, modern workplace, office 365, office online, one drive, onedrive, onedrive for business, onedrive sync, onenote, powerpoint, share point, sharepoint, sharepoint online, spo, sync files, teams
Id: QQnevxT3oMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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